LIBRARIAN GR III - STATE CENTRAL LIBRARY kerala psc previous question paper

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1.'Prussian Instructions' is related to :
(A)Collection development
(C )Classification

2.ISDN stands for :
(A)International Standard for Digital Networks
(B)Institute for Serials and Digital Number
(C )Integrated Service Digital Network
(D)International Series, Document Number

3.ARPANET is an example of :
(C ) MAN

4.The Indian MEDLARS Centre is located at :
(A)AIIMS, New Delhi
(B) IIT, Delhi
(C ) NIC, New Delhi
(D) INSDOC, New Delhi

5.The 'Dictionary Catalogue Code' of S.R. Ranganathan was first published in 
(C )1908

6.DELNET is developed by :
(D)Delhi University Library

7.The bandwidth is measured in :
(A)Bytes per second
(B)Numbers per second
(C )Speed per second
(D)Cycle per second

8.ISBD (S) is the International Standard Bibliographic Description for :
(C )Standards

9.International MARC is a programme of :
(A) Library of Congress
(B) The British Library

10.NISSAT has developed the software :

11. Universal Decimal Classification was developed by : 
(C ) ALA
(D) LA

12.NISCAIR is the publisher of :
(A) Indian Library Science Abstract
(B)Science Citation Index
(C ) Indian Science Abstract
(D) Index India

13.SIRNET is the network of :
(A) CSIR Laboratories 
(B)Industrial Research Institutions 
(C ) IITs
(D) IIScs

14.One of the editors of AACR II is :
(A) Michel Gorman
(C ) KGB Backwell
(D) Ashworth

15.The national member of India to FID is :

16.Kolkata (Calcutta)is the headquarters of :

17. The concept Management By Objectives was propounded by :
(A) S.R. Ranganathan
(C )H.P. Luhn
(B)Eugene Garfield
(D)Peter Drucker

18. The Indian Press Index is published by :
(A) Karnataka Library Association 
(B)Delhi Library Association
(C )Delhi University Library
(D)National Library of India

19.Bibliographic classification is devised by :
(A)J.D. Brown
(B)C.A. Cutter
(C )B.C. Vickery
(D)H.E. Bliss

20.Morocco leather is developed from :
(A)Cow skin
(B)Goat skin
(C )Calf skin

21.H.W. Wilson Book Publishing Co. is the publisher of :
(A)Sears list
(B)LC List

22.The first public library in India is :
(A) Trivandrum public library
(B) Calcutta public library
(C ) Delhi public library
(D) Madras public library

23.The Press and Registration of Books Act was passed in the year :
(C )1867

24.Father of scientific management was :
(A)F.W. Taylor
(B)Henry L Gantt
(C )Frank
(D)Lillian Gilbert

25.Press Institute of India publishes :
(A)Asian Recorder
(B)Data India
(C )IndexIndia 
(D)Africa Diary

26.Hawthorne study was conducted by :
(A)F.W. Taylor
(B)Henry Fayol 
(C )Elton Mayo
(D)Max Weber

27.LIBQUAL is a tool for measuring library service quality developed by :
(A)Association of ResearchLibraries 
(C )Library of Congress

28.Slack (spare time) is a concept used in :

29.Time study is developed by :
(A)F.W. Taylor
(B)S.R. Ranganathan
(C )Henry Fayol
(D)Lillian Gilbert

30.GRANTHALAYA is a software package developed by :

31.The first librarian of the National Library of India, Calcutta was :
(A) B.S. Kesavan 
(B) John Macfarlane 
(C ) Harinath De 
(D) J.A. Chapman

32.Peter Pyhrr developed :
(C )Capital budgeting
(D)Performance budgeting

33.List of Subject Headings for Small Libraries was developed by :
(C )C.A. Cutter
(D)Minnie Earl Sears

34.Henry Fayol is the father of :
(A)Modem Management
(B)Administrative Management
(C )Bureaucratic Management
(D)Traditional Management

35.Dr. S.R. Ranganathan was honoured with Padmasree by Government of India in the year :
(C )1957

