LECTURER GR I I - RURAL ECONOMICS - T kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.The Mahalwari system was first introducedin?
(A) Agra and Oudh (B) Bombay and puneBombay and Pune
(C ) Punjab and Delhi (D) Madras and MysoreMadras and Mysore

2.Who was the founder of Second Five Year Plan in India ?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru (B)Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(C ) Dr. Radhakrishnan (D)P. C. Mahal anobis

3.The First Industrial Policy of independent India was formulated in?
(A) 1947 (B)1951
(C ) 1948 (D)1952

4.Which among the following is a product of Muslim tradition?
(A) Zamindari system (B) Ryotwari systemRyotwari system
(C ) Mahalwari system (D) None of the above

5.Who was the first planning Commission Chairman in India ?
(A) Rajeev Gandhi (B)  India GandhiIndira Gandhi
(C ) Jawaharlal Nehru (D)Lai Bahadur Shasthri

6.The Industrial policy statement of 1997 wasput forward by?
(A) Indira Gandhi Govt. (B) BJP
(C ) Janatha Govt. (D) Nehru Government

7.Economic Planning in India was started on?
(A) 1947(B) 1945
(C ) 1948(D)1951

8.Globalization in India was started in ?
(A) 1994 (B) 1992
(C ) 1991 (D) 1990

9.Money is said to be neutral when ?
(A)Changes in Money supply lead to increase in national income
(B)Changes in Money supply do not have any influence on real sector
(C )Changes in Money supply leads to decrease in national income
(D)None of the above

10. High powered money is controlled by ?
(A)Public (B) GovernmentGovernment
(C ) BusinessBusiness (D) None of the above

11.The Life Cycle Theory was propounded by:
(A)Keynes (B) Dusenberry
(C )Friedman (D) Ando modiglian

12.Equal increases in government spending and taxes ?
(A)Have no effect on equilibrium output
(B) Reduce equilibrium outputReduce equilibrium output
(C ) Increases equilibriumIncreases equilibrium output
(D) Both (A) and (B)Both (A) and (B)

13.Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) was launched in ?
(A)1997 (B)1999
(C ) 1996 (D)1991

14.The second green revolution in India is also known as?
(A)Blue revolution
(B) Rainbow RevolutionRainbow Revolution
(C ) Yellow RevolutionYellow Revolution
(D) Dark revolutionDark revolution

15.Who wrote the book “Asian Drama?
(A)J.K. Galbraith
(B) W.A. Lewis
(C )A.K. Sen
(D)Gunnar Myrdal

16.The termNIEO refers to?
(A)New Internal Economic Offense
(B)New Impact on Economics
(C )New International Economic Order
(D)National Integration of Economic Organization

17.Who suggest the Twin-Track strategy in the repayment of debt?
(A)World Bank

18.The M PC+MPS must always equal?
(C )Slope of the consumption function 

19.According to classical which kind of unemployment may exist in the economy 

(A)Voluntary unemployment 
(C ) Frictional unemployment
(B) Involuntary unemployment 
(D) Liquidity Preference

20.Who proposed the ‘Baker Plan’ Scheme?
(A)Thomas Baker (C ) Nicholas Baker
(B) James Baker (D) Hary Baker

21.The concept of an Optimum Currency Area (OCA) is originated from which 

(A)Mundell's Factor Mobility Theory
(B)Mckinnon’s Open Economy Theory
(C )Keyne’s Product Diversification Theory
(D)Magnifico’s propensity to Inflation theory

22.Disposable Income is defined as?
(A)the after tax income of consumers
(B)the household’s gross income after income taxes are paid
(C )all income remaining after consumer hills are paid
(D)all income paid to consumers before taxes are paid

23.Find the following which not consist in the STC group ?

Who develop Inverted U shaped hypothesis?
(A) Adam Smith (B) David RicardoDavid Ricardo
(C ) Kuznets (D) Harrod DomarHarrod Domar

25.The ratio of change in aggregate output to a change in planned investment 

spending is called?
(A)the MPC
(B)autonomous consumption expenditure
(C )unplanned inventory multiplier
(D)the expenditure multiplier.

