LECTURER IN PSYCHOLOGY - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : l hour and 15 minutes

1.Visual acuity is directly related to
(A) Fewer number of rodes attached to a ganglion cell
(B)Fewer number of cones attached to a ganglion cell
(C )Larger number of cones attached to a ganglion cell
(D)Larger number of rodes attached to a ganglion cell

2.Which one of the following is a measure of span of attention?
(A)The maximum number of heads thrown up in the air that can be counted correctly before it falls down.
(B) The maximum number of digits that can be reproduced correctly after listening to the same..
(C ) The maximum number of alphabets that can be read in one second.
(D) The maximum duration a person can remain attentive without any 

5. Which of the following is studied in the context of subliminal perception?
(A)Extra-sensory perception
(B) Perceptual defence
(C ) Difference threshold
(D) Just Noticeable Difference

4. Iconic memory is an example of:
(A)Short term store 
(C ) Working memory
(B) Long-term store 
(D) Sensory store

5. Which of the following form of learning is most universal?
(A) Habituation
(B) Classical conditioning 
(C ) Operant conditioning
(D) Cognitive learning

6.Primary drives can be explained in terms of: 
(A) Instincts
(B) Conditioned reflexes 
(C ) Psychological homeostasis
(D) Physiological homeostasis

7.Which of the following theory considers cognitive factors as important in the experience of emotion?
(A)Cannon-bard theory
(B) James-Lange theory
(C ) Schachtor-Singar theory.
(D) Opponent process theory

8.Which theory proposed that reinforcement is not directly related to learning?
(A)Drive reduction theory of Hull
(B)Contiguity theory of Guthrie
(C )Two-factor theory of Mowrer
(D)Cognitive theory of Tolman

9.Which of the following is NOT related to traumatic brain injury?
(A)Retrograde amnesia
(B)Anterograde amnesia
(C )Transient global amnesia
(D)Post-traumatic amnesia

10.Which of the following is the main characteristic of intelligence?
(A)convergent thinking
(B)Divergent thinking
(C )Flexibility

11.Which of the following dimension of personality is most influenced by heredity?
(C )Temperament

12.Psychodynamic theories of personality give greater emphasis to
(A)Unconscious motivation
(C )Primary drives
(D)Intentions and desires

13.‘Productive orientation' is a concept put forward by :
(A) Carl Rogers (C ) Alfred Adler
(B)Abraham Maslow (D) Erich Fromm

14.Stimulus — Response theory of personality was put forward by :
(A)Neal Miller
(B)Hobart Mowrer
(C )Edward Tolman
(D)B.F. Skinner

15.The concept of ‘nishkama karma' in Indian psychology is similar in meaning to which concept in Western psychology?
(A) Altruism
(B) Detachment
(C )Workaholism
(D)Meta motivation

16.Which of the following pairing of theorists and their concepts are correctly matched?
(A)Carl-Rogers - Peak Experiences
(B)Abraham Maslow - Fully functioning person
(C )Albert Bandura - Self-efficacy
(D)B.F.Skinner - Drive reduction

17.Which theory is based on the main idea that 'behaviour is a function of personality and environment’?
(A)Cognitive theory
(B)Gestalt theory
(C )Field theory
(D)Drive theory

18.‘Coronary prone personality is identified by which approach towards the study of personality?
(A)Personality trait approach
(B)Narrow band approach
(C )Personality factor approach
(D)Clinical approach

19.Which of the following comes under observational method of assessment?
(A)Time sampling
(B)Accidental sampling
(C )Purposive sampling
(D)Snowball sampling

20.Items having different scale values are found in :
(A) Likert scales
(B) Thurston scales
(C ) Questionnaires
(D) Forced choice scales

21.Non-directive counselling borrows its ideas mainly from :
(A) Humanistic theory
(B) Psychoanalytip theory
(C ) Cognitive theory
(D) Behavioural theory

22.The major aim of counselling is to :
(A)Help a person solve his/her personal problems
(B)Help a person arrive at correct decisions
(C )Provide non-medical management of minor problems of anxiety and depression
(D)Promote one’s personal growth

23.The main characteristic of empathy is :
(A)Willingness to help others
(B), Sensitivity to other’s feelings
(C )Ability to take on another's perspective
(D)Willingness to sacrifice

24.Unconditional positive regard core content rd’ is a popular concept in :
(B)Client centred therapy
(C )Gestalt therapy
(D)Transactional analysis

