LR IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.“Budget, if merely an estimate, would not be the master problem of Public administration". This statement is made by:
(B) Henry Higgs
(C ) G. Jeze
(D) Dirmock

2.The classical theory is mainly concerned with
(A)Formal organisation structure 
(B) Time and motion study
(C ) People in the organisation
(D) Adaptive nature of organisation

3.Hawthorne Experiment by Elton Mayo was conducted from :
(C )1924- 1930
(D)1924 - 1933

4.The budget was formally introduced in India by
(A)Sir James Wilson (C ) Willonghby
(B) Lloyd George (D) Thomas D. Lynch

5.The institution of lok ayukta was created for the Gret time by the state of:
(B)Himachal Pradesh
(C )Maharashtra

6.Which was the first legal and institutional framework to check corruption and redress citizen’s grievances in India?
(A)Indian Penal Code
(B)Prevention of Corruption Act
(C )Railway Services (Conduct) Rules 
(D)Public Servants (Enquiries) Act

7.Who gave the first comprehensive explanation of organisation from the systems point of view ?
(A)M.P. Follet (C ) Herbert Simon
(B)Chester Barnard (D) Norbert Wiener

8.Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A)Officials Secrets Act-1923
(B)Indian Evidence Act-1872
(C )Commission of Enquiry Act-1953
(D)All India Services (Conduct) Rules -1954

9.The word "Budget’ is mentioned in which of the Article of the Indian Constitution :
(A)Article 265
(B) Article 112
(C )Article 264
(D) None of the above

10.Who coined the phrase ‘Sunset  Law?
(A)Craig Barnes
(B) Robert P. Biller
(C )Edmund Muskie
(D)MarkRoss Daniels

11.In which year, the principles of double entry hook keeping were evolved?
(C )1496

12.The concept of the balanced budget was discarded every where after the World War II and who supported that spending could be a source of economic stability :
(A) Hoover Commission
(B) P.M. Marx
(C ) Keynes
(D) Wildavsky

18.Who of the following supported the managerial view of administration?
(A) 1. 2, 3
(B) 2, 3, 4
(C ) 3. 4, 1
(D) 1, 2, 3, 4

14.The association of the word ‘Budget' with finance became apparent in :
(C )1772

15.“Administration is a long and slightly pompons word, but it has a humble meaning for it means to care for or look after people, to manage affairs”. This statement w as made by :
(C )E.M. Gladden
(D)UD. White

16.“If one Civilization fails, it will be mainly because of a breakdown of administration”. This statement was made by :
(A) P.H. Appleby
(B) Donham
(C ) Simon
(D) Luther Gullick

17.Under which Article of the Constitution of India, a statement of estimated expenditures of the Government of India is laid before the Parliament?
(A) Article 111
(B) Article 112
(C ) Article 113
(D) Article 267

18.Who coined the acronym TOSDCORB’ to sum up the different administrative processes?
(B)Lyndal Urwick
(C )Luther Gullick
(D)L.D. White

19.Who is considered as the father of comparative public administration?
(A)Fred Riggs
(B)Richard Gable
(C )Dwight Waldo
(D)Bertam Gross

20.Which approach concentrates on what public administration ‘is’ that is, it describes and analyses ‘actual’ administrative situations?
(A) Normative approach
(B) Development approach
(C )Ecological approach
(D)Empirical approach

21.Which Indian University was the first one to start diploma course in public administration?
(A)Nagpur University
(B)Lucknow University
(C )Madras University

22.On which date, a decision to formulate Citizen’s charter in India was taken?
(A)24 May, 1997
(B)25 May. 1997
(C )24 May, 1996
(D)24 May. 1995

28.Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
(A)Henry Fayol: Industrial and General Management
(B)Mooney and Reiley : Principles of organisation
(C )Gullick and Urwick : Papers on the Science of Administration
(D)M.P. Follet: The dynamics of Public Administration

24.Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A)Consolidated Fund of India : Article 266
(B)Contingency Fund of India : Article 267
(C )Vote on Account: Article 114
(D)Annual Financial Statement: Article 112

25.The most effective means of citizen’s control over administration is :
(A) Public Opinion
(B) Pressure Groups
(C )General Elections

26.Which Article of the Indian constitution provides for an independent office of the comptroller and Auditor General of India?
(A)Article 147
(B)Article 146
(C )Article 112
(D)Article 148

