LABORATORY ASSISTANT - FACTORY - STATE FARMING kerala psc previous question paper


1.Which among the following set of quantum numbers is not allowed for the values of (n, 1, m, s) ?
(A)(2,1, 1, 2)
(B)(1,0,1, +1/2)
(C )(2, 1, 1, +1/2)
(D)(4, 3, -1, -1/2)

2.The effective nuclear charge in the electron in He atom is :
(C )1.15

3.The electron configuration of Fe2+ is :
(A) |Ar) 3d5 4s°
(B) (Ar| 3d6 4s°
(C ) (Arl) 3d4 4s2
(D) [Ar] 3d5 4s°

4.The radius ratio between 0.025 and 0.414 favours the coordination number of:
(C )6

5.sp3 hybridization results in________arrangement of hybrid orbitals.
(C )tetrahedral

6.The shape of NH3 is:
(C )tetrahedral

7.Ethene has___________sigmas bonds and____________pi bonds.
(A)1, 1
(B)4, 1
(C )6, 0
(D)5, 1

8.Which among the following is the artificial radioactive series ?
(A)Uranium Series
(B)Actinium Series
(C )Neptunium Series
(D)Thorium Series

9.The splitting of spectral lines in an electric field is called :
(A)Zeeman effect
(B) Photoelectric effect
(C ) Stark effect
(D) Thomson effect

10.Which among the following is paramagnetic ?
(C )O2'

11.Which among the following can form intramolecular hydrogen bonding ?
(A)benzoic acid 
(C )o-nitrophenol

12.Photoelectric effect demonstrates the____________nature of light.
(C )both particleandwave
(D)neither particle norwave

13.In a reversible reaction, the reaction rate of the backward reaction is :
(C )Zero
(D)Can be positive or negative

14.Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in presence of excess of water is a_________order reaction.
(C )pseudo first

15.The rate of a chemical reaction doubles for every 10°C rise in temperature. If the temperature is increased by 60°C, the rate of the reaction increases by about:
(A)10 times
(B)128 times
(C )32 times
(D)64 times

16.Quantum yield of the reaction 2HBr -> H2 + Br2 is :
(C )0.5

17.Kmission of light as a result of chemical reaction is :
(C )chemiluminescence

18.Substances which reduce the quantum yield of photochemical reactions are called :
(B)photo initiators 
(C )catalysis

19.Which of the following is a correct notation for an orbital with n = 4 and 1=2 ?
(C )4d

20.Na +is isoelectronicwith :
(C )Ca2+

21.Which of the following hybridizaton tends to give maximum electro negativity for an atom ? 
(A) sp2
(B) sp
(C ) sp3
(D) All have the same effect

22.Which of the following is a p-block element ?
(A) Rb
(B) Cs
(C ) Sr
(D) Sb

23.The hybridization of chlorine in CIF3 is :
(A) sp3
(B) sp3d
(C ) dsp3
(D) None of these

24.Which of the following is unstable according to M.O. theory ?
(A) He2
(B) C2
(C ) He2
(D) O2

25.A molecule having all the bond angels equal to 90° is :
(A) PCIr
(B) CH4
(C ) sf6
(D) BeCl2

26. The hybridization of carbon C02 is : 
(A) sp
(B) sp2
(C ) sp-
(D) sp3d

27.Which of the following and 14Si30 arc isotones ?
(C )16S31

28.The stable end product of Uranium scries is :
(C )82Pb207

29.Which of the following nuclide is a fissile material ?
(C )91Pa231

30.The nuclear fuel used in the Nagasaki Bomb was :
(B) ,4PuM9
(C ) 92jU235
(D) MU238

31.The electrochemical equivalent (z) of an element is related to its equivalent mass (E) by the equation :
(A) E = z
(B) E = 96500z
(C )Z-96500E
(D) z/E = 96500

32.The unit of molar conductance is :
(A) Ohm"1 cm mol"1
(B) Ohm”1 cm3 mol"1
(C ) Ohm"1 cm2 mol"1
(D) Ohm"1 cm”1 mol"1

33.Which of the following particles is the best projectile in bombardment reactions ?
(C )0n’

34.The isotope used for the treatment of Thyroid disorders is :
(C )I131

35.Which of the following is not a chelating ligand ?
(B) Ethylene diammine *
(C ) Oxalate 
(D) Ammonia

