LECTURER IN COMMERCE - TECHNICAL EDUCATION kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes

These are the cost which will bo incurred even if the plant is 

closed down temporarily due to
raw material shortage, labour problem etc. which one?•
(A) Step cost
(B)Imputed cost
(C ) Out of pocket cost
(D)Shut down cost

2.Cost unit of Textiles Industry :
(A) Per tonne
(B)Per set
(C ) Per meter
(D)Per Kg 

3.Bad debts is an example ofoverheads.
(A) Selling overhead
(B)Distribution overheads
(C ) Office overheads
(D)Factory overheads

4.Which one of the following is the technique of 

selectiveinventory control?
(A)FSN analysis
(B)ABC Analysis
(C )HML Analysis
(D)All of the above

5.Calculate total earnings of a worker under Rowan Plan. Hourly 

rate is Rs. 2, Standard time 16 hours and time taken 12 hours.
(C )32
(D) 34

6. The process of apportionment of overheads of a cost centre to 

its cost unit is called :
(A)Cost allocation
(B)Cost appointment
(C )Absorption of overhead
(D)Merging of overheads

ideal operating ratio is : 
(A)75% to 85%
(B)25% to 50%
(C )50% to 75%
(D)55% to 75%

Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.These are the cost which will bo incurred even if the plant is 

closed down temporarily due to raw material shortage, labour 

problem etc. which one?
(A) Step cost
(B)Imputed cost
(C ) Out of pocket cost
(D)Shut down cost

2.Cost unit of Textiles Industry :’
(A) Per tonne
(B)Per set
(C ) Per meter
(D)Per Kg 

3.Bad debts is an example of — overheads.
(A) Selling overhead
(B)Distribution overheads
(C ) Office overheads
(D)Factory overheads

4.Which one of the following is the technique of selective 

inventory control?
(A)FSN analysis
(B)ABC Analysis
(C )11ML Analysis
(D)All of the above

5.Calculate total earnings of a worker under Rowan Plan. Hourly 

rate is Rs. 2, Standard time 16 hours and time taken 12 hours.
(A) 28
(C ) 32

6.The process of apportionment of overheads of acost centre to its 

cost unit is called :
(A) Cost allocation
(B)Cost appointment
(C ) Absorption of overhead
(D)Merging of overheads

7.The ideal operating ratio is : 
(A) 75% to 85%
(B)25% to 50%
(C ) 50% to 75%
(D)55% to 75%

8. The contribution is equal to :
(A) Sales minus fixed cost
(B)Fixed cost plus variable cost
(C ) Fixed cost minus loss
(D)None of the above

9.Break even points Rs.30,000, profit Rs. 1,600 and fixed1 cost 

Rs. 6,000, Find out variable cost.
(A) 20.000
(C ) 40,000
(D)None of the above

10.Budget manual containsfor the preparation of various budget.
(A) Planning
(C ) Strategies

11.Dividend can be declared from :'
(A) Revenue profit
(B).Capital Profit
(C ) Secret Reserve
(D)All of the above

12.Premium on redemption of preference shares are:
(A) Capital profit
(B)Capital loss
(C ) Revenue profit
(D)Revenue loss

13.Which of the following is Non- trading charges?
(A) Preliminary expenses written off
(B)Provision for taxation
(C ) Loss on sale of non-current assets
(D)All of the above

14.After the redemption of debentures, the balance of debenture 

sinking fund is transferred to :
(A) Debenture account
(B)Profit and loss etc
(C ) General reserve
(D)Capital reserve

15.Contingent liability is shown due to convention of:
(A) Conservatism
(C ) Full disclosure
(D)Matching concept

16.X. Ltd goes into liquidation and a new company Z Ltd, ‘X’ Ltd 

is a case of:is formed to take over the business of
(A) Absorption
(B)External reconstruction
(C ) Amalgamation
(D)None of the above

8. The contribution is equal to :
(A) Sales minus fixed cost
(B)Fixed cost plus variable cost
(C ) Fixed cost minus loss
(D)None of the above

9.Break even points Rs.30,000, profit Rs. 1,600 and fixed1 cost 

Rs. 6,000, Find out variable cost.
(A) 20.000
(C ) 40,000
(D)None of the above

10.Budget manual containsfor the preparation of various budget.
(A) Planning
(C ) Strategies

