LECTURER IN STATISTICS - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper


1.Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(A)The family i consisting of all finite subsets of II and their complements always is a σ-field.
(B) The family F consisting of all countable subsets of Ω and their complements always is a σ-field.
(C )If Fj and F2 are cr-fields on U, then Fj r\ F2 is also a σ-field.
(D)If F is a σ-field on Ω and AcΩ, then G» (AnB: B c F} is a σ-field on A.

2.Which of the following is a sufficient condition for the real valued function f to be Riemann integrable with respect to a on (a, b] ?
(A)f is continuous on [a, bj
(B)f is of bounded variation on |a, b]
(C ) f is of bounded variation on [a, b] and a is continuous on (a, b]
(D)a is of bounded variation on [a, b|

3.Which of the following sequences |fn| is not uniformly convergent on f0,1] ?
(A) <n(;r)”TT^7(B) fn(Jf> = log(1^,; * }
(C ) fn (*)=*- —
(D) fn(x) = nx(1 -x2)n

4.Let A he a set of rational numbers in [0,10J. Then the Lebesgue measure of A is :
(C )
(D)None of these

5.If |x] denotes the greatest integer function, then the value of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral J*|x|d(x2) is:
(C )16/3

6. The following vectors (1, 9, 9, 8), (2, 0, 0, 8), (2, 0, 0, 3) are :
(A)Linearly dependent (C ) Identical vectors
(B) Linearly independent (D) None of these

7.The matrix
(A) Hermitian matrix (C ) Symmetric matrix
(B) Skew Hermitian matrix (D) Skew symmetric matrix

8.If A is a 6 x 6 matrix of rank 4 then its nullity is :
(C )6

9.What type of definiteness does the quadratic form x2 + 2y2 + 3z2 + 2yz - 2xz + 2xy possess ?
(A)Positive definite
(B)Negative definite
(C ) Positive semi - definite
(D) Indefinite

10.Identify the incorrect statement of the following :
(A)If A is mxn matrix of any rank with its g-inverse A*, then AA* A=A
(B)The g - inverse A* exists and rank (A*)> rank (A)
(C )If A* is a g - inverse then A* A or A A* is idempotent
(D)The Moore - Penrose g - inverse is not unique

11.Which of the following doesn't hold true always ?

12.If X > 0 a.s., then which of the following inequalities is wrong ?
(C ) E(X'/2)S(H(X))>/2
(D) E(log(X)) s log(E(X))

13.If X is a uniform [0, 1) random variable, then which of the following is a lower bound for
(C )2/9
(D) 1/9

14.Choose the correct statement :
(A)x„ -•» x„ ■
(B)x„ --£i->x -»x„—»x
(C )xn-^->X, Y„ »*c-»X„ + y„-^->X + c

15.Let |Xn| be a sequence of random variables with
P(Xn= If)= P{X„ = TVThen. tV
(B) X„ -» 0 in rth mean
(C )Xn converges to 1 inprobability 
(D) None of these

16.Il‘ X is a non - negative random variable with distribution function V, then which of the following represents E(X) ?
(A) ir^****
(B)J”Jr (1 - F{x))dx
(C )J,/(.vW-v
(D)£(1-/-'(*)) Jr

17.The probability that a contractor will get a plumbing contract is 2/3 and the probability that he will not get an electric contract is 5/9. If the probability of getting at least one contract is 4/5, what is the probability that he will get both contracts ?
(C ) 14/45

18.Let {Xn} be a sequence of i.i.d. random variable with E(Xn2) < ∞ Let
Sn =ff3=Vnr(Xn)>0 and Z~.N(0, 1 ). Then,

19.Which type of convergence is used in central limit theorem ?
(A)Convergence in probability
(B) Convergence in r,h mean
(C ) Convergence in Law
(D) None of these

20. Which of the following is not a characteristic function ?

21.If Pr(s) denote the p.g.f of the random variable X, then the p.g.f of Y = mX + n/ where m, n are integers (m * 0) is given by :
(A)s"P ,(s»")
(B) sPT(sm)
(C ) sP^s)
(D) smPx(sn)

22.Let X and V be independent standard normal random variables. Then the distribution of
(A)Chi - square distribution with 2 d.f
(B)Chi - square distribution with 1 d.f
(C )F distribution with (2, 2) d.f
(D)F distribution with (1,1) d.f

