Ovonic unified memory full report


Ovonic unified memory (OUM) is an advanced memory technology that uses a chalcogenide alloy (GeSbTe).The alloy has two states: a high resistance amorphous state and a low resistance polycrystalline state. These states are used for the representation of reset and set states respectively. The performance and attributes of the memory make it an attractive alternative to flash memory and potentially competitive with the existing non volatile memory technology.
Review of memory basics
Every computer system contains a variety of devices to store the instructions and data required for its operation. These storage devices plus the algorithms needed to control or manage the stored information constitute the memory system of the computer. In general, it is desirable that processors should have immediate and interrupted access to memory, so the time required to transfer information between the processor and memory should be such that the processor can operate at, close to, its maximum speed. Unfortunately, memories that operate at speeds comparable to processors speed are very costly. It is not feasible to employ a single memory using just one type of technology. Instead the stored information is distributed in complex fashion over a variety of different memory units with very different physical characteristics.
The memory components of a computer can be subdivided into three main groups:
1) Internal processor memory: this usually comprises of a small set of high speed registers used as working registers for temporary storage of instructions and data.
2) Main memory: this is a relatively large fast memory used for program and data storage during computer operation. It is characterized by the fact that location in the main memory can be directly accessed by the CPU instruction set. The principal technologies used for main memory are semiconductor integrated circuits and ferrite cores.
3) Secondary memory: this is generally much larger in capacity but also much slower than main memory. It is used for storing system programs and large data files and the likes which are not continually required by the CPU;it also serves as an overflow memory when the capacity of the main memory when the capacity of the main memory is exceeded. Information in secondary storage is usually accessed directly via special programs that first transfer the required information to main memory. Representative technologies used for secondary memory are magnetic disks and tapes.
The major objective in designing any memory is to provide adequate storage capacity with an acceptable level of performance at a reasonable cost.
Memory device characteristics

The computer architect is faced with a bewildering variety of memory devices to use.However; all memories are based on a relatively small number of physical phenomena and employ relatively few organizational principles. The characteristics and the underlying physical principles of some specific representative technologies are also discussed.
The cost of a memory unit is almost meaningfully measured by the purchase or lease price to the user of the complete unit. The price should include not only the cost of the information storage cells themselves but also the cost of the peripheral equipment or access circuitry essential to the operation of the memory.
Access time and access rate:
The performance of a memory device is primarily determined by the rate at which information can be read from or written into the memory. A convenient performance measure is the average time required to read a fixed amount of information from the memory. This is termed read access time. The write access time is defined similarly; it is typically but not always equal to the read access time. Access time depends on the physical characteristics of the storage medium, and also on the type of access mechanism used. It is usually calculated from the time a read request is received by the memory and to the time at which all the requested information has been made available at the memory output terminals. The access rate of the memory is defined is the inverse of the access time.
Clearly low cost and high access rate are desirable memory characteristics; unfortunately they appear to be largely compatible. Memory units with high access rates are generally expensive, while low cost memory are relatively slow.
Access mode-random and serial:
An important property of a memory device is the order or sequence in which information can be accessed. If locations may be accessed in any order and the access time is independent of the location being accessed, the memory is termed as a random access memory.
Ferrite core memory and semiconductor memory are usually of this type. Memories where storage locations can be accessed only in a certain predetermined sequence are called serial access memories. Magnetic tape units and magnetic bubble memories employ serial access methods.
In a random access memory each storage location can be accessed independently of the other locations. There is, in effect, a separate access mechanism, or read-write, for every location. In serial memories, on the other hand, the access mechanism is shared among different locations. It must be assigned to different locations at different times. This is accomplished by moving the stored information ,the read write head or both. Many serial access memories operate by continually moving the storage locations around a closed path or track. A particular location can be accessed only when it passes the fixed read write head; thus the time required to access a particular location depends on the relative location of the read/write head when the access request is received.
