LABORATORY TECHNICIAN GRADE II - AYURVEDA COLLEGE -kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Specimens containing blood can be fixed by :
(A) Formalin
(C ) Isopropanol
(D)Carnoy’s fluid

2.Heparin prevents coagulation by :
(A)Chelating action
(B)Anti thrombin action
(C )Activation of plasmin
(D)Preventing aggregation of platelets

8.The amino acids from which creatinine is formed:
(A) Arginine, Glycine, Methionine
(B)Glycine, Glutamic acid, Valine
(C ) Methionine, Arginine, Glutamic acid
(D)Arginine, Glutamic acid, Lysine

4.Which among the following diseases is not transmittedthrough blood transfusion?
(B)Hepatitis B
(C ) Filariasis
(D)Hepatitis C

5.Which among these radiations is not a cold method of sterilization?
(A) Gamma rays
(C ) Cosmic rays
(D)Infrared radiation

6.Urobilinogen is absent in urine in which type of jaundice?
(A) Haemolytic
(C ) Hepatic
(D)Both (A) and (C )

7.The pH of Sahouraud's Dextrose Agar medium is:
(A) 5.8-6.0
(C ) 5.4-5.6

8.Which among those is known as bad cholesterol?
(C ) IDL 3

9. Pick up the statement that is not true with resped to Haemophilus influenzae :
(A) Growth on chocolate agar medium
(C ) Satellitism
(D)Resistance to refrigeration

10.Choose the method used for the estimation of blood urea :
(A) Liebermann-Burchord reaction
(B)Jaffee reaction
(C ) Bert helot reaction
(D)Van den Bergh reaction

11.Ketone bodies in urine is detected by which teat?•
(A) Benzedinc teat
(B)Ehrlich's test
(C ) Fouchet'a test
(D)Rothera's teat

12.Trench fever is caused by :
(A) Bartonella quintana ,
(B) Coxiella burnetii
(C ) Orientia tsutsugamushi
(D)Rickettsia prowazekii

13.The intestinal helminth belonging to the super familyoxyuroidea is:
(A)Anchylostoma duodenale
(B)Taenia solium
(C )Enterobius vermicularis
(D)Ascaris lumbricoides

14.Renal threshold of glucose is :
(A) 180 mg/dl
(B)200 mg/dl
(C ) 170 mg/dl
(D)160 mg/dl

15.Thrombocytes are formed from :
(A) Myeloblast
(C ) Megakaryocyte

16.Which among the following agents is not used for decalcification of tissues?
(C ) Nitric acid
(D)Hydrochloric acid

17.The advantages of RPR test over VDRL test include the following statements except:
(A) Scrum or plasma can be used
(B)Results read with naked eyes
(C ) Antigen is ready to use
(D)Requires inactivation of scrum

18.Rericulin fibres are demonstrated by :
(A)PAS staining
(B)Trichrome staining
(C )Gomoris staining
(D)Mallory's PTAH staining

19.The earliest reliable indicator of myocardial infarction is :

20.Auer rods may bo found in :

21. In Sickle cell anaemia the abnormality found in the sixth position of the beta chain of haemoglobin is :
(A) Glutamate is replaced by valine
(B)Glutamate is replaced by lysine
(C ) Valine is replaced by glutamate
(D)Lysine is replaced by glutamate

22.Cryoprecipitato is infused to patient’s having :
(A) Anaemia
(C ) Sickle cell disease

22.The concentration technique not used for sputum in pulmonary tuberculosis :
(A) Hank's flocculation method
(B)Jungman's method
(C ) Ehrlich’s method
(D)Pctroffs method

24.PAS staining is used for the demonstration of:
(A) Collagen
(B)Neutral mucin
(C ) Melanin

25.The light chains in immunoglobulin’s are :
(A) Kappa
(C ) Both (A) and (B)

26.The ratio of sodium citrate to blood used for congulation studies is :
(A) 1 : 9
(B)1 : 1
(C ) 1 : 6
(D)1 : 10

27.In quality control precision indicates what?
(A)True value
(B)Same value for repeated analysis
(C )Measurement of a particular substance 
(D) Measurement of minute quantity

