
1.Processed data is called :
(A) Value(B)Information
(C ) Summary(D)Program

2.Scanner is a____________device.
(A) primary memory(B)output
(C ) input(D)secondary memory

3.Difference between compiler and interpreter is :
(A) Compiler checks the code as a whole and interpreter checks line by line of the code
(B) Interpreter checks the code as a whole and compiler checks line by line of the code
(C ) Compiler used to find syntax errors while interpreter used to find run time error
(D) Interpreter used to find syntax errors whilecompiler used to find run time error

4.Example of operating system :'
(A) Microsoft XP(B)Microsoft office
(C ) Adobe reader(D)Adobe page maker

5.______________is a volatile memory.
(A) Hard disk(B)DVD

6.Mouse was invented by :
(A) Charles Babbage(B)Douglas Engelbart
(C ) Alan Turing(D)John McCarthy

7.Input device used to read cheques in banks :
(C ) OMR(D)barcode reader

8. CD is :
(A)Combined Disk(B)Cosmetic Disk
(C )Casual Disk(D)Compact Disk

9.Example of output device :
(C )Joy stick(D)Light pen

10.LCD is:
(A)Liquid Crystal Display(B)Liberal Circuit Display
(C )Light Crystal Display(D)Light Circuit Display

11.Example for secondary memory :
(C )CD(D)All the above

12.________________is a system software.
(A)Operating system(B)Microsoft word

13.Debugging; is the process of:
(A)finding errorsfinding errors
(B)converting source code to machine code
(C )writing code in a language
(D) Converting source code to assembly language

14.Example for machine language :
(A) Assembly language(B)Binary language

15.Example for application software :
(A) Linux(B)Interpreter
(C ) Assembler(D)Microsoft excelMicrosoft excel

16. In hexadecimal number system, ‘E’ stands for : 
(C ) 2

17. The last number in octal number system is :
(A)7(B) 8
(C ) 9(D) 10

18.The base of the number system is :
(A) The number of digits in the number system
(B)The last number of number system 
(C )The first number of number system 
(D)The sum of digits of number system

19.DTP is :
(A) Digital Text Printing(B)Display Text Printing
(C ) Desktop Publishing(D)Display Text publishingDisplay Text Publishing

20.Define latency time :
(A) Time required to find track• (B)Time required to find sector
(C ) Total time required to find the data(D)None of the above

21.The binary number corresponding to 5 :
(A) 101(B)05
(C ) 100(D)01001

22.654(8) is a number in__________numbersystem
(A) binary(B)octal
(C ) decimal(D)hexadecimalhexadecimal

23.In sign magnitude form, sign of the number is represented on :

24.One’s compliment of 1001 is :
(A) 1001(B)1000
(C ) 0101CD)0110

25.2’s complement is calculated by :
(A) Adding 1 to one’s complement(B)Adding 2 to one’s complement
(C ) Adding 1 to it’s binary equivalent(D)Adding 2 to it’s binary equivalent

26. Find the decimal equivalent of 1010101 :
(A) 75(B)85
(C ) 1010101(D)101010

27.The symbol used for input/output operations inflow chart:
(A) Rectangle(B)Parallelogram
(C ) Rhombus(D)Oval shape .

28.What is topology in computer network?
(A) Arrangement of system in network(B)Number of system in network
(C ) Position of server in network(D)Area covered by the network

29.Define nodes in network :
(A) Server(B)Systems
(C ) Type of protocol(D)Type of connection

30.Expansion of TCP/IP is :
(A)Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(B)Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(C )Transport Control Protocol/Intranet Protocol
(D)Transmission Control Protocol/Intranet Protocol

31.Booting is the process of:
(A)Detecting hardware connected to PC(B)Loading OS on the PC
(C )Scanning the system for VIRUS(D)Installing new software in the system.Installing new software in the system

32.Example for a basic gate :

33.How canwe make a NAND gate?
(A)Using AND, OR & NOT(B)Using AND & NOT
(C )Using NOR & AND(D)Using NOR, AND & OR

34. Truth table of OR will give :
(A)True value for all possible inputs
(B)True value when both the inputs are true
(C )True value when anyone of the inputs are true
(D)True value when both the inputs are false

35. Which one of the following cannot be used as an identifier in C++?
(A)name(B)name 123
(C )break(D)break_123

36. How many bytes of memory is needed to save a float variable?
(C ) 2-(D)16

37.If you have to execute different lines of code for different choices of a particular variable. Which one of the following control statements will you use?
(A)for(B) while
(C ) do....while(D) switch

