

Maximum: 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Calculate the velocity of nerve impulse in the Frog's nerve, muscle preparation from the data given below:
(i)Latent period with stimulation of spinal end of the nerve = 0.01 sec.
(ii)Latent period with stimulation of muscle end of the nerve = 0.005 sec.
(iii)Length of the nerve between the two stimulated points = 7.5 cm. so the velocity of the nerve impulse is
(A)1560 cm
(B)1576 cm
(C )1500 cm

2.Calculate the respiratory quotient from the datas are given :
(i)Volume of expired air in 6 minutes = 30 liters
(ii)Percentage of CO, in expired air = 4.2%
(iii)Oxygen consumption in 6 minutes =1470 ml, the respiratory quotient (RQ) is
(C )0.65

8. Determine the oxygen carrying capacity and oxygen content of arterial and venous blood samples from the data are provided :
(i)Percentage saturation of arterial blood with oxygen = 97%
(ii)Percentage saturation of venous blood with oxygen = 75%
(iii)Hemoglobin concentration = 14.5 g/dl.
Oxygen carrying capacity of blood and oxygen content of venous blood are respectively.
(A)18.33 ml/dl, 14.37 ml/100 ml
(B) 19.43 ml/dl, 14.57 ml/100 ml
(C ) 56.12 ml/dl, 23.37 ml/100 ml
(D) 23.11 ml/dl, 42.23 ml/100 ml

4.Find out the breathing reserve and the dyspnea index from the data provided below :
(i)Respiratory rate = 12/min
(ii)Tidal volume = 500 ml
(iii)Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MW) = 130 liters So Dyspnea index (Breathing reserve percent) is
(C )80%

5.Calculate the heart rate from the ECG provided 1500 by the number of smallest squares between two R waves are assume 18, the heart rate will be:
(C )68 /min
(D)72 / min

6.Calculate the Renal Blood Flow (RBF) from the data given below. Date are :
(i)Concentration of PAH in Urine (UPAH) = 14 mg/ml
(ii)Concentration of PAH in Plasma (PHAH) = 0.03 mg/ml
(iii)Rate of urine flow (V) = 1.5 ml/min
(iv)Hematocrit (Hct) = 43%.
The actual renal blood flow is
(A)1460 ml perminute
(B)1445 ml per minute
(C )1340 ml perminute
(D)1360 ml per minute

7. Calculate the urea clearance from the given data:
(i)Concentration of urea in Urine (U) = 20 mg/ml
(ii)Concentration of urea in Blood (B) = 38 mg/100 ml
(iii)Rate of Urine Flow (V) = 1.5 ml/min.
Urea clearance is
(A)60 ml/min
(B)64 ml/min
(C )720 ml/min
(D)32 ml/min

8. The Red cell count of Males and Females are respectively :
(A)Males 7.5 - 9.5 million / mma Female 7.0 - 8.5 million / mm3
(B)Males 3.5 - 5.5 million / mm3 Female 3.0 - 6.0 million / mm3
(C )Males 4.0 - 7.5 million / mm3 Females 5.0 - 6.5 million / mm3
(D)Males 4.5 - 6.5 million / mm3 Females 4.0 - 5.5 million / mm3

9.Hemoglobin of males and female are respectively:
(A)Male 13.5 - 18 g/dl Females 11.6 - 16 g/dl
(B)Male 13.0 - 15 g/dl Females 10.5 - 15 g/dl
(C )Male 12.6-14 g/dl Females 10.6-12 g/dl
(D)Male 14.5 - 19 g/dl Females 12.5 - 17 g/dl

10.Blood - reference intervals of Arterial gases is :
(A)PaCO,: 38 - 48 mm Hg
(B)PaCO,: 45-60 mm Hg
(C )PaCO,: 60-70 mm Hg
(D)PaCO,: 35 - 45 mm Hg

11. In respiratory system contain inspired air normally:
(A)O,: 30.96% ; CO,: 0.09% ; N, = 69.95%
(B)O,: 40% ; CO,: 1% ; N,= 59%
(C )O,: 20.96% ; CO,: 0.04% ; N, = 79%
(D)0,: 15% ; CO,: 1% ; N, = 84%

12. Kidneys of renal in maximum glucose reabsorptive capacity (Tmc) is normally :
(A) Male 100 - 300 mg/min Females 200 - 250 mg/min
(C ) Male 300 - 450 mg/min Females 200 - 300 mg/min
(B)Male 100 - 300 mg/min Females 100 - 300 mg/min
(D) Male 300 - 450 mg/min Females 250 - 350 mg/min

