MUNICIPAL SECRETARY - GR III - URBAN AFFAIRS kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. The smallest perfect square which is exactly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 
(A) 1600. 
(B) 900
(C ) 784
(D) 1800

2.A does a work in 16 days and B does work in 12 days. B together with a boy does the same work in 8 days. How much time will the boy alone take to do the work?
(A) 96 '
(B) 48
(C ) 32
(D) 24

3.A train clears a platform of 200 meters long 10 seconds. The length of the train is :in 15 seconds and passes a telegraph post in
(A) 100 meters
(B) 200 meters
(C ) 300 meters
(D) 400 meters

4.Two concentric circles have their radii 4 cm and 6 cm. The area of the space between then (use n - —) is : 7
(A) —— sq. cm/ w 550 528 
(B) —— sq. cm/r-N 440
(C ) —— sq. cm88 
(D) y sq. cm

5.The L.C.M of two numbers is 864 and their H.C.F is 144. If one of the numbers is 288 the other number :
(A) 432
(B) 576
(C ) 1296
(D) 144

6.Income of Rajesh is* 25% more than the income of Girish. The income of Girish is less than the income of Rajesh by :
(A) 25%
(B) 20% '
(C ) 30%
(D) 22%

7. Sanu’s present age is one fourth of his father’s age. Father has 30 years more than Sanu. The present age of Sanu :
(A) 12
(C ) 10

8.If A : R = 2: 3 and B:C = 6 :5 then A :C:
(A) 2:5
(C ) 4:5

9.3 An outlet empties — of the tank in 12 minutes. To empty the remaining content it should
further take :
(A) 20 minutes
(B)12 minutes
(C ) 15 minutes
(D)i8 minutes

10.Ramu bought 40 kg of wheat at Rs. 12.50 per kg and 25 kg at Rs. 15.10 per kg. He mixed them together. At what rate should he sell the mixture to earn 10% profit?
(A) Rs. 14.85
(B)Rs. 13.50
(C ) Rs. 13.25
(D)Rs. 14.75 .

11.Find the next number : 3, 10, 32, 100,:
(A) 345
(C ) 440
(D)460 .

12.In a code DET = 8189, then MET = :
(A) 10320'
(C ) 594

13.Geetha is taller than Seetha, but shorter than Rema. Rema is shorter than Swapna, but taller than Maya. Who is the tallest among them?
(A) Swapna
(C ) Maya

14.Vinod walked 4 km towards east. Then he turned left and walked 3 kms. Then he again turned left and walked 4 kms. Now how far is he from the starting place?
(A) 2 km
(B)11 km
(C ) 3 km
(D)4 km

15. Syam was born on August 11. Mohan is 11 days elder than Syam. Independence day of that year was on Monday. Then Mohan’s birthday is on :
(A) Monday
(C ) Sunday 

Find the odd man :
(A) Tapioca
(C ) Beetroot

17.Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are seated around a round table facing each other : .
(1)A is opposite to D and to the left of E
(2)B is opposite to C but not near to F -
(3)D is between B and F.
Then who is to the left of F

18.How many such 9’s are there in the following sequence which are immediately followed by 4 but not immediately preceded by 8?

19.A clock when see through the mirror reads a quarter past three. What should be the actual time?

20.I am 10th in the queue from either end. How many people are there in the queue?

21.Dry ice is
(A)Solid CO2’ 
(B)Solid NO2
©Solid SO2
(D)Solid CO

22.Acid usedto wash eyes :
(A)Lactic acid 
(B)Acetic acid
©Boric acid
(D)Citric acid

23. Beri Beri is caused due to the deficiency of:
(A) Vitamin A '
(B)Vitamin B
(C ) Vitamin C
(D)Vitamin D

Which among the following has same unit? 
(A)Power and Pressure
(B)Work and Pressure
©Power and Energy
(D)Work and Energy

Sky is blue in colour because : 
(A) Reflection
(C ) Scattering

26. Hydrogen has high calorific value. But it is not used as domestic fuel:
(A)It is rare in atmosphere
(B)It is light in weight
©It has explosive nature
(D)Hydrogen cumbust to give harmful products

27.When limejuice is added to pure water it’s pH?
(A) increases
(C ) remains same
(D)increases and then decreases

28.The planet which gives highest weight for substance :

29.Only metal which has boiling point below room temperature :
(A) Mercury
(C ) Potassium

30.The polymer found in crustacean shell:
(A) Calcium carbonate
(C ) Cellulose

31.UN celebrate the year 2013 as :
(A) Bio-diversity day
(B)Water Co-operation day
(C ) Chemistry day
(D)Forest day

32.Information Commissioner of India :
(A)Sushama Singh (C ) Nirupama Rao
(B) Mamata Sarma (D) Sushama Swaraj

33.Which amendment declare that Delhi as National capital territory of India?

