LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT -kerala psc question paper

1.The disease affecting chicken which causes immune suppression : 
(A) Salmonellosis(B) IBD
(C ) RD(D) Coocidiosis

2. The process of disappearance of pigments like melanin and carotenoids from the body parts of chicken:
(A) Moulting (C ) Bleaching
(B) Defeathering (D) Decolouration

3. A popular and efficient method of disinfection of eggs in a hatchery :
(A) Lime sealing (C ) Candling
(B) Fumigation (D) None of the above

4. Chemicals used for fumigation of eggs: 
(A) KM NO4 and Formalin (C ) Formalin and Na2CO3
(B) KMNO4 and NaCl (D) KMNO4 and HC1

5.The hair like feathers which remains even after the bird has been plucked :
(C )Filoplumes(D)Sickles

6.The disease affecting poultry which is caused by the inhalation of fungal spores from hatchery or from the mouldy feed or litter :
(C )Fowl pox(D)Coccidiosis

7.The floor space requirement for chicks upto 4 weeks of age :
(A)500 cm2(B)150 cm2
(C )250-300 cm2(D)550-650 cm2

8.Name a critical aminoacid in poultry feed ration :
(A) Leucine(B) Histidine
(C ) Isoleucine(D) Arginine

9.A breed of chicken with feathered shank, loose plumage and used for meat purpose : 
(A) Plymouth Rock(B) Cornish
(C ) Minorca(D) Brahma

10.The musculur stomach of chicken : 
(A) Gizzard (C ) Caeca
(B)- Proventriculus (D) Small intestine

11.A pneumatic bone present in fowl: 
(A) Tibia (C ) Femur
(B) Sternum (D) Clavicle

12.The part of fowl that produces voice:
(A) Larynx(B) Syrinx
(C ) Bronchi' (D) Trachea

13.Black Tongue disease in chicks is caused due to the deficiency of: 
(A) Biotin(B) Thiamin
(C ) Pantothenic acid(D) Niacin

14.Choose a viral disease affecting chicken :
(A)Favus(B)Mareck’s Disease
(C )Coccidiosis(D)Fowl cholera

15.Incubation period of duck egg:
(A)28 days(B)21 days
(C )18 days(D)35 days

16.The chemical used for preservation of eggs in water glass method :
(A) Calcium oxide(B) Sodium silicate
(C ) Calcium carbonate(D) Hydrochloric acid

17. The longest bone in fowl: 
(A) Femur(B) Tibia
(C ) Humerus(D) Clavicle

18. An abnormality occurs in egg yolk as a result of the hemorrhage of small blood vessels in the ovary or oviduct:
(A) Meat spot (B) Double yolked egg (C ) Pale egg (D) Blood spot

19. The proportion of yolk in a egg: 
(A) 27-32%(B) 50-55%
(C ) 65%(D) 10-20%

20. Removal of small hair like feathers by passing hair flame all over the body of the carcass
(A) Trussing (C ) Pinning(B) Scalding (D) Singeing

21. The floor space requirement for broiler birds : 
(A) 1000 cm2(B) 800 cm2
(C ) 750 cm2(D) 930 cm2

22. In which mating system accurate pedigreeing is possible
(A) AI (C ) Flock mating(B) Pen mating (D) Stud mating

23. A poultry house equipment which is only used in layer house :
(A) Tube feeder(B) Shell grit hoppers
(C ) Fountain type waterer(D) Both (B) and (C )
24. Incubation period of quail egg:
(A)28 days(B)15 days
(C )21 days(D)18 days18 days

25.The biological value of egg protein :
(C )150(D)8585

26.The commercial practice for evaluating the quality of shell eggs :
(A)Oil treatment(B)Fumigation
(C )Lime sealing(D)Candling

27.A poultry breed suitable for backyard system of rearing :
(A)Rhode island Red(B)Cochin
(C ) White Leghorn(D) Austrawhite

28.The process of shedding and renewal of feathers in chicken :
(C )Persistency(D)None of the above

29.Brooder or Hover space requirement for one chick :
(C )80-90

30. Identification and removal of economically non-viable birds :
(C )RST(D)Moulting

31. A disease caused in human beings by the continuous consumption of raw eggs : 
(C )Egg white injury'(D)Pellagra

32. A feed ingredient which is a good source of B Complex vitamins :
(A)Rico bran(B)Maize
(C )GNC(D)Wheat bran

33.The key nutrient needed for the production of milk and egg :
(A) Fat(B) Protein
(C ) Minerals(D) Carbohydrate

34.The system of mating of poultry in which males are usually confined at all times to small individual pens within the large laying pen :
(A) Pen mating(B)Flock matingFlock mating
(C ) Artificial insemination(D)Stud mating

