Ovonic unified memory full report


Nowadays, digital memories are used in each and every fields of day-to-day life. Semiconductors form the fundamental building blocks of the modern electronic world providing the brains and the memory of products all around us from washing machines to super computers. But now we are entering an era of material limited scaling. Continuous scaling has required the introduction of new materials.
Current memory technologies have a lot of limitations. The new memory technologies have got all the good attributes for an ideal memory. Among them Ovonic Unified Memory (OUM) is the most promising one. OUM is a type of nonvolatile memory, which uses chalcogenide materials for storage of binary data. The term chalcogen refers to the Group VI elements of the periodic table. Chalcogenide refers to alloys containing at least one of these elements such as the alloy of germanium, antimony, and tellurium, which is used as the storage element in OUM. Electrical energy (heat) is used to convert the material between crystalline (conductive) and amorphous (resistive) phases and the resistive property of these phases is used to represent 0s and 1s.
To write data into the cell, the chalcogenide is heated past its melting point and then rapidly cooled to make it amorphous. To make it crystalline, it is heated to just below its melting point and held there for approximately 50ns, giving the atoms time to position themselves in their crystal locations. Once programmed, the memory state of the cell is determined by reading its resistance.
We are now living in a world driven by various electronic equipments. Semiconductors form the fundamental building blocks of the modern electronic world providing the brains and the memory of products all around us from washing machines to super computers. Semi conductors consist of array of transistors with each transistor being a simple switch between electrical 0 and 1. Now often bundled together in there 10â„¢s of millions they form highly complex, intelligent, reliable semiconductor chips, which are small and cheap enough for proliferation into products all around us.
Identification of new materials has been, and still is, the primary means in the development of next generation semiconductors. For the past 30 years, relentless scaling of CMOS IC technology to smaller dimensions has enabled the continual introduction of complex microelectronics system functions. However, this trend is not likely to continue indefinitely beyond the semiconductor technology roadmap. As silicon technology approaches its material limit, and as we reach the end of the roadmap, an understanding of emerging research devices will be of foremost importance in the identification of new materials to address the corresponding technological requirements.
If scaling is to continue to and below the 65nm node, alternatives to CMOS designs will be needed to provide a path to device scaling beyond the end of the roadmap. However, these emerging research technologies will be faced with an uphill technology challenge. For digital applications, these challenges include exponentially increasing the leakage current (gate, channel, and source/drain junctions), short channel effects, etc. while for analogue or RF applications, among the challenges are sustained linearity, low noise figure, power added efficiency and transistor matching. One of the fundamental approaches to manage this challenge is using new materials to build the next generation transistors.
As stated, revising the memory technology fields ruled by silicon technology is of great importance. Digital Memory is and has been a close comrade of each and every technical advancement in Information Technology. The current memory technologies have a lot of limitations. DRAM is volatile and difficult to integrate. RAM is high cost and volatile. Flash has slower writes and lesser number of write/erase cycles compared to others. These memory technologies when needed to expand will allow expansion only two-dimensional space. Hence area required will be increased. They will not allow stacking of one memory chip over the other. Also the storage capacities are not enough to fulfill the exponentially increasing need. Hence industry is searching for Holy Grail future memory technologies that are efficient to provide a good solution. Next generation memories are trying tradeoffs between size and cost. These make them good possibilities for development.


Many new memory technologies were introduced when it is understood that semiconductor memory technology has to be replaced, or updated by its successor since scaling with semiconductor memory reached its material limit. These memory technologies are referred as ËœNext Generation Memories. Next Generation Memories satisfy all of the good attributes of memory. The most important one among them is their ability to support expansion in three-dimensional spaces. Intel, the biggest maker of computer processors, is also the largest maker of flash-memory chips is trying to combine the processing features and space requirements feature and several next generation memories are being studied in this perspective. They include MRAM, FeRAM, Polymer Memory Ovonic Unified Memory, ETOX-4BPC, NRAM etc. One or two of them will become the mainstream.
The fundamental idea of all these technologies is the bistable nature possible for of the selected material. FeRAM works on the basis of the bistable nature of the centre atom of selected crystalline material. A voltage is applied upon the crystal, which in turn polarizes the internal dipoles up or down. I.e. actually the difference between these states is the difference in conductivity. Non “Linear FeRAM read capacitor, i.e., the crystal unit placed in between two electrodes will remain in the direction polarized (state) by the applied electric field until another field capable of polarizing the crystal™s central atom to another state is applied.
In the case of Polymer memory data stored by changing the polarization of the polymer between metal lines (electrodes). To activate this cell structure, a voltage is applied between the top and bottom electrodes, modifying the organic material. Different voltage polarities are used to write and read the cells. Application of an electric field to a cell lowers the polymerâ„¢s resistance, thus increasing its ability to conduct current; the polymer maintains its state until a field of opposite polarity is applied to raise its resistance back to its original level. The different conductivity States represent bits of information.
In the case of NROM memory ONO stacks are used to store charges at specific locations. This requires a charge pump for producing the charges required for writing into the memory cell. Here charge is stored at the ON junctions.
Phase change memory also called Ovonic unified memory (OUM), is based on rapid reversible phase change effect in materials under the influence of electric current pulses. The OUM uses the reversible structural phase-change in thin-film material (e.g., chalcogenides) as the data storage mechanism. The small volume of active media acts as a programmable resistor between a high and low resistance with > 40X dynamic range. Ones and zeros are represented by crystalline versus amorphous phase states of active material. Phase states are programmed by the application of a current pulse through a MOSFET, which drives the memory cell into a high or low resistance state, depending on current magnitude. Measuring resistance changes in the cell performs the function of reading data. OUM cells can be programmed to intermediate resistance values; e.g., for multistate data storage.
MRAMs are based on the magnetoresistive effects in magnetic materials and structures that exhibit a resistance change when an external magnetic field is applied. In the MRAM, data are stored by applying magnetic fields that cause magnetic materials to be magnetized into one of two possible magnetic states. Measuring resistance changes in the cell compared to a reference performs reading data. Passing currents nearby or through the magnetic structure creates the magnetic fields applied to each cell.
Memory is the most promising one. Ovonic Unified Memory is the registered name for the non-volatile memory based on the material called chalcogenide.
The term chalcogen refers to the Group VI elements of the periodic table. Chalcogenide refers to alloys containing at least one of these elements such as the alloy of germanium, antimony, and tellurium discussed here. Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. has used this particular alloy to develop a phase-change memory technology used in commercially available rewriteable CD and DVD disks. This phase change technology uses a thermally activated, rapid, reversible change in the structure of the alloy to store data. Since the binary information is represented by two different phases of the material it is inherently non-volatile, requiring no energy to keep the material in either of its two stable structural states.
The two structural states of the chalcogenide alloy, as shown in Figure 1, are an amorphous state and a polycrystalline state. Relative to the amorphous state, the polycrystalline state shows a dramatic increase in free electron density, similar to a metal. This difference in free electron density gives rise to a difference in reflectivity and resistivity. In the case of the re-writeable CD and DVD disk technology, a laser is used to heat the material to change states. Directing a low-power laser at the material and detecting the difference in reflectivity between the two phases read the state of the memory.
Ovonyx, Inc., under license from Energy Conversion Devices, Inc., is working with several commercial partners to develop a solid- state nonvolatile memory technology using the chalcogenide phase change material. To implement a memory the device is incorporated as a two terminal resistor element with standard CMOS processing. Resistive heating is used to change the phase of the chalcogenide material. Depending upon the temperature profile applied, the material is either melted by taking it above the melting temperature ™ to form the amorphous state, or crystallized by holding it at a lower temperature (Tx) for a slightly longer period of time, as shown in Figure 2. The time needed to program either state is = 400ns. Multiple resistance states between these two extremes have been demonstrated, enabling multi-bit storage per memory cell. However, current development activities are focused on single-bit applications. Once programmed, the memory state of the cell is determined by reading its resistance.
Since the data in a chalcogenide memory element is stored as a structural phase rather than an electrical charge or state, it is expected to be impervious to ionizing radiation effects. This inherent radiation tolerance of the chalcogenide material and demonstrated write speeds more than 1000 times faster than commercially available nonvolatile memories make it attractive for space based applications. A radiation hardened semiconductor technology incorporating chalcogenide based memory elements will address both critical and enabling space system needs, including standalone memory modules and embedded cores for microprocessors and ASICs. Previously, BAE SYSTEMS and Ovonyx have reported on the results of discrete memory elements fabricated in BAE SYSTEMSâ„¢ Manassas, Virginia facility. These devices were manufactured using standard semiconductor process equipment to sputter and etch the chalcogenide material. While built in the same line used to fabricate radiation-hardened CMOS products, these memory elements were not yet integrated with transistors. They were discrete two-terminal programmable resistors, requiring approximately 0.6 mA to set the device into a low resistance state, and 1.3 mA to reset it to the high resistance state. One billion (1E9) write cycles between these two states were demonstrated. Reading the state of the device is non- destructive and has no impact on device wear out (unlimited read cycles).

