LECTURER IN SOCIOLOGY - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper


1.Which is not a characteristic of Society ?
(B) Self sufficient 
(C ) Shared values 
(D) Religious

2.A collection of individuals who interact with each other for the attainment of a common purpose, is called :
(C )Society
(D)All of these

3.Who among the following has stressed the idea of 'we feeling' in the concept of community ?
(A)Mac Ivor
(B)Kingsley Davis
(C )Bogardus

4.Which is not an example of primary institution ?
(C )Family

5.Mechanisms whereby the society moulds and conditions its members to conform to the approved pattern of social behaviour, is called :
(A)Social control
(C )Acculturation 

6.Which is an example of "Consciousness of Kind" ?
(A)Professional Organization
(B) Residence Association
(C ) Family
(D) All of these

7.The view that "stratification is a universal necessity" is associated with 
(B) Critical theory 
(C ) Functionalism 
(D) Conflict theory

8.Homogenous community is an example of:
(C )Party

9.Identify the correct meanings in SET 1 with the corresponding concepts in SET II.
(i)Exchange of cultural traits
(ii)Conforming to one's own culture
(iii)Movement of traits through space
(iv)Displacement of culture
(A)Cultural diffusion, Transculturation, Acculturation, Subculture
(B)Transculturation, Enculturation, Cultural diffusion, Acculturation
(C )Enculturation, Acculturation, Cultural diffusion, Subculture
(D)Transculturation, Enculturation, Cultural diffusion, Acculturation

10.The concept of Ethnocentrism was coined by :
(A) Sumner
(B) Wissler
(C ) Boas
(D) Ogburn

11.Which one of the following list of authors in SET I is the correct match in terms of their ideas in SET II ?
(i)Collective consciousness
(ii)Meaning Adequacy
(iii)Residues and Derivatives
(iv)Voluntaristic Action
(A)Durkheim, Weber, Pareto, Parsons
(B)Durkheim, Comte, Pareto, Spencer
(C )Comte, Weber, Parsons, Spencer
(D)Spencer, Weber, Pareto, Parsons

12.Which of the following is the most rational-legal form of authority ?
(A) College Principal
(B) I.A.S. Officer
(C ) Police Officer
(D) All of the above

13.The thinker who stressed the integrative aspect of conflict:
(A) Alexander
(B) Coser
(C )Homans 

14.In choosing betweenalternate actions, actorstendto choose the one forwhich thevalueof the result is greater. Whom is this statement be attributed to ?
(A) Homans
(B) Blau
(C )Collins 

15.Identify the correct list of authorsfrom SETII, according to the Schoolof thought eachof
them represent in SET I.
(ii)Structural - functional
(A)Sinha, Srinivas, D.P. Mukherji, Hardiman
(B)Ghurye, Dumont, A.R. Desai, Bose
(C )Dumont, Dube, A.R. Desai, Sinha
(D)Ghurye, Srinivas, I lardiman, Sinha

16.Levi-Strauss is associated with : 
(A) Decent Theory (C ) Alliance Theory
(B) Evolutionary Theory (D) Deviance Theory

17.Who among the following has treated Sociology as Social Psychology ?
(A) Coffman
(B) Mead
(C ) Homans
(D) Blumer

18.Which of the following concept is Husserl associated with ?
(A) Intersubjectivity (C ) Mind and Society
(B)Cognitive structures (D) Structure of the mind

19.Who addressed the question, "how is it that the human subject took itself as the object of possible knowledge" ?
(A) Bourdieu
(B) Ritzer
(C ) Giddens
(D) Foucault

20.Identify the authors in SET II in the order of their ideas from the list given in SET I.
(iii)Micro-macro integration
(A)Giddens, Bourdieu, Collins, Levi-Strauss
(B)Levi-Strauss, Giddens, Ritzer, Bourdieu
(C )Giddens, Bourdieu, Ritzer, Foucault
(D)Levi-Strauss, Bourdieu, Ritzer, Foucault

21.Which is not applicable to social research ?
(A) Data based 
(B) Focus on effects 
(C ) Verifiable
(D) None of these

