nano technology in memory devices full report


Nanotechnology deals with the study of nano sized particles. With the study of nano size particles, devices and composites, we will find ways to make stronger materials, detect diseases in the bloodstream, build extremely tiny machines, generate light and energy and purify water. The most fascinating application of Nanotechnology is that to make Nano sized switches to store information. The memory needs of the contemporary world have increased dramatically. Fulfilling these needs, a constant work to improve the capacities of todayâ„¢s memory devices is in progress. The maximum available semiconductor RAM in common use is of 1GB. Even this could not fill the growing memory desire of todayâ„¢s users. As a result a nonvolatile, fast and vast RAM has been built with the combination of semiconductor and nanotechnology, named as NRAM (Nano RAM).
The main objective of this paper is to show how NANOTECHNOLOGY comfortably mingles with the existing semiconductor technology to from a sup erior RAM, which is nonvolatile, vast and economical, both, in price and power consumption . An effort, to explain why and how the Nano”RAM™s are superior to the existing forms of RAM devices, is made in the introductory part. This paper also includes the design and description of the Nano”RAM, followed by its advantages and disadvantages. As the CARBON NANOTUBE forms the heart of these devices , a short notes is also added to introduce the CARBON NANOTUBE™s. Efforts are also made to include a small comparison between the Nano”RAM and other possible RAM technologies which claim themselves Universal as that of Nano”RAM.

Submitted by
BYK.ARUN KUMAR [Corresponding Author] C.H. BHARGAVI


Today the world is of digital. All the electronic devices are formalized to manipulate the digital data. The back -bone of today™s research and development The Computer is also a digital device. Digital by name deals with digits and all the gadgets available today (like PDA™s, laptops, etc¦) need to manipulate the digital data. To manipulate first we have to store it at a place. Thus MEMORY in t oday™s world plays a key role and a constant research to improve the memory in today ™s electronic gadgets is ON.
RAM (random access memory) is the main storage device in all digital systems. The speed of the system mainly depends on how speed and vast the RAM is. Today with increasing power need of man even the POWER consumed is also a major part to look at. By generations RAM also had under gone many changes. Some of the versions of RAMâ„¢s which are in use are DRAM, SRAM and FLASH MEMORY. DRAM (dynamic RAM) although has a capability to hold large amounts of data it is slower and volatile.
SRAM (static RAM) even superior to DRAM in speed but less denser . Even this is volatile in nature. Over coming the volatile nature of these two FLASH MEMORY is the latest of today random access memories. Even this fails in power saving. Overcoming all these failures of above mentioned RAMâ„¢s , researchers developed a new RAM which unlike the semiconductor technology alone used by the former, uses a combination of NANOTECHNOLOGY and contemporary SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY and is given the name NRAM.

Nano-RAM, is a proprietary computer memory technology from the company Nantero. It is a type of nonvolatile random access memory bas ed on the mechanical position of carbon nanotubes deposited on a chip -like substrate. In theory the small size of the nanotubes allows for very high density memories. Na ntero also refers to it as NRAM in short, but this acronym is also commonly used as a s ynonym for the more common NVRAM (nonvolatile random access memory), which refers to all nonvolatile RAM memories. The active element used in this is a CARBON NANOTUBE.

Carbon nanotubes are cylinders, measuring a nanometer or so in diamet er, that display a surface of hexagonal carbon rings that give the material the appearance of a honeycomb or chicken wire. The chemical bonds between carbon atoms in nanotubes are stronger than in diamond. Carbon nanotubes are 50 times stronger than steel, yet five times less dense. These are highly elastic and resilient to heat, and have large surface area.
Nanotubes conduct electrically better than copper, which makes them a contender for replacing the delicate wires that connect components together insi de computer chips. But only that, these can carry heat far more efficiently than diamond one of the best heat conductors around. So if the processor chips are made from nanotubes, there would be little risk of burning up. No matter how hard a nanotube is s queezed, it will bend and buckle without breaking, springing back into shape as soon as the external force is removed.

