

Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes
1.The membraneous covering of lungs :
(A) Pleura
(B) Peritoneum
(C ) Sclera
(D) Pericardium

2.The branch of science deals with the study of structural changes in tissues during disease conditions :
(A) Clinical pathology
(C ) Cytopathology

3. .The ‘Father of bacteriology’ is :
(A) Anton Van Leevenhock
(B)Robert Koch
(C ) Edward Jenner
(D)Rudolf Virchow

4.Widal test is used for diagnosis of:
(A) Anthrax
(B)Chicken pox
(C ) Typhoid

5.The normal value of Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) isis :
(A) 70 - 110 mg% 
(B)140 -160 mg%
(C ) 180 - 200 mg%
(D)50 - 60 mg%

6.The blood cell helps for clotting of blood :
(A) Monocyte
(C ) Lymphocyte

7.The reagent used for sickling test:
(A) Sodium hydroxide
(B)Sodium metabisulfite
(C ) Sodium carbonate
(D)Sodium sulphate

8.Person who harbours pathogens and not suffering from any symptoms :
(A) Vector
(C ) Symbiont

9.The instrument used for sterilization by dry heat:
(A) Autoclave
(B)Koch-arnold steamer
(C ) Vaccine bath
(D)Hot air oven

10.Ayres spatula is used for collection of:
(A) Sputum
(C ) Peritoneal fluid
(D)Cervical specimens

11.Example for a natural anticoagulant:
(B)Trisodium citrate
(C ) Heparin
(D)ACD soln

12.The resolving power of an electron microscope :
(A) 200 micron
(B)100 micron
(C ) 10 nano
(D)0.1 nano

13.The selective media used for tubercle bacilli:
(A)S-S agar
(C )LJ media

14.A hormone produced by pineal gland :
(C )oxytocin

15.The test used in blood bank to detect sensitizing antibodies :
(A)papain test
(B)saline test
(C )albumin test
(D)antiglobulin test

16.The bacteria appears in Chinese letter pattern :
(C )corynebacterium

17,The nuclear stain in PAP staining :
(B)methylene blue
(C )methyl violet

18. The scientist discovered virus :
(A) Alexander Flemming
(B) J.C.Bose 
(C ) Dimitri Ivanovsky
(D) Louis Pasteur 

19. Example for a protozoan parasite : 
(A) Taenia species 
(B) Plasmodium 
(C ) Ascaris
(D) Enterobius

20.The powerhouse of a cell: 
(A) mitochondria 
(B) ribosomes
(C ) mesosomes 
(D) golgi bodies

21.A puff ball shaped ozazone crystals are formed by :,
(C )fructose

22.The test for occult blood in stool and urine :
(A) Ehrlichs test
(B) Rotheras test
(C )Benzidine test

23.The instrument used for cutting frozen specimens :
(A) histokinete
(C ) tissue tek .
(D)tissue cross

24.A chromosomal disorder showing XXY pattern :
(A) Turners syndrome
(B)Downs syndrome
(C ) Pataus syndrome
(D)Klinefelters syndrome

25.The colour of antisera-AB is :
(A) blue
(C ) pink

26.The bacteria known as Hansens bacillus :
(A) M.tuberculosis .
(C ) M.leprae 5
27. The instrument based on Beer-Lamberts law :
(A) pH meter
(B)photoelectric colorimeter
(C ) barometer

28.B Which of the following is not a test under liver function test :
(A) S.bilirubin
(B)Total protein
(C ) A-G ratio
(D)S. creatinine

29.Nissls granules are found in cytoplasm of :
(A) nephron
(B)red blood cells
(C ) neuron

30.Darting motility is shown by :
(A) Staphylococcus
(B) .E.coli
(C ) V.cholerae

31.Example for a transport medium :
(B)V-R medium
(C ) BHI medium
(D)MHA medium

32.The midlayer of meninges :
(A) duramatter
(C ) arachnoid matter
(D)pia matter

33.Barrbody is a :BBH
(A) inactive X chromosome
(B)inactive Y chromosome
(C ) abnormal X chromosome
(D)deleted X chromosome

34.Which of the following is a gram positive bacillus?
(A) Salmonella
(C ) Clostridium

35.The enzyme present in semen :
(A) alkaline phosphatase
(B)acid phosphatase
(C ) amylase

36. The level of needle insertion in lumbar puncture :
(A) between L3 & L4
(B)between Cl & C2
(C ) between T2 & T3
(D)between S2 & S3