18. The food item of dates, dried contains calories, proteins and fats are respectively.
(A) Calories 317 Proteins 2.5 Fats 0.4
(B) Calories 217 Proteins 5.6 Fats 0.2
(C )Calories 616 Proteins 4.7 Fats 0.1
(D) Calories 1012 Proteins 5.7 Fats 0.1

14. The food item of Mutton of boiled contains calories, proteins and fats are respectively.
(A) Calories 300 Proteins 25.5 Fats 17.3 
(B) Calories 194 Proteins 18.5 Fats 13.6 
(C ) Calories 400 Proteins 35.7 Fats 4.7 
(D) Calories 250 Proteins 17.5 Fats 10.9

16. In milk of cow’s and curd contains calories, proteins and fats are respectively.
(A) Calories 67 Proteins 3.2 Fats 4.1
(B)Calories 100 Proteins 10.7 Fats 1.2
(C ) Calories 102 Proteins 15.6 Fats 1.3 
(D) Calories 50 Proteins 2.6 Fats 3.3

16. Molecular structure of cytosine bases of DNA is :

18. The following EEG diagram is represent:
(B) Biphasic sharp wave
(C ) Monophasic sharp wave
(D) Slow wave sleep wave

19. EEG typically has frequency range of Beta ( is represented the following:
(A)Beta (0) frequency range (above 17.5 Hz)
(B)Beta () frequency range (2.5 - 3.5 Hz)
(C )Beta (0) frequency range (7.5 - 12,5 Hz)
(D)Beta (0) frequency range (above 12.5 Hz)

20. The following ECG diagram is represented :
Normal sinus rhythm None of them

21. The cross correlation between the template sequence of the QRS complex and the incoming signal is computed using the following equation :
(A) Vn (m)
“T S *(n + m)y(n2) for 0 < m < N -1
*77 2 x(n) y (n + m) for - (N -1) < m < 0 N

(B) V4(m) =
j x(n + m)y(n) for0<m<N-1

 Zx(n2)(n + m) for-(N-l)< m < 0

(C ) V(m)~ £ x(n + m)y(n) for 0 < m <  -1
(D)-i- x(n) y (n + m) for -(N-1) < m < 0
N aO
(D) None of them

22. The following diagram of ultrasound appearanoes is represented :
(A)Myelolipoma (LS)
(B)Neuroblastoma (LS)
(C )Pheochromocytoma (LS)
(D)Right adrenal mass (LS)

23. The following ultrasound of prostate of MALE PELVIS related image represented as :
(A)Normal Prostate (LS)
(B) Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (LS)
(C ) Prostatitis (LS)
(D) Prostatic Car Cinoma (TS)

24.Laws of Radiations is defined by:
(A)New dose = New.dose *
(Old distance)2
(B)New dose = (Old dose)3 x (new distance) (Old distance)2
(C )New dose =(Old dose)2 x (new distance)2 (Old distance)
(D)New dose = Old dose * (new distance) (D) New close(0id distance)2

25.The following laws is states the rays must be absorbed to produce the effect will be produced at that which the rays are absorbed.
(A)Law of Grothus - Drapper
(B) Cosine Law
(C )Law of Square
(D) Arndt - Schultz law

26.Which one electrodes used to method is used over larger area of the body, eg spine and is also called parallel method of placement?
(A) Co-planar positioning of electrode 
(B) Contra-planar positioning of electrode
(C )Mono - polar method
(D)Cross - fire technique

27.Convert 1200  F to ° C (conversion of Fahrenheit Scale to Centigrade Scale) is :
(A)48.8° C
(C )30°C

28.This type of microscope has a triple nosepiece with three objectives and two eye pieces.
(A)Leitz Wetzler microscope
(B)Bausch and Lomb microscope
(C )Moreau microscope
(D)Wilson’s screw barrel type microscope

29.This type of objective lenses used in microscopes and corrected for Aplanatic, no spherical and chromatic aberration of red, blue, green. This type of lense is :
(A) Aplanatic (C ) Achromatic
(B) Apochromatic (D)(A) and (C )

