Magnetohydrodynamic power generation technology (MHD )

The Magnetohydrodynamic power generation technology (MHD ) is the production of electrical power utilising a high temperature conducting plasma moving through an intense magnetic field. The conversion process in MHD was initially described by Michael Faraday in 1893. However the actual utilisation of this concept remained unthinkable. The first known attempt to develop an MHD generator was made at Westing house research laboratory (USA) around 1936.

The efficiencies of all modern thermal power generating system lies between 35-40% as they have to reject large quantities of heat to the environment. In all other conventional power plant, first the thermal energy of the gas is directly converted in to electrical energy. Hence it is known as direct energy conversion system.

The MHD power plants are classified in to Open and Closed cycle based on the nature of processing of the working fluid. With the present research and development programmes, the MHD power generation may play an important role in the power industry in future to help the present crisis of power.

The MHD process can be used not only for commercial power generation but also for so may other applications.The economic attractiveness of MHD for bulk generation of power from fossil fuel has been indicated in many design studies and cost estimates of conceptual plants. MHD promises a dramatic improvement in the cost of generating electricity from coal, beneficial to the growth of the national economy. The extensive use of MHD can help in saving billions of dollars towards fuel prospects of much better fuel utilization are most important, but the potential of lower capital costs with increased utilization of invested capital provides also a very important economic incentive. The beneficial environmental aspects of MHD are probably of equal or even greater significance. The MHD energy conversion process cab contribute greatly to the solution of the serious air and thermal pollution problems faced by all steam - electric power plants while it simultaneously assures better utilization for our natural resources. It can therefore be claimed that the development of MHD for electric utility power generation is an objective of national significance. The high temperature MHD process makes it possible to take advantage of the highest flame temperatures which can be produced by combustion from fossil fuel. While commercial nuclear reactors able to provide heat for MHD have yet to be developed, the combined use to MHD with nuclear heat source holds great promise for the future.In India, coal is by far the most abundant fossil fuel and thus the major energy source for fossil fueled MHD power generation. Before large central station power plants with coal as the energy source can be become commercially viable, further development is necessary..

The electricity requirements of the world including India are increasing at alarming rate and the power demand has been running ahead of supply. It is also now widely recognized that the fossil fuels and other conventional resources, presently being used for generation of electrical energy, may not be either sufficient or suitable to keep pace with ever increasing demand of the electrical energy of the world. Also generation of electrical power by coal based steam power plants or nuclear power plants causes’ pollution. The recent severe energy crisis has forced the world to develop new and alternative methods of power generation. MAGNETO HYDRO DYNAMIC (MHD) power generation is a new unique method of power generation.

Magneto Hydro Dynamic power generation technology


The Magneto Hydro Dynamic power generation technology (MHD) is the production of electrical power utilising a high temperature conducting plasma moving through an intense magnetic field. The conversion process in MHD was initially described by Michael Faraday in 1893. However the actual utilisation of this concept remained unthinkable. The first known attempt to develop an MHD generator was made at Westing house research laboratory (USA) around 1936.

The efficiencies of all modern thermal power generating system lies between 35-40% as they have to reject large quantities of heat to the environment. We need to improve this efficiency level as in all other conventional power plants like nuclear power plant, hydro-electric power plant, for which first the thermal energy of the gas is directly converted in to electrical energy. Hence it is known as direct energy conversion system. The MHD power plants are classified in to Open and Closed cycle based on the nature of processing of the working fluid. With the present research and development programmes, the MHD power generation may play an important role in the power industry in future to help the present crisis of power.
The MHD process can be used not only for commercial power generation but also for so may other applications. It is economically attractive from the design point of view and as far as bulk generation of power is concerned. The MHD process promises a dramatic improvement in the cost of generating electricity from coal, beneficial to the growth of the national economy. Not only that the extensive use of MHD can help in saving billions of dollars towards fuel prospects, lead to much better fuel utilization but the potential of lower capital costs with increased utilization of invested capital also provides a very important economic incentive in this case. The beneficial environmental aspects of MHD are probably of equal or even greater significance. The MHD energy conversion process contributes greatly to the solution of the serious air and thermal pollution problems faced by all steam - electric power plants while it simultaneously assures better utilization for our natural resources. The high temperature MHD process makes it possible to take advantage of the highest flame temperatures which can be produced by combustion from fossil fuel. While commercial nuclear reactors able to provide heat for MHD generators have yet to be developed, the combined use of MHD generators with nuclear heat source holds great promise for the future. In India, coal is by far the most abundant fossil fuel and thus the major energy source for fossil fuelled MHD power generation.