28.Microcytic hypochromic red blood cells are seen in which type of anaemia?
(A)Iron deficiency anaemia
(B)Aplastic anaemia
(C )Haemolytic anaemia
(D)Megaloblastic anaemia

29.The examination of Duodenal contents is useful to detect:
(A)Larvae of Strongyloides stercoral is
(B)Eggs of Fasciola species
(C ) Giardin intestinalis
(D) All of these

30.Which among these is a non-reducing sugar?
(A) Fructose (C ) Sucrose
(B) Lactose (D) Maltose

31.Reticulocytes are increased in peripheral blood in : 
(A) After acute blood loss (C ) Haemolytic anaemia
(B) Aplastic anaemia (D) Both (A) and'(C )

32. The reference method for glucose estimation is : 
(A) Hexo kinase method 
(B) Glucose oxidase method
(C ) Ortho toluidine method
(D) Nelson-Somogyi method

33. In hypothyroidism :
(A) T1. T4 and TSH increases 
(B) T4 and T4 decrease, TSHincreases
(C ) T3. T1 and TSH decreases
(D) T4 and T4 increase, TSH decreases
34. Which enzyme activity is highly elevated in acute hepatic disease?
(A) Alanine transaminase
(B) Aspartate transaminase
(C ) Amylase
(D) Creatine kinase

35.The disadvantage of using frozen sections is :
(A)Serial sections are not obtained
(B)Sections prepared within a few minutes
(C )Many histoehemical methods use freezing microtomy
(D)Intra operative surgical consultation

36.Which of the following reagent is used to detect acetyl methyl carbinol?
(A)Kovac's reagent
(B)Ehrlich’s reagent
(C )Barritt's reagent
(D)None of these

37.Barr body is absent in :
(A)Edward's syndrome
(B)Super female
(C )Turner's syndrome
(D)None of these

38.In histopathologicul processing of tissues the sequence of processing is :
(A)Fixation, dehydration, clearing, infiltration
(B)Fixation, clearing, dehydration, infiltration
(C )Fixation, infiltration, clearing, dehydration
(D)Fixation, infiltration, dehydration, clearing

39.The normal level of CSF chloride is :
(A)600-660 mg/dl
(B)460-5 10 mg/dl
(C )700-760 mg/dl
(D)550-610 mg/dl

40.Coombs reagent is :
(A)Anti human globulin
(B)Anti H serum
(C )Anti A serum
(D)Anti B serum

41.The end product of purine metabolism is :
(B)Uric acid
(C )Bilirubin

42.Rees-Eckor solution is used for counting :
(A)WBCo s
(C )Spermatozoa

43. The viral disease that is not sexually transmitted is :
(B)FIIV infection
(C ) Hepatitis B
(D) Molluscum conlagiosum

44.Which among the following is an intracellular buffer?
(A)Carbonate buffer
(B)Phosphate buffer
(C )Citrate buffer
(D)Acetate buffer

45.Acid washed glass wares are used for the estimation of:
(C )Hormones

46.The viral disease transmitted by the vector Aedes aegypti is :
(A)Japanese encephalitis
(B)Yellow fever
(C )Dengue fever
(D)Both (B) and (C )

47.Among the following which solution has the highest osmotic pressure?
(A)1M solution of NaCI
(B)1M solution of CaC2
(C )IM solution of glucose
(D)1M solution of KCI

48.’ Which among the following coagulation factors is not Vitamin K dependent?
(A)Factor V
(B)Factor II
(C )Factor VII
(D)Factor IX

49.The staining technique used for hormonal cytology is :
(B)H and E staining
(C ) Shorr’s staining
(D) Gicmsa staining

50.A plane-wedge type of knife is used for cutting : 
(A) Frozen sections (C ) Serial sections
(B) Ordinary paraffin sections (D) All of these

51.Hypo segmentation of neutrophils are associated with :
(A) Megaloblastic anaemin
(B) May-Heggler anomaly
(C ) Pelger-Huet anomaly
(D) Thalassaemia