23.The distribution function F of a two - dimensional random variable satisfies, for (*l« y,), (x}, y-i). -V, < *2, y, < y2 satisfies :
(A)F(x2,y2)-F(.r2, y,)+F(i,, yt)-F(xvy2)S0
(B)F(i,,y,)-F(Xj, y2)+F(x2, y,)+F(i,.y2)£0
(C )F(jfj,y,)+F(x,, y2)-F(x,, y,)-I-'(at2,y2)a0
(D)F(*,.y,)+F(x2, y2)+Ffx* y2)-F(x,,y2)£0

24.If f»xy is the correlation between X and Y, then correlation between U = a + cX and V = b - dY, (a, b, c, d > 0) is :
(A) pxy
(B) ~pxy
(C ) ^>pxy
(D) ^pxy

25.In a partially destroyed laboratory record of an analysis of correlation data, only the following regression equations are legible :
8x - lOy -» 66 =* 0
40x-18y-214 = 0
Then the mean value of Y is :
(C )18
(D) 66

26.If X ~ Poisson (Xj), Y — Poisson(X2) and X and Y are independent, then the conditional distribution of X given X + Y is :
(A) Binomial
(B) Poisson
(C ) Negative binomial
(D) None of these

27.If X and Y are random variables with distribution functions F(x) = l-e xandG(y) = l -e”2!' respectively, then EfF(Y) + 2g(X)] is :
(C )3/2

28.The distribution of X(nj = Max.(Xj, X2,...Xn), where Xj, X2,.....X„ are i.i.d. (i (a, 1) is :
(A)B(an, 1)
(B)B(a, 1)
(C )B(a, n)
(D)B(cm, n)

29.If X follows Pareto distribution, then the distribution of Y =- is :
(C )Uniform

30.If the moment generating function of X is2 and 0.8 M(t)then its mean and variance are respectively :
(A) 2 and 0.5
(B)1 and 0.8
(C )fe* + V1 + |e3V
(D)1 and 0.5

31.Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(A)If a sample of size n is drawn from a population of size N in such a way that every possible sample of size 'n' has the same chance of being selected, the sample thus obtained is a simple random sample
(B)Simple random sample doesn't attempt to reduce the effect of data variation on the error of estim.ilion
(C )A stratified random sample is one obtained by separating the population elements into non-overlapping groups and then selecting a simple random sample from each group
(D)Stratified random sample always produces an estimator with a smaller variance than that of the corresponding estimator in simple random sampling

32.With regard to ratio estimation based on the response variable y and 
subsidiary variable x, identify the correct statement of the following :
(A)The use of ratio estimator is most effective when the relationship between y and x is linear through the origin and Var(y) is proportional to x
(B)The correlation p between y and x does not affect the precision of the ratio estimator
(C )Ratio estimators are always unbiased
(D)Ihe ratio estimation is usually superior to regression in estimation if the relationship between the \( s and v's is a straight line not through the origin

33.A sociologist wants to estimate the average income per adult male in a certain small city where no list of resident adult is available. What would be the logical choice of the survey design in this case ?
(A) Simple random sampling
(B)Systematic sampling
(C ) Stratified sampling
(D) Cluster sampling

34.Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(A)Systematic sampling is easier to perform anil is less subject to interviewers errors than simple random sampling
(B)Systematic sampling of ten provides more information per unit cost than simple random sampling
(C )When the population size (N) is large and the correlation coefficient (p) between pairs of elements within the systematic sampling is closer to one, then the systematic sampling may be better than simple random sampling
(D)A systematic sampling is preferable when the population of interest is ordered and population size is large

35.A national survey of University student opinions is conducted by selecting a simple random sample of universities from all those in the country and then selecting a simple random sample of students from each university. What sort of sample survey design is used here ? 
(A) Stratified random sampling
(B)A two - stage cluster sampling
(C ) Cluster sampling
(D) None of these

36.In a BIBD, four treatments are arranged in four blocks of three plots each. Each treatment occurs once and only once in three blocks and any two treatments occur together in X blocks. Then the value of X is :
(A) 1
(C ) 3
(D) 4

37.Under a 24-factorial design, what interaction is confounded with the following blocks ?
Block 1 Sad1)adacabcdbdbeabed
Block 2:adcbacdabdabcbed
(A) AB