The design is quite simple. Nanotubes can serve as individually addressable electromechanical switches arrayed across the surface of a microchip, storing hundreds of gigabits of information may be even a terabit. An electric field applied to a nanotube would cause it to flex downward into depression etched onto the chipâ„¢s surface, where it would contact rather another nanotube or touch a metallic electrode. Once bent, the nanotubes can remain that way, including when the power is turned off, allowing for non-volatile operation. Vanderwaals forces, which are weak molecular forces of attractions, would hold the switch in place until application of fields of different polarity causes the nanotube to return to its straightened position. Fig: simple construction of NRAM showing its Various components.
respectively, for a random access memory. In its ˜0™state, the nanotube fabric remains suspended above the electrode. When the transistor below the electrode is turned on, the electrode is turned on, the electrode produces an electric field that causes the nanotube fabric to bend and touch the electrode - a configuration that denotes ˜1™ state. This is the principle of a switching device.
A nanotube memory is faster much smaller while consuming little power. Due to their extraordinary tensile strength, resilience and very high conductivity, nanotubes can be flexed up and down million times without any damage and can make a very good switchingcontact.
Nanotubes purchased from bulk suppliers are a form of high -tech carbon soot that contains a residue of about 5 percent iron a containment that must be removed before further processing. It requires a complex filtration process to reduce the amount of iron to the parts per billion levels. The purified carbon nanotubes are deposited as a film on the surface of a silicon wafer without interfering with adjoi ning electrical circuitry from which chips are carved.
Deposition of nanotubes onto the wafer using a gas vapour requires temperatures so high that the circuitry already in place would be ruined. It is therefore done by spraying a special solvent containing nanotube on the top of the silicon disk spinning like a phonograph record. The thin film of nanotubes left after the solvent is evaporated, is subjected to standard semiconductor lithography and etching, which leave the surface groupings of nanotubes with interconnecting wires. Thereafter, chips are cut from the wafer and encapsulated by the standard IC technology.
NRAM has a density, at least in theory, similar to that of DRAM. DRAM consists of a number of capacitors, which are essentially two small metal plates with a thin insulator between them. NRAM is similar, with the terminals and electrodes being roughly the same size as the plates in a DRAM, the nanotubes between them being so much smaller they add nothing to th e overall size. However it seems there is a minimum size at which a DRAM can be built, below which there is simply not enough charge being stored to be able to effectively read it. NRAM appears to be limited only by the current state of art in lithography. This means that NRAM may be able to become much denser than DRAM, meaning that it will also be less expensive, if it becomes possible to control the locations of carbon nanotubes at the scale the Semiconductor Industry can control the placement of devices on SILICON.
Additionally, unlike DRAM, NRAM does not require power to "refresh" it, and will retain its memory even after the power is removed. Additionally the power needed to write to the device is much lower than a DRAM, which has to build up charge on the plates. This means that NRAM will not only compete with DRAM in terms of cost, but will require much less power to run, and as a result also be much faster (write speed is largely determined by the total charge needed). NRAM can theoretically reach sp eeds similar to SRAM, which is faster than DRAM but much less dense, and thus much more expensive.
In comparison with other NVRAM technologies, NRAM has the potential to be even more advantageous. The most common form of NVRAM today is Flash RAM, which combines a bistable transistor circuit known as a flipflop (also the basis of SRAM) with a high-performance insulator wrapped around one of the transistor's bases. After being written to, the insulator traps electrons in the base electrode, locking it into th e "1" state. However, in order to change that bit the insulator has to be "overcharged" to erase any charge already stored in it. This requires high voltage, about 10 volts, much more than a battery can provide. Flash systems thus have to include a "charge pump" that slowly builds up power and then releases it at higher voltage. This process is not only very slow, but degrades the insulators as well. For this reason Flash has a limited lifetime, between 10,000 and 1,000,000 "writes" before the device will n o longer operate effectively.
NRAM potentially avoids all of these issues. The read and write process are both "low energy" in comparison to Flash (or DRAM for that matter), meaning that NRAM can result in longer battery life in conventional devices. It ma y also be much faster to write than either, meaning it may be used to replace both. A modern cellphone will often include Flash memory for storing phone numbers and such, DRAM for higher speed working memory because flash is too slow, and additionally some SRAM in the CPU because DRAM is too slow for its own use. With NRAM all of these may be replaced, with some NRAM placed on the CPU to act as the CPU cache, and more in other chips replacing both the DRAM and Flash.