36.Vitamin B12 is a coordination compound of:
(A) Mg
(B) CO
(C ) Pe
(D) Zn

37.Inter system crossing is essential for : 
(A) Phosphorescence
(C ) Photosensitization
(D) Chemiluminescence

38.Smoke is an example of:
(A) an emulsion
(B) a gel
(C )a solid aerosol 
(D) a liquid aerosol
39.How many significant figures are present in the number 0.0038 ?
(C )2

40.A weighing balance is accurate to the nearest milligram. Which is the correct numerical representation for the weight of the substrate ?
(A)2.0 g
(B)2.00 g
(C )2.000 g
(D)2.0000 g

41.The term used to express precision :
(A)Standard deviation
(B)Relative error
(C )Molality

42.Closeness lo the measured value to the correct value is called as :
(C )Standardfactor

43.In the titration of NaOH against oxalic acid, the indicator used is :
(B)Methyl orange
(C )KMno4

44.The external indicator used in dichrometry titration is :
(A)Potassium ferrocyanide
(B)Potassium ferricyanide
(C )N-phenyl anthranilicacid

45.The unit for concentration which is independent of temperature :
(C )Normality

46.The substance used to prepare a solution of known concentration is :
(A) Primary standard 
(B) Indicator 
(C ) Buffer

47.Pick out the odd one :
(C )Phrenology

48.A hypothesis, if passes all challenging tests, is promoted to :
(A)Scientific hypothesis
(B)Null hypothesis
(C )Theory
(D)Auxiliary hypothesis

49.The best known scientific method is :
(C )Induction

50.Which of the following statements about radio activity is not correct ?
(A)It is a nuclear property
(B)It does not involve any rearrangement of electrons
(C )It is not affected by the presence of other elements
(D)The rate is affected by change of temperature or pressure

51.Radioactive disintegration differs from a chemical change in being :
(A)An exothermic change
(B)A spontaneous process
(C )A nuclear process
(D)A first order reaction

(A)Have greater ionizing power than alpha rays
(B)Possess greater penetrating power than gamma rays
(C )Are rejected when light falls on active metals
(D)Carry charge opposite in sign but equal in magnitude than a proton

53.Alpha rays consist of a stream of:
(A) H+
(B)He2 +
(C ) Only electrons
(D) Only neutrons

54.Unit of radioactivity :
(A) Rad
(B) Grey
(C ) Becqucrel
(D) Curie

55.When passing through a magnetic field, the largest deflection is experienced by :
(C )y-rays
(D)All equal

56.With the passage of time, the rate of radioactive disintegration :
(A) Increases
(C ) Remains same
(D) May increase or decrease

57.In the reaction 4Be9 + X ->5B9 + y, X is :
(C )Positron

58.Which of the following projectiles is the best for bombarding the articles ?
(C )deuterons

59.Which of the radioactive series has Bismuth as end product ?
(B)4n +1
(C )4n + 2
(D)4n + 3

60.The lowest lattice energy among the following crystals is :
(C )RbCI

61.The Bom exponent of Ag1 ion type is :
(C )9

62.The correct order of decreasing polarisibilily of the ions is :
(A) Cl, Br, F, I
(B) Cl, I, Br, F 
(C ) Br, F, 1, Cl 
(D) I, Br, Cl, F

63.Which of the following has the highest ionization energy ?
(A) Na —> Na 1 + e 
(B) Al-*AI4«-e 
(C ) Al * —> Al2 f + e 
(D) Al2+-*AI3*+e

64.The magnitude of lattice energy of a sclid increases if the ions are :
(A) Large
(B) Small
(C ) Equal size 
(D) No effect

65.Born-Haber cycle is used to determine 
(A) Electronegativity
(C ) Lattice energy
(D)All the above

66.Paracetamol is a :
(A) Hypnotic
(B) Anti pyretics 
(C ) Anti depressants
(D) Tranquillisers

67.The maximum electron capacity of any orbital is:
(A) 2
(C ) 8
(B) 3
(D) 6

68.Which among the following has the highest ionization energy ?
(A) Boron
(B) Carbon
(C ) Nitrogen
(D) Oxygen

