LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT -kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. The petrol engine is working on :
(A)Constant Pressure Cycle
(B) Constant Volume Cycle
(C ) Carnot Cycle
(D) None of the above

2.The main difference in operation of petrol engine from diesel engine is that:
(A)draws air fuel mixture during suction
(B)draws only air during suction
(C )inlet valve closes during compression
(D)exhaust valve opens during exhaust stroke

3.If a single cylinder engine produce a power in each rotation of crank shaft, then the engine is a:
(A)4 - stroke engine
(B)2-stroke engine
(C )Wankel engine
(D)All of the above

4.The antiknocking properties of petrol is expressed in :
(B)SAE number
(C )Cetane number
(D)Octane number

5.The number of crank pin in the crank shaft of a V-type engine is :
(A)equal to number of cylinder
(B)equal to double of number of cylinder
(C )equal to half of number of cylinder 
(D)none of the above

6.The size of flywheel used in single cylinder 4-stroke engine compared to a flywheel of the single cylinder 2-stroke engine of same capacity is :
(C )same
(D)none of the above

7.Which of the following compound is added to petrol to improve it’s anti knocking property? 
(A) Sodium bicarbonate
(B) Calcium bicarbonate
(C ) Pottasium nitrate
(D) Tetra ethyl lead

8.Diaphragm type mechanical fuel pump is driven by :
(C ) Camshaft eccentric 
(D) Cooling fan

9.If the engine is continues to running after the ignition switch is turned off is called :
(C )Purging

10.The component of battery coil ignition system which convert battery voltage into breakdown voltage is called:
(B)Ignition coil
(C )Ballast resistor

11.The mechanism which uses fly weights to advance spark in the engine cylinder is :
(A)Vacuum advance mechanism
(B)Centrifugal advance mechanism
(C ) Manual advance mechanism
(D) None of the above

12.The location of exhaust port and transfer port of a two stroke engine which carries out loop flow scavenging is:
(A) at opposite sides of cylinder
(B)at same side of cylinder
(C ) exhaust port located at head
(D)transfer port located at head

13.Helical control groove in FIP’ is provided in :
(A) Control sleeve
(B)Control pinion
(C ) Plunger 
(D)Pump cylinder

14.Decompressor arrangement is provided for:
(A)to circulate refrigerent 
(B)to increase volumetric efficiency
(C )release pressure from cylinder for easy cranking
(D)decrease fuel supply

15. For proper fixing in to the engine cylinder, the outer surface of which liner need to be accurately finished:
(A) Wet liner
(B) Dry liner
(C ) Wet liner and dry liner
(D) None of the above

16.The Hpace between the piston and cylinder wallis called:
(A) piston clearence
(B)end clearence
(C ) lip clearence
(D) none of the above

17.The types of combustion chamber which is made as called:a depression on the top of piston is
(A) Precombustion chamber
(B)Energy cell
(C ) Open combustion chamber
(D)Ante chamber

18.Valve train clearence is knows as :
(A) valve lift
(B)valve overlap
(C ) guide clearence
(D)valve lash

19.Which among the following bearings are commonly known as antifriction bearing?
(A) foot step bearing
(B)journal bearing
(C ) collar bearing
(D)ball and roller bearing

20.How many cells are there in a 12 V lead acid battery?
(C )4

21.Which among the following material is used as asolid lubricant?
(A) Calcium Chloride
(B)Calcium Carbonate
(C ) Copper Sulphate

22.On discharged condition both positivo and changed into:negative plates of lead acidbattery is
(A) Pb
(C ) Pb02
(D)None of the above

23.What is the effect of increase in temperature on specific gravity of electrolyte of lead acid battery?
(A) Specific gravity decreases
(B)Specific gravity increases
(C ) First decreases then increases
(D)No effect
24.What will be the open circuit voltage of a cell of a fully charged battery of lead acid type?
(A)12.6 V
(B) 3.1V
(C ) 2.1V
(D)10 V