Non volatile in nature
High density ensures large storage of data within a small area
Non destructive read:-ensures that the data is not corrupted during a read cycle.
Uses very low voltage and power from a single source.
Write/erase cycles of 10e12 are demonstrated
Poly crystalline
This technology offers the potential of easy addition of non volatile memory to a standard CMOS process.
This is a highly scalable memory
Low cost implementation is expected.
A memory cell consists of a top electrode, a layer of the chalcogenide, and a resistive heating element. The base of the heater is connected to a diode. As with MRAM, reading the micrometer-sized cell is done by measuring its resistance. But unlike MRAM the resistance change is very large-more than a factor of 100. Thermal insulators are also attached to the memory structure in order to avoid data lose due to destruction of material at high temperatures.
To write data into the cell, the chalcogenide is heated past its melting point and then rapidly cooled to make it amorphous. To make it crystalline, it is heated to just below its melting point and held there for approximately 50ns, giving the atoms time to position themselves in their crystal locations.
Under contract to the Space Vehicles Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), BAE SYSTEMS and Ovonyx began the current program in August of 2001 to integrate the chalcogenide-based memory element into a radiation-hardened CMOS process. The initial goal of this effort was to develop the processes necessary to connect the memory element to CMOS transistors and metal wiring, without degrading the operation of either the memory elements or the transistors. It also was desired to maximize the potential memory density of the technology by placing the memory element directly above the transistors and below the first level of metal.

