LABORATORY TECHNICAL - VHSE kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 mark
.Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Cell wall deficient bacteria has no definite shape. They are known as :
(A) Spirochaetes
(C ) Actinomycetes

2.Creatine is a chemical compound which is synthesized in human :
(A) Liver
(C ) Stomach

3.Graves disease is an Endocrine disorder caused by :
(A) Hyper thyroidism
(B)Hypo thyroidism
(C ) Hyper adrenalism
(D)Hypo adrenalism

4.Black water fever is associated with the infection of:
(A) P. vivax
(B)P. falciparum
(C ) P. ovale
(B)P. malariae

5.Select the serum cholesterol estimation method :
(A) Diacetyl monoxime method
(B)Alkaline picrate method
(C ) Biuret method
(D)Liebermann-Burchard method

6.Study of Fungus:
(A) Mycology
(C ) Immunology

7.The following eggs are bile stained except:
(A)Ascaris lumbricoids
(B)Taenia solium
(C )Trichuris trichura
(D)Hook worm

8.Urine crystals showing envelop appearance :
(A) Uric acid
(B)Triple phosphate
(C ) Calcium oxalate
(D)Cholesterol crystal

9. In winch parasitic infection DEC Provocation test is used? •
(A) Wuchereria bancrofti
(B)Ascaris lumbricoids
(C ) Entamoeba histolytica
(D)Tape worms

10.Use of Cryostat in histopathology :
(A) Automatic tissue processor
(B)Cutting bone tissue
(C ) Cutting frozen tissue
(D)Cutting fixed tissue

11.Type of Rh antibody :
(A) lgM
(C ) JgE

12.Under ideal conditions blood collected in CPD-A can be stored :
(A) M days
(B)21 days
(C ) 24 days
(D)35 days

13.Name of the instrument used to measure Sodium and Potassium :
(A) Colorimeter
(C ) Flame photometer

14.Culture media for Fungus :
(C ) LJ

15.The content of cryoprecipitate :
(A) Factor XI
(B)Factor VT
(C ) Factor VIII
(D)Factor IX

16.Who is known as Father of Bacteriology'?
(A) Louis Pasteur
(B)Anton Von Leeuwenhoek
(C ) Christian Gram
(D)Robert Koch

17.Anticoagulant used for blood sugar estimation :
(A) Fluoride-oxlate mixture
(C ) Wintrobes mixture
(D)Trisodium citrate

18.Routinely used histopathology fixative : 
(A)100% Formalin
(B)50% Formalin
(C )40% Formalin
(D)10% Formalin

19. The blue hub of disposable needle indicate :
(A) 22 Gauge
(B) 21 Gauge
(C ) 23 Gauge
(D) 26 Gauge

20.The following are biological hazards except: 
(C )Hepatitis

21. ASO test is used to detect: 
(A) Staphylococci (C ) Haemophilus
(B) Micrococci        (D) Streptococci

22. Find the MCH of a sample of blood having Hb 12 gm% and RBC count 4 million/mm*: 
(A) 3 Pg
(B) 30 Pg
(C ) 300 Pg
(D) 3000 Pg

23. Which vitamin deficiency cause Scurvy? 
(A) Vitamin A (C ) Vitamin C
(B) Vitamin B (D) Vitamin D

24. The main sugar present in semen 
(A) Glucose (C ) Sucrose
(B) Lactose (D) Fructose
Tyndalisation is the moist heat sterilisation method : 
(A)at 160°C
(C )below 100°C
(D)at 100°C above 100°C

26. The only horizontal bone in the skeleton : 
(A) Clavicle (C ) Humerous
(B) Scapula (D) Ulna

27. Spirometer is used to measure :
(A) Lung volume
(B) Heart rate
(C ) Glomerular filtration rate
(D) Endocrine activity

28. Acid fastness of organism is due to : 
(A) Carbonic acid (C ) Mycolic acid
(B) Hyaluronic acid (D) Butyric acid

29, The abnormal urinary constituent present in obstructive jaundice : 
(A) Ketone body
(B) Bile salt
(C ) Bence-Jones protein
(D) Bilirubin

30. WBC having blue black granules :
(A) Neutrophil (C ) Lymphocyte
(B) Eosinophil (D) Basophil

31. Name commonly used staining method in cytology :
(B) H&E
(C ) PAP
(D) Negative staining

32.The type of microscope used for the best demonstration of living unstained spirochaetes
(A)Compound microscope
(C )Fluorescent microscope
(D)Dark groundmicroscope

33.Possible blood group of offspring having A-group father and A-group mother:
(A)A, B
(C )A only
(D)O only