1. What is Magneto Hydro Dynamics?
Magneto Hydro Dynamics (magneto-fluid-dynamics or hydro-magnetics) is the academic discipline which studies the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids. Examples of such fluids include plasmas, liquid metals, and salt water. The word Magneto Hydro Dynamic (MHD) is derived from Magneto- meaning magnetic field, Hydro- meaning liquid , and Dynamics- meaning movement. The field was initiated by Hannes Alfven , for which he received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1970. The idea of MHD is that magnetic fields can induce currents in a moving conductive fluid, which create forces on the fluid, and also change the magnetic field itself. The set of equations which describe MHD are a combination of the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics and Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism. These differential equations have to be solved simultaneously, either analytically or numerically. Because MHD is a fluid theory, it cannot treat kinetic phenomena, i.e., those in which the existence of discrete particles, or of a non-thermal distribution of their velocities is important.
The simplest form of MHD, Ideal MHD, assumes that the fluid has so little resistivity that it can be treated as a perfect conductor. (This is the limit of infinite magnetic Reynolds number.) In ideal MHD, Lenz's law dictates that the fluid is in a sense tied to the magnetic field lines. To be more precise, in ideal MHD, a small rope-like volume of fluid surrounding a field line will continue to lie along a magnetic field line, even as it is twisted and distorted by fluid flows in the system. The connection between magnetic field lines and fluid in ideal MHD fixes the topology of the magnetic field in the fluid - for example, if a set of magnetic field lines are tied into a knot, then they will remain so as long as the fluid/plasma has negligible resistivity. This difficulty in reconnecting magnetic field lines makes it possible to store energy by moving the fluid or the source of the magnetic field. The energy can then become available if the conditions for ideal MHD break down, allowing magnetic reconnection that releases the stored energy from the magnetic field.
1.1 Ideal MHD Equations:
The ideal MHD equations consist of the continuity equation (mass), the momentum equation, Ampere's Law in the limit of no electric field and no electron diffusivity, and a temperature evolution equation. As with any fluid description to a kinetic system, a closure approximation must be applied to highest moment of the particle distribution equation. This is often accomplished with approximations to the heat flux through a condition of adiabaticity or isothermality.

Applicability of MHD to Plasmas:
Ideal MHD is only strictly applicable when:
1. The plasma is strongly collisional , so that the time scale of collisions is shorter than the other characteristic times in the system, and the particle distributions are therefore close to Maxwellian.
2. The resistivity due to these collisions is small. In particular, the typical magnetic diffusion times over any scale length present in the system must be longer than any time scale of interest.
3. We are interested in length scales much longer than the ion skin depth and Larmor radius perpendicular to the field, long enough along the field to ignore Landau damping, and time scales much longer than the ion gyration time (system is smooth and slowly evolving).

1.3 The importance of resistivity and kinetic effects:
In an imperfectly conducting fluid, the magnetic field can generally move through the fluid, following a diffusion law with the resistivity of the plasma serving as diffusion constant. This means that solutions to the ideal MHD equations are only applicable for a limited time for a region of a given size before diffusion becomes too important to ignore. One can estimate the diffusion time across a solar active region (from collisional resistivity) to be hundreds to thousands of years, much longer than the actual lifetime of a sunspot - so it would seem reasonable to ignore the resistivity. By contrast, a meter-sized volume of seawater has a magnetic diffusion time measured in milliseconds.

Even in physical systems which are large and conductive enough, simple estimates suggest that the resistivity can be ignored, resistivity may still be important: much instability exists that can increase the effective resistivity of the plasma by factors of more than a billion. The enhanced resistivity is usually the result of the formation of small scale structure like current sheets or fine scale magnetic turbulence, introducing small spatial scales into the system over which ideal MHD is broken and magnetic diffusion can occur quickly. When this happens, Magnetic Reconnection may occur in the plasma to release stored magnetic energy as waves, bulk mechanical acceleration of material, particle acceleration, and heat. Magnetic reconnection in highly conductive systems is important because it concentrates energy in time and space, so that gentle forces applied to plasma for long periods of time can cause violent explosions and bursts of radiation.
When the fluid cannot be considered as completely conductive, but the other conditions for ideal MHD are satisfied, it is possible to use an extended model called resistive MHD. This includes an extra term in Ampere's Law which models the collisional resistivity. Generally MHD computer simulations are at least somewhat resistive because their computational grid introduces a numerical resistivity.
Another limitation of MHD (and fluid theories in general) is that they depend on the assumption that the plasma is strongly collisional (this is the first criterion listed above), so that the time scale of collisions is shorter than the other characteristic times in the system, and the particle distributions are Maxwellian. This is usually not the case in fusion, space and astrophysical plasmas. When this is not the case, or we are interested in smaller spatial scales, it may be necessary to use a kinetic model which properly accounts for the non-Maxwellian shape of the distribution function. However, because MHD is very simple, and captures many of the important properties of plasma dynamics, it is often qualitatively accurate, and is almost invariably the first model tried. Effects which are essentially kinetic and not captured by fluid models include double layers, Landau damping, a wide range of instabilities, chemical separation in space plasmas and electron runaway.

Schematic view of the different current systems which shape the Earth’s magnetosphere

In many MHD systems, most of the electric current is compressed into thin, nearly-two-dimensional ribbons termed current sheets. These can divide the fluid into magnetic domains, inside of which the currents are relatively weak. Current sheets in the solar corona are thought to be between a few meters and a few kilometers in thickness, which is quite thin compared to the magnetic domains (which are thousands to hundreds of thousands of kilometers across). Another example is in the earth's magnetosphere, where current sheets separate topologically distinct domains, isolating most of the earth's ionosphere from the solar wind.

1.4 Applications :
MHD as a science has its application in geophysics as well in astrophysics. MHD is related to engineering problems such as plasma confinement, liquid-metal cooling of nuclear reactors, and electromagnetic casting, power generation (among others).

