LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-kerala psc previous question paper

1. Most visible element of marketing mix :
(C )PlacePlace(D)PeoplePeople

2.A mere transfer of ownership of goods from sellerto buyer is known as :
(A)Marketing(B)Physical movement
(C )Selling(D)DealDeal

3.Any paid form of non-personal presentation is :
(C )Publicity(D)Personal sellingPersonal selling

4.AIDAS indicates:
(A)Attention Interest Desire Action Satisfaction
(B)Attitude Interest Desire Action Satisfaction
(C )Attitude Interest Desire Alternative Satisfaction
(D)Attention Interest Desire Alternative Satisfaction

5.A registered brand is known as :
(A)Brand mark(B)Trade mark
(C )Grade markGrade mark(D)Agmark

6.Which is“Silent Salesman”?
(C )Television(D)Newspaper

7.Find theodd one:
(A)Economic conditions(B)Government policy
(C )Competition(D)Marketing mixMarketing mix

8.Which is“Product line”?
(A)Unilever markets soaps-like Pears, Lux and Lifebuoy
(B)Lux soap is available in different colours
(C )Milma markets milk, buttermilk, curd, ghee and butter
(D)Unilever Ltd. has soaps, detergents, skincare products, toothpaste

9. "Sun silk Shampoo” sample pack given with manorama weekly-is an example of:
(A) Sales promotion technique(B)Advertisement
(C ) Publicity(D)Personal selling

10. "Caveat emptor” means :
(A) Let the buyer beware(B)Let the seller bewareLet the seller beware
(C ) Let the producer beware(D)Let the business bewareLet the businessmen beware

11. Which one is not correct in the case of marketing?
(A) Consumer satisfaction(B)Starts and ends with customer
(C ) Profit through sales volume(D)Customer is the kingCustomer is the king

12. Place Knowledg eRisk Time Transportation Advertisement Insurance _____________?
(A)Warehousing (C ) Marketing

13. Which one is not true in the case of "mail order business”?
(A)Invites customers through advertisement
(B)No direct contact between buyer and seller
(C )Perishable goods are sold
(D)Branded goods are sold
H.M.T an itinerant retailer.
(A)General stores (C ) Second hand shops
(B)Multiple shops (D) Cheap Jacks

15."No bad debt” is not an advantage of: 
(A) Department store (C ) Mail order house
(B)Multiple shops (D) Fixed shop retailers

16. ECGC stands for:
(A)Export Credit Guarantee Corporation
(B)Export Commercial Guarantee Corporation
(C )Export Credit Guarantee Counsel
(D)Export Promotion and Credit Guarantee Counsel

17.Which among the following is different from others?
(C )Nestle(D)Reliance

18.Which of the following is a micro marketing environment?
(C )Technological(D)Economic

19.“Zoological parks are overcrowded on Sundays and holidays"
“Buses are overloaded in the morning and evening"

20.A marketing strategy to shift or reduce these demand is called :
(A) Synchro marketing(B)De-marketing
(C ) Marketing myopia(D)Morph marketing

21.Which of the following is not a marketing mix?
(A) Product(B)Price
(C ) People(D)Place

22.“Durable goods" is:
(A) Computer(B)SoapSoap
(C ) Repair(D)Salt

23.“Price-Cut” technique is used at which stage of a product?
(A)Introduction(B) Decline
(C ) Growth(D) Maturity

24.Which packaging aims at “Protection from Pilferage"?
(A)Thermocol package for Samsung Television
(B)Sun flower Oil comes in sealed pack
(C )Petrol in airtight container
(D)Coca-Cola one liter bottle are packed in plastic containers which are fully covered and placed over one another

24.Which of the following is not a feature of wholesaler? 
(A) Large scale business(B)
(C ) Provides after sale service(D)
Received goods from manufacturers Sells to retailers

25. Which is “Patronage motive”?
(A) Quality (C ) Ambition '(B) (D)InstinctsDurability Instincts

26.“Raymonds” concentrate in textiles “Exclusively segmentation is used by the company?meant for men”- which market
(A) Psychographic(B)Demographic
(C ) Geographic(D)Behavioural