22.Hypothesis is:
(A)Proposition which can be proved
(B)Description of a reality
(C )Generated from a theory
(D)Building block of a theory

23.Normative research :
(A) Implies conclusion
(B) Draws conclusion
(C )Precedes from evidence
(D) Lacks hypotheses

24.Identify the correct list of the types of research in SET II appropriate for the descriptions given in SET I.
(i)Based on assumptions
(ii)Census studies
(iii)Focus on the causes
(iv)Over a period of time
(A)Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory, Longitudinal
(B)Exploratory, Evaluation, Explanatory, Cross-sectional
(C )Qualitative, Descriptive, Experimental, Longitudinal
(D)Exploratory, Quantitative, Descriptive, Cross-sectional

25.The philosophical base associated with qualitative approach :
(C )Phenomenology

26.Which is the starting point of a social research ?
(A)Identifying the research problem
(B)Identifying the research questions
(C )Formulating the objectives
(D)Setting hypotheses

27.Research design :
(A)Provides Blueprint
(B)Sets the boundaries
(C )Anticipates potentialproblems
(D)All of these

28.Which is not a non-probability sampling method ?
(A)Ouster sampling
(B)Purposive sampling
(C )Quota sampling
(D)Snowball sampling

29.Content analysis means :
(A)Analysing the content of the data collected
(B)Reviewing the content of the literature
(C )Analysing any form of written material
(D)None of these

30.A Codebook:
(A)Tells the location of different data items
(B)Lists the assignment of codes of the attributes of the variables
(C )Provides the meaning of the codes of different attributes
(D)All of these

31.Who opines that the world system negates the significance of national boundaries and ' structured into metropolitan satellite relationship ?
(B)Samir Amin
(C )Rostow

32.Who wrote the book "Small is Beautiful" ?
(B)David Lemer
(C ) Immanuel Wallerstein

33.Who suggested core - periphery model ?
(B)Samir Amin
(C )Wallerstein

34.In 1936 Ambedkar formed an independent Labour Party, which later turn into______________.
(A)All India Scheduled Caste Association
(B)All India ScheduledCaste Federation
(C )Bharathiya Mahasabha
(D)All India Depressed Class Federation

35.Who among Indian Sociologists has consistently applied Marxist methods in the study of Indian social structure ?
(A)A.R. Desai
(B)Yogendra Singh
(C ) M.N. Srinivas
(D)G.S. Ghurye

36.Ghurye gives five foundations of culture, out of which____________is most important.
(B)Religious consciousness
(C )Values

37.Panchayat means :
(A)A Village specified by the Governor by public notification
(B)A territorial area constituted under Article 240
(C )An Institution constituted under Article 243B
(D)An Institution of persons registered in the electoral roll

38.Which one is not a responsibility of Gramasabha ?
(A)Mobilisation of localresources
(B)Supervise development activities as volunteer
(C )Collecting essential socio economic data
(D)To arrange poling booth

39.The process by which the world is transformed into a single arena is called__________.
(C )Communication

40.Who uses the term "global village" ?
(C )Me Luhan

41.Hoogvelt views the sociology of globalization as an intensification of_________.
(A)Economic relations
(B)Human relations
(C )Political relations
(D)None of these

42.Who published the book "The Travancorc Tribes and Castes" ?
(A)Anantakrishna Iyer
(B)L.P. Vidhyarthi
(C )A. Aiyappan
(D)N.K. Bose

43.E.B. Tylor maintained that animism was man's earliest form of___________.
(C )Totemisni

44.Caste and class are two main criteria of__________.
(B)Social Stratification
(C )Urbanisation

45.On the basis of kinship ties, priority given to marital ties are known as 
(C )Conjugal

46.Which one is not a characteristic of joint family ?
(C )Family worship
(D)Unequal attention

47.The Marxist perspective on family consider that the gendered division of labour as______.
(A)Naturally constructed
(B)Culturally constructed
(C )Biologically constructed
(D)Socially constructed

48.The practice involving plurality of husbands is known as :
(C )Polyandry

49.The traditional theory about the origin of caste system believes that the caste has been established by :
(B)Divine ordinance
(C )Brahmins creation
(D)Clash of culture

