LECTURER IN CHEMISTRY - KERALA COLLEGIATE kerala psc previous question paper


1.The wave function 'k associated with the motion of electron in a hydrogen atom can be expressed conveniently as a function of:
(A)Cartesian co-ordinates x, y, z
(B) Spherical Polar co-ordinates r, 0, ip
(C ) Cylindrical co-ordinates r, , z
(D) None of these

2.The major weakness of the Molecular Mechanics method is :
(A)It ignores electrons.
(B)The calculations are relatively slow.
(C )Gives poor results for IK spectra.
(D)Cannot be applied to molecules with more than 100 atoms.

3.The ROHF method is used for which of the following molecules ?
(C )02 (triplet)

4.Which of the following is a semi empirical quantum chemical molecular orbital method ?
(B)RHF/STO - 3G*

5.The number of atomic orbital(s) that hydrogen atom has is :
(C )One

6.Which of the following statements is false about Valence Bond Theory ?
(A)It is a quantum mechanical approach
(B)The total wave function or trial wave function is the product of the individual bond eigen functions
(C )It makes no attempt to predict the shape of the molecules
(D)The individuality of the atoms are maintained

7.In the Lyman series of the atomic hydrogen spectrum, the allowed transition is :
(B) 2S >2D
(C ) 2F->2P
(D) None of The above

8.In the Hiickel theory, the secular determinant has :
(A)Resonance integrals as the diagonal elements
(B)Coulomb integrals as the diagonal elements
(C )B as the diagonal elements
(D)Exchange integrals as the diagonal elements

9.In the rotational - vibrational spectrum of a molecule, the series observed towards the high frequency* side is:
(A)R branch
(B) Q branch
(C ) P branch 
(D) None of the above

10.The character table for NH3 molecule is given below :
a211- 1Rz
E2- 10(x,y)(Rx,Rv)(x2-yJ,xy)(arz,i/z)
Which of the following statements is correct ?
(A)The A1 mode is infrared inactive
(B)The A1 mode is Raman inactive
(C )The A, mode is infrared active but Raman inactive
(D)The A, mode is both infrared and Raman active

11.The value of Kp and Kc are related by the equation :
(A)Kp = Kc(RT)in
(B)Kp = Kc
(C )Kc=Kp(RT)in
(D)Kp = Kc (RT)I/in

12.A line of constant composition in a phase diagram is_______________.
(A)A tie line
(B)An isopleth
(C )A eutectic halt
(D)None of the above

13.The spontaneity of a process is favored when :
(A)AM is (+), AS is 0
(B)AH is 0, AS is (+)
(C )AH is (—), AS is (+)
(D)AH is (-), AS is 0

14.Ihe Helmholtz. - Smolucliowski equation is :
(A)4= 4uTiu/er
(C )C = 4'irqEr/u

15.The llkovic equation is used for the calculation of :
(B)Diffusion current
(C )Electrode potential
(D)None of the above

16.The number associated with the flow of fluid through a pipe of radius r is :
(A)Gold number
(B)Mole number
(C )Reynold number
(D)None of the above

17.The Parke’s process is carried out for the purpose of:
(A)Desilverization oflead
(B)Determination of gold number
(C )Purification of gold
(D)None of the above

18.The Mark - Houwink equation shows the relationship between :
(A)Viscosity and mass of the polymer
(B)Viscosity and density of the polymer
(C )The intrinsic viscosity and mass of the polymer
(D)None of the above

19.At N.T.P., the viscosity of hydrogen is 8.4 xlO-5 poise and the average velocity of the molecules is l7xl(P cm per sec. Calculate the mean free path if p = 9xl0~5.
(A)1.647xlO5 cm
(B)1.8907xlO5 cm
(C )6.746 x 104 cm
(D)3.647 x 10™ cm

20.One mole of an ideal gas is heated from 100 K to 300 K. Calculate AS if (a) the volume is kept constant (b) the pressure is kept constant. Assume that CV = 1.5 R.
(A)22.83 J K-1 mol-113.70J K-1 mol-1
(B)1.370 J K-1 mol-2.283 J K-1 mol-1
(C )13.70 J K-1 mol-122.83 J K-1 mol-1
(D)2.283 J K-1 mol-11.370 J K-1 mol-1

21.Classify the following substituents as ortho - para or meta directing groups, if present on benzene ring in aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction.
(i) CF3 (ii) N = 0(iii) Br(iv) SO3H
(A)(i) ortho - para (ii) meta (iii) meta (iv) ortho - para
(B)(i) meta (ii) meta (iii)ortho -para(iv)meta
(C )(i) meta (ii) ortho - para(iii)meta(iv)ortho -para
(D)(i) ortho - para (ii) ortho - para (iii) ortho - para (iv) meta