26. Measuring the condition of worlds poor in 1919 which economist study is 

this :
(A)David Ricardo
(B) Gerald M MayerGerald M Mayer
(C ) Morries D Mordies
(D) Kindle BergerKindle Berger

27.Co-operative societies Act in ?
(B) 1913
(C ) 1914
(D) 1915

28.The Havana CharterThe Havana Charter is related to ?
(A)WTO       (B) GATT

29.Which agricultural tool Leontief used in the theory of International trade 

(A)The use of Production Possibility curve in the analysis of foreign trade
(B)The use of Opportunity cost curve in the analysis of foreign trade
(C )The use of Indifference curve in the Analysis of foreign trade
(D)The use of Lorence curve in the analysis of foreign trade

30.Food Corporation of India were set up in ?
(A) 1955 (B) 1965
(C ) 1975 (D) 1985

The Theory of Availability was put forth by ?
(A) S.B. Linder (B) Jacob Viner
(C ) I.B. Kravis (D) Marx Weber

Which concept of Unemployment consider the proccding seven day9?

activitystatus of a person for each day of the
(A) Usual Status (B) Weekly StatusWeekly Status
(C ) Daily status (D) Monthly StatusMonthly Status

33.Which of the following state is least Industrialised?
(A)Maharashtra (B)Manipur
(C )Gujarat (D)Tamil Nadu

34.Who wrote the book 'Asian Drama'?
(A)J.K. Galbraith (B)W.A. Lewis
(C )A.K. Sen (D)Gunner Myrdal

35.Which of the following has highest share in National Income?
(A)Manufacturing (B) Banking and Insurance
(C )Mining (D)Agriculture

36.Who wrote the book “the theory of Economic Growth"?
(A)Richard Stone (B)Maurice Alias
(C )Kenneth Arrow (D)W.A. Lewis

87.Which state has highest per capita income?
(A)Maharashtra (B)Orrissa
(C ) Punjab (D) Bihar

38.On the basis of which Index Inflation is Measured in India?
(A)Consumer Price Index (B) Wholesale price Index
(C ) Retail Price Index (D) Market forces

39.Which Committee was constituted for re-forms in tax structure?
(A)Narasinham Committee (B) Chelliah Committee
(C ) Gadgil Committee (D) Kelkar Committee

40.Which of the following year of the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12) 

registered the highest GDP growth rate?
(A) 2007-08 (B) 2008-09
(C ) 2009-10 (D) 2010-11

41.Who wrote the Book Indian Economic Crisis'?
(A)K.N. Raj (B) A.K. Sen
(C )C.T. Kurian (D) L.C.Jain

42.If the actual unemployment rate is below the natural rate of unemployment, 

it would be expected that?
(A)The rate of inflation would increase
(B)Wages would fall
(C )The Phillips curve would shift to the left
(D)The natural rate of unemployment would fall

43.If Individuals, forecast future prices by examining the rate of inflation 

of the present and recent past they are using?
(A) adaptive expectations (B) inflationary expectations
(C ) rational expectations (D) structural expectations

44.Which of the following state has been Identified as a perfect Banking 

state ensuring at least one banking account per family in all the districts 

of the state?
(A)Haryana (B)Kerala
(C )Gujarat (D)Andra Pradesh

45.The terms, trade creation and trade diversion is related to?
(A)Partial equilibrium approach to the theory of custom union
(B)General equilibrium approach to the theory of custom union
(C )Partial equilibrium approach to the theory of trade union
(D)General equilibrium approach to the theory of trade union

46.Government's short term as well as long term loans are popularly known as? 
(A)Prithvi loans (B)Taccavi loans
(C )Agri loans (D)Swarna loan

47.It has also been playing a catalytic role in micro credit through the? 

channel of Self-Help Groups (SHGs):

48.Which one measures Income Inequality?
(A)(A)Gini Co-efficient
(B) Correlation co-efficientCorrelation co-efficient
(C ) Spearman co-efficientSpearman co-efficient
(D)Rank correlation

49.Which indicator is not a feature of POLI?Which indicator is not a feature 

of POLI?
(A)Life Expectancy
(B) Standard of LivingStandard of Living
(C ) Basic literacyBasic literacy
(D)Health status

50. The revolutionary demise of Capitalism was stated by ?
(A) Karl Marx
(B) SchumpeterSchumpeter
(C ) J.M. Keynes
(D) TodaroTodaro

