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1. Which one of the following fire extinguisher is suitable for electrical fire?
(A) Halon(B)WaterWater
(C ) Foam(D)Liquefied chemicalLiquefied chemical

2.The least count of steel rule is :
(A) 1 mm(B)0.5mm0.5 mm
(C ) 1 cm(D)0.1 mm

3.Rawl plug tool and bit is used for :
(A) Making holes in wood
(B) Making piolet holes in wood
(C ) Making holes in metal sheets
(D) Making holes in bricks and concrete wall

4.In an atom the number of proton is :
(A) Equal to the number of electrons(B)Equal to the neutronEqual to the neutron
(C ) Equal to the nucleus(D)Equal to zeroEqual to zero

5.The flow’ of electrons is called :
(A) Current(B)VoltageVoltage
(C ) Resistance(D)Inductance

6.The value of one mega ohm is:
(A) 103 Ω(B)10-6 Ω
(C ) 106Ω(D)10-3 Ω

7.Which of the following equation is correct according to Ohm’s law?
(A) R=I/V(B)R=V/IR=V/I
(C ) I=R/V(D)V=R/I

8.Which meter is used to measure the power?
(A)Power factor meter(B) Ammeter
(C ) Watt meter(D) Multimeter

9.In a parallel circuit the total resistance is :
(A)The sum of individual resistances
(B)Equal to highest resistance value
(C )More than the smallest resistance
(D)Less than the smallest resistance of the combination

10.If the area of cross section of a wire with a given length is doubled it’s resistance will:
(A)Be doubled(B)Be halved
(C )Remain same(D)Be four timesmore

11.Heat developed in a conductor is proportional to the:
(A)Square of the power(B)Square of thetime
(C )Square of the current(D)Square of theresistance

12.Which of the following has negative temperature coefficient of resistance?
(C )Gold(D)Carbon

13.A substance that has low retentivity cannot be used for the manufacturer of: (A) Electro magnet(B) Permanent magnet
(C ) Temporary magnet(D) Paramagnets

14.The initial function of a choke in a tube light circuit is to:
(A)Limit the starting current(B)Heatupthe filament
(C )Induce high voltage(D)Keepthevoltagesame

15.Which one of the following is unit of inductance?
(C )Ohm(D)Kwh

16.The formulae for Calculating power in R-L circuit is:
(A) V x 1(B)12Z
(C ) V1 Cosθ(D) V1 Sinθ

17. If the frequency changes from 50Hz to 100Hz keeping voltage constant, the inductive reactance of the coil connected to supply :
(A) remains same(B) become doubled
(C ) become half
(D) become four times

18. In a capacitive AC circuit the :
(A) Current leads the voltage (C ) Current and voltage in phase
(B) Voltage leads current (D) Current lags voltage

19.The power factor of an AC circuit is given by : (A) Cosine of the phase angle
(C ) The ratio of R/X
(B) Tangent of the phase angle (D) The ratio of

20. The capacity of a cell is measured in (A) Watt-hour (C ) Amperes
(B) Watts (D) Ampere-hour

21. In a 3 phase star connected balanced load, the current in the neutral wire is : (A) 21ph(B) 31L
(C ) Zero(D) 1L

22.In a 3 phase Delta connected circuit:
(A)The line voltage is equal to phase voltage
(B)The line voltage is equal to V3 phase voltage
(C )The line voltage is equal to ^aseJ^iaSe
(D)The line voltage is equal to zero

23.The meter installed at your house to measure electrical energy is an example of:
(A)Indicating type instrument
(B)Recording type instrument
(C )Indicating as well as recording type instrument
(D)Integrating type instrument

24. Dynamo meter type instruments are used to measure :
(A) Only AC quantities(B) Both AC and DC
(C ) DC only(D) AC only

25.The unit of commercial electrical energy is measured in:
(C )KWH(D)Volt ampere

26.When the disc of an energy meter is rotating even without connecting any load, the error is called?
(A)Creeping error(B)Phase error
(C )Friction error(D)Temperatureerror

27.An electrical circuit that has infinity resistance shown in megger is called a circuit.
(A) an open(B) short
(C ) a ground
(D) closed

28.For pipe earthing the minimum internal diameter of galvanized iron or steel pipe required is (A)12.5mm(B)16 mm
(C )18 mm(D)38 mm