Magneto Hydro Dynamic Generator
The MHD (magneto-hydro-dynamic) generator or dynamo transforms thermal energy or kinetic energy directly into electricity. MHD generators are different from traditional electric generators in that they can operate at high temperatures without moving parts. MHD was eagerly developed because the exhaust of a plasma MHD generator is a flame, still able to heat the boilers of a steam power plant. So high-temperature MHD was developed as a topping cycle to increase the efficiency of electric generation, especially when burning coal or natural gas. It has also been applied to pump liquid metals and for quiet submarine engines. The basic concept underlying the mechanical and fluid dynamos is the same. The fluid dynamo, however, uses the motion of fluid or plasma to generate the currents which generate the electrical energy. The mechanical dynamo, in contrast, uses the motion of mechanical devices to accomplish this. The functional difference between an MHD generator and an MHD dynamo is the path the charged particles follow.

MHD generators are now practical for fossil fuels, but have been overtaken by other, less expensive technologies, such as combined cycles in which a gas turbine's or molten carbonate fuel cell's exhaust heats steam for steam turbine. The unique value of MHD is that it permits an older single-cycle fossil-fuel power plant to be upgraded to high efficiency. Natural MHD dynamos are an active area of research in plasma physics and are of great interest to the geophysics and astrophysics communities. From their perspective the earth is a global MHD dynamo and with the aid of the particles on the solar wind produces the aurora borealis. The differently charged electromagnetic layers produced by the dynamo effect on the earth's geomagnetic field enable the appearance of the aurora borealis. As power is extracted from the plasma of the solar wind, the particles slow and are drawn down along the field lines in a brilliant display over the poles.
MHD Power Generation (The Principle):
When an electrical conductor is moved so as to cut lines of magnetic induction, the charged particles in the conductor experience a force in a direction mutually perpendicular to the magnetic field (B) and to the velocity of the conductor (v). The negative charges tend to move in one direction, and the positive charges in the opposite direction. This induced electric field, or motional emf, provides the basis for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy
The Lorentz Force Law describes the effects of a charged particle moving in a constant magnetic field. The simplest form of this law is given by the vector equation.

• F is the force acting on the particle (vector),
• Q is charge of particle (scalar),
• v is velocity of particle (vector),
• x is the cross product,
• B is magnetic field (vector).
The vector F is perpendicular to both v and B according to the Right hand rule.
At the present time nearly all electrical power generators utilize a solid conductor which is caused to rotate between the poles of a magnet. In the case of hydroelectric generators, the energy required to maintain the rotation is supplied by the gravitational motion of river water. Turbo-generators, on the other hand, generally operate using a high-speed flow of steam or other gas. The heat source required to produce the high-speed gas flow may be supplied by the combustion of a fossil fuel or by a nuclear reactor (either fission or possibly fusion). It was recognized by Faraday as early as 1831 that one could employ a fluid conductor as the working substance in a power generator. To test this concept Faraday immersed electrodes into the Thames River at either end of the Waterloo Bridge in London and connected the electrodes at mid span on the bridge through a galvanometer. Faraday reasoned that the electrically conducting river water moving through the earth's magnetic field should produce a transverse emf. Small irregular deflections of the galvanometer were in fact observed. The production of electrical power through the use of a conducting fluid moving through a magnetic field is referred to as magneto-hydro-dynamic, or MHD, power generation. One of the earliest serious attempts to construct an experimental MHO generator was undertaken at the Westinghouse laboratories in the .period 1938-1944, under the guidance of Karlovitz. This generator (which was of the annular Hall type) utilized the products of combustion of natural gas, as a working fluid, and electron beam ionization. The experiments did not produce the expected power levels because of the low electrical conductivity of the -gas and the lack of existing knowledge of plasma properties at that time. A later experiment at Westinghouse by Way, OeCorso, Hundstad, Kemeny, Stewart, and Young (1961), utilizing a liquid fossil fuel-“seeded” with a potassium compound, was much more successful and yielded power levels in excess of 10 kW. Similar power levels were achieved at the Avco Everett laboratories by Rosa (1961) using arc-heated argon at 3000˚K –“ seeded” with powdered potassium carbonate. In these latter experiments- “seeding” the working gas with small concentrations of potassium was essential to provide the necessary number of free electrons required for an adequate electrical conductivity. (Other possible seeding materials having a relatively low ionization potential are the alkali metals Cesium and Rubidium.)Types of MHD generator systems:

During the decade beginning, about 1960 three general types of MHD generator systems evolved, classified according to the working fluid and the anticipated heat source. They are as follows:

• Open Cycle MHD generators: They operate with the products of combustion of a fossil fuel and are closest to practical realization.
• Closed Cycle MHD generators: They are usually envisaged as operating with nuclear reactor heat sources, although fossil fuel heat sources have also been considered. The working fluid for a closed cycle system can be either a seeded noble gas or a liquid metal. Because of temperature limitations imposed by the nuclear fuel materials used in reactors, closed-cycle MHD generators utilizing a gas will require that the generator operate in a non-equilibrium mode.
• Liquid Metal MHD generators: They operate basically with liquid metals, flowing through ducts, while the operating principle remains the same.
Typically for a large scale power station to approach operational efficiency in computer models, steps must be taken to increase the electrical conductivity of the conductive substance. The heating of a gas to plasma or the addition of other easily ionizable substances like the salts of alkali metals accomplishes this increase in conductivity. In practice a number of issues must be considered in the implementation of a MHD generator: Generator efficiency, Economics, and Toxic byproducts. These issues are affected by the choice of one of the three MHD generator designs. These are the Faraday generator, the Hall generator, and the disc.
• Faraday generator: The Faraday generator is named after the man who first looked for the effect in the Thames River. A simple Faraday generator would consist of a wedge-shaped pipe or tube of some non-conductive material. When an electrically conductive fluid flows through the tube, in the presence of a significant perpendicular magnetic field, a charge is induced in the field, which can be drawn off as electrical power by placing the electrodes on the sides at 90 degree angles to the magnetic field.
There are limitations on the density and type of field used. The amount of power that can be extracted is proportional to the cross sectional area of the tube and the speed of the conductive flow. The conductive substance is also cooled and slowed by this process. MHD generators typically reduce the temperature of the conductive substance from plasma temperatures to just over 1000 °C.
The main practical problem of a Faraday generator is that differential voltages and currents in the fluid short through the electrodes on the sides of the duct. The most powerful waste is from the Hall effect current. This makes the Faraday duct very inefficient. Most further refinements of MHD generators have tried to solve this problem. The optimal magnetic field on duct-shaped MHD generators is a sort of saddle shape. To get this field, a large generator requires an extremely powerful magnet. Many research groups have tried to adapt superconducting magnets to this purpose, with varying success.
• Hall generator: The most common answer is to use the Hall effect to create a current that flows with the fluid. The normal scheme is to place arrays of short, vertical electrodes on the sides of the duct. The first and last electrodes in the duct power the load. Each other electrode is shorted to an electrode on the opposite side of the duct. These shorts of the Faraday current induce a powerful magnetic field within the fluid, but in a chord of a circle at right angles to the Faraday current. This secondary, induced field makes current flow in a rainbow shape between the first and last electrodes.
Losses are less than a Faraday generator, and voltages are higher because there is less shorting of the final induced current. However, this design has problems because the speed of the material flow requires the middle electrodes to be offset to "catch" the Faraday currents. As the load varies, the fluid flow speed varies, misaligning the Faraday current with its intended electrodes, and making the generator's efficiency very sensitive to its load.
• Disc generator: The third, currently most efficient answer is the Hall effect disc generator. This design currently holds the efficiency and energy density records for MHD generation. A disc generator has fluid flowing between the center of a disc, and a duct wrapped around the edge. The magnetic excitation field is made by a pair of circular Helmholtz coils above and below the disk. The Faraday currents flow in a perfect dead short around the periphery of the disk. The Hall Effect currents flow between ring electrodes near the center and ring electrodes near the periphery.
Another significant advantage of this design is that the magnet is more efficient. First, it has simple parallel field lines. Second, because the fluid is processed in a disk, the magnet can be closer to the fluid, and magnetic field strengths increase as the 7th power of distance. Finally, the generator is compact for its power, so the magnet is also smaller. The resulting magnet uses a much smaller percentage of the generated power.
An MHD generator, like a turbo generator, is an energy conversion device and can be used with any high-temperature heat source-chemical, nuclear, solar, etc. The future electrical power needs of industrial countries will have to be met for the most part by thermal systems composed of a heat source and an energy conversion device. In accordance with thermodynamic considerations, the maximum potential efficiency of such a system (i.e., the Carnot efficiency) is determined by the temperature of the heat source. However, the maximum actual efficiency of the system will be limited by the maximum temperature employed in the energy conversion device. The closer the temperature of the working fluid in the energy conversion device to the temperature of the heat source, the higher the maximum potential efficiency of the overall system. A spectrum of heat source temperatures is currently available, up to about 3000˚K. However, at the present time large central station power production is limited to the use of a single energy-conversion scheme-the steam turbo-generator-which is capable of operating economically at a maximum temperature of only 850˚K. The over-all efficiencies of present central-station power-producing systems are limited by this
fact to values below about 42 percent, which is a fraction of the potential efficiency. It is clear that a temperature gap exists in our energy conversion technology. Because MHD power generators, in contrast to turbines, do not require the use of moving solid materials in the gas stream, they can operate at much higher temperatures. Calculations show that fossil-fuelled MHD generators may be capable of operating at efficiencies between 50 and 60 percent. Higher operating efficiencies would lead to improved conservation of natural resources, reduced thermal pollution, and lower fuel costs. Studies currently in progress suggest also the possibility of reduced air pollution.

The essential elements of a simplified MHD generator are shown below in the figure. This type of generator is referred to as a continuous electrode Faraday generator. A field of magnetic induction ‘B’ is applied transverse to the motion of an electrically conducting gas flowing in an insulated duct with a velocity ‘u’.
Presented by:Nikita Khatooa


Is the production of electrical power utilizing a conducting plasma through an intense magnetic field
It is a Direct Energy Conversion system.
Are classified based on the nature of processing of the working fluid
Plays an important role in power industry

What is MHD?
MHD: MagnetoHydroDynamics
Otherwise known as Magnetofluiddynamics or Hydromagnetics
Study of dynamics of electrically conducting fluids
The field of MHD was initiated by Hannes Alfven in 1970
Cannot treat kinetic phenomena
Combination of various differential equations describe MHD

Ideal and Resistive MHD
MHD simulation of the solar wind
Ideal MHD: fluid treated as perfect conductor
Resistive MHD: magnetized fluid has finite electron diffusivity
Application of MHD to plasmas
Plasma: It is typically an ionized gas, consists of free electric charges, responds strongly to electromagnetic field
Ideal MHD is applicable in the stricter sense when:
> plasma is strongly collisional
> resistivity due to these collisions is small
> system is smooth and slowly evolving

Structures in MHD Systems
Schematic view of the different current systems which shape the Earth's magnetosphere

MHD Generator
Transforms thermal energy or kinetic energy directly into electricity
They can operate at high temperatures
Have no moving parts
It permits an older single cycle fossil fuel power plant to be upgraded to higher efficiency.