27.“Adding a higher priced, prestige product to a line for increasing the sale of existing lower priced product”-This process of marketing is called :
(A) Trading up(B)Market positioning
. (C ) Market targeting(D)Trading Down

28.Which of the following is not an object of pricing?Which of the following is not an object of pricing?
(A) Maximise profit(B)Maximise sales
(C ) Maximise market share(D)Maximise product qualityMaximise product quality

29.A zero level channel is otherwise called :-
(A) Retail marketing(B)Wholesale marketing
(C ) Direct marketing(D)Vertical marketing Vertical marketing

30.Which salesmen assists dealers by giving suggestions on display and store layout facility? 
(A) Pioneer salesmen(B) Sales engineer
(C ) Merchandising salesmen(D) Dealer service salesmen

31.“High price with high advertisement” is a strategy adopted at--------------- stage of a
(A) Introduction(B) Growth
(C ) Maturity(D) Decline

32.An insurance which protect an employer from dishonesty of an employee is :
(A)Honesty insurance(B)Trust worthy insurance
(C )Fidelity insurance(D)Health insuranceHealth insurance

33.Which of the following is a “Public Corporation”?
(A)Travancore Cochin Chemical Ltd(B)Unit Trust of India
(C )Railways(D)Hindustan Shipyard LtdHindustan Shipyard Ltd

34. Receipts issued in respect of goods placed in a bonded warehouse is called :
(A)Mate receipt(B)Dock warrantDock warrant
(C )Draw back(D)Consular invoiceConsular invoice

35.The term“Days of grace” is related to :
(A)Bills of Exchange(B)Letter of creditLetter of credit
(C )Bonded warehouseBonded warehouse(D)Shipping documentsShipping documents

36.Which account never shows credit balance?
(C )currentCurrent(D)CapitalCapital

37.“Asset = Liabilities + Capital” - is based on :
(A)Conservatism Principle(B)Matching PrincipleMatching Principle
(C )Dual aspect Principle(D)Full Disclosure Principle

38.Goods destroyed by Fire is Rs. 7,000. Insurance Company a claim of Rs. 5,000. The amount debited in profit and loss account is :
(A)Rs. 2,000(B)Rs. 7,000
(C )Rs. 5,000(D)Rs. 12,000

39.“Goods withdrawn by the owner for his personal use” in this transaction which account is to be credited:
(C )Goods(D)Capital

40.Identify the “Contra Entry” transaction :
(A)Paid rent by cheque
(B)Cash withdrawn fromBank
(C )Cash withdrawn from Bank for personal use
(D)Received a cheque from Anil

41.“Credit Note” is prepared at the time of:
(A)Purchase return(B)Sales return
(C )Credit purchaseCredit purchase(D)Credit salesCredit sales

42.Identify intangible asset:
(A) Copy right(B)Mines
(C ) Stock(D)Machinery

43. Income and Expenditure Account: Profit and Loss Account Surplus : Profit Deficit : Loss
Receipts and Payment Account:  —9
(A) Balance Sheet(B)Cash book
(C ) Bank Account(D)Trading AccountTrading Account

44. ‘Vijay' a furniture merchant in Kodanad sold “Furniture" on credit to Kiran Perambavoor. Which subsidiary book is used to record this transaction (in the books of Vijay)?
(A) Journal Proper(B)Sales Day Book
(C ) Cash Book(D)Purchase Day BookPurchase Day Book

45.Writing off “Wasting asset” is known as :
(A) Depletion(B)AmortisationAmortisation
(C ) Accident(D)Obsolescence

46.Goodwill account is debited when:
(A) Shares issued to promoters(B)Shares issued for acquiring knowhow
(C ) Shares issued to managers(D)Shares issued to managing directorShares issued to managing director

47.Gaining ratio is calculated at the time of- of a partner.
(A) Admission(B)RetirementRetirement
(C ) Dissolution(D)AmalgamationAmalgamation