29.The heat proof insulating material used for heater base is :
(C )Asbestos(D)Glass wool

30.The thermostat in an automatic electric iron will:
(A)Reduce the current to control temperature
(B)Change the current flow through element
(C )Regulate the heat by switching ON-OFF
(D)Switch ON and OFF the indicating lamp

31.What type of motor is used in a food mixer?
(A) DC shunt motor(B)
(C ) Capacitor start motor
(D)Universal motor Permanent capacitor

32.If the voltage applied at the terminals of 230V single phase 1200 mm sweep ceiling fan is 120V then the fan:
(A) Will not run(B) Will run at normal speed
(C ) Will be heated(D) Will run slowly

33.The sweep of the ceiling fan is determined by :
(A)Length of the blade from fan centre
(B)The diameter of the circle formed by the blade tips of the fan
(C )Breadth of the blades
(D)The distance between adjacent blade tips

34. The unit of luminous intensity is :
(A)Candela (C ) Lux
(B) Steradian (D) Lumen

35. The potential difference that causes the break down of insulation is called:
(A) Dielectric strength(B)Insulation resistance
(C ) Break down voltage(D)AmpacityAmpacity

36.The possible minimum reading which can be taken by 0-25 mm out side micrometer
(A) 0.1 mm(B)0.5mm0.5 mm
(C ) 1 mm(D)0.01mm0.01 mm

37.Britannia joint is used in :
(A) Under ground cables(B)Conduit wiringConduit wiring
(C ) Concealed wiring(D)O.H. Lines

38.Soldering is done on joints to improve:Soldering is done on joints to improve
(A) Tensile strength' (B)ResistivityResistivity
(C ) Conductivity(D)DuctilityDuctility

39.Switch board is fixed at a height of:
(A) 2 meters(B)1.5 meters1.5 meters
(C ) 2.5 meters(D)2.75 meters2.75 meters

40.The load on each power sub circuit shall be restrictedto:
(A) 5000W(B)500W500W
(C ) 3000W(D)1000 W1000W

41.The number of light points admissiblein a circuit is :
(A) 10 points(B)15 points15 points
(C ) 4 points(D)20 points20 points

42.A fuse rating is expressed in terms of:
(A) Voltage(B)CurrentCurrent

43.Fusing factor of HRC fuses will be :
(A) 1.4(B)1.61.6
(C ) 1.1(D)1.71.7

44.In which of the following wiring, to operate three lamps in all we require six, two way switches?
(A)Godown wiring(B) Tunnel wiring
(C ) Corridor wiring(D) Hostel wiring

45.Fleming’s right hand rule is used to identify the :
(A)Direction of flux(B) Direction of induced e.m.f.
(C ) Direction of current in a motor(D) Magnetic flux

46.The armature core is laminated to minimize the :
(A)Iron loss(B) Eddy current loss
(C ) Hysteresis loss(D) Friction loss

47.A DC generator works on the principle of:
(A)Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction
(B)Faradays’ laws of electrolysis (C ) Mutual induction
(D) Fleming’s left hand rule

48.In an 8 pole simplex wave winding armature, the number of parallel paths are : . (A) 4(B) 8
(C ) 6(D) 2

49.In a 250 V.D.C. Machine, shunt field resistance is found to be 500 ohms. The shunt field current will be:
(A)2 A(B) 0.2 A
(C )5 A(D) 0.5 A

50.The current in the armature of a D.C. shunt generator can be determined by the formulae :
(C ) IL + Ish
(D) IL-Ish

51.Which one of the following generator is used for charging batteries with constant voltage?
(A)Compound generator(B) Series generator
(C ) Alternator(D) Shunt generator

52.The direction of rotation of a DC motor is determined by :
(A)Flemings right hand rule (C ) Right hand grip rule
(B)Fleming’s left hand rule
(D)Maxwell’s cork screw rule

53.The back e.m.f. of a D.C motor depends on :
(A)Shape of conductors
(C )Type of commutator
(B) Field flux (D) Brush material

54.The main function of starter of the DC Motor is to :
(A)Limit the starting current(B) Limit the back e.m.f.
(C ) Increase the field circuit resistance(D) Decrease armature resistance

55.The speed of DC shunt motor has to be controlled through the field, the most suitable starter for this purpose is :
(A) D.O.L starter(B) 2 point starter
(C ) 3 point starter(D) 4 point starter

