
Mobile number portability allows a mobile subscriber to switch operators without changing his/her telephone number.
MNP is implemented in different ways across the globe. The international and European standard is for a customer wishing to port his/her number to contact the new provider (Recipient) who will then arrange necessary process with the old provider . This is also known as 'Recipient-Led' porting. The UK is the only country to not implement a Recipient-Led system, where a customer wishing to port his/her number is required to contact the Donor to obtain a Porting Authorisation Code (PAC) which he/she then has to give to the Recipient. Once having received the PAC the Recipient continues the port process by contacting the Donor. This form of porting is also known as 'Donor-Led' and has been criticised by some industry analysts as being inefficient. It has also been observed that it may act as a customer deterrent as well as allowing the Donor an opportunity of 'winning-back' the customer. This might lead to distortion of competition, especially in the markets with new entrants that are yet to achieve scalability of operation.
heyyyyyyyyyyyyy......can you plz send me the whole report???
Mobile number portability (MNP) enables mobile telephone users to retain their mobile telephone numbers when changing from one mobile network operator to another.

General overview
This is implemented in many ways in the different parts of the world.
Recipient-Led' porting
In this standard, a customer wishing to port his/her number to contact the new provider (Recipient) who will then arrange necessary process with the old provider (Donor).
In this method, a customer wishing to port his/her number must first contact the existing provider, and get a Porting Authorisation Code (PAC) which the customer must then provide to the recipient. Recipient continues the port process by contacting the Donor once the recipient has the PAC.

Technical details
The routing of calls or mobile messages (SMS, MMS) is the main issue on ce the mobile number has been ported. The best practice has been to use a a central database (CDB) of ported numbers. Then local copies of CDB is given to the network operators. From this CDB, they find out which network to send a call to. All Call Query (ACQ) is its alternative name and it is efficient and scalable.
Indirect RoutingIt is used in UK, and is inefficient and wasteful of the netwirk switching capacity. Here, the calls are still routed via the Donor network. The main disadvantage here is that if the Donor network develops a fault or goes out of business, the customers who have ported out of that network will lose incoming calls to their numbers.

Number Lookup Services
HLR query services may be used by the Service providers and carriers who route messages and voice calls to MNP-enabled countries for finding out the correct network of a mobile operator. Such services do the task of querying the operator's home location register (HLR) over the SS7 signalling network for finding out the current network of a mobile number.

The good news is that MNP is expected to be launched in India on 31 October 2010. Syniverese and Telecordia have already installed database servers for this.

Fro more details, see:
hello, i'm in need of document for mobile number portability as im going to give seminar on it. so i request u to help me by providing the information needed for it. thanking you in advance........
Mobile Number Portability in India
The Indian Telecom market stands apart from other countries' market in the fact that it has the World’s lowest call rate and fastest growing subscriber rate. Yet the a mobile penetration rate is as low as 37%. The Mobile Number Portability (MNP) was decided to be implemented in India by the TRAI (Telecom regulatory Authority of India), and it has been recently made available by the different networks in India.

The steps involved in the porting of a number to a different provider:
1) Customer making a written request to the recipient operator (RO) for porting along with other documents.
2)Verification of the documents by the RO.
3)RO asks the customer to send an SMS to the Donor.
4)The DO(donor operator) sends an automated SMS reply along with a unique porting code.
5)Customer submits the code to the RO.
6)The unique porting code is send to the MNP service provider.
7)the 90 day condition and no pending porting request on that number is verified by the MNPSP.
8)Details forwarded to the RO if verified.
9)criteria for porting are satisfied and inform MNPSP
10)a date and time of porting is fixed by the MNPSP which is withun 36 hrs of the clearance from RO&DO.
11)date & time informed to the subscriber through SMS.
12)instructions for disconnecting the number to the DO is sent by the MNPSP.
13)The DO release the number and report it to MNPSP.
14)MNPSP will inform the RO to activate the mobile number for that RO.
15)a corresponding Location Routing Number is assigned to it by the MNPSP and broadcasts the same to all the Access Providers and International Long
Distance operators..

The request for porting the number can be withdrawn within twenty four hours of making the application.