37.The largest blood cell :
(C )lymphocyte

38.Bombay blood group was discovered by :
(A) Dacie
(C ) Bhende

39.The appearance of blood in sputum :
(A) haemorrhoides
(C ) haemolysis 

40.Acanthocyte is a:
(A) abnormal RBC
(B)abnormal WBC
(C ) abnormal platelet
(D)abnormal plasma

41.The confirmatory test for systemic lupus erythematosis :
(A) Neutralization test
(B)Agglutination test
(C ) LE cell test
(D)ANA test

42.The pH range of phenolphthalein :
(A) 3.2-4.3
(C ) 8.3-10

43.The most recommended stain in hormonal cytology :
(A) Shorrs stain
(B)Leishman stain
(C ) Wrights stain
(D)JSB stain

44.Example for a carcinogenic chemical:
(A) methanol
(C ) potassium cyanide

45.Trichuris is commonly called whip worm because
(A) It is found in whips
(B)Larvae are whip shaped
(C ) Eggs are whip shaped
(D)Adult worm is whip shaped

46.The largest immunoglobulin :
(A) IgG
(C ) IgM

47.The antigen popularly called Australian antigen :
(A) Tetanolysin
(B)Pneumococcal antigen
(C ) Malarial antigen
(D)Hepatitis B surface antigen

48.Needle shaped, refractile, pointed crystals found in stool and sputum :
(A) Uric acid
(C ) Charcot-leyden
(D)Calcium oxalate

49.Pregnancy test is based on detection of :
(A) human chorionic gonadotropin
(C ) prolactin

50.The ideal pH of leishman stain for malarial parasite demonstration :
(A) 7.2
(C ) 6.8

51.Example for a neurotransmitter :
(A) interleukin
(C ) cytokinin
(D)acetyl choline

52.A special stain for fat demonstration :
(B)Sudan III
(C ) MGG
(D)Van gieson

53. The most predominant plasma protein :
(A) heparin
(C ) fibrinogen
(D)albumin .

54.The diluting fluid used for platelet count:
(A) Tuerkes fluid
(B)Toissons fluid
(C ) Rees-Ecker fluid
(D)Normal saline

55.The inclusion body present in G6PD deficiency :
(A) Heinz bodies
(B)Pappenheimer bodies
(C ) Howell-jolly bodies
(D)Punctuate basophilia

56.An abnormal protein present in urine in multiple myeloma : '
(A) Bence-Jones protein
(B)Oswald protein
(C ) Kjeldhals protein
(D)Ehrlichs protein

57.The normal value of Mean Corpuscular Volume(MCV)is :
(A) 50-60 micro L
(B)120-130 fL
(C ) 120-130 micro L
(D)80-95 fL

58.The reagent used in cyanmethaemoglobin method :
(A) drabkins reagent
(B)0.1N HCL
(C ) ninhydrin reagent
(D)resorcinol reagent

59.Coefficient of Variation(C.V) can be calculated by the formula :
(A) , .xlOO

(B)Ls-D< /10

Mean(x)V Mean(x)

(C ) ( SD ) xlOO

(D)Mean(x) 100

60.Normal value of Prothrombin Time (PT):
(A) 3-5 min
(B)22-32 sec
(C ) 2-3 min
(D)11—16 sec

61. The ratio of trisodium citrate to blood in coagulation studies :
(A) 9:1
(C ) 1:4

62.Diacetyl monoxime —Thiosemicarbazide is method used for estimation of
(A) calcium
(C ) cholesterol

63.False positive reaction in Benedicts test can be given by :
(A) glucuronic acid
(C ) acetone

64.The pathway which explains urea formation :
(A) HMP pathway
(B)Coris cycle
(C ) Krebs-Hanseleit cycle
(D)EMP pathway

65.Example for an antituberculous drug :
(A) salicylates
(C ) pencillin

66.Aldosterone is produced by :
(A) pancreas
(C ) adrenal

67.The infections transmitted from infected animals to man :
(A) zoonotic disease
(B)contagious disease
(C ) exotic disease
(D)nosocomial disease

68.Example for unsaturated fatty acid :
(A) lauric acid
(B)arachidonic acid
(C ) stearic acid
(D)palmittic acid

69. Hiss’s staining is used for demonstration of :
(A) bacterial spore
(B)bacterial capsule
(C ) fungal mycelia
(D)fungal spore

70.Gamma interferon is produced by :
(A) kupffer cells
(C ) CD4 lymphocytes

71.Example for RNA virus :
(A) herpes virus
(B)picorna virus
(C ) adeno virus
(D)papova virus