Principle of Operation
The operation is based on the simple principles of Lorentz Force Law.
Products of combustion of fossil fuels, noble gas, liquid metal are used as the working fluid
Maintenance of a very high temperature is required

Types of MHD Generators
According to the working fluid and the anticipated heat source:
i. Open Cycle MHD Generators
ii. Closed Cycle MHD Generators
iii. Liquid Metal MHD Generators
Considering the various MHD Generator designs:
i. Faraday Generator
ii. Hall Generator
iii. Disc Generator

Efficiency and Economics
Closed cycle MHD generator recorded 20% efficiency
Open cycle MHD generator recorded nearly 17% efficiency
Combined with conventional steam plant, up to 60% efficiency recorded
MHD generators for fossil fuels are inherently expensive

i. Increase in the conversion efficiency
ii. Because of higher efficiency overall generation cost is less
iii. Better fuel utilization
iv. Improved environmental effects
v. Better peak power applications and emergency service

Simultaneous presence of high temperature and a highly corrosive and abrasive environment
MHD channel operates under extreme conditions of electric and magnetic field
Initial installments are expensive

The extensive use of MHD can help in saving billions of dollars towards fuel prospects of much better fuel utilization. The potential of lower capital costs with increased utilization of invested capital provides also a very important economic incentive.   The beneficial environmental aspects of MHD are probably of equal or even greater significance. It simultaneously assures better utilization for our natural resources.  It can therefore be claimed that the development of MHD for electric utility power generation is an objective of national significance. 


presented by:
vivek upadhyay

It is the academic discipline which studies the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids.
The idea of MHD is that magnetic fields can induce currents in a moving conductive fluid, which create forces on the fluid, and also change the magnetic field itself. The set of equations which describe MHD are a combination of the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics and Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism. These differential equations have to be solved simultaneously, either analytically or numerically. Because MHD is a fluid theory, it cannot treat kinetic phenomena, i.e., those in which the existence of discrete particles, or of a non-thermal distribution of their velocities, is important.
The MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) generator or dynamo transforms thermal energy or kinetic energy directly into electricity. MHD generators are different from traditional electric generators in that they can operate at high temperatures without moving parts. MHD was eagerly developed because the exhaust of a plasma MHD generator is a flame, still able to heat the boilers of a steam power plant. So high-temperature MHD was developed as a topping cycle to increase the efficiency of electric generation, especially when burning coal or natural gas. It has also been applied to pump liquid metals and for quiet submarine engines.
The basic concept underlying the mechanical and fluid dynamos is the same. The fluid dynamo, however, uses the motion of fluid or plasma to generate the currents which generate the electrical energy. The mechanical dynamo, in contrast, uses the motion of mechanical devices to accomplish this. The functional difference between an MHD generator and an MHD dynamo is the path the charged particles follow.
MHD generators are now practical for fossil fuels, but have been overtaken by other, less expensive technologies, such as combined cycles in which a gas turbine's or molten carbonate fuel cell's exhaust heats steam for steam turbine. The unique value of MHD is that it permits an older single-cycle fossil-fuel power plant to be upgraded to high efficiency.
Natural MHD dynamos are an active area of research in plasma physics and are of great interest to the geophysics and astrophysics communities. From their perspective the earth is a global MHD dynamo and with the aid of the particles on the solar wind produces the aurora borealis. The differently charged electromagnetic layers produced by the dynamo effect on the earth's geomagnetic field enable the appearance of the aurora borealis. As power is extracted from the plasma of the solar wind, the particles slow and are drawn down along the field lines in a brilliant display over the poles.
This type of thruster generates magnetic fields by passing an electric current through a liquid conductor, such as sea water. Using another magnetic field, the liquid can be pushed in a chosen direction, therefore generating thrust. You can easily make one of these devices from household materials and a couple of neodymium magnets. In the diagram below the small arrows represent the intersecting electric and magnetic fields. the large blue arrow represents the flow of water.
The Lorentz Force Law describes the effects of a charged particle moving in a constant magnetic field. The simplest form of this law is given by the vector equation.
• F is the force acting on the particle (vector),
• Q is charge of particle (scalar),
• v is velocity of particle (vector),
• x is the cross product,
• B is magnetic field (vector).
The vector F is perpendicular to both v and B according to the Right hand rule
Faraday generator