For details see:
i m giving the seminar on mobile number portability in my college. so please provide me the full report on it. i will be thankful to you........plez reply.
3 pdf files are there to download.
Hi, Im abhijeet.
I choose my seminar topic Number Portability.
So please help me and mail me documents (pdf file or ppt) which you have.
Please mail me.
Thank you.

Email ID:abhijeetdadapate2009[at]
Thank You for those 3 pdf files.
im an IT student .can i give seminar on mobile portability???...
plz send me report that topic

hiii plz sen report of mobile>>>>>>
can i get the full report,presentation or pdf for mobile number portablity
send me whole report on mobile number portability with ppt
hi mouli,
i think you missed the previous pages. please go through them. those will help you more..
S.Reshma Banu

Mobile number portability allows a mobile subscriber to switch operators without changing his/her telephone number. This paper describes and analyzes mobile number portability routing mechanisms and their implementation costs. Cost recovery issues for number portability are discussed in this paper from a technical perspective. We note that rules for cost recovery also depend on business and regulatory factors that vary from country to country.
This paper examines the consequences of introducing mobile number portability (MNP). If the sole effect of introducing MNP is the abolishment of switching costs, MNP unambiguously benefits mobile customers. However, if MNP also causes consumer ignorance, as telephone numbers no longer identify networks; mobile operators will increase termination charges, with ambiguous net effect on the surplus of mobile customers.
Mobile number portability (MNP) requires that mobile telephone customers can keep their telephone number–including the prefix–when switching from one provider of mobile Tele communications services to another. In the absence of MNP, customers have to give up their number and must adopt a new one when they switch operators. As a result, customers face switching costs associated with informing people about changing their number, printing new business cards, missing valuable calls from people that do not have the new number, etc. Based on these considerations, many regulatory authorities have imposed mandatory MNP–or are about to require its introduction–so as to reduce customers’ switching costs, attempting to make mobile telecommunications more competitive The world’s first country to introduce MNP was Singapore in 1997.
This paper introduces the concept of number portability, explains its different types and benefits, and the technical, operational, and economic issues that might arise out of its implementation in India. The specific issues such as ensuring tariff transparency, the National Numbering Plan, and regulating porting charges, etc. have been raised and will need careful consideration.
Number Portability will allow subscribers to change their service provider while retaining their old mobile number. Portability benefits subscribers and increases the level of competition between service providers, rewarding service providers with the best customer service, network coverage, and service quality.
Number Portability: Definition
Number portability is a telecommunications network feature that enables end users to retain their telephone numbers when changing service providers, service types, and/or locations
There are three basic types of number portability-
• Service operator Portability
• Location Portability
• Service Portability
7 Basic components required to deploy MNP
 Service Order Administration
 Number Portability Administration Center
 Service Control Point Management Server
 Local Service Management System
 Signal Transfer Point
 Service Switching Point
 Service Control Point
Service Order Administration (SOA)
 Serves as an interface element between carriers' order and provisioning systems and the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC).
 SOA's primary functions include subscription audit request or management, data administration, data transfer to the NPAC, report generation, bulk file parse and upload, subscription tracking, legacy order entry interface, and logging.
Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC)
 Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) is a third-party, neutral database administration function that supports number portability.
 This database is designed to receive information from both incumbent and new service providers, validate that info. and download the new routing information when a customer has been physically connected to the new service provider's network.
Service Control Point Management System (SCP MS)
o The Service Control Point Management System (SCP MS) provides interface services
between the LSMS and the SCP
o The SCP MS may or may not be physically integrated with the SCP.
Local Service Management System
 The Local Service Management System (LSMS) is a fault-tolerant hardware and software platform that contains database with routing information to ported telephone numbers.
 The primary functions of the LSMS are subscription management, network data management, service provider data management, error processing and notification, transaction event logging and reporting, transmission of activation/deactivation events to the network elements, and audits.
Number Portability Database
The Number Portability Database (NPDB) contains all ported numbers within a ported domain as well as routing info. necessary to support number portability. Its function is to provide the association between the called party and the carrier LRN, identifying the switch to which the call should be routed.
Signal Transfer Point (STP)
 The Signal Transfer Point (STP) receives the LRN query from the SSP/MSC, routes it to the appropriate NPDB, and returns a response to the originating SSP/MSC.)
 The basic core functionality of the STP as a network message router has not been impacted.
Service Switching Point or Mobile Switch Center
 The Service Switching Point/Mobile Switch Center (SSP/MSC) is owned and
operated by the exchange carrier.
 These switch points must be able to generate a LNP query to the NPDB when a call is placed to a telephone number in a ported domain.
 A ported domain here is defined as a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) that has implemented number portability
G Bhuvitha
A Anupama

