LAB ATTENDER - HOMOEOPATHY-kerala psc previous question paper

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1.Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) has :
(A)Two isoenzyme forms(B)Four isoenzyme forms
(C )Five isoenzyme forms(D)Only one form

2.The internal diameter of Wintrobe's haematocrit tube is :
(A)1 mm(B)1.5 mm(C )2mm(D)2.5mm

3.The straw color of the normal urine is due to the pigment:
(C )Stercobilinogen(D)None of the above

4."Cob-Web" appearance in CSF is due to :
(A)Haemophilus influenza infection (B)Tuberculous meningitis
(C )Pneumococcal meningitis(D)Cryptococcal meningitis

5.Which among the following is coagulase negative ?
(A)Staph. Haemolyticus(B)Staph. Epidermidis
(C )Staph. Saprophyticus(D)All the above

6.Normal albumin to globulin ratio is :
(C ) 3:1(D) 2:1

7.Gerhardt's test in urine is done to detect:
(A)Bilirubin(B)Bile pigment
(C ) Ketone bodies (D) Urobilinogen

8.Gravindex test is used to detect:
(A)Specificgravity (B)Icteric index
(C ) Red cell index (D) Pregnancy

9.Elek's gel precipitation test is used to detect:
(A)Escherichia coli(B)Corynebacterium diphtheriae
(C )Staph, aureus(D)Bacillus anthracis

10.The oxygon binding capacity of one gram of haemoglobin is :
(A)2.28 ml(B)1.34 ml
(C ) 0.82 ml (D)100ml

11.Drabkin's solution is used for estimation of: 
(A) Platelet count (B) RBC count
(C ) WBC count(D) Haemoglobin

12.Psychrophilic bacteria grows :
(A) Between 25oC and 40°C (C ) Below 20oC
(B)Between 55oC and 80oC (D) At 37°C

13.1 lbAlc is used for:
(A) Blood glucose assessment (C ) Blood grouping
(B) Foetal Hb estimation (D) None of the above

14.The main sugar in semen is :
(A) Lactose(B) Sucrose
(C ) Glucose(D) Fructose

15.In bacterial meningitis CSF chloride level is :
(A) Not changing(B) Decreasing
(C ) Increasing(D) Suddenly increasing

16.Storage period of blood in ACD solution is :
(A) 7-14 days (B)28-35 days (C )10 days(D) 21 days

17.Coagulation temperature of Bence Jone's protein is :
(A) 30oC - 40°C(B)40°C - 60CC (C ) 60°C - 80°C(D) 80°C - 90°C

18.Which among the following is used for cultivating anaerobic organism ?
(A)Sabauraud's Dextrose agar
(B)Lowenstein - Jensen medium
(C )Robertson's cooked meal medium
(D)All the above

19.In a minor cross-matching, mixing is done between :
(A)Donor's cell with patient's serum (B)Patient's withDonor's serum
(C )Both(D)None

20.Normal value of total bilirubin in scrum is :
(A)0.2 - 2 mg/dL(B)0.2 - 1.0 mg/dL (C )1-2 mg/dl.(D)2 - 2.5 mg/dl.

21.In filarial worm's life cycle, the intermediate host is :
(C )Cyclops(D)None of the above

22.Anti-AB antiserum is color code pink due to :
(A)Eosin(B)Malachite green (C )Methylene blue(D)Acriflavine

23.Normal HDL level in serum is :
(A)> 150 mg/dl.
(C )< 40 mg/dL-
(B)> 40 mg/dL
(D) None of the above

24.ASO titre is done for the diagnosis of :
(A) Staphylococcus aureus infection (C ) Salmonella typhi infection
(B) Streptococcus pyogen infection (D) Shigella flexneri infection

25.Rotary microtome was discovered by :
(A) William Harvey (C ) Denis
(B) Minot
(D) None of the above

26.Which among the following is used for estimation of scrum cholesterol ?
(A)Liebermann - Burhcard(B)Zimmermann reaction
(C )Salkowsky's reaction(D)All the above

27.Which among the following bacteria shows cuneiform arrangement in smears ?
(A)Streptococcus pneumonia(B)Coryne bacterium diphtheriae
(C )Vibriocholera(D)Staphylococcus aureus

