
Online National Polling
The aim of the project is to create and manage polling and election details like general user details, nominated users, election and result details efficiently.

Existing System
¢ It is manual system.
¢ Complexity in Management of Polling Station.
¢ The existing system may not provide security to Polling Station.
¢ Maintain nominee, filed officers, user details is risky tasks.
¢ This system is not providing secure registration and profile management of all the users properly.

Proposed System
The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach.
¢ Automates information related to polling stations.
¢ Avoid mismanagement (verify users profiles, accept, reject users).
¢ We can maintain all type of users details properly.
¢ Rich user interface.

Number of Modules
1. Commissioner and Field Officers Modules
2. Users Registration Modules
3. Constituency and Zone Modules
4. Party and Nominations Modules
5. Election and result Modules

Modules Description
1. Commissioner and Field Officers Modules:

In this module the role of commissioner is to maintain the field officers and take responsibility of users request to make forward to Field Officers and he has privileges to accept or reject the nominees requests who can participates in election.
2. Users Registration Modules:
This module a general user is willing to participates in voting then first he has to make request to commissioner by filling registration form. After getting the permissions he will get a username, password, using that username, password he/she attends in election.
3. Constituency and Zone Modules
In this specified module the commissioner is enter the details of each constituency and zone details. Total area is divided into zones and each zone contain many constituencies to select the nominated persons.
4. Party and Nominations Modules
In this election the members/nominees whose participating in election may belongs to a particular party and each party contain its own party symbol, agenda/manifesto and campaigns. The persons (nominated) who participating in election may belongs to party.

5. Election and result Modules
In this module nominated peoples are participating in election and based on the users who participates in polling the nominated person will be elected.

Users of System
A. Commissioner
B. Filed Officer
C. Nominee
D. User
E. Normal Users

Software Requirements

Operating System : Windows XP/2003 or Linux
User Interface : HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting : JavaScript
Programming Language : Java
Web Applications : JDBC, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench : My Eclipse 6.0
Database : Oracle 10g
Server Deployment : Tomcat 5.x

Hardware Requirements
Processor : Pentium IV
Hard Disk : 40GB
RAM : 512MB or more
I need source code and project report on ONLINE NATIONAL POLLING .please do mail it .Sad
hi there...
I need the source code of this project..urgently..