Since every location has its own addressing mechanism, random access memory tends to be more costly than the serial type. In serial type memory, however the time required to bring the desired location into correspondence with a read/write head increases the effective access time, so access tends to be slower than the random access. Thus the access mode employed contributes significantly to the inverse relation between cost and access time.
Some memory devices such as magnetic disks and d rums contain large number of independently rotating tracks. If each track has its own read-write head, the track may be accessed randomly, although access within track in serial.
In such cases the access mode is sometimes called semi random or direct access. It should be noted that the access
is a function of the memory technology used.
The method used to write information into a memory may be irreversible, in that once the information has been written, it cannot be altered while the memory is in use,i.e.,online. Punching holes in cards in cards and printing on paper are examples of essentially permanent storage techniques. Memories whose contents cannot be altered online are called read only memories. A Rom is therefore a non alterable storage device. ROMs are widely used for storing control programs such as micro programs. ROMs whose contents can be changed are called programmable read only memories (PROMs).
Memories in which reading or writing can be done with impunity online are sometimes called read-write memories (RWMs) to contrast them with ROMs. All memories used for temporary storage are RWMs.
Permanence of storage:
The physical processes involved in storage are sometimes inherently unstable, so that the stored information may be lost over a period of time unless appropriate action is taken. There are important memory characteristics that can destroy information:
1. Destructive read out
2. Dynamic volatility
3. Volatility
Ferrite core memories have the property that the method of reading the memory alters, i.e., destroys,the stored information; this phenomenon is called destructive read out(DRO). Memories in which reading does not affect the stored data are said to have nondestructive readout (NRDO). In DRO memories, each read operation must be followed by a write operation followed by a write operation that restores the original state of the memory. This restoration is usually carried out by automatically using a buffer register.
Certain memory devices have the property that a stored 1 tends to become a 0, or viceversa, due to some physical decay processes. Over a period of time, a stored charge tends to leak away, causing a loss of information unless the stored charge is restored. This process of restoring is called refreshing. Memories which require periodic refreshing are called dynamic memories, as opposed to static memories, which require no refreshing. Most memories that using magnetic storage techniques are static. Refreshing in dynamic memories can be carried out in the same way data is restored in a DRO memory. The contents of every location are transferred systematically to a buffer register and then returned, in suitably amplified form, to their original locations.
Another physical process that can destroy the contents of a memory is the failure of power supply. A memory is said to be volatile if the stored information can be destroyed by a power failure. Most semiconductor memories are volatile, while most magnetic memories are non volatile.
Cycle time and data transfer rate:
The access time of a memory is defined as the time between the receipt of a read request and the delivery of the requested information to its external output terminals. In DRO and dynamic memories, it may not be possible to initiate another memory access until a restore or refresh operation has been carried out. This means that the minimum time that must elapse between the initiations of two different accesses by the memory can be greater than the access time: this rather loosely defined time is called the cycle time of the memory.
It is generally convenient to assume the cycle time as the time needed to complete any read or write operation in the memory. Hence the maximum amount of information that can be transferred to or from the memory every second is the reciprocal of cycle time. This quantity is called the data transfer rate or band width.
Random access memory
Random access memories are characterized by the fact that every location can be accessed independently. The access time and the cycle time are constant independent of the position. Figure below gives the main components of a random access unit. The storage cell unit comprises N cells each of which can store one bit of information. The memory operates as follows. The address of the required location is transferred via the address bus to the memory address register . The address is then processed by the address decoder which selects the required location in the storage cell unit. A read-write select control line specifies the type of access to be performed. If read is requested, the contents of the selected location is transferred to the output data register. If write is requested, the word to be written is first placed in the memory input data register and then transferred to the selected cell. Since it is not usually desirable to permit simultaneous reading and writing, the input and the output data registers are frequently combined to form a single data register.
Each storage cell has a number of lines connected to it. The address lines are used to select the cell for either reading or writing, as determined by the read-write control lines. A set of data lines is used for transferring data to and from the memory. The actual of physical lines connected to a storage cell is very much a function of the technology being used. Frequently one physical line has several functions, e.g., it may be used as both an address and a data line.