To accomplish this process integration task, it was necessary to design a test chip with appropriate structures. This vehicle was called the Access Device Test Chip (ADTC) since each memory cell requires an access device (transistor) in addition to the chalcogenide memory element. Such a memory cell, comprised of one access transistor and one chalcogenide resistor, is herein referred to as a 1T1R cell. The ADTC included 272 macros, each with 2 columns of 10 probe pads. Of these, 163 macros were borrowed from existing BAE SYSTEMSâ„¢ test structures and used to verify normal transistor operation. There were 109 new macros designed to address the memory element features. These included sheet resistance and contact resistance measurement structures, discrete memory elements of various sizes and configurations, and two 16-bit 1T1R memory arrays.
Short loop (partial flow) experiments were processed using subsets of the full ADTC mask set. These experiments were used to optimize the process steps used to connect the bottom electrode of the memory element to underlying tungsten studs and to connect an additional tungsten stud level between Metal 1 and the top electrode of the memory element. A full flow experiment was then processed to demonstrate integrated transistors and memory elements.
the I-V characteristic for a 1T1R memory cell successfully fabricated using the ADTC vehicle. The voltage is applied to one of the two terminals of the chalcogenide resistor, and the access transistor (biased on) is between the other resistor terminal and ground. The high resistance amorphous material shows very little current below a threshold voltage (VT) of 1.2V. In this same region the low resistance polycrystalline material shows a significantly higher current. The state of the memory cell is read using the difference in I-V characteristics below VT. Above VT, both materials display identical I-V characteristics, with a dynamic resistance (RDYNAMIC) of Ë1k. In itself, this transition to a low resistance electrical state does not change the structural phase of the material. However, it does allow for heating of the material to program it to the low resistance state (1) or the high resistance state (0). Extrapolation of the portion of the I-V curve that is above VT to the X-axis yields a point referred to as a holding voltage (VH). The applied voltage must be reduced below VH to exit the programming mode.
The operation of a 1T1R memory, again with the access transistor biased on. The plotted resistance values were measured below VT, while the current used to program these resistances were measured above VT. Similar to the previously demonstrated stand- alone memory elements, these devices require approximately 0.6 mA to set to the low resistance state (RSET) and 1.2 mA to reset to the high resistance state (RRESET). The circuit was verified to be electrically open with the access transistor biased off.
the total dose (X-ray) response of N-channel transistors processed through the chalcogenide memory flow. The small threshold voltage shift is typical of BAE SYSTEMSâ„¢ standard radiation- hardened transistor processing. All other measured parameters (drive current, threshold voltage, electrical channel length, contact resistance, etc.) were also typical of product manufactured without the memory element.
In order to test the behavior of chalcogenide cells as circuit elements, the Chalcogenide Technology Characterization Vehicle (CTCV) was developed. The CTCV contains a variety of memory arrays with different architecture, circuit, and layout variations. Key goals in the design of the CTCV were: 1) to make the read and write circuits robust with respect to potential variations in cell electrical characteristics; 2) to test the effect of the memory cell layout on performance; and 3) to maximize the amount of useful data obtained that could later be used for product design. The CTCV was sub-divided into four chiplets, each containing variations of 1T1R cell memory arrays and various standalone sub circuits. Standalone copies of the array sub circuits were included in each chiplet for process monitoring and read/write current experiments.
A diagram of one of the chiplets is shown in Figure 7. The arrays all contain 64k 1T1R cells, arranged as 256 rows by 256 columns. This is large enough to make meaningful analyses of parasitic capacitance effects, while still permitting four variations of the array to be placed on each chiplet. The primary differences between arrays consist of the type of sense amp (single-ended or differential) and variations in the location and number of contacts in the memory cell.
The data in the single-ended arrays is formatted as 4096 16-bit words (64k bits), and in the differential arrays as 4096 8-bit words (32k bits). The 256 columns are divided into 16 groups of 16. One sense amplifier services each group, and the 16 columns in each group are selected one at a time based on the four most significant address bits. In simulations, stray capacitance was predicted to cause excessive read settling time when more than 16 columns were connected to a sense amp. Each column has its own write current river, which also performs the column select function for write operations.
The single-ended sense amplifier reads the current drawn by a single cell when a voltage is applied to it. The differential amplifier measures the currents in two selected cells that have previously been written with complementary data, and senses the difference in current between them. This cuts the available memory size in half, but increases noise margin and sensitivity. In both the single-ended and differential sense amplifiers, a voltage limiting circuit prevents the chalcogenide element voltage from exceeding VT, so that the cell is not inadvertently re-programmed.
On one chiplet, there are two arrays designed without sense amplifiers. Instead, the selected column outputs are routed directly to the 16 I/O pins where the data outputs would normally be connected. This enables direct analog measurements to be made on a selected cell. A third array on this chiplet has both the column select switches and the sense amplifiers deleted. Eight of the 256 columns are brought out to I/O pins. This enables further analog measurements to be made, without an intervening column select transistor.
Conservative and aggressive layout versions of the chalcogenide cell were made. The conservative cell is larger, and has four contacts to bring current through to the bottom and top electrodes of the memory cell. The aggressive cell contains only two contacts per electrode, reducing its size. The pitch of the larger cell was used to establish row and column spacing in all arrays. The aggressive cell could thus be easily substituted for the conservative cell. Short wires were added to the smaller cell to map its connection points to those of the larger. This permitted testing both cells in one array layout without requiring significant additional layout labor.
A final variation in the cell design involved contact spacing. The contacts on the bottom electrode were moved to be either closer to or farther away from the chalcogenide "pore." This allows assessment of the effect of contact spacing on the thermal and electrical characteristics of the chalcogenide pore.
Process monitoring structures were included on each chiplet to aid in calibration of memory array test data. These consist of a standalone replica of each of the Write and Read (single-ended) circuits, a CMOS inverter, and a 1T1R cell. The outputs of each of these circuits were brought out to permit measurement of currents versus bias voltages.
Pins were provided on the CTCV for external bias voltage inputs to vary the read and write current levels. The standalone copies of the read/write circuits are provided with all key nodes brought out to pins. These replica circuits permit the read and write currents to be programmed by varying the bias voltages. This allows more in-depth characterization to be performed in advance of designing a product. In an actual product, on-chip reference circuits would generate bias voltages. In the write circuit, a PFET driver is connected to each column, and is normally turned off by setting its gate bias to VDD. When a write is to occur, the selected driverâ„¢s gate is switched to one of two external bias voltages for the required write pulse time. The bias voltages can be calibrated to set the write drive currents to the levels needed to reliably write a one or a zero. The data inputs determine which bias voltage is applied to each write driver.
For the read circuit, several cell resistance-sensing schemes were investigated during CTCV development. The adopted scheme applies a controlled voltage to the cell to be read, and the resulting current is measured. Care is taken not to exceed VT during a read cycle. The sense amplifier reflects the read current into a programmable NFET load, thus generating a high (1) or low (0) output. The gate bias of all sense amplifier loads can be varied in parallel to change the current level at which the output voltage switches. The bias levels are calibrated via a standalone copy of the read circuit that has all key nodes brought out to pins. The NFET load's output is buffered by a string of CMOS inverters to provide full CMOS logic voltage swing, and then routed to the correct data output I/O pad driver.
When a read circuit supplies a current to a selected cell, the cell's corresponding column charges up toward the steady state read voltage. The column voltage waveform is affected by the programmed resistance and internal capacitances of each of the cells in the column, and thus is pattern dependent. The combined charge from all of the column's cells during this charging process may travel into the sense amplifier input, momentarily causing it to experience a transient, which could prevent the accessed cellsâ„¢ data from being read correctly. To minimize this effect, each column is discharged after a write, and recharged before a read.
Transistor parametric and discrete memory element test structures were tested on the CTCV lot at the wafer level. These tests served two purposes. The first goal was to confirm that the extra processing steps involved in inserting the chalcogenide flow had no effect on the base CMOS technology. No statistical differences in transistor parametric values were noted between these wafers and standard 0.5µm RHCMOS product.
The second goal of wafer test was to measure the set, reset and dynamic programming resistances (RSET, RRESET and RDYNAMIC), threshold and holding voltages (VT and VH), and required programming currents (ISET and IRESET) of stand-alone, two terminal chalcogenide memory elements. These values were used to set the operating points of the write driver circuits and the bias point of the sense amp.
To allow debug of the CTCV module test setup in parallel with the wafer test effort, one wafer was selected and diced to remove the CTCV die. Five die of one of the four chiplets, (chip 1) were sent ahead through the packaging process. Chip 1 has four different array configurations, two 64 kbit, single ended sense amp arrays and two 32 kbit, differential sense amp arrays. Two of the arrays were constructed with the conservative cell layout and two with the aggressive cell layout. Functional test patterns used on these send-ahead devices included all zeros, all ones, checkerboard and checkerboard bar. The results of this testing showed that all circuit functional blocks (control circuits, addressing, data I/O, write 0/1, and sense amp) performed as designed. All four of the array configurations present on the chip showed functional memory elements, i.e., memory cells could be programmed to zero or one and subsequently read out. As more packaged parts become available, more exhaustive test patterns will be employed for full characterization.
The five send-ahead devices were also used for determining the optimum bias points of the three externally adjustable parameters: write 0 drive current, write 1 drive current, and the sense amp switching point. An Integrated Measurements Systems XTS-Blazer tester was used to provide stimulus and measure response curves. A wide range of load conditions was chosen based on the measurements performed at wafer test.
A family of drive current vs. bias voltage curves was constructed for both on-chip programming drive circuits across various values of RDYNAMIC. These curves validate design simulations and demonstrate adequate operating range of each of the circuits.
Likewise, a family of switching point curves was generated at various RSET and RRESET values using the standalone sense amp built onto each die. These curves were used to determine the optimal sense amp DC bias point for the test chips and demonstrated the ability of the sense amp to distinguish the 0 and 1 state within the range of chalcogenide resistance values measured at wafer test.


Test results confirmed that the insertion of a chalcogenide manufacturing flow had no effect on measured CMOS transistor parametric and did not change the total dose response of the base technology. Preliminary results on send-ahead packaged parts indicate full functionality of the 64 kbit memory arrays. Further characterization of the ADTC wafers and packaged devices from the CTCV wafers will include chalcogenide material-specific studies, such as write cycle endurance (a.k.a. cycle life), operating and storage temperature effects and further radiation effects tests on packaged parts, to include total dose (60Co) and heavy ion exposure. Minimum write and read cycle timing, layout spacing evaluation, data pattern insensitivity and other design related characterization will be conducted to support product optimization.

Companies working with Ovonic Unified memory have their
ultimate goal to gather enough data to begin a product design targeting
a 1“4 Mbit C-RAM device that is latch-up and SEU immune to greater than
120 LET and total dose hard to greater than 1 Mrad (Si), operating
across the full temperature range commonly specified for space


OUM uses a reversible structural phase change. Small active storage medium. Simple manufacturing process. Simple planar device structure. Low voltage single supply. Reduced assembly and test costs.
Highly scalable- performance improves with scaling.
Multistates are demonstrated.
High temperature resistance.
Easy integration with CMOS.
It makes no effect on measured CMOS transistor parametric.
Total dose response of the base technology is not affected.


Unlike conventional flash memory Ovonic unified memory can be randomly addressed. OUM cell can be written 10 trillion times when compared with conventional flash memory. The computers using OUM would not be subjected to critical data loss when the system hangs up or when power is abruptly lost as are present day computers using DRAM a/o SRAM. OUM requires fewer steps in an IC manufacturing process resulting in reduced cycle times, fewer defects, and greater manufacturing flexibility. These properties essentially make OUM an ideal commercial memory. Current commercial technologies do not satisfy the density, radiation tolerance, or endurance requirements for space applications. OUM technology offers great potential for low power operation and radiation tolerance, which assures its compatibility in space applications. OUM has direct applications in all products presently using solid state memory, including computers, cell phones, graphics-3D rendering, GPS, video conferencing, multi-media, Internet networking and interfacing, digital TV, telecom, PDA, digital voice recorders, modems, DVD, networking (ATM), Ethernet, and pagers. OUM offers a way to realize full system-on-a-chip capability through integrating unified memory, linear, and logic on the same silicon chip.