Comparison with other proposed systems NRAM is one of a variety of new memory systems, many of which claim to be "universal" in the same fashion as NRAM -- replacing everything from Flash to DRAM to SRAM.
The only system currently ready for commercial use is ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM or FeRAM). FeRAM adds a small amount of a ferro -electric material in an otherwise "normal" DRAM cell, the state of the field in the material encoding the bit in a non-destructive format. FeRAM has all of the advantages of NRAM, although the smallest possible cell size is much larger than for NRAM. FeRAM is currently in use in a number of applications where the limited number of writes in Flash is an issue, but due to the massive investment in Flash factories (fabs), it has not yet been able to even replace Flash in the market.
Other more speculative memory systems include MRAM and PRAM. MRAM is based on a magnetic effect similar to that utilized in modern hard drives, the memory as a whole consisting of a grid of small magnetic "dots" each holding one bit. Key to MRAM's potential is the way it reads the memory using the magneto -restrictive effect, allowing it to read the memory both non -destructively and with very little power. Unfortunately it appears MRAM is already reaching it's fundamental smallest cell size, already much larger than existing Flash devices. PRAM is based on a technology similar to that in a writable CD or DVD, using a phase -change material that changes its magnetic or electrical properties instead of its optical ones. PRAM appears to have a small cell size as well, although current devices are nowhere near small enough to find if there is some practical limit.
Though this technology today is limited to laboratories and not economically viable, some new method of construction will have to be introduced in order to make the system practical. Once this is d one we can see the enabling of instant-on computers, which boot and reboot instantly with un-imaginable memory sizes , as well as highdensity portable memory - MP3 players with 1000s of songs, PDAs with 10 gigabytes of memory, high-speed network servers and much more.

RAM  Random Access Memory
NRAM  Nano Random Access Memory
DRAM  Dynamic Random Access Memory
SRAM  Static Random Access Memor y
MRAM  Magnetic Random Access Memory
Fe RAM  Ferro Electric Random Access Memory
PDA  Personal Digital Assistant
1. Nanotube RAM could displace silicon memory
-J. Eric smith
4. The incredible shrinking Nanotube Memory
-E.F.Y magazine.