35.The productive capacity of each hen is recorded with the help of:
(A) Artificial insemination(B)Trap nesting
(C ) Random sample test(D)Pen mating

36.The temperature requirement for chicks at first weeksof age:
(A) 26°C(B)29o C29°C
(C ) 32°C(D)35oC35°C

37.The sound produced by male turkey:
(A) Neighing(13)Barking
(C ) Struting(D)Dewbill

38.The photoperiod requirement for layer birds :
(A) 14-16 hours(B)20-22 hours20-22 hours
(C ) 18-20 hours(D)10-12 hours

39.Young one of a turkey:Young one of a turkey:
(A) Chick(B)Poult
(C ) Kid(D)Duckling

40.The process of egg laying in chicken :
(A) Yolk formation(B)OvulationOvulation
(C ) Oviposition(D)Bleaching
41.The cholesterol content in 100 g of chicken meat:
(A) 60-90 mg(B)110-120 mg
(C ) 125-135 mg(D)40-50 mg
42.The vitamin which is not present in the egg :
(A) Vitamin A(B) Vitamin B
(C ) Vitamin D(D) Vitamin C

43.Name an important hatchery borne disease : 
(A) Pullorum disease (C ) Perosis
(B) Favus (D) Fowl pox

44.An indigenous breed of fowl which is known for its fighting qualities : 
(A) Chittagong(B) Brahma
(C ) Ghagus(D) Aseel

45.Non nutrient substances that are included in poultry diet to provide growth stimulant properties:
(A) Feed supplements(B) Feed additives
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D) None of the above

46.The crude protein requirement for layers according to BIS specification : 
(A) 22%(B) 19%
(C ) 18%(D) 20%

47.Choose an egg type duck breed:
(A) White Pekin(B) Muscovy
(C ) Khaki Campbell(D) Both (A) and (B)

48.The causative organism for New Castle disease in chicken :
(A) Pox virus(B) Birna virus
(C ) Herpes virus(D) Paramyxo virus

49.The ideal temperature in the setter of an incubator:
(A) 37.2 - 37.8°C(B)36.9- 37.1° C
(C ) 38 - 39°C(D)None of the above

50.The serious defect of egg in which the vitelline membrane is broken allowing the white to mix with the yolk
(A) Addled egg(B) Broken egg
(C ) Pale egg(D) None of the above

51.Albumen content in an egg :
(C )56%(D)90%

52.The protein requirement in Broiler starter ration :
(C )22%(D)15%

53.The part of oviduct where egg white is secreted around the yolk :
(C )Shell gland(D)Magnum

54.The part of oesophagus where food is stored in poultry :
(A)Crop(B)Small intestine
(C )Gizzard(D)Proventriculus

55.The average body temperature of fowl:
(A) 47°C(B) 41.7°C
(C ) 45°C(D) 48°C

56.The family or a line or a group of birds produced through specialized breeding programme : 
(A) Variety(B) Breed
(C ) Broiler(D) Strain

57.The temperature required for long term storage in chicken egg is :
(C )10-12°C(D)15 — 16°C

58.The level of oil that can be used in poultry feed :
(C )12-14%(D)2-5%

59.Freezing of chicken meat under irregular temperatures produces a condition known as :
(A)Freezer burn(B)Darkness of meat
(C )Red meat(D)White meat

60.The skin colour of Australorp Breed : 
(A) Black (C ) Yellow
(B) White (D) Grey

61.The most immunosuppressant mycotoxin in poultry feed :
(A) Ochratoxin(B) Gossypol
(C ) Aflatoxin(D) Mimosin

62.An essential vitamin that should be included in duck feed :
(A) Thiamin(B)Riboflavin
(C ) Niacin(D)Folic acid

63.The feed efficiency of broiler chicken :
(A) 1.72(B)1.90
(C ) 1.50(D)1.641.64

64.The main pigment present in egg yolk :
(A) Xanthophyll(B)Carotenol
(C ) Ooporphyrin(D)Oocyanin

65.Male goose is called :
(A) Drake(B)Tom
(C ) Gander(D)Cock

66. The diploid chromosome number of poultry is :
(C )3636(D)3838

67.The brooder house is recommended to accommodate :
(A)day old to 8 weeks old chicks(B)adults
(C )10 weeks to 15 weeks old chicks(D)None of the above

68.The important organ for evaporative cooling inchicken:
(C )LiverLiver(D)None of the above

69.An example of a poultry breed with pea comb :
(A)New Hampshire(B)Cochin
(C )CornishCornish(D)Sussex