27.The book ‘Reinventing Government’ deals with :
(A) New Public Administration
(B)Public Policy Approach
(C ) New Public Management
(D)Goal Orientation
28."Electronic Government, or E-Governance is the use of information technology, in particular the internet, to deliver public services in a much more convenient, customer, oriented, cost-effective and altogether different and better way”. This statement is associated with :
(C )Bata K. Dey

29.In Indian till now how many Finance Commissions have been constituted?
(C )15

30.Arrange the following landmarks in the emergence and growth of New Public Administration in a sequence :
1.Philadelphia Conference
2.Honey Report
3.Publication of towards a New- Public Administration
4.Minnowbrook Conference.
(A)1, 2, 3, 4
(B)2, I, 4, 3
(C )2, 3, 4, 1
(D)2. 4, 3, 1

31."Leadership depends upon three things, that is the individual, the followers and the conditions” is said by :
(A)M.P. Follet
(C )Terry
(D)Chestard Barnard

32.The classic Three E's of Public Administration are:
(A)Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness
(B)Equity, Ecology and Environment
(C )Efficiency. Equity and Economy
(D)Equity, Ecology and Effectiveness

33.Woodrow Wilson’s name is associated with which of the following statements?
1.Founder of the discipline of Public Administration
2.Originator of Politics - administrative dichotomy
3.Author of the article The Study of Administration’
4.“It is getting to be harder to run a constitution that to frame one”
(C )2, 3, 4,1
(D)1,2, 3, 4

34.Which of the following is not theories of or approaches to leadership?
(A)Trait theory
(B)Behaviour theory
(C )Situational theory’
(D)Traditional theory

35.‘Gang Plank' according to Henry Fayol is a :
(A)method of decidingdecisional levels
(B) tools of resolving senior-subordinate conflicts 
(C ) procedure to work with in the hierarchy 
(D)way to cut ondelayoriented red tape

36.Who invested the 'Flow Process Chart’ to help in the elimination of unnecessary steps in an operation?
(A) Frank Gilberth
(B) Lillian Gilborth
(C ) Frank Gilberth and Lillian Gilborth
(D) Henry L. Gantt

37.The main principle which can be derived from Me Gregor’s Theory :
(C )Direction

38.Who cointed the term ‘Development Administration’?
(B)F.W. Riggs
(C )Goswami
(D)Lucian lye

39.The ‘Prismatic Sale Model’ given by F.W. Riggs aims at studying :
(A)Administration in developed countries
(B)Administration in developing countries
(C )Administrative in primitive societies
(D)Administration in socialistic countries

40.The Behavioural Theory of Leadership was advocated by :
1.Kurt lie Win
3.Rensis Likert
4.Robert Black
(A)1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B)1, 2, 3, 4
(C )1, 2, 3
(D) ft, 4, 3. 2, 1

41.Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
(A)Prismatic Society Revisited-1975
(B)Development Administration : Concepts
Goals and Methods-1979
(C )Handbook of organisation-1963

42.The scientific management stressed upon :
2.Technical competence
4.Rationality Select the correct code :
(A)l, 2
(C )1, 2, 3, 4
(D) 2.3,4

43.Which of the following is not true about Herzberg’s two factor theory?
(A)Company Policy and Administration : Achievement
(B)Supervision : Recognition
(C )Salary : Work itself
(D)Working Conditions : Responsibility

44.Who described the classical approach as the engineering approach?
(A) H.L. Gantt
(B) S.E. Thompson
(C ) K.B. Gilberth
(D) Urwick

45.Which committee observed, “The right promotion at the right time is an essential part of the process of developing full talents of men and women in services"?
(A) Fulton Committee
(B) Hoover Commission
(C ) ARC
(D) North Cote Report

46.Elton Mayo’s human relations theory lay emphasis on :
2.Informal group
1.Reliability Select the correct code ;
(A) 1. 2
(B) 2, 3. 4
(C ) 2, 3, 4, 1
(D) 3, 4, 1

47.Who is the disciplinary authority in respect to All India Services employees? 
(A) Minister
(B) President of India
(C ) Secretary
(D) Prime Minister

48.Advancement involves:
(A) Change of duties 
(B)Change of title
(C ) Increase in pay
(D)Greater Responsibility

49. Which of the Indian State is not covered under ‘The Right of Information Act, 2005"? 
(A) Assam
(B) Magalaya
(C )Andaman and Nicobar
(D) Jammu and Kashmir