50.is one of the unifying force of Indian society.
(A) Constitution 
(B) Beliefs
(C ) Customs
(D) Language

51.The book Mtilabar Manual was written by :
(A)William Logan
(B)P. Shangoonny Menon
(C )K.P. PadmanabhaMenon
(D)James Mill

52.Where was the headquarters of Venadu ?
(C )Kolia m

53.Which was the most important cash crop during the Colonial Bra ?
(C )Ginger

54.Vaikotn Sathyagralta was organized by :
(A)SNDP Yogam
(B)Nair Service Society
(C ) Communist Party of India
(D) Indian National Congress

55.Malayali Memorial is considered as which type of social movement ?
(A)Anti - untouchabilily
(C )Independence
(D)Trade union

56.Who was the state chief minister when land reform measures were introduced in Kerala ?
(A)C. Achutha Menon
(B)E.M.S. Namboothiripad
(C )K. Karunakaran
(D)E.K. Nayanar

57.Plachimada movement in Kerala was organized around the issue of :
(A)Forest conservation
(C )Drinking water
(D)Air pollution

58.Sambumlham was a type of marriage practiced in which community ?
(C )Pulaya

59.Empty Nest Syndrome is a phenomenon indicating the problems of :
(A)Old people
(C )Children

60.Which problem of the tribals was highlighted in the Muthanga agitation ? (A) Increasing rate of poverty
(B) Lack of drinking water
(C ) Landlessness
(D) Attack of wild animals

61.Which branch of sociology is more popular and useful in developing countries ?
(A)Rural sociology
(B)Urban sociology
(C )Industrial sociology
(D)Political sociology

62.Concept of Global Village indicates :
(A)Increasing importance of capitalism
(B)Growth of rural areas
(C )Development of modern communication technology
(D)Increasing use of modern transportation facilities

63.Who coined the term Ethnomethodology ?
(A)hrving Goffman
(B)Harold Garfinkel
(C )W.l. Thomas
(D)GH. Cooley

64.What is the most important concept contributed by C. Wright Mills to study social stratification ?
(A)Classless society
(B)Open society
(C )Power and privilege
(D)Power Elite

65.Jugen Habermas was associated with which theoretical school in sociology ?
(A)Functional school
(B)Critical theory
(C )Conflict theory
(D)Post - modernism

66.What is the meaning of the concept of Dramaturgy ?
(A)Impression management
(B)Social control
(C )Evolution
(D)Deviant behaviour

67.Public Sociology as the modern branch of sociology originated in which country ?
(A) England
(B) Germany
(C ) France
(D) America

68.Globalization can be equated with :
(A)Social conservatism
(C )Deterritorialization
(D)Self - reliance

69.Mixing of quantitative and qualitative research methods is known as :
(A)Longitudinal study
(C )Non-reactive research
(D)Descriptive study

70.What is the purpose of Delphi Method in social research ?
(A) Solving of social problems 
(B)Systematic literature review
(C ) Testing of theories
(D)Forecasting future events

71.A good scientific research is characterized by :
(A)It requires clear articulation of a goal
(B)It follows specific plan and procedure
(C )II accepts certain critical assumptions
(D)All the above

72.To understand human behavior and reasons over a long period of time one has to do :
(A)Historical study
(B)Quasi experimental study
(C )Longitudinal study
(D)Cross sectional study

73.Teaching and learning arrangements, usually in small groups, that are structured to produce active participation in learning is :
(C )Conference

74.Directly useful application of scientific principles to production is called :
(C )Technology

75.Which of the following qualities a researcher must have ?
(A)Curious about the world
(B)Logical and systematic
(C )Intellectually honest
(D)All the above

76.The most effective teaching method that ensures maximum participation of students is :
(A)Lecture method
(B)Text book method
(C )Discussion method
(D)Demonstration method

77.Which of the following is the most important indicator of quality of education in a school ?
(A)Infrastructural facilities
(B)Qualification of teachers
(C )Discipline maintained in the school
(D)Students' achievements