30. In rate of sedimentation defined as following : 2
(A)y = — x '9
(C )

31.This type of Rotors used for low-speed centrifugation are made up of brass or steel and fixed zero angle rotor, the pellet is deposited along entire length of the outer wall.
(A) Fixed angle rotors 
(B)Elutriator rotors
(C ) Vertical tube rotors
(D)Zonal rotors

32.This type of electrode contains mercury chloride and saturated solution of Potassium Chloride for pH measurements.
(A) Glass Electrode
(C )Compound Electrode
(B)Calomel Electrode 
(D) Armstrong Electrode

33.This type of manometers is used measure pressure and contains upto 14 experimental flasks and small U-tube capillaries are connected to the same reference flask by gassing manifold.
(A) Warburg manometer
(B) Tilted manometer
(C )Gilson constant manometer
(D)A U-tube manometer

34.The first form of chromatography was used by Martin Consden and Gordon to separate a mixture of amino acids.
(A)Paper chromatography
(B)Thin layer chromatography
(C )Column chromatography
(D)Adsorption chromatography

85. The following X-ray technique and methods of X-ray spectroscopy are based on the scattering
of X-rays by crystals.
(A) X-ray absorption
(B)X-ray reflection
(C ) X-ray diffraction
(D)X-ray fluorescence

The output signal voltage of an amplifier is 5 V and the output noise voltage , is 0.005 V. Determine the signal-to-noise power ratio in decibels. Ignore the source resistance. The signal to noise power ratio in decibels is :
(A) 70 dB
(B)10 dB
(C ) 60 dB
(D)1000 dB

37.A strain gauge of 120 Ω (nominal) resistance with a gauge factor GF = 2 is mounted on a rod. The 5 m rod stretches by only 2 mm under a heavy stress. Find the change in resistance is :
(A) 0.096Ω
(B) 1 kΩ
(C ) 0.05 Ω
(D) 0.5 Ω

38.The following irregular ECG shows what type of abnormal of ECG signal:

39.A patient has an 8 I/min CO. His pulmonary artery has a 14 mm diameter with a 20 mm Hg pressure. His left atrium pressure is 8 mm Hg. What is the patient's pulmonary vascular resistance?
(A)2.6 mm Hg/I/min
(B)1.5 mm Hg/I/min
(C )6.6 mm Hg/I/min
(D)3.5 mm Hg/I/min

40.Which law states that the total pressure exerted in the vessel is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the various gases in the mixture?
(A)Bayer’8 Law
(B)Boyle's Law
(C )Dalton’s Law
(D)Charles Law

41.The following devices detects some heart rhythm disorders, such as premature ventricular complexes and automatically delivers shocks to terminate such rhythm disorders:
(A)Automated external defibrillator
(B)Inplantable cardio verter defibrillator
(C )Both of (A) and (B)
(D)None of them

42.This type of pacemaker paces the ventricle, but since it does not sense the ventricles, there is no response to sensory input. This type of pacing is achieved after by pass surgery with a handheld external pacemaker.

43.Non-invasive blood pressure measurement can be automated by replacing the hand pump with an automatic pump can be set to inflate the cuff when activated. This method is :
(A)Oscillometric method
(B)Non-invasive method
(C )Automated hand pumpmethod
(D)Auscultatory method

44.This type of infusion pumps performs uses a fluid that is hung above the pump and two tubes for the fluid to flow in to body this pump is also called a peristaltic pump.
(A)Volumetric infusion pump
(B) Syringe infusion pump
(C )Fluid infusion pump
(D)Multiple infusion pump

45.This device is used to decrease myocardial oxygen demand while at the same time increasing Cardial Output (CO):
(A) Dialysis machine 
(B)Intra-aortic balloon pump machine
(C ) Heart-lung machine
(D)Aphaeresis machine

46.The sum of the tidal volume and the inspiratory reserve volume is called : (A) Expiratory reserve volume
(B) Residual volume
(C )Total Lung capacity volume
(D) Inspiratory capacity

47.Apnea is a :
(A) Sleep abnormality (C ) Nervous disorder
(B) Cessation of breathing (D) Infection

48.Sensitivity of a transducer or electrode is defined as the following :
(A)Input of electrode / Output of electrode
(B)Change of input / change of output
(C )Actual output / measured output
(D)None of them

49.The resistance temperature detector of resistance at T predicted by the formula.
(A)R(T) = R(T)x[l + a0(To-T)]
(B)R(T) = R(T0)x(l + a0(T0-T)]
(C )R(T)  R(T0) x [1 + a0(T - T0)]
(D)R(T) = R(T) x [1 + a0(T - T0)]