69.The function of the atom bomb is based on :
(A) natural radioactivity
(B)nuclear fission and chain reactions
(C )spontaneous chemical reactions 
(D) nuclear fusion

70.With dilution, the molar conductance of an electrolytic solution :
(A) decreases
(B) increases
(C ) remains unchanged
(D) decreases or increases

71.Bauxite is an ore of :
(A) Copper
(B) Aluminium 
(C ) Zinc
(D) Titanium

72.The electron affinity of group 18 elements is :
(A) zero
(B) larger than halogens
(C ) larger than alkali metals
(D) larger in the period of elements

73.The most electronegative element is : 
(A) oxygen
(B) nitrogen
(C ) chlorine
(D) fluorine

74.The coordination number of cobalt in [co(en)2G2l+ is :
(A) 3
(C )5
(D) 6

75.Bom-Habcr cycle is used to calculate :
(A) refractive index 
(B) density
(C ) Value
(D) lattice energy

76.Sulphide ions are concentrated by :
(A) leaching
(B)froth floatation
(C ) liquation
(D) magnetic separation

77.Fructose is a :
(A) aldopentose 
(B) ketohexose 
(C ) aldohexose 
(D) ketopentose

78.Number of elements in the 4th' period of the periodic table is : 
(A) 8
(C ) 18
(D) 32

79.The most stable form of cyclohexane is :
(A) chair
(B) half chair
(C ) boat
(D) twist boat

80.Identify the spectra that corresponds to the frequency 690 cm"1 :
(A) Microwave 
(C ) IR
(D) UV

81.Which among the following state functions is an extensive property of the system ?
(C )viscosity
(D)refractive index

82.The photon of wavelength 400 nm corresponds to :
(A)20,000 cm’1
(B)25,000 cm-1 
(C )50,000 cm-1
(D)40,000 cm-1

83.The reagent used for the identification of nickel ion in qualitative analysis is :
(A)Potassium fenrocyanide
(D)Nessler's reagent

84.The shift of an absorption band to the longer wavelength region is called :
(A)blue shift
(B)red shift
(C )yellow shift
(D)none of these

85.The catalyst used for Friedal Crafts reaction is :
(A)Anhydrous A1C13
(C )FeCl3

86.The element with highest electron affinity among halogens is :
(C )Br

87.Boiling point of water is much higher than the expected value. This is due to__________
(A)Intra molecular hydrogen bonding
(B)Inter molecular hydrogen bonding
(C )Both (A) and (B)
(D)Covalent bonding

88.Conduction due to the direct flow of electrons is known as :
(A)ionic conduction
(B)electrolytic conduction
(C )electronic conduction
(D)molecular conduction

89.The quantum number "s' denotes :
(A) principal energy level
(B) degeneracy of orbitals
(C ) number of nodes
(D) spin orientation of an electron

90.The compounds H20 and H202 can be used to illustrate the law of :
(A)constant proportion
(B)reciprocal proportion
(C )multiple proportion
(D)gaseous volumes

91.The first transition series begins with :
(C )vanadium

92.A triangular arrangement of atoms arises due to :
(A)sp hybridization
(B)sp2 hybridisation
(C )sp3 hybridisation
(D)sp3d hybridization

93.The critical temperature Tc is related to Vanderwaal's constant by the relation :
(A)Tc = 3b
(C )Tc=8a/27Rb 
(D)Tc = 2b

94.Give the number of modes of vibrations possible for CO2 :
(C )3

95.The hydrolysis of sodium acetate results in a solution which is :
(C )neutral
(D)cannot predict

96.Ostwald dilution law is applicable to :
(A)weak electrolytes
(B)both weak and strong electrolytes
(C )strong electrolytes
(D)none of these

97.The potential of saturated calomel electrode at 25° C is :
(A)0 V
(B)0.3335 V
(C )0.2422 V
(D)1 V

98.NaCl belongs to the crystal system :
(C )monoclinic

99.IR spectra of solid samples are usually taken by mixing the sample with :
(C )KBr

100.Crystalline solids are characterised by :
(A) long range order
(B)sharp melting point
(C ) anisotropy
(D) all the above

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LABORATORY ASSISTANT - FACTORY - STATE FARMING kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 05-05-2017, 04:54 PM

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