LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-FISHERIES- kerala psc previous question paper


1.Which among the following is used for induced breeding of carps ?
(C )Carbonic acid

2.Give an example for Air breathing fish :
(C )Murrel

3.The pond in which the fry are grown to fingerling size is :
(A)Nursery pond 
(B)Production pond 
(C ) Breeding pond
(D) Rearing pond

4.Gas bubble disease is due to:
(A)Protein deficiency
(B)Dissolved oxygen deficiency
(C ) Excess dissolved oxygen
(D) Pollution

5.Give an example for live feed used In shrimp hatchery :
(A)Lab - lab
(B) Skeletonema 
(C ) Fragillaria
(D) Microsystis

6.The traditional shrimp farming in Kerala is known as :
(A)Prawn filtration
(B) Intensive farming
(C )Valli culture
(D) Semi intensive farrning

7. In Kerala famous centre for Milk fish fry collection is :
(A) Kumarakom
(C )Puduvaipu

8.Sea bass is a :
(A) Herbivore
(C )Omnivore

9.State fish of Kerala is
(A) Oil sardine
(B)Indian mackerel 
(C )Pearl spot
(D)Seer fish

10.Mono sex culture is popular in :
(B) White shrimp 
(C ) Milk fish
(D) Tilapia

11.Give an example for live bearing fish :
(A) Molly
(B) Gold fish
(C ) Koi carp
(D) Angel fish

12.Name a plant toxicant used in Aquaculture :
(A) Dieldrin 
(B)Groundnut oil cake
(C ) Tea seed cake

13.Select the correct order of larval development in Penaeid shrimp :
(A)Egg - mysis - nauplius - protozoea - post larvae
(B)Egg - protozoea - nauplius - mysis - post larvae
(C )Nauplius - egg - protozoea-mysis - post larvae
(D)Egg - nauplius - protozoea-mysis - post larvae

14.Which among the following is popularly known as 'Scampi' ?
(A)Penaeua monodon
(B) Macrobrachiumrosenbergii
(C )Metapertaeus dobsonii
(D) Metapenaeuamonocerose

15.White spot disease in shrimp is caused by :
(A) Bacteria
(B) Fungus
(C ) Virus
(D) Protozoa

16.The instrument Secchi disc is related with :
(A) Salinity
(B) Temperature 
(C ) pH
(D) Turbidity

17.Pick out the odd one :
(A) Copepod
(B) Naoicula
(C ) Anabaena
(D) Chlorella

18.Which among the following is not a coastal district in Kerala ?
(A) Kozhikode 
(B) Kollam
(C ) Malappuram 
(D) Palakkad

19.Select the true statement from below :
(A)Dissolved Oxygen is maximum just before day break
(B)Dissolved Oxygen level increases during night
(C )Dissolved Oxygen is maximum in late afternoon
(D)Dissolved Oxygen level remains constant during day time

20.Duck cum fish culture is an example for :
(A) Composite fish culture
(C )Intensive culture
(D) Integrated fish culture

21.Eye stalk ablation technique is used in:
(A) Induced breeding of carps
(B) Induced breeding of mullets
(C )Induced breeding of mussel
(D) Induced breeding of Penacid shrimp

22.Catla is a____________feeder.
(A) Surface
(B) Bottom
(C ) Column
(D) Filter

23.Which among the following is not a cultivable shrimp ?
(A) Fenneropenaeus indicus
(B) Penaeus monodon
(C ) Penaeus vannamei
(D) Parapenaeopsis stylifern

24.In fish culture pond aerator is used
(A) To increase dissolved oxygen (C ) To decrease acidity
(B) To decrease turbidity (D) To increase acidity

25.The fish which can be used in aquatic weed control is :
(A) Catla
(B) Grasscarp 
(C ) Murrel
(D) Mrigal

26. Give an example for cold water fish : 
(A) Guppy
(B) Milk fish
(C ) Trout
(D) Catfish

27.Name a fish which is used in mosquito larvae control:
(C )Silver carp
(D)Gold fish

28.Select an organic manure from below :
(A) Cow dung
(B) Urea
(C ) Super phosphate
(D) Tea seed cake

29.Select a fish that can grow better in cages :
(B)Pearl spot
(C )Mrigal

30.The average culture period of Indian Tiger shrimp is :
(A)3-4 Months
(B)One year
(C )6-8 Months
(D)8-10 Months

31.The function of a core trench in an earthen bund is :
(A)To act as walk able space
(B)To strengthen the bund
(C )To avoid direct contact with bund and water
(D)To facilitate netting operation