The Faraday generator is named after the man who first looked for the effect in the Thames river (see History, below). A simple Faraday generator would consist of a wedge-shaped pipe or tube of some non-conductive material. When an electrically conductive fluid flows through the tube, in the presence of a significant perpendicular magnetic field, a charge is induced in the field, which can be drawn off as electrical power by placing the electrodes on the sides at 90 degree angles to the magnetic field.
There are limitations on the density and type of field used. The amount of power that can be extracted is proportional to the cross sectional area of the tube and the speed of the conductive flow. The conductive substance is also cooled and slowed by this process. MHD generators typically reduce the temperature of the conductive substance from plasma temperatures to just over 1000 °C.
The main practical problem of a Faraday generator is that differential voltages and currents in the fluid short through the electrodes on the sides of the duct. The most powerful waste is from the Hall effect current. This makes the Faraday duct very inefficient. Most further refinements of MHD generators have tried to solve this problem. The optimal magnetic field on duct-shaped MHD generators is a sort of saddle shape. To get this field, a large generator requires an extremely powerful magnet. Many research groups have tried to adapt superconducting magnets to this purpose, with varying success.
Hall generator
The most common answer is to use the Hall effect to create a current that flows with the fluid. The normal scheme is to place arrays of short, vertical electrodes on the sides of the duct. The first and last electrodes in the duct power the load. Each other electrode is shorted to an electrode on the opposite side of the duct. These shorts of the Faraday current induce a powerful magnetic field within the fluid, but in a chord of a circle at right angles to the Faraday current. This secondary, induced field makes current flow in a rainbow shape between the first and last electrodes.
Losses are less than a Faraday generator, and voltages are higher because there is less shorting of the final induced current. However, this design has problems because the speed of the material flow requires the middle electrodes to be offset to "catch" the Faraday currents. As the load varies, the fluid flow speed varies, misaligning the Faraday current with its intended electrodes, and making the generator's efficiency very sensitive to its load.
Disc generator
The third, currently most efficient answer is the Hall effect disc generator. This design currently holds the efficiency and energy density records for MHD generation. A disc generator has fluid flowing between the center of a disc, and a duct wrapped around the edge. The magnetic excitation field is made by a pair of circular Helmholtz coils above and below the disk. The Faraday currents flow in a perfect dead short around the periphery of the disk. The Hall effect currents flow between ring electrodes near the center and ring electrodes near the periphery.
Another significant advantage of this design is that the magnet is more efficient. First, it has simple parallel field lines. Second, because the fluid is processed in a disk, the magnet can be closer to the fluid, and magnetic field strengths increase as the 7th power of distance. Finally, the generator is compact for its power, so the magnet is also smaller. The resulting magnet uses a much smaller percentage of the generated power
It is basically relates to the conversion of thermal energy to electrical energy using the magneto hydrodynamic principle which eliminates the turbine or engine used in conventional conversion systems.
In MHD generators a conducting fluid is caused to flow through a channel placed between the poles of an electro magnet. An electric current is induced in the fluid at right angles to both the direction of fluid flow and the magnetic flux and is utilized by an external load connected across electrodes placed in contact with the fluid.
A magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) electric generator, works on the principle that any conductor of electricity that is moved through a magnetic field will generate in itself a current of electricity. This applies not only to copper wires (as in conventional generators), but to gases, which become conductors when they are made so hot that some of their atoms separate (ionize) into electrically charged particles. If forced through a magnetic field, a stream of ionized gas causes an electrical current to flow across it. The gas must be so hot (at least 4,000° F.) that it destroys many structural materials. Another problem is the poor conductivity of most gases big enough to supply commercial power. A major advantage: an MHD generator has no primary moving parts, with the exception of those in the relatively simple compressor.
Coal is burn in a stream of compressed, preheated air. While passing through the flame, the air gets hotter, expands .
A small amount of potassium chloride fed into it increases its ionization and makes it a better electrical conductor. Then the stream shoots into a hollow cone made of a heat-resisting, nonconducting material . Electrical coils outside the cone create a strong magnetic field. As the gas speeds through, a powerful current of electricity flows across it and is collected by two electrodes inside the cone.
From Nose Cones:-. Most of the electricity generated by the system comes from the electrodes, but waste heat can be harnessed to drive a conventional turbogenerator, adding importantly to the system's efficiency
Most of the electricity generated by the system comes from the electrodes, but waste heat can be harnessed to drive a conventional turbogenerator, adding importantly to the system's efficiency. The estimation is that a 450,000-kw. coal-fired MHD generator will produce electricity with the sensational thermal efficiency of 55%. The best that conventional plants can do is 40%.
Even more exciting is the possibility of using the MHD system with a nuclear reactor. In this case the gas will probably be argon or helium, laced with cesium to make it more conductive. It will circulate through the reactor, then through the generator and back to the reactor again. This system will have to wait for the development of high-temperature reactor cores, but Project Rover, the Atomic Energy Commission's nuclear-rocket program, has shown that the prospects of this are promising.



 It is well know that man had always been trying to fined something new achieve a new aim 80% of total electricity produce from nuclear ,thermal ,solar and magneto hydro dynamic generation. It has high efficiency and low pollution .The construction work is in progress at Tiruchirapalli in Tamilnadu under joint effort of BARC (Bhabha atomic research center),BHEL.
Principal of MHD power generation
 The principal of MHD generation is simple, discovered faraday when an electric conductor moves across a magnetic field, an e.m.f is induced in it, which produced an electric current. This is the principle of conventional generator also, where the conductors consist of copper strip.
There are type of MHD system

 1.Open cycle system
 In open cycle system the working fluid after generating electrical energy is discharge to the atmosphere through a stack. The operation MHD generator directly on combustion products in an open cycle system.
Advantages of MHD generation
 Large amount of power is generated.
 It has no moving parts so more reliable.
 The conversion efficiency of a MHD system can be 50% has compared to less than 40% for the most efficient steam plant.
 Because of higher efficiency , the overall generation cost of an MHD plant will be less.
 Power generation in space craft.
 Defense application.
 Hypersonic wind tunnel experiments.
 With the increased industrial and agricultural activities, power demand is also highly increased. In the country is sure to fall short of the energy demand by the first decade of next century. The answer to this is in non conventional energy.
Prepared by
Kishore Kumar.N