11.Dividend can be declared from :'
(A) Revenue profit
(B).Capital Profit
(C ) Secret Reserve
(D)All of the above

12.Premium on redemption of preference shares are:
(A) Capital profit
(B)Capital loss
(C ) Revenue profit
(D)Revenue loss

13.Which of the following is Non- trading charges?
(A) Preliminary expenses written off
(B)Provision for taxation
(C ) Loss on sale of non-current assets
(D)All of the above

14.After the redemption of debentures, the balance of debenture 

sinking fund is transferred to :
(A) Debenture account
(B)Profit and loss etc
(C ) General reserve
(D)Capital reserve

15.Contingent liability is shown due to convention of:
(A) Conservatism
(O Full disclosure
(D)Matching concept

16.X. Ltd goes into liquidation and a new company Z Ltd, ‘X’ Ltd 

is a case of:is formed to take over the business of
(A) Absorption
(B)External reconstruction
(C ) Amalgamation
(D)None of the above

17.It is given that premiums, reinsurance premiums and commissions 

on reinsurance ceded amounted to Rs. 10,00,000, Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 

30.000 respectively. lienee,* premiums will be shown in the 

revenue account at:
(A)RS. 10,00,000*
(B) Rs. 9,20,000
(C ) Rs. 10.30,000*
(D) None of the above

18.A and B are partners sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 

3:2. C is admitted into business for 1/8 share of profit and loss. 

Their sacrificing ratio is :
(C )2:1
(D)None of the above

19.If the cost of goods sold RS. 2 lakh, the value of opening 

stock Rs. 40,000 and closing stock Rs. 60,000, the stock turnover 

ratio will be equal to:
(A)5 times
(B)4 times
(C )6 times
(D) 3 times

20.Preference share holders details of a liquidated company are 

given in :
(A)List K
(B) List D
(C ) List F
(D) ListG

21.Sensitivity Training is a function of:
(B) Directing 
(C ) Leadership
(D) Staffing

22.Gang Plank mecin :
(A), Name of a place
(B)Bringing gap of Management Education
(C )Permits horizontal communication
(D)Vertical Communication

23.Strategic point control implies :
(A)Middle Management control
(B)Focus attention only on factors critical in performance
(C )Point to point control
(D)All of the above

17.It is given that premiums, reinsurance premiums and commissions 

on reinsurance ceded amounted to Rs. 10,00,000, Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 

30.000 respectively. lienee,premiums will be shown in the revenue 

account at:
(A)Rs. 10,00,000
(B) Rs. 9,20,000
(C ) Rs. 10.30,000
(D) None of the above

18.A and B are partners sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 

3:2. C is admitted into business for 1/8 share of profit and loss. 

Their sacrificing ratio is :
(C )2:1
(D)None of the above

19.If the cost of goods sold RS. 2 lakh, the value of opening 

stock Rs. 40,000 and closing stock Rs. 60,000, the stock turnover 

ratio will be equal to:
(A)5 times
(B)4 times
(C )6 times.
(D) 3 times

20.Preference share holders details of a liquidated company are 

given in :
(A)List K
(B) List D
(C ) List F
(D) List G

21.Sensitivity Training is a function of:
(B) Directing 
(C ) Leadership
(D) Staffing

22.Gang Plank mecin :
(A)Name of a place
(B)Bringing gap of Management Education
(C )Permits horizontal communication
(D)Vertical Communication

23.Strategic point control implies :
(A)Middle Management control
(B)Focus attention only on factors critical in performance
(C )Point to point control
(D)All of the above

24.Functional Forcmanship was introduced by :
(A)Henry Fayol
(B)Elton mayo
(C )Peter F. Druckcr
(D)F.W. Taylor

25.Two factor theory of motivation was developed by :
(A)MC Gregor
(B)Max Webber
(C ) Herbert Simon'
(D) None

26.‘The Attributes of Excellence ’ Approach was developed by :
(A)Koontz and O’ Donnel
(B)Peter and Waterman
(C )Newman and Summer
(D)Likert and Benjamin