84. The following are used to detect bacterial motility except:
(A) Streak culture
(B) Hanging drop
(C ) Mannitol medium
(D) Craiges tube

35. Crystals seen in amoebic dysentry stool:
(A) Calcium oxalate (C ) Triple phosphate
(B) Charcot-Leydon (D) Iron crystal

36.Which if? not a ketone body?
(A)Acetic acid
(C )Beta-hydroxy butoric acid

37.Cob-web clot of CSF indicate :
(A)Cryptococcal meningitis
(C )Poliomyelitis
(D)Tuberculous meningitis

38.Working principle of photoelectric colorimeter :
(A)Beer Lambert’s law
(B)Landstainer's law
(C )Mendelian law
(D)Newton’s law

39.Which is come under RFT?

40.Special staining used to demonstrate reticulocyte :
(A)Negative staining
(B)Regressive staining
(C )Supravital staining
(D)Progressive staining

41.The following are the stages of ESR except:
(A) Stage of aggregation•
(B)Stage of sedimentation
(C )Stage of packing
(D)Stage of agglutination

42.Bacteria having Chinese letter pattern arrangement:
(C )Actinomycete

43.Which of the following is not a volumetric glass ware?
(A)Graduated pipette
(B)Standard flask
(C )Beaker
(D)Measuring cylinder

44.Name the RBC inclusion body : 
(A) Spherocyte (C ) Leptocytc
(B) Siderocyte (D) Acanthocyte
45.Ingredients of buffy coat:
(A)WBC and Platelets (C ) Plasma and platelets
(B) RBC and platelets (D) Platelets only

46.Select the anaerobic culture media :
(B) LJ
(C ) PTA

47.Select the chemical under explosive category :
(B)Picric acid
(C )Benzidine acid
(D) Formaldehyde

48.The maximum depth of skin wound made by lancet :
(A)3 mm
(B) 0.3 mm
(C ) 3 cm
(D) 1 cm

49.Interferons are produced by the action of:
(A) Bacteria
(B) Fungus
(C ) Virus
(D) Parasite

50.Which cell component is known as ‘power house’ of a cell?
(A)Endoplasmic reticulum
(B) Mitochondria
(C ) Ribosome
(D) Nucleus

51.Anaemia is the characteristic feature of all parasitic infections except:
(A) Malaria
(B) Ancylostomiasis
(C )Filariasis

52.Action of heparin to prevent blood coagulation :
(A)Precipitate calcium
(C ) Antithrombin
(D) Shrinking of RBC

53.Generation time of Mycobacterium tuberculosis :
(A)2 seconds
(B)20 seconds
(C )20 minutes
(D)20 days

54. The dilutions prepared by RBC pipette :
(A)1/100, 1/200
(B) 1/10, 1/20
(C )1/50, 1/500
(D) 1/2. 1/4

55. Best method of sterilizing plastic syringes : 
(A) Drying (C ) Radiation
(B) Moist heat (D) Hot air oven

56. Lumbar puncture site in adults : 
(A) Between Ll and L2 (C ) Between L3 and L4
(B) Between 1/2 and L3 (D) Between LA and L5

57. Causative agent of Enteric fever :
(A) Haemophilus (C ) Vibrio
(B) Proteus (D) Salmonella

58. Leucocytes present in normal CSF : 
(A) Eosinophil (C ) Neutrophil
(B) Lymphocyte (D) Monocyte

59. Most accurate Haemoglobin estimation method :
(A) Sahlis method (C ) Spencer’s method
(B) Gasometric method (D) Drabkin’a method

60. Bullet shaped virus :
(A) Rabies (C ) HIV
(B) Pox (D) Polio

61.Total magnification of a microscope using oil immersion objective and 10X eye piece :
(A)10 times
(B)100 timea
(C )1000 times
(D)10000 times

62.Causativeagent of bacillary dysentry :
(C )Proteus

63. Quick one stage method is used to detect:
(A) Bleeding time
(B) Clotting time
(C ) Prothrombin time
(D) Clot retraction time

64. Name of test used to detect urine urobilinogen : 
(A) Rothera’s test (C ) Fouchet’s test
(B) Ehrlich’s test (D) Hay’s test

65. Name the test associated with Kirby-Bauer method :
(C ) RPR
(D) Widal

66. Albert staining is used to detect: 
(A) Flagella 
(B) Spore
(C ) Capsule
(D) Metachromatic granules

67. Osmotic fragility of RBC is increased 
(A) Hereditary spherocytosis (C ) Sickle cell anemia
(B) Iron deficiency anemia (D) Polycythemia