Mobile Number Portability (MNP)

Mobile number portability allows a mobile subscriber to switch operators without changing his/her telephone number. This paper describes and analyzes mobile number portability routing mechanisms .This concept examines the consequences of introducing mobile number portability (MNP).
Mobile number portability (MNP) requires that mobile telephone customers can keep their telephone number–including the prefix–when switching from one provider of mobile Tele communications services to another. In the absence of MNP, customers have to give up their number and must adopt a new one when they switch operators. As a result, customers face switching costs associated with informing people about changing their number, printing new business cards, missing valuable calls from people that do not have the new number, etc. Based on these considerations, many regulatory authorities have imposed mandatory MNP–or are about to require its introduction–so as to reduce customers’ switching costs, attempting to make mobile telecommunications more competitive The world’s first country to introduce MNP was Singapore in 1997.
This paper introduces the concept of number portability, explains its different types and benefits, and the technical, operational, and economic issues that might arise out of its implementation in India. The specific issues such as ensuring tariff transparency, the National Numbering Plan, and regulating porting charges, etc. have been raised and will need careful consideration.
Number Portability will allow subscribers to change their service provider while retaining their old mobile number. Portability benefits subscribers and increases the level of competition between service providers, rewarding service providers with the best customer service, network coverage, and service quality.
History:The first implementation of MNP starts in late 1990s with Singapore implementing the MNP (limited) functionality in 1997 followed by Hong Kong in 1999, Spain in 2000, Australia in 2001 and list continues to grow.
Theory on Mobile Number Portability (MNP), sample
implementation and issues related to introduction in India:
In Indian cellular communication scenario, the term MNP is becoming morepopular. Sticking to Herbert Spencer’s theory on “Survival of the fittest”, the mobileoperators will be forced to follow this theory in serving the customers. Either they have tosatisfy their customers with the service or lose them to their mpetitors without anyproblem to the customers. It could also be termed as, a customer having the option ofswitching service providers without changing the mobile number.
With current scenario, if a customer is dissatisfied on the service by mobileoperator either he has to reluctantly accept the service or switch to another service provider that he wishes. In the later case, he has to drop his identity, the mobile number.In most cases when the mobile number is used for all business and family
correspondence, it becomes generally impossible to leave the number. To overcome these hardships, the concept of MNP (Mobile Number Portability) was introduced.
Porting- The process initiates with the subscribers request for a new connection. The subscriber is suppose to submit a “porting request form” to the recipient operator (access provider who will be providing mobile telecommunication service to the subscriber after porting) with all documents required for a new connection i.e. photo id, address proof, etc. along with a copy of the last bill of the donor operator (to whose network the mobile number belongs at the time the subscriber makes a request for porting). The recipient operator then verifies all the documents and after verification the recipient operator has to inform the subscriber. The subscriber has to send a request to the donor operator to initiate porting process and the donor operator in return will forward an SMS with a unique porting code to the recipient operator. After receiving the porting code the recipient operator has to send all the documents with porting code to the MNP operator within next 24 hours.
The MNP operator’s task is to facilitate porting process between two operators. After receiving all the details from recipient operator including porting code the MNP operator forwards all the documents to the donor operator for clearance. But before forwarding the documents MNP operator has to verify few details i.e. the number has been previously ported in the immediately preceding 90 days (as ninety days is compulsory for a subscriber to stick to one access provider) or if there is any other request for porting the same number is pending. After receiving all the details the donor operator within 24 hours and has to report back to MNP operator after verifying all the details and the porting code.
Thereafter MNP operator has to complete the porting within next 36 hours and is supposed to communicate the date and time of porting to both the operators. The MNP operator at the specified time instructs the donor operator to disconnect the subscriber’s number from its service and report compliance within one hour of such instructions. Thereafter, the MNP operator informs the recipient operator to activate the number on its network within one hour thereof.
