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1.Who is the author of the book “A Changing Psychology in Social Case Work”?
(A)Mary Richmond(B) Betsey Libbey
(C ) Bertha Reynolds(D) Virginia Robinson

2.Which among the following is more appropriate in Professional Social Work?
(A)The social worker has the right to determine the goals and means the client has to pursue
(B)The worker accepts the client as he is and approves all the actions performed by the client
(C )Social workers respect in individuals' worth, dignity and integrity
(D)The relationship of a social worker with the client will be characterized by the subjectivity

3.Intervention in social case work is also known as :
(C )Social Diagnosis(D)Treatment

4.What type of group after starting of membership and facilitate cohesion and trust?
(A)Open group(B)Reference group
(C )Closed group(D)Mixed group

5.Which one comes under indirect treatment methods?
(A)Environmental Modification(B)Counselling services to the client
(C )Therapeutic interviewing(D)ClarificationandInterpretation

6.Name the defense mechanism when a person unknowingly attributes his own instinctual impulses or the threats of his own consciousness to other people or to the external world :
(C )Regression(D)Repression

7.Choosing a methodology purposefully with explainable reasons and with reference to a particular client is known as :
(A)The Eclectic Approach(B)The Problem Solving Approach
(C )The Psycho Analytic Approach(D)The behaviour Modification Approach

8.An organized system of social services and institutions, designed to aid individuals and groups to attain satisfying standard of life and health is :
(A)Social Action(B)Social Reform
(C )Social Change(D)Social Welfare

9.Which type of diagnosis according to Perlman is concerned with the explanation of the beginning and life history of problem of the client?
(A) Social Diagnosis(B) Clinical Diagnosis
(C ) Dynamic Diagnosis(D) Etiological Diagnosis

10.The indifference shown by a member towards group task :
(C )Empathy(D)Conflict

11.Who is the author of the book “Social Group Work: A helping Process”.
(A)H. B. Trecker(B)G. Hamilton
(C )W. A. Friedlander(D)G. Konopka

12.Which of the following PRA method shows the key institutions, organizations, groups, influential persons and their relationship and importance?
(A)Pie Diagram(B)Venn Diagram
(C )Impact Diagram(D)Wealth Ranking

13.Which is the theory put forward by McGregor regarding management’s action of motivating workers which involves certain assumptions, generalizations and hypothesis relating to human behaviour?
(A)Theory X and Theory Y
(B)Management by Objectives (C ) Theory of HR
(D) Hierarchy of need theory

14.Which is not a function of Social Welfare Administration?
(A)Formulating the Agency’s Objectives
(B)Promotion of Cooperative Efforts
(C )Finding and Deploying Resources
(D)Organizing group effort to solve mass Social problems

15. Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank in 2006?
(A) Amarthya Sen(B)Muhammed YunusMuhammad Yunus
(C ) Avinash Dixit(D)Abhijith Banergce

16.Which writ is used to prevent a person from holding an office which he is not entitled to hold?
(A) Mandamus(B)Habeas CorpusHabeas Corpus
(C ) Quo Warranto(D)Certiorari

17.Who used the word 'Social Action’ for the first time in 1922?
(A) Jessy Taft(B)Mary RichmondMary Richmond
(C ) Porter R Lee(D)John L Hill

18.A record of all cash receipts and payments made and maintained from day to day, and the cash balance in hand at the end of each day not exceeding a month is :
(A) ledger(B)Stock RegisterStock Register
(C ) Fixed Asset Register(D)Cash Book

19.As declared by the Indian Jails Committee, the ultimate objective of imprisonment is :
(A) Punishment and Reformation(B)Reformation and RehabilitationReformation and Rehabilitation
(C ) Retribution and Castigation(D)Punishment and Rectification

20.Social Cost Benefit Analysis is made in order to understand :
(A) Design of the Project(B)Appraisal of the projectAppraisal of the Project
(C ) Review of the Project(D)Monitoring of the projectMonitoring of the project

21.The counsellor chooses the most important reflects them back to the client, is :detailsof what the client has just said and
(A) Paraphrasing(B)DescribingDescribing
(C ) Summarizing(D)ReflectingReflecting

22.A rural society is characterized by :
(A) Heterogeneity(B)ArtificialityArtificiality
(C ) Primary relations with cohesion(D)Spatial segregationSpatial segregation

