LIBRARIAN GR IV - KERALA COMMON POOL LIBRARY kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.The term* Cyberspace" was coined by:
(A) Tim Berners Lee (B)  Ted NelsonTed Nelson
© William Gibson (D) Vannevar BushVannevar Bush

2. A group of 8 bits is calledA group of 8 bits is called:
(A) Nibble (B) KilobyteKilobyte
© Byte (D) MegabyteMegabyte

3. The binary equivalent of 20 is :
(A)10100 (B)10111
©11010 (D)10011

4.Who was the brain child of World Wide Web?
(A) Ted Nelson (B) Charles BabbageCharles Babbage
© Vannevar Bush (D) Tim Berners LeeTim Berners Lee

5.Which is the Internet browser, developed in India?
(A) Google Chrome (B) Mozilla Fire fox
© Epic (D)Opera

6.Which of the following is an impact printer?
(A) Laser (B)line
© Ink-jet (D)None of the above an Internet standard for electronic mail (email) transmission

8.INFLIBNET is an example of:
(A) Local Area Network (LAN)
(B) Metropolitan Area Network(MAN)Metropolitan Area
© Wide Area Network (WAN)
(D)'None of the above

9.What is called the topology in which transmission from one central node is sent to other nodes?
(A)Mesh Topology © Bus Topology
(B)Ring Topology (D) Star Topology

10.In telephone line which media is used for communication?
(A)Fl6at cable (B)Twisted pair
©Optical fibre (D)Coaxial cable

11.How many layers are imagined in OSI reference model?
(A)8 (B) 77
©6 (D) 5

12.CDS/ISIS stands for :
(A)Computerised Documentation Systems / Integrated Set of Information Service
(B)Computerised Documentation Service / Integrated Set of Information Systems
©Computerised Documentation Service/ Integrated Sources of Information Systems
(D)Computerised Documentation Service/ Internal Set of Information Systems

13.NALANDA, the digital library is an initiation of:

14.Identify Content Management Software from the following:
(A)Koha (B)SOUL
©Joomla (D)New Genlib

15.Identify open source softwares for library management from the following :
(A)Koha (B)SOUL
©PALibs (D)Book Magic

16.Collection of electronic resources that provides direct/indirect access to a systematically organised collection of digital object is known as :
(A)Hybrid library
(B)Virtual Library
©Digital library
(D)Electronic Library

17. Digital Reference service can be offered through :
(A)Ask your librarian

18.“Internet Public Library” is being maintained by:
(A)Kerala State Library Council
©Drexal University
(D)Delhi University

19.Who organized convention for CALIBER?

20.Who coined the term “paperless society”?
(A)(A)F.W. Lancaster (B)Henry FayolHenry Fayol
©J. Martin (D) J.H.Shera

21.The automation word was first used in :
(A)1926 (B) 1936
©1946 (D) 1956

22.— is the collection of data or records in a machine readable format.
(A)Search engine (B) DatabaseDatabase
©BrowserBrowser (D)Network

23.Who saysu Library is the heart of the institution”?
(A)S. R. Ranganathan (B) D.S.Kothari
©S. Radhakrishnan (D)Francis Bacon

24.Andhra Pradesh Public Libraries Act enacted in :
(A)1919 (B)1950
©1955 (D)1960

25.Who was awarded with the first Ph.D. in Library Science in India?
(A)D.B. Shukla (B)D.B. Krishna Rao
©P.N. Kaula (D)Pandey S. K. Sharraa

26. Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library is located at :
(A) Patna
© Chennai

27.In India Right to Information Act (RTI) was passed in
(A) 2009 (B)2004
© 2006 (D)200

28.BERN CONVENTION (1886) is related to : 
(A) Standard
(B) PatentPatent
© Trademark
(D) CopyrightCopyright

29.Who provides the ISBN in India?•
(B)National Library.of India

30.ILA established in the year :
(A) 1935
(B) 1933
© 1978
(D) 1943

31.Which library is authorized to receive books under ‘Delivery of Books Act’?
(A)Karnataka Public library
(B)Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library ‘
©GOA State Central Library
(D)Connemara Public Library

32.----------is the nodal agency of Government of India to support public library services and
systems and promote public library movement in the country.
(A)University Grants Commission (UGC)
(B)Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS)
©Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)
(D)Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF)

33.Who was the father of Modem librarianship?
(A) Melvil Dewey
(B) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan
© H. E. Bliss
(D) Henry Fayol

34.The Association for Information Management (ASLIB) was established in:
(A)1918 (B) 1920
© 1924 (D) 1926