Also the subscriber is supposed to pay a porting charge and he is also entitled to cancel his porting request but his porting charge will be non- refundable.
How International Calls are Routed:
In order to understand the degree of the mobile number porting problem, one must understand how calls are routed today to get from the point of origin to their ported or unported destination.The originating international carrier receives the call from an end user directly or indirectly and uses the dialed number embedded in the C7 or SS7 signaling stream to decide how best to route the call. The dialed number is then analyzed by the switch or an external SCP based upon the ITU codes assignment schema (Country Code [1-3 digits], National Number [max. 15 digits]) and matched against their Least Cost Routing (LCR) system for how best to route the call. In some terminating country cases, the national number is broken down further to define different cities, regions,fixed carriers or mobile carriers. These designations are typically fixed and predictable until number portability is implemented.Each sub-route may be at a different rate and therefore,based upon the LCR logic, may be sent to a different longhaul carrier to complete or sent down a bilateral route they may share with the in-country operator. The LCR will also determine routes based on needed call quality, rates and other business rules.Regardless of final route decided by the LCR business rules, the call will be onward routed to a carrier serving the destination country based on the resumed-to-becorrect assigned code of the final terminating carrier. It is this presumption and the uncertainty that number portability injects into this process that is at the heart of portability problems.Once the call reaches the designated in-country carrier, that carrier utilizes any one of the four following technologies to determine which carrier currently serves a particular mobile telephone number. These four main technologies have been adopted to deal with in-country number portability corrections.
1) All-Call Query
Requires central database, all calls queried for status (most efficient)
2) Query on Release
Requires central database, only query ported
3) Call Dropback
No central database
4) Onward Routing
No central database, additional circuit for duration of call (least efficient) Depending upon the mechanism encountered, a transit penalty charge may be assessed to cover the cost of an additional call leg, if the routing is identified as incorrect.For all methods, the originating carrier remains unaware of the final destination of any particular call, what percentage of its calls are ported, which ones were more expensive and which ones were less (assuming the lower-priced call is even passed back to the originating carrier) and if a transit penalty was applied or not. The bill that hits them in 30, 60 or 90 days cannot be validated and may have added up to a relatively large sum.
Basic glossary and terms used in MNP:
Ported out – If a subscriber moves to new service provider, for the old service provider, he is a “ported out” subscriber.
Ported in - If a subscriber moves to new service provider, for the new service provider, he is a “ported in” subscriber.
Donor – The service provider left by the subscriber is termed as “donor”
Recipient – The service provider joined by the subscriber is termed as “recipient”
CDB – Central Database
ACQ – All Call Query
Concept and Implementation:
In terms of concept, the MNP functionality is used only in MT transactions of voice and messaging. For MO transactions, the current flow scenario remains unchanged. Only for the MT functionalities, the mobile number has to be identified and the corresponding service provider has to be interrogated for optimal routing of the service.
There are two basic implementation of MNP.
a) Indirect Routing or decentralized or bilateral architecture:
This model works bilaterally between the donor and recipient service providers who are responsible for informing all others of the change. It would suit to markets with less number of service providers. Each provider will have a dedicated setup and comprehensive database of ported out and ported in subscribers. As the number of service providers increases, the bilateral approach becomes a great burden to all service providers involved in terms of time, cost and resources. FNR (Flexible Number Register) will help the service providers
have the ported database in addition to the original HLR database.
Sample implementation of MNP in middle east:
In one of the countries of middle east, the MNP service is implemented in bilateral architecture. There are two operators available in the country and each have their own customized system for handling the MNP database. Whenever a customer wants to change his service provider, he visits the recipient provider and
initiates a request to port in the subscription with the recipient provider. The recipient party then coordinates with the donor party for porting the number.During the process, the donor deletes the number from its HLR database and updates the number in its FNR – ported out list. Similarly the recipient party updates the number in its HLR database and FNR – ported in list.
Prepared by
Swathi J