28.In blood banks, platelet concentrate is stored at:
(A)-20oC(B)37°C(C ) 22oC (D) 2 oC-6 o C

29.Which among the following is a non-reducing sugar ?
(A)Maltose(B)Fructose(C )Lactose(D)Sucrose

30.Hansen's disease is caused by :
(A)Corynebacterium diphtheriae(B) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(C ) Mycobacterium leprae(D) Haemophilus influenzae

31.Resolving power of electron microscope is :
(A)10 microns(B)0.1 microns(C )0.1 nm(D)10 nm

32.Hypokalemia is :
(A)Decreased plasma calcium concn.
(B)Decreased plasma sodium concn. 
(C ) Decreased plasma potassium concn. (D) Increased plasma calcium concn.

33.The polypeptide chain composition of HbA is:
(A) a2 β2 chain
(C )a2 y2 chain
(B) a2 b2 chain (D) None of the above

34.Blood group AB was discovered by : 
(A) Karl Landsteiner (C ) Levine and Stetson
(B) Landsteiner and Weiner (D) Decastello and Sturli

35.Esbach's reagent consists of citric acid, water and :
(A) Formic acid (B) Picric acid (C ) Acetic acid (D) Lactic acid

36.Transportation medium used for samples containing Vibriocholera is :
(A)Alkaline peptone water
(B)Cary-Blair medium
(C )Venkataraman Ramakrishnan medium (VR medium)
(D)All the above

37.Dithionate method is used for detecting :
(A) LE cell(B) Sickle cell(C ) Target cell (D)spherocytes

38.Normal urea clearance value is :
(A) 15-40 ml/min(B) 60 - 95 ml/min
(C ) 120 - 125 ml/min(D) None of the above

39. The quick method of staining malarial parasite in thick film is : 
(A) Leishman's stain(B) Giemsa stain
(C ) Wright's stain(D) Field's stain

40. Lee and White venepuncture method is used to measure :
(A) Prothrombin time(B) Clotting time
(C ) Bleeding time(D) Clot retraction time

41.Glucose oxidase enzyme oxidizes glucose to gluconic acid and :
(A) CO2(B)H20(C )H202(D)HCO3

42.Transmission of chicken-pox is through :
(A) Oro-faecal route(B)Respiratory tract
(C ) Uro-genital tract(D) None of the above

43. Osmotic fragility is decreased in : 
(A) Sickle cell anaemia (C ) Iron deficiency anaemia
(B) Thalassaemia major (D) All the above

44. Hemosiderin is derived from:
(A) Bilirubin(B) Haemoglobin (C ) Haemozoin (D)Lipofuscin

45. Which among the following is neutralisation test ?
(A) CRP test(B) VDRL test (C ) Widal test (D)Schick test

46.Molecular weight of NaCl is 58.5.How will you prepare 0.1 M solution of NaCl in water ?
(A)By dissolving 5.85 mg/L water(B)By dissolving 5.85 gm/100 mL water
(C ) By dissolving 58.5 gm/L water(D) By dissolving 5.85 gm/L water

47.Cysticercus bovis is the larva of :
(A)Taenia saginata(B) Echinococcus granulosus
(C ) Taenia solium(D) Dracunculus medinensis

48.Which among the following is a donor reaction ?
(A)Haemolytic reaction(B)Haemosiderosis
(C ) Anaphylactic reaction(D) None of the above

49.Which among the following is a copper-containing protein ?
(A) Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein(B) Ceruloplasmin
(C ) Haptoglobin(D) C-reactive protein

50.Which among the following is true in prozone phenomenon ?
(A)The antigen is in excess
(B)The antibody is in excess
(C )Antigen and antibody is at optimum concentration
(D)None of the above

51.Sequestrene is the commercial name of :
(A) EDTA(B) Heparin(C ) ACD
(D) Double oxalate

52.Mumps virus comes under the family :
(A) Paramyxoviridae(B) Orthomyxoviridae
(C ) Rioviridae(D) Retroviridae

53.The smallest cell in peripheral blood film is :
(A) RBC(B) Small lymphocyte
(C ) Platelet(D) Neutrophil

