LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT - LIVE STOCK kerala psc previous question paper


1.A disease of dairy cattle where abortion is seen as the main symptom is :
(C )Anthrax
(D)Hemorrhagic Septicemia

2.Very good silage should have pH ranging from :
(C )3.7-4 2
(D)4.8 -5.0

3.According to prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA), cow milk should contain not less than :
(A)8.5% SNFand3.5%Milk fat
(B)7.5% SNF and3.0%Milkfat
(C )6.5% SNFand2.5%Milk fat
(D)9.5% SNF and2.0%Milkfat

4.The correct method of milking dairy animals is :
(C )Full hand milking

5.Colostrum is fed to a newborn calf at what percentage of its body weight ?
(C )15%

6.Hormone which helps in uterine inertia is :

7.Starch adulteration in milk can be detected by :
(A)Alizarin lest
(B)COB test
(C ) Iodine test
(D) Methylene Blue Reduction lest

8.Gestation period of cows in days is :
(C )350

9.The major hormone of pregnancy in cow is :
(C )Progesterone

10.Post parturient metabolic disease of lactating cow due to hypocalcemias is 
(B)Grass tetany
(C )Brucellosis
(D)Milk fever

11.Ideal calving interval in crossbred cow is :
(A)10 months
(B)12 months
(C )8 months
(D)15 months

12.Which of the following animals has maximum fat content in milk ?
(A) Elephant
(B) Pig
(C ) Buffalo
(D) Cow

13.True stomach of Ruminants is :
(A) Rumen
(B) Reticulum 
(C ) Abomasum
(D) Omasum

14.Standard fat % in toned and doubled toned milk is respectively : 
(A) 3.0 and 1.5
(B)1.5 and 3.0
(C )3.5 and 2.0
(D) 1.5 and 2.0

15.An Indian breed of Goat is :
(C )Boer

16.Clean milk production requires hygiene of:
(A) Animal and animal handlers 
(B) Environment 
(C ) Equipments
(D) All the above

17.Sickle shaped horn is characteristic of :
(C )Niliravi

18.Buffalo milk is more whitish because of :
(A)More Calcium
(B)No lactose
(C )No carotene
(D)More fat

19.Milk let down hormone is :
(C )Oxytocin

20.Toxic substance in groundnut cake is :
(C )Mimosine

21.A milch breed of cow is :
(A) Kangayam 
(B) Jersey
(C ) Hallikar
(D) Amrith Mahal

22.Pasteurization refers to the process of heating every particle of milk to at least:
(A) 63°C for 30 mm.
(B)93CC for 30 min.
(C ) 53oC for 30 min.
(D) 100oC for 20 min.

23.Milk sugar is :
(C )Glucose

24.Normal rectal temperature in cattle is :
(A)101.5° F
(B)98.0o F
(C )103.5° F
(D)105.1° F

25.Frozen semen is kept in :
(A)dry CX12
(B)Liquid Helium
(C )Liquid Nitrogen

26.Ideal dry period in cow is :
(A)50 days
(B)60 days
(C )45 days
(D)90 days

27.Mating of distantly related animals is known as :
(C )Crossbreeding
(D)Progeny testing

28.Level of Oestrogen is maximum in :
(C )Oestrous

29.Mehsana is a breed of :
(B) Goat
(C ) Pig
(D) Buffalo

30.Time of ovulation in cow is :
(A)1-2 days before the end of estrous
(B)2 hours after the onset of estrous
(C )10 -15 hours after the end of estrous
(D)18 hours after the end of estrous

31.First secretion of mammary gland immediately after parturition is :
(C )Placenta
(D)None of theabove

32.Homogenization is the process of:
(A)reducing fat content in milk
(B)increasing the fat content in the milk
(C )reducing the size of fat globules in milk
(D)increasing the size of fat globules in milk

33.Period from conception to birth is known as :
(A)Lactation period
(B)Dry period
(C )Gestation period
(D)Inter calving period

34.Summer management of dairy cattle requires :
(A)Plenty of drinking water
(B)Shade plants around animal house
(C )Sprinkling water over animal body
(D)All the above

35.Total permanent teeth m cattle are :
(A) 42
(C )24
(D)' 38'

36.-Ketosis in Dairy cattle is due of deficiency of:
(A) Calcium
(B) Glucose
(C ) Sodium
(D) Cobalt