22.What is the value of n in Muckers rule of aromaticity when a compound has 9 pairs of  electrons ? Predict whether such a compound is aromatic, anti-aromatic or non-aromatic.
(A)n = 5, non-aromatic
(C )n =4, aromatic

23.The following ester undergo hydrolysis by BAC2 mechanism. CH^-CHj-CO-O^-CII,
Which of the following products contain the O18 label ?
(A)CH3-CH2-COOH (C ) ch3-oh

24.The simplest alkane which is optically active is :
(A) 2 - methyl butane 
(B)3 - methyl pentane
(C )2 - methyl hexane
(D)3 - methyl hexane

25.What will be the major product when 2 - methyl - 2 - butene reacts with each of the following:
(i)Hg(OAc)2/ H20 followed by NaBH4 and NaOH
(ii)BH3 THE followed by H202 and NaOH
(A)(i)2 -methyl - 1 -butanol(ii)3 -methyl -2 -butanol
(B)(i)3 -methyl - 2 -butanol(ii)2 -methyl -1 -butanol
(C )(i)3 -methyl - 2 -butanol(ii)2 -methyl -2 -butanol
(D)(i)2 -methyl - 2 -butanol(ii)3 -methyl -2 -butanol

26.The correct order of stability of the following carbocations is :
(A)methyl < primary' alkyl < tertiary alkyl < benzyl
(B)methyl < benzyl < primary alkyl < tertiary alkyl
(C )tertiary alkyl < benzyl < primary alkyl < methyl
(D)methyl < primary alkyl < benzyl < tertiary alkyl

27.The pKa value of p - chloro benzoic acid is 3.98 and that of benzoic acid is 4.19. The calculated value of the substituent constant (irx) for the parachloro group is :
(C )+0.0224

28.Which of the following alkyl halide will undergo SN2 ethanolysis fastest ?
(A) Bromomethane 
(C ) Bromopropane
(D)2 - methyl -1 - Bromo propane

29. Predict the product of the following rearrangement reactions.
(i)PhCH2COCH2C:i1, NaOH A 2,ncr~*A
(ii)PhCHClCOCI I31, NaOH n 1, MCI > B
(C )A = B- PhCI-I(OH)COCH3

30.The favoured conformation for 1, 2- dichloroethane, 1,2- ethanediol and propanaldehyde are respectively :
(A)Gauche, anti, eclipsed
(B) Eclipsed, gauche, anti
(C )Anti, gauche, eclipsed
(D) Anti, eclipsed, gauche

31.Which of the following molecules will not show' infrared spectrum ?
(C )H20

32.How many ESR lines are obtained from the compound CD3 ?
(C )6

33.I9I; NMR for HPF2molecule (IF = 1/2) gives :
(A)2 peaks
(B)3 peaks
(C )4 peaks
(D)6 peaks

34.The number of degenerate levels for rotational level with rotational quantum number J =4is:
(C )33

35.Which of the following is not a common detector for gas chromatography
(A) Thermal conductivity detector
(C )Refractive index detector
(B)Flame ionization detector
(D)Mass spectrometer

36.The polymeric species (SN)n is :
(A) Three dimensional conductor
(B) Insulator
(C )Two dimensional conductor
(D) One dimensional conductor

37.The principal reserve carbohydrate in animals is :
(A) Glucose
(B) Glycogen
(C ) Sucrose
(D) lactose

38.Myrccne belongs to :
(A)Acyclic monoterpenoid
(B) Cyclic diterpenoid
(C ) Acyclic diterpenoid
(D) Bkryclic sesquiterpenoid

39.Diers hydrocarbon is :
(A)1/ 2 - cyclopentenophenanthrene
(B) 2' - methyl - 1, 2 - cvclopentenophenanthrene
(C ) 3' - methyl - 1, 2 - cyclopentenophenanthrene
(D)3, 4 - cyclopentenophenanthrene

40.The transparent plastic is :
(A) Polyurethane 
(B) Polycarbonates
(C )Epoxy resin

41.The compound that will behave as an acid in H2SO.i is ;
(A) H20 

42.The electronegativity difference is highest for the pair :
(A) UC1 
(B) Na, Cl
(C )K, F
(D)Li, $

43.Among the following orbitals of diatomic molecule, the bonding orbital ii► I
(A) l<ru 
(B) 2<tu
(C )1<tu