56.The speed of a DC motor is :
(A)Directly proportional to the back e.m.f. and inversely proportional to the flux
(B)Inversely proportional to back e.m.f and directly proportional to flux
(C )Directly proportional to the e.m.f as well as the flux
(D)Directly proportional to current

57.Insulation resistance is measured in :
(A) Mega watts(B) Kilo ohms
(C ) Mega ohms(D) Kilo volts

58.The running speed of a 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor is :
(A) Synchronous speed
(C ) Double synchronous speed

59.For 3 HP, 3phase 415V, 50 Hz squirrel cage the back up fuse rating will be :
(A)15 Amps
(C ) 6 Amps

60.When remote ‘ON’ and OFF are used in a connected with the existing ‘ON1 button in :
(A) Series
(C ) Bridge circuit
(B)More than synchronous speed (D) Less than synchronous speed

59.induction motor started through a D.O.L starter,
(B)10 Amps
(D)4 Amps

60.D.O.L starter, the remote ‘ON’ button should be
(B)Series and parallel (D) Parallel

61.When a 3 phase induction motor is switched to star position through a star delta starter :
(A)V3 times the torque produced than the delta position
(B)3 times torque produced than the delta position
(C )-4- times the torque produced than the delta position V3
(D)— times torque produced than the delta position

62.In a manual star delta starter, the stop button connection is in series with the :
(A)No volt coil
(B)Over load relay contact
(C )No volt coil and over load relay contacts
(D)No volt coil and start button

63. A High starting torque is obtained in a slip ring induction motor by using a :
(A) Rotor rheostat starter(B)Star delta starter
(C ) 4 point starter(D)D.O.L starter

64.We can identify a wound rotor induction motor by seeing:
(A) Direction of rotation(B)Slip rings
(C ) Six terminals(D)Size of machine Size of machine

65.A poly phase induction motor is usually :
(A) Self starting(B)Slow startingSlow starting
(C ) Not self starting(D)High startingHigh starting

66.For ceiling fan generally which type of motor is used?
(A) Split phase(B)CapacitorCapacitor
(C ) Permanent capacitorCD)Universal motor

67.The maximum efficiency of transformer is obtained when :
(A) Copper loss is maximum(B)Copper loss is equal to iron lossCopper loss is equal to iron loss
(C ) Iron loss is maximum(D)Running without lossRunning without loss

68.Buchhol'z relay is a device related with :
(A) Alternator(B)Synchronous motorSynchronous motor
(C ) Auto transformer(D)TransformerTransformer

69. Auto transformer works on the principle of:
(A)Mutual induction(B)Self inductionSelf induction
(C ) ConductionConduction(D)Electron fusionElectron fusion

70.Which one of the following, is the e.m.f equation of transformer?
(A)EP _ IP _ VS ES IS = VP(B)E = 4.44 fN Volts
(C )NP 6φ A(D)V = lx R

71.The main source of hydro electric power station is :
(A) Water(B) Coal
(C )Nuclear(D) Diesel

72.Which insulator is used on dead ends of medium voltage line?
(A) Egg type(B) Pin type
(C )Shackle type(D) Disc type

73.Which type of guarding is provided on a railway line crossing?
(A) Cage type(B) Cradle type
(C ) Bird type(D) Bead type

74.In a transmission line which type of insulators are used :
(A)Pin type(B)Shackle typeShackle type
(C )Egg type(D)Suspension typeSuspension type

75.MCCB stands for:
(A)Metal Close Circuit Breaker(B)Main CurrentMain Current Circuit Breaker
(C )Moulded Case Circuit Breaker(D)Miniature Circuit Breaker

76.For a given line current and line voltage the power taken by the delta connected load is ________the power taken by the star connected load.
(A) More than(B) Less than
(C )Equal to(D) No comparison to

77.The series type Ohm meter will have zero reading at the :
(A) Centre of the scale(B) Left hand end of scale
(C ) Anywhere in meter(D) Righ hand end of scale

78.To charge a secondary cell, the system used is :
(A)Low voltage AC(B)DC
(C )High voltage AC(D)AC

79.The approximate full load current of a 3 phase delta connected 3 HP motor is :
(A)4.5 Amp9(B)3.5 Amps
(C )2.5 Amps(D)10 Amps

80.The total opposition offered by an AC circuit is called :
(A)Inductive reactance(B)Resistance
(C )Capacitive reactance(D)Impedance

