WORK SUPERINTENDENT -kerala psc previous question paper

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1. The curve_______is commonly used in teeth profile of helical gears, profile of cams etc.
(A) Spiral (C ) Involutes
(B)Helix (D) Cycloid

2.The standard size length to width ratio for all arrow heads in drawings is :
(C )3:1(D)2:4

3.In a whole circle bearing system, S 25° 15” E corresponds to :
(A)115° 15’(B)154°45’
(C )205° 15’(D)334°45’

4. The image formed by the objective in the plate of cross hairs is :
(A)Real and Straight (C ) Contour interval

5.The main principal of surveying is to :
(A)Work from left to right (C ) Work from whole to the part
(B)Real and Inverted
(D)Contour gradient
(B)Work from right to left (D) Work from part to the whole

6.The plan and elevation of a line segment are seen coincides ,the line is situated in the :
(A)First quadrant(B)Second quadrant
(C ), Third quadrant(D) Quadrental axis

7.The inner details of an object, not visible from outside are represented by :
(A) Dashed line(B) Dot and dashed line
(C )Chain line(D)Zig-zag line

8.A four sided figure having two pairs of sides parallel is called a :
(A)Rhomboid(B)Regular polygon
(C )Pentagon(D)Trapezoid

9. The center of the super scribed circle is called :
(A)In center(B)Circum center
(C )Center of curvature(D)Center of vision

10.— is used to read upto three dimensions.
(A)Plain scale(B)Diagonal scale
(C )Offset rod(D)Ranging rod

11.RF = 200:1 Represents a :
(A)Enlarged scale(B)Reduced scale
(C )Full size scale(D)Comparative scale

12.The co-efficient of painting for fully panelled window is :
(C )1.5(D)1.00

13.The value at the end of the utility period is : 
(A) Book value (C ) Salvage value
(B) Scrap value (D) Market value

14.While submitting tender the contractor is to deposit 2% of estimated cost as : 
(A) Securing money(B) Profit money
(C ) Capital money(D) Earnest money

15.All the work executed shall be measured and entered in a permanent record is called :
(A)Account book(B)Field book
(C )M book(D)Personal bookPersonal book

16.As per is 459-1978, the concretemix are designed into
(A)4 Grads(B)6 Grads
(C )5 Grads(D)7 Grads7 Grads

17.The unit of R.C.C work is :
(A)1 dm3(B)10 dm2
(C )10 dm3(D)1 m3

18.One cubic meter of OPC weights :
(A) 1200 kg (C ) 1440 kg
(B)1300 kg
(D)1450 kg

19.Spirit varnish consist of:
(A) Spirit and wax
(C ) Turpentine, spirit and wax
(B) Spirit and shellac
(D) Turpentine , spirit and shellac

20.As per is 456 expansion joint provided for a structures when the length exceeds :
(A)40 m(B)45 m
(C )50 m(D)55 m

21.As per IS code the ultimate compressive strength is determined at or age of:
(A)7 Days(B)14 Days
(C )21 Days'(D)28 Days

22.The shape of idealized stress-strain curve for concrete as prescribed by IS 456-1978 is :
(C )Rectangular parabolic(D)None of these

23.The soundness test of cement by Le-Chatlier apparatus gives unsoundness due to :
(A)Magnesia only(B)Combined limeonly
(C )Free lime only(D)Both Magnesiaand combined lime

24.Columns with circular section are provided with transverse reinforcement of type only.
(A) Helical (C ) Spiral
(D)Lateral type lines

25.Deflection can be controlled by using the appropriate
(A) Aspect ratio(B) Modular ratio
(C )Span/ depth ratio(D) Water cement ratio

26.The economic spacing of roof truss depends upon the :
(A)Cost of purlins and cost of roof covering
(B)Cost of roof covering and dead load
(C )Dead load and live load
(D)Live load and cost of purlin

27. Lime mortar is made by :
(A)Quick lime(B)Fat lime
(C )Hydrolic lime(D)White lime

28.The ultimate tensile strength of the structural mild steel:
(A)160 N/mm2(B)260 N/mm2
(C )420 N/mm2(D)520 N/mm2

29.The percentage of the Alumina in a good brick earth lies between :
(A)5 - 10%(B)20 - 30%
(C )50 - 60%(D)70-80%70 - 80%

30.The majoringredient of Portland cement are :
(A)Lime and Silica(B)Lime and Alumina
(C )Silica and Alumina(D)Lime and Iron

31.The common admixture used to accelerate the initial set of concrete is :
(A)Gypsum(B)calcium chloride
(C )Bitumen and inert material(D)By product of bitumenBy product of bitumen

32.The seasoning of timber is used to :
(A)Soften the timberSoften the timber(B)Harden the timber
(C )Straighten the timber(D)Remove sap from timber

33.Plywood isis specified:
(C )Thickness(D)Number of layersNumber of layers

34. The distemper is used to coat:
(A)External concrete surface
(B)Interior surface not-exposed to weather
(C )Wood work
(D)Compound wall

35. The ratio of different ingredient in M20 mix is :
(A) 1:4:8(B)1:2:4
(C ) 1:1.5:3(D)1:1:21:1:2

36.The fineness modules of fine aggregate is :
(A) 2.0 to 3.0(B)3.5 to 5.0
(C ) 5.0 to 7.0(D)6.0 to 8.5

37.By passing the irrigation canal over the drainageis known as :
(A) Super passage(B)Level crossing
(C ) Canal drop(D)AqueductAqueduct

38.Of the water fall irrigation has to be lifted beforeit run to fields is :
(A) Flow irrigation(B)Perennial irrigation
(C ) Sprinkler irrigation(D)Lift irrigationLift irrigation