44.Molecule with highest dipole moment is :
(A) CH^CI 
(B) CH2C12

45.Jahn Teller effect affects the geometry of :
(A) [Ni(NUj)6)2+ 
(B) lCu(NH)4]2+
(C )[MnCl4|2~
(D)None of these

46.Optical isomerism is shown by :
(A) [Ni(CN).,]2- 
(B) [Pt(NHJ4]2 +
(C )[Ni(CO)]4

47.The hybridisation of Xe in XeF;6 is :
(A) dsp3 
(B) sp3d
(C )sp3d3

48.The closeness of a result to its true or accepted value is :
(A) Precision 
(B) Accuracy
(C )Median
(D)None of these

49.The metal which forms heteropoly add is :
(A) Ti
(B) Zn
(C ) w

50.Which of the following complex ions shows the maximum intensity of absorption in UV - Visible region ?
(A) [Cr(H2O)6)J +
(C ) [Co(H20)ftp. 

51. Witting reagent is :
(A)Ph3P = CH2
(C ) cH3-ai=cii2
(B) A1CI3 
(D) HC0(C0)3

52. What is Ferrocene ?
(A) Fc
(B)Iris (cyclopentadienyl) iron 
(C ) Bis (cyclopentadienyl) iron
(D) FeSO4

53. EAN value of Ni(CO)4 is______
(A) 36
(C ) 37
(D) 34

54. What is the function of cytochromes ?
(A) Oxygen carriers
(B) C02 carriers
(C )Proton carriers
(D) Electron carriers

55. Metal ion present in Chlorophyll is 
(A) Fe
(B) Mg
(C ) Ca
(D) K

56.Give the equation for Geiger Nuttall rule :
(A)log\ = AlogR + B
(B)M = Z(MH) + A-Z
(C )N-N0e-Xd
(D)logR - A(A + B)

57.The bonding in Borane is__________.
(A)two centre three electron
(C )two centre two electron
(D)three centre two electron

58.Identify the reaction in which Organoboranes are involved ?
(A)Mannich reaction
(B)Reimer - Tiemann reaction
(C )Suzuki reaction
(D)Henry reaction

59.Which is the main component of Portland Cement Clinker ?
(A)Sodium silicate
(B)Calcium silicate
(C )Zinc silicate
(D)Zirconium silicate

60.Give the general formula of Silanes :
(A) Sin
(B) SiT1H2n+2 
(C ) SinH2n.2 

61.Nanostructures have size in between :
(A) 1 and 100 A
(B)1 and 100 nm
(C )100 and 1000 nm
(D) None of the above

62.The probe of Scanning Tunneling Microscope is as sharp as :
(A) an atom at the tip
(B) many atoms at the tip
(C ) a needle
(D) none of the above

63.Quantum Dots are :
(A)1 dimensional
(B)2 dimensional
(C )0 dimensional
(D)3 dimensional

64.12 - crown - 4 selectively bind with :
(C )K+
(D)None of these

65.Calixarenes are compounds that belong to the class of :
(A)Crown ethers
(C )Cyclophanes

66.The anti-biotic which behaves like 'crown ethers' in promoting the K + transport across cell membrane is :
(A) Nonactin
(B) Pencillin
(C ) Tetracycline 
(D) None of these

67.The interior of cyclodextrins are :
(A) Hydrophilic 
(B) Hydrophobic 
(C ) Ionic
(D) None of these

68.Crown ethers are best used as :
(A) Homogeneous catalyst
(B)Heterogeneous catalyst
(C ) Phase transfer catalyst
(D) None of these

69.The first ionic liquid which is used as a green solvent is :
(A) Ethyl Ammonium Nitrate 
(B)Methyl Ammonium Nitrate
(C ) Isopropyl Ammonium Nitrate
(D)None of the above

70.The best green solvent is : 
(A) Super Critical N02
(B) Super Critical C02
(C )Super Critical Nl 1-j
(D) None of these

71.A good scientific research is characterized by :
(A)It requires clear articulation of a goal
(B)It follows specific plan and procedure
(C )It accepts certain critical assumptions
(D)All the above

72.To understand human behavior and reasons over a long period of time one has to do :
(A)Historical study
(B)Quasi experimental study
(C )longitudinal study
(D)Cross sectional study

73.Teaching and learning arrangements, usually in small groups, that are structured to produce active participation in learning is :
(C )Conference

74.Directly useful application of scientific principles to production is called :
(C )Technology

75.Which of the following qualities a researcher must liave ?
(A)Curious about the world
(B)Logical and systematic
(C )Intellectually honest
(D)All the above