Nanotechnology deals with the study of nano sized particles. With the study of nano size particles, devices and composites, we will find ways to make stronger materials, detect diseases in the bloodstream, build extremely tiny machines, generate light and energy and purify water. The most fascinating application of Nanotechnology is that to make Nano\ sized switches to store information. The memory needs of the contemporary world have increased dramatically. Fulfilling these needs, a constant work to improve the capacities of today’s memory devices is in progress. The maximum available semiconductor RAM in common use is of 1GB. Even this could not fill the growing memory desire of today’s users. As a result a nonvolatile, fast and vast RAM has been built with the combination of semiconductor and nanotechnology, named as NRAM (Nano RAM). The main objective of this paper is to show how NANOTECHNOLOGY comfortably mingles with the existing semiconductor technology to from a sup erior RAM, which is nonvolatile, vast and economical, both, in price and power consumption . An effort, to explain why and how the Nano—RAM’s are superior to the existing forms of RAM devices, is made in the introductory part. This paper also includes the design and description of the Nano RAM, followed by its advantages and disadvantages. As the CARBON NANOTUBE forms the heart of these devices , a short notes is also added to introduce the CARBON NANOTUBE’s. Efforts are also made to include a small comparison between the Nano RAM and other possible RAM technologies which claim themselves “Universal” as that of Nano—RAM.
Today the world is of digital. All the electronic devices are formalized to manipulate the digital data. The back -bone of today’s research and development “The Computer” is also a digital device. Digital by name deals with digits and all the gadgets available today (like PDA’s, laptops, etc…) need to manipulate the digital data. To manipulate first we have to store it at a place. Thus MEMORY in t oday’s world plays a key role and a constant research to improve the memory in today ’s electronic gadgets is ON. RAM (random access memory) is the main storage device in all digital systems. The speed of the system mainly depends on how speed and vast the RAM is. Today with increasing power need of man even the POWER consumed is also a major part to look at. By generations RAM also had under gone many changes. Some of the versions of RAM’s which are in use are DRAM, SRAM and FLASH MEMORY. DRAM (dynamic RAM) although has a capability to hold large amounts of data it is slower and volatile. SRAM (static RAM) even superior to DRAM in speed but less denser . Even this is volatile in nature. Over coming the volatile nature of these two FLASH MEMORY is the latest of today random access memories. Even this fails in power saving. Overcoming all these failures of above mentioned RAM’s , researchers developed a new RAM which unlike the semiconductor technology alone used by the former, uses a combination of NANOTECHNOLOGY and contemporary SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY and is given the name NRAM.
Nano-RAM, is a proprietary computer memory technology from the company Nantero. It is a type of nonvolatile random access memory bas ed on the mechanical position of carbon nanotubes deposited on a chip -like substrate. In theory the small size of the nanotubes allows for very high density memories. Na ntero also refers to it as NRAM in short, but this acronym is also commonly used as a s ynonym for the morecommon NVRAM (nonvolatile random access memory), which refers to all nonvolatile RAM
memories. The active element used in this is a CARBON NANOTUBE.
Carbon nanotubes are cylinders, measuring a nanometer or so in diamet er, that display a surface of hexagonal carbon rings that give the material the appearance of a honeycomb or chicken wire. The chemical bonds between carbon atoms in nanotubes are stronger than in diamond. Carbon nanotubes are 50 times stronger than steel, yet five times less dense. These are highly elastic and resilient to heat, and have large surface area. Nanotubes conduct electrically better than copper, which makes them a contender for replacing the delicate wires that connect components together insi de computer chips. But only that, these can carry heat far more efficiently than diamond one of the best heat conductors around. So if the processor chips are made from nanotubes, there would be little risk of burning up. No matter how hard a nanotube is s queezed, it will bend and buckle without breaking, pringing back into shape as soon as the external force is removed.
The design is quite simple. Nan tubes can serve as individually addressable lectromechanical switches arrayed across the surface of a microchip, storing hundreds of igabits of information may be even a terabit. An electric field applied to a nanotube ould ause it to flex downward into depression etched onto the chip’s surface, where it would ontact rather another nanotube or touch a metallic electrode. Once bent, the nanotubes an emain that way, including when the power is turned off, allowing for non volatile peration. Vanderwaals forces, which are weak molecular forces of attractions, ould hold he switch in place until application of fields f different polarity causes the anotube to eturn to its straightened position. ig: simple construction of NRAM showing ts arious omponents. s shown in fig sagging and straightening represent ’1’ and ‘0’ tates,\ pectively, for a random access memory. In its ‘0’state, the nanotube fabric emains spended above the electrode. When the transistor below the electrode is turned on, the ectrode is turned on, the electrode produces an electric field that causes the nanotube bric o bend and touch the electrode - a configuration that denotes ‘1’ state. This is the rinciple a switching device. nanotube memory is faster much smaller while consuming ittle power. Due to heir extraordinary tensile strength, resilience and very high onductivity, nanotubes can e flexed up and down million times without any damage and an make a very good witchingcontact.
As shown in fig sagging and straightening represent ’1’ and ‘0’ states espectively, for a andom access memory. In its ‘0’state, the nanotube fabric remains uspended above the lectrode. When the transistor below the electrode is turned on, the lectrode is turned on, he electrode produces an electric field that causes the nanotube abric to bend and touch he electrode - a configuration that denotes ‘1’ state. This is the rinciple of a switching evice. nanotube memory is faster much smaller while consuming little power. Due to heir extraordinary tensile strength, resilience and very high conductivity, nanotubes can e lexed up and down million times without any damage and can make a very good witchingcontact. ig: suspended nanotube switched connection anotubes purchased from ulk suppliers are a form of high -tech carbon soot that

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