RAMs are available in the static and the dynamic versions.
An interesting MOS device is the flash memory which is an important type of non volatile memory. It is very simple and compact and looks like a MOSFET, except that it has two gate electrodes one on top of another. The top electrode is the one that we have direct access to, and is known as the control gate. Below that we have the so called floating gate that is capacitively coupled to the control gate and the underlying silicon.
The basic cell operation involves putting charge on the floating gate or removing gate, in order to program the MOSFET to have two different VTâ„¢s, corresponding to two logic levels.
To program the cell, we apply a high field to both the drain and the floating gate such that the MOSFET is in saturation. The high longitudinal electric fielding the pinch off region accelerates electrons towards the drain and make them energetic. If the kinetic energy of the electrons is high enough, a few can become hot enough to be scattered into the floating gate. Once they get into the floating gate, electrons become trapped in the potential well between the floating polysilicon gate and the oxide on either side.This barrier is extremely high for a trapped electron. Therefore the trapped electrons essentially stay in the floating gate forever, unless the cells are intentionally erased. Thatâ„¢s why a flash memory is non volatile.
To erase the cell, we use Fowler Nordheim tunneling between the floating gate and the source in the overlap region. A high voltage is applied to the source with the control gate grounded. The polarity of the field is such that the electrons tunnel from the floating gate, through the oxide barrier.
Introduction to OUM
Almost 25% of the world wide chip markets are memory devices, each type used for their specific advantages: the high speed of an SRAM, the high integration density of a DRAM, or the nonvolatile capability of a FLASH memory device.
The industry is searching for a holy grail of future memory technologies to service the upcoming market of portable and wireless devices. These applications are already available based on existing memory technology, but for a successful market penetration. A higher performance at a lower price is required.
The existing technologies are characterized by the following limitations. DRAMs are difficult to intergrate.SRAMs are expensive. FLASH memory can have only a limited number of read and write cycles.EPROMs have high power requirement and poor flexibility.
None of the present memory technologies combine features like
¢ The ability to retain stored charge for long periods with zero applied or refreshed power.
¢ High speed of data writes.
¢ Low power consumption.
¢ Large number of write cycles.
Therefore, the whole industry is investigating different advanced memory technologies like MRAM, FRAM, OUM or polymer devices etc.
FRAM: this technology uses a crystal unit cell of pervoskite PZT (lead zirconate titanate).data is stored by applying a very low voltage. The electric field moves the central atom by changing crystal orientation of unit cell which results in the polarization of internal dipoles.
MRAM: It uses a magnetic tunnel junction and transistor. The electric current switches the magnetic polarity and this change is sensed as a resistance change.
OUM: There is a growing need for nonvolatile memory technology for high density stand alone embedded CMOS application with faster write speed and higher endurance than existing nonvolatile memories. OUM is a promising technology to meet this need. R.G.Neale, D.L.Nelson, and Gorden.E.Moore originally reported a phase-change memory array based on chalcogenide materials in 1970. Improvements in phase-change materials technology subsequently paved the way for development of commercially available rewriteable CDs and DVD optical memory disks. These advances, coupled with significant technology scaling and better understanding of the fundamental electrical device operation, have motivated development of the OUM technology at the present day technology node.
OUM is the non volatile memory that utilizes a reversible structural phase change between amorphous and polycrystalline states in a GeSbTe chalcogenide alloy material. This transition is accomplished by heating a small volume of the material with a write current pulse and results in a considerable change in alloy resistivity. The amorphous phase has high resistance and is defined as the RESET state. The low resistance polycrystalline phase is defined as the SET state.
Memory Structure
The above figure shows the memory structure of OUM
Key advantages of OUM
The following are the key advantages of OUM:
1. Endurance
2. Read-write performance
3. Low programming energy
4. Process simplicity
5. Cost
6. CMOS embeddability
7. Scalability
Write endurance is competitive with other potential non volatile memory technology, is superior to Flash. Read endurance is unlimited. The write/read performance is comparable to DRAM. The OUM technology offers overwrite capablility, and bit/byte data can be written randomly with no block erase required. Scaling is a key advantage of OUM.
