LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-kerala psc previous question paper

1.Book-keeping is mainly concerned with :
(A)collection of data
(B)recording of financial data relating to business operations
(C )designing the systems in recording, classifying, summarizing the recorded data
(D)interpreting the data for internal and external end-users

2.Finding out the difference between the totals of two sides of an account is called :
(A)journalizing(B) balancing
(C ) posting(D) none of these

3.The primary function of accounting is to :
(A)interpret the financial data
(B)recording and classifying business operations
(C )assist the management in performing functions effectively
(D)summarizing the financial data

4.---------------provides data about the nature of transactions contained in it.
(A) cash book(B)journaljournal
(C ) ledger(D)source documentsource document

5.The effect of debit is : 
(A) increase in income(B)increase in capital
(C ) increase in liability(D)increase in assets

6.The debit balance of personal account shows : 
(A) amount receivable(B)amount payableamount payable
(C ) cash in hand(D)amount of credit sales

7.Tilings which are purchased by the business for resaleis called :
(A) assets(B)liability
(C ) goods(D)incomeincome

8.Cash discount allowed to a debtor should credited to :
(A)customer account(B) discount account
(C )sales account(D)cash account

9.A person to whom something is owed is called :
(C )owner(D)bank

10.The statement shows the financial position of the business is :
(A)balance sheet(B)fund flow statement
(C )profit and loss account(D)cash book

11.The term current assets does not include :
(A)cash (C ) furniture
(B). advance payment (D) stock-in-trade

12.The basic rule of'debit what comes in and credit what goes out’ is applicable to :
(A)real account(B) personal account
(C ) nominal account(D) expenses account

13.In case of debt becoming bad. the amount should be credited to :
(A) creditors account(B)sales accountsales account
(C ) debtors account(D)bad debts accountbad debts account

14.The credit balance in the bank account is :
(A) an asset(B)liability
(C )  revenue(D)expenseexpense

15.A reserve is a charger against:
(A) capital(B)asset
(C ) profit(D)liability

16. The statement containing various ledger balances on a particular date is known as :
(A)trial balance(B) trading account
(C ) profit and loss account(D) balance sheet

17. The process of transferring journal entries to ledger account is called :
(A)journalizing(B) balancing
(C ) posting(D) classifying

18. Bank reconciliation statement is prepared by the :
(A) bank(B)firm
(C ) creditor(D)debtordebtor

19.Window dressing is prohibited due to the convention of:
(A) accrual concept(B)materiality
(C ) conservatism(D)full disclosure

20.Provision for bad debt is made under the principle of:
(A) consistency(B)full disclosure
(0) conservatism(D)materiality

21.Ais sent to a customer when he returned the goods.
(A) credit note(B)debit note
(C ) invoice(D)cash memo

22.Assets of the business means :
(A) liabilities — capital(B)cash + capital
(C ) liabilities + capital(D)capital + drawings

23.Revenue is generally recognized as being earned at thepoint of time, when :
(A) sale is effected(B)production is completeproduction is complete
(C ) cash is received(D)purchase is effectedpurchase is effected

24.Stock in hand is :
(A) a fixed asset(B)an intangible asset
(C ) an investment asset(D)a current asset.

25.Qualitative transactions are not recorded in the accounts due to :
(A)dual aspect concept(B)accrual concept
(C )money measurement concept(D)matching principle

26.According to going concern concept, a business is viewed as having----------life.
(A)a limited(B)an indefinite
(C )an annual(D)a very long

27.Goods outward journal is meant for recording all returns of goods------------on credit.
(A) sold(B) purchased
(C ) sent(D) none of these

28.Income tax paid by the sole proprietor on his business income should be :
(A)debited to the trading account
(B)debited to the profit and loss account
(C )deducted from the capital account in the balance sheet
(D)deducted from the bank account of the business

29. Out standing salaries arc shown as :
(A) an asset(B)a liability
(C ) an income(D)an expensean expense

30.Goods given as sample should be credited to :
(A) advertisement account(B)sales account
(C ) purchase account(D)capital accountcapital account

31.Assets which have no real value but are shown are called :in thebooks of accounts on technical reasons
(A) tangible assets(B)intangible assetsintangible assets
(C ) wasting assets(D)fictitious assets

32.Copy right is aaccount.
(A) real account(B)personal account
(C ) nominal account(D)capital account

33.A short description of every transaction made in the journal is called :
(A) journal folio(B)ledger folio
(C ) narration(D)particulars

34.Proprietor of a business is treated as creditor to the extent of capital, is under the concept of:
(A) money measurement(B)going concern
(C ) dual aspect(D)business entity-

35.Stock in trade does not include :
(A) work-in-progress(B)raw materials
(C ) items held as fixed assets(D). finished goods

36.The trial balance shows closing stock of Rs. 20,000. It will be recorded in :
(A)Trading account
(B)Profit and loss account
(C )Profit and loss appropriation account
(D)Balance sheet