36.From which language the term 'Classification' is derived ?
(C )Persian

37.The first book published by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan is :
(A) Five laws of library science
(B)Colon classification
(C ) Classified catalogue code
(D) Prolegomena to library classification

38.The first University in Asia, which started a certificate course in Library Science is :
(A)Delhi University
(B)Madras University
(C )Bombay University
(D)Punjab University

39.In which Law of Library Science User Study is discussed as a necessity in libraries ?
(A)First Law
(C )Third Law
(D)Fourth Law

40.In the formation of subjects, cutting of the universe of entities to parts of coordinate status is known as :
(C )Denudation
(D)Loose Assemblage

41.The standard size of a microfiche is :
(A)3" x 5"
(B)5" x 6"
(C )3"x4"

42.Power Shift is a famous book written by :
(A)Karl Popper
(B)Alvin Toffler
(C )William A Kartz 
(D)C.A. Cutter

43.The first optical video disc is developed by :
(C )Microsoft

44.The maximum capacity of a DVD is :
(A) 700 MB
(B) 1.44 MB
(C )17.1 GB
(D) 4.7 GB

45.The classification scheme developed by C.A. Cutter is :
(A)Bibliographic Classification
(B)Expansive Classification
(C )Universal Decimal Classification 
(D)Colon Classification

46.Information containing high proportion of images, graphics and animated information is called :
(A) hyper media
(B) hyper link
(C ) hyper tonic 
(D) hyper text

47.The term 'cyberspace' was coined by :
(A)Alan Kay
(B)Andy Lipman
(C )Charles F. Goldfarb
(D)William Gibson

48.Vidyanidhi is a database of :
(C )e-journals

49.The central processor used in second generation computer was :
(A)Integrated Chip 
(B)Vacuum Tube 
(C )Transistor
(D)Punched Card

50.The largest library network in the world is :

51.Kinetica is an online information service offered by :
(A)Indian Library Network
(B)American Library Network
(C )Australian Library Network
(D)British Library Network

52.The software for information storage and retrieval developed by CALIBNET is :

53.IFLA developed :
(A)MARC 21

54.Information Technology Enabled Service (ITES) is the new name of :

55.PC-DOS is developed by :
(A) Apple
(B) Microsoft
(C ) IBM
(D) Bell Telephone Research Laboratory

56.Science Direct is a database maintained by the publisher : 
(A) Elsevier
(B) Wiley
(C ) Kluwer
(D) Macmillan

57.Which one of the following is a markup language ?
(C ) XML

58. The blue - ray disc is developed by : 
(A) Hitachi
(B) LG
(C ) Samsung
(D) All

59.Indian Patent Law came to force in the year :
(C )1970

60.LEXIS is a subject database for 
(A) Literature (C ) Languages
(B) Information Science (D) Law

61.An example for the subject formed through the process of Fusion is : 
(A) Botany
(B) Agriculture
(C ) Research Methodology
(D) Indology

62.Subject bundle is the former name of :
(A) Cluster
(B) Array
(C ) Chain
(D) Facet

63.Broad System of Ordering is an International switching language project developed by

64.In which indexing system table of role operators is used ?
(A)Chain Indexing
(D) Uniterm Indexing

65.The ISBN numbering agency in India is :
(B)National Library ofIndia

66.Canon of Synonym and Canon of Homonym are the canons for :
(A) Idea plane 
(B) Verbal plane 
(C ) Notational plane 
(D) None of these

67.ISSN International Centre in India is :
(A) National Science Library
(B)National Medical Library
(C ) National Library

68. The CDS/ISIS software is written in : 
(C )C++

69. Which device is newly added in CC7 ?
(A) Chronological Device
(B) Alphabetical Device
(C ) Subject Device
(D) Enumeration Device

70. The periodicity of Index Medicus is : 
(A) Weekly
(B) Monthly
(C ) Quarterly
(D) Annual

71. In New Encyclopedia Britannica, the outline of knowledge is given in :
(A) Macropedia 
(B) Micropedia 
(C ) index
(D) Propedia

72. Common Auxiliaries are used in : 
(A) CC
(C ) UDC

73.The term "Dublin Core" is related to :
(A) Metadata
(B) Hypertext 
(C ) Hypermedia 
(D) Bibliometric data