1. intel.com
2. ovonyx.com
3. baesystems.com
4. aero.org
5. IEEE SPECTRUM, March 2003




Ovonic unified memory (OUM) is an advanced memory technology that uses a chalcogenide alloy (GeSbTe).The alloy has two states: a high resistance amorphous state and a low resistance polycrystalline state. These states are used for the representation of reset and set states respectively. The performance and attributes of the memory make it an attractive alternative to flash memory and potentially competitive with the existing non volatile memory technology.
Review of memory basics
Every computer system contains a variety of devices to store the instructions and data required for its operation. These storage devices plus the algorithms needed to control or manage the stored information constitute the memory system of the computer. In general, it is desirable that processors should have immediate and interrupted access to memory, so the time required to transfer information between the processor and memory should be such that the processor can operate at, close to, its maximum speed. Unfortunately, memories that operate at speeds comparable to processors speed are very costly. It is not feasible to employ a single memory using just one type of technology. Instead the stored information is distributed in complex fashion over a variety of different memory units with very different physical characteristics.
The memory components of a computer can be subdivided into three main groups:
1) Internal processor memory: this usually comprises of a small set of high speed registers used as working registers for temporary storage of instructions and data.
2) Main memory: this is a relatively large fast memory used for program and data storage during computer operation. It is characterized by the fact that location in the main memory can be directly accessed by the CPU instruction set. The principal technologies used for main memory are semiconductor integrated circuits and ferrite cores.
3) Secondary memory: this is generally much larger in capacity but also much slower than main memory. It is used for storing system programs and large data files and the likes which are not continually required by the CPU;it also serves as an overflow memory when the capacity of the main memory when the capacity of the main memory is exceeded. Information in secondary storage is usually accessed directly via special programs that first transfer the required information to main memory. Representative technologies used for secondary memory are magnetic disks and tapes.
The major objective in designing any memory is to provide adequate storage capacity with an acceptable level of performance at a reasonable cost.
Memory device characteristics