plz plz plz mail it to me at shishirtri[at]gmail[dot]com
Project Scenario Detailed View
Name of the Project Online National Polling
Objective/Vision We live in a democracy and voting is one of our fundamental duties as responsible citizens of the country, but nowhere around the country a 100% people come to vote during the elections in their territory. There have been many reasons for that some of them are:
¢ In the rural areas the influential people keep their men at the polling booths to threaten the common man to vote for them
¢ There are many portions of the country like the North East where there is locally sponsored terrorism, at such places the security conditions are also not very bright, so naturally people feel afraid to come out of their houses and go to vote
¢ Net savvy new generation want hassle free voting system. Also the people in metros want a system thru which they can vote for their territory without traveling.
Keeping in mind these situations and to improve the state of democracy in the country Online Polling System can be thought as a solution, in conjunction with the ongoing current manual voting system.
User of the System A. General Public
B. Candidates
C. Administrators (Election Commission Officers)
D. Field Officers
Functional Requirements i. Online registration for the voter id card which will be verified by the field officers (address and identity validation) and after receiving the field officer's report only the registration will be validated and a voter id will be issued (a photograph will have to be uploaded). You can also think about any other secure method like digital signature.
ii. Those already having a voter id card can register for the online voting system, they will use their voter id as their user name and a separate password will be used for secure authentication.
iii. The election commission will be able to use the site to let the candidates register for their nomination on the site and their officers will validate it. Candidates can run their election campaign through forums and chat-room.
iv. A detailed profile of all the candidates constituency wise will be maintained so that voters can always know about the candidates of their area.
v. Once registered when ever polling is done in any area that areas' people will be able to vote for their favorite candidates.
vi. Devise a mechanism that ensures duplicates voting (online & offline) is not happening.
vii. The system would show the current statistics as well on the web site about how many votes which candidates have got.
viii. Later when the voting ends the administrator can add the manual poling results to the database to calculate the final results which will immediately be flashed on the site.
ix. Facilitate appropriate communication between all stakeholders - Discussion forum/chat/mail/polls
x. Candidates should be able to modify selected portions of their profile after registration for nomination like the promises they make about the things to do after winning the election, their previous works, their experiences and a comprehensive about me, etc.
Non-Functional Requirements i. Secure access of confidential data (userâ„¢s details). SSL can be used.
ii. 24 X 7 availability
iii. Better component design to get better performance at peak time
iv. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension
Optional Features 1. Java based client for User-C & D
2. SMS based inquiry of the voting results
3. Customizable color skins.
User Interface Priorities A. Professional look and feel
B. Use of AJAX (MUST with all registration forms)
C. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozila, and Firefox.
D. Use of Graphical tool like JASPER to show strategic data to admin
E. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF or any other desirable format
Reports A. Percentage voting done in different areas, regions, the overall voting percentage.
B. Number of votes that different candidates got based on the areas, regions etc.
C. The statistics of all the elections done so far should be available based on date or year of election.
D. Reports containing details of voters, candidates based on many criterions should be available to administrator.
Other Important issues A. The architecture should be highly scalable and the web site should be tuned for better performance at the peak time.
B. Website should be highly customizable and flexible enough to easily deploy.
Team Size (Maximum) 4
Technologies to be Used UML, Java, J2EE, XML, e-Forms, AJAX, Web 2.0, Web-services, SOA
Tools to be Used ¢ ROSE/RSA / WebSphere Modeler
¢ Eclipse/ RAD / Lotus Forms Designer / Portlet Factory
¢ WebSphere Portal/ WAS/ WAS CE / WPS
¢ DB2 Express “ ˜C™ or DB2 UDB
¢ Tivoli CDP/TSM / Tivoli Directory Server
¢ Linux will be the preferred OS.
Final Deliverable must Include A. Online or offline help to above said users, Application deployment executive and developer
B. Application archive ( .war/.ear ) with source code
C. Database backup and DDL Script
D. Complete Source code
i want the source code of this project please mail me...urgent anilkumarreddy000[at]
these links have posted the source code for online polling:
hey i want source code and the explaination of this project... plz mail me....
i want the source code of this project please mail me
i need source code of ONLINE POLLING SYSTEM............ please reply me

plz send me the total details of the ONLINE POLLING SYSTEM along with abstract,documentation,ppt,pdf....
sir please send me the total details about ONLINE POLLING SYSTEM along wih ppt,abstract,doumentation & execution processSmile
[/size][/font]ple send online polling uml diagram.
[/size][/font]ple send online polling uml diagram.
i want the information regarding existing system with draw backs
i want the information regarding existing system with draw backs
Online National Polling

This is a system which enables all citizens to cast their vote online. increasing the voting percentage across the country is the major goal of this project. people have to visit the booth to cast their vote in the present system across the country. This system is online and hence even people who live out of their home town can also vote.
The software will be used by citizens to cast their vote online and also the election candidates can use it for the purpose of campaigning online. registration of voter and for filling nomination forms of the candidates are the further purposes of the software. database of all the eligible citizens and candidates are maintained by the software.

Description in Product Perspective

• The web pages (XML/JSP) are present to provide the user interface on customer client side. HTTP or HTTPS will be used for the customer and server communication.,

Software Interface
The Client on Internet: Web Browser, Operating System (any). The Web Server used is WAS. and the database server is DB2. The development end consists of WSAD (J2EE, Java, Java Bean, Servlets, XML), DB2, OS (Linux), Web Server.

User Characteristics:
The user should have a working knowledge of computer and net browsing. The GUI is in english only and as such, they must know English.

-This system is working for single server
-GUI not available in regional languages

for full details, visit:

This is an open source project that is being developed and documented at:
plaese send the code,execution and running of this project

hi i want 2 do an efficient project on online national polling that must help 4 the govt of india n i want some good ideas 4 thaat a a help. so plz kindly post any information regarding onlinenational pollingCool
make i please get the proposal for database replication,consistency and update propagation.
proposal for clock synchronisation.
proposal for data security.HuhHuhHuh



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hi .... i am also doing the same project "online national polling" so please kindly send me the source code ,uml diagrams ,srs,and any details
hi if you get the source code please send me at "sathish.valusa[at]"
Hi i've attached the project requirements....could pls help me to make a srs within 2 hrs...pls.....