27.These are the general statement formulated by the organization 

to guide managers in * decision making — which one?
(C ) Rule.
(D) Strategies

28. This principle states that a number of subordinates whose work 

can be managed efficiently by a manager at a time. Which 

(A)Management by exception
(C )Span of management
(D)Scalar chain

29.Which one of the following strategy helps to overcome 

resistance to change in an organization?
(A) Participation and Involvement t 
(B) Facilitation and Support
(C )Negot iation and Agreement
(D)All of these

30.Equity Theory of Motivation was developed by :
(A) J.S. Adam’
(B) Herbery
(C )Clayton Alderfer
(D)Lather Gullick

31. The sampling technique in which a sample is obtained by 

drawing every 'n' the item from a list is known 

(B)Random sampling
(C )Purposive

32.The best sampling technique to conduct a tribal survey is :
(A)Multiphase sampling
(B)Cluster sampling
(C )Multistage sampling

24.Functional Forcmanship was introduced by :
(A)Henry Fayol
(B)Elton mayo
(C )Peter F. Druckcr
(D)F.W. Taylor

25.Two factor theory of motivation was developed by :
(A)MC Gregor
(B)Max Webber
(C ) Herbert Simon'
(D) None

26.‘The Attributes of Excellence ’ Approach was developed by :
(A)Koontz and O’ Donnel
(B)Peter and Waterman
(C )Newman and Summer
(D)Likert and Benjamin

27.These are the general statement formulated by the organization 

to guide managers in decision making — which one?
(C ) Rule.
(D) Strategies

28. This principle states that a number of subordinates whose work 

can be managed efficiently by a manager at a time. Which 

(A)Management by exception
(C )Span of management
(D)Scalar chain

29.Which one of the following strategy helps to overcome 

resistance to change in an organization?
(A) Participation and Involvement t 
(B) Facilitation and Support  
(C )Negot iation and Agreement
(D)All of these

30.Equity Theory of Motivation was developed by :
(A) J.S. Adam’
(B) Herbcry
(C )Clayton Alderfer
(D)Lather Gullick

'31. The sampling technique in which a sample is obtained by 

drawing every *n* the item from a list is known 

(B)Random sampling
(C )Purposive

32.The best sampling technique to conduct a tribal survey is :
(A)Multiphase sampling
(B)Cluster sampling
(C )Multistage sampling

33.The difference between the approximated value and the true 

value is technically called :
(A)Standard error
(B)Sampling error
(C )Statistical error

34.hypothesis is subject to modification as the investigation 

(C ) Null
(D) Descriptive

35.Which fact is true about coefficient of correlation?
(B)r = 1
(C )r > 1
(D)All of the above

36.Which test is applied, when the sample is small and population 

standard deviation is not known?
(A)Z test
(C )F-test

37.Calculate the standard Error from the given data. The number of 

random sample is 100, and population standard deviation is 1350 :
(A) 13.5
(B) 100
(C ) 12.5
(D) None of the above

38.Simplex method of L.P.P was formulated by :
(A) George - B Dantzig
(B) Alfred Marshall
(C ) Ramanuja Siddardh
(D) Gilford D. Adams

39.Any activity which does not consume either any resource and 

time is known as : 
(A) Danger activity
(B) Key activity
(C ) Critical activity
(D) Dummy activity

40.The additional cost incurred for reducing total time period of 

project through crashing processes known as:
(A)Increment cost
(B)Extra cost
(C )Cost-slope.
(D)Crash cost

41.A form of system or a set of rules and methods, allows for 

definition, creation, updation, reading, maintenance and 

protection of data base is called :
(A)Data control
(B)Data blocked system
(C ). Data category

33.The difference between the approximated value and the true 

value is technically called :
(A)Standard error
(B)Sampling error
(C )Statistical error

34.hypothesis is subject to modification as the investigation 

(C ) Null
(D) Descriptive

35.Which fact is true about coefficient of correlation?
(B)r = 1
(C )r > 1
(D)All of the above

36.Which test is applied, when the sample is small and population 

standard deviation is not known?
(A)Z test
(C )F-test

37.Calculate the standard Error from the given data. The number of 

random sample is 100, and population standard deviation is 1350 :
(A) 13.5
(B) 100
(C ) 12.5
(D) None of the above