35.National Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped is situated at:
(A) New Delhi (B) Chennai
© Bangalore (D) Dehradun

36.‘Brain Chamber is studied in library Science in :
(A)Information Communication Technology
(B)Marketing Management
©Universe of Knowledge
(D)Quality Management

37.Which university first started Diploma Course in Library Science?
(A) Madras University (B) Delhi University
© Mysore University (D) Calcutta University

38.Calcutta Public Library was established in :
(A)1863 (B)1831
©1836 (D)1857

39.Who propounded the term Information transfer?
(A)CalvinMoores (B)J.H. Shera
©P.N. Kaula (D)Beesman

40.Who introduced the concept of knowledge industry? 
(A) Jan Van Dijk © Manuel Castells
(B) Fritz Machlup (D) H.P. Luhn

41.Handling of Information in the sense of production is called :
(A) Information Industry (B) Knowledge Distribution
© Information Production (D) Data Industry

42.“Lexicon refers to:
(A) Directory © Dictionary
(B) Bibliography (D) Encyclopaedia

43.Indian Science Abstract is published by:
(A) National library of India © NISCA1R

44.ISSN stands for :
(A)International Standard Serial Number
(B)International Serial Standard Number
©International Source Service Number
(D)International Service Source Number

45.Patents comes under which category of sources?
(A) Indian Library Association (B) Reference Sources
© INIS (D) Secondary Sources

(B) Tertiary Sources (D) Primary Sources
46.What is the suitable reference source to know about the climate of Jammu and Kashmir? 
(A) Globe (B) Gazetteer
© Directory (D) Yearbook'

47.India: A Reference Annual is a : 
(A) Encyclopaedia © Year Book
(B) Directory (D) Hand Book

48.Kessing’s Record of World Events published from :
(A) New Delhi (B) London
© Paris (D) New York

49.What is the. main record of a library? 
(A) Cash Book 
(B) Ledger 
© Issue and Return Register
(D) Accession Register

50. Who states the principle “right book to right reader at the right time’?
(A) . C.A. Cutter
(B)Henry Fayol
© Ranganathan
(D)F.W. Drury

51.Who enunciated X and Y theory of management?
(A) F. W. Taylor
(B)Douglas. Me. Gregor
© E. Mayo
(D)Peter Drucker

52.The chain of all posts from top to bottom in libraries is called :
(A) Discipline
(B)Authority and Responsibility
© Scalar Chain

53.Description of functions, duties, responsibilities and experiences of a person is called :
(A) Job Analysis
(B)Job Description
© Job Satisfaction
(D)Staff Manual a style of management to secure success for the organisation.
(A) Marketing Management
(B)Quality Control
© Production Management
(D)Total Quality Management

55.POSDCORB was coined by :
(A) Luther Gulick and L. Urwick
(B)Henry Fayol
© Elton Mayo
(D) F.W. Taylor

56. budgeting which is not concernedwith past, but concerned with
requirements of the future.
(A) Zero Based
(B)Line by Line
© Performance

57.‘Quality Circles’ in organization is used in :
(A) Personnel Satisfaction
(B) Personal Estimation
© Quality Management
(D) Participative Management
58.“Bespeakimg” means

(A) Issue and Return of Books(
(B) Binding of BooksBinding of Books
© Reservation of Books, 
(D)Classification of Book

59.Outdated and seldom used books arc withdrawn from the library is known as :
(B) Shelving
© Weeding
(D) Accessioning

60.-----------is an activity aimed at increasing communication and understanding between an
organization or individual and one or more groups called publics.
(A) Human Relations
(B)Public Relations
© Staff Relations
(D) Authority Relations

61.How many major editions arc published in DDC?
(A) 21 (B) 22
© 23 (D)20

62.In DDC the clasa number “600" denotes :
(A) Pure Science (B) Technology
© Language (D) Religion

63.KWIC indexing system was developed by ?KWIC indexing system was developed by :
(A) Ranganathan
(B)E.J. Coates
© Melvil Dewey
(D)H.P. Luhn

64.Hentry La Fontain and Paul Otlet were associated with :

65.Who gave the term ‘modes of formation of subjects’?
(B)Hentry La Fontain
(D)J.D. Brown

66.English capital letter ‘E’ denotes which subject according to CC?