1.Name of the Project
Online National Polling
2.Objective/ Vision

We live in a democracy and voting is one of our
fundamental duties as responsible citizens of the country,
but nowhere around the country a 100% people come to
vote during the elections in their territory. There have
been many reasons for that some of them are:
• In the rural areas the influential people keep their men at
the polling booths to threaten the common man to vote for
• There are many portions of the country like the North
East where there is locally sponsored terrorism, at such
places the security conditions are also not very bright, so
naturally people feel afraid to come out of their houses and
go to vote
• Net savvy new generation want hassle free voting
system. Also the people in metros want a system thru
which they can vote for their territory without traveling.
Keeping in mind these situations and to improve the state
of democracy in the country Online Polling System can be
thought as a solution, in conjunction with the ongoing
current manual voting system.
3.Users of the System

A. General Public
B. Candidates
C. Administrators (Election Commission Officers)
D. Field Officers
4.Functional Requirements
(Atleast Eight)

i. Online registration for the voter id card which will be
verified by the field officers (address and identity
validation) and after receiving the field officer's report only
the registration will be validated and a voter id will be
issued (a photograph will have to be uploaded). You can
also think about any other secure method like digital
ii. Those already having a voter id card can register for the
online voting system, they will use their voter id as their
user name and a separate password will be used for secure
iii. The election commission will be able to use the site to
let the candidates register for their nomination on the site
and their officers will validate it. Candidates can run their
election campaign through forums and chat-room.
iv. A detailed profile of all the candidates constituency wise
will be maintained so that voters can always know about
the candidates of their area.
v. Once registered when ever polling is done in any area
that areas' people will be able to vote for their favorite
vi. Devise a mechanism that ensures duplicates voting
(online & offline) is not happening.
vii. The system would show the current statistics as well on
the web site about how many votes which candidates have
viii. Later when the voting ends the administrator can add
the manual poling results to the database to calculate the
final results which will immediately be flashed on the site.
ix. Facilitate appropriate communication between all
stakeholders - Discussion forum/chat/mail/polls
x. Candidates should be able to modify selected portions of
their profile after registration for nomination like the
promises they make about the things to do after winning
the election, their previous works, their experiences and a
comprehensive about me, etc.

5.Non-functional requirements (Atleast Four)

i. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used.
ii. 24 X 7 availability
iii. Better component design to get better performance at peak time
iv. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension

6.Optional features

1. Java based client for User-C & D
2. SMS based inquiry of the voting results
3. Customizable color skins.

7.User interface priorities

A. Professional look and feel
B. Use of AJAX atleast with all registration forms
C. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozila, and Firefox.
D. Use of Graphical tool like JASPER to show strategic data to admin
E. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF or any other desirable format


A. Percentage voting done in different areas, regions, the
overall voting percentage.
B. Number of votes that different candidates got based on
the areas, regions etc.
C. The statistics of all the elections done so far should be
available based on date or year of election.
D. Reports containing details of voters, candidates based
on many criterions should be available to administrator.

9.Other important issues

A. The architecture should be highly scalable and the web
site should be tuned for better performance at the peak
B. Website should be highly customizable and flexible
enough to easily deploy.

10.Technologies to be used UML, J2EE, XML, e-Forms, AJAX, Web 2.0, Web-services, SOA

11.Tools to be Used

• ROSE/RSA / WebSphere Modeler
• Eclipse/ RAD / Lotus Forms Designer / Portlet Factory
• WebSphere Portal/ WAS/ WAS CE / WPS
• DB2 Express – ‘C’ or DB2 UDB
• Tivoli CDP/TSM / Tivoli Directory Server
• Linux will be the preferred OS.

plz send me the Source code of the project at rishudashing[at]
can u send me the source code for online national polling
i want the source code of this project.
plz mail :- kapilgoyal.goyal1[at]

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