

1. Which of the following has a laterally compressed body and no wings?
(A) Mosquitoes(B)LiceLice
(C ) Fleas(D)BugsBugs

2.Sexes are separate in which of the following?
(A) Amphistomes(B)SchistosomesSchistosomes
(C ) Distome(D)Monostome

3.Nematodes arc best fixed in :
(A) 10% formalin(B)Bouin’s fluid
(C ) Phenol(D)Hot glycerine alcoholHot glycerine alcohol

4.California Mastitis Test is carried out in :•
(A) Serum(B)Milk
(C ) Blood(D)DungDung

5.Commercially available concentrated formaldehyde is
(A) 37-41 % weight/volume (w/v)(B)100% weight/volume(w/v)100% weight/volume (w/v)
(C ) 98% weight/volume (w/v)(D)1% weight/volume (w/v)1% weight/volume (w/v)

6.Miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cerearin, metacercaria are seen in the life cycle of:
(A) Cestodes(B)Trematodes
(C ) Nematode(D)' Arthropod

7.The eggs of which parasite has a Napolean hat shape :
(A) Ancylostoma caninum(B)Toxocara vitulorum
(C ) Taenia solium  (D)Schistosoma spindale

8.For routine staining of blood smear by Giemsa method,, the smear is fixed by :
(A) Acetone(B)Acetic acidAcetic acid
(C ) Methanol(D)Chloroform

9.The vectors of Babesia species is :
(A) Lice(B)FleasFleas
(C ) Ticks(D)FliesFlies

10.In male Sarcoptes mite, suckers are present on legs :
(A) 1,2. 3 and 4(B)1, 2 and 3
(C ) 1 and 2(D)1, 2 and 4

11.The dog flea is :
(A) Toxocara canis(B)Ancylostoma caninum
(C ) Xenopsylla cheopis'(D)Ctenocephalides canis

12.‘Nits’ are the pear shaped operculate eggs of:
(A) Flies(B)TicksTicks
(C ) Lice(D)WormsWorms

13.The thickness of a tissue section taken using microtome for histopathology is :
(A)5 microns(B) 50 microns
(C ) 100 microns(D) 1000 microns

14.The part of a microscope that serves to regulate light entering the condenser is :
(A)Stage(B)Iris diaphragm .
(C )Blue filter(D)Revolving nose piece

15.Which of the following fixative contains picric acid, formaldehyde and glacial acetic add?
(A)Clarke's fluid(B)Bouin's solution
(C )Carnoy’s fluid(D)Neutral buffered formaldehyde

16.For fixation, the recommended quantity of the fixative should be :
(A)20 times the volume of the tissue(B)Half the volume of the tissue
(C )100 times the volume of the tissue(D)Equal to the volume of tissue

17.The unit for expressing Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) is:
(A) Centimetre/minute(B)Millimetre/minute
(C ) Centimetre/hour(D)Millimetre/hour

18.The old name of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is :
(A)Acid phosphatase
(B)Serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase
(C )Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
(D)Creatine phosphokinase

19.Which is not a liver function test? 
(A) Test for AST (C ) Test for ALT
(B) Test for serum creatinine (D) Albumin test

20.An example of a special staining is :
(A) Periodic acid Schiffs staining (C ) Grams staining
(B) Acid fast staining (D) Leishman's staining

21.The staining technique that is preferred for viewing intracellular haemoprotozoans is :
(A)Leishman's staining(B)Giemsa staining
(C )Wright’s staining(D)Gram’s staining

22.The sterilization conditions in a steam jacketed autoclave is :
(A)121°C at 15 psi pressure for5min(B)121°C at 5 psi pressure for15min
(C )121°C at 15 psi pressure for150 min(D)121°C at 15 psi pressure for15min

23.The special microscope used for detecting leptospires in blood sample is :
(A)Dark field microscope(B)Phase contrast microscope
(C )Stereo zoom microscope(D)Fluorescence microscope

24.The incorporation percentage of agar in common bacteriological media is : (A) 0.25% — 0.5%(B) 5%-10%
(C ) 1.5%-2%(D)- 10%-20%

25.An example for anaerobic media is :
(A) Fluid thioglycollate medium (C ) MacConkey broth
(B) Nutrient broth (D) Peptone water