38.Simplex method of L.P.F was formulated by :
(A) George - B Dantzig
(B) Alfred Marshall
(C ) Ramanuja Siddardh
(D) Gilford D. Adams

39.Any activity which does not consume either any resource and 

time is known as : 
(A) Danger activity
(B) Key activity
(C ) Critical activity 
(D) Dummy activity

40.The additional cost incurred for reducing total time period of 

project through crashing processes known as:
(A)Increment cost
(B)Extra cost
(C )Cost-slope.
(D)Crash cost

41.A form of system or a set of rules and methods, allows for 

definition, creation, updation, reading, maintenance and 

protection of data base is called :
(A)Data control
(B)Data blocked system
(C ). Data category

42. Which of the following subsystems of MIS assist managers in 

making unstructural decisions?
(A) I)SS 
(C ) TPS

43. Which of the following is not a function of MIS? 
(A) Data capturing (C ) Data Analysis
(B) Storage of information (D) Data processing

44. The process of dividing or factoring a system into smaller 

systems and dividing in to sub-sub smaller systems is known as :

(A) System structuring 
(B) System decomposition
(C ) System interface
(D) System diagnosis

45. The right to buy an asset at a specified price on or before a 

specified expiration date is called : 
(A) Call option
(B) Put option
(C ) Grid option.
(D) Ask Option

46.--------------stocks are those companies whose earning per. 

share is growing faster than
the economy and at a rate higher than that of an average firm in 

the same industry.
(A) Blue chips
(B) Growth stocks
(C ) Stalwars
(D) None of these

47.--------------approach support that dividend decisions are 

relevant and affect the value of
a firm.
(A) MM approach
(B) Walter
(C ) Residential approach
(D) Johusons

48.--------------- refers to a situation where a firm is not in a 

position to invest in all
profitable projects due to the constraints on availability of 

(A) Capital budgeting
(B) Capital storing
(C ) Capital modelling 
(D) Capital rationing

49.---------------means reducing the par value of shares by 

increasing the number of shares
(A) Stock reduction (C ) Bonus issue
(B) Stock split (D) Stock griding

42. Which of the following subsystems of MIS assist managers in 

making unstructural decisions?
(A) DSS 
(C ) TPS

43. Which of the following is not a function of MIS? 
(A) Data capturing (C ) Data Analysis
(B) Storage of information (D) Data processing

44. The process of dividing or factoring a system into smaller 

systems and dividing in to sub-sub smaller systems is known as :
(A) System structuring 
(B) System decomposition
(C ) System interface
(D) System diagnosis

45. The right to buy an asset at a specified price on or before a 

specified expiration date is called : 
(A) Call option
(B) Put option
(C ) Grid option.
(D) Ask Option

46.--------------stocks are those companies whose earning per. 

share is growing faster than
the economy and at a rate higher than that of an average firm in 

the same industry.
(A) Blue chips
(B) Growth stocks
(C ) Stalwars
(D) None of these

47.--------------approach support that dividend decisions are 

relevant and affect the value of
a firm.
(A) MM approach
(B) Walter 
(C ) Residential approach
(D) Johusons

48.--------------- refers to a situation where a firm is not in a 

position to invest in all
profitable projects due to the constraints on availability of 

(A) Capital budgeting
(B) Capital storing
(C ) Capital modelling 
(D) Capital rationing

49.---------------means reducing the par value of shares by 

increasing the number of shares
(A) Stock reduction (C ) Bonus issue
(B) Stock split (D) Stock griding

50.A company should follow the policy ofduring inflation or boon 

(A) High* gear
(B)Low gear
(C ) Moderate gear
(D)High and Low gear.

