LIVE STOCK INSPECTOR GR-kerala psc previous question paper

1. ‘Daivadasakam’ is the literary contribution of:
(A) N. Kumaran Asan(B) Dr. Palpu
(C ) Sri Narayana Guru(D) Vaikunta swamikal

2.Which among the following commission is set up by the government of India to form linguistic states in 1953?
(A) Fazal Ali Commission(B) Mudaliar Commission
(C ) Mandal Commission(D) S.K. Daar Commission

3.Lord Hardinge cancelled the partition of Bengal in :
(A) 1910(B) 1911
(C ) 1912(D) 1913

4. ‘India Wins Freedom' is the work of: 
(A) Abdul Kalam Azad (C ) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(B) Dr. Zakkir Hussain (D) Pheroz Shah Mehta

5.The founder of ‘Ezhava Maha-Sabha':
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan(B) Ananda Theerthan
(C ) T.K. Madhavan(D) C. Kesavan

6. Some events related to Indian freedom movement are given below :
a.Malabar Rebellion
b.Jallian Walla incident
c.Chauri Chaura incident
d.Champaran movement Which chronological order is correct?
(A) d, a, c, b(B)d, b, c,a
(C ) c, b, d, a(D)b, c, a,d

7.‘Ente Jeevitha Smaranagal' is the autobiography of:
(A)A.K. Gopalan(B)Cherukad
(C ) Subrahmanian Thirumumbu(D) Mannath Padmanabhan

8.Name the social reformer who published the monthly 'Adhakritan’?
(A)Pandit K.P. Karuppan(B)Velukkutty Arayan
(C )K.P. Vallon(D)Swami Agamananda

9.Who is the president of Lahore Session of Congress which passed the resolution declaring Poornaswaraj in 1929?
(A)Jawahar Lal Nehru(B)Motilal Nehru
(C )C.R. Das(D)GopalaKrishna Gokhale

10.The historic 'Yachana Yatra' of V.T. Bhattathiripad was in :
(C )1933(D)1931

11.Name the journal published by Gandhiji in South Africa.
(A)Navjeevan(B)Indian opinion
(C )Harijan(D)Young India

12.Who among the following is known as Praschanna Budha"?
(A)Ram Mohan Rai(B)Vivekananda
(C )Sankaracharya(D)Dayananda Saraswati

13.Who among the following is not a member of revolutionary terrorist movement in India?
(A) Ram Prasad Bismil(B) Sachindra Nath Sanyal
(C )Chandrasekhar Azad(D)Badruddin Tyabji

14.'Aikya Muslim Sangham' is the reform movement founded by :
(A) E. Moidu Maulavi(B) Vakkam Abdul Khader Maulavi
(C ) Muhammed Abdurahman(D) Vakkam Khader

15. Which one of the following movements began after the failure of cripps mission?
(A) Quit India movement(B)Non-Cooperation movement
(C ) Civil Disobedience movement(D)Bhoodan movement

16.Who wrote 'Keralam Malayali-Kalude Mathrubhoomi'?
(A) Dr. M.G.S. Narayanan(B)M.R. Raghava Warrier
(C ) E.M. Sankaran Namboodirippud(D)K.M. Panikker

17.Which of the following agitations started for freedom of travelling?
(A) Guruvayur Satyagraha(B)Vaikam Satyagraha
(C ) Nivarthana Agitation(D)Malayali Memorial

18.‘Aruvippuram Prathishta’ of Sri Narayana Guru was in :
(A) 1886(B)1888
(C ) 1887(D)18891889

19.Who is known as Sarhaddi Gandhi’?
(A) Rajendra Prasad(B)Mirza Gulam Ahmmed
(C ) Theodore Beck(D)Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan

20.The founder of self respect-movement:
(A) E.V. Ramaswami Naicker(B)Veeresalingam
(C ) Henry Vivian Derozio(D)Atma Ram Pandurang

21.Who wrote the famous book ‘Origin of Species’?
(A) Lamark(B)DarwinDarwin
(C ) De Vris(D)Mendel

22.A group of organisms at any particular level in aclassification system is called a :
(A) Species (B)Genus
(C ) Phylum(D)Family

23.Pyramid of energy in ecosystem is :
(A) Mostly parallel (B)Always invertedAlways inverted
(C ) Always upright(D)Mostly invertedMostly inverted

24.Miotic stages are not observed in :
(C )Saccaromyces(D)Chlorella

25.The cause of cretinism is :
(A) Hypothyroidism (C ) Hyperthyroidism
(B) Hypo parathyroidism (D) Hyper parathyroidism

26.The gastrin is secreted from :
(A) Intestine (C ) Pancreas
(B) Stomach (D) Rectum

27.What are true about heart wood?
a.It does not help in water conduction
b.It is also called alburnum
c.It is dark in colour but very soft
d.It has tracheary elements which are filled with tannin, resin etc.
(A) a and d(B) b and d
(C ) a, b and c(D) b, c and d

28.When red blood corpuscles containing both A and B antigens are mixed with your blood serum, they agglutinate. Hence your blood group is :
(A) O(B) AB
(C ) B(D) A

