
1. The technique of spreading a marketing message from one person to another by word-of-mouth is known as:
(A)Viral Marketing(B) Virtual Marketing
(C ) B2B Marketing(D) Synchro Marketing

2. The process of protecting an endangered animal species in its natural habitat is :
(A)Biodiversity Conservation(B)  Sustainable Development
(C ) Ex Situ Conservation(D) In Situ Conservation

3.Tata Tea 'Jaago Re' campaign is an example for :
(A)Customer Relationship Management (B)Corporate Social Responsibility (C ) Cause Related Marketing
(D)Corporate Social Responsibility Green Marketing

4.Charting the expenditure of resources over the proposed lime of a project is known as :
(A)J Curve(B) Phillips Curve
(C ) IS Curve(D) S Curve

5.An inspiring leader with exceptional personal qualities is known as :
(A)A Charismatic Leader(B) A Transactional Leader
(C ) A Transformational Leader(D) An Autocratic Leader

6.A registered word or symbol used to distinguish and promote a product is known as :
(C )Trademark(D)Label

7.The form of advertising resorted by companies to promote banned products is :
(A)Surrogate Advertising(B)Covert Advertising
(C )Overt Advertising(D)PPC Advertising

8.Who was the father of Co-operative movement Mahatma Gandhi Frederick Nicholson India?
(A) (C )Frederick Nicholson
(B) Dr.M.S.Swaminathan (D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

9. Expansion of AMUL is :
(A) All India Milk Union Ltd.(B)Agricultural Marketing Union Ltd.
(C ) Asian Marketing Union Ltd.(D)Anand Milk Union Ltd.

10.The headquarters of NDDB is at:•
(A) Bihar(B)Gujarath
(C ) New Delhi(D)RajsathanRajasthan

11.TOWS analysis is conducted during : 
(A) Project Control(B)Project Execution
(C ) Project Initiation(D)Project ClosureProject Closure

12.The type of marketing suitable during the period of irregular demand is :
(A) Social Marketing(B)Synchro Marketing
(C ) Demarketing(D)RemarketingRemarketing

13.Which among the following is the mission of NABARD?
(A)Agricultural Credit
(B)Sustainable and Equitable Agriculture and Rural Prosperity
(C )Agricultural Research
(D)Agricultural Development

14.The section of the Co-operative Societies Act which deals with the constitution of the Co-operative Election Commission is :
(A)Section 28B(B)Section 2SC
(C )Section 28D(D)Sections 28A

15.All around review of an employee's performance is known as :
(A)180° Appraisal(B)90° Appraisal
(C )360° Appraisal.(D)100° Appraisal

16.The MultiState Co-operative Societies Act was passedin :
(C )2001(D)2008

17.The process of identifying the specific skill, abilities and behaviour in a job is :
(A)Job Analysis(B)Competency Mapping
(C )Job Specification(D)Job Evaluation

18.“An employee rises to his level of incompetence” is a principle formulated by :
(A)Lawrence J. Peter(B) Peter F.Drucker
(C ) Abraham Maslow(D) Frederick Herzberg

19.The concept of target marketing describes :
(A)A large market of extravagant buyers
(B)A type of domestic market
(C )Targeted needs of a company
(D) Consumer group focused by a company

20.The final authority of a Co-operative Society is :
(A)The Chief Minister(B) The Minister of Co-operation
(C ) The Registrar(D) The General Body

21.Introducing the job and the organisation to a new recruit is :
(A)Recruitment(B) Training
(C ) Induction(D) Introduction

22.In which of the following projects, the contractor agrees to handle every details of the project for his client including the training of the operating staff?
(A)BTO(B)Turnkey Project
(C )BOOT(D)Joint Venture

23.Who developed the dual factor theory of motivation?
(A)David Mclleland(B)John Stacey Adams
(C )Frederick Herzberg(D)Clayton Alderfer

24.Redesigning of jobs to make them more challenging to the employees is referred to as :
(A)Job Satisfaction(B)Job Designing
(C )Job Enlargement(D)Job Enrichment

25.In a demand curve, ‘ceteris paribus’ is a condition of:
(A)All else Inconsistent(B)All else Constant
(C )All else Inverse(D)All else Proportional

26.Who authored the book 'The Human Problems of an Industrialised Civilization”?
(A)George Elton Mayo(B)Karl Marx
(C )Keith Davis(D)Stephen P. Robbins

27. Who developed the Differential Piece Rate System?
(A) Henry Fayol(B)F.A. Halsey
(C ) F.W. Taylor .(D)D.Rowan

28.The Industrial Dispute Act was passed in :
(A) 1067(B)1947
(C ) 1957(D)19871987

29.Which among the following is the training centre of KSEB?