34.The viceroy of British India who introduced the ‘Illbert bill’ was :
(A)Lord Curzon
(B)Lord Canning
©Lord Rippon
(D)Lord Lytton

35.Which district has been declared the first ‘E ’ district in Kerala?
(A)Ernakulam .

36.‘Hybernation’ is :
(A) Autumn sleep 
(B) Spring sleep
(C ) Summer sleep
(D) Winter sleep 

37.Tropical cyclones in ‘Atlantic ocean’:
(A) Typhoons 
(B) Hurricanes
(C ) Willi-Willies
(D) Tornadoes

38.Nobel prize for literature in 2013 :
(A) James Rothman 
(B) Peter Hansen
(C ) Alees Mantro
(D)Martin Kalps

39. The famous resolution on non-co-operation adopted by Indian National congress in a special session held at:
(A) Bombay 
(B) Culcutta 
(C ) Lucknow
(D) Madras

40.“ Travelling through conflict” is written by :
(A) Hamid Ansari  
(B) Hamid Karsai 
(C ) V.S. Naipaul
(D) Abdul Kalam

41.International day of peace :
(A) September 12 
(B) September 21
(C ) October 24
(D) October 26

42.“Go back to the Vedas” was the motto of:
(A) Rajaram Mohanroy
(B)Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
(C ) Swami Vivekananda
(D)Swami Dayananda Saraswathi

43.The river known as “Sorrow of Bihar” :
(A) Hugli  
(C ) Kosi

44.UNDP published its first report on “Human Development” in :
(A) 1989
(C ) 1991

45.Tirodiya Awards’ given for :
(A) Science and Technology
(C ) Medicine

46.‘Kerala Metro Rail Limited’ chairman : 
(A) E. Sreedharan
(B) S.D. Sharma
(C ) V.K. Singh
(D)Sudhir Krishna

47.The concept of ‘Presidential election’ was borrowed from :
(A) Canada
(C ) Ireland

48.First cricketer from Jammu and Kashmir :-
(A) Parvees Rasool
(B)Saurav Ganguli
(C ) Kapil Dev
(D)Sunil Gawaskar

49.The ‘Kerala Muslim Ikyasangam’ was founded by
(A) Thattilassery Muhammed Maulavi
(B)Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi
©Chembressery Thangal
(D)Muhammed Abdul Rahman

50. When was the partition of Bengal, effected during the time of curzon, annulled :

51.Dr. Manmohan Singh’s award’ is instituted by :
(A) Oxford University
(B) Cambridge University
(C ) Chicago University
(D) Aligarh University

52.The historic Temple Entry Proclamation’ was issued in 1936 by :
(A) Chithirathirunal Balaramavarma 
(B) Swathi Thirunal
(C ) Gowri Parvathi Bai
(D) Wave deposits

53.‘Karewas’ means :
(A) Glacial deposits
(B) River deposits
(C ) Wind deposits
(D) Gowri Lakshmi Bai

54.The state having the highest BPL ratio in India :
(B)Arunachal Pradesh
(D)Jammu and Kashmir 

55.Who won the prize ‘Lokmanyapuraskar 2013’?
(A)A. K. Antony
(B)V.K. Singh
©Ummen Chandy
(D)E. Sreedharan

56.Older alluvium of North Indian plain : 

57.The first complete census was taken in India in :
©1881 v

58.The east flowing river in Kerala :

59.The Indian economist who won the Nobel Prize :
(A)Dr. Manmohan Singh
(B)Dr. Mahboob-Ul-Haq Dr. Amartyasen
©Dr. C.V. Raman
(D)Dr. Amartyasen

60.“Sadujanaparipalanayogam’ was founded by :
(A)Dr. Palpu
(D)Sree Narayana Guru

61.Rule of law means :
(A)All are equal before law
(B)Equal and full membership in state
©Right to minorities
(D)Right to freedom of religion

62.In which amendment did the voting age of Indian citizens is lowered from 21 to 18
(A)67 amendment
(B)42 amendment
©44 amendment
(D)61 amendment

63.Total number of schedules in Indian Constitution is :
(B) 11
(C ) 12'
(D) 10

64.From which country, Indian Constitution borrowed Fundamental duties?
(C ) U.K. 
(D) China

65.Which state in India implemented Panchayath Raj System first?
(B)Tamil Nadu

66.The Article 131 of the Indian Constitution deals with :
(A)The Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
(B)The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
©Appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
(D)The miscellaneous jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