Mobile Number Portability
Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is a facility which allows you to move to other operator while retaining your existing operator’s mobile number.
 The first implementation of MNP starts in late 1990s with Singapore implementing the MNP (limited) functionality in 1997
 followed by Hong Kong in 1999,
 Spain in 2000, Australia in 2001 and list continues to grow
Basic terms used in MNP:
 Ported out – If a subscriber moves to new service provider, for the old service provider, he is a “ported out” subscriber.
 Ported in - If a subscriber moves to new service provider, for the new service provider, he is a “ported in” subscriber.
 Donor – The service provider left by the subscriber is termed as “donor”
 Recipient – The service provider joined by the subscriber is termed as “recipient”
 CDB – Central Database
Can I switch over from CDMA service to GSM and vice versa ?
 Yes .You can flexibly switch over from CDMA to GSM and vice versa. But you have to change the handset, because the technologies are different.
I am an Airtel customer of Delhi, Can I switch over to the Idea service of Chennai?
 No- Presently Mobile Number Portability is available within the circle only.
Is there any Fee for MNP?
 Yes- The new service provider will charge a fee (Port in Fee) for MNP. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has fixed a ceiling amount of Rs. 19/- for this. BSNL say that they will not collect the port in fee from the customers those who switch over to BSNL.
Is there any applying criteria for availing MNP facility ?
 If you are post -paid customer there should not be any dues with your existing service provider. For pre-paid customers the credit balance will not be carry forwarded.
 You can switch over to a new service provider only after 90 days stay with the existing service provider.
 You have to wait minimum 90 days for second number porting.
 This is to prevent the misuse of this facility and prevent frequent switching.
I have changed my mind after submitting the application- Can I go back ?
 Yes- You can withdraw the application within 24 hrs of submission. However the Port in fee will not be refunded.
How long it will take to switch over ?
 After the application submission, it will take maximum four days. In J&K and North eastern states it is within 12 days.
 It takes only 3 minutes in Australia to port a subscriber successfully.
Is there any downtime while porting the numbers ?
 Yes- There will be a down time of approximately 2 hrs while porting the numbers. During this period you may not be able to use the number. Both incoming and outgoing services will be interrupted .
How to Change your Service provider thorough Mobile Number Portability ?
 The following procedure to be carried out for opting a new mobile service provider under MNP
 Send an SMS (Port <space>your mobile number) to 1900. Then you will get a reply SMS with a Unique Porting Code (UPC).
 Submit an application to the service provider where you want to shift with this UPC in a prescribed format (Remember the UPC will be valid only for few days).
 Your application will be processed by the new service provider and you will get an application receipt confirmation and the details of porting date.
 Once the porting is completed, confirmation message will be received.
can i get documents,ppt of mobile number portability??
hi i will send report of mnp