48.The amount due to deceased partner is transfered to :
(A) Partners loan account(B)Partners wife's loan account
(C ) Executers loan account(D)Partners bank account

49.The maximum capital that can be raised by a company is called :
(A) Paid up capital(B) Called up capital
(C ) Reserve capital(D) Nominal capital

50.“Anil" become a shareholder of Glaxo. Ltd. when :
(A)Anil submit share application form with Glaxo. Ltd
(B)Anil pays share application money to the issuing bank of Glaxo. Ltd
(C )Anil receives “letter of allotment” from Glaxo. Ltd
(D)Anil receives “letter of regret” from Glaxo. Ltd

51.Issue of shares to existing share holders at a concessional rate is called :
(A) Right issue(B) Private placement
(C ) Public issue(D) ESOP

52. On dissolution of partnership are pair first.?
(A)Debts to insiders
(B)Debts of third partiesDebts of third parties
(C )Debts of partners having huge capital
(D)Debts of partners having small capital

53.The term"imprest money" is related to :
(C )Petty cash book
(B) Bills of exchange
(D) Double column cash book

54.Statement (1): Debenture holders have voting right Statement (2): Debenture holders will get interest
Statement (3): Debenture holders can take part in the management of the company
(A)Statement (1) and(2) are true(B)Statement (1) and(3)are not true
(C )Statement (1), (2)and(3) are true (D)Statement (2) and(3)are true

55.A bill of exchange is accepted by:
(C )Banker(D)Seller

56. “Credit purchase of machinery" is recorded in purchase day book is an error of:
(C )OmissionOmission(D)CompensatingCompensating

57. Which of the following is a “real account"?
(A)Cash account(B)Salary account
(C )Capital account(D)Anil's account

58.“Journal folio" is recorded in :*
(C )Balance sheetBalance sheet(D)Trial balance

59.Which subsidiary book is both “Journal and Ledger"?
(A)Purchase day book(B)Sales day book
(C )Cash book(D)Bank accountBank account

60.Which account is prepared to know“credit sales"?
(A)Total debtors account(B)Total creditors accountTotal creditors account
(C )Opening balance sheetOpening balance sheet(D)Closing balance sheetClosing balance sheet

61.Which communication is known as “Jungle Telegraph"?
(A)Formal communication(B) Informal communication
(C ) Telegraphic communication(D) None of these

62.The need hierarchy theory is advocated by :
(A) Philip Kotler(B) Abraham Maslow
(C ) Peter F. Drucker(D) B.F. Skinner

63.“Father of Scientific Management" :
(A)Henry Fayol(B)F.W. Taylor
(C ) Elton Mayo(D) Oliver Sheldon

64.Number of subordinates that a superior can effectively supervise is called :
(A) Authority(B) Span of control
(C )Delegation of Authority(D)Decentralisedcontrol

65.“Right to give order" is called :
(C )Accountability(D)Discipline

66. Find the odd one :
(A) Advertisement(B)Waiting listWaiting list
(C ) Factory Gate(D)Transfer

67. Wastage is high under :
(A) Time rate system(B)Piece rate system
(C ) Commission system(D)Monthly payment systemMonthly payment system

68.The ability of a person to look at things from others point of view is known as:
(C )Listening skill(D)Inspiringskill

69.Communication between sales executive and production manager is :
(C )Diagonal(D)Lateral

70.Which of the following is true for an over capitalised company?
(A)Market value of share falls(B)Under estimation of future earnings
(C )Conservative dividend policyConservative dividend policy(D)Promotion during recessionPromotion during recession

71.Capital required for the day-to-day runningof a business is called :
(A)Fixed capital(B)Working capital
(C )Owners equityOwners equity(D)Equity capital

72.Which one is not an individual brand name?
(C )PearsPears(D)VimVim

73. Which speculator in the stock exchange expect “rise in share price"? 
(A) Bull(B) Bear
(C ) Stag(D) Lame duck

74. --------------came under “Middle level management".
(A) Functional managers(B) General manager
(C ) Inspector(D) Chief executives