54.Hay's lest in urine is done to detect the presence of:
(A)Blood(B)Bile salt(C )Bile pigment(D)Urobilinogen

55.Which among the following is secretory immunoglobulin ?
(A)IgE(B)IgA(C )IgM(D)IgC;

56.For preparing double oxalate mixture, the ammonium oxalate and potassium oxalate are used in the ratio :
(A) 2:3(B)1 :3(C ) 3 : 1(D) 3 : 2

57.Which among the following is not an ingredient of Hanglemann's fluid ?
(A) 95% phenol(B) 40% formaldehyde
(C ) Trisodium citrate(D) Eosin yellow

58.The gauge of needle used for venous blood collection in adults is :
(A) 25 G(B)16 G(C )22 G(D) 18 G

59.Sulphuric acid concentration needed to stain M.tuberculosis is :
(A) 25%(B)20%(C ) 5%(D)1 %

60.Mean cell haemoglobin normal value is :
(A) 32 - 38 picograms(B) 27% - 32%
(C ) 36% - 42%(D) 27 - 32 picograms

61.Normal renal threshold value is : 
(A)150 - 160 mg%
(C ) 200 - 220 mg%
(B)180 - 200 mg%
(D) None of the above

62.Father of Microbiology is : 
(A) Edward Jenner (C ) Robert Koch
(B)Anton Van Leeuwenhock (D) Louis Pasteur

63.The anticoagulant of choice for osmoticfragility test is:
(A) Double oxalate (B) EDTA(C ) Heparin(D) Sodium citrate

64.The normal value of S.creatinine is :
(A) 0.2 - 0.6 mg% (C )1.4-2 mg%
(B)0.6 - 1.2 mg%
(D)None of the above

65.Malignant tertian malaria is caused by :
(A)Pl.vivax(B) Pl. falciparum (C ) Pl. malariae (D) PI.ovale

66.The genes of the Rh system are located in :
(A)Chromosome 1 (B) Chromosome 8 (C ) Chromosome 9 (D) Chromosome 10

67.Which among the following is a simple lipid ?
(A) Fat
(B)Phospholipid (C ) Lipoproteins (D) Glycolipid

68.Obligate aerobe can grow :
(A)Only in the presence of oxygen
(B)Only in the absence of oxygen
(C )Both in the presence or absence of oxygen
(D)Only in the presence of carbon dioxide

69.Zeta sedimentation method is used for measuring :
(A)Packed cell volume(B)Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(C )Mean cell volume(D)None of the above

70.The term pH represents :
(A) Log of hydroxyl ion concentration
(B)Log of hydrogen ion concentration
(C ) Negative log of hydroxyl ion concentration
(D)Negative log of hydrogen ion concentration

71.Which among the following is a spirochaete ?
(A)Vibrio cholerae(B)Treponema pallidum
(C )Actinomycetes israelii(D)Haemophilus influenzae

72.Diazo reagent is used in :
(A) Berthelot method (C ) Biuret method
(B)BCG method
(D)None of the above

73.Hydatid disease is caused by :
(A) Enterobius vermiculans
(C )Entamoeba histolytica
(B)Ascaris lumbricoides
(D)Echinococcus granulosus

74.Which among the following chemicals is used for occult blood test ?
(A)Benedict's reagent(B)Seliwanoff's reagent
(C )Gum guaiacum(D)None of the above

75.The working of a spectrophotometer is based on :
(A)Newton's law(B)Beer-Lambert's law
(C )Mendelian's law(D)None of the above

76.Inspissation method is used for sterilizing :
(A)Robertson's cooked meat medium
(B)Cary Blair's medium
(C )Nutrient agar medium
(D)Lowenstein - Jensens media

77.During section cutting the thickness gauge of microtome is adjusted to :
(A) 1-2 pm(B)1-2 mm(C ) 4-5 pm(D)4-5 mm

78.The refractive index of DPX mountant is :
(A) 1(B)1.2(C )1.4(D)1.52

79.African sleeping sickness is caused by :
(A)Leishmania donovani(B)Trypanosoma brucei
(C )Trypanosoma cruzie(D)Schistosoma haematobium