81.The Constituent Assembly of India began its Third Session on :
(A)9th December 1946(B)11th December 1946
(C )28th April 1947(D)26th May 1947

82.Which Article of Indian Constitution mentions about the State responsibility to promote educational and economic interests of the tribal people?
(A)Article 17(B)Article 46
(C )Article 15 (2)(D)Article 31 (B)

83.Which social reformer of Kerala started an Agricultural Bank namely “Uralunkal Aikyananaya Sangham"? •
(A)Sree Narayanaguru(B)Brahmananda Sivayogi
(C )Sahodaran Ayyappan(D)Vagbhadananda

84.In which year the ‘second ezhava memorial' was presented by the leaders of Ezhava community before Lord Curzon, then the Viceroy of India, during his visit to Thiruvananthapuram?
(C )1900(D),1903

85.The active participation of which struggle in modern Kerala History gave G. Parameswaran Pillai the epithet of “Father of Political movements in modern Travancore”?
(A)Struggle against untouchability
(B)Electricity agitation
(C )Nivarthana agitation
(D)Struggle against appointing non-travancoreans to State services

86.One of the prominent families among the Church Mission Society missionaries in Central Travancore was:
(A)Henry Baker family(B)Meadfamily
(C )Ringletaube family(D)Dawsonfamily

87.Name the Titles received by K.P. Karuppan, famous social reformer and poet of Kerala, from Valiya Tampuran of Kochin?
(A)Kavirajan and Sahityasreshtan
(B)Mahakavi and Sahityadeepam
(C )Kavitilakan and Sahityanipunan
(D)Kavanakaumudi and Mahopadhyaya

88.One of the early detective novels in Kerala titled “Kaalante Kolayara” was Written by : (A) O.M. Cheriyan(B) Appan Thampuran
(C ) Kesari Balakrishnapillai(D) Joseph Pitt

89.Who was the first editor of “samadarsi”? (A) K. Ramakrishnapillai (C ) Kunnath Janardhana Menon
(B) Kandathil Varghese Mappila (D) A. Balakrishna Pillai

90.“Ente VazhithirivuT is the autobiography of:
(A) Kesava Dev (C ) Thakazhi
(B) G. Sankara Kurup (D) Ponkunnam Varky

91."Vaala samudaya parishkarana sabha was formed in the year :
(C )1916(D)1918

92.Who among the following women activists of Kerala took part in the general strike, led by Tiruvitamkur Coir Factory Workers Union (TCFWU) at Alappuzha in 1938?
(A)Parvathi Nenminimangalam(B)Arya Pallam
(C )Lalitha Prabhu(D)AnnaChandy

93.What event occurred in 20th August 1921 that became the prime catalyst of Malabar Rebellion?
(A)Arrest of V. Mammed, a local Khilafat worker, by the British police
(B)The siege of Tirurangadi Mosque by the British army and police
(C )The visit of Mahatma Gandhiji and Shoukath Ali to Malabar
(D)Ottappalarm Political Conference

94.Name the magazine that founded and edited by Anna Chandi for promoting the cause of women’s rights?
(C )Sumangala(D)Shrimati

95.Who authored the book "Vaikom Satyagraha and Gandhijf?
(A)Dr. K.N. Ganesh(B)Dr. K.N. Panikkar
(C )Dr. T.K. Ravindran(D)Dr. M.G.S. Naryanan

96.The Sutlej-Yamuna Link Canal (SYL) controversy is associated with the states between : (A) Delhi and UttarPradesh(B) Punjab and Haryana
(C ) UttarPradesh and Bihar(D) UttarPradesh and Uttarakhand

97.Sadiq Khan, who had been a historic Win While he elected as London's first ethnic-minority Mayor in the 2016 elections, represents which Political Party?
(A) Labour Party(B) Liberal Party
(C ) Conservative Party(D) Republican Party

98.Kuramadera Buddhist Temple is located in :
(A) Kyoto(B) Nara
(C ) Tokyo(D) Beijing

99.What is Catoptrophobia?
(A) Fear of Accidents (C ) Fear of Cattles
(B) Fear of Electricity (D) Fear of Mirrors

100.Expand WPAT
(A)Voter Verifiable Paper Account Trail
(B)Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
(C )Voter Verifiable Print Account Trail
(D)Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Test

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