30.The table showing various quantities of a commodity a consumer is ready to buy at various levels of price is termed as :
(A) Market Demand Schedule(B) Individual Demand Schedule
(C ) Consumer Demand Schedule(D) Buyer Demand Schedule

31.The strategy of dividing a large market into subsets of consumers is termed as :
(A)Market Segmentation(B)Market Division
(C )Market Identification(D)Market Evaluation

32.What causes consumers to replace an expensive product with a cheaper product?
(A)Income Effect(B)Price Effect
(C )Substitution Effect(D)Supply Effect

33.The measure of proportionate change in quantity demanded of product B as a result of proportionate change in the price of product A is termed as :
(A) Cross Elasticity(B) Alternative Elasticity
(C ) Price Elasticity(D) Income Elasticity

34. Cochin Co-operative Societies Act was passed in : 
(C )1905

35.Expansion of PLC is :
(A) Product Line Cost (C ) Product Line Circle
(B)Product Launch Campaign
(D)Product Life Cycle

36. Values between 0% and 100% in a task Percentage complete field indicate :
(A) Task is in progress(B) Task has finished
(C )Task has been temporarily Stopped(D) Task has not finished

37.Price in surplus market tends to fall because :
(A)Suppliers charge low price to increase demand
(B)Cost of production decreases as volume of production increases
(C ) Economics of Scale reduces marginal cost
(D)Consumers are not willing to purchase as much as sellers wish to sell

38. Gossip Chain is a type of:
(A)Verbal Communication(B)Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal Communication
(C )Grapevine Communication(D)Interpersonal communicationInterpersonal Communication

39.What is season?the MSP of Paddy per quintal announced by the Government of India for 2015-16
(A)Rs. 1360(B)Rs.1410
(C )Rs. 1400(D)Rs.1350

40.Which among the following is not an economic objective of business?
(A)Employment Generation(B)Innovation
(C )Creation of Customers(D)Best Possible use resourcesBest Possible use of resources

41.Lifetime subscription collected by a publishing company from the customers is an example for:
(A)Accrued Revenue(B)Fictitious AssetsFictitious Assets
(C )Deferred CreditDeferred Credit(D)Prepaid Expenses

42.The term Giffen good is used to denote :
(A)Superior Products(B)Cheaper Products
(C )Best Quality ProductsBest Quality Products(D)Inferior Products

43.The present Union Minister of agriculture of co-operation is :
(A)Radha Mohan Singh(B)Ram Vilas Paswan
(C )Sharad Pawar(D)Chaudhary Birender Singh

44.A long term lease agreement which covers the useful life of an asset is :
(A)Equipment Lease(B)Operating Lease
(C )Service Lease(D)Capital Lease

45.A supply curve slopes upward because :
(A)Price of product and quantity of supply are inversely related
(B)Price of product and quantity of supply are directly related
(C )Increase in Supply reduces the cost of production
(D)Consumers demand more when their income rises

46.The moral Principles which regulate the operations of marketing is known as :
(A) Marketing Laws(B) Principles of Marketing
(C )Marketing Ethics(D)Marketing Regulations

47.Working capital means :
(B)Current Assetsminus Current Liabilities
(C )Current Assets
(D)Fixed Assets minus Fixed Liabilities

48.Which of the following institutions aims to aid the growth and development of MSMEs in India?