23. The social interaction in which fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one takes place is termed as
(A)Accommodation(B) Cooperation
(C )Assimilation.(D) Competition

24. A family in which consists'of members among whom there exists blood relationship is known as:
(A) Conjugal Family(B)Consanguine FamilyConsanguine Family
(C ) Undivided Family(D)Polyandrous Family

25.Which is the model of Social Action which is based awareness in masses through education?on Paulo Friere’s concept of creating
(A) Direct Physical Model(B)Conscientization Model
(C ) Dialectical Model(D)Legislative Action ModelLegislative Action Model

26.Which one of the programmes is designed to promote survival and care of girl children?

27.Sharda Act is related to:
(A) Child Marriage(B)Widow RemarriageWidow Remarriage
(C ) Hindu MarriageCD)Muslim Marriage

28.Which is not a component of Social Group Work Process?
(A)Referral Service
(C )Development of Responsible Participation
(D)Social Action

29.Which is the tool that helps an individual to become self-dependent, self-directed and self-sufficient?
(A) Social case work(B)CounsellingCounselling
(C ) Career Guidance(D)Group therapyGroup therapy

30.Electra complex is found in :
(A) Latency Stage(B)Anal StageAnal Stage
(C ) Genital Stage(D)Phallic StagePhallic Stage

31.The lack of symmetry in the shape of a frequencydistribution is:
(A) Kurtosis(B)SkewnessSkewness
(C ) Moments(D)Anomalism

32.Elicit anxiety by repeated exposure in a safe setting where no harm is felt by the client to reduce the strength of the stimulus is :
(A)Aversion Therapy(B)AssertiveTherapy
(C ) Simple Extinction.(D) Implosive Therapy

33.Recognizing and understanding of each client's unique qualities in Social Case work is called as:
(A)Principle of Acceptance(B)Principle of Individualization
(C )Principle of Non Judgmental Attitude (D)Principle of Self determination

34.Critical Path Method (CPM) is used in :
(A)Designing a project(B)Project appraisal
(C )Implementation of the project(D)Project need identification

35.The reproduction of factual data in the individual’s own words in social case work is:
(A)Narrative Recording(B)VerbatimRecording
(C )Process Recording(D)Content Recording

36.Balwant Rai Mehta Committee is associated with :
(A)Community Development(B)Community Organization
(C )Social Action(D)Social Work

37.Which is the community organization model as proposed by Rothman which is based on the belief that in order to effect change, a wide variety of community people should be involved in planning, implementation, and evaluation?
(A)Social Planning Model
(B)Sustainable Development Model
(C )Social Action Model
(D)Locality Development Model

38.Which analysis shows the relationship between means and end in Log Frame Approach?
(A)Stakeholder Analysis(B)Problem Tree Analysis
(C )Objective Tree Analysis(D)SWOT Analysis

39.Which one of the following is considered as the technique in Social case work?
(A)Confidentiality(B)Client worker relationship
(C )Self determination(D)Acceptance

40.An NGO's community health project, the PHC doctor is arranged to conduct an awareness programme on life style diseases and the doctor is given Rs. 1000 as travelling allowance. This will be accounted as what type of cost:
(A) Activity Cost(B) Administrative cost
(C )Personnel Cost(D)Miscellaneous Cost

41.Who emphasized positive function of conflict in society?
(C )Weber(D)E. Durkheim

42.Which is not correct about culture?
(A)It is innate
(B)It is socially constructed
(C )It transmit from generation to generation
(D)It satisfies human needs

43. Who is not associated with Formalistic school?
(A) George Simmel(B)Max weberMax weber •
(C ) Tonnies(D)Durkheim

44.Who wrote the book "Assylum"?
(A) Marx(B)Weber.
(C ) Coffman(D)CooleyCooley

45.Who is associated with public sociology?Who is associated with Public Sociology?
(A) C.W. Mills(B)Immanuel WallensteinImmanuel Wallenstein
(C ) Max Weber(D)Herbert Cans

46.Which is the basis for the formation of reference group according to Robert K Merton?
(A) Wealth and prosperity(B)Relative similarityRelative similarity
(C ) Relative deprivationCD)Relative difference

47.Who proposed the theory of Cultural lag?
(A) Robert K Merton(B)Ogburn
(C ) Oscar Lewis(D)E.B. Tylor