38.Consider the linear model : y, =θ1 +262-283 + 6,
y2 = θ, + 3θ2 - θ3 + €2
1/3 = 62 + 63+*€3
YVhere y- are observations, 6, are parameters and ^ are uncorrelated random variables with mean zero and constant variance for i = 1, 2, 3. Then which of the following is true ?
(A)2y, “y2 “y3 is an unbiased estimator of 6, -403
(B)2y, -y2-y3 is the BLUE of 0, -403
(C )y2-3y3 is the BLUE of 6,-463
(D)y, “4y3 is an unbiased estimator of 6, — 463

39.In the ANOVA for an KBD with 4 blocks and 6 treatments having one missing value which is estimated, the error degrees of freedom is :
(A) 14
(C ) 23
(D) 24

40.For which of the following set of values will a Balanced Incomplete Block Design of parameters (v, b, r, k, X) exist ?
(A)v-11, b = 22, r = 6, k = 3,X-l
(B)v-7, b = 7, r = 4, k = 4, X*2
(C )v = 21, b*»4, r = 4, k —21,X=4
(D)v = 7, b = 6, r=3, k = 3, X = 1

41.Test statistic for test the significance of difference between variance of two normal populations with known means based on two independent samples of sizes m and n respectively follows:
(A)an F distribution with (m-1, n-1) d.f.
(B)a i distribution with (m + n) d.f.
(C )a t distribution with (in + n -2) d.f.
(D)an F distribution with (m, n) d.f.

42.If Xv X2,....Xn is a random sample from a normal distribution N(n, a2) then the MLE of
a2 when is known is :
(A)Unbiased and consistent
(B)Unbiased but not consistent
(C )Consistent but not unbiased
(D)Neither consistent nor unbiased

43.If X,, X2, ......Xn is a random sample from a population with density function
/(*) = —e ^- 00 < x < 00, then the MLE of the parameter 0 is :
(A) Max (X,, X2.........Xn)
(B) Mean of Xv Xy...........Xn
(C ) Min (Xv X2..........Xn)
(D) Median of X,, X2,.......Xn

44.A test with size a and power (B is said to be an unbiased test if:
(A) a ≥ (3
(B) ct£l-p
(C ) a≤B
(D) a≥ l-B

45.If Xv X2,.......... Xn be a random sample from N (0, 02) then which of the following is true :
(A)XX? is sufficient for 0
(B). XX2 is sufficient for 0
(C )(XX, £X2) is jointly sufficient for 0
(D)(XX4 , X(Xj - X)2 is jointly sufficient for 0

46.For an SPRT with strength (or, fi) the boundary points A and B satisfy :
a1 — a
(D)None of these
(A)AS P 1 - a a
(C )A B * — 1-P l-«

47.Based on a single observation X from a normal population with mean g and variance unity the UMP critical region of size or for test the hypothesis H0; p.^2 against II-j : jx < 2 when za is the 0th quantile of a standard normal distribution is :
(A) X < za —2
(B) X>za-2 
(C ) X<za + 2
(D) X>ztt+2

48.Based on a random sample of size n from B (’I, p), Ihe UMVUK of p(l -p) is (A)SXi(n-SXj) n - 1
(B)XX, (XX, -n) n - 1
(C )n (n - 1)
(D)XX| (XX, - n) n(n-1)

49.l_et T be an ancilliary statistic for the parameter 0. Then T and S are independent if : 
(A) S is complete sufficient for 0
(B) S is unbiased for 0
(C ) S is sufficient for 0
(D) S is consistent for 0

50. If W is the Wilroxon rank sum statistic and U is the Mann - Whiteny U statistic, then :
(A)u«w+ n(n + 1) 2TT ... n(n + l) 
(B) U = W—'
(C )VV - II I n(n* 0 2
(D) None of these

51. If X follows N (0,X) then X'AX follows chi-square distribution with r d.f if and only if :
(A) AX is of rank r 
(B) A is of rank r r
(C ) AX is idempotend of rank r  
(D) A is idempotend of rank r

52.Let R be the sample correlation coefficient of a bivariate sample of size n from a bivaraitenormal population with correlation coefficient p. If p = 0 then the statistic R——— follows 1 -R2
(A)t distribution with (n-1) di.
(B)t distributionwith(n —2)d.f.
(C )F distribution with (1, n) d.f.
(D)F distributionwith(1,n — 1) d.f.