26.Which among the following is not a modification of Gram’s staining?
(A) Kopeloff and Bearman's modification (B) Burke’s modification (C ) Weigert’s modification(D) Fleming’s modification

27.In lactophenol cotton blue stain, the function of cotton blue is to :
(A)Kill the fungus(B)Clear the fungus
(C )Stain the fungus(D)Fix the fungus

28.The most common method of fixing a bacterial smear is :
(A)Phenol fixing(B)Heat fixing
(C )Acetic acid fixing(D)Methanol fixing

29.The natural immunity present in an individual is :
(A) Innate immunity (C ) Active immunity
(B)Adaptive immunity (D) Adoptive immunity

30.Nosocomial infection means infection acquired from :
(A) Shops(B) Community
(C )Hospitals(D) Households,

31.The specimen taken from a dead dog for diagnosis of rabies is :
(A) Spleen (C ) Liver (B) Brain (D) Tongue

32.For separation of serum, blood is collected in : 
(A) EDTA (C ) Sodium citrate
(B) Heparin
(D) Dry tubes without any chemicals

33.Bacterial colonies having a raised or bulging centre is called :
(A) Umbilicate(B) Flat
(C ) Umbonate(D) Pinpoint

34.Methyl red test is used to detect:
(A)Acid production from glucose (C ) Urease production
(B) Indole production
(D) Hydrogen sulphide production

35. The most common enzyme used ina polymerase chainreaction is:
(A)RNA polymerase(B)Taq polymerase
(C )Reverse trancriptase(D)DNA ligase

36. Indian Standards Institution is now known us :
(A) ISO (C ) PFA

37. The maximum permissible level of total hardness in drinking water as per Indian standard is:I
(A) 100 mg/litre(B)600 mg/litre600 mg/litre
(C ) 300 mg/litre(D)1200 mg/litre

38.The headquarters of FAO is situated in :
(A) Geneva(B)MunichMunich
(C ) Rome(D)praguePrague

39.The agar recommended for antibiotic sensitivity testing is :
(A) Nutrient agar(B)potato dextrose agarPotato dextrose agar
(C ) MacConkey agar(D)Mueller Hinton agar

40.Which among the following is not a platform testfor milk?
(A) Total plate count test(B)Oraganoleptic testOrganoleptic test
(C ) Alcohol test(D)Clot on boiling testClot on boiling test

41.Urinary crystal having coffin lid appearance is :
(A) Uric acid(B)Triple phosphateTriple phosphate
(C ) Calcium oxalate(D)Urate

42. Drepanocytes are seen in :
(A) Alcoholism(B)Thalassaemia
(C ) Uremia(D)Sickle cell anaemiaSickle cell anaemia

43.In D1 Guglielmo's syndrome the predominant cell is:
(A) Erythroblast(B)LymphoblastLymphoblast
(C ) PromonocyteCD)Myelocyte

44.Which of the following is a water soluble wax?
(A) Paraffin wax(B)Celloidin
(C ) Carbo wax(D)Ester waxEster wax

45.Urobilinogen is completely absent in : 
(A) Obstructive jaundice(B)Haemolytic jaundiceHaemolytic jaundice
(C ) Hepatic jaundice(D)Physiological jaundicePhysiological jaundice

46.Non specific PAS staining is encountered after this fixation :
(A) Mercuric chloride(B)Potassium dichromatePotassium dichromate
(C ) Osmium tetroxide(D)Glutaraldehyde

47.DIC is a complication of: 
(A) Acute promyelocytic leukaemia(B)Chronic myeloid leukaemiaChronic myeloid leukaemia
(C ) Hairy cell leukaemia(D)Chronic Iymphocytic leukaemiaChronic lymphocytic leukaemia

48.1 gm Hb can bind with : (A) 3.47 ml of 02(B)0.134 ml of O2
(C ) 1.34 ml of 02(D)13.4 ml of O213.4 ml of O2

49.Black coloured urine is a feature of:
(A) Phenyl ketonuria(B)AlkaptonuriaAlkaptonuria
(C ) Urinary tract infections(D)Keto acidosis