49.Which among the following is not an auxilary business activity?
(C )Production(D)Banking

50.The degree of bond between members of a group is termed as :
(C )Conflict(D)Collaboration

51.Planning premise means :
(A)Anticipated environment in which plans are executed to operate
(B)Critical factors which lay down the boundary for planning
(C )Logical estimate of the future factors affecting planning
(D)All of the Above

52.The type of entrepreneur who observes great caution and skepticism in implementing changes in the organisation is :,
(A) Drone Entrepreneur(B) Fabian Entrepreneur
(C ) Intrapreneur(D) Solopreneur

53.An unusual increase in the cost of fabrics :
(A)Shifts the supply curve of garments leftward
(B)Shifts the demand curve of the garments rightward
(C )Shifts the demand curve of the garments leftward •
(D)Shifts the supply curve of garments rightward

54.The acronym SLEPT in environment scanning stands for :
(A)Social, Legal, Educational, Product and Technological Factors
(B)Social, Legal, Educational, Political and Technological Factors
(C )Social, Legal, Educational, Psychological and Technological Factors
(D)Social, Legal, Economical, Political and Technological Factors

55.WBS in Project Management means :
(A)Work Breakdown Software(B)Work Breakdown Standards
(C )Work Breakdown Structure(D)Work Balance Structure

56.The EXIM Bank was set up in the year:
(C )1991(D)19761976

57.Equilibrium price is the price at which :
(A)Products arc sold by the manufacturers
(B)Products are bought by the buyers
(C )Quantity demanded matches quantity supplied
(D)Demand exceeds supply

58.NPV in Project Evaluation means :
NCDO was established in the year :
(C )19811981(D)19851985

59.Which of the following is not an element of theproductmix?
(C )Length(D)Consistency

60.NCDC was established in the year?
(A)New project valuation(B)New Product value
(C )Net Profit value(D)Net Present value

61.NSSO estimates the unemployment based on :
(A)Current weekly status(B)Usual status
(C )Both (A) and (B)(D)None of the above

62.In India full convertibility of rupee on current account was introduced in :
(C )1992- (D)1997

63.The Twelfth Five Year Plan aims :
(A)Towards faster and more inclusive growth
(B)Growth with social justice and equality
(C )Faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth
(D)Faster growth with welfare

64. The largest trading partner of India in 2014 was :
(C )USAUSACD)Singapore

65.According to the Census 2011 the most populated state in India was :
(A)Maharashtra(B)Uttar Pradesh
(C )BiharBihar(D)Madhya Pradesh

66.Macro-economic stabilization programme in 1991 includes:Indiaunder the New Economic Policy of
(A)Fiscal correction(B)Improvement in BoP situations
(C )Control of inflation Control of inflation(D)All the above

67. As per the 68th NSS Round (2011-12) the poverty ratio at the national level was : 
(A) 22 per cent(B) 28 per cent
(C ) 31 percent(D) 25 per cent

68.The Eleventh Five Year Plan aimed at reducing educated unemployment to below :
(A)7 per cent(B)3 per cent
(C )5 per cent(D)6 per cent

69.The major item of export in India under the manufactured goods in 2013-14 was :
(A)Textiles(B)Engineering goods
(C )Gems and Jewellery(D)Chemical and related goods

70.Which is the new poverty alleviation scheme introduced in 1999 by replacing the earlier schemes such as IRDP and TRYSEM?

71.As per the Economic Survey 2013-14, the share of services sector in India's GDP at factor cost was :
(A)52 per cent(B)57 per cent
(C )62 percent(D)48 per cent

72.Who was the chairman of Financial Inclusion Advisory Committee, constituted by the RBI to increase the speed of financial inclusion in India?
(A)K.R. Khan(B)R. Gandhi
(C )S.S. Mundra(D)K.C. Chakrabarty

73. FDI limit (A)in the insurance sector in India is : 26 per cent(B)49 per cent49 per cent
(C )51 percent51 percent(D)100 percent100 per cent

74.The single largest contributor to India’s services exports in 2013-14 was :
(A)Computer services
(B)Professional and consultancy services
(C )R & D services
(D)Technical and trade related services

75.The realised GDP growth rate for the service sector period was :
(A) 7 per cent(B)8 per cent
(C ) 6 percent(D) 10 per cent

76.An effective teacher is one who can :
(A)Maintain discipline in the class
(B)Help students to score well in examination
(C )Give more information in less time
(D)Motivate the students to learn

77.The taxonomy of instructional objectives in the psycho-motor domain was proposed by :
(A)R.H. Dave(B)David Krathwohl
(C )John Dewey(D)B.S. Bloom

78.Which kind of evaluation is called certifying evaluation?
(A)Formative evaluation
(B)Continuous and comprehensive evaluation
(C )Summative evaluation
(D)Diagnostic evaluation