75. Which of the following is not a consumer right?
(A) The right to get quality goods(B)The right to choose
(C ) The right to be heared(D)The right to seek redressal

76.Job rotation is:
(A) off the job training(B)on the job training
(C ) vestibule training(D)none of thesenone of these

77.Orientation is generally given to :
(A) Existing employees(B)New employeesNew employees
(C ) Experienced employees(D)Male employees

78.Stock exchange is:
(A) Primary market(B)Secondary market
(C ) Tertiary market(D)Money marketMoney market

79.Un-authorised entry into website is :
(A) . Cheating(B)Brand hijiackingBrand hijacking
(C ) Hacking(D)Virus

80.Which one is “Public Sector” Bank?
(A) Canara Bank(B)ICICI Bank .
(C ) Citi Bank(D)HDFC Bank

81.What was the previous name of Nayar Service Society;?
(A) Nayar samudaya brithia ganasangam (B)Nayar samudaya parishath
(C ) Nayar gana parishath(D)Nayar samudaya paripalana sangam

82.Mahatma Gandhi started Salt sathyagraha on :
(A) 12th February 1930(B)20th March 1931
(C ) 12th March 1930(D)20thJanuary 193120th January 1931

83.Who among the following is associated with Ayyavazhi?
(A) Thycaud Ayya(B)Ayyankali
(C ) Brahmananda Siva Yogi(D)Ayya Vaikundar

84. Who wrote the book Kristhu Matha Chedanam?
(A)Vagbhadananda(B)Chattambi Swamikal
(C )Kumaraguru(D)Sree Narayanaguru

85.What was the last words of Mahatma Gandhi?
(A)Oom Santhi Santhi(B)Jai Bharath
(C )Hay RamHay Ram(D)Wah- e- guru

86.Where was the first session of Indian NationalCongress held?
(C )Madras(D)Delhi

87. Which poem of Kumaranasan portrays the story of Matangi?
(A) Karuna(B) Veena Poovu
(C ) Duravasta(D) Chandala Bikshuki

88. Which among the following is a Megalithic burial site in Kerala?
(C )Cherumanangad(D)None of these

89.Who established the satras in Assam?
(A)Natha Muni(B)Srimanta Sankaradeva
(C )Ramananda(D)Kabeer

90.“Thanas"was established during the British period by:
(A)Cornwallis(B)Warren Hastings
(C )William Bentinck(D)WellesleyWellesley

91.First Indo-Pak war was started in the year:
(C )19491949(D)1950

92.Who was the founder of the Greater Ezhava Association?
(A)K. Kesavan(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C )K. Kelappan(D)Dr. Palpu

93. The Grant Trung Road was built by
(A) Ashoka(B)Chandra Gupta
(C ) Akbar(D)Shershah Suri

94. Who gave the slogan Do or Die?
(A) Gandhiji(B)Thilak
(C ) Gokhale(D)Subhash Chandra BoseSubhash Chandra Bose

95.In which session the Indian National Congress split into two groups?
(A) Surat(B) Calcutta
(C ) Bombay(D) Lahore

96.What was the objective of Partition of Bengal in 1905?
(A)For administrative efficiency
(B)For agricultural development
(C ) Set up a communal gulf between the Hindus and Muslims
(D)To over come economic crisis

97.All India Muslim League was founded on
(A) 13th December 1916
(C )14th November 1906
(B) 30th December 1906 (D) 14th October 1916

98.Gandhiji started in 1942 his third major movement against the British rule. What was it?
(A)Non Co-operation movement(B)Civildisobedience movement
(C )KhedaMovement(D)QuitIndia Movement

99.Abstention Movement (Nivarthana agitation) was in the year :
(C )1932(D)1943

100.Who was the leader of Guruvayur Sathyagraha?(A) A. K. Gopalan (C ) T.K. Madhavan
(B) K. Kelappan
(D) Mannath Padmanabhan

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LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-kerala psc previous question paper - by anusree - 22-04-2017, 04:28 PM

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