37.Gir breed of cattle is originated from :
(C ) Gujarat
(D) Karnataka

38.In cow, fertilization of ovum occurs in :
(C ) Ovary
(D) Cervix

39.A fermented milk product is :
(C ) Ice-cream
(D) Condensed milk

40.The coiled tube that leads from testes to the Vas deferens in Bull is :
(A) Scrotum
(B) Fallopian tube 
(C ) Fpididymis 
(D) Ureter

41.Foremilk from udder contains :
(A) More bacteria
(B)I ess bacteria
(C ) No bacteria
(D) None of the above

42.The female reproductive organ in which eggs arc formed and the hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced is :
(A) Vagina
(B) Uterus
(C ) Salpinx
(D) Ovary

43.Adult female of sheep is :
(A) Kwe
(B) Mare
(C ) Doe
(D) Ram

44.1 .ength of estrous cycle in cow is :
(A)15 days
(B)60 days
(C )28 days
(D) 21 days

45.Rumination is not found in :
(A) Cow
(B) Pig
(C ) Sheep
(D) Goal

46.Kidding is an acl of parturition in :
(A) Horse
(B) Buffalo
(C ) Goat
(D) Sheep

47.Interval between one heat period to the next is known as :
(A) lactation period
(B)Mating period
(C ) Intercalving period
(D) Estrous cycle

48.Most Suitable farming system in India is :
(C )Pisciculture
(D)Mixed farming

49.Age of dehorning in calf is :
(A)10 days
(B)20 days
(C )25 days
(D)56 days

50.The disease that is transmitted to human beings from cows by drinking raw milk is : 
(A) Tuberculosis 
(B) Rinderpest 
(C ) Tetanus
(D) Dermatitis

51.Crude fiber is above 18% in :
(A) Groundnut cake
(B)Cotton seed cake
(C ) Gingelly oil cake
(D) Napier

52.Milk is deficient in :
(A) Copper
(B) Vitamin C 
(C ) Iron
(D) All the above

53.Which among the following is an indigenous cow breed of Kerala ?
(A) Malabari
(B) Malanad Gidda 
(C ) Vechur
(D) Kangayam

54.Casting of cow is done by : 
(A) Keuff's Method (C ) Both (A) and (B)
(B)Alternative Method (D) None of the above

55.Main gas evolved in biogas units is :
(A) Oxygen
(B) Carbon monoxide 
(C ) Hydrogen 
(D) Methane

56.The correct sequence of events in a cow's oestrus cycle is :
(A)Pro-oestrous, oestrus, metoestrous, dioestrus
(B)Oestrus, pro-oestrous, metoestrous, dioestrus
(C )Dioestrus, oestrus, metoestrous, pro-oestrous
(D)Pro-oestrous, oestrus, dioestrus, metoestrous

57.Angora is a breed of :
(C )Pig

58.The hormone secreted by corpus luteum is •

59.Green succulent fodder can be properly stored by means of making :
(C )Straw

60.A method of identification of young calves is :
(C )Castration
(D)Far tagging

61. The causative agent of foot and mouth disease of cattle is :
(A) Bacteria
(B) Virus
(C ) Fungus
(D) None of the above

62.Increased performance of crossbred animals compared to the average of the parental breeds :
(A) Progeny
(B) Heterosis 
(C ) Upgrading
(D) Dystocia

63.Volatile fatly adds produced in ruminants by rumen fermentation are :
(A)Acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid
(B)Acetic acid, propionic acid, formic add
(C )Acetic acid, butyric acid, hydrochloric acid
(D)Acetic acid, propionic acid, hydrochloric add

64.Density of milk is measured by :
(A) Lactometer 
(B) Thermometer 
(C ) Hygrometer 
(D) Calorimeter

65.Operation Flood Programme has been related to :
(A) Egg
(B) Milk
(C ) Meat
(D) Oil

66.Number of offspring from genetically superior cows can be increased by :
(A) Superovulation
(B) Estrus synchronization
(C ) Artificial insemination
(D) All the above

67.Vitamin which is essential for the development of teeth and bones is :
(A)Vitamin B
(B)Vitamin C
(C )Vitamin A
(D)Vitamin D

68.Egg - Yolk Citrate (EYC) is used as :
(A)Milk replacer
(B)Semen diluent
(C )Antibiotic
(D)Mineral mixture