79.Teacher uses teaching aids mainly for :
(A)Making learning more interesting and meaningful
(B)Making learning effective
(C )Making students attentive
(D)Effective realization of teaching - learning objectives

80.The quality of research is judged by :
(A)Publication of research findings(B)Methodology followed
(C )Relevance of the results(D)Competency of the researcher

81.Which among the following feature of constitution of India is derived from Weimer Constitution of Germany?
(B)Procedure established by law
(C )Suspension of fundamental rights during the Emergency
(D)Right to Property as legal right

82.Brand Ambassador of 35th National Games 2015 :
(A)Sachin Thendulkar(B)Mohanlal
(C )Saniya Mirza(D)Amithabh Bachan.

83.‘Jeevitham Thanne Sandesam’ is a biography written by M K Sanu on whose life?
(A)Sree Narayana Guru(B)Chavara Kuriakose Elias Achan
(C )Mother Therassa(D)Mahatma Gandhi

84.‘Rural Employment Guarantee Act’ enact in India at first (1970s) is by :
(C )Goa(D)Maharashtra

85.Name the freedom fighter whose 150th birth anniversary in 2015 January’ 28 :
(A)Sardar Vallabhai Patel(B)Madan MohanMalavya
(C )Bala Gangadhara Thilak(D)Lala Laj Path Rai

86.The publication “Desabhimani” (1915) started by :
(A) T. K. Madhavan(B) A. K. Gopalan
(C ) K.Kelappan' (D) P. Krishnapillai

87.The 53rd Constitutional Amendment of India provides a full statehood of is on :
(C )Arunachal Pradesh(D)Tripura

88.First President of N.S.S (Nair Service Society):
(A) Mannathu Padmanabhan(B) K.Paramu Pillai
(C ) K. Kelappan(D) Barristor G.P.Pillai

89.The Newspaper ‘Sujananandini’ in 1891, helped to spread Sreenarayana Guru's message of social reform, was published by :
(A) K.V. Kunhiraman(B) Dr. Palpu
(C ) Paravoor Kesavanasan(D) Mahakavi Kumaranasan

90.In India, Money Bill is certified by :
(A) The President(B) Prime Minister
(C ) Finance Minister(D) The Speaker

91.The Kallu Mala Samaram associated with which district:
(A) Trivandrum(B) Kollam
(C ) Kottayam(D) Alapuzha

92.First coir factory established in the year of 1859 at Alappuzha by :
(A)Mr. James Darragh.(B)Mr. William Goodacre
(C )Mr. Aspinwall(D)Mr.Volkart Brothers

93.Sama Panthi Bhojana, the social agitation against caste evil of medieval Kerala organised by:
(A)Mannath Padmanabhan(B)Vagbhadanandan
(C )Sree Narayana Guru(D)Vaikunda Swamikal

94.“Mr. Ayyankali, King of Pulayas---------" the historical declaration given by.
(A)Dr. Ambedkar(B)Jawaharlal Nehru
(C )Mahatma Gandhi(D)Jyothi Rao Phule

95.“A Dictionary of High and Colloquial Malayalim and English”, compiled, printed and published in Kerala in the year of 1846 by :
(A)Herman Gundart(B)Benjamin Baily
(C )William Logan(D)Rev. J Strobel

96.The Indian boxer who refused to accept the bronze medal at Asian Games 2014 :
(A)Saritha Devi(B)Karnam Malleswari
(C )Mary Com(D)Geethu Anna Goerge

97.Islam Dharma Paripalana Sanghom (1906) the socio religious movement for the reform among Muslims was setup by :
(A)Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi(B)Abdurahiman Sahib
(C )Mamburam Thangal(D)Makthi Thangal

98.The Travancore ruler whom Mahatma Gandhi visited during his Kerala visit in 1925 :
(A)Sri Avitom Thirunal(B)Sri Moolam Thirunal
(C )Sethu Lakshmi Bai(D)Umayamma Rani

99.Kerala State Science Congress 2015 held at:
(C )Thiruvananthapuram(D)Wayanad

100.“Unni Namboothiri” was a :
(A)Main Character of Indulekha, a novel by Chandu Menon
(B)Publication of Yogakshema Sabha
(C )Pen name of E.M.S Namboothirippad
(D)Drama written by V.T Bhattathirippad

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