37.Municipal tax of Rs. 15,000 under dispute is a :
(A) Contingent liability(B) Current liability
(C ) Revenue loss (D) None of these 

38.Suspense account Dr. balance Rs.5000 in trial balance, will be recorded in the :
(A)Liability side of the balance sheet
(B)Asset side of the balance sheet
(C )Cr. side of the P & L account
(D)Dr. side of the P & L account

39.A bank reconciliation statement is prepared to know the causes for the differences between:
(A)the balances as per cash column of cash book and the pass book
(B)the balances as per bank columns of cash book and pass book
(C )the balances as per bank column of cash book and cash column of cash book
(D)none of these

40.Asset account will always have a :
(A) debit(B)credit
(C ) either debit (or) credit(D)no balance

41.Trade discountappear in thebooks of account.
(A) will(B)will notwill not
(C ) will (or) will not(D)none of thesenone of these

42.Credit purchase of furniture are recorded in :
(A) purchase day book(B)sales day book
(C ) journal proper(D)none of the abovenone of the above

43.Cash discount is allowed by :
(A) Wholesaler(B)Debtor
(C ) Creditor(D)RetailerRetailer

44.Sales day book shows :
(A) total sales(B)total credit sales
(C ) cash sales(D)net sales

45.Petty cash book is prepaid undersystem.
(A) Cash(B)Imprest
(C ) Credit(D)MercantileMercantile

46.Special journal is also called :
(A) Journal proper. (B)Subsidiary books
(C ) Original books(D)LedgerLedger

47.Rs. 380 received from Roy is credited to his account asRs. 308, this error is called
(A) Compensating errors(B)Errors of principle
(C ) Errors of omission(D)Errors of commission

48.Unexpired expenses is a :
(A) Liability(B)Asset
(C ) Income(D)ExpenseExpense

49.Direct expenses are debited in the :
(A) Balance sheet(B)Trial balance
(C ) Profit and loss account(D)Trading account

50. When both the aspects of a transaction are posted in one account, such an entry is called :
(A)compound journal entry(B) contra entry
(C ) multiple entry(D) double entry

51. The books that record small payment of cash is called :
(A) journal(B)ledgerledger
(C ) petty cash book(D)compound journal entrycompound journal entry

52.Sales are equal to :
(A) cost of goods sold + profit. (B)cost of goods sold - profit
(C ) gross profit - cost of goods sold(D)none of  thesenone of these

53.Source document for purchase returns :
(A)Debit note (C ) Source note
(B) Credit note (D) Journal proper

54.In the case of overdraft, pass book will show a balance.
(A)credit balance
(B)debit balance
(C )either debit balance or credit balance
(D)no balance

55.Ordinary repairs debited to machinery account is an error of:
(A) compensating error(B) error of commission
(C )error of omission(D)error of principle

56.Depreciation is the process of:
(A)valuation of asset
(B)apportionment of the cost of the asset over its useful life
(C )maintenance of asset in a state of efficiency
(D)valuation of expense or cost

57.--------------is a temporary account opened for making agree the trial balance for the
preparation of final accounts.
(A)Current A/c(B)Suspense A/c
(C )Personal A/c(D)Temporary A/c

58.Similar nature of transactions are grouped into one place is called :
(A) journal•(B) trial balance
(C )ledger(D)voucher

59.---------------is ascertained by preparing trading A/c.
(A) Net profit(B) Gross profit
(C ) Capital(D) Income tax

60.Written evidence for a payment of cash is called :
(A) Journal(B) cash book
(C ) ledger(D) voucher

61.Allowance made for prompt payment is called :
(A)Cash allowance(B) Cash discount
(C ) Trade discount(D) Rebate

62.Heavy amount spent on advertisement in a ---------expenditure.
(A) capital (C ) deferred capital
(B) revenue
(D) deferred revenue

63. Trading account is a 
(A) real (C ) nominal account.
(D)all of these

64. Capital expenditure are recorded in : 
(A) balance sheet,
(C ) trading account
(B) profit and loss account 
(D) manufacturing account

65. In sole trader’s balance sheet, assets arc arranged in the order of: 
(A) Permanency(B) Liquidity
(C ) Priority(D) Flexibility

66. One sided errors-------------affect the agreement of trial balance.
(A)will(B)will not
(C )some timesome time(D)more or lessmore or less

67.Drawing account is a— account.
(C )nominal(D)none of these

68.Carriage outward is debited to :
(A)Trading account(B)P/L account
(C )Wages account(D)Balance sheetBalance sheet

69.Inmethod, depreciation charged in theinitial years will be more.
(A)Fixed costFixed cost(B)Annuity
(C )Diminishing balance(D)Depletion

70.The father of financial accounting : 
(A) Luca Paciolo (C ) Edward Johns
(B) Necolus Berg (D) Henry Fayol