51.Family pension received by family members of armed force 

personnel killed in an action is taxed under:
(A) Salary
(B)Other sources
(C ) Capital gain
(D)Not taxable

52.The device or process by which a person tries through 

dishonest, falsehood and illegal ways.to reduce tax liability or 

incidence of tax
(A) Tax avoidance
(B)Tax evasion
(C ) Tax planning
(D)Tax reduction

53.Sales tax is an example of:
(A) Indirect tax
(B)Direct tax
(C ) (A) and (B)
(D)Excepted from tax

54.Mr. Arjun running a real estate business, during the course of 

business, he let out properties rented income from the properties 

is taxes under :
(A) Salary
(B) House properties
(C ) Others sources•
(D) Business gain

55.Share of a partner in the profits of partnership is considered 

as :
(A) Taxable income
(B) Excepted income
(C ) Partly taxable income.
(D) Genuine income

56.The present rate of Education cess in the income tax liability 

of an asscssee : 
(A) 3%
(B) 1%
(C ) 2%
(D) 5%

57.Salary of MP or MLA is taxed under-----------head.
(A) Salary 
(C ) Business
(D)Other sources

58.The period of 12 months commencing on the 1' day of April every 

year is known as :
(A) Accounting year 
(B)Previous year
(C ) Assessment year
(D) Financial year

59.Short term capital loss can be set off against:
(A) Long term capital gain

(C )(A)or(B)

60.Section 60 to (>5 of the Income tax Act deal with :
(A) Clubbing of income

(C )Both (A) and (B)

61.E-commerce is not suitable for :
(A) Sale / Purchase of Jewelleries
(C ) Sale / Purchase of branded clothes

62. Direct Supervision over depositories and mutual fund is 

undertaken by :
(D)All of the above

63.Who is the chairman of 13th Finance commission?
(A)Dr. C. Rangarajan
(B)Mr. Vimal Jalnn
(C )Mr. Vijay C. Kelkar
(D)None of the above

64.Which of the following software is not used for data 


65.“Crawling peg system" means :
(A) Fixed exchange rate system
(B) Floating exchange system-
(C )Hybrid of fixed and floating exchange system

66. According to recent guidelines (2013) of RBI the private 

sector banks are required to have a minimum paid up equity capital 

(A) Rs. 300 crore
(B) Rs. 500 crore
(C ) Rs. 200 crore
(D) Rs. 400 crore

(B) Short term capital gain (D) None of the above
(B) Aggregation of income (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
(B) Sale/ Purchase of mobile phones (D) Online job searching

67.Kyoto protocol pertains to :
(A)Capital formation
(C )Environment protection
(D)Unemployment reduction

68.Competition "Act passed in theyear.-
(A) 1998
(C ) 2002

69.Who propounded ‘Theory Z”?
(A) William Ouchi
(B)Peter F. Dracker
(C ) Me. Gregor
(D)Herbert Simon

70.An MNC that maintains a balance between the home market and 

host market oriented
policies is :
(A) Ethonocentric
(C ) Geocentric
(D)None of the above

71.The Article which restricts the courts to inquire into 

proceedings of parliament:
(A) A 121
(B)A. 122
(C ) A. 123
(D)A. 124

72.Article 370 of the constitution refers to :
(A) Imposition of Presidents rule
(B)Financial emergency
(C ) Jammu and Kashmir
(D)Amendment to the constitution

73.Which part of the constitution has been described as the soul 

of the constitution?
(A) Preamble
(B)Fundamental rights
(C ) Directive principles of suite policy
(D)Right to constitutional remedies

74.The system of Judicial review is there :
(A) Only in India
(B)U.K. only
(C ) USA only
(D)USA and India

75.Which schedule contains the thre lists that divides the powers 

between the state and the
(A) Seventh schedule
(B)Sixth schedule
(C ) Eighth schedule
(D)Fifth schedule

76.The maximum period of maternity benefits is fixed for :
(A) 12 weeks
(B) 9 weeks
(C ) 6 weeks
(D) 8 weeks

77.The constitutional validity of Section 10 of payment of Bonus 

Act was challenged in:
(A)ESI Corp V Bata Shoe Co. Ltd
(B)Jalan Trnding Co V Mill Mazdoor Union
(C )Rajendra Dcva V Hari Fertilizers
(D)Madura Coats Ltd V Workmen

78.The right to form association or union is elevated as a 

fundamental right guaranteed under
(C )A:19(l)(C )

79.The rightto information Act waspassedin the year :
(C )2010

80.The term “wages" under the ESI Act includes :
(A)all remuneration paidto anemployee
(B)any payment in respect of authorised leave
(C )lay-off, lock out or strike which is not illegal
(D)all the above