• Mobile number portability (MNP) enables mobile telephone users to retain their mobile telephone numbers when changing from one mobile network operator to another.
• Local number portability (LNP) for fixed lines, and full mobile number portability (FMNP) for mobile phone lines, refers to the ability to transfer either an existing fixed-line or mobile telephone number assigned by a local exchange carrier (LEC) and reassign it to another carrier.
• Mobile Number Portability (MNP) means the porting of mobile number. In simple language, you can change your present mobile service operator to a new one, but your present mobile number will remain the same. Thus your mobile number will not change in spite of the change of the service provider of your choice.
This article is about telephone number portability on landlines. For telephone number portability on mobile phones,Mobile number portability.
In Japan and Pakistan it is referred to as mobile number portability, (MNP). Wireless Number Portability is available in some parts of Africa, Asia, Australia, and most European countries including Britain.Canada,the United States are the only countries in the world that offer full number portability transfers between both fixed lines and mobile phone lines because mobile and fixed line numbers are mixed in the same area codes.Hong Kong government approved for fixed-mobile number portability.
Some cellular telephone companies will charge for this conversion as a regulatory cost recovery fee.
• Introduced as a tool to promote competition in the heavily monopolized wireline telecommunications industry (the First Report and Order on LNP and Number Pooling), number portability became popular with the advent of mobile telephones, since in most countries different mobile operators are provided with different area codes and, without portability, changing one's operator would require changing one's number.
• The first implementation of MNP starts in late 1990s with Singapore implementing the MNP (limited) functionality in 1997 followed by Hong Kong in 1999, Spain in 2000, Australia in 2001.
• In 1996 the US, LNP(Local number portability) was mandated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1996 with the First Report and Order on LNP and Number Pooling. The mandate required all carriers in the top 100 MSAs (metropolitan statistical areas) to be "LNP-capable" and port numbers to any carriers sending a BFR (bona fide request). The ability to keep a number while switching providers is thought to be attractive to consumers. It was also a major point made by CLECs (Competitive Local Exchange Carriers) preventing customers from leaving ILECs (Incumbent Line Exchange Carriers), thus hindering competition.
• In the U.S., the FCC has mandated this in order to increase competition among providers.As of late November 2003, LNP was required for all landline and wireless common carriers, so long as the number is being ported to the same geographical area or telephone exchange.
• This latest mandate included carriers outside the top 100 MSAs that theretofore enjoyed a rural carrier exemption.
What is Mobile Number Portability (MNP) ?
The ability for a subscriber to maintain the same –phone number when switching service providers.The subscriber can move or “port” the phone number between service providers of the same nature (and in some cases between fixed and mobile operators).
MNP is implemented in different ways across the globe:-
STEP1:- The international and European standard is for a customer wishing to port his/her number to contact the new provider (Recipient) who will then arrange necessary process with the old provider (Donor). This is also known as 'Recipient-Led' porting.
STEP2:-Once having received the PAC the Recipient continues the port process by contacting the Donor. This form of porting is also known as 'Donor-Led' and has been criticised by some industry analysts as being inefficient. It has also been observed that it may act as a customer deterrent as well as allowing the Donor an opportunity of 'winning-back' the customer.
STEP3:-This might lead to distortion of competition, especially in the markets with new entrants that are yet to achieve scalability of operation.
STEP4:-In India MNP launched recently which is Donor Led. Only the terminology is changed from PAC to UPC (Unique Porting Code).
Implementation Of MNP
The process of number porting consists of following steps:-
1. A customer sends number porting (NP) request to CNPMS.
2. CNPMS(CENTRAL NUMBER PORTABILITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) starts negotiation by sending NP request to Donor operator.
3. Donor operator accepts or rejects the NP request by checking his dues like payment of bills etc.
4. After getting confirmation in step 3, CNPMS negotiates with recipient operator to get confirmation.
CNPMS intimates the customer about the total time to be taken for NP.
1. Donor operator disconnects the service of the subscriber.
2. Recipient operator activates the service of the subscriber.
3. CNPMS sends service connects notice to all operators for updating their NP database(NPDB). Now customer can change his old SIM(or phone) with new SIM(or phone).
Subscription Termination Process consists of following steps:-
1. A Ported subscriber terminates his service from subscription network. Subscription network disconnects the number and retains the number for N days then returns the number to CNPMS.
2. CNPMS then returns the number to Number holder Network.
3. CNPMS sends the service disconnect Notice to all operators for updating their NP database(NPDB).
The process of number porting consists of following steps:-
 A customer sends number porting (NP) request to CNPMS .
 CNPMS starts negotiation by sending NP request to Donor operator.
 Donor operator accepts or rejects the NP request by checking his dues like payment
 of bills etc.
 After getting confirmation in step 3, CNPMS negotiates with recipient operator to get confirmation. CNPMS intimates the customer about the total time to be taken for NP.
 Donor operator disconnects the service of the subscriber.
 Recipient operator activates the service of the subscriber.
 CNPMS sends service connects notice to all operators for updating their NP database(NPDB). Now customer can change his old SIM(or phone) with new SIM(or phone).
Subscription Termination Process consists of following steps:
 A Ported subscriber terminates his service from subscription network. Subscription network disconnects the number and retains the number for N days then returns the number to CNPMS.
 CNPMS then returns the number to Number holder Network.
 CNPMS sends the service disconnect Notice to all operators for updating their NP database(NPDB)
MNP Technologies/Portability schemes :-
A significant technical aspect of MNP is related to the routing of calls or mobile messages (SMS, MMS) to a number once it has been ported. There are four main methods to route a number whose operator has changed.
1. All Call Query (ACQ)
2.Query on Release (QoR)
3.Call Dropback
4.Onward Call Routing(OCR)
The operator that originates the call always checks a centralized database and obtains the route to the call. International best practice is via the use of a central database (CDB) of ported numbers. Network operators generally hold local copies of CDB and query it to find out which network to send a call to. This is highly efficient and scalable.
Presented By
Prasanna Kumar Das

