JUNIOR SCIENTIFIC OFFICER - HEALTH SERVICES kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum: 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Autoanalysers in clinical laboratories employ :
(A) Kinetic analysis
(B)End-point analysis
(C ) Qualitative analysis
(D)None of the above

2.The property of emission spectroscopy is employed in :
(A) Fluorimeter
(B)Photoelectric colorimeter
(C ) Spectrophotometer
(D)Flame photometer

3.Normal range of specific gravity of urine :
(A) 1.000-1.020
(C ) 0.510-0.910

4.Van den Bergh reaction is used for the analysis of:
(A) Bilirubin
(C ) Transaminase

5.One letter code for an aminoacid that is optically inactive is :
(A) G
(B)S ,
(C ) A

6.Kary Mullis got Nobel Prize or his invention of:
(A) Autoanalyzer
(B)DNA sequencer
(C ) PCR

7.The term heterochromatin refers to :
(A) Transcribing chromatin
(B)Active chromatin
(C ) Histone bound chromatin
(D)Inactive chromatin

8.In RIA the factor that is present in limiting quantitiesis:
(A) Labelled antigen
(C ) Antibody
(D)None of the above

9.PAS stain is used in electrophoresis or the detection of:
(B) Glycoproteins
(C ) RNA
(D) Lipoproteins

10.A unit of radioactivity is : 
(A) Curie (C ) Gray
(B) Becquerel (D) AH of the above

11.Catecholamine hormones bind to receptors present in :
(A) Nuclear membrane
(C ) Intracellular compartments
(D) Plasma membrane

12.Statins used for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia exhibit:
(A) Competitive inhibition
(B) Uncompetitive inhibition
(C ) Non-competitive inhibition
(D) None of the above

13.The role of sugar nucleotides in biosynthesis of glycogen was discovered by : 
(A) Frederick Sanger
(B) Albert Lehninger
(C ). Luis Leloir
(D) Carl Cori

14.2-amino, 6-oxo purine is : 
(A) Guanine (C ) Thymine
(B) Adenine (D) Cytosine

15.If an enzyme is having high affinity for its substrate, it denotes :
(A) High Km value
(B) Low Km value
(C ) Moderate Km value
(D) Km = 0

16.The technique used for preparing a DNA microarray :
(A) DNA sequencing
(B) Caligraphy
(C ) Photolithography .
(D) Freeze etching

17.---------------is not an inhibitor of electron transport chain.
(A) Streptomycin
(B) AntimycinA
(C ) Cyanide
(D) Picricidin A

18. A plasma protein that hinds haemoglobin :
(A) Albumin
(C ) HaptoglobinNone of the above

19.. The concentration of a suspension of microorganisms can be measured using
(A) Turhidimoter
(C ) Colorimeter

20.The least dense lipoproteins are :
(C ) Chylomicrons

21.Progesterone levels peaks during :
(A) Luteal Phase
(B)Menstrual phase
(C ) Follicular phase
(D)None of the above

22.The immunoglohin present in secretions :
(A) Ig G
(C ) Ig M
(D)Ig A

23.The coenzyme of pyruvate carboxylase is :
(A) Biotin
(C ) Coenzyme A

24.Caffeine acts by inhibiting the action of:
(A) Phosphatase
(C ) Protein Kinase

25.An example of a vasodialator is :
(A) Sodium hydroxide
(C ) Nitric Oxide
(D)Sodium chloride

26.Growth hormone is produced by :
(A) Posterior Pituitary
(C ) Anterior pituitary
(D)Thyroid gland

27.A gene that has got nitrons in it :
(B)p -adrenergicreceptor
(C )Histone

28.A non-ionic media used for density’ gradient centrifugation :
(A)Sodium Bromide
(B)Caesium Chloride
(C )Caesium Sulphate

29.- When blood sample has to be collected simultaneously or glucose and urea analysis, the preferred anticoagulant is:
(A) Sodium fluoride

30.The standard free energy change for ATP hydrolysis to ADP and Pi is :
(A) -30.5 kJ/mol
(B)-45.6 kJ/mol
(C ) -10.9 kJ/mol
(D)-61.9 kJ/mol

31.Reynolds-Braude phenomenon is seen in :
(A) Candida albicans
(B)Candida tropicalis
(C ) Histoplasma

32.Epidermophyron effects :
(A) skin and nail
(B)skin and hair
(C ) hair and nail
(D)skin, hair and nail

33.Reservoir of Leptospira :
(A) cat
(C ) rat

34.Medium for growth of anaerobic bacteria :
(A) Blood agar
(B)LJ medium
(C ) RCM
(D)Mac Conkey Agar medium

35.Flame cells are seen in :
(A) protozoa
(C ) nematode

36.Chaga's disease is caused by :
(A) Trypanosoma cruzi
(B)Trypanosoma brucei
(C ) Trypanosoma gambiense
(D)Trypanosoma rhodesiense

37.Schuffners dot is seen in :
(A) Plasmodium vivax
(B)Plasmodium falciparum
(C ) Plasmodium ovale
(D)Plasmodium malariae