48. The prejudicial attitude between in groups and out groups by which our attitudes are treated as superior to others is called :
(C )Cultural relativismCultural relativism(D)Cultural LagCultural Lag

49.Who applied dialectical historical method for the analysis of Indian society?
(A)M.N. Srinivas(B)A.R. Desai
(C )S.C. Dube(D)G.S. Ghurye

50.Who said Urbanism is a way of Life?
(A)M.N. Srinivas(B)W.G. Sumner
(C )C.H. Cooley(D)Louis Wirth

51.Who wrote the book “Future Shock"?
(A)E. Durkheim(B)I. Wallenstein
(C )A. Toffler(D)M. Castells

52.Which is the authority not proposed by Max Weber?
(A)Charismatic Authority(B)Moral authorityMoral authority
(C )Rational legal AuthorityRational legal AuthorityCD)Traditional Authority

53.The group of people organized for one or more purpose is called :
(C )InstitutionInstitution(D)Association

54.Which is not a functional pre requisite of society based on T. Parsons's analysis?
(A)Provision of physiological functioning for the members
(B)A system of distribution
(C )Provision of disruptive forces
(D)Replacement of members

55.In a kinship usage the husband leading to the life of an invalid during the pregnancy of his wife, identify' the usage :
(A) Avoidance(B) Couvade
(C ) Joking relationship(D) Amitate

56. Who proposed Gemeinschaft and Geselleschaft?
(A) M. Weber(B)R. Redfield
(C ) F. TonniesCD)T. Parsons

57.Which tribe is an example of matrilliney?
(A) Kadar(B)Toda
(C ) Garo(D)HoHo

58.Who classified groups into in groups and out groups?
(A) D. Sanderson(B)C.H. Cooley
(C ) W.G. Sumner(D)H. Giddens

59.Structuration theory was presented by :
(A) Anthony Giddens(B)Jurgen Hebermas
(C ) Antonio Gramsci(D)Max Weber

60.Which Indian state has the highest percentage of reservation for Backward classes?
(A) Kerala(B)Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh
(C ) Bihar(D)Tamil NaduTamil Nadu

61.A pressure group is generally referred as :
(A) A Caste group(B)A religion group A religious group
(C ) An ethnic group(D)A special interest groupA special interest group

62.Which is not a characteristic feature of social fact?
(A) Externality(B)ConstraintConstraint
(C ) Independence(D)Internality

63.Who is associated with Indology?
(A) M.N. Srinivas(B)G.S. Ghurye
(C ) A.R. Desai(D)S.C. Dube

64.Who considered caste as an extended kin group?
(A) M.N. Srinivas(B)A.R. Desai
(C ) Iravati Karve(D)Robert Redfield

65.According to Durkheim Religion consist in the distinction between :
(A) Truth and Sin(B) Pure and impure
(C ) God and Ghost(D) Sacred and Profane

66. Ail inclusive and intensive study of a social unit is called:
(A)Social survey(B)Case studyCase study
(C )Comparative method(D)Functional methodFunctional method

67.Who is associated with discourse Analysis?
(A)L. Althusser(B)J.Alexander
(C )J. Derrida(D)A. Giddens

68.Frankfurt School is associated with which theory:
(A)Neo functionalism(B)Critical Theory
(C )Symbolic internactionism(D)Subaltern Perspective

69.Who wrote the book Social Construction of Reality?
(A)Peter Berger and Luckman(B)Adam SmithAdam Smith
(C )Maclver and Page(D)Ogburn and Nimkoff

70.Which isnot included in the social action of T. Parsons?
(A)Actor(B)Objects of actionObjects of action
(C )Competitiveness(D)Selection of alternativesSelection of alternatives

71.Which is* the most important cause of suicide according to Durkheim?
(C )Poverty(D)Breakdown of social life

72.Who studied Indian society with subaltern perspective?
(A)David Hardiman(B)Louis Dumont
(C )A.R. Desai(D)M.N. Srinivas

73.The whole sample is picked up by the investigator in the way he likes is :
(A)Quota sampling(B)Repetitive sampling
(C )Convenient sampling(D)Multi stage sampling