50.Glanzmann’s disease is associated with : 
(A) Defective platelet aggregation(B)Defective platelet adhesionDefective platelet adhesion
(C ) Normal clot retraction(D)None of theseNone of these

51.Length of wintrobes haematocrit tube :
(A) 9 cm(B)10 cm10 cm
(C ) 11cm(D)12 cm12 cm

52.Betke-Kleihauer method is used to detect:
(A) Hb A(B)Hb F
(C ) Hb C(D)None of these

53.Green coloured vacutainer tube contains :
(A) Fluoride(B)EDTA
(C ) Citrate(D)HeparinHeparin

54.Coulter counter is based on :
(A) Impedence method(B)Light reflection Light reflection
(C ) Light refraction(D)All the above

55.The stain used to demonstrate Barr Body :
(A) H & E stain(B)Reliculin stain
(C ) PAS stain(D)Shorr stain

56.Weight of NaOH to be taken for preparing 0.2 m [Mol. wt NaOH 40].NaOH in 100 ml quantity
(A) 8 gm(B)0.8 gm
(C ) 0.08 gm(D)4 gm

57.Which among the following is a primary standard chemical?
(C ) Na2 CO3(D)All the aboveAll the above

58.Glycosidic linkage in maltose is :
(A) Alpha 1-4 linkage(B)Beta 1-4 IinkageBeta 1-4 linkage
(C ) Alpha 1-6 linkage(D)Alpha 1-2 linkage

59. Pyruvate is converted to Acetyl CoA by:
(A) Pyruvate dehydrogenase(B)Pyruvate carboxylasePyruvate carboxylase
(C ) Pyruvate kinase(D)Lactate DehydrogenaseLactate Dehydrogenase

60.The main apoprotein present in LDL:
(A) Apo D(B)Apo 48
(C ) Apo B 100(D)None

61.Wavelength selector in spectrophotometer is cither:
(A) Filters(B)PrismaPrisms
(C ) Diffraction gratings(D)Both (B) and (C )

62.Bence Johns protein is seen in :
(A) Nephrotic syndrome(B)Multiple myclomaMultiple myeloma
(C ) Cirrhosis of liver(D)Hepatitis

63.Amino acids involved in creatinine synthesis :
(A) Glycine(B)ArginineArginine
(C ) Methionine(D)All the aboveAll the above

64.Which among the following is both ketogenic and glucogenic?
(A) Glycine(B)ValineValine
(C ) Leucine(D)Isoleucine

65.Cocci arranged in packets of eight:
(A) Micrococci(B)GonococciGonococci
(C ) Sarcina(D)PneumococciPneumococci

66.Co enzyme involved in transamination reactions
(C ) Thiamine(D)Vit Bl2

67. Bacteria which have lost their cell wall is referred to as :
(A) Spheroplast(B)ProtoplastProtoplast
(C ) L forms(D)None of theseNone of these

68.Organ of adhesion in bacteria :*
(A) Pili(B)FlagellaFlagella
(C ) Capsule(D)PlasmidPlasmid

69.Metachromatic granules can be demonstrated by:
(A) AFB staining(B)Gram stainingGram staining
(C ) Negative staining(D)Ponder's stainingPonder’s staining

70.Selective medium for corynebacterium diphtheriae :
(A) Carey-Blair medium(B)Mac-Conkey Agar
(C ) Tellurite Blood Agar(D)Stuart medium

71.Antibiotic having anti DNA gyrase action :
(A) Tetracyclin(B)PolymyxinPolymyxin
(C ) Quinolones(D)Rifampin

72.The control strain of bacteria for antibiotic
(A) NCTC 10418 E. Coli (C ) NCTC 10662 pseudomonas

73.Picric acid should be stored :
(A) in kerosine (C ) metal container

74.Tube length of compound microscope is :
(A)140 mm 
(B)160 mm
(D)180 mm
(C )100 mm
sensitivity test in case of gram negative bacilli is :
(B)NCTC 6571 staph aureus (D) NCTC 9343 bacteroids
(B) in dry state (D) under water

75. Tyndallization is a type of:
(A) Moist heat sterilization(B)Dry heat sterilizationDry heat sterilization
(C ) Filtration(D)None of theseNone of these

76.Which among the following is a best marker of myocardial ischemia?
(C ) Cystanin C(D)CKMB (mass)

77.Microalbuminuria is defined as :
(A) < 10 mg Albumin/day(B)30-300 mg Albumin/day
(C ) • 1-3 gm Albumin/day(D)1-3 mg Albumin/day1-3 mg Albumin/day

78.H bA1 C level 4.5-5.6% indicates :
(A) Prediabetics(B)DiabeticsDiabetics
(C ) Normal(D)Very poor control

79.Which among the following is an invitro gene amplication procedure?