38.Holding period of autoclave is :
(A) 150°C for 15 mts at 15 lbs
(B)100°C for 1 hr
(C ) 121 °C for 15 mts at. 15 lbs
(D)1G1°C for 30 mts

39.Endotracheal tubes are best sterilised by :
(A) Ethylene oxide
(C ) Mercuric chloride
(D)Ethyl alcohol

40.Blood agar is an example of:
(A) Enrichment media
(B)Indicator media
(C ) Differential media
(D)Enriched media

41. The transfer of a portion of the DNA from bacterium to another by a bacteriophage is known
(C )lysogenic conversion

42.Who coined the term vaccine?
(A)Robert Koch
(B)Alexander Fleming
(C )Louis Pasteur

43.When flagella is arranged all around the cell it is called :
(C )Peritrichous

44.Melioidosis is caused by :
(A) Burkholderia pseudomallei
(B) Burkholderia mallei
(C )Burkholderia cepacia
(D) Stenotrophomonas maltophila

45.Which is a DNA virus?
(A) Polio virus 
(B) Hepatitis A virus
(C ) Influenza virus
(D) Hepatitis B virus
46.“Fried Egg” appearance is a characteristic feature of :
(A) Brucella
(B) Spirochetes
(C ) Mycoplasma
(D) Chlamydiae

47.Coagulase enzyme is produced by :
(A) Staphylococcus 
(B) Strochetes 
(C ) Pneumococcus
(D) None of the above

48.Gas gangrene is produced by :
(A) Clostridium telani 
(B) Clostridium perfringens
(C ) Clostridium Botulinum
(D) Clostridium difficile

49.Regarding fungal cell wall all are true except:
(A) contains chitin 
(B) prevent osmotic damage
(C ) azole’s act on them
(D) doeA not contain peptidoglycan

50.Which among of these is not an oncogenic virus?
(A) Human papilloma virus
(B) Hpstein-Barr virus
(C ) Hepatitis A virus.
(D) Herpes simplex virus Type I and II

51.Whey agglutination test is done for 
(A) Tubercle bacillus 
(B) Brucella
(C ) E. Coli
(D) Campylo bacter jejuni

52.Gram variable bacteria is seen in which phase of growth curve :
(A) Lag phase
(B) Log phase
(C ) Stationary phase
(D) Phase of decline

53.“Traveller's diarrhea” is caused by :
(A)Entero pathogenic E. Coli
(B) Entero invasive $. Coli
(C ) Entero hemorrhagic E. Coli
(D) Entero Toxigenic E. Coli

54. Immunoglobulin which crosses the placenta normally :
(B) IgA
(C ) Ig M
(D) Ig D

55.'The following are acid fast organisms except : 
(A) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (C ) Cryptosporidium
(B) Nocardia   (D) Cryptococcus

56.Criteria for diagnosis for acute leukemia is : 
(A)15% blasts
(C )30% blasts
(B)20% blasts
(D)50% blasts

57.Plasma trapping is seen during estimation of: 
(B) Hemoglobin
(C ) Osmotic fragility
(D) Hematocrit

58.Light scatter and impedance counting are the basic principles of:
(B)Fluorescent insitu hybridisation
(C )Flow cytometry
(D)Polymerase chain reaction

59.Heparin is used in estimation of:
(A) Blood group
(B) Osmotic fragility
(C ) ESR
(D) Hematocrit

60.The antibody specific for Systemic lupus erythematosis is :
(B) Anti Ro
(C ) Anti ds DNA
(D) Anti mitochondrial

61. Fixed specific gravity of 1.010 is called :
(A) Hypoestheriuria
(C ) Normoesthenuria

62.Specific test for glycosuria is :
(A) Bial’s test
(B)Glucose oxidase test
(C ) Benedict’s test
(D)Seliwanoffs test

63.Microtome useful for taking full mount sections is :
(A) Base sledge
(C ) Rocking

64.Which of the following is a neutrophil inclusion?
(A) Cabot ring
(B)Heinz body
(C ) Dohle body
(D)Pappenheimer body

65.The percentage of formaldehyde in concentrated formalin is :
(A) 40%
(C ) 33%

66.Pattern of staining of her 2 neu is :
(A) Cytoplasmic
(C ) Nuclear

67.Which special stain requires thick sections?
(A) Periodic acid schiffs
(B)Van Gieson
(C ) Reticulin

68.Which is a clearing agent?
(A) Alcohol
(C ) Acetone

69.Fixative for sputum is :
(A) Bouin’s
(C ) Carbowax

70.Nuclear details of cells are better seen with which stain :
(B) Ciemsa
(C ) Leishmann
(D) Fields

71. The agent used for both fixation and decalcification is :
(A) Formic acid 
(B)Trichloroacetic acid
(C ) Sulphuric acid
(D) Nitric acid

72.Dczinkerization means removal of:
(A) wax
(B)formalin pigment alcohol
(C ) mercury pigment