The computer architect is faced with a bewildering variety of memory devices to use.However; all memories are based on a relatively small number of physical phenomena and employ relatively few organizational principles. The characteristics and the underlying physical principles of some specific representative technologies are also discussed.
The cost of a memory unit is almost meaningfully measured by the purchase or lease price to the user of the complete unit. The price should include not only the cost of the information storage cells themselves but also the cost of the peripheral equipment or access circuitry essential to the operation of the memory.
Access time and access rate:
The performance of a memory device is primarily determined by the rate at which information can be read from or written into the memory. A convenient performance measure is the average time required to read a fixed amount of information from the memory. This is termed read access time. The write access time is defined similarly; it is typically but not always equal to the read access time. Access time depends on the physical characteristics of the storage medium, and also on the type of access mechanism used. It is usually calculated from the time a read request is received by the memory and to the time at which all the requested information has been made available at the memory output terminals. The access rate of the memory is defined is the inverse of the access time.
Clearly low cost and high access rate are desirable memory characteristics; unfortunately they appear to be largely compatible. Memory units with high access rates are generally expensive, while low cost memory are relatively slow.
Access mode-random and serial:
An important property of a memory device is the order or sequence in which information can be accessed. If locations may be accessed in any order and the access time is independent of the location being accessed, the memory is termed as a random access memory.
Ferrite core memory and semiconductor memory are usually of this type. Memories where storage locations can be accessed only in a certain predetermined sequence are called serial access memories. Magnetic tape units and magnetic bubble memories employ serial access methods.
In a random access memory each storage location can be accessed independently of the other locations. There is, in effect, a separate access mechanism, or read-write, for every location. In serial memories, on the other hand, the access mechanism is shared among different locations. It must be assigned to different locations at different times. This is accomplished by moving the stored information ,the read write head or both. Many serial access memories operate by continually moving the storage locations around a closed path or track. A particular location can be accessed only when it passes the fixed read write head; thus the time required to access a particular location depends on the relative location of the read/write head when the access request is received.
Since every location has its own addressing mechanism, random access memory tends to be more costly than the serial type. In serial type memory, however the time required to bring the desired location into correspondence with a read/write head increases the effective access time, so access tends to be slower than the random access. Thus the access mode employed contributes significantly to the inverse relation between cost and access time.
Some memory devices such as magnetic disks and d rums contain large number of independently rotating tracks. If each track has its own read-write head, the track may be accessed randomly, although access within track in serial.
In such cases the access mode is sometimes called semi random or direct access. It should be noted that the access
is a function of the memory technology used.
The method used to write information into a memory may be irreversible, in that once the information has been written, it cannot be altered while the memory is in use,i.e.,online. Punching holes in cards in cards and printing on paper are examples of essentially permanent storage techniques. Memories whose contents cannot be altered online are called read only memories. A Rom is therefore a non alterable storage device. ROMs are widely used for storing control programs such as micro programs. ROMs whose contents can be changed are called programmable read only memories (PROMs).
Memories in which reading or writing can be done with impunity online are sometimes called read-write memories (RWMs) to contrast them with ROMs. All memories used for temporary storage are RWMs.
Permanence of storage:
The physical processes involved in storage are sometimes inherently unstable, so that the stored information may be lost over a period of time unless appropriate action is taken. There are important memory characteristics that can destroy information:
1. Destructive read out
2. Dynamic volatility
3. Volatility
Ferrite core memories have the property that the method of reading the memory alters, i.e., destroys,the stored information; this phenomenon is called destructive read out(DRO). Memories in which reading does not affect the stored data are said to have nondestructive readout (NRDO). In DRO memories, each read operation must be followed by a write operation followed by a write operation that restores the original state of the memory. This restoration is usually carried out by automatically using a buffer register.
Certain memory devices have the property that a stored 1 tends to become a 0, or viceversa, due to some physical decay processes. Over a period of time, a stored charge tends to leak away, causing a loss of information unless the stored charge is restored. This process of restoring is called refreshing. Memories which require periodic refreshing are called dynamic memories, as opposed to static memories, which require no refreshing. Most memories that using magnetic storage techniques are static. Refreshing in dynamic memories can be carried out in the same way data is restored in a DRO memory. The contents of every location are transferred systematically to a buffer register and then returned, in suitably amplified form, to their original locations.
Another physical process that can destroy the contents of a memory is the failure of power supply. A memory is said to be volatile if the stored information can be destroyed by a power failure. Most semiconductor memories are volatile, while most magnetic memories are non volatile.
Cycle time and data transfer rate:
The access time of a memory is defined as the time between the receipt of a read request and the delivery of the requested information to its external output terminals. In DRO and dynamic memories, it may not be possible to initiate another memory access until a restore or refresh operation has been carried out. This means that the minimum time that must elapse between the initiations of two different accesses by the memory can be greater than the access time: this rather loosely defined time is called the cycle time of the memory.
It is generally convenient to assume the cycle time as the time needed to complete any read or write operation in the memory. Hence the maximum amount of information that can be transferred to or from the memory every second is the reciprocal of cycle time. This quantity is called the data transfer rate or band width.
Random access memory
Random access memories are characterized by the fact that every location can be accessed independently. The access time and the cycle time are constant independent of the position. Figure below gives the main components of a random access unit. The storage cell unit comprises N cells each of which can store one bit of information. The memory operates as follows. The address of the required location is transferred via the address bus to the memory address register . The address is then processed by the address decoder which selects the required location in the storage cell unit. A read-write select control line specifies the type of access to be performed. If read is requested, the contents of the selected location is transferred to the output data register. If write is requested, the word to be written is first placed in the memory input data register and then transferred to the selected cell. Since it is not usually desirable to permit simultaneous reading and writing, the input and the output data registers are frequently combined to form a single data register.
Each storage cell has a number of lines connected to it. The address lines are used to select the cell for either reading or writing, as determined by the read-write control lines. A set of data lines is used for transferring data to and from the memory. The actual of physical lines connected to a storage cell is very much a function of the technology being used. Frequently one physical line has several functions, e.g., it may be used as both an address and a data line.
RAMs are available in the static and the dynamic versions.
An interesting MOS device is the flash memory which is an important type of non volatile memory. It is very simple and compact and looks like a MOSFET, except that it has two gate electrodes one on top of another. The top electrode is the one that we have direct access to, and is known as the control gate. Below that we have the so called floating gate that is capacitively coupled to the control gate and the underlying silicon.
The basic cell operation involves putting charge on the floating gate or removing gate, in order to program the MOSFET to have two different VTâ„¢s, corresponding to two logic levels.
To program the cell, we apply a high field to both the drain and the floating gate such that the MOSFET is in saturation. The high longitudinal electric fielding the pinch off region accelerates electrons towards the drain and make them energetic. If the kinetic energy of the electrons is high enough, a few can become hot enough to be scattered into the floating gate. Once they get into the floating gate, electrons become trapped in the potential well between the floating polysilicon gate and the oxide on either side.This barrier is extremely high for a trapped electron. Therefore the trapped electrons essentially stay in the floating gate forever, unless the cells are intentionally erased. Thatâ„¢s why a flash memory is non volatile.
To erase the cell, we use Fowler Nordheim tunneling between the floating gate and the source in the overlap region. A high voltage is applied to the source with the control gate grounded. The polarity of the field is such that the electrons tunnel from the floating gate, through the oxide barrier.
Introduction to OUM
Almost 25% of the world wide chip markets are memory devices, each type used for their specific advantages: the high speed of an SRAM, the high integration density of a DRAM, or the nonvolatile capability of a FLASH memory device.
The industry is searching for a holy grail of future memory technologies to service the upcoming market of portable and wireless devices. These applications are already available based on existing memory technology, but for a successful market penetration. A higher performance at a lower price is required.
The existing technologies are characterized by the following limitations. DRAMs are difficult to intergrate.SRAMs are expensive. FLASH memory can have only a limited number of read and write cycles.EPROMs have high power requirement and poor flexibility.
None of the present memory technologies combine features like
¢ The ability to retain stored charge for long periods with zero applied or refreshed power.
¢ High speed of data writes.
¢ Low power consumption.
¢ Large number of write cycles.
Therefore, the whole industry is investigating different advanced memory technologies like MRAM, FRAM, OUM or polymer devices etc.
FRAM: this technology uses a crystal unit cell of pervoskite PZT (lead zirconate titanate).data is stored by applying a very low voltage. The electric field moves the central atom by changing crystal orientation of unit cell which results in the polarization of internal dipoles.
MRAM: It uses a magnetic tunnel junction and transistor. The electric current switches the magnetic polarity and this change is sensed as a resistance change.
OUM: There is a growing need for nonvolatile memory technology for high density stand alone embedded CMOS application with faster write speed and higher endurance than existing nonvolatile memories. OUM is a promising technology to meet this need. R.G.Neale, D.L.Nelson, and Gorden.E.Moore originally reported a phase-change memory array based on chalcogenide materials in 1970. Improvements in phase-change materials technology subsequently paved the way for development of commercially available rewriteable CDs and DVD optical memory disks. These advances, coupled with significant technology scaling and better understanding of the fundamental electrical device operation, have motivated development of the OUM technology at the present day technology node.
OUM is the non volatile memory that utilizes a reversible structural phase change between amorphous and polycrystalline states in a GeSbTe chalcogenide alloy material. This transition is accomplished by heating a small volume of the material with a write current pulse and results in a considerable change in alloy resistivity. The amorphous phase has high resistance and is defined as the RESET state. The low resistance polycrystalline phase is defined as the SET state.
Memory Structure
The above figure shows the memory structure of OUM
Key advantages of OUM
The following are the key advantages of OUM:
1. Endurance
2. Read-write performance
3. Low programming energy
4. Process simplicity
5. Cost
6. CMOS embeddability
7. Scalability
Write endurance is competitive with other potential non volatile memory technology, is superior to Flash. Read endurance is unlimited. The write/read performance is comparable to DRAM. The OUM technology offers overwrite capablility, and bit/byte data can be written randomly with no block erase required. Scaling is a key advantage of OUM.
Write speed and write energy both scales with programmed volume. Its low voltage operation is compatible with continued CMOS feature and power supply scaling. Low voltage operation and short programming pulse widths yield low energy operation for the OUM, a key metric for mobile portable applications.
The basic device operation can be explained from the temperature versus time graph. During the amorphizing reset pulse, the temperature of the programmed volume of phase change material exceeds the melting point which eliminates the poly crystalline order in the material. When the reset pulse is terminated the device quenches to freeze in the disordered structural state. The quench time is determined by the thermal environment of the device and the fall time of the pulse. The crystallizing set pulse is of lower amplitude and of sufficient duration to maintain the device temperature in the rapid crystallization range for a time sufficient for crystal growth.
Technology and performance
The figure below shows device resistance versus write pulse width. The reset resistance saturates when the pulse width is long enough to achieve melting of the phase change material. The set pulse adequately crystallizes the bit in 50 ns with a RESET/SET resistance ratio of greater than 100.
I-v characteristics
The figure above shows I-V characteristics of the OUM device. At low voltages, the device exhibits either a low resistance (~1k) or high resistance (>100k), depending on its programmed state. This is the read region of operation. To program the device, a pulse of sufficient voltage is applied to drive the device into a high conduction dynamic on state. For a reset device, this requires a voltage greater than Vth.
Vth is the device design parameter and for current memory application is chosen to be in the range of 0.5 to 0.9 V. to avoid read disturb, the device read region as shown in the figure, is well below Vth and also below the reset regime.
The device is programmed while it is in the dynamic on state. The final programmed state of the device is determined by the current amplitude and the pulse duration in the dynamic on state. The reciprocal slope of the I-V curve in the dynamic on state is the series device resistance.
R-I characteristics
The above figure shows the device read resistance resulting from application of the programming current pulse amplitude. Starting in the set condition, moving from left to right, the device continues to remain in SET state as the amplitude is increased. Further increase in the pulse amplitude begins to reset the device with still further increase resetting the device to a standard amorphous resistance. Beginning again with a device initially in the RESET state, low amplitude pulses at voltages less than Vth do not set the device. Once Vth is surpassed, the device switches to the dynamic on state and programmed resistance is dramatically reduced as crystallization of the material is achieved. Further increase in programming current further crystallizes the material, which drops the resistance to a minimum value. As the programming pulse amplitude is increased further, resetting again is exhibited as in the case above. Devices can be safely reset above the saturation point for margin. Importantly, the right side of the curve exhibits direct overwrite capability, where a particular resistance value can be obtained from a programming pulse, irrespective of the prior state of the material. The slope of the right side of the curve is the device design parameter and can be adjusted to enable a multi- state memory cell.
About Chalcogenide alloy
Chalcogenide or phase change alloys is a ternary system of Gallium, Antimony and Tellurium. Chemically it is Ge2Sb2Te5.
Production Process: Powders for the phase change targets are produced by state-of “the art alloying through melting of the raw material and subsequent milling. This achieves the defined particle size distribution. Then powders are processed to discs through Hot Isotactic Pressing
Comparison of amorphous and crystalline states
Amorphous Crystalline
Short range atomic order Long range atomic order
Low free electron density High free electron density
High activation energy Low activation energy
High resistivity Low resistivity
Non volatile OUM with fast read and write speeds, high endurance, low voltage/low energy operation, ease of integration and competitive cost structure is suitable for ultra high density ,stand alone and embedded memory applications. These attributes make OUM an attractive alternative to flash memory technology and potentially competitive with volatile memory technologies.