51.Knife-Edge problem arise in ?
(A) Marxian Model
(B) Joan robbinson. 
(C ) Kaldor Model
(D) Harrod Domar ModelHarrod Domar Model

52.When G>Gw the economy leads to?
(A) Secular Inflation
(B) Secular DepressionSecular Depression
(C ) Full employment
(D)None of the above

53.The price at which a consumer would bo willing to pay for a commodity 

equals to his ?
(A)Total utility
(B)Marginal utility
(C )Average utility
(D)Docs not have any relation to any one of these

54.In monopolistic competition there is no possibility of?
(A) Normal profits
(B) LossLoss
(C ) Super normal profits
(D)None of the above

The shortrun Philips curve holds constant?
(A) Wages
(B) TaxesTaxes
(C ) Income
(D) Inflationary expectationInflationary expectation

56.Pareto optimality condition will hold if?
(A)Producers are at any on the contract curve
(B)Consumers ate at any on the contract curve 
(D) All of the above

57.'Returns to scale’ refers to ?
(A)All the inputs simultaneously
(B)One of the inputs simultaneously
(C )All the outputs simultaneously
(D)Alt of the above

58.Which is the main property of social welfare function?
(A)It involves interpersonal comparisons
(B)The maximisation of techniques of price theory
(C )The function is a generalisation of the Marshal, Pigou formulation
(D)All of the above

59.The main characteristics of Capitalism?
(A)Inequality of incomedistribution
(B)Perfect Competition
(C )Free-market economy
(D)All of the above

60.The value of ' ' for Cobb-Doughlas Production function ?
(A) =1
(C )<r < 1
(D)None of the above

61.State A is socially preferable to state B, if the losers in A cannot 

profitability changes from B to A?
(A)Hicks criterion
(B)Kalder criterion
(C )Tinter criterian
(D)None of the above

62.The condition of Pareto optimality holds correct under?
(A)Perfect competition
(C )Oligopoly

63.What are the millennium development goals?
(A)Set, Time-limited development targets.
(B)Quantifiable targets across 8 areas of development
(C )Aimed at eradication of extreme poverty and hunger by 2015
(D)All of the options given are correct

64.What is the” nature-focused” account of hunger?
(A)That there is not enough food to go around
(B)That hunger is a distribution problem
(C )That hunger is a part of human nature
(D)None of theoptions given are correct

65.What is meant by 'trickle down effect'?
(A)that economic growth will eventually (automatically) bring benefits to the 

(B)that economic growth needs to be controlled by the state
(C )that economic growth needs delivery systems to being benefits to the poor
(D)none of the options given are correct

66.What do dependency theorists believe?
(A)That free-market development primarily helps the rich
(B)That developing countries should be dependent on free market development
(C )That economic growth is dependent on the poor 
(D)All of the options given are correct

67.According to the monetarists, in the long-run, thePhilips curve is?
(A) vertical
(B) horizontalhorizontal
(C ) downward sloping
(D)upward sloping

68. The demand for Money will fall if, :The demand for money will fall iF?
(A) real GDP rises
(B) real interest rate risereal interest rate rises
(C ) the GDP deflator rises 
(D)people expected deflation soon

69.The largest largest transfer in the federal budget is ?
(A) Defence
(B) DefenceEducation
(C ) Social security

70.The period of the business cycle in which real GDP is increasing is called 

(A) expansion
(B) peak
(C )recession
(D) depression

71.A type of unemployment in which workers are in between jobs or are 

searching for new and better jobs is called ?
(C )structural

72.Which of the following is a ‘loser’ from unexpected inflation ?
(A)Workers with COLAs
(B)The middle class
(C )People who own treasury
(D)People who own homes and have fixed rate mortgages

73.In the Keynesian saving function, the parameter is ?
(A)Disposable income
(B)Total saving
(D)Autonomous saving Function

74.For a consecutive natural numbers, the following relationship is correct?
(A)Mode = mean
(B) Mean = medianMean = median
(C ) Mode > medianMode > median
(D) Mode > MeanMode > Mean

75.Harris-Todaro model is related with ?
(A)Growth and unemployment
(B) Growth and MigrationGrowth and Migration
(C ) Unemployment and migrationUnemployment and migration
(D) Unemployment and inflationUnemployment and inflation