25.According to psychoanalytic theory, the true meaning of dreams is found in their :
(A)Latent content
(B)Manifest content
(C )Lucid content
(D)Core content

26.Which of the following statements about grief counselling/grief therapy is NOT true?
(A)Grief counselling may be given for persons suffering from ‘anticipatory grief
(B)Individuals experiencing normal bereavement reactions may experience negative outcomes after receiving grief therapy
(C )Grief, therapy is less effective for people who suffer from prolonged and complicated responses to bereavement
(D) Grief therapy can be given in a group setting

27.Which of the following is acceptable in HI V/ATDS counselling situation?
(A)Directing and leading the counselee
(B)Giving moral education to the counselee
(C )Collecting detailed information about the personal life of the counselee
(D)Exploring about feelings of guilt in the counselee

28.‘Egogram' is a method used in :
(A) Psychodynamic counselling (C ) Transactional Analysis
(B) Genetic counselling (D) Behavioural counselling

29.All of the following am microskills in counselling EXCEPT :
(C )Questioning

30.Collaborative empiricism is a fundamental concept in :
(A)HIVVAfDS counselling
(B)Grief counselling
(C ) Person-centred counselling
(D) Cognitive therapy

31.Loss of memory for a specific category of information :
(A)Localized amnesia
(B)Selective amnesia
(C )Systematized amnesia
(D)Generalized amnesia

32.Properties or characteristics of people or things to which different values are assigned : 
(C )Constructs

33.The classroom management theorist who emphasized a caring relationship with students 
(A) Fred Jones
(B) Harry and Rosemary Wong
(C )William Glasser
(D)Ronald Morish

34.Interventions designed to promote coping with illness rather than preventing it:
(A)Primary prevention
(B)Secondary prevention
(C )Adherence
(D)Tertiary prevention

35. A rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct, and alternating personalities.:
(A)Dissociative Identity Disorder
(B) Dissociative Fuguo
(C ) Dissociative amnesia
(D) Depersonalization disorder

36. Maps of chromosome which helps in identifying chromosomal anomalies :
(A) Genome
(B)Genetic profiling
(C ) Cloning

37.The non-parametric test which is analogues to one way analysis of variance 
(A) The Kolmogorov Smirnov lest
(B)The Kendal’s Tao test
(C ) The Kruskal Wallis test
(D)The Friedman test

38.The framework to integrate the different components of the study in a logical manner :
(A)Sample design
(B)Research design
(C )Correlational design
(D)Experimental design

39.A time out for misbehavior is :
(A) Positive punishment
(B)Negative punishment
(C ) Positive reinforcement
(D)Negative reinforcement

40.The model which emphasizes health iis overall biological, social and psychological well being:
(A) The bio-psychosocial model
(B)The health belief model
(C ) Social learning theory
(D)Theory of planned behavior

41.Factors influencing an offender which is open to change through therapy:
(A) Dynamic risk
(B)Impulsive risk
(C ) Conservative risk
(D)Static risk

42.Crimes like domestic violence or childsexual abuse being re-victimized by the same perpetrator
(A) Repeat victimization
(B)Multiple victimization
(C ) Victim proneness

43.A positive coping strategy is:
(A) Self -blame
(B)Other blame
(C ) Rumination

44.The term Emotional Intelligence was introduced by :
(A) Daniel Golem an
(B)Mayor and Salovey
(C ) Keith Beasley
(D)Wayne Payne

45.An objective quantifiable method for assigning type of verbal and other data to categories :
(A)Content analysis
(B)Survey research
(C )Field study
(D)Ex post facto research

46.The components of a small n design include :
(A)Repeated measurement of dependent variable
(B) Baseline phase
(C )Treatment phase
(D)All the above

47.The person who pioneered the development of cognitive approach to psychological treatment along with Beck:
(A) Carl Rogers 
(B)Albert Ellis'
(C ) Victor Frankl
(D) Abraham Mas low

48.The axis II of DSM includes the diagnostic criteria for;
(A)Personality disorder
(B)General medical conditions
(C )Psycho-social problems
(D)Global assessment

49.The interaction model of personality was proposed by:
(A)Stephan Kaplan
(B)Kart Lewin
(C )Haraold Proshansky
(D)Roger Barker