Write speed and write energy both scales with programmed volume. Its low voltage operation is compatible with continued CMOS feature and power supply scaling. Low voltage operation and short programming pulse widths yield low energy operation for the OUM, a key metric for mobile portable applications.
The basic device operation can be explained from the temperature versus time graph. During the amorphizing reset pulse, the temperature of the programmed volume of phase change material exceeds the melting point which eliminates the poly crystalline order in the material. When the reset pulse is terminated the device quenches to freeze in the disordered structural state. The quench time is determined by the thermal environment of the device and the fall time of the pulse. The crystallizing set pulse is of lower amplitude and of sufficient duration to maintain the device temperature in the rapid crystallization range for a time sufficient for crystal growth.
Technology and performance
The figure below shows device resistance versus write pulse width. The reset resistance saturates when the pulse width is long enough to achieve melting of the phase change material. The set pulse adequately crystallizes the bit in 50 ns with a RESET/SET resistance ratio of greater than 100.
I-v characteristics
The figure above shows I-V characteristics of the OUM device. At low voltages, the device exhibits either a low resistance (~1k) or high resistance (>100k), depending on its programmed state. This is the read region of operation. To program the device, a pulse of sufficient voltage is applied to drive the device into a high conduction dynamic on state. For a reset device, this requires a voltage greater than Vth.
Vth is the device design parameter and for current memory application is chosen to be in the range of 0.5 to 0.9 V. to avoid read disturb, the device read region as shown in the figure, is well below Vth and also below the reset regime.
The device is programmed while it is in the dynamic on state. The final programmed state of the device is determined by the current amplitude and the pulse duration in the dynamic on state. The reciprocal slope of the I-V curve in the dynamic on state is the series device resistance.
R-I characteristics
The above figure shows the device read resistance resulting from application of the programming current pulse amplitude. Starting in the set condition, moving from left to right, the device continues to remain in SET state as the amplitude is increased. Further increase in the pulse amplitude begins to reset the device with still further increase resetting the device to a standard amorphous resistance. Beginning again with a device initially in the RESET state, low amplitude pulses at voltages less than Vth do not set the device. Once Vth is surpassed, the device switches to the dynamic on state and programmed resistance is dramatically reduced as crystallization of the material is achieved. Further increase in programming current further crystallizes the material, which drops the resistance to a minimum value. As the programming pulse amplitude is increased further, resetting again is exhibited as in the case above. Devices can be safely reset above the saturation point for margin. Importantly, the right side of the curve exhibits direct overwrite capability, where a particular resistance value can be obtained from a programming pulse, irrespective of the prior state of the material. The slope of the right side of the curve is the device design parameter and can be adjusted to enable a multi- state memory cell.
About Chalcogenide alloy
Chalcogenide or phase change alloys is a ternary system of Gallium, Antimony and Tellurium. Chemically it is Ge2Sb2Te5.
Production Process: Powders for the phase change targets are produced by state-of “the art alloying through melting of the raw material and subsequent milling. This achieves the defined particle size distribution. Then powders are processed to discs through Hot Isotactic Pressing
Comparison of amorphous and crystalline states
Amorphous Crystalline
Short range atomic order Long range atomic order
Low free electron density High free electron density
High activation energy Low activation energy
High resistivity Low resistivity
Non volatile OUM with fast read and write speeds, high endurance, low voltage/low energy operation, ease of integration and competitive cost structure is suitable for ultra high density ,stand alone and embedded memory applications. These attributes make OUM an attractive alternative to flash memory technology and potentially competitive with volatile memory technologies.

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RE: Ovonic unified memory full report - by project report tiger - 05-02-2010, 12:20 AM
RE: Ovonic unified memory full report - by Nirja - 28-07-2010, 10:24 AM

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