81.‘El Nino’ Climatic phenomenon occurred in the ocean of:
(C )Indian

82.The winner of Copa America foot ball Cup of *2015 :
(C )Brazil'

83.‘Samathwa Samajam’ was the Kerala's first social organization 

founded by :
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Sahodaran Ayyappan
(C )Ayyan Kali
(D)Vykunda Swamikal

84.Part 1 of the Indian Constitution begins with :
(A)India shall be a union of states
(B)Bharat shall be a union of states
(C )India shall be a federation of stales
(D). India, that is Bharat shall be a union of states

85. Under which article of Indian Constitution can the President 

of India be impeached?
(A) Art. 76
(B) Art. 75
(C ) Art. 356
(D) Art. 61

86.The number of Parliament members representing the state of 

Nagaland :
(C )1 

87. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed in the year 

(A) 2004
(C ) 2008 

88.Operation New Dawn* is the beginning of stability in :
(A) Afganisthan
(B)Iran A
(C ) Iraq

89.The Rodo language is spoken in the state of:•
(A) Mizoram
(C ) Arunachal Pradesh

90.The type of Planning Project introduced by the Janatha 

Government is :
(A) One year planning
(B)Rolling plan
(C ) Five Year plan
(D)Plan Holiday

91.The ‘Savama Jatha’ to support the Vaikkom Satyagraha was 

organized by :
(A) K. Kelappan
(B)T.K. Madhavan
(C ) Mannathu Padmanabhan
(D)Dr. Palpu

92..Who was called as the “Lincoin" of kerala forsteering sodo-

eeonomically and educationally
backward communities to the forefront?
(A) Pandit Karuppan
(B)Ayya Vaikundar
(C ) E.V. Ramaswami
(D)Mannathu Padmanabhan

84.Part 1 of the Indian Constitution begins with :
(A)India shall be a union of states
(B)Bharat shall be a union of states
(C )India shall be a federation of stales
(D). India, that is Bharat shall be a union of states

85. Under which article of Indian Constitution can the President 

of India be impeached?
(A) Art. 76
(B) Art. 75
(C ) Art. 356
(D) Art. 61

86.The number of Parliament members representing the state of 

Nagaland :
(C )1 

87. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed in the year 

(C )2008

88.Operation New Dawn is the beginning of stability in :
(A) Afganisthan
(B)Iran A
(C ) Iraq

89.The Rodo language is spoken in the state of:•
(A) Mizoram
(C ) Arunachal Pradesh

90.The type of Planning Project introduced by the Janatha 

Government is :
(A) One year planning
(B)Rolling plan
(C ) Five Year plan
(D)Plan Holiday

91.The ‘Savama Jatha’ to support the Vaikkom Satyagraha was 

organized by :
(A) K. Kelappan
(B)T.K. Madhavan
(C ) Mannathu Padmanabhan
(D)Dr. Palpu

92..Who was called as the “Lincoin" of kerala forsteering sodo-

eeonomically and educationally
backward communities to the forefront?
(A) Pandit Karuppan
(B)Ayya Vaikundar
(C ) E.V. Ramaswami
(D)Mannathu Padmanabhan

93.“Vaynlvaram veedu is related to who among: the following:?
(A) Cherusseri Namboodiri
(B) Vallathol Narayana Menon
(C )Narayana Guru ’

94.Who expounded the concept of “Ananthajnthi”?
(A)Ohattambi Swamikal
(C ) Brahmanda Sivayogi
(D) Sree Narayana Guru

95.In which district is the birth place of Vakkom Moulavi?
(A)Thiruvanantha puram
(C )Kottayam

96.India's first earth quake warning system successfully installed 

in :*
(C )Himachal Pradesh

97.Which of the following article is dealt with the constitution 

of the Parliament of India?
(C )79

98.The inclusion of the word “fraternity” in the preamble of the 

Indian constitution by :
(A) Jawahar lal Nehru 
(B) Karnataka
(C ) Mukharjee
(D) Jammu and Kashmir

99.The Flamingo festival is celebrated in : 
(A) Andhra Pradesh (C ) Kerala
(B) B.R. Ambedkar (D) Krupalini

100.Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja was popularly known as :
(A) Kerala Vyasan
(B) Kerala Panini
(C ) Kerala Simham
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