25.In an electric circuit the ammeter is connected in :
(A) parallel to the circuit
(B) series to the circuit
(C ) either series or parallel
(D) none of the above

26.In compound wound starting motors the field coil is :
(A)Connected parallel with the armature
(B)Both series and parallel with the armature
(C )Connected in series with the armature
(D)None of the above

27.The spark plug gap is in the range of:
(A) 2-3 mm
(B) 0.6 to 1 cm
(C ) 0.5 to 1.5 cm
(D) 0.6 to 1 mm

28.The centrifugal force on the pressure plate of semi centrifugal clutch can be adjusted by : 
(A) adjusting screw on lever
(B) adjusting nut on the pressure plate
(C ) adjusting spring force
(D) pivoted ring

29.The type of gear wheels used in sliding mesh gear box is :
(A) helical gear
(B) double helical gear
(C ) spur gear
(D) spiral gear

30.The tool which is used to remove gear, bearing, wheels and pulleys from their attaching components are:
(A) Screw driver
(B) Monkey plier
(C ) Pullers
(D) Hammer

31.In Semi floating type rear axle, the bearing is located :
(A)On the axle and inside axle casing 
(B)On the axlecasing and inside the hub
(C )On the axle and inside the hub
(D)None of theabove

32.Which of the following is a finishing operation of machined components?
(C )Vulkanisation

33.The type of jack with diamond shaped frame having a nut on one side and a sleeve on other side :
(B)Trolley type
(C )Scissor type
(D)Bottle type 

34.Which of the following is not a test conducting for injectors?
(A)Vacuum test
(B)Spray test
(C )Pressure test
(D)Leakage test

35.The advantage tandem master cylinder is that:
(A)It never fails
(B)Vehicle does not skid
(C )Can provide individual fluid lines for all axle
(D)100% braking efficiency

36. The part of hydraulic brake system which actuates brake shoes directly :
(A)Master cylinder
(B)Push rod
(C )Wheel cylinder
(D)Brake pedal

37.The brake pads of disc brakes are returned by :
(A)Retractor spring
(B)Rubber seal ring
(C )Shoe return spring

38.What operation has to be done on the ends of brake pipe to prevent leakage?
(C )Counter sinking

39.The volatile liquid that filled in hellows type thermostat is :
(A)ethylene glycol
(C )acetone

40.In tubulartype radiator cores :
(A)Air flows through tubes and coolent passes around
(B)Coolent passes through tube and air passes around
(C )Air and coolent passes through tubea
(D)Air and coolent passes around tubes

41.Which of the following ie not an effect of providing cooling fins around engine cylinder?
(A)increase heat transfer area
(B) Decrease heat transfer rate
(C ) Increase cooling efficiency
(D) None of the above

42.The boiling point of water at normal atmospheric pressure is :
(A)212° F
(B)273° K . 
(C )100° F
(D)100° K

43.Most of the coolant pumps used in automobiles are of:
(A)Gear type
(B)Vane type
(C )Reciprocating type
(D)Impeller type

44.The commonly used firing order for six cylinder in line engine is :
(C )1-6-3-2-5—4

45.What material is plating on bore of alluminium alloy cylinder blocks to obtain a wear resistant surface?
(A) Chromium (C ) Silicon
(B) Sulpher (D) Alumina

46.What is the advantage of alluminium alloy piston over cast iron piston of same size?
(A) higher brittleness
(B) less thermal conductivity
(C ) lighter in weight
(D) all of the above

47.What is the purpose of providing vertical slot or T-sIots on piston?
(A)for the seating of compression ring
(B)for the seating of oil ring
(C )for lubrication
(D)restrict the change in diameter during t hermal expansion

48.The volume of cylinder when piston at TDC is called :
(A) swept volume    
(B) mild steel
(C ) engine displacement
(D) none of the above

49.The nuts and bolts are usually made of: 
(A) cast iron (C ) chromium steel
(B) clearence volume (D) piston clearence