69.An indigenous nutritious frozen milk product is :
(A) Fanner
(B) Kulfi
(C ) Curd
(D) Khoa

70.The heat symptoms shown by cow is : 
(A) Restlessness
(B) Mounting instinct
(C )Vaginal discharge
(D) All the above

71.Destruction of all pathogenic and non - pathogenic organisms of dairy equipments is :
(C )Immunization 

72.Complete or total failure of reproductive ability in a cow is known as :
(C )Repeat breeder
(D)None of the above

73.Milk fat percentage of Holstein - Friesian is :
(C )2.5

74.Retention of placenta occurs in cows following calving if the placenta are not expelled :
(A) Within 8 to 12 hours
(B) Within 24 to 36 hours
(C )Within 48 hours
(D)None of the above

75.Freezing point of cow's milk in degree Celsius is :
(C )0.55

76.The longest period in estrus cycle of cow is :
(C )Estrus

77.In Embryo Transfer Technology (ElT), following is used for synchronization of estrus.
(C )Both of the above
(D)None of the above

78.During artificial insemination of cow, semen is deposited at:
(A)Mid cervix
(C )Fallopian tube

79.largest milk producing country in the world is :
(C )Australia

80.The slope that should be provided in cow shed is :
(A) 1: 40
(B)1 : 50
(C )1 : 30
(D) 1 :10

81.Who introduced Human Development Index (HD1) ?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji
(B) Dr. Amarlya Sen
(C ) Mahalanobis
(D) Mahaboob -ul - Haq

82.Birth place of Ayyankali was :
(A) Venganur 
(B) Chempazhanthi 
(C ) Varkala
(D) Sivagiri

83. Our National Animal is :
(A) lion
(B) Tiger
(C ) Elephant
(D) Cheetah

84.'Wagon Tragedy', The tragic episode was associated with :
(A) 1857 Revolt
(B)Battle of plassey
(C ) Malabar Rebellion
(D) Payyanoor Sathyagraha

85.Number of players in Volleyball is :
(A) 6 on each side 
(B)5 on each side 
(C )9 on each side 
(D)11 on each side

86. Battle of Plassey was held in : 
(A) November 26, 1757 (C ) October 26, 1757
(B) June 23, 1757 (D) October 23, 1757

87. Sahodara Sangham was founded at Cherai in 1917 by :
(A) T. K. Madhavan
(B) C.V. Kunjiraman
(C ) C. Kesavan
(D) K. Ayyappan

88. National Sports Day is celebrated on the birthday of:
(A) Sachin Tendulkar
(B) Gopichand
(C ) Dhyanchand
(D) Milkha Singh

89.Constitution of India came into force on :
(A)November 26, 1949
(B)july 22, 1947
(C )January- 26, 1950
(D)January 24, 1950

90.1924in Kerala's history was marked with :
(A)Vaikom Sathyagraha
(B)Guruvayoor Sathyagraha
(C )Malayali Memorial
(D)Ezhava Memorial

91.World Environment day is celebrated on :
(A) July 5
(B) August 20
(C ) December 10
(D) January 5

92.National flower of Japan is :
(A) Narsissas     (C ) Maple leaf
(B) Chrysanthemum (D) Rose

93.The line of demarcation between India and China is :
(A) Durand line 
(B) Me, Mohan line 
(C ) Radcliff line 
(D) Maginot line

94.Martyr of 1857 Revolt was :
(A) Jhansi Rani 
(B) Taatya
(C ) Nana Saheb 
(D) Mangal Pandey

95.Temple Entry Proclamation of Sri Chithirithimul Balarend Varma 
 hailed as a miracle of modern times" by :
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B)Jawaharlal Nehru
(C ) Sardar Patel
(D) C. Rajagopalachari

96.hugest fresh water lake in the world is :
(A) Lake Baikal 
(B) Titicaca
(C ) Lake Superior 
(D) Lake Van

97.Classical Dance Yakshaganam belongs to the state of :
(C )Unified AndhraPradesh
(D)Madhya pradesh

98.The place where Dr. B K Ambedkar rests :
(C )Chaithra bhoomi
(D)Nigam bodhghat

99.The biggest Union Territory in India is :
(C )hon
(D)Andaman and Nicobar islands

100.29th state of India is :
(A) Uttaranchal 
(B) Telangana 
(C ) Vananchal 
(D) Hyderabad

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