Introduction :
 Number Portability (NP) is a network function that allows a subscriber to keep a unique telephone number
 NP is an important mechanism:-
 To enhance fair competition among telecommunication operators and
 to improve customer service quality.
 Way of switching the operator without changing the mobile number
 Portability gives flexibility /easiness concept
 Portability may be of number portability, location portability , service portability
History Background:-
• First introduced in 1997 in Singapore. It was later introduced the UK (1998), Hong Kong (1999) and the Netherlands (1999).
 Hariyana this year 2010-2011
 Mobile number portability has, to date, been implemented
in the following countries:
 Belgium
 Denmark
 Germany
 Italy
 Netherlands
 Norway
 Portugal
 Spain
 Sweden
 Switzerland
 United Kingdom
 India
 Types of portability Or Features of it
Location portability
 Ability of a user /subscriber to retain an existing number(mob), when shifting from
one circle to another keeping the operator
remain same .
 It is also known as geographical
 Service portability
 It is the ability of a subscriber to retain the existing mobile number when switch from one service to another service.
e . g from CDMA ->GSM
 Number Portability
 Here the mobile number remain same but the service provider /mobile operator will be change .
 e . g Voda -> Airtel
Idea -> BSNL
 Economic Aspects
How cost effective it is?
*System set-up costs:
 Establishing/maintaining routing databases .
 upgrading network switches, and modifying existing software
*Call Conveyance costs :
 Transfering cost (from 1 Operator-> 2)
*Administration costs:
 The costs incurred by service providers in closing an existing account, setting-up a new account and coordinating the network operators in the switching over of the mobile number and routing of the calls .
1. Send an SMS to 1900 in following format: PORT Your Mobile Number- eg.
PORT 9999999999. (Simply sms “PORT <space> <10 digit mobile number which you wish
2. You will get a 8 digit unique porting code (UPC) instantly as a SMS.
3. Send this SMS to operator you want to migrate to quoting the unique code. This
code is valid only for a few days, and have to be applied again if it expires.
 4. Your new operator will check with your existing operator & if there are no dues then approval will be given for porting.
5.You will get a SMS with the time and date when porting will take place. Rules mandate that process be completed within 7days of applying.
6. After porting is complete, wait for the SMS from your new operator confirming the switch. Your phone may be dead for few hours when the porting takes place.

 Flexibility , choice facility
 Cost effective
 Good service Quality
 Competition in Service Provider(Indirectly Customer beneficial )
 Greater threat to loose “Subscriber”
 Difficult Mechanism
 Time taking for porting a number
 Porting Will be not Frequent (Min.3 Month )
 Will it be a THREAT ?
Keep Single Mobile Number Lifetime
Mobile Number Portability
Corporate (Bulk) Process

 Current Industry Process
MNP - What are the challenges?
 Customer & Industry Confusion
 Complexity
 Communications - Fax, volume of calls
 Time it takes - minimum 15 working days
 Unsuccessful Porting
 Charging
A couple of questions for you…..
MNP volumes across the industry are much lower than originally forecast
(225k versus approx. 900k)
why would this be?
what would you do to stimulate demand?
MNP - Process 2000 - what’s happening?
 Network Operators and Service Providers desire to have a more efficient and cost effective MNP solution which will better serve the needs of their customers
 OFTEL has requested a new process to be implemented in mid-2000
 shorter timescales
 better process visibility
 more robust/less errors
New Process Plan
 new industry process has been in design since early June 1999, manual agreed January 2000
 process sub-group designing new process
 1 rep from each Network, 1 each from 2 Independent Service Providers, 1 OFTEL rep
 2 distinct processes
 consumer - 1 to 25 MSISDNs
 one week to port, ie 5 working days
 corporate (Bulk) - 26+ MSISDNs
 variable timescale, up to 35 working days
 will incorporate Web technology for inter-SP communications - to be developed and hosted by 3rd party
New Corporate (Bulk) Process
 Pros:
 Donor Service Provider dealing with customer not third party
 Recipient Service Provider gets full information quicker
 Port day expectations set & met
 Lends itself to electronic communication
 Con:
 Could be lengthy or no quicker than existing process

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