50.This device is used for spraying liquid or medication into the patient's airways. The gas is forced through the jet by squeezing the rubber bulb :
(C )Sprayfier
(D)LTV - series

51.The following formula is represented find the capacity by :
Volume of the Chamber x Change in chamber pressure due to breathing Change in thorax pressure
(A)Urine bladder capacity
(B)Heart volume capacity
(C )Breathing volume capacity
(D)Total lung capacity

52.The following brain waves of diagram is represented.
(C )Theta

53.This type of noise wave form is called as:
(A)Noise of Erratic ragged waveform
(B)Flattened waveform
(C )Alteration of high and low waves in a regular pattern
(D)Normal waveform

54.The percentage reflections of ultrasound at tissue interface of Blood-Brain. Blood Kidney are given and which one is correct?
(A)Blood Brain: 0.3%, BloodKidney 0.7%
(B)Blood Brain: 0.7%, Blood Kidney 12%
(C )Blood Brain: 3%, Blood Kidney 17%
(D)Blood Brain: 3%, Blood Kidney 13%

55.What type of echoes represents as clots rather than vertical deflections and the brightness represents the strength of the reflected echo of ultrasound?
(A)A • mode
(B)B - mode
(C )M • mode
(D)N - mode

56.This type of transducer format use to endovaginal for the sequoia ultrasound machine :
(A)5 Ca
(B)4 V2
(C )8C4

57.Radiographic systems classified as :
(A)Chest X-ray radiography, surgical systems
(B)Dental radiography, computer tomography
(C )Portable or mobile units, chiropractic systems
(D)Both of (A), (B), (C )

58.This is involves a dynamic X-ray imaging of physiological functions such as flow of barium through the intestine or the process of injecting a contrast medium into the heart:
(C )Vertical Bucky

59.This type of image is examination and inspection of the interior of body organs, joints or cavities through an device is :
(A) Fluoroscopy
(B) Endoscopy
(C )Colonoscopy

60.This type of tube uses viewing pulmonologist or a thoracic surgeon called 
(C )Endoscopy

61.What type of laser is used for photocoagulation in ophthalmology?
(A)Argon laser
(B)Ruby laser
(C )Nd : LAG laser
(D)CO2 laser

62.Which formula is correct for the total count of either WBC or RBC is given as?
(A)Total of count = (Number of cells counted) x (Depth 0.2 mm)
(Area counted mm2) x (Dilution factor)
(Number of cells counted) x (Dilution factor)
(B)Total of count = -------------------------------------------
(Area counted mm2) x (Depth 0.1 mm)
(C )Total of count =
(Area counted mm2) x (Depth 0.1 mm) (Number of cells counted) x (Dilutionfactor)
(D)None of them

63.What LAB referred to an anatomic pathology prepares tissue and bone samples used for diagnosing many diseases including cancer?
(A) Microbiology lab
(B) Virology lab
(C )Speciality chemistry lab
(D) Histology lab

64.Person who responsible for the daily operation of the lab including scheduling of personal: 
(A) Lab Administrator
(B) Lab Supervisor
(C ) Lab Director
(D) Lab Manager

65.This technician who draws the patient’s blood and ensures that sample are submitted to the laboratory for proper testing:
(A) Lab Technician
(B) Nurse
(C ) Phlebotomist
(D) Clinic Technician

66.This type of shock hazards occurs when current is applied to the surface of the body, producing tissue injury and unnecessary stimulation :
(A) Macro shock
(B) Electric shock
(C ) Electrode shock
(D) Micro shock

67. OS HA standard under 29 CFR 1910.1200 for the safety of:
(A)Radiation safety
(B)Biological safety
(C )Fire and explosive safety
(D)Chemical safety

MSDS stands for:
(A)Micro Shock Distribution System
(B)Medical Supply Distribution System
(C )Metrial Safety Data Sheet
(D)None of the above

69. DICOM for standard defined as :
(A)Digital Internet Communication
(B)Digital Image Components
(C )Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
(D)Digital Internel and Communication in Medicine

70. NIC for:
(A) Network Internet Card
(B) Network Internet COM
(C ) Network Internet Communication
(D) Network Interface Card

71.Which one is correct for standard symbols used in electro surgery of hand operated output connection for hand operated monopolar accessories?