52.Bombuy blood group contains which antibody?
(A) Anti A
(B)Anti B
(C ) Anti If
(D)All of these

53.The infective stage of hookworm is :
(A)Embryonated egg
(B)Filariform larva
(C )Rhabditiform larva

54.What is the colour code of the hub of a 23C needle?
(A) Fink
(C ) Black

55.Conversion of glycogen to glucose is called :
(A) Glycolysis
(C ) Gluconeogenesis

56.Which among the following is the gold standard of clearance tests?
(A) Inulin clearance
(B)Urea clcarance
(C ) Creatinine clearance
(D)Hippuric acid clearance

57.The recommended concent ration of chlorine spillages of blood/body fluids is :releasing compounds used for disinfecting
(A) 1000 ppm
(B)10000 ppm
(C ) 100 ppm
(D)100000 ppm

58.Which among the following is not a transport medium?
(A) Pike’s medium
(B)Buffered glycerol saline
(C ) Stuart’s medium
(D)Todd-Hewitt medium

59.The past glucose content in blood can be eatimated bymeasuring:
(A) Methylated haemoglobin '
(B)Carboxylated haemoglobin
(C ) Glycosylated haemoglobin
(D)None of these

60.For which among the follow ing investigations can whole blood be used?
(A) Glycosylated haemoglobin
(B)Haemoglobin electrophoresis
(C ) Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
(D)All of these

61.Convert 90 mg% glucose to millimolea/L :
(A) 2.5 millimoles/L
(B)4.0 millimolcs/L
(C ) 6.0 millimoles/L
(D)5.0 millimoles/L

62.The highly infectious virus is :
(B)Hepatitis B
(C ) Hepatitis C
(D)Hepatitis A

68.Auto infection occurs in :•
(A) Entcrobius vermicularis
(B)Strongyloides stercoral is
(C ) Hymenolcpis nana
(D)All of those

64.Which among the following is a true yeast?
(A) Blastomyces dermatitidis
(B)Candida albicans
(C ) Cryptococcus ncoformans
(D)Coccidioidcs immitis

65.The defect of RBC’s in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haematuria is their susceptibility to
(A)Complement mediated lysis
(B)Membrane abnormality
(C )Hb abnormality
(D)Enzyme deficiency

66.p24 antigen can be detected in the serum of a 111V patient during :
(A)Early stage of infection before the appearance of antibody
(B)Severe symptomatic disease
(C )None of t hese
(D)Both (A) and (B)

67.A medium for which I he exact composition is known as :
(A)Synthetic medium
(B)Semi-defined medium
(C )Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of these

68.For osmotic fragility teat red blood cells are placed in :
(A)Hypertonic saline solution
(B)Buffered saline solution
(C )Hypotonic saline solution
(D)Normal saline solution

69.All of those are zoonotic diseases except :
(A) Pertussis
(B) Brucellosis
(C ) Plague
(D) Tularemia

70.The resolving power of a microscope is directly proportional to :
(A) Refractive index of the medium 
(B) Numerical aperture 
(C ) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Wavelength of light

71.Basophilic stippling of BBC’s is common in :
(A) Lead poisoning
(B) Iron deficiency 
(C ) Vitamin B12 deficiency
(D) Both (A) and (C )

72.Alkaline phosphatase activity is elevated in :
(A) Bone disease 
(B) Obstructive jaundice 
(C ) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these

73.Which enzyme action is inhibited by iodo acetate in glycolytic path way?
(C )Phospho fructokinase
(D) Glyceraldehyde 3phosphate dehydrogenase

74.Heinz bodies are not associated with : 
(A) G6PD deficiency (C ) Megaloblastic anaemia
(B) Exposure to oxidative drugs (D) Unstable Hb

75.H2S production by bacteria can be detected by using :
(A)Lysine iron agar
(B)Triple sugar iron agar
(C )Kligler’s iron agar
(D)All of these

76.Fiske Subburow method is used for the estimation of:
(A)Uric acid in scrum
(B)Inorganic phosphorous in serum
(C )Calcium in serum
(D)Copper in serum