50. The instrument which is used to measure current voltage and resistance :
(C )Multimeter

51.The needle valve of carburettor is closed and opened by :
(A)air jet
(B)main petrol jet
(C )throttle valve

52.Which of the following is a temporary fastening method?
(A)screwed jointing
(C )welding

53.Anealingis a heat treatment process to :
(A)Soften the steel
(B)Harden the core of steel
(C )Harden the surface of steel
(D)Temper the steel

54. The tool which is used to remove broken stud from threaded hole is :
(A) stud remover
(B)stud extractor
(C ) welding holder

55.One atmospheric pressure is equal to :
(A) 1 bar
(B)105 bar
(C ) 760 mm of H20
(D)1.01325 bar

56.Which of the following is not a unit of work?
(A)Newton metre/second
(B)Newton metre
(C )Joule

57.The quantity of heat required to raise a unit temperature is called :massof substance through a unit raise in
(A) specific heat
(B)latent heat
(C ) sensible heat
(D)calorific value

58.Which of the following is a cold starting device used indiesel engine?
(A)choke valve
(B)cooling coil
(C )priming pump
(D)glow plug

59.In battery less conventional ignition system, the current generates and supplies for the primary winding of ignition system by :
(C )Dynamo

60.How many high tension leads are there in a distributor cap for a twin cylinder four stroke engine with a spark plug in each cylinder?
(C )4

61.Which of the following is not a cause for diesel engine does not start?
(A)air in the fuel system
(B)blocked or clogged fuel Biter or fuel lines
(C )small leakage in diesel tank
(D)none of the above

62.Accelerator linkage of a petrol engine using carburettor is connected to :
(A)choke valve
(B)air cleaner
(C )throttle valve

63.Which of the following two wheeler using DTSi engine?
(A)Honda etemo
(B)Bajaj pulsar- 180
(C )TVS Star City ES
(D)TV'S Star Sport

64.The condensor used in battery coil ignition circuit is connected :
(A)parallel to CB points
(B)series to CB points
(C )either series or parallel to CB points
 (D)none of the above

65.Which of the following is not an advantage of two stroke engine compared to four stroke engine of same size?
(A)lighter in weight
(B)higher volumetric efficiency
(C )more power is produced
(D)none of the above

66.Which of the following material can be used for making contact points on the rotor of distributor?
(A) Porcelain• 
(B) Bake Lite
(C )Alumina

67. Which of the following is not a cause for decrease in mileage of a two wheeler?
(A)under inflated tyres
(B)choke valve remains open during driving
(C )speedy driving beyond economic speed
(D)none of the above

68.The degree of variation of viscosity of aliquid with temperature is termed
(A)Kinematic viscosity
(B)Absolute viscosity
(C )Viscosity index
(D)All of the above

69.Which type of fuel supply system is commonly used inmotor cycle?
(A)Gravity System
(B)Pressure System
(C )Vacuum System
(D)Pump System

70.The CB point gap is in the range of:
(A)0.35 mm to 0.45 mm
(B)0.35 cm to 0.45 cm
(C )0.30 cm to 0.40 cm
(D)1 mm to 1.35 mm

71.The component of battery coil ignition system which helps to avoid spark between CB point is:
(A) Ballast resistor
(B) Condensor
(C ) Kotor
(D) Spark plug

72.Which of the following is not a cause for the vehicle will not take speed according to pressing of accelerator pedal?
(A) Clutch slipping
(B)Brake binding .
(C ) Excessively worn out clutch plate
(D)None of the above

73. One horse power is equal to :
(A) 700 Watt
(B)635.5 Watt
(C ) 716.5 Watt
(D)735.5 Watt

74. Bronze is an alloy of:
(A) Copper and Zinc
(B)Copper and Lead
(C ) Copper and Tin
(D)Copper, Zinc and Tin

75. What is the advantage of using radiator pressure cap?
(A)increase the boiling point of water
(B)reduce coolant lose
(C )maintain the system at a pressure higher than atmosphere
(D)all of the above