72.Polyuria is associated with :
(A) jaundice
(B)nephrotic syndrome
(C ) starvation
(D)diabetes mellitus

73.The stain used for negative staining :
(A) Indian ink
(B)Neutral red
(C ) Carbol fuchsin
(D)Methyl violet

74.Example for an autoimmune disease :
(A) diphtheria
(B)rheumatoid arthritis
(C ) tetanus

75.Mantoux test is related to the disease :
(A) typhoid
(C ) rubella

76.An urinary crystal with thorn apple appearance
(A) ammonium biurate
(B)calcium oxalate
(C ) calcium carbonate
(D)triple phosphate

77,The full form of NIH swab is :
(A)National Institute of Haematology 
(B) National Institute of Histology
(C ) National Institute of Hormones
(D) National Institute of Health

78.Otitis media is an infection related to :
(A) eyes
(B) nose
(C ) mouth
(D) ears

79.The most common mountant in pathology laboratory :
(A) disterene plasticizer xylene
(B) isopropyl alcohol
(C ) cedar wood oil
(D) glycerine

80.HbC (Haemoglobin C) is formed due to :
(A)replacement of beta6 of glutamic acid by lysine
(B)replacement of beta6 of glutamic acid by valine
(C )replacement of alpha6 of glutamic acid by valine
(D)replacement of alpha6 of glutamic acid by lysine

81.International Day of Happiness is celebrated on : 
(A) October 23 
(B) September 21
(C ) January 13
(D) March 20

82.Who was described by Gandhiji as the “Keeper of my conscience”?
(A)Meera Bahan
(C ) Kasthurba Gandhi
(D) C. Rajagopalachari

83.Which country won the “Under 19 Asia Cup” Cricket 2014?
(C )Srilanka

84.Which British Viceroy wrote the book” My Indian Years”?
(A)Lord Wavel
(B)Lord Canning
(C )Lord MountBatten
(D)Lord Harding

85.The Chilka Lake located in :
(C )Hariyana
(D)W. Bengal

86. Who was the founder of “Alma Bodhodaya Sangam”?
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Swami Agamananda
(D)Subananda Gurudeve

87. Who won the title “Miss Universe 2013”?
(A)Miss Sis. Rem Olsa
(B)Gabriyelsa Islar
(C )Miss Milton Dolby Deswue
(D)Miss Tony Abota Franc

88. Which company has become the first corporate in the country to implement “Adhar” linked salary disbursal for its employees?
(A) Intel Group
(B)Trident Group
(C ) Berla Group
(D)Reliance Group

89.In the 16th Loksabha Election 2014, B.J.P got:
(A) 282 Seats
(B)272 Seats
(C ) 304 Seats
(D)327 Seats

90.Who shared the ‘Best Actor Award’ with Suraj Venjaramoodu in the 61st National Film Award?
(A) Rajkumar
(C ) Vikram
(D)Allu Arjun

91.“The Hinduypulaya Samaj” was founded by :
(A) Ayyankali
(B)Kurumpan Daivathan
(C ) Arnospathiri

92. The Chemical most widely used as drain cleaner :
(A)Sodium Carbonate
(B)Calcium Chloride
(C )Sodium Hydroxide
(D)Hydrogen Chloride

93.The Scientific study of “Dreams” is Known as :
(A) Psychology 
(C ) Origany

94.The University in India having Prime-Minister as its Visitor and Chancellor : 
(A) Banaras University
(B) Aligarh University
(C ) Viswabharathi University
(D) Delhi University

95.The Major river originates from “Aravally range” is :
(A) Sabarmati
(B) Bhagerati
(C ) Testa
(D) Brahmaputra

96.Where is the headquarters of International Standard Organisation?
(A) Washington
(B) Paris
(C ) Newyork
(D) Geneva

97.Who was the architect of the “Second Five year plan”?
(A) Nehru
(B) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(C ) Mahalanobis
(D) Dr. Renga Rajan

98.Which is the first Grama Panchayat in Kerala to prepare a “Bio-diversity Register”? 
(A) Iravikulam
(B) Edavana
(C ) Muthukulam
(D) Thirumaradi

99.Generally, the strong winds that sweep the Antartic territories are seen blowing from the : 
(A) West'
(B) North
(C ) East
(D) South

100. The first“e-newspaper” in India is :•
(A)The Hind Swaraj
(B)The News
(C )The Newspaper Today
(D)The Express Day

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