73.Which is a proliferation marker?
(A) Oytokeratin 
(C ) p53

74.All are used in electron microscopy except:
(A) Glutaraldehyde 
(B)Epoxy resin
(C )Osmium tetroxide
75. Positive staining with Sudan Black B indicates-----------origin.
(A) Lymphoid
(B) Erythroid
(C ) Myeloid
(D) Monocytic

76. Technique useful for CNS lesions is 
(A) Imprint 
(B) Squash
(C ) Frozen section
(D) Cell block

77. High Performance Liquid Chromatography is useful in diagnosing :
(A)Sickle cell anemia
(B)Hereditary Spherocytosis
(C )Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
(D)G6PD deficiency

78.Factors missing in Aged plasma :
(A)V & VII (C ) 111 & VII
(B) 1 & V (D) v & VIII

79.Which test is positive in normal urine?
(A) Fouchet’s 
(B) Hay's
(C ) Ehrlich .
(D) Benzidine

80.Karyotype in Kline filter' syndrome is :
(B) 47XXY
(C ) 46XY
(D) 47XXX

81.Who among the following Social reformer earlier known as ‘Muthukutty’?
(A) Dayananda Saraswathi
(B) Ayya vaikunder
(C ) Pandit Karuppan
(D) E.V. Ramaswami Naicker

82.The daily known as ‘Atmavidyakahalam' is started by :
(B)C. P. Rama Nayar
(C )P. Raghavan
(D)T.V. Ananda

83.SNDP Yogam came into existence on :
(A)May 15, 1901
(B)May 15, 1902
(C )May 15, 1903
(D)May 15, 1904

84.Who among the following social reformer founded ‘Sidhasramam’ at Alathur in Palakkad District?
(A) Brahmananda Sivayogi
(B) Vaikunda swami
(C ) Vagbhatananda
(D) Chattampi swamikal

85.in which year Ayvankali founded ‘Sadhu .Jana Pnripalana Yogam’: 
(A) 1904
(B) 1905
(C ) 1906
(D) 1907

86.The Second Ezhava Memorial presented by the Kzhava community to whom? (A) Lord Elgin
(B) Lord Min to
(C ) Lord Curzon
(D)Lord Landsdowne

87.The Planning commission Chairman who resigned recently
(A)R.K. Chaiurvedi
(B)Mihir Shah
(C )Narendra Jadhav
(D)Montek Singh Abluwalia.

88.Who won the Men’s Italian Tennis Open 201 1, held in Rome?
(A)Novak. Djokovic
(B)Nadal, Rafael
(C )Wawrinka. Stan
(D)Roger. Federer

89.Padma Vibhushan Award Winner 2014, Dr. Raghunath A Mashelkar belonged in the State of:
(A) Gujarat (C ) Maharashtra
(B)Madhya Pradesh (D) Rajasthan

90.The Revolt of 1857 was described as the ‘First War of Independence by :
(A)V.D. Savarkar
(B)S.N. Sen
(C )R.C. Majumdar
(D)Bal Gangadhar Tilak

91. The freedom fighter who raised the slogans. “Jai Hind and “Delhi Chalo” :
(A) Arobindo Gosh
(B) Subash Chandra Bose
(C )Gandhiji
(D)Rhagat Singh

92.The ‘Reforms’ which introduced ‘Separate Electorate System’ for the Muslims :
(A)Montague Chelmsford Reforms inl919
(B)The Reforms of 1935
(C )Minto- Morlcy Reforms in 1909
(D)None of these

93.Non Co Operation Movement was launched in connection with :
(A) Lucknow Pact
(B) Homo Rule Teague
(C )Khilafat Issue
(D)Rowlatt Act

94.Which one of the session of Indian National Congress passed the historic resolution ‘Poorna Swaraj’?
(A) Lucknow Session
(B) Kanpur Session
(C ) Culcutta Session
(D) Lahore Session

95.Who among the following person attended the Three Hound Table Conferences, held in London?
(A) B.R. Ambedker 
(C ) N.M. Joshi
(D)C.Y. Chintamani

96.Gandhiji started Salt Sathyagrahn from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi on :
(A)March 10, 1930
(B)March 11, 1930
(C )March 12, 1930
(D)March 13, 1930

97.Who among the following called the Father of Indian Economics’ and ‘Politics'?
(A)R.C. Dutt
(B)Jawaharlal Nehru
(C )Dadabhai Naoroji
(D)Gopala KrishnaGokhale

98.Who is considered as the ‘National Teacher of India’ and the ‘Spiritual Successor of Gandhiji’?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B)Brahma Dutt
(C ) Lai Bahadur Shastri
(D)Acharya Vinoba Bhave

The last Viceroy of British India :
(A) Lord Mountbatten
(B)Lord Wavell
(C ) Lord Linlithgow
(D)C. Rajagopalachari

100. Which one of the following texts was not. written by Annie Besant?
(A)Study in Consciousness
(B)The Arctic Home in the Vedas
(C )The Ancient Wisdom
(D)My Path of Atheism

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