Eighty percent of total electricity produced in the world is hydral while remaining 20% is produced from nuclear, thermal, solar, Geothermal energy and from magneto hydro dynamic power generation.
MHD power generation is a new system of electric power generation which is said to be of high efficiency and low pollution. In advanced countries MHD generator are widely used but in developing countries like India it is still under construction. This construction work is in progress atTiruchirapalli in Tamilnadu under joint efforts of BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre), BHEL, Associated Cement Corporation and Russian technologists
As its name implies, magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) is concerned with the flow of conducting fluid in presence of magnetic and electric field. This fluid may be gas at elevated temperature or liquid metal like sodium or potassium.
A MHD generator is a device for converting heat energy of fuel directly into electric energy without a conventional electric generator. The basic difference between conventional generator and MHD generator is in the nature of conductor.
In this system , an MHD converter system is a heat engine, in which heat taken up at high temperature is partly converted into useful work and the reminded is rejected by the temperature. like all engines , the thermal efficiency of MHD converter is increased by supplying heat at high practical temperature and rejecting it at low practical temperature.
when an electric conductor moves across a magnetic field; an emf is induced in it, which produced an electric current.
This is the principle of the conventional generator also, where the conductors consists of copper strips.
In MHD generator the solid conductors are replaced by a gaseous conductor; ionized gas. If such gas is passed at high velocity through a powerful magnetic field, a current is generated and can extract by placing electrodes in a suitable position in the stream.
The principle can be explained as follows: an electric conductor moving through a magnetic field experiences a retarding force as well as an induced electric field and current.
The positive ions would be accelerated towards the upper plate P, and negative ions would be accelerated towards the plate P2. If the P1and P2 are externally connected through a resistance, a current would flow through the resistance. Thus gas energy directly converted into electrical energy. This is the principle of MHD generator.
A MHD conversion is known as direct energy conversion because it produced electricity directly from heat source without the necessity of the additional stage of steam generation as in a steam power plant.
The effect is result of Faraday’s law of electro magnetic induction.
The induced emf is given by
Eind = u x B
u= velocity of the conductor
B= magnetic field intensity
Induced current is given by,
Jind= x Eind
where ,
= electric conductivity
The retarding force on the conductor is the Lorentz force given by
Find= Jind x B
The conducting flow fluid is forced between with a kinetic energy & pressure differential sufficient to over come magnetic induction force Find.
The end view drawing illustrates the construction of the channel.
An ionized gas is employed as a conducting field.
Ionization is produced either by thermal means i.e. by an elevated temperature or by seeding with substance like cesium or potassium vapours which ionize at relatively low temperature.
The atom of seed element split off electrons. The presence of negatively charge electrons make the carrier gas an electrical conductor.
Thus MHD systems can be classified broadly as follows:
1.) Open cycle System 2.) Closed cycle System
In open cycle system the working fluid after generating electrical energy is discharged to the atmosphere through a stack. In a closed cycle system the working fluid is recycled to the heat sources and thus used again and again. The operation of MHD generator is directly on combustion products in an open cycle system. In open cycle system working fluid is air. In closed cycle system helium or argon is used as the working fluid.
The MHD generator resembles a rocket engine surrounded by a magnet the coal is burnt to produce hot gas. The hot gas is then seeded with a small amount of an ionized alkali metal (cesium or potassium) to increase the electrical conductivities of gas. The gas expands through the generator surrounded by powerful magnet. During the motion of gas the positive and negative ions move to the electrodes and constitute an electric current. The rejected gas passes through an air heater for preheating the inlet air. The seed material is recovered for successive use. The nitrogen and sulphur are removing for pollution controlled and then gasses are discharged to the atmosphere.
The above cycle is not suitable for commercial use. The exhaust gases of MHD unit are still at a sufficiently hot temperature it is possible to use for additional power generation in a steam turbine alternator unit. This increase the efficiency of process. Such cycle is known as hybrid MHD-steam plant cycle
The resulting mixture having an electrically conductivity of about 10ohm/m is expanded through a nozzle to increase its velocity and then passed through the high magnetic field (5 to 7 teslas) of the MHD generator. Electrodes channel provided electric contact between flow and external load. The power o/p is dc and it is necessary to use to change it to ac before the power can be fed to an electric grid
The gas coming out of MHD generator is still sufficiently hot and is used to raise steam, which generates additional energy in a steam in a steam turbine alternator unit. A part of this steam is also used in a steam turbine which driver a compressor for compressing air for the MHD cycle. The seed material is recovered from the gas the harmful emissions (sulphur) are also removed from gas before it is discharged to atmosphere through a stack.
Closed cycle MHD system:
The closed cycle inert gas MHD system was conceived1965. The main disadvantages of the open-cycle system are very high temperature requirement and a very chemically active flow could be removed, by closed cycle MHD system.
As the name suggests the working fluid in closed cycle, is circulated in a closed loop. The working fluid is helium or argon with cesium seeding
The complete system has three distinct but interlocking loops. On the left is the external heating loop, coal is gasified and the gas having a high heat value of about5.35 MJ/kg and temperature of about 530°C is burnt in a combustor to produce heat. In the heat exchanger HX, this heat is transferred to argon the working fluid of MHD cycle. The combustion products after passing through the airpreheater (to recover a part of the heat of combustion product) and purifiers (To remove harmful emissions) and discharged to atmosphere.
The loop in the centre is the MHD loop. The hot argon gas is seeded with cesium and passed through MHD generator. The dc power output of MHD generator is converted to A.C. by the inverter and is then feed into the grid.