Overview of present memories
Fundamentals of emerging memories
Ovonic Unified Memory
Memory Structure
VI Characteristics
Features of OUM
Circuit Demonstration
Advantages of OUM

The current memory technology has a lot of limitations.
DRAM is difficult to integrate.
Flash has slower writes and lesser number of write/erase cycles compared to others.
Only two dimensional expansion is allowed, hence larger space required.
Also storage capacity is also limited.
Polymer Memory
Ovonic Unified Memory
Chalcogenide is the general class of switching media in CD switching media in CD-RW and DVD RW and DVD-RW RW
“ In high volume production and low cost
Laser beam energy is used to control the
switching between crystalline and amorphous phases
“ Higher energy -> amorphous
“ Medium energy -> crystalline
Low energy laser beam to read

Amorphous vs crystalline surfaces
Ovonic Unified Memory(OUM)
Instead of using laser beam, use electric current to heat the material.
“ High current, high temperature: amorphous phase, high resistance
“ Medium current, lower temperature: crystalline phase, low resistance
Low current to sense resistance

To develop the processes necessary to connect the memory element to CMOS transistors and metal wiring, without degrading the operation of either the memory elements or the transistors.
maximize the potential memory density of the technology by placing the memory element directly above the transistors and below the first level of metal as shown in a simplified diagram
Non-volatile in nature
High density ensures large storage of data within a small area
Non destructive read:-ensures that the data is not corrupted during a read cycle.
Uses very low voltage and power from a single source.
Poly crystalline
This technology offers the potential of easy addition of non volatile memory to a standard CMOS process.
This is a highly scalable memory
Low cost implementation is expected.
OUM uses a reversible structural phase change.
Small active storage medium.
Simple manufacturing process.
Low voltage single supply.
Reduced assembly and test costs.
Highly scalable- performance improves with scaling.
Multi states are demonstrated.
High temperature resistance.
Easy integration with CMOS.
It makes no effect on measured CMOS transistor parametric.
Total dose response of the base technology is not affected.
Optimized OUM can possess strong endurance, retention, and disturb capability.
OUM technology offers great potential for low power operation and radiation tolerance, which assures its compatibility in space applications.
All mechanisms depend on purity and compatibility of the chalcogenide and surrounding materials.
OUM offers a way to realize full system-on-a-chip capability through integrating unified memory, linear, and logic on the same silicon chip.
Detailed acceleration and atomic-level models are areas for future work.

please read http://studentbank.in/report-ovonic-unif...ull-report
http://studentbank.in/report-ovonic-unif...d-abstract and http://studentbank.in/report-seminars-re...ied-memory for getting technical report and presentation of Ovonic unified memory

Submitted by
Kirthi K Raman

Under the guidance of
Prof. John Valder
P A College of Engg
Present Memory Technology Scenario
Emerging Memory Technologies
Ovonic Unified Memory
OUM Attributes
OUM Architecture
Integration with Cmos
Circuit Demonstration
Semiconductors form the fundamental building block of the modern electronic world.
Scaling of CMOS IC Technology faces uphill technology challenge.
For digital application, challenges include exponentially increasing leakage current,
short channel effects , etc.
For RF application, challenges include low noise figure, sustained linearity ,transistor matching, power added efficiency, etc.
DRAM is volatile and difficult to integrate.
RAM is expensive and volatile.
Flash has slower writes and lesser number of write/erase cycle compared to others.
These memory technologies when expanded allows expansion only in 2D .
Hence large area is required.

Emerging memory technologies are called Next Generation Memories.
Most important property of these NGM is its ability to support expansion in 3Dspace.
NGM include NRAM, FeRAM, Polymer Memory Ovonic Unified Memory, ETOX, NRAM ,etc.


1.OUM is a non volatile memory, which uses chalcogenide materials for storage of binary data.
2.OUM uses reversible structural phase change.
amorphous phase crystalline phase .
3. Resistive property of the phases is used to represent 0s and 1s.
OUM Technology Concept
Amorphous Vs Crystalline
OUM Technology Concept
Annealing Dependence of Ge2Sb2Te5 Electrical Resistivity

OUM Attributes
density ensures large storage of data within a small area. Non volatile in nature.
Non destructive read
Uses very voltage and power from a source.
Write/erase cycles of 10e12 demonstrated
Poly Crystalline
Offers the potential of easy addition of non volatile memory to a standard CMOS processor
Highly scalable memory
Low cost implementation

OUM Architecture

Cell Element Characteristics Basic Device Operation
IV Curve of Chalcogenide Element
Rset and Rreset as Function of Cell Current
Circuit Demonstration
Chalcogenide Technology Characterization Vehicle (CTCV)
Key goals in the design of CTCV
1. To make the read and write circuit wrt variation in cell electrical characteristics
2. To test the effect of the memory cell layout on performance
3. To maximize the amount of useful data obtained , used for product design.
One of the Chiplet used
OUM uses a reversible structural phase change

Cost/Bit reduction

small active storage medium
small cell size-small die size
Simple manufacturing process
Simple planar device structure
Low voltage-single supply
Reduced assembly and test costs

Highly scalable

Performance improves with scaling
Only lithography limited
Low voltage operation
Multi state demonstrated
Risk Factors
Reset current< min W switch current
Standand CMOS process integration
Alloy optimization for robust high temp operation and speed
Cycle life endurance consistency
Endurance testing to 1014-DRAM
Defect density and failure mechanisms
Near ideal memory qualities
Broadens system application
-Embedded System-On-a-Chip(SOC) , other products
Highly Scalable
Risk factors have been identified
Time to productize
i need ppt pdf on Ovonic Unified Memory
This article is presented by:

A method of automatically configuring a computer peripheral device as a primary device or as a secondary device. There are four possible cases:
(1) no other device present,
(2) legacy primary device present,
(3) legacy secondary device present and
(4) second unconfigured jumperless device present. In each example embodiment, the host computer determines whether any legacy devices are present by sending commands that are ignored by unconfigured jumperless devices.

If a legacy device is present, the host computer sends a command recognized only by an unconfigured jumperless device commanding the particular configuration for the jumperless device. In a first example embodiment, jumperless devices assert a signal after reset with a timing that is dependent on an electronically readable identification on the device. For case (4), the first device to assert the signal becomes the secondary device. For case (4) in the second example embodiment, each jumperless device drives or monitors a line during sequential time periods corresponding to bits in the electronically readable identification number. For case (4) in the third example embodiment, the jumperless devices arbitrate for primary/secondary status without involvement by the host computer by a process that is dependent on the electronically readable identification number on each device.