74. Which is a primitive tribe in Kerala?
(A)Paniyan(B) Kurumba
(C )Urali(D) Kanikkar

75.Who of the following has expounded the theory of social evolution?
(A)Auguste Comte(B) Herbert Spencer
(C )Karl Marx *(D) Max Weber

76.Who among the following originally used the term Relative Deprivation'?
(A)Samuel A. Stouffcr(B) Talcott Parsons
(C )W.G. Sumner(D)‘ Henderson

77.Under which of the constitution of India Untouchability was abolished :
(A)Art 15(B) Art 17
(C )Art 19Art 19(D) Art 21

78.A familyin which individual gets married is known as :
(A)Orientation family(B) Procreation family
(C )Filocentric family(D) Extended family

79.A statusprimarily refers to:
(A)Prestigious position(B) Evaluated position
(C )Functional position(D) Group Position

80.Who hastried to divide function into manifest and latent?
(A)Durkheim(B) Malinowski
(C )Parsons(D) Merton

81.How didKuttimalu Amma start her public life?
(A)As a Khadi and Swadeshi activist
(B)As a woman educationalistAs a woman educationalist
(C )As a Legislative Assembly Member
(D)Ab a Social Reformer

82.What does the Constitution of India strive to promote among its people, according to the Preamble?
(A) Justice(B) Liberty
(C ) Equality(D) Fraternity

83.The powers of which among the following bodies can not be taken over by the President when declaring Article 356?
(A)Local Self Governments(B)High Court
(C )Public Service Commission(D)Legislative Assembly

84.Whom does the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 put special focus on?
(A)Pregnant Women(B)Women and Children
(C )School Children(D)Lactating Mothers

85.Identify the form of western science first introduced by the English for education in India :
(C )Social Science(D)Basic Science

86.What was the objective of the foundation of the Church Mission Society?
(A) Mission to Africa and Australia(B) Mission to the Americas
(C ) Mission to Africa and the East(D) Mission to Australia and the East

87.Who applied for registration of SNDP as a limited company?
(A)Dr. Palpu and Kumaran Asan
(B)Kumaran Asan and Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Dr. Palpu and Sree Narayana Guru
(D)P. Paramcswaran and M. Krishnan

88.Name the founder President of Kerala Yuktivadi Sangham founded in 1969 :
(A) P.S. Ramankutty(B) M.C. Joseph
(C ) Adv M. Prabha(D) Panampilly Govinda Menon

89.Who published 'Vivekodayam’? 
(A) Kumaran Asan ' (C ) Ayyankali
(B)K. Ayyappan
(D)Vakkom Abdul Khadar Maulavi

90.Which session of the Indian National Congress triggered the Vaikom Sathyagraha? 
(A) Nagpur(B) Calcutta
(C )Kakinada(D) Bombay

91.Who was the leader of the Kuttamkulam Sathyagraha?
(A) A.G. Velayudhan(B) P.K. Kumaran Master
(C ) Ikkanda Warrier(D) Dr. A. K. Menon

92.Who authored the book 'Against Lord and State', a book on Malabar Revolt?
(A)K. Gopalankutty(B)K.N. Panikkar
(C )K.N. Ganesh(D)K.K.N. Kurupp

93.When was Bhashaposhini published first?
(C )1893(D)1892

94.Who was the first Managing Director of Mathrubhoomi?
(A) K. P. Kesava Menon(B) K. Kelappan
(C ) K. Madhavan Nair(D) K. Kesavan Nair

95.Which among the following was published by Vagbhatananda?
(A) Swaraj(B) Malayalee
(C ) Samadarshi(D) Abhinava Keralam

96.Which of the following is NOT a work of Vallathol Narayana Menon?
(C )Chithrayogam(D)Sahithya Manjari

97.When did the Government of Travancore declare school admission open to all irrespective of caste?
(C )1911(D)1913

98.Name the founder of Kochi Pulaya Mahasabha :
(A) Kumara Guru and K.P. Karuppan(B) Ayyankali and K.P. Karuppan
(C ) T.K. Krishnan and K.P. Karuppan(D) T.K. Krishnan and Ayyankali

99.Which 'Rajyam' (country) did the ‘Rajyasamacharam’ talk about?-
(C )India(D)None of the above

100.Who organized the Cheramar Mahajan Sabha in 1921?
(A)Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan(B)Pampady John Joseph
(C )K.P. Vellon(D)P.K. Chathan Master

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