53.The distribution of Hotelling's T2 statistic follows :
(A)Chi - square distribution
(C )Wishart distribution

54.Let Xv X2,......X„ (n > P) be iid random vectors from Np (0, ∑). Then the distribution ofS = - S(X,- X)(Xj-X)',X = i it! is :nn
(A)Wp(2, n — 1)
(C )Wp(f<n-1)
(D)WP (2, n)

55.If (X1# X2)' follows a bivaraite normal distribution with dispersion matrix M / 21 I ^en the dispersion matrix of (Xj + X2, Xj — XJ' is :
(3 0\(31/2^(3 0)(3 2\
(A)[o 2)
(B)[ 1 /2 1 J
(C )[3 0  0 1]
(D)[2 ij

56.If |N(, t c T} is a Poisson process with rate X then which of the following is/are correct:
(a)Nt has independent increment
(b)P(Nlfh-Nt-l)-Xt + 0(h)
(C )Nt is a stationary increment process
(A)a, b and c
(B)a and b
(C )a and c 
(D)b and c

57.If {Xn, n = 0, 1,.....} is a Galton - Watson branching process with E(X1) = m/ then the
probability of ultimate extinction is 1 if:
(A)m > 1
(C )ms2
(D)m £ 1

58.Let Yv V2 and be the three principal components of the random vector X^fXj, X2, X3). Which of the following is/are true :
(a)V(YX) + V(Y2) + V( Y-J = V(Xx) + V(XJ + V(XJ
(C )Yj, Y2 and Y3 are uncorrelated
(A)(a) and(C )
(B)(b) and(C )
(C )(a) and(b)
(D)(a), (b) and(C )

59.Which of the following statement(s) is/are true ?
(a)The state space of a finite Markov chain contain atleast one recurrent state
(b)In a finite irreducible Markov chain all states are non-null recurrent
(C )A null recurrent aperodic state of a Markov chain is called ergodic
(A)(a) and(b)
(B)(a) and(C )
(C )(b) and(C )
(D)(a), (b) and(C )

60.Ijl'I X lx* a random variable which follows a Poisson distribution with parameter X and the prior distribution of X follows G(o, p) then the posterior distribution is :
(A)G(a + 1, ptx)
(B)G(« t r, P)
(C )G(a + x, p + 1)
(D)G(a, p + x)

61.Linder absolute error loss function, the Bayes estimator of a parameter is the :
(A)Mean of the posterior distribution
(B)Median of the posterior distribution
(C )Mode of the posterior distribution
(D)Mean deviation about mean of the posterior distribution

62.For the linear model Y= Xp t f, where € is a vector of non-observable random variables with E(e) — 0, then the least square estimate of p is :
(C )(X'X)X'Y

63.The hazard function of Wiebull distribution with shape parameter p is monotone increasing when •:
(A)p > 1
(B)p < 1
(C )p < 0
(D)p > 0

64.Ijet T be a random variable with hazard function h(f) =\ < t < w , then the distributionfunction of T is :1,1, aa
(A) p
(B)1 - p-
(C ) 1 - p-
(D) p-

65.H U,, U2,________i Un be independent U(0,1) random variables thenfollows
a :
(A)Chi-square distribtion with n d.f.
(B)Gamma (2n, 1/2)
(C )Gamma (n, 1)
(D)Chi-square distribtion with 2n d.f.

66.If p is the mean percent defective, then the upper control limit for lire proportion defective is:

67.Which distribution is used to find the probability of acceptance for an OC curve ?
(A) Poisson
(C ) Binomial
(D) Negative binomial

68.Which source of variation can be estimated by ratio-to-trend method ?
(A) Cyclic
(B) Trend
(C ) Irregular
(D) Seasonal

69. The Bayesian point estimate is obtained by :
(A) Minimising the loss (C ) Minimising the error
(B) Minimising the expected loss (D) None of these

70.Let {Xj,, n >0) be a Markov chain with two states 0 and 1. The one step transition probability
(A) 7/12
(C )7/18
(D) 11/18

71.A good scientific research is characterized by :
(A)It requires clear articulation of a goal
(B)It follows specific plan and procedure
(C )It accepts certain critical assumptions
(D)All the above

72.To understand human behavior and reasons over a long period of time one has to do :
(A)Historical study
(B)Quasi experimental study
(C )Longitudinal study
(D)Cross sectional study

73.Teaching and learning arrangements, usually in small groups, that are structured to produce active participation in learning is :
(C )Conference

74.Directly useful application of scientific principles to production is called :
(C )Technology

75.Which of the following qualities a researcher must have ?
(A)Curious about the world
(B)Logical and systematic
(C )Intellectually honest
(D)All the above