80.Barr body demonstration can bo done by :
(A)Field's stain(B)PAS stain
(C )Van gieson's stain(D)Shorr's stain

81.The Satyagraha held in Kerala after Independence against untouchability was :
(A)Vaikom Satyagraha(B)Guruvayur Satyagraha
(C )Paliyum Satyagraha(D)Payyannur Satyagraha

82.In 1915, Mahatma Gandhi founded an ashram on the banks of river Sabarmati. It was known as :
(A)Satyagraha Ashram(B)Sabarmati Ashram
(C )Harijan Ashram(D)Swaraj Ashram

83.Of the four events mentioned below, which was the last to take place ?
(A)The Cripps Mission(B)The Simon Commission
(C )Cabinet Mission Plan(D)Wavel Plan

84.Among the reformers, who worked for the reformation of Nair Society ?
(A)Chattampi Swamikal(B)Vaghbadananda
(C )Swami Vivekananda(D)Mannath Padmanabhan

85.'Moksha Pradeepam' is the work of :
(A)Vaghbadananda(B)Brahmananda Sivayogi
(C )Vaikunda Swami(D)Sree Narayana Guru

86.Gandhi's ideas on 'Sarvodaya and Basic Education' were derived from :
(A) Tolstoy(B) Vivekananda (C ) Ruskin(D) Thoreau

87.Who played an important role in bringing the Congress and League together in Lucknow Session of 1916 ?
(A)Sir Syed Ahmed Khan(B)Mahatma Gandhi
(C )Bal Gangadhar Tilak(D)Bipin Chandra Pal

88.The first session of Sree Narayana Dharma Panipalana Yogam was held at:
(A)Varkala(B)Paravoor(C )Mayyanatt(D)Aruvippuram

89.Main centre of Civil-Disobedience Movement in Kerala was :
(A)Payyannur(B)Kozhikode(C )Mancheri(D)Mannadi

90.Who signed 'Poona Pact' with Gandhiji ?
(A)Jawaharlal Nehru(B)Subhash Chandra Bose
(C )B.R. Ambedkar(D)Vallabhbhai Patel

91.Which leading political party sided British Government during the Quit India Movement ?
(A) Labour Party(B) Communist Party of India
(C )Muslim League(D)Worker's Union

92.Who was the founder of Khudai Khidmatgar's or 'Servants of Cod' ?
(A)Muhammed Iqbal(B)Annie Besant
(C ) Rajguru(D) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

93.Subhash Chandra Bose was re-elected the President of the Congress at the Tripuri session in 1939, by defeating :
(A)Pattambhi Sitaramayya(B)Jawaharlal Nehru
(C )Mahatma Gandhi(D)Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

94.Who was known as the 'father of Renaissance in Kerala' ?
(A)Ayyankali(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Vaikunda Swami(D)Vaghbadananda

95.Dyarchy was introduced in province on the basis of:
(A)The Council Act of 1919(B)The Council Act of1909
(C )The Council Act of 1892(D)The Council Act of1935

96.Which incident lead to the formation of 'Swaraj Party' ?
(A)Rowlatt Act
(B)Sudden withdrawal of Non-Cooperation movement
(C )Partition of Bengal
(D)Withdrawal of Civil-Disobedience Movement

97.The immediate cause which lead to the launching of Non-Cooperation Movement was the :
(A)Dissatisfaction with the Government Act of 1919
(B)Rowlatt Act
(C )Lucknow Pact
(D)Partition of Bengal

98.The ideological difference within the Congress lead its split at:
(A) Lucknow session(B) Surat session
(C ) Lahore session(D) Nagpur session

99.First woman president of 'Indian National Congress' was :
(A)Lakshmi Pandit(B)Rani Guidlieu
(C )Sarojini Naidu(D)Annie Besant

100.Themethod adopted by the Moderates against British Government was :
(A)Boycott and Swadeshi(B)Petition and Pray
(C )Satyagraha(D)Non-CooperationNon-Cooperation Movement

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LAB ATTENDER - HOMOEOPATHY-kerala psc previous question paper - by anusree - 22-04-2017, 10:54 AM

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