29.Which of the following is mainly responsible for green house effect? 
(A) S02(B)C02
(C ) CO(D) 02

30.BT brinjal is an example of transgenic crops. In this, BT refers to :
(A) Bacilli us tuberculosis(B) Biotechnology
(C ) Betacarotene(D) Bacillius thuringiensis

31.Osteomalacia is a deficiency disease of:
(A)Infants due to protein energy malnutrition
(B)Adults due to Vitamin K deficiency
(C )Adults due to Vitamin D deficiency
(D)Infants due to Vitamin K deficiency

32.Which one of the following is polysaccharide?
(A) Glycogen(B) Sucrose
(C ) Lactose(D) Maltose

33.A balanced diet docs not include : 
(A) Carbohydrate and fats (C ) Proteins and vitamins
(B) Nucleic acids and enzymes (D) Minerals and salts

34.The part of the brain where the centre for hunger and thrust is located in : 
(A) Cerebrum(B) Hypothalamus
(C ) Cerebellum(D) Medulla Oblongata

35.The name of the pacemaker of the heart is : 
(A) Lymph node (C ) Bi cuspid valve
(B) Sinoatrial node (D) Semilunar valve

36. Pinus belong to the class :
(A) Gentosoda(B) Cycadopsida
(C ) Coniferopsida(D) Sphenopsida

37.Which one of the following human cells do not contain mitochondria?
(A)Nerve cell(B)Red Blood cell
(C )Liver cell(D)White Bloodcell

38.Which function will be lost due to damage of occipital lobe?
(C )Vision(D)Memory

39.Transpiration facilitates:
(A)Opening of stomata (C ) Excretion of minerals
(B)Absorption of water by roots (D) Electrolyte balance

40.The binomial system of classification was developed by :
(C )Malthus(D)Watson

41.A cattle breed with double dished face and fawn colour:
(A) HF(B) Jersey
(C )Sahiwal(D)Vechur

42.The zoological classification of odd toed domestic animals :
(A) Artiodactyla(B)RuminantRuminant
(C ) Mammalia(D)Perissodactyla

43.Name two important gases in biogas: 
(A) Methane and Carbon dioxide(B)Ethane and Carbon monoxideEthane and Carbon monoxide
(C ) Oxygen and NitrogenCD)None of the above

44.A group of sheep is called : 
(A) HerdCB)Flock
(C ) Stock(D)DroveDrove

45.Most common identification method for pigs : 
(A) Tatooing(B)TaggingTagging
(C ) Ear notching(D)Branding

46.Castrated male of goat: .
(A) Buck(B)WetherWether
(C ) BoarCD) Ram

47.Lyre-horn grey cattle groups :
(A) Kankrej and Tharparkar(B)Ongole and Rathi
(C ) Gir and Deoni,CD)Niman and Sahiwal

48.One synthetic breed of cattle :
(A) Holsteins Friesian(B) Tharparkar
(C ) Sahiwal(D) Karan Fries

49.Optimum body weight of crossbred heifers at the time of first mating :
(A)125 kg(B)250 kg
(C )180 kg(D)300 kg

50.An example of dairy type Indian cattle from Gujarat:
(C )Sindhi(D)Gir

51.Which of the following exotic cattle breed was not used in the cross-breeding programme in Kerala?
(A) Ayrshire(B) Brown Swiss
(C )Holstein Friesian(D)Jersey

52.Which of the following is a legume fodder?
(A)Guinea grass(B)Cowpea
(C )Maize(D)Jowar

53.A female cattle above one year, which has not calved is called :
(A) Cow(B)DocDoe
(C ) HeiferCD)Steer

54.The zoological name of the humped cattle is :
(A) Bos indicus(B)Bos tourus
(C ) Bos bubalis(D)Bos arni

55.The average gestation period in buffaloes in days:
(A) 280(B)240240
(C ) 335(D)310310

56.Metabolic disease in cow related with calcium :
(A) Milk fever(B)Ketosis
(C ) Bloat(D)Acidosis

57. The breed of cattle which is known as 'Lols'owing to the loose skin : 
(A) Gir(B) Tharparkar
(C ) Sahiwal(D) Sindhi

58. The breed of cattle with long pendulous ears resembling a curled leaf is :
(A) Sahiwal(B)Red Sindhi
(C ) Gir(D)Deoni

59.The gait Sawai Chal is peculiar to the breed called :
(A) Sahiwal(B)Kankrej
(C ) Ongole(D)Deoni

60.The average fat content in milk (%) of Jersey cows :•
(A) 5.5(B)A
(C ) 3.5(D)77

61.Which of the following is a meat type goat breed?
(A) Jamnapari(B)AlpineAlpine
(C ) Beetal(D)BoerBoer

62.A pelt type breed of sheep :
(A) Karakul(B)Merino
(C ) Polworth'(D)SuffolkSuffolk

63.The poultry breed which belong to the Mediterranean class is :
(A) Rhode island red(B)Australorp
(C ) Sussex(D)LeghornLeghorn