32.Which nation ranks first in world fish production ?
(C )China

33.‘WTite leg shrimp' is:
(A)Penaeus vannamei
(B)Penacus monodon
(C )Then us orientalis
(D)Fen new penaeus indicus

34.Most important contributor of cultured shrimp in India is :
(B)Andhra Pradesh
(C )Tamil Nadu
(D)West Bengal

35.The toxic component in Mahua oil cake is :
(C )EIdrin
(D)Cold fish


36.Scientific name of Green Mussel is :
(A) Pinctada fucata
(B) Verna indica
(C ) Pampus argentius
(D) Perna viridis

37.Which among the following is not a product extracted from sea weed ?
(A) Agar - agar 
(B) Carrageenan 
(C ) Alginic acid 

38. Fish is a good source of:
(A) Vitamin
(B) Mineral
(C ) Protein

39. The greenish colour of a pond water is an indication of:
(A) Plankton turbidity
(B) Clay turbidity
(C ) High acidity
(D) Oxygen depletion

40. Raft culture is commonly used for : 
(A) Shrimp
(B) Mussel
(C ) Crab

41. Name an elasmobranch fish :
(A) Sardine
(B) Platy
(C ) Anabas

42. Indian pearl oyster is ; 
(A) Perna indica 
(B)Pinctada fucata
(C ) Loligo duvauceli
(D)Crassostrea madrasensis

43. Name a shrimp that completes its life cycle in sea itself :
(A) Karikadi shrimp
(B) Giant tiger prawn
(C )Indian white prawn
(D) Giant freshwater prawn

44. The protozoa stage of shrimp feeds mainly on :
(A) Rotifer
(B) Artemia nauplii 
(C ) Diatom


45.The Cannibalism behaviour is shown by :
(A) Mrigal
(B)Milk fish
(C ) Giant freshwater prawn
(D) None of the above

46.Quick lime is :
(C )CaC03

47.Winkler's test is used for the determination of:
(A) Alkalinity 
(B) Dissolved Oxygen 
(C ) Hardness 
(D) Ammonia

48.A device used in spat collection of mussel is :
(C )Reef

49.'Brine shrimp' is :
(A) Metapenaeus monocems
(B) Rotifer
(C ) Moina
(D) Artemia

50.Viral disease in shrimp can be detected by :
(A) Widal lest
(B) ELISA Test
(C ) PCR Test
(D) None of the above

A fish which is known as 'Miss Kerala':
(A) Puntius sarana
(B)Puntius denisonii
(C ) Etroplus maculates
(D)Poecilia reticulata

An example for cephalopod is ;
(A) Seer fish 
(B) Ray
(C ) Crab

53.Select an anesthetic used in fish seed transportation :
(A) Permutit
(C ) Clinoptilolite
(D) Malachite green

54.The process of artificial recruitment in seas by fish seeds produced in hatcheries :
(A)Sea ranching
(B)Culture fishery
(C )Capturefishery 

55.Select the odd one from below :
(B)Snake head
(C )Magur

56.Identify a protozoan disease from below :
(C )Fin rot

57.Choose the wrong statement from below regarding Acid sulphate
(A)It is more suitable for brackish water culture.
(B)It is due to the formation of Pyrite in the soil.
(C )Its colour is pale yellow on top.
(D)Its pH is below 1.

58.Thefish which is known as poor man's fish :
(A)Indian mackerel
(B)Indian anchovy
(C )Indian oil sardine
(D)Sole fish

59.Thegonopodium in male Guppy is a :
(A)Modified anal fin
(B)Modified pelvic fin
(C )Modified pectoral fin
(D)None of these

60.Identify a predatory aquatic insect from below :
(C )Limnometra

61.Which among the following is not an institution functioning in the field of Aquaculture ?

62.Which culture practice in Aquaculture obtains high production ? (A) Extensive culture
(B) Semi intensive culture
(C ) Modified extensive culture
(D) Intensive culture

63.Identify a common weed fish in culture pond :
(A) Aplocheilus 
(B) Tilapia
(C ) Magur
(D) Pungasius

64.A parasite known as 'fish lice' is :
(A) Lernaea
(B) Argulus
(C ) Notonecta 
(D) Pseudomonas

65. An ideal depth for a rearing pond is :
(A) 2-3 m
(B)1.5-2 m
(C ) 0.5 -1 m
(D) Below 0.5 m

66. Expand FCR :
(A) Food Conversion Ratio (C ) Fat Conversion Rate
(B) Follicle Cell Ratio (D) Food Collection Rate

67. Select a floating aquatic weed from below :
(A) Nymphaea 
(B) Pistia
(C ) Hydrilla
(D) Marsilia

68. Find out the correct statement about Common carp :
(A) Bottom feeder
(B) Breeds in captivity
(C ) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