74.Subject Indexing Language (SIL) is developed by :
(A) S.R. Ranganathan
(B)G. Bhattacharya
(C ) H.P. Luhn
(D) Eugine Garfield

75.Who studied the frequency distribution of scientific papers ? 
(A) Lotka
(B) Bradford
(C ) Hume
(D) Zipf

76.The 19th edition of the Sears List of Subject Headings was published in the year 
(A) 1997
(C )2004
(D) 2007

77.IFLA was formed in the annual meeting of :
(C ) FID

78.The title of the American edition of Children's Britannica is : 
(A) Junior Britannica
(B)Britannica Junior
(C ) Britannica for kids
(D) Kids Britannica

79.Indian Library Science Abstract is published by :
(C ) National Library of India

80.Putting knowledge to work is the motto of :
(C ) ILA

81.Who wrote 'Bhakta Manjeri' ?
(B)Swati Thirunal
(C )Chattampi Swamikal
(D)Sree Narayana Guru

82.The first Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission :
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(C )Gulzarilal Nanda
(D)K.C. Neogi

83.Who was the oldest member of the Constituent Assembly ?
(A)Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha
(B)Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(C )Jawaharlal Nehru
(D)Dr. BAR. Ambedkar

84.The Sanskrit Educational Centre called Tatwa Prakashika Ashram in 1898 was started by :
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Swami Vivekananda
(C )Vagbhatananda Swami
(D)Chattampi Swamikal

85.Right to Information Act came fully into force on :
(A)12 October 2005
(B)15 June 2005 .
(C )12 November 2005
(D)15 July 2005

86.The London Mission Society at Nagercoil established in 1896 under the patronage of :
(A)Sethu Lekshmi Bai
(B)Gowri Parvathy Bai
(C )Dharma Raja
(D)Gowri Lekshmi Bai

87.'Unbreakable' is the autobiography of :
(A)Sachin Tendulkar
(B)Viswanathan Anand
(C )Mary Kom
(D)Sunil Gavaskar

88.The first President of Travancore State Congress was :
(A) K.T. Thomas
(B)Pattom Thanu Pillai
(C ) P.S. Nataraja Pillai
(D)None of these

Who at the Kakinada Session of the Indian National Congress of 1923, moved a resolution requesting the congress leadership to take the initiative to work for the irradication of untouchability in Kerala :
(A) K. Kelappan
(B)C. Sankaran Nair
(C ) T.K. Madhavan
(D)E.M. Sankaran Nampoothiripad

90.The first characteristic Malayalam Novel is :
(B)Marthanda Varma
(C )Dharmaraja
(D)Janaki Parinayam

91.Constitution declares India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic. Eventhough the terms secular and socialist were added only by the___Amendment.
(A) 44th amendment 
(B) 43rd amendment 
(C ) 46th amendment 
(D) 42nd amendment

92.The concept of five year plans was adopted from_______.
(C )Britain 

93.Whoretained the FIDE World Chess title :
(A)Magnus Carlsen
(B)Viswanathan Anand
(C )Garry Casparove
(D)Lewis Hamilton

94.Whohas been appointed asthe Chairman ofthe Union Public Service Commission
(A)Justice Balakrishnan
(B)Deepak Gupta
(C )Murali Deora
(D)Bilal Tanweer

95.Who led the Bardoli Satyagraha of 1928 against the introduction of tax reforms by the British ?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C ) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D) Vallabhbhai Patel

96.The pivotal concept of Indian music is :
(C )Sruthi

97.The first fort built by the East India Company in Kerala :
(C )Bakel

98."Leave the child to its Nature" is suggested by :
(A) Pestalozzi 
(B) Voltaire
(C ) Montesquie
(D) Rousseau

99.'Palm Friday' is celebrated by :
(A) Christians 
(B) Muslims
(C ) Jews
(D) Zorastains

100.Who started 'Lottery Systems' in Kerala ?
(A) K.M. Mani
(B) K. Karunakaran
(C ) C. Achutha Menon
(D) P.K. Kunju Sahib

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