77.The normal level of serum potassium is : 
(A)4.2-5.8 meq/L
(C )3.0 5.8 meq/L
(B)3.5 5.1 meq/L
(D)135-145 mcq/L

78.The method used for the quantitative culture of urine is :
(A)Standard loop method
(B)Dip slide method
(C )Pour plate method
(D)Dip spoon method

79.Which among these tests is not used to identify Streptococcus agalactiae?
(A)Aesculin hydrolysis
(B)CAMP test
(C ) Hippurate hydrolysis
(D) Pigment production in Columbia agar

80.What is the percentage concentration of 1.5NaOH?
(C )6%

81.Name the winner of Nobel Literature prize 2013 :
(A)Harper Collins
(B)Alice Munro
(C )Jhumpa Lahiri

82.The President of the Indian National Congress at the Surat session in 1907 was :
(A)Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(B)Bipin Chandra Pal
(C )Bhupindra Nath Datta
(D)Kas Behari Ghosh

83.The famous 'Savarna Jatha’ organised tinder the leadership of Mannath Padmanabhan in connection with :
(A) Vaikkom Satyagraham 
(B) Nivarthana’ (Abstention Agitation) 
(C ) Temple entry proclamation
(D) Guruvayur Satyagraham

81. Name the author of ‘Long Walk to Freedom’: 
(A) Barack Obama 
(B) Martin Luther King Jr.
(C ) Nelson Mandela
(D) Abraham Lincoln

85.Tiger woods is a good player of the game :
(A) Soccer 
(B) Basketball 
(C ) Golf
(D) Tennis

86.The Indian people play people’s role in the people’s war was the slogan of:
(A)Communist Party of India
(B)Forward block
(C’) Hindustan Socialist Republican Association 
(D) Ghadar party-

87.The Grsl man-made object to venture into interstellar space :
(C )Mariner-i

88.The song ’Amar Sonar Bengla’ written during the Swedeshi Movement against the partition of Bengal was of:
(B)Rabindranath Tagore
(C )DwijendralalRay ’
(D)Syed Abu Mohammad

89.Sudhu Jana Paripalana Yogam was founded in : 
(C )1911

90.The person who launched a book titled 1283 : 
(A) Rafael Nadal 
(B) Pele
(C ) Sachin Tendulkar
(D) Gabriel Garci-a Marquez

91.Magnus Carlsen, the World No. 1 Chess Champion who unseated Viswanathan' Anand in Chennai on November 2013, belongs ;
(A) Denmark
(B) Sweden
(C ) Bulgaria
(D) Norway

92.Name the President of Syria on November 2013 : 
(A) Hazem Al-Beblawi (C ) Bashar Al-Assad
(B) Mamnoor Hussain (D) Hassan Rouhani

93.Name the political party which emerged ns the single largest party in the recently held election in Nepal :
(A) Nepali Congress
(B) Communist party of Nepal (HMD)
(C ) UCPN (Maoist)
(D) RPP (Nepal) 

94. Where does Puralimala locate?
(C )Munnar

95.‘Magna Carla' of English Education in India :
(A)Macaulay’s Minute
(B)Wood's Despatch
(C )Founding of Fort William College at Calcutta
(D)Hunter Commission

96.Nome the winner of the European Union Human Righto Price :
(A)Jhurapa Lahiri
(B)Mikhail Khodorkovsky
(C )Malala Yousafzai
(D)Lars Peter Hansen

97.The Summit meeting of the G-20 nations was held on September 5, 6. 2013 at:
(A)St. Petersburg
(C )Tokyo

98.Hbert Bill controversy during liord Lytton’s time was related to the concept of:
(A)Fundamental rights
(B)Participation in the Legislative Council
(C )Freedom and equality
(D)Judicial equality

99.Name the Home Minister of India :
(A)Salman Khurshid
(B)Sushilkumar Shinde
(C )P. Chidambaram
(D)Sarath Pawar

100.The mediator of the historic agrarian strike led by Ayyankali:
(A)Changanassery Parameswaran Pillai 
(B)C.P. Ramaswami Ayyar
(C )Kandala Nayan Pilla
(D)Kunnath Sasankanpilla

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