The electricity requirements of the world including India are increasing at alarming
It is also now widely recognized that the fossil fuels and other conventional resources, presently being used for generation of electrical energy, ..
MAGNETO HYDRO DYNAMIC (MHD) power generation is a new unique method of power generation.
Michael Faraday (1832) conducted MHD experiments
The first successful power generation experiment, developed by Richard Rosa in 1959, generated 10 kW with a timber walled channel
In 1972 in Moscow, a large experimental facility, the "U-25," used a 250 MW natural gas combustor and generated 20 MW
When an electrical conductor is moved so as to cut lines of magnetic induction, charged particles in the conductor experience a force
. The negative charges tend to move in one direction, and the positive charges in the opposite direction.
In conventional steam power plants, the heat released by the fuel is converted into rotational mechanical energy by means of a thermo cycle and the mechanical energy is then used to drive the electric generator
Thus two stages of energy conversion
electrical energy is directly generated from hot combustion gases produced by the combustion of fuel without moving part
MHD generator is heat engine operating on a turbine cycle and transforming the internal energy of gas directly into electrical energy.
The basic principle of MHD is just similar to dynamo except that the solid conductor of high electrical conductivity is replaced by a gas with comparatively low value of electrical conductivity
If the gas is heated to high temperature it gets converted into plasma and plasma is conductor of electricity.
electrically conducting gas at a very high temperature is passed at high velocity through a strong magnetic field
at right angles to the direction of flow
There by generating electrical energy. The electrical energy is then collected from stationary electrodes placed on the opposite sides of the channel
The current so obtained is direct current which can be converted into ac by an inverter.
On heating of a gas, the outer electrons escape out from its atoms or molecules.
The particles acquire an electric charge and the gases passes into the state of plasma
Air becomes highly ionized at temperatures of 5,0000 to 6,0000C
induced emf depends on the velocity of plasma E=V.B
This is the well known Hall effect observed in solids and liquids, and also in gases under suitable conditions.
The output power per unit volume of such a system is given by
 is the electrical conductivity of the gas and K is the load factor.
The load factor K is a measure of the emf E due to the flow of current through the circuit and is given by
The recommended value of K=1/2 so the power output P per unit volume is given by
p= /4
1. Segmented electrode configuration
2. Continuous electrode configuration
3.Hall generator
1. Segmented electrode configuration
electrode segments are separated by insulator segments
no current flowing in the direction
The electric field vector has a component both along the channel and across the channel.
2. Continuous electrode configuration
electric field is across the channel only
but he current has components along the channel as well as across it.
In this case the hall angle is minimized and thus the losses are reduced
3.Hall generator
the electrodes wrap up the channel all the way in segment.
The electric field becomes parallel to the channel axis
there cannot be any potential difference across the channel.
Open cycle MHD
Closed cycle MHD
Liquid Metal- Closed cycle MHD
Open cycle MHD
Closed cycle MHD
Closed cycle MHD with Liquid Metal
Since high temperatures are involved, operational efficiency is high
No moving part, so more reliable
no limitation to the size of the duct
Ability of reaching the full power level instantly
Conceptually these generators are very simpler.
The walls can be cooled below temperature of working gas
The more efficient heat utilization reduces the amount of heat discharged to environment and thus the cooling water requirements are reduced.
The capital costs of the MHD plants are low
The overall costs of MHD power generation are estimated to be lower (20%) than those of conventional power plants
construction is not limited by the working temperature of the gas inside the duct
Direct conversion of heat into electrical energy results in the elimination of gas turbine and both the boiler
The closed cycle system produces power, free of pollution
The size of the plant is considerably smaller than conventional fossil fuel plants
It can be started and put on the line within few seconds. It provides almost instantaneous standby power.
It can be used most economically as peak load plant
A 5-15 MW thermal input pilot plant is being set up in India at Tiruchirapalli. This plant uses fluidized bed combustion
A major effort was made in U.S.A use MHD as the conversion system in a nuclear electrical system for space craft.
The Department of Science and Technology of government of India has sponsored research and development programmes on coal based MHD power generation.
MHD conversion has also been considered for ship propulsion
Seed material potassium attacks insulating materials and make them conducting
Electrode materials are chemically eroded by combustion of gases
Although the overall thermal efficiency is 60% against 40% for conventional thermal plant, additional investment in the magnet, generator, duct, compressors, scrubbers, seed recovery plant and DC to AC converters may increase the plant cost and it may be much higher than conventional plant.
Most of the problems are related to material problems caused by high temperature and highly corrosive and abrasive environment
Additional pictures
1.) Power generation in space craft
2.) Hypersonic wind tunnel experiments
The threat of disappearing of the fossil fuels within few decades compel the human beings to search for new energy sources will last for a longer time. Extensive research is going on in different countries through out the world to find out the new resources to replace the conventional fossil one.
With the present research and development programmers, the non-conventional power resources play an important role in the power industry
The magneto hydro dynamic power generation is one of the examples of a new unique method of generation of electricity.
This power resource play a minor role presently and its use on a vast scale is yet to be confirmed as it is in its childhood stage. Man being optimistic should not leave the hopes on the success of this MHD generator as the technology took the man to moon which was a dream long time back, the same technology will help the human being to survive from the present crisis of power shortage.
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