A method for managing a secondary storage device connected to a computer system having a primary storage device includes hooking a partition session selector device driver in a layered drive structure. An application programming interface call to obtain information related to storage devices connected to the computer system is then performed. The application programming interface call is trapped and the partition session selector device driver is communicated with directly via an interface call to manage a user accessible representation of the primary and secondary storage devices. The interface call communicating with the partition session selector device driver may obtain information related to the secondary storage device, and the method may further include the operation of obtaining information related to storage devices connected to the computer system from a system registry to compile a complete set of data relating to the physical and logical representations of the primary and secondary storage devices. A computer readable media for managing a secondary storage device connected to a computer system having a primary storage device also is described.
Primary storage
Primary storage (or main memory or internal memory), often referred to simply as memory, is the only one directly accessible to the CPU. The CPU continuously reads instructions stored there and executes them as required. Any data actively operated on is also stored there in uniform manner.
Historically, early computers used delay lines, Williams tubes, or rotating magnetic drums as primary storage. By 1954, those unreliable methods were mostly replaced by magnetic core memory, which was still rather cumbersome. Undoubtedly, a revolution was started with the invention of a transistor, that soon enabled then-unbelievable miniaturization of electronic memory via solid-state silicon chip technology.
This led to a modern random-access memory (RAM). It is small-sized, light, but quite expensive at the same time. (The particular types of RAM used for primary storage are also volatile, i.e. they lose the information when not powered).
As shown in the diagram, traditionally there are two more sub-layers of the primary storage, besides main large-capacity RAM:
• Processor registers are located inside the processor. Each register typically holds a word of data (often 32 or 64 bits). CPU instructions instruct the arithmetic and logic unit to perform various calculations or other operations on this data (or with the help of it). Registers are technically among the fastest of all forms of computer data storage.
• Processor cache is an intermediate stage between ultra-fast registers and much slower main memory. It's introduced solely to increase performance of the computer. Most actively used information in the main memory is just duplicated in the cache memory, which is faster, but of much lesser capacity. On the other hand it is much slower, but much larger than processor registers. Multi-level hierarchical cache setup is also commonly used—primary cache being smallest, fastest and located inside the processor; secondary cache being somewhat larger and slower.
Main memory is directly or indirectly connected to the CPU via a memory bus. It is actually two buses (not on the diagram): an address bus and a data bus. The CPU firstly sends a number through an address bus, a number called memory address, that indicates the desired location of data. Then it reads or writes the data itself using the data bus. Additionally, a memory management unit (MMU) is a small device between CPU and RAM recalculating the actual memory address, for example to provide an abstraction of virtual memory or other tasks.
As the RAM types used for primary storage are volatile (cleared at start up), a computer containing only such storage would not have a source to read instructions from, in order to start the computer. Hence, non-volatile primary storage containing a small startup program (BIOS) is used to bootstrap the computer, that is, to read a larger program from non-volatile secondary storage to RAM and start to execute it. A non-volatile technology used for this purpose is called ROM, for read-only memory (the terminology may be somewhat confusing as most ROM types are also capable of random access).
Many types of "ROM" are not literally read only, as updates are possible; however it is slow and memory must be erased in large portions before it can be re-written. Some embedded systems run programs directly from ROM (or similar), because such programs are rarely changed. Standard computers do not store non-rudimentary programs in ROM, rather use large capacities of secondary storage, which is non-volatile as well, and not as costly.
Recently, primary storage and secondary storage in some uses refer to what was historically called, respectively, secondary storage and tertiary storage.
This article is presented by:Stefan LaiIntel CorporationVice President, Technology and Manufacturing GroupDirector, California Technology and Manufacturing
Non-Volatile Memories:
A Look into the Future

Moore’s Law in NV Memory

We are now living in a world driven by various electronic equipments. Semiconductors form the fundamental building blocks of the modern electronic world providing the brains and the memory of products all around us from washing machines to super computers. Semi conductors consist of array of transistors with each transistor being a simple switch between electrical 0 and 1. Now often bundled together in there 10's of millions they form highly complex, intelligent, reliable semiconductor chips, which are small and cheap enough for proliferation into products all around us.Identification of new materials has been, and still is, the primary means in the development of next generation semiconductors. For the past 30 years, relentless scaling of CMOS IC technology to smaller dimensions has enabled the continual introduction of complex microelectronics system functions. However, this trend is not likely to continue indefinitely beyond the semiconductor technology roadmap. As silicon technology approaches its material limit, and as we reach the end of the roadmap, an understanding of emerging research devices will be of foremost importance in the identification of new materials to address the corresponding technological requirements.If scaling is to continue to and below the 65nm node, alternatives to CMOS designs will be needed to provide a path to device scaling beyond the end of the roadmap. However, these emerging research technologies will be faced with an uphill technology challenge. For digital applications, these challenges include exponentially increasing the leakage current (gate, channel, and source/drain junctions), short channel effects, etc. while for analogue or RF applications, among the challenges are sustained linearity, low noise figure, power added efficiency and transistor matching. One of the fundamental approaches to manage this challenge is using new materials to build the next generation transistors.
As stated, revising the memory technology fields ruled by silicon technology is of great importance. Digital Memory is and has been a close comrade of each and every technical advancement in Information Technology. The current memory technologies have a lot of limitations. DRAM is volatile and difficult to integrate. RAM is high cost and volatile. Flash has slower writes and lesser number of write/erase cycles compared to others. These memory technologies when needed to expand will allow expansion only two-dimensional space. Hence area required will be increased. They will not allow stacking of one memory chip over the other. Also the storage capacities are not enough to fulfill the exponentially increasing need. Hence industry is searching for "Holy Grail" future memory technologies that are efficient to provide a good solution. Next generation memories are trying tradeoffs between size and cost. These make them good possibilities for development.
Many new memory technologies were introduced when it is understood that semiconductor memory technology has to be replaced, or updated by its successor since scaling with semiconductor memory reached its material limit. These memory technologies are referred as 'Next Generation Memories". Next Generation Memories satisfy all of the good attributes of memory. The most important one among them is their ability to support expansion in three-dimensional spaces. Intel, the biggest maker of computer processors, is also the largest maker of flash-memory chips is trying to combine the processing features and space requirements feature and several next generation memories are being studied in this perspective. They include MRAM, FeRAM, Polymer Memory Ovonic Unified Memory, ETOX-4BPC, NRAM etc. One or two of them will become the mainstream.
The fundamental idea of all these technologies is the bistable nature possible for of the selected material. FeRAM works on the basis of the bistable nature of the centre atom of selected crystalline material. A voltage is applied upon the crystal, which in turn polarizes the internal dipoles up or down. I.e. actually the difference between these states is the difference in conductivity. Non -Linear FeRAM read capacitor, i.e., the crystal unit placed in between two electrodes will remain in the direction polarized (state) by the applied electric field until another field capable of polarizing the crystal's central atom to another state is applied.
In the case of Polymer memory data stored by changing the polarization of the polymer between metal lines (electrodes). To activate this cell structure, a voltage is applied between the top and bottom electrodes, modifying the organic material. Different voltage polarities are used to write and read the cells. Application of an electric field to a cell lowers the polymer's resistance, thus increasing its ability to conduct current; the polymer maintains its state until a field of opposite polarity is applied to raise its resistance back to its original level. The different conductivity States represent bits of information.
In the case of NROM memory ONO stacks are used to store charges at specific locations. This requires a charge pump for producing the charges required for writing into the memory cell. Here charge is stored at the ON junctions.Phase change memory also called Ovonic unified memory (OUM), is based on rapid reversible phase change effect in materials under the influence of electric current pulses. The OUM uses the reversible structural phase-change in thin-film material (e.g., chalcogenides) as the data storage mechanism. The small volume of active media acts as a programmable resistor between a high and low resistance with > 40X dynamic range. Ones and zeros are represented by crystalline versus amorphous phase states of active material. Phase states are programmed by the application of a current pulse through a
MOSFET, which drives the memory cell into a high or low resistance state, depending on current magnitude. Measuring resistance changes in the cell performs the function of reading data. OUM cells can be programmed to intermediate resistance values; e.g., for multistate data storage.
MRAMs are based on the magnetoresistive effects in magnetic materials and structures that exhibit a resistance change when an external magnetic field is applied. In the MRAM, data are stored by applying magnetic fields that cause magnetic materials to be magnetized into one of two possible magnetic states. Measuring resistance changes in the cell compared to a reference performs reading data. Passing currents nearby or through the magnetic structure creates the magnetic fields applied to each cell.
Among the above-mentioned non-volatile Memories, Ovonic Unified Memory is the most promising one. "Ovonic Unified Memory" is the registered name for the non-volatile memory based on the material called chalcogenide.
The term "chalcogen" refers to the Group VI elements of the periodic table. "Chalcogenide" refers to alloys containing at least one of these elements such as the alloy of germanium, antimony, and tellurium discussed here. Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. has used this particular alloy to develop a phase-change memory technology used in commercially available rewriteable CD and DVD disks. This phase change technology uses a thermally activated, rapid, reversible change in the structure of the alloy to store data. Since the binary information is represented by two different phases of the material it is inherently non-volatile, requiring no energy to keep the material in either of its two stable structural states.
The two structural states of the chalcogenide alloy, as shown in Figure 1, are an amorphous state and a polycrystalline state. Relative to the amorphous state, the polycrystalline state shows a dramatic increase in free electron density, similar to a metal. This difference in free electron density gives rise to a difference in reflectivity and resistivity. In the case of the re-writeable CD and DVD disk technology, a laser is used to heat the material to change states. Directing a low-power laser at the material and detecting the


What is Memory?