64.Which of the following is a meat type duck?
(A) Indian runner(B)Pekin
(C ) Khaki Campbell(D)Kuttanadan

65.The incubation period of Japanese quail eggs is :
(A) 18 days<B)21 days
(C ) 28 days(D)35 days

66. As per the BIS standard the floor space requirement (m2) of the covered area for a cow is :
(A) 3.5(B)22
(C ) 4(D)1

67.The gestation period in domestic pig is : 
(A) 180-186 days(B)140-145 days
(C ) 155-160 days(D)110-118 days

68.The normal body temperature (°F) in dairy cow is:
(A) 97.5(B)101.4
(C ) 104(D)103.2103.2

69.The meat of goat is known as : 
(A) Mutton(B)BeefBeef
(C ) Carabeef(D)Chevon

70.The rabbit breed reared for wool:
(A) Grey Giant(B)Soviet ChinchillaSoviet Chinchilla
(C ) Angora(D)New Zealand WhiteNew Zealand White

71.The time of ovulation in cow is :•
(A) 10 hours after end of oestrus(B)1-2 days before end of oestrus
(C ) End of oestrus(D)Near beginning of oestrusNear beginning of oestrus

72.Which of the following is an induced ovulator? 
(A) Marc(B)EweEwe
(C ) Bitch(D)Queen

73.The glandular portion of the ruminant digestive system is :
(A) Reticulum(B)Abomassum
(C ) Omassum(D)RumenRumen

74.The oxytocin hormone is released from : 
(A) Pituitary gland(B)Adrenal gland
(C ) Hypothalamus(D)Thyroid glandThyroid gland

75.The native goat breed of Kerala is : 
(A) Kuttanad (C ) Jamnapari
(B) Malabari (D) Sunandini

76.The colostrum gives :
(A) Active immunity (C ) Hypersensitivity
(B) Passive immunity (D) None

77.Normally the placenta is expelled after parturition in cows within :
(A) 4 to 8 hours(B) 14-18 hours
(C ) 24 hours(D) 2 days

78.The sudden death and exudation of dark tarry blood from natural openings of the body is a symptom of the disease :
(A) FMD (C ) Anthrax
(D)Black leg

79.A disinfectant used on cattle barn and premises on outbreak of foot and mouth disease
(A)Lime(B)Boric acid
(C )Washingsoda(D)Phenol

80.Which of the following is a protozoan disease in poultry?
(A)Ranikhet disease(B)Coccidiosis
(C )Salmonellosis(D)Bursal disease

81.The length of standing space required for an adult cattle :
(A)0.7-0.9m(B)1.5-1.7 m
(C )1.0-1.2 m(D)2.4-2 6 m

82.The minimum crude protein content of grade 1 compounded cattle feed as per BIS :
(C )11%(D)14%

83.The medium used to prepare the number mould in freeze branding is :
(A)Ice(B)Deep freezer
(C )Solid ice(D)Liquid nitrogen suited for cultivation in water-logged areas :
(A) Hybrid Napier(B) Guinea grass
(C )Dinabandhu grass(D)Paragrass

85.The chromosome number of goat is :
(C )60(D)48

86.An area accessible to young ones and not to adults, to provide additional feed is called :
(C )Tassel(D)Creep

87.The standard lactation length of a dairy cow is :
(A)180 days(B)280 days
(C )305 days(D)365 days

88.Which of the following crop is popular for silage making?
(A)Hybrid Napier(B)Berseem
(C )Guinea grass(D)Maize

89.The mineral whose deficiency leads to parakeratosis in pigs which is characterized by specific skin lesions:
(A) Copper(B) Magnesium
(C )Zinc(D)Calcium

90.Which of the following is NOT a fat soluble vitamin :
(A)Vitamin A(B)Vitamin D
(C )Vitamin C(D)Vitamin E

91.Polioencephalomalacia in ruminants is due to the deficiency of: 
(A) Thiamin(B) Biotin
(C ) Choline(D) Riboflavin

92.The method of assessing the breeding value of an individual by evaluating the performance of the offsprings:
(A) Pedigree testing(B) Progeny testing
(C ) Family selection(D) None

93.The system of mating of animals which are more closely related than the average of the population from which they come :
(A) Crossbreeding (C ) Inbreeding
(B) Upgrading (D) Out crossing

94.The average dry matter intake in goats :
(C ) 5-7%
(D) None of the above

95.The temperature for UHT pasteurization is
(C )140
(D) 160

96." Average birth weight of crossbred calf:
(A)10 kg
(C ) 35 kg
(B)25 kg
(D)40 kg

97. The capacity of a cow to maintain high yields for a longer period is known as :
(A) Resistance(B)Peak yieldPeak yield
(C ) High yieldCD)Persistency

98.The breed of buffalo with sickle shaped horns :
(A) Murrah(B)Nagpuri
(C ) Jaffarabadi(D)Surti

99.Name identifying method in poultry : 
(A) Wing banding(B)TaggingTagging
(C ) Branding(D)TatooingY-

100.In good quality hay the moisture content is : 
(A) Less than 15%(B)20-25%
(C ) 30%(D)NoneNone

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