38.Which one of the following is exit controlled loop?
(A)for(B) while
(C ) do.... while(D) switch

39.for (i = 5; i >1; i--):
What will be the output of the program?
(A)5 4 3 2 1
(C )1 2 3 4 5 i = 6, j = 7, k ; k = i++ +--j; cout<<k<<i<<j; What will be the output of the above mentioned code?
(A) 12 7 6(B)13 7 6
(C ) 13 6 7(D)12 6 6

41.Which one of the following is unary operator?
(A) *(B)+
(C ) -(D)All the above

42.By default class variables are :
(A) Private(B)Public
(C ) Protected(D)All the above
(B)5 4 3 2
(D) Syntax error

43.Class type variables are called as :
(A) Member variable(B)Private variable
(C ) Object(D)Constructor

44.Specialty of constructor is :
(A) Its name is same as class name(B)It will not have a return type
(C ) It can be overloaded(D)All the aboveAll the above

45.Collection of variables of same datatype is :
(A) array(B)structure
(C ) object(D)loop

46.Free store operators in C++ are :
§ + 1(B)new & deletenew & delete
(C ) * & /(D)array & structure

47.Why we use scope resolution operator?
(A) To define a structure inside a class(B)To define a function outside the class
(C ) To define an array inside the class.(D)To define a class outside the class

48.Which operator will you use to access members of structure using structure variable?
(A) dot operator(B)arrow operator
(C ) underscore(D)hyphenhyphen

49.Syntax of declaring an object of a class in C++ :
(A)class_name object_name;
(B)class_name object_name=new class_name;
(C )class_name object_name= new class_name ();
(D)class_name object_name=class_name ();

50.A constructor is called when :
(A)we call the constructor using object of the class
(B)the object of the class is created
(C )a member function is called
(D)we define the constructor

51.Encapsulation is implemented in C++ using : 
(A) structure(B)class
(C ) array(D)function

52.Which symbol is used for commenting in C++?
(A) //(B)/**/
(C ) !(D)Both (A) and (B)

53.Define function overloading :
(A)same signature with different function name
(B)same function name with same parameter list
(C )same return type with different function name
(D)same function name with different signature

54.Which one of the following is multiple inheritance?
(A)A child class derived from another child of a parent class
(B)A parent with more than one child
(C )A child with more than one parent
(D)More than one type of inheritance is included * p, k=5; p=&k;
If p is having the value 100. What will be the output of the following code Cout«**p;
(C )The value saved at the memory location 5
(D)The value saved at the memory location 100

56.Java is___________language :
(C )Both (A) and (B)• (D)None of the above

57.Expansion of JVM :
(A)Java Virtual Machine(B)Java Vigilant Mechanism
(C )Java Virtual Mechanism(D)Java Vigilant Machine

58.Specialty of main function in java is :
(A)Public(B) Static
(C )Void(D)Alltheabove

59.If we declare 4 objects of a class. How many copies of static variable can be produced :
(C )1(D)4

60.How runtime error in Java is handled?
(A)Using new and deleteoperator
(B)Using constructor and destructor method
(C )Using try.... catch method .
(D)Using JVM

61.Which datatype is used to declare a variable for saving single alphabet in C++?
(C )char(D)word

62.Which keyword is used to include packages in Java?
(C )implements(D)import

63.How multiple inheritance is introduced in Java?
(A) Using packages(B) Using class
(C ) Using utilities(D) Using interfaces

64.Which one of the following is used to find remainder in VB? (A) %(B) \
(C ) /(D) Mod

65.Difference between applet and simple java program is :
(A)Applet program is not compiled
(B)Applets are not written java
(C )In applet program packages cannot be used
(D)Applet program will not have a main function

66. How integer variables are declared in VB?
(A) int a;(B)declare a as integer
(C ) dim a as Integer(D)a is integer

67.In VB which window will help you in viewing theposition of the form in the main window?
(A) Properties window(B)Position window
(C ) Project Window(D)Layout window

68.The keyword used to declare constant value is :
(A) Constant(B)Cons
(C ) Con(D)Const

69.In C++, a string constant always ends with :
(A) %(B). /
(C ) \0(D)-

70.____________mode helps to open file in inputmode.
(A) file :: input(B)open :: input
(C ) ios :: in(D)mode :: in

71.A function calling itself is called_________________________- function.
(A) Recalling(B)Reusing
(C ) Redundancy(D)Recursive

72.Which one of the following is not a DML command?
(A) Delete from(B)Insert into
(C ) Alter(D)Update

73.Expansion of SDLC :
(A) System Demonstration in Last Cycle(B)Series Demonstration in Last Cycle
(C ) Series Development Life Cycle(D)System Development Life Cycle

74.Which query will you use to remove a table from db?
(A) delete from(B)truncate
(C ) drop(D)remove

75.What is tuple in dbms?
(A) Number of tables (C ) Number of rows
(B) Number of columns (D) Number of database

76.Foreign key is :
(A)Primary key of another table.
(B)Primary key of the same table
(C )Any column other than primary key of another table
(D)Any column other than primary key of same table

77.The command used to add a column in a table :
(A)Insert into(B)Update
(C )Alter(D)Add

78.In SQL, which command is used to make permanent changes made by statements in transaction?