• Internal Processor Memory
• Main Memory
• Secondary Storage Memory
Memory Device Characteristics:
 Cost
 Access Time and Access Rate
 Access Mode- Random and Serial
 Alterability- ROMS
 Permanence of Storage:
1) Destructive Read-Out
2) Dynamic Volatility
3) Volatility
 Cycle Time and Data Transfer
Limitations of Present Memory Technologies:
 Random Access Memory:
Volatile and expensive.
 Dynamic RAM:
Volatile and difficult to integrate.
 Static RAM:
 Erasable-Programmable Read Only Memory:
High Power Requirement, Poor Flexibility.
Limited number of Read and Write cycles
Challenges :
• The ability to retain stored charge for long periods with zero applied or refreshed power.
• High speed of data writes.
• Low power consumption.
• Large number of write cycles
Emerging Memory Technologies:
Supports expansion in 3-dimensional spaces
 Fe-RAM:
Data is stored by applying a very low voltage.
 Polymer Memory:
Different conductivity states represents bits of information.
Stacks are used to store charges which writes into memory.
Data is stored by applying magnetic fields.
Ovonic Unified Memory:
 The OUM is non-volatile memory that uses the reversible structural phase-change in thin-film material (e.g., chalcogenides) as the data storage mechanism.
 Electrical energy (heat) is used to convert the material between crystalline (conductive) and amorphous (resistive) phases and the resistive property of these phases is used to represent 0s and 1s.
 Once programmed, the memory state of the cell is determined by reading its resistance.
Submitted by:
Aakash Singh Chauhan

Memory-information retention
• Various forms of storage are:
o Primary storage
o Secondary and off-line storage
o Tertiary and database storage
o Network storage
• Characteristics of storage are:
o Volatility of information
o Ability to access non-contiguous information
o Ability to change information
Classification of the Memory on the bases of Volatility of information is:
o Volatile Memory
• Non-volatile Memory
• Nonvolatile Memory
• Protection of data in the event of power loss
• Periodic refreshing
• Modern Approaches of Nonvolatile Memory
• FRAM: Technique used- ferroelectricity
• MRAM: Technique used-ferromagnetism
• OUM: Technique used- phase changes in the thin-film
• 3DM: Technique used- multiple layers of active circuitry on the silicon substrate
Comparison of Technologies
• Phase Change Memory Technology
o Describes a class of non-volatile memory devices
o Exploits differences in the electrical resistivity of a material in different phases (solid, liquid, gas, condensate and plasma)
o Graphical representation of a basic PCM storage element
• Relative to the amorphous state, the polycrystalline state shows a dramatic increase in free electron density, similar to a metal.
Ovonic Unified Memory

• Definition:
o Phase Change Memory
o Changes the state
o stores information
o excellent solid-state memory properties.
• Ovonyx
o microelectronics memory technology
o developed by Mr. Stanford Ovshinsky
o Energy Conversion Devices (ECD) Inc.
• Ovonic unified memory –
o derived from ''Ovshinsky'' and ''electronic''.
o known as phase change memory
• OUM allows the rewriting of CD & DVDs .
Characteristics of OUM
• Essentially nondestructive use: Can be read and write to trillionths of times
• The OUM solid-state memory
o Has cost advantages over conventional solid-state memories
o very small active storage media, and simple device structure.
o OUM requires fewer steps in an IC manufacturing process resulting in
 reduced cycle times,
 fewer defects, and
 greater manufacturing flexibility.
• OUM Devices use the GeSbTe alloy system.
• Crystal Structures for GeSbTe Pseudobinary Alloys:
• Phase change memory also called ovonic unified memory (OUM),
• Phase states are programmed by the application of a current pulse through a Mosfet,
• heating a small volume of the material with a current pulse to make the transition.
• thermally activated, rapid, reversible change
• chalcogenide alloy are an amorphous state and a polycrystalline state.
• Depending upon the temperature profile applied,
Attributes of OUM
o Non volatile in nature
o High density ensures large storage of data within a small area
o Non destructive read:-ensures that the data is not corrupted during a read cycle.
o Uses very low voltage and power from a single source.
o Write/erase cycles of 10e12 are demonstrated
o Poly crystalline
o This technology offers the potential of easy addition of non volatile memory to a standard cmos process.
o This is a highly scalable memory
• Low cost implementation is expected.
Architecture of OUM
• resistance change is very large-more than a factor of 100.
• Thermal insulators are also attached to the memory structure in order to avoid data loss due to destruction of material at high temperatures.
• To write data into the cell, the chalcogenide is heated past its melting point and then rapidly cooled to make it amorphous.
• To make it crystalline, it is heated to just below its melting point and held there for approximately 50ns, giving the atoms time to position themselves in their crystal locations.
Ovonic materials
• The chalcogenide glasses (especially those based on Ge, Sb and Te) are key materials
o for the electrical switches,
o for erasable optical storage.
• The ground ovonic material is Ge15Te81S2Sb2.
• This is a memory material.
o It isanalogous of Ge15Te85
o it represents a eutectic composition in the binary system Te-Ge (eutectic temp. 375 oC).
o Addition of S and Sb changes the crystallization speed when the material is heated in the glassy state.
• Data storage mechanism
• Devices store information through changes in their atomic structures
• Materials which are multi-element chalcogenide alloys
o exist in a stable fashion in amorphous and crystalline structures, and
o also in a range of “intermediate” structural states.
o These different atomic structures have
o different characteristic physical properties,
o including different values of electrical conductivity. The ability of a memory device to be programmed to stable intermediate structures allows: storage of multiple bits of information in each memory cell location,
Advantages of OUM
• reversible structural phase change.
• Small active storage medium.
• Simple manufacturing process.
• Simple planar device structure.
• Low voltage single supply.
• Reduced assembly and test costs.
• Highly scalable- performance
• Multistates.
• High temperature resistance.
• base technology is not affected.
Problems/Concerns of OUM
• OUM devices as devices decrease in size
• as the devices are scaled to smaller sizes,
• reducing programming current for lower voltage and lower power operation.
• stored as a structural phase
• impervious to ionizing radiation effects.
• tolerance of the chalcogenide material
• A radiation hardened semiconductor technology
• OUM allows the rewriting of CD & DVDs
• OUM has direct applications
o computers,
o cell phones,
o graphics-3D rendering,
o GPS,
o video conferencing,
o multi-media,
o Internet networking and interfacing,
o digital TV,
o telecom,
o PDA,
o digital voice recorders,
o modems,
o DVD,
o networking (ATM),
o Ethernet, and pagers.
o OUM offers a way to realize full system-on-a-chip

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