72.This type of shock occurs when a patients has lost 16-26% of intravascular volume : 
(A) Hypovolemic shock
(B) Cardiogenic shock
(C ) Septic shock
(D) Electric shock

73. Leptospira is the example of the following which one of:
(A) Bacteria
(B) Spirochaetes
(C ) Bacilli
(D) Rickettsias

74.The example of Aspirin is the following which one of the source of drugs :
(A) Mineral
(C ) Vegetable

75.Which one is a water-soluble benzodiazepine which is 2-3 times more potent than diazepam?:
(A) Midazolam
(C ) Diethyl Ether

76.ASCII character 'A' of 8-bit octal is represented by :
(C )1

77.Which one is a searchable database of the location of files that are available for the public to download?
(A) Archie

78.Which one is correct for teaching and training at a distance, providing real time guidance such as through surgical procedures?
(A) Tele radiology
(C )Tele psychiatry
(D)Tele mentoring

79.Which is example web address of Tele-teaching for a national project in teaching undergraduate surgery at Versity College, London?
(A)http : //av.avc.ucl.al.uk/tttp/insurrect.html
(B)http : //www.atmeda.org/news.overview.html 
(C ) http : //telemedicine.org/lecturer.html
(D)http: www.healthnet.org7teaching.html

80.TIE is an online information service through Internet represented by :
(A)Telecommunication Internet Equipment
(B)Telemedicine Information Exchange
(C )Telecare Information Exchange
(D)Telementry Informatics Encoding

81.India's Mars mission is officially known as : 
(A) Mangalyan
(B) Mangala
(C )Mars mission
(D) Mars Orbitor mission

82.Which country won the Davis Cup Tournament 2013?
(A) Zchek Republic
(B) Russia
(C ) America
(D) England

.83. Bitcoin is the digital currency used for internet trading. Where is the World's first Bitcoin ATM is located?
(C )Singapore

84. Who is the new Director General of World Trade Organization?
(A)Pascal Lamy
(B)Margarete Chan
(C )Roberto Asavedo
(D)Ban Ki Moon

85. Who won the Abel prize 2013?
(A)Pierre Deligne
(B)Endre Szemeredi
(C )John Torence
(D)John Milnor

86.Sreenagar the capital city of Jammu and Kashmir situated on which river bank?
(C )Indus

87.The Soil Survey of India established in which year?
(C )1956

88.The leaders of Home Rule Movement in India borrowed the term Home Rule from a similar movement in:
(C )England

89.Who was the first commander of Indian National Army?
(A)Mohan Singh
(B)Subhash Chandra Bose
(C )Rash Bihari Bose
(D)Capt. Lakshmi

90.Mixed Economy was envisaged for the first time in the :
(A) Preamble of Indian Constitution 
(B) First Five Year Plan 
(C )Second Five Year Plan
(D)Bombay Plan

91.River Pamba originates from : 
(A) Marayur (C ) Iravikulam
(B) Peerumedu (D) Munnar

92.Which among the following is the major soil type of Kerala?
(A) Laterite
(B) Alluvial
(C ) Red soil
(D) Black soil

93.According to 2011 census which District in Kerala has the highest density of population :
(A) Alappuzha
(B) Malappuram
(C )Thiruvananthapuram

94.In which year Peoples Planning introduced in Kerala?
(C )1997

95.Time Magazines “Person of the year 2013" goes to :
(A) Edward Snodan
(B) Barac Obama
(C ) Francis Pope
(D) Edith Windsdin

96.Who first introduced the system “A school along with every church”?
(A) Poikayil Yohannan
(B) Kuriakose Chavara
(C ) Dr.Hermen Gundert
(D) Dr.Benjamin Baily

97.The Malayali who worked under Gandhiji as the Editor of Young India?
(A) M.C. Joseph
(B) T.K.Madhavan
(C ) K.Ayyappan
(D) Barrister George Joseph

98.The social reformer in Kerala who received Padma Bhushan in 1966?
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(B) Chattambi Swamikal
(C ) Mannathu Padmanabhan
(D) Ayyankali

99. Who put forwarded the slogan “One caste, one religion, one clan, one world, one God”?
(A)Dr.Ayyathan Gopalan
(B)Kurumban Daivathan
(C )Ayya Vaikundar

100.Who came to be known as the Lincoln of Kerala? 
(A)Thycad Ayya
(B)Pandit Karuppan
(C )Dr. Palpu

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