79.The PROJECT command will create new table that has :
(A)The selected rows of the parent table
(B)The selected columns of parent table
(C )The selected datatype of the parent table
(D)The selected size of the columns

80. In a_______a parent record type can be linked to one or more "child" record types,but a child record type can have only one parent: a parent record type can be linked to one or more “child” record types, but a child record type can have only one parent:
(A)Network database(B)
(C )Distributeddatabase(D)

81.‘The schenduruney wildlife sanctuary’ is in :
(C )Aralam(D)
Relational database Hierarchical database

82.The Indian origin mathematician who won prestigious global prize ‘Fields medal’ known as Nobel Prize in mathematics’:
(A) Manjul Bhargava 
(C ) Kishore Varma
(B)Viswanath Chopra
(D)Anandha Moorthy

83.The Asian country which host the FIFA world cup of 2022 :
(A)Saudi Arabia(B)Qatar
(C )Italy(D)Australia

84.A scheme started by the Central Government to provide food to senior citizens who cannot
care for themselves :
(A) Annadan(B) Operation food supply
(C )Operation oldman(D)Annapurna

85.Among the names of four nationalists given below, the one who born in Maharastra :
(A)Gopala Krishna Gokhale(B)Annie Beasant
(C )Nehru(D)Lala Lajpath Rai

86.The footballer who scored maximum number of goals in the world cups : 
(A) Lionel messi(B) Diego Maradona
(C ) Microslave Kloose(D) Yorgan Klinsman

87.‘Sarvodaya movement’ is related with : 
(A) Justice Ranade (C ) Jayaprakash Narayanan
(B) Archarya Vinobabava (D) A.K. Antony

88.The mountain ranges that separate south India from North India :
(A) Western Ghatt(B) Vindya - Satpura
(C ) Himalaya(D) Sabarimala

89.The 20th Common Wealth games held in ‘Glasco’ recently. Where is it? 
(A) Scottland(B) England
(C ) Holland(D) Spain

90. The third oldest football tournament in the world is in India :
(A) Federation cup(B)Nehru Trophy
(C ) Durant cup(D)Awaraj TrophySwaraj Trophy

91. The period of 12th Five Year Plan in India:
(A) 1982-1987(B)2007-2012
(C ) 2002-2007(D)2012-20172012-2017

92.‘Chotta Nagpur plateau’ in India is on the :
(C )South(D)East

93.Among the following the name of Mannath Padmanabhan is related with :
(A) Yokashema Sabha(B) Nair Service Society
(C ) Atmiya Sabha(D) Sree Narayana Yogam

94.Gandhiji’s autobiography ‘My experiments with truth’ first published in :
(C )Malayalam(D)Marati

95.Nagaland produced a brave heroine during the Civil Disobedience movement called :
(A)Rani Lakshmi Bai(B)Ishom Sharma
(C )Captain Lakshmi(D)Rani Gaidiliu

96.The propounder of the theory that ‘Ananda’ [happiness] should be the touch stone of any human activity :
(A) Kumara Guru(B) Swami Sradhanandha
(C ) Brahman and Swami Siva Yogi(D) Sankaracharya

97.The place ‘Chembazhanthi is connected with the reformer:
(A) Kumaranasan (C ) Ayyankali
(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(D)Ramaswami Naikar

98.U.N.O. observes October 2nd as :
(A) U.N. Day .
(C ) Gandhi’s Birthday
(B) International Service Day
(D)International Non-Violence Day

99.The Great Yogi, who was the Guru of Ayyankali:
(A) Thycaud Ayya Swamikal 
(C ) Jyothirao Phule
(B) Vagbadananda
(D)Periyar Swamikal

100.The autobiography of former foreign minister Natwar Singh which attained popular attention recently :
(A) Vulgarness of politics(B) The Broken Wings
(C )One Life is Not Enough(D) My struggles

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LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT -COMPUTER SCIENCE -kerala psc previous question paper - by anusree - 22-04-2017, 12:50 PM

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