70.Restricted feeding is practiced in which group of birds :
(C )BroilersBroilers(D)GrowersGrowers

71. The shell surface of egg is covered by a thin mucus layer which provides natural protection to shell pores :
(A) Shell membrane(B)Latebra
(C ) Cuticle(D)Green spotGreen spot

72.The incubation period of Muscovy ducks :
(A) 28 days(B)21 days
(C ) 35 days(D)30 days

73.Weight of day old quail eggs :
(A) 12 g(B)7g
(C ) 15 g(D)20 g

74. A fleshy protruberance near the base of beak in male turkey :
(A) Snood(B) Beard
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D) None of the above

75. The mineral deficiency associated with Perosis in chicken :
(A) Magnesium(B)Manganese
(C ) CalciumCD)Phosphorus

76.Culling percentage in a layer farm :
(A) Less than 1% in a year(B)Less than 2% in a year
(C ) Less than 5% in a year(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

77.The vitamin present in good built up litter:
(A) Vitamin A(B)Vitamin Bo
(C ) Riboflavin(D)Vitamin DVitamin D

78.The most ideal temperature in a poultry house :
(A) 25°C(B)30°C
(C ) 33°C '(D)21oC21°C

79.The prehensile organ in chicken :
(A) Lips(B)TeethTeeth
(C ) Tongue(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

80.Name a poultry breed with rose comb and circular body :
(A) Rhode island Red(B)Wyandott
(C ) Cochin(D)Australorp

81.Who called (Gandhi “Mahatma”?
(A) Subhash Chandra Bose(B)TagoreTagore
(C ) C.R. Das(D)NehruNehru

82.Velu Thampi Dalwa was the ruler of:
(A) Travancore(B)KochiKochi
(C ) Kannur(D)Malabar

83.The British started Supreme Court of India in :
(A) Madras(B)CalcuttaCalcutta
(C ) Delhi(D)SuratSurat

84. Udham Singh killed :
(A) Michael O’ Dyer(B)Lord Mayo
(C ) Mount batton(D)Curzen

85.“CHERAYI" was associated with :
(A) Sree Narayanaguru(B)Ayyankali
(C ) Sahodaran Ayyappan(D)R. Sankar

86.The Malayalam movie “NADAN" directed by:
(A) Kamal(B)Sibi Malayil
(C ) Kamal Hasan(D)Ador Gopalakrishnan

87.“NEEL DARPAN” is a Bengali play written by :•
(A) Dinabandu Mitra(B)TagoreTagore
(C ) Bankim Chandra Chatterji(D)Mahesweta Devi

88.The Brand Ambassador of Telengana is :
(A) Aparna Sen(B)Sania Mirza
(C ) Amitabhachan(D)Kapil DevKapil Dev

89.The Arammula Vallasadya is being held in:
(A) Kollam(B)Trivandrum
(C ) Alapuzha(D)Pathanamthitta

90.Wagon tragedy was linked to :
(A) Malabar Rebellion(B)Kayyur riot
(C ) Quit India struggle(D)Karivallur riot

91.“Back to Vedas" is a slogan of:
(A) Vivekananda(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Dayananda Saraswathy(D)Mannathu Padmanabhan

92.Two states dispute over Cauvery water sharingare :
(A) Karnataka and Kerala(B)Punjab and HaryanaPunjab and Haryana
(C ) Delhi and Bihar(D)Tamilnadu and Karnataka

93.Dr. M.S. Swaminathan is famous as :
(A) Nuclear expert (C ) Chemist
(B) Agricultural scientist (D) Politician

94. The Revolt of 1857 broke out in :
(A) Delhi(B) Bihar
(C ) Punjab(D) Meerut

95. The Chairman of Rajya Sabha is :
(A) President(B) Vice-President
(C ) Prime Minister(D) Speaker

96. In the election to the Presidentialship of Congress, Subash Chandra Bose defeated: 
(A) Gandhi(B) Pattabi Sitaramayya
(C ) Nehru(D) Sarojini Naidu

97. Nationalisation of Banks in India was the reform of:
(A) Dr. Manmohan Singh(B) Indira Gandhi
(C ) Vajpaye(D) Jawaharlal Nehru

98. Thalakkal Chandu was an associated of: 
(A) Pazhasi Raja (C ) Veluthampi
(B) Maruthu Pandyan (D) Bahadur Shah II

99. “Kuttam Kulam Samaram” was held in : 
(A) Trivandrum (C ) Kollam
(B) Irinjalakuda (D) Chittoor

100. Electricity agitation was held in : 
(A) Ernakulam (C ) Kannur
(B) Thrissur (D) Idukki

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