68. Which of the following statement is correct in case of virus?
(A)Multiply by binary fission
(B)Ribosomes arc absent
(C )Sensitive to antibiotics
(D)Grow in inanimate medium

69. Select Agglutination reaction :
(A) Widal test
(B) VDRL test
(C ) CRP test-
(D) Schik test

70. The following are Romanowsky stains except: 
(A) Wrights stain (C ) Granis stain
(B) Giemsa stain (D) Jenners stain

71. A spectrophotometer contains all the components of a colorimeter except (A) Light source
(B) Galvanometer
(C ) Photocell
(D) Filter

72. Blue pus producing bacteria : 
(A) Haemophilus (C ) Neisseria
(B) Pseudomonas (D) E.coli

73. Which is the specific method for blood sugar estimation?
(A) Ortho Toluidinc
(B) Folin-wu
(C ) Oxidase peroxidase
(D) Nelson-Somogy

74. Select Gram negative bacteria : 
(A) Staphylococci (C ) Neisseria
(B) Clostridium (D) Corynebacterium

75.Which of the following is a blood parasitic infection?
(C )Ascariasis

76.Bacteria produce swarming growth on solid media :
(C )Klebsiella

77. ANA test is used to detect: 
(A) Hb S (C ) CT
(B) BT (D) LE Cell

78.Cross infections occurring in hospital
(A)Zoonotic disease
(B)Endemic disease
(C )Pandemic disease
(D)Nosocomial disease

79. Culture media used to differentiate Lactose fermenting and Non lactose fermenting bacteria :
(A) LJ medium (C ) Selenite F broth
(B)Mac Conkey agar (D) Chocolate agar

80. Bilirubin is the breakdown product of: 
(A) Haemoglobin (C ) Fatty acid
(B) Protein (D) Amino acid

81.--------------is the term related to breaking up and decay of rocks by the action of the sun,
rain, wind etc.
(A) Weathering
(B) Erosion
(C ) Denudation
(D) Apogee

82.Name the country which was excluded recently from ‘Group of Eight Countries’:
(C )Italy

83. Quit India Movement was launched in : 
(C )1920

84. Rabindranath Tagore was born in : 
(C )1889

85.Year of an irresolute war between India and Pakistan that led to Tashkent Pact’ between the two countries :
(C )1972

86. Name of present Governor of Kerala : 
(A) R.L. Bhatia (C ) Sheila Dikshit
(B) Nikhil Kumar (D) Hansraj Bhardwaj

87.Who founded Ananda Maha Sabha and Ananda Matham?
(A) Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi
(B) Pandit Karuppan
(C )Anand Ramlogan
(D)K. Kelappan

88.Name the Guru of Chattampi Swamikal and Ayyankali :
(A) Thycaud Ayya
(B) Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Karunakara Guru
(D)Ayya Vaikundan

89.Name the newspaper associated with Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi:
(C ) Njananikahepam
(D) Rajyasamacharam

90.Who was the director of' Newspaper boy’?
(A)Lal Jose
(C )P. Ramadas
(D)M.T. Vasudevan Nair

91.To which of the following, Yakov Grigorevich Sinai related?
(A)Nuclear medicine
(C )Mathematics
(D)Nano technology

92.Name the person who worked on the committee that drafted India’s ‘Biological Diversity Act-2002':
(A)Krishnaswamy Kasturi Rangan
(B)Madhav Gadgil
(C )Ommen V. Ommen
(D)P.C. George

93.In 1951, present Kerala voted in two parts. Name the parts :
(A)Travancore and Cochin
(B)Travancore-Malabar and Cochin
(C )Travancore-Cochin and Malabar
(D)Malabar-Cochin and Travancore

94. Which among the following zones is the coldest region?
(B)Temperate zone
(C )Torrid zone,
(D)Frigid zone

95.Juma Masjid in Delhi was built by :
(A)Shah Jahan
(C )Aurangazeb

96.Longest Dam in India :
(A)Bhakra Dam
(B)Hirakud Dam
(C )Tungabhadra Dam
(D)Thien Dam

97.Which part of the Constitution is dependable to formulate objectives for planning in India?
(B)Fundamental Rights
(C )Fundamental Duties
(D)Directive Principles of State Policy

98.Which of the following is a natural hot water spring?
(A) Perigee
(B) Geyser
(C )Lagoon
(D) Delta

99.Khasi and Garo languages are spoken by the people of:
(A) Assam
(B) Nagaland
(C ) Meghalaya
(D) West Bengal

100.Energy of the sun is called : 
(A) Photomerism (C ) Isolation
(B) Phototropism (D) Insolation

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