50. How Max Weber's concept of bureaucracy is belter than any of her form of organisation in?
3.Division of work
4.Reliability Select the correct code :
(B) 1, 2. 4
(C )2, 3
(D) 1,,2, 3

51.The originof the generalists and specialists dichotomy can be traced to :
(A)The Macaulay Committee
(B) Northcotc - Travllyan Committee
(C )Fulton Committee
(D) Appleby Report

52.When wasthe concept of citizen charterwas first articulated and implemented?
(B) 1992
(C )1997
(D) 1993

53.Match :List TList II
(a)Maslow1.Hierarchy of Needs
(b)Herzberg2.Motivation — Hygiene Theory
(C )Mc Gregor3.Theory X
(d)Argyris1.Immaturity - Maturity
(a) (b)(C )(d)
(A)1 231
(B)2 311
(C )3 421
(D)4 321

54.Who identified the four bases of departmental organisation also known as 4P- Formula?
(B) Urwick
(C )Elton Mayo
(D) Mooney

55.Who translated Max Weber's Organisation?hookentitled The Theory of Social and Economic
(A)Talcott Parsons
(B) A.M. Henderson
(C )Warren Bennis
(D)Talcott Parsonsand A.M.Henderson

56.Under which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers the legislature to regulate the recruitment and service conditions of persons appointed to Public Services and posts :
(A)Article 19
(B)Article 21
(C )Article 309
(D)Article 310

57.Who laid down the concept of civil service neutrality in USA?
(A)The Master man Committee
(B)The Taft - Hartley Act
(C )Llyod La Follet Act
(D)Hoover Commission

58.“Policies arc general statements or understandings which guide or channel thinking in decision making of subordinates” is said by :
(A)Peter self
(B)Thomas Dye
(C )Koontz and O’Dannel

59.Who gave a four fold classification of bureaucracy viz. Guardian. Caste, Patronage and Merit?
(A)F.M. Marx
(B)Max Weber
(C )Lord Hewart

60.In which of the following countries does rank classification prevail?
Select the correct code :
(A)1. 2. 3, 4
(B) 1,2
(C )1.2,3
(D) 2,3,

61.Match:List IList 11
(a)System ll.Participative
(b)System 22.Consultative
(C )System 33.Benevolent
(d)System 44.Exploitative
(a)(b)(C )(d)
(C )3121

62.Which was the first country to adopt the scientific system of recruitment based on merit principle?
(A) U.S.A.
(B) U.K.
(C ) France
(D) China

63.The merit principle in U.S.A. was introduced by :
(A) Pendleton Act of 1883
(B)North cote - Trevelyan Report
(C ) First Hoover Commission
(D)Second Hoover Commission

64.Recruitment is the “cornerstone of the whole public personnel structure. Unless recruitment policy is soundly conceived there can be little hope for building a first rate staff. Who made this statement?
(A) Koontz
(B) Peter Drucker
(C ) Glenn Stahl
(D) P. H. Appleby

65.Administ rative Staff College of India was established in 1957 on the recommendation of:
(A)First Administrative Reforms Commission
(B)Gorwala Report
(C )P.H. Appleby Report
(D)All India Council for Technical Education

66. A system is not concerned with 
(A) Input 
(B) Output
(C ) Process
(D) Value—oriented

67.Which of the following not correctly matched? 
(A) Favol - Gangplank 
(B) Taylor - Functional Foremanship
(C ) Urwick - Unity of command
(D) Gullick - Departmentalisation

68.Which of the factor is not identified as satisfiers ns given by Herzberg? (A) Achievement
(B) Company Policy
(C ) Responsibility
(D) Work itself

69.System Approach is also known as : 
(A) Integrated Theory (C ) Modern Theory
(B) Kcologital Theory (D) Contingency Theory'

70.They differed from the traditionalists in their basic approach to the organisation which they characterised as a social system consisting of individuals, informal groups and inter-group relationship in addition to the formal structure. This statement is attributed to :
(A) Elton Mayo
(B) H.A. Simon
(C ) Gullick
(D) Mohit Bhuttacharya

71.Test used for predicting future performance of students is called :
(A)Achievement Test
(C )Unit Test

72.The hierarchy of learning process is associated with :
(C )Pavlov

73.Select the auditory teaching aid from the following :
(C )Television

74.Which one of the following Model of 'Teaching is from Information Processing Family?
(A)Non-Directive Teaching Model
(B)Synectics Model
(C )Concept Attainment Model
(D)Jurisprudential Model