80.KOH preparation is used to demonstrate :
(A) Bacteria(B)VirusVirus
(C ) Fungus(D)FlagellaFlagella

81.Who led the Anti-British struggle in Kittoor?
(A) Rani Laxmi Bai(B)Beegam Hazrat Mahal
(C ) Moulavi Ahmedullah(D)Rani Ohannamma

82.The Mugal Architecture is a blending of:.
(A) Arab and Indian styles(B)Persian and Indian stylesPersian and Indian styles
(C ) Turkish and Afgan styles(D)Turkish and Persian stylesTurkish and Persian styles

88.The article 21 of Indian constitution entitles :
(A) Right to freedom of religion(B)Right to equalityRight to equality
(C ) Right to life(D)Right to constitutional remediesRight to constitutional remedies

84. Who is the author of Kalpasutra?
(A) Badrabahu(B)Mahavira
(C ) Tathagadha(D)Kishaba

85.Which is the capital of Kanishka?
(A) Vallabhi(B)Purushapura
(C ) Mathura(D)Srinagar.

86.Who is the founder of Pallava dynasty?
(A) Rajendra(B)Simha vishnu
(C ) Mahapadma(D)Raja RajaRaja Raja

87.Name the Malayali political leader whose statue is installed in Indian parliament?
(A) E.M.S..(B)V.K. Krishna Menon
(C ) K. Kelappan(D)A.K. Gopalan

88.Dinabandhu Sarvajanik Sabha was founded by :
(A) Jyothiba Phule(B)Ram Mohan Roy
(C ) Ayyankali(D)Swami Vivekananda

89.Who is the author of ‘Moksha Pradeepam’?
(A) V.T. Battathirippad(B)Vogbadanandha
(C ) Brahmanda Sivayogi(D)Sankaracharya

90.First woman judge in supreme court of India :
(A) Justice Leela Seth(B)Justice Fathima Beevi
(C ) Justice Anna Chandy(D)Justice Omana Kunjamma

91.Albuquerque captured Goa from the ruler of:
(A) Golconda(B)Vijayanagar
(C ) BijapurCD)Ahmed Nagar

92.Who described Tajmahal as “A tear drop on the cheek of eternity”?
(A) Rabindranath Tagore(B)Ustad Isa
(C ) Shajahan(D)Aurangazeb

98.Who was the Governor of Kerala when it came under 'President Rule’ for the first time? 
(A)Subonth Kanth Sahay(B)Venkitachellam
(C ) V.V. Giri(D) B. Ramkrishna Rao

94.Who consecrated mirror (Kannadi Pvathishta) for the first time in South India?
(A) Vaikunda Swamikal*(B) Sri Narayana Guru
(C )Thyeand Ayya(D)Brahmanda Sivayogi

95.Who is the founder of Thiruvithamkoor Ezhava Mahasabha?
(A)Kumaran Asan(B)Sri Narayana Guru
(C )Dr. Palpu(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

96.The first general election after the formation of Kerala state was held in :
(A)January 1956(B)November 1956
(C )February 1957(D)April 1957

97.The orginators of the Dravidian style of architecture and sculpture in South India was the : 
(A) Hoysalas(B) Cholas
(C ) Pandyas(D) Cheras

98.Who is the chief minister of Bihar?
(A) Jitin Ram Manjhi(B) Lalu Prasad Yadav
(C ) Nithish Kumar(D) Chandrababu Naidu

99.Where is the headquarters of western command of Indian Army?
(C )Ezhimala(D)MumbaiMumbai

100.Who is the Kerala Minister for ‘Waqf' affairs?
(A) Dr. K.T. Jaleel(B) A.C. Moideen
(C ) E. Chandrasekaran(D) P.K. Kunhalikutty

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