67.A system of ordinal numbers representing the classes in a scheme of library classification is known as:
(A)Class Number
©Collection Number
(D)Call Number

68.DDC 23rd edition was published in :
(A) 2011 (B) 2012 
© 2013 (D) 2014

69.LED stands for in CC :
(A)Latest Effective Decade’ 
(B)Last Effective Decade
©Lowest Effective Decade
(D)Largest Effective Decade

70.Phoenix Schedules are part of:
(A) CC
(D) LC

71.The standard size of a Catalogue Card is :
(A) 7.5 cm x 10.5 cm
(B) 6.5 cm x 9.5 cm
© 8.5 cm x 11.5 cm
(D) 7.5 cm x 12.5 cm

72.The Principle of Local Variation is mainly applicable in :
(A) Cataloguing
(B) ClassificationClassification
© Administration
(D) AcquisitionAcquisition the world's largest bibliographic database.
(A) World Cat

74.RDA is related to :
(A) Classification
(B) CataloguingCataloguing
© Searching

75. AACR2 stands for :
(A)Anglo - American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition
(B)Anglo - Asian Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition
©Anglo African Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition
(D)Anglo-Australian Cataloguing Rules, second Edition

76. What symbol is used in the size of the book in physical description area according to AACR-II Code?
(A) Brackets
(B) Full StopFull Stop
© Comma

77.Who developed the MARC Format in 1966?
(A) American Library' Association
© British library
(D) Library of Congress

78.What is the full form of CCF?
(A) Common Communication Force
(B) Common Communication Format
© Classified Catalogue Format
(D)Cataloguing Code Format

79. PRECIS is originated fromPRECIS is originated from :

80.The first edition of Classified Catalogue Code (CCC) was published in :
(A) 1934 (B)1933
© 1935 (D)1932

81.“Ayyavazhi” is the moral belief system propounded by the social reformer of:
(A) Chattambi Swamikal
(B)Vaikunda Swamikal
© Ayyankali

82.Sree Chithira Thirunnal Balaramavarma issued the famous Temple Entry Proclamation on:
(A) 23rd Nov. 1926
(B) 4th Dce.1947
© 2lst Nov. 1963
(D)12th Nov. 1936

83.Travancore Muslim Mahajanasabha was founded by :
(A)Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi
(B)All Musaliar
©Muhammed Abdul Rahman Sahib
(D)None of these

84.St. Joseph’s Press is the first Indigenous pressin Kerala established at:
(A Mannur

85.Savarna Jatha was organized by Mannath Padmanabhan in connection with :
(A)Vaikkom Sathyagraha
(B)Paliyam Sathyagraham
©Guruvayur Sathyagraha
(D)None of These

86.The archeologist BB Lai excavated the Mahabharata site in India:

87.The Viceroy who convened Simla Conference in 19-45 :
(A)Lord Irwin
(B)Mount Batten
© Wavell
(D) None of these

88.The Kerala river mentioned in the ancient book Arthasasthra :

89.Indian National Congress celebrated the First Independence Day on : 
(A) 26th Jan. 1930
(B) 26th Jan. 1949
© 1stJan. 1930
(D) 31st Dec. 1929

90.The first martyre of Revolt of 1857 :
(A) Rani Lakshmi Bai•
(B) Nana Sahib
© Mangal Pandey
(D) Bahadursha II

91.The Central Pollution Control Board constituted in the year : (A) 1964 (B) 1974
© 1984 (D) 1994

92.UNESCO recognized the Natural World Heritage sites in India except:
(A)KazirangaNational Park
(B)Nandadevi National Park
©Sunderban National Park
(D)Silent ValleyNational Park

93.In Census 2011 the percentage of Urban Population in India is :
(A)35% (B)31%
©33% (D)30%

94.The Venue of Summer World Olympics 2016 is :
(A) Rio de Janeiro © Beijing
(B) London (D) Athens

95.Kalbelia is a dance form originated in the state of:
(A)Gujarath (B)Assam
©Rajasthan (D)Manipur

96.The winner of ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 :
(A)New Zealand (B)South Africa
©West Indies (D)Australia

97.Pradhan Manthri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) launched by the Prime Minister Narendramodi
(A) 13th Nov. 2015 
© 31st Dec. 2015
(B) 28th Aug. 2014 
(D) 12th Oct. 2014

98.“Fishing Cat” is the state animal of?
(A) Gujarath © Maharashtra
(B) Odisha (D) West Bengal

99.In 2014 Govt, of India introduced Aadhar based Digital Life? Certificate system for Pensioners known as?
(A) Sukanya Samridhi © Jeevan Pramaan
(B)Jeevan Parimal   (D)Vayomithra

100.Which is the largest Women Empowering Project in Kerala?
(A) Kudumbasree
(B) Mahila Samridhi Yojana
(D) None of these

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LIBRARIAN GR IV - KERALA COMMON POOL LIBRARY kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 12-04-2017, 02:51 PM

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