76.The most effective teaching method that ensures maximum participation of students is :
(A)locture method
(B)Text book method
(C )Discussion method
(D)Demonstration method

77.Which of the following is the most important indicator of quality of education in a school ?
(A)Infrastructural facilities
(B)Qualification of teachers
(C )Discipline maintained in the school
(D)Students' achievements

78.Which of the following is not a quality of effective teacher ?
(A)Less interaction in the class
(B)Adopt interactive method of teaching
(C )Reduce the anxiety level of students
(D)Motivate the students to lake initiative

79.Which of the following can be achieved through value education ?
(A)To inculcate of virtues
(B)Develop job skills
(C )Aware on physicalfitness
(D)Development of personality

80.Teaching method where purposeful activity that will remove a recognized difficult)' or perplexity in situation through the process of reasoning is :
(A)Inquiry method
(B)Problem solving method
(C )Reflective method
(D)None of the above

81.____________of The Constitution of India directs the State to organize village panchayats andendow them with powers and authority to function as units of self-governments.
(B)Article 40
(C )Article42

82.Article___________of The Constitution of India imposes a duty upon citizens to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
(C )51-A(C )

83.All-India services can be created by The Parliament as empowered under_____________of The
Constitution of India.
(B)Article 312-A
(C )Article313
(D)Article 310

84.Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion is guaranteed under
Article_______ of The Constitution of India.
(C )28

85.In Sodan Singh v New Delhi Municipality AIR 1989 SC 1988, The Supreme Court was called
upon to decide whether______________.
(A)Municipal authorities can impose restrictions on slaughter houses under Article 19(6)
(B)Employees had a fundamental right to resort to strike without notice
(C )Local authorities can lev)' a tax retrospectively
(D)Hawkers had a fundamental right to carry on their trade on pavements meant for pedestrians

86.First appeal under Section 19(1) of The Right to Information Act 2005 has to be preferredwithin____________days from the expiry of period for receipt of information or from date of decision.
(A) fifteen
(B) thirty
(C ) forty-five
(D) sixty

87.As per Section 4(1 )(C ) of The National Green Tribunal Act 2010, The Tribunal shall consist of a minimum of______________full-time expert members.
(C )fifteen

88.As per Section 22(l)(b) of The Transplantation of I Itiman Organs Act 1994, no court shall take cognizance of an offence except on complaint filed by a person who has given notice of not less than__________days to the Appropriate Authority, of the alleged offence and his intention to make the complaint.
(C )ninety

89.As per Section 10(1) of The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, a special court can pass an externment order against a person likely to commit offence, and direct him not to return to the concerned area for such period not exceeding as may be specified in the order.
(A)six months
(B)one year
(C )two years
(D)five years

90.According to Rule 2(j) of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and control) Rules 2000,'Night Time' has been defined as the period between____________.
(A)10 pm and 6 am
(B)10 pm and 5 am
(C )10 pm and 7 am
(D)9.30 pm and 6.30 am

91.Who was the founder of 'Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham' ?
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Chattampi Swamikal
(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

92.The social organisation in Kerala, 'Samathwa Samajam' was established in the year :
(C )1855

93.Which among the following is not written by G. Sankara Kurup ?
(C )Viswa Darsanam

94.Author of the famous book 'Jaathikkummi' :
(A)K.P. Karuppan
(B)T.R. Krishnaswami Iyer
(C )P.K. Chattan Master
(D)K.P. Vellon

95.The Renaissance leader in Kerala, who got the name 'Kumara Guru' :
(A)Mampuram Thangal
(B)Pampadi John Joseph
(C )Poikayil Yohannan
(D)Moorkoth Kumaran

96.The name given to the Airforce's rescue operation provided to the flood victims of Uttarakhand :
(A)Operation Surya Hope
(B)Operation Rahat
(C )Operation Ganga Prahar
(D)Operation Blossom Spring

97.Which year has formally declared by UN General Assembly as 'International year of family farming' ?
(A) 2014
(C ) 2006
(D) 2009

98.The commission appointed for studying the contributory pension system in Kerala :
(A)Ranga Rajan Commission
(B)Hazari Commission
(C )Sree Krishna Commission
(D)Bhattacharya Commission

99.Which Constitutional Amendment incorporated Panchayati Raj System in our constitution ?
(A)43rd Amendment
(B)74th Amendment
(C )73rd Amendment
(D)44th Amendment

100.The nodal agency for estimation of poverty at the national and state level in India :
(A)Rural Ministry
(B)Planning Commission
(C )Finance Commission
(D)Home Ministry

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