76.The most effective teaching method that ensures maximum participation of students is :
(A)Lecture method
(B)Text book method
(C )Discussion method
(D)Demonstration method

77.Which of the following is the most important indicator of quality of education in a school ?
(A)Infrastructural facilities
(B)Qualification of teachers
(C )Discipline maintained in the school
(D)Students' achievements

78.Which of the following is not a quality of effective teacher ?
(A)Less interaction in the class
(B)Adopt interactive method of teaching 
(C ) Reduce the anxiety level of students
(D)Motivate the students to take initiative

79.Which of the following can he achieved through value education ?
(A)To inculcate of virtues
(B)Develop job skills
(C )Aware on physicalfitness
(D)Development of personality

80.leaching method where purposeful activity that will remove a recognized difficulty or perplexity in situation through the process of reasoning is :
(A)Inquiry method
(B)Problem solving method
(C )Reflective method
(D)None of the above

81._________of The Constitution of India directs the Stale to organize village panchayats and endow them with powers and authority to function as units of self-governments.
(A)Article 39
(C )Article 42

82.Article__________of I he Constitution of India imposes a duty upon citizens to uphold and
protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
(C )51-A(C )

83.All-India services can be created by The Parliament as empowered under __ ___ ____of The Constitution of India.
(A)Article 312
(C )Article 313

84.Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion is guaranteed under Article _________of The Constitution of India.
(C )28

85.In Sodan Singh v New Delhi Municipality AIR 1989 SC 1988, The Supreme Court was called upon to decide whether _____________.
(A)Municipal authorities can impose restrictions on slaughter houses under Article 19(6)
(B)Employees had a fundamental right to resort to strike without notice
(C )Local authorities can levy a tax retrospectively
(D)Hawkers had a fundamental right to carry on their trade on pavements meant for pedestrians

86.First appeal under Section 19(1) of The Right to Information Act 2005 has to be preferred within___________days from the expiry of period for receipt of information or from date of decision.
(C )forty-five

87.As per Section 4(l)(C ) of The National Green Tribunal Act 2010, The Tribunal shall consist of a minimum of_______________fult-time expert members.
(C )fifteen

88.As per Section 22(1 )(b) of The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994, no court shall take cognizance of an offence except on complaint filed by a person who has given notice of not less than___________days to tin? Appropriate Authority, of the alleged offence and his
intention to make the complaint.
(C )ninety

89.As per Section 10(1) of The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, a special court can pass an extemment order against a person likely to commit offence, and direct him not to return to the concerned area for such period not exceeding as may be specified in the order.
(A)six months
(B)one year
(C )two years
(D)five years

90.According to Rule 2(j) of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and control) Rules 2000,'Night Time' has been defined as the period between __ ____.
(A)10 pm and 6 am
(B)10 pm and 5 am
(C )10 pm and 7 am
(D)9 : 30 pm and 6 :30 am

91.Who was the founder of ‘Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham' ?
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Chattampi Swamikal
(D) Sahodaran Ayyappan

92.The social organisation in Kerala, 'Samathwa Samajam' was established in the year :
(C )1855

93.Which among the following is not written by G. Sankara Kurup ?
(C )Viswa Darsanam

94.Author of the famous book 'Jaathikkummi' :
(A)K.P. Karuppan
(B)T.R. KrishnaswamiIyer
(C )P.K. Chattan Master
(D)K.P. Vellon

95.The Renaissance leader in Kerala, who got the name 'Kumara Guru' :
(A)Mampuram Thangal
(B)Pampadi John Joseph
(C )Poikayil Yohannan
(D)Moorkoth Kumaran

96.The name given to the Airforce's rescue operation provided to the flood victims of Uttarakhand :
(A)Operation Surya Hope
(B)Operation Rahat
(C )Operation Ganga Prahar
(D)Operation Blossom Spring

97.Which year has formally declared by UN General Assembly as 'International year of family farming' ?
(C )2006

98.The commission appointed for studying the contributory pension system in Kerala :
(A)Ranga Rajan Commission
(B)Ilazari Commission
(C )Sree Krishna Commission
(D)Bhattacharya Commission

99.Which Constitutional Amendment incorporated Panchayati Raj System in our constitution ?
(A)43rd Amendment
(B)74th Amendment
(C )73rd Amendment
(D)44th Amendment

100.The nodal agency for estimation of poverty at the national and state level in India :
(A)Rural Ministry
(B)Planning Commission
(C )Finance Commission
(D)Home Ministry

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