50.Branch of psychology which applies the knowledge and methods to understand and help old people’s well-being.:
(B)Community" psychology
(C )Gerontology
(D)Family psychology

51.A disorder characterized by rampant eating without eliminating excessive calories :
(A) Binge eating-
(B) Anorexia nervosa
(C )Bulimia

52.A very rare symptom which is part of Tourette’s disorder is :
(C )Ecliolalia

53.The average squared deviation of each case from the mean is :
(C )Standard deviation
(D)Quartile deviation

54.A qualitative method that involves unstructured group interviews and discussions :
(A) Qualitative interviewing*
(B) Participant observation
(C ) Focus groups '
(D) Group discussions

55.Trivial positive actions towards the members of a group one dislikes is :
(B)Reverse discrimination
(C )Social categorization
(D)Glass ceiling

56.The frustration aggression hypothesis was proposed by :
(A)Arnold Buss
(C )Berkowitz
(D)Konrad Lorenz

57.A psychological state in which a nonliving object servos as a principal source of sexual arousal:
(C )Voyeurism

58.A hereditary’ disorder characterized by progressive degeneration of brain tissue :
(A)Pick’s disease
(B)Alzheimer’s disease
(C )Parkinson’s disease
(D)Huntington’ Disease

59.A very serious ethical and legal problem in writing a report:
(B)Inclusion of outdated data
(C )Emphasis on appearance
(D)Careless proof reading

 60: ‘ The number of a specific kind of theft increases after the occurrence of a similar incident. To study this which type of experimental design is appropriate?
(A)Lab experiment
(B)Field experiment
(C ).Quasi experiment
(D)Any of the above

61. The belief of an regarding how well he can carry out a given activity is 
(A) Self-monitoring
(B) Self Concept
(C ) Self-efficacy
(D) Self- esteem

62.The therapy which emphasizes altering of an individual’s maladaptive thought processes :
(A)Behaviour therapy
(B)Psychoanalytic therapy
(C )Cognitive Therapy
(D)Social skills training

63.Description and analysis of individual experiences is called as :
(B)Hermeneutic anulysis
(C )Grounded theory
(D)Phenomenological experience

61.The behavioural scientist who has conducted studies in the concept of Flow 
(A)Martin Soligman
(B)Daniel CaiczentMyhalyi
(C )Julian Rottert
(D)Shane J. Lopez

65.A medical doctor who is specialized in diagnosing, treating and preventing mental illness :
(C )Counselor
(D)Social worker

66.A parametric test used to assess the prediction of change in one variable in accordance
change in another variable:
(C ) Paired ’F test

67.A personality type disorder characterized by social isolation and limited emotional expression : 
(C )Schizoid
(D) Borderline•'

The neurotransmitter which enhances immune responses is :
(A) Dopamine
(B) Acetylcholine
(C ) Epinephrine
(D) Endorphins

69.The science which deals with the design of safe and comfortable machines :
(A)Total Quality Management
(C )Eugenics

70.Factors influencing an offender which is open to change through therapy :
(A)Dynamic risk
(B)Impulsive risk
(C )Conservative risk
(D)Static risk

71.Which of the following sampling method is preferred for studying heterogeneous population?
(A)Simple random sampling
(B)Stratified sampling
(C )Convenient sampling
(D)Systematic sampling

72.A test that examine subjects' thoughts and thought processes is,:
(A)Cognitive test
(B)Affective test
(C )Standardized test
(D)Generalized test

72. Which of the following is most appropriate about discussion part of a research paper?
(A)It elaborates importance of the topic
(B)Explain how the findings concur wit $ that of others
(C )Deals with method of sampling and recruitments
(D)Deals with findings of the relevant studies

74.The process of collecting and analyzing information to develop or enhance a theory is :
(A) Basic research*
(B) Applied research
(C ) Evaluation
(D) None of the above

75.‘ If you .want to determine whether and to what degree a relationship exists between two or more variables what kind of study you have to do?
(C )Causal-comparative

76.Creating a class room climate conducive to develop positive self concept in students is by :
(A) Challenge and freedom
(B) Respect and warmth
(C )Control and success
(D)All the above

77.Which of the following teacher will be liked most?
(A)A teacher who maintain discipline in the classroom
(B)A teacher who make teaching learning process enjoyable
(C )A teacher who give more home work
(D) A teacher who take more number of classes

78.An instructional model that identifies the major variable in the teaching learning process includes :
(A)Individual differences
(B)Principle of learning
(C )Teacher behaviour
(D)All the above