67.The minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha is
(A)30 years
(B)25 years
©18 years
(D)21 years

68.The Articles 25 to 28 of Indian Constitution deals with :
(A)Right to equality
(B)Right to freedom
©Right to constitutional remedies 
(D)Right to freedom of religion

69.Who was the president of India at the time of declaration of Emergency in 1975?
(A) V.V. Giri
(B) Shankar Dayal Sharma
(C ) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
(D) Zail Singh

70.Agriculture under Indian Constitution is : 
(A) Union Govt. Subject (C ) Concurrent list
(B) State Subject (D) Residuary list

71.It is 2 O’clock-----------my watch.
(A) in
(B) by
(C ) with
(D) on

72.Renu is my :
(A) cousin
(C ) cousin’s sister
(B) cousin sister 
(D) sister’s cousin

73.Diabetes--------------a lifestyle disease.
(A) was (C ) were
(B) have (D) is

74.Among the four sisters, Leena is the :
(A) eldest
(B) elder
(C ) older
(D) oldest

75.The student was-----------— his achievements.
(A) facilitated for
(B) felicitated for
(C ) facilitated on
(D) felicitated on

76. The---------------you achieve, the------------------you will be to your goal.
(A) farther, closer
(B)farthest, closest
(C ) further, closest
(D)further, closer

77. She told us that she— late for the party.
(A) will be
(B)will have to be
(C ) would be
(D)shall have to be

78.Which among the following is the one word substitute for, “Take someone’s power, position etc. wrongfully or by force”?

79.Which of the following is a synonym for ‘consummate’?.

80.Which of the following phrasal verb will give
(A) bear with 
(B)bear up
(C ) bear out
(D)bear on

81.Bharat Nirman is for development of the meaning “to be patient with someone”?
(A) Rural Infrastructure
(B)Urban Infrastructure
(C ) Cultural Scheme
(D) Education of Children

82.Indira AwaasYojana was launched in the year :

83.JRY was started in 1989 by merging two erstwhile employment programs. Which were those?
(A)Bharat Nirmanand NREGP
(B)PrimeMinister’sRozgar Yojana and Bharat Nirman
©National Rural Employment Programme (NREP) and Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP)
(D)NRDP and National Food for Work Program

84.Child Line number is :

85.The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed in the year :

86. Mahila Samridhi Yojana is :
(A) For Minority
(B)For Women
©For giving training in Production/service activity
(D)All the above.

(A)Prime Minister Adharsh Grameen Yojana
(B)Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Grameen Yojana
©Prime Mahila Aadhar Grama Yojana
(D)Primary Maha Aadhar Grama Yojana

88.The objective of Valmiki Ambedkar Awaas Yojana (VAMBAY) is for :
(A)Ameliorate the living conditions of the forest dwellers
(B)Giving training for women belonging to SC/ST in production activities . (C ) Facilitating dwelling units for urban slum dwellers
(D)None of the above

89.Balika Samridhi Yojana is :
(A)Fully Centrally Sponsored Scheme
(B)Fully State Sponsored Scheme
©50:50 is shared by Centre and State concerned
(D)None of the above

90.Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana is :
(A)a centre sponsored scheme
(B)to provide additional wage employment
©a scheme remuneration of which is both cash and food
(D)all the above.

91.The software interface between physical hardware and the user in a computer system is popularly known as :
(B)Operating system
©Application Software
(D)Utility software

92.The fundamental unit of storage in a digital computer is known as a :

93.The maximum positive number which can be represented in a computer system with word length of n bits is :
(B)2n -1
(D)2n +1

94.The ----------component of computer memory is volatile in nature.

95.During program execution, all arithmetic calculations and comparisons are performed by the of the computer system.
(A)Output unit
(B)Control unit

96. In terms of access speed, the -------------------memory is the fastest.
(D)Processor Register

97.ISP stands for :
(A)Internet Service Provider
(B)Internal Standard Program
©Internet Site Provider
(D)None of these

98.DNS stands for:
(A)Digital Number System
(B)Domain Name Service
©Domain Name Server
(D)Domain Name System

99.Find out the odd item :
(A)Internet explorer
(B)Windows explorer
©Mozilla Firefox

100.In IT Act 2008, section 65 deals with :
(A)Hacking with Computer System
(B)Punishment for identity theft
©Punishment for cheating by personation by using computer resource
(D)Tampering with computer source documents

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MUNICIPAL SECRETARY - GR III - URBAN AFFAIRS kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 26-04-2017, 04:37 PM

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