69. The desirable water pM for fish culture is :
(A) 4-6(B)7-9(C )9-11
(D) 5-7
70. Name a binder used in fish feed preparation :
(A) Fish meal
(B) Com oil
(C ) Soyabean cake
(D) Carboxymethyl cellulose

71.In penaeid shrimp a 'gravid spawner' means :
(A)A fully matured male shrimp
(B)A female with ripe ovary
(C )A female with ripe ovary and impregnation on Thelycum
(D)A female which undergone eye stalk ablation

72.The salinity tolerance limit of milk fish is :
(A) 0 - 40 ppt 
(B)20 - 30 ppt 
(C ) 10 - 20 ppt 
(D) 0 - 158 ppt

73.The eggs of common carp is :
(A) Non-adhesive 
(B) Opaque
(C ) Adhesive  
(D) Floating

74.Culture of Angel fish is an example for :
(A) Composite fish culture
(B)Intensive culture
(C ) Extensive culture
(D) Ornamental fish culture

75.Select the Euryhaline fish from below :
(A)Milk fish
(B)Silver carp
(C )Grass carp
(D)Gold fish

76.The term Pisciculture is related to :
(A)Crab culture
(B)Shrimp culture
(C )Fish culture
(D)Mussel culture

77.The component of brackish water farm which regulates water flow in pond is 
(C )Reservoir pond

78.The costliest ingredient used in fish feed is :
(C )Protein

79.pH 4 is considered as :
(A) Alkaline death point
(B) Acidic death point
(C ) Neutral pH
(D) Strong alkalinity

80.The pituitary gland of fish can be preserved by :
(A) Alcohol
(B) Aceton - dried 
(C ) Formalin . 
(D) Both (A) and (B)

81.Identify the robotic submarine deployed to solve the mystery of lost malaysian plain MI 1370.
(B)Hyxon 01
(C )Bluefin 21
(D)P - 3 Oreon

82.Who is the author of The accidental Prime Minister: the making and unmaking of Manmohan Singh ?
(A)Vikram Chandra'
(B)Kiran Desai
(C )Vijay Seshadri
(D)Sanjay Baru

83.The supreme court of India recognised them as the third category of sex and directed the government to work for their upliftment are :
(C )Lesbians

84.The General Assembly of the united Nations passed the UDHR on :
(A)10 December 1946
(B)10 December 1947
(C )10 December 1948
(D)10 December 1949

85.Bhoodan Movement in India was launched by :
(A) Acharya Vinoba Bhave
(B) Acharya Narendra Dev
(C )Jayaprakash Narayan
(D)Ram Manohar Lohya

86.The constitution of India Provides an Election Commission under Article :
(C )327

87.Who presides over the joint sitting of the two houses of the parliament ?
(A)President of India
(B)Vice President of India
(C )Chief Justice of India
(D)Speaker of Lok Sabha

88.Who was the Prime Minister of India when Mandal Commission was appointed to identify the creamy layer among backward classes ?
(A)Charan Singh
(C )Morarji Desai
(D)V. P. Singh

89.Central Drug Research Institute is located at :
(C )New Delhi

90.Which of the following is the currency of Ukraine ?
(A)Ukrainian Ruble
(B)Ukrainian Dollar
(C )Ukrainian Hryvnia
(D)Ukrainian Pound

91.Kerala observed the 80th anniversary of the following incident on 1 November 2011 :
(A)Temple Entry Proclamation batteries is :
(B)Nivarthana Agitation.
(C )Malabar Mutiny.

92.The flowering hormone of plants is :
(A) Florigen
(B) Ethylene
(C ) Cytokinins 
(D) Gibberllins

93.Which instrument is used to determine the boiling points of liquids ?
(C )Hygroscop

94.Lux is used to measure :
(A) Wavelength
(B) Astronomical distance
(C ) Intensity of illumination
(D) Magnetic flux

95.The acid commonly used in car
(A) Nitric Acid
(B)Sulphuric Acid
(C )Hydrochloric Acid
(D)Acetic Acid

96.The medicine used in the treatment of Tuberculosis is ;
(C )Anacin
(D) Tetracycline

97.Poliomyelitis is caused by :
(C )Fungus
(D) Protozoa

98.The place where Nana Saheb led the revolt of 1857 is :
(C )Faizabad
(D) Kanpur

99.Which of the following organization won the Nobel Prize for peace in 2012 ?
(C )EU

100."One Vision, One identity, One Community" is the motto of:

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