76. Which among the following is an example of positive clutch?
(A) Diaphragm clutch
(B) Multiplate clutch
(C ) Single plate pressure spring clutch 
(D) None of the above

77.If the speed of vehicle is doubled the air resistance is : 
(A) increased by four times
(B)decreased by four times
(C ) increased by two times
(D)decreased by two times

78.The component of pressure spring type single plate clutch system which disengage from fly wheel when pressing clutch pedal is:
(A) pressure plate
(B) clutch cover
(C ) clutch disc
(D) release bearing

79.The cross section of brake shoe is of:
(A) T-Section
(B) I-Section
(C ) H-Section
(D) U-Section

80.The power utilised to propel the vehicle is known as :
(C ) DHP

81.Who formulates the fiscal policy in India?
(A) Planning Comission
(B) Finance Commission
(C ) The Reserve Bank of India
(D) Ministry of Finance

82.Which National Park harbours the largest number of one-horned Rhinos?
(A) Periyar National Park
(B) Kanha National Park
(C ) Kaziranga National Park
(D) Corbett National Park

83.Which monument was built to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary to Bombay?
(A) India Gate
(B)Gateway of India
(C ) Victoria Terminus
(D)Elephants Caves

84.Whose death anniversary was observed as Anti- Terrorism Day on 21rt May?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B)Rajiv Gandhi
(C ) Indira Gandhi
(D)Mahatma Gandhi

85.The state having a largest area of forest cover in Indiais:
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
(C ) Madhya Pradesh

86.Who fixes the poverty line in India?
(A) Government
(B)Lok sabha
(C ) Rajya Saba
(D)Planning Commision

87.Who discovered the Edakkal caves in Wynad in1890?
(A) Fred Fawcett
(B)Alexander Cunningham
(C ) K. N. Dikshit
(D)John Marshall

88.Who is known as the ‘Grand Old Man of India'?
(A) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(B)Dadabhai Naoroji
(C ) Lala Lajpat Rai

89.When the partition of Bengal was annulled?
(A) 1912
(C ) 1911

90.Who was the first Viceroy of India?
(A) Lord Wellesly
(B)Lord Canning
(C ) Lord Minto
(D)Lord Dufferin

91.In 1959, who was given the title Bharata Kesari’ by the Indian President:
(A) Ayyankali
(B)Thycad Ayya
(C ) Mannathu Padmanaban
(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

92. Swadesabhimani’ News paper was started by :
(A) Ramakrishna Pillai
(B)Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi
(C ) Ayyankali
(D)Sree Narayan Guru

93.Who was the leader of'Ezhava Memorial’?
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Dr. Palpu
(C ) Snhodnran Ayyappan

94.Who set up the Sanskrit study center ‘Thatwaprakashika’ in 1906 at Kozhikode?
(A) Ayyankali
(B)V. T. Bhatathirippad
(C ) Sahodaran Ayyappan

95.Who said ‘There is no use for Caste. It curtails man's freedom: destroys his intelligence”?
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Mahatma Gandhi
(C ) Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi

96.Which Indian won Nobel Prize for Peace for his work on promoting child rights?
(A) Mother Teressa
(B)Amarthiya Sen
(C ) C.V. Raman
(D)Kailash Satayarthi

97.The 41st G7 summit was held at:
(A) Germany
(C ) Italy

98.The Bollywood actor who was honoured with the in 2015Big Grinada Saheb Phalke Film Foundation Award
(A) Salman Khan
(B)Amitab Bachan
(C ) Shah Rukh Khan
(D)Amir Khan

99.Who won 2015 UEFA Champions League Title?
(A) Juventus
(C ) Manchester United

100.The Chief Election Commissioner of India :
(A) Hari Shankar Brahma
(B)Nasim Zaidi
(C ) V. S. Sampath
(D)S.Y. Quraishi

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