79.The extent of teachers’ subject matter and pedagogical expertise indicates the teachers :
(C )Competency
80.What will be the impact of interactive teaching?
(A)It will make teaching learning process difficult
(B)It will create confusion among students
(C )Students will be expected to listen only
(D)It will make teaching learning process effective, democratic and friendly

81.The term socialist has been inserted in the preamble by the-------------------Amendment Act of the Constitution.
(A) 43
(B) 42
(C ) 41
(D) 40

82.Right for freedom to form Association is provided in-------------Article of the Constitution.
(A) 19(l)(a)
(C ) 19(l)(C )

Money Bill can be introduced in :
(A). Lok Sabha
(B)Rajya Sabha
(C )- Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of the above

84.Legislative council of a State :
(A)Can be dissolved by the Governor
(B)Can be abolished by the President with the advice of the Governor of the State
(C )Can be abolished by the Parliament based on the resolution ‘ passed by the majority of the Legislative Assembly
(D)Can be abolished by the Governor based on the resolution passed by the majority of the Legislative Assembly

85.Which of the following statement is true?
(1)The President can make a proclamation declaring emergency only when he receives in  writing the decision of the Union Cabinet to this effect
(2)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of internal disturbance
(3)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of Armed Rebellion
(4) The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of External Aggression
(C )2, 3, 4
(D)1, 2, 3, 4

86.According to Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 Child mean the person who has not completed his-----------year of age.
(C )15

87.What is the penalty for the refusal of the RT1 application by the Public information Officer?
(A)Rs.5,000 and 1 month imprisonment 
(B)Rs.1,000 and 1 month imprisonment
(C )Rs. 5,000

88.Which of the following statement is not true?
(A)No child shall be requiredto work for more than 3 hours ata stretch
(B)No child shall be requiredto work for more than 6 hours includingrest period
(C )No child shall be permitted to work between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.
(D)None of the above

89.The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013:
(1)Protects women working in that place
(2)Protects any women who enters the work place like clients, customer, etc.
(3)Protects all the employees who are working thero
(4)Protects only women working in government institutions
(A)1 and 2
(B)2 and 3 "
(C )3 and 4

90.Whoever contravenes the provisions of S.24 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, prohibition on use of stream or well for disposal of polluting matter shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than :
(A)l year but which may extend to 6 years
(B)2 year but which may extend to 8 years
(C )1 1/2 year but which may extend to 8 yearsandwithfine
(D)1 1/2 year but which may extend to 6 yearsandwithfine

91.In which novel of Kesava Dev ‘Pappu’ appears as the main character?
(A)Odayil Ninnu
(C )Kannadi
92.The First editor of‘Swadeshabhimani’ daily 
(A) Balakrishna Pilia 
(B) K. Ramakrishna Pilla
(C ) Vakkam Abdulkhader Moulavi
(D) C.P. Govinda Pilia

93.Who organised 'Misrabhojanam'?
(A) Sri Karayana Guru 
(B) Sahodaran Ayyappan 
(C ) Ayyamkali
(D)chattambhi swamikal

94.Pattini Jatha' led by :
(A) K. Kelappan 
(B) Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan 
(C ) A.K. Gopalan
(D) P.K. Chathan Master

95.Who took Prime role in the publication of Rajyasamacharam'?
(A) Clement piyanoos padre
(B) Dr. Herman Gundert
(C ) Arnos Padre
(D) James Augustus

96.The Chief guest on the occasion of 65d’ Republic day celebration :
(B)Hu Zhang Taa
(C )Yoshihiko Noda
(D)Wen Jmbo

97.Which amount the following diseases is eradicated through immunisation programme in India?
(A) Polio'
(B) Tuberculosis
(C ) Diptheria
(D) Jaundice

98.Who inaugurated the new Kerala legislative assembly building in 1998?
(A)AB. Vajpayee
(B)I.K. Gujral
(C )K.R. Narayanan
(D)Krishna Kant

99.The Minister who presented and passed the Land reformation act of Kerala in 1969 :
(A)T.V. Thomas
(B)K.T. Jacob
(C )C. Achutha Menon
(D)K.R. Gouri

100.The bowler to take Sachin's wicket in his last test:
(A)Darren Sammy
(B)Nareingh Deo Narine
(C )Chris Gayle
(D)Keron Pollard

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