71.Loss of cash by theft committed by cashier after business hours is a :
(A) Revenue loss(B) Financial loss
(C ) Capital loss(D) Business loss

72.According to conservatism, the stock is valued at :
(A)Cost price
(B)Market price
(C )Cost price or market price whichever is higher 
(D) Cost price or market price whichever is lower

73.AAA stands for :
(A)Accounts Appraisal Associat ion
(B)American Accounting Association
(C )American Association of Accountants
(D)Asian Accountants Association

74. Goods taken for personal use by proprietor are credited to?
(C )purchases(D)salessales

75.The term 'Account Receivable’ includes : 
(A) Sundry debtors(B)Bill receivable
(C )Promissory notes(D)All of theseAll of these

76.__________is the book of original entry?
(A)is the book of original entry. Journal(B)LedgerLedger
(C )Invoices(D)VoucherVoucher

77.Trade discount allowed will be :
(C )both (A) and (B)
(D)neither (A) nor (B)neither (A) nor

78.GAAP stands for :
(A)General Agreement on Accounting Principles
(B)Generally Accepted Audit Procedures
(C )Generally Accepted Accounting Programme
(D)Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

79.A petty cash hook is aimed to :
(A)meet the needs of small businesses
(B)cover the small expenditure paid in cash
(C )cover small and varied incomes
(D)cover both small income and expenditure

80.What is the correct sequence of the following in the preparation of Final account?
1.preparation of balance sheet
2.preparation of ledger accounts
3.preparation of trial balance
4.preparation of trading and P & L account
(A)4, 2, 1.3.(B)2, 3,4. 1
(C )2. 4, 3, 1(D)1, 2. 3, 4

81.The first meeting of the. Indian National Congress was held at:
(C )Pune(D)Nagpur

82.Who among the following is associated with the founding of the Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fouj)?
(A)C.K. Das(B)Madan Mohan Malavya
(C )Subhash Chandrabose(D)Bhagat Singh

83.Total number of Assembly Constituencies in Kerala is :
(C )130(D)145

84.Which prominent social reformer of Kerala gave the charismatic slogan, "One caste, One religion and one God for manH?
(A)Chattambi Swamikal(B)Ayyankali
(C )Kumaran Asan(D)Sri. Narayana Guru

85.The famous play 'Adukkalayilninnu-Arangathekku' was written by :
(A)C. Kesavan(B)V.T. Bhattathirippad
(C )E.M.S. Namboothirippad(D)Balamani Amnia

86. Which of the following is the biggest National Hark in Kerala?
(A)Eravikulam(B)Silent Valley
(C )Aanamudichola(D)Mathikettanchola

87.Which of the following became the first Governor General of Independent India?
(A)Muhammad Ali Jinnah(B)LordMountbatten
(C )Dr. Rajendra Prasad(D)C. Rajagopalachari

88.The first rubber plantation in Kerala was planted at which of the following places?
(C )Ponkunnam(D)Changanacherry

89.The custom of ex-communicating Namboothiri women, if they associate themselves with someone out of their caste, is popularly known as :
(C )Smartha Vicharam(D)Samavarthanam

90.Gandhiji’s political career started with which of the following movements?
(C )Salt Satyagraha(D)Quit-India

91.The capital city of India, Delhi is situated on the banks of which river?
(C )Ganga(D)Beas

92.How many times did the renound German car racer Michael Schumacher win the formula one car racing championship?
(C )7(D)8

93.The person who is described as the ‘Missile Woman' of India is :
(A) Mrs. Kiran Bedi(B) Mrs. Nirupama Rao
(C ) Mrs. Sreelekha IPS(D) Mrs. Tossy Thomas

94.Who among the following acted as the chairman of the drafting committee of the Indian constitution?
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad.(B) Sachidanand Sinha
(C ) .KM. Munshi.(D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

95.The famous Christian Pilgrim Centre at Bharananganam in Kottayam District is associated with :
(A)Blessed Chavara Kuriakose Elias
(B)Blessed Alphonsa
(C )Blessed Sr. Euprasia
(D)Mother Theresa

96.The religious sect named Prathyaksha-Ruksha Daivasabha’ [PRDS] was founded by :
(A)Dr. Palpu(B)Thycaud Ayya
(C )Pandit Karuppan(D)Poikayil Yohannan

97.Which of the following Kerala rivers flows eastwards?
(C )Manimalayar(D)Neyyar

98.The ‘Mac-Mohan line’ is the dividing line between :
(A)India and Afghanistan(B)India and Pakistan
(C )India and China(D)India and Bangladesh

99.Which Prime Minister of India announced the programme of 'Guribi Hatao’ [Remove Poverty]?
(A)Jawaharlal Nehru(B)Indira Gandhi
(C )Morarji Desai(D)Narasimha Rao

100.Planning Commission of India came into existence in the year : 
(A) 1950(B) 1951
(C ) 1952(D) 1956

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