75.Which one of the following is not a skill of Stimulus variation?
(A)Oriented trial and error attempts
(B)Change in speech pattern
(C )Meaningful gestures
(D)Change in sense channels

76.The Null Hypothesis was developed by : 
(A) Karl Pearson (C ) Best
(B) Spearman (D) Ronald Fisher

77.The research procedure, in which group assignment is known to the experimenter but not the subject is called :
(A) Random technique
(B) Double blind technique
(C )Single blind technique
(D)Placebo technique

78.Which one of the following is a Pro-Experimental Design of research?
(A)Solomon Four Group Design
(B)Time series Design
(C )Posttest only Control Group Design 
(D)One-Shot Case Study Design

79.Which one of the following is a Probability Sampling Method?
(A)Convenience sampling
(B)Snow-ball sampling
(C )Systematic sampling
(D)Purposive sampling

80.In research, publishing another person’s research work as one’s own is called :
(C )Publishing

81.That no. tax shall be levied or collected except by authority of law is stated in------of the Constitution.
(A)Article 165
(B)Article 265
(C )Article 365
(D)Article 340

82.As per the National Food Security Act, 2013, priority households are entitled to receive at subsidised prices.
(A)Five kilograms of food grains per person per month
(B)Five Kilograms of food grains per family per month
(C )Ten kilograms of food grains per women in the family per month
(D)Ten kilograms of food grains per family per month

83.The right to vote or stand as a candidate for election is a :
(A)fundamental right
(B)common law right
(C )statutoryright
(D)none of the above

84. Under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities Protection of Rights and Full Participation) 1995, a person with disability is one who suiters from not less than-----------of any disability mentioned in section 2(i) of the Act as certified by a medical
(C )60%
(D)None of the above

85.That ‘'law” as mentioned in Article 21 would include an "ordinance” was held by the Supreme Court in the case of:
(A) A. K. Gopalan V State of Madras 
(B) Maneka Gandhi V Union of India
(C )Kharak Singh V State of Uttar Pradesh
(D)A. K. Roy V Union of India

86.Punishment for giving and taking dowry tinder section 3 of the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 shall be :
(A) Imprisonment up to three years and Fine 
(B)Imprisonment up to five years
(C ) Imprisonment for not less than Five years and fine
(D)None of the above

87.That the law declared by the Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts below it is provided for in :
(A)Article 32
(B)Article 1-1
(C )Article 121
(D)Article 141

88.As per the Industrial Disputes Act, 1917 the failure, refusal or inability of an employer on account of shortage of raw material to give employment to a workman who is on the rolls of the industrial establishment is :
(A)Lock out
(B)Lay off
(C )Retrenchment

89.As per the Factories Act, 1948. no adult worker shall be required to work in a factory for more than-------------hours in any week.
(A)40 hours
(B)62 hours
(C )50 hours
(D)48 hours

The Attorney General shall hold office :
(A)during the pleasure of the President
(B)for a period of 4 years
(C )for a period of 5 years
(D)none of the above

91.The United Kerala Convention of 1947 was held at:
(C )Kochi

92.Who did establish the ‘Sree Narayanu Vidhylaya’ at Payyannur in 1931?
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(B) Agamananda Swami
(C )Ananada Theerthan

93.Kurichiar Revolt of Wayanad was against:
(A) Religious propaganda
(B) Denial of Temple entry
(C )Revenue Reform
(D)Ferry Tax

94.Who was the father of political movement in modern Travancore?
(A) R. Ranganath Rao
(B) G. Parameswaran Pillai
(C ) John Ross
(D) N. Raman Pillai

95.The first modern hospital of Travancore was : 
(A) Avittom Thirunal Hospital (C ) Uthradam Thirunal Hospital
(B) Medical College (D) General Hospital

96.India's got the war-ship I.N.S Vikramadithya from :
(A) Russia
(C ) Germany
(D) Britain

97.The first Military Base outside india is in
(C )Bhutan

98.The first International T-20 Cricket match was played between :
(A) India- England
(B) India - Australia
(C ) England - Australia
(D) New Zealand - Australia

99.The 100th space mission of ISRO, PSLV- C21 was launched on :
(A)2012 September 9
(B)2012 October 9
(C )2012 August9
(D)2012 November 9

100.Name the first Bank which introduced the A.T.M service in India :

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