76.The 'SwissFormula* of World Trade Organization is related with ?
(A)Patent of drugs
(B)Agricultural subsidy
(C )Transboundary services
(D)Non-agricultural tariff

77.The nature of statistical inference is?
(B) DeductiveDeductive
(C ) DescriptiveDescriptive
(D) ObjectiveObjective

78.The product of regression coefficient is always ?
(C )Zero
(D)A complex number

79.The concept of Adjusted Net Saving has been given by ?
(C )Keynes

80.The Absolute Cost Advantage theory was put forward by ?
(A)David Ricardo
(B)Adam Smith
(C )Alfred Marshall
(D)J.B. Say

81.The procedure for amendment of Indian constitution is detailed under which 

article of the constitution ?
(C )352

82.The newspaper that helped to spread Sri Narayana Gur’s message of social 

reform ?
(C )Prabhatham

83.Under theconstitution the residuary powers vest with the?
(A)State Government
(B)Union Government
(C )Supreme Court of India
(D)President of India

84.The state level Right to information Act was first successfully enacted by 

the state government of?
(A)Tamil Nadu
(C )Delhi

85.Who organised Samapanthi Bhojana in each and every place of worship in the 

name of Annadhana?
(A) Kumara Guru
(B) Sahodaran Ayyappan
(C ) Ayyavaikundar
(D) Pandit K.P. Karuppan

86.Under the provisions of the National Food Security Act the beneficiaries 

of the public distribution system are entitled to get how many kilograms per 

person per month of cereals at low rate?
(A)6 kilogram
(B)5 kilogram
(C )4 kilogram
87.Among the following which was organised inreform of 1932?
(A) Civil disobidiencc movement   (B)Non-co-operation movement
(C ) Paliyam Sathyagraha  (D)Abstention movement

88.The food security Act, enacted into law on?
(A)12th September 2013 
(B)28th December 2014
(C )5th July 2014
(D)3 kilogram

89.Who is the author of the book ‘Muslim Janavum Vidhynhynsavum’?
(A) Sayyid Alavi Thangal
(B) Veliyamkodu Umarkhasi
(C )Makti Thangal
(D) Sayyid Fazal Pookoya Thangal

90.Kumaranasan wrote his elegy ‘Prarodanam' to mourn the death of?
(A) A.R. Raja Raja Varma
(B) Changampuzha Krishna Pillai
(C )Ulloor S Parameswara Iyer
(D) G. Sankara Kuruppu

91.The 2013 united Nations climate change conference was held in ?
(A) Qatar (B) Brazil
(C ) Germany (D) Poland

92.Who founded the ‘Cheraman Mahojonsabha’ to protest against the traditional 

attitude and customs of the caste Hindus and caste Hindu converts ?
(A) Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan.
(B) Pampady John Joseph
(C ) Velukutty Aryan
(D) Moorkoth Kumaran

93.Which state of India is known as the cradle of banking?
(A)Karnataka (B)Tamil Nadu
(C )Gujarath (D)Punjab

94.The comprehensive scheme started by the government of India to prevent 

trafficking and to provide rescue and rehabilitation to victims ?
(A)Swadhar (B)SAB LA
(C )Ujjawala (D)Snehitha

95.The cyclone which hit the coastal areas of Andrapradesh and Odisha in 

November 2014?
(A)Ashobha (B)Nilofar
(C )Phailin (D)Hud-Hud

96.The year proposed on which Kerala is to be declared as E-Literacy state ? 

(A)2020 (B)2017
(C )2019 (D) 2021

97.‘Saukaryam’ is an e-governance project of?
(A) Kerala (B) Andra Pradesh
(C ) Tamil Nadu (D) Karnataka

98.Among the following social reformers of Kerala who came to be known as 

(A) Ayyankali
(B) Brahmananda Sivayogi
(C ) Vagbhadananda
(D) Chattambi Swamikal

99.The state ranked first in women empowerment a9 per National productivity 

(A) Maharashtra
(B) Rajasthan
(C ) Kerala
(D) Chattisgarh

100.The country that recently launched bio-satellite named Bion-M ?
(B) Germany
(C ) Russia
(D) Britain

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