78.Which of the following is not a quality of effective teacher ?
(A)Less interaction in the class
(B)Adopt interactive method of teaching
(C )Reduce the anxiety level of students
(D)Motivate the students to take initiative

79.Which of the following can be achieved through value education ?
(A)To inculcate of virtues
(B)Develop job skills
(C )Aware on physicalfitness
(D)Development of personality

80.Teaching method where purposeful activity that will remove a recognized difficulty or perplexity in situation through the process of reasoning is :
(A)Inquiry method
(B)Problem solving method
(C )Reflective method
(D)None of the above

81.__________of Hie Constitution of India directs the State to organize village this state endow them with powers and authority to function as units of self-governments.
(A)Article 39
(C )Article 42

82.Article___________of The Constitution of India imposes a duly upon citizens to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
(C )51-A(C )

83.All-India services can be created by The Parliament as empowered under_____________of The Constitution of India.
(A)Article 312
(C )Article 313

84.Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion is guaranteed under Article___________of The Constitution of India.
(C )28

85.In Sodan Singh v New Delhi Municipality AIR 1989 SC 1988, The Supreme Court was called upon to decide whether______________.
(A)Municipal authorities can impose restrictions on slaughter houses under Article 19(6)
(B)Employees had a fundamental right to resort to strike without notice
(C )Local authorities can levy a tax retrospectively
(D)Hawkers had a fundamental right to carry on their trade on pavements meant for pedestrians

86.First appeal under Section 19(1) of The Right to Information Act 2005 has to be preferred within___________days from the expiry of period for receipt of information or from date of decision.
(C )forty-five

87.As per Section 4(l)(C ) of The National Green Tribunal Act 2010, The Tribunal shall consist of a minimum of __ __ full-time expert members.
(C )fifteen

88.As per Section 22(1 )(b) of The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994, no court shall take cognizance of an offence except on complaint filed by a person who has given notice of not less than_________days to the Appropriate Authority, of the alleged offence and his
intention to make the complaint.
(C )ninety

89.As per Section 10(1) of The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, a special court can pass an externment order against a person likely to commit offence, and direct him not to return to the concerned area for such period not exceeding __________as may lx* specified in the order.
(A)six months
(B)one year
(C )two years
(D)five years

90.According to Rule 2(j) of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and control) Rules 2000, 'Night Time' has been defined as the period between____________.
(A)10 pm and 6 am
(B)10 pm and 5 am
(C ) 10 pm and 7 am
(D) 9.30 pm and 6.30 am

91.Who was the founder of 'Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham' ?
(A)Sree Naravana Guru
(C ) Chaltampi Swamikal
(D) Sahodaran Ayyappan

92.The social organisation in Kerala, 'Samathwa Samajam' was established in the year :
(C )1855

93.Which among the following is not written by G. Sankara Kurup ?
(C )Viswa Darsanam

94.Author of the famous book 'Jaathikkummi' :
(A)K.P. Karuppan
(B)T.K. Krishnaswami Iyer
(C )P.K. Chattan Master
(D)K.P. Vellon

95.The Renaissance leader in Kerala, who got the name 'Kumara Guru' :
(A)Mampuram Thangal
(B)Pampadi John Joseph
(C )Poikayil Yohannan
(D)Moorkoth Kumaran

96.The name given to the Airforce's rescue operation provided to the flood victims of Uttarakhand :
(A)Operation Surya Hope
(B)Operation Rahat
(C )Operation Ganga Prahar
(D)Operation Blossom Spring

97.Which year has formally declared by UN General Assembly as 'International year of family farming' ?
(A) 2014
(C )2006
(D) 2009

98.The commission appointed for studying the contributory pension system in Kerala :
(A)Ranga Rajan Commission
(B)Hazari Commission
(C )Sree Krishna Commission
(D)Bhattacharya Commission

99.Which Constitutional Amendment incorporated Panchayati Raj System in our constitution ?
(A)43rd Amendment
(B)74th Amendment
(C )73rd Amendment
(D)44th Amendment

100.The nodal agency for estimation of poverty at the national and state level in India :
(A)Rural Ministry
(B)Planning Commission
(C )Finance Commission
(D)Home Ministry

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