39.Rivers having flow for all the twelve months is :
(A) Perennial river(B)Non-Perennial river
(C ) Flashy riverCD)Virgin river

40. Impermeable formation like clay which mountain water but not capable of transmitting water :
(A) Aquifer(B)Aquicludes
(C ) Aquifuge(D)Ground water

41.Over irrigation results in :
(A) Water logging(B)Wilting
(C ) Fertility(D)Seepage

42. Delta of crop means :
(A) Degree under the crops(B)Crop-Period
(C ) Depth of water required by the crop(D)Crop production

43.The extent of land that get irrigated from a water source is :
(A) Anicut(B)Ayacut
(C ) Catchment area(D)Duty

44.Irrigation canals are generally aligned along :
(A) Contour line(B)Distributary canal
(C ) Straight line(D)Valley line

45.This theorem proves that the energy head at any section in a flowing stream will be
(A) Darcy’s Theorem(B)Bernoulli’s Theorem
(C ) Chezy’s Theorem(D)Manning’s Theorem

46.Fluid’s include :
(A) Liquid only .(B)Liquid and gas
(C ) All matter(D)Liquids and semi liquidsLiquids and semi liquids

47.The intensity of pressure at any point in a fluidat rest, is the same in all directions
(A) Bernoulli’s theorem(B)Newton’s law
(C ) Pascal’s law(D)Archimedes principle

48.The density of a liquid at standard temperatureand pressure is defined as:
(A) The weight per unit volume(B)Mass per unit volume
(C ) Force per unit area(D)The specific weight

49.For a liquid the variation in its volume with thevariation of pressure is known as :
(A) Viscosity(B)The mass density
(C ) The compressibility(D)Liquid pressure

50.The surface tension of a liquid is its property which enable it to resist:
(A) Tensile stress(B)Compressive stress
(C ) Proof stress(D)None of the above

51.The ratio of inertia force to viscous force :
(A) Froude’s number(B)Ellery’s number
(C ) Reynolds’s number(D)Kinematic viscosity

52.The phenomenon of rising water in the tube of smallerdiameter is called:
(A) The water column(B)The gauge reading
(C ) The capillary rise(D)Pieznometer reading

53.The pitot tube is used for measurement of:
(A) Velocity at a point(B)Pressure at a point
(C ) Energy at pointCD)Pressure difference

54.The sheet of liquid flowing over a notch is known as :
(A) Nappe(B)Jet
(C ) Vena contructa(D)Strip of waterStrip of water

55.The path followed by a fluid particle in motion is called :
(A) Path line(B)Stream line
(C ) Steak line(D)Filament line

56.The slope of road payment in the longitudinal direction. is :
(A) Alignment(B)Super elevation
(C ) Gradient(D)Length of summit

57.The major structural component of a road composed of stone aggregate is :
(A) The sub-grade(B)The base courseThe base course
(C ) The surfacing(D)Wearing surface

58.The thickness of road surface depends upon :
(A) Type of traffic(B)Intensity of traffic
(C ) Type of material(D)All of these

59.Which structure is recommended to prevent the cut hill from sliding when hill roads are in cutting?
(A)Retuning wall(B) Curtain wall
(C ) Breast wall(D) Wing wall

60.The convexity provided to the cross section of the surface of carriage way is termed as :
(A) Gradient(B) Super elevation
(C )Camber(D)Curvature

61.The road connecting district head quarters of a state is :.
(A)Bypass road(B)District road
(C )State highway(D)National highway

62.The rate of rise or fall of a road along its alignment is :
(C )Super elevation(D)Curvature

63.For computing the quantity of earth work using prismoidal formula the number of required sectional area :
(A) Any number(B)Even
(C ) Odd(D)FourFour

64.If the perimeter of a circular ground is 31.416 m thenthe area of the ground
(A) 783.4 m2(B)78540 m2
(C ) 78.54 m2(D)7.859m2

65.The eccentricity of parabola will be :
(A) Less than one(B)Equal to one
(C ) Greater than one(D)ZeroZero

66.The point on which both back sight and fore sight aretaken :
(A) Change point(B)Bench mark
(C ) Station(D)Intermediate pointIntermediate point

67.The instrument used to reproduce plan ina different scale is called :
(A) Planimeter(B)Clinometer
(C ) Ghat tracer(D)Pentagraph

68. The weight per meter of 10 mm dia bar is :
(A) 0.62 kg(B)0.89 kg
(C ) 0.22 kg(D)0.39 kg

69.The volume of one bag of cement weight The volume of one bag of cement weight 50 kg is:
(A)0.04m3   3 (B)0.025 m3
(C ) 0.0345 m3(D)0.05 m3

70.The concrete pile with one or more enlarged bulb on its stem is called :
(A) Franki pile(B)Simplex pile
(C ) Under reamed pile(D)Vibro pile

71.The end support of a bridge is called :
(A) Abutment(B)Wing wall
(C ) Foundation(D)Pier

72.Margin between water level and top of dam is called :
(A) Free board(B)Span
(C ) Afflux(D)RiseRise

73.The first stage in water treatment is :
(A) Purification(B)Filtration
(C ) Sedimentation(D)DisinfectionDisinfection

74.The Force of friction is always :
(A) Opposes motion(B)Producer motion
(C ) Slops(D)Producer acceleration

75.The value of broad gauge adopted in Indian railway :
(A) 1.0 M(B)0.762 M
(C ) 0.6696 M(D)1.676M1.676 M

76.One yard is equal to :
(A) 0.8144 M(B)0.9244 M
(C ) 0.9144 M(D)0.9344 M

77. The under surface of an arch is called :
(A) Skew back(B)Haunch
(C ) Intradose(D)Spandrin

78.Side of a square equal in area of circle having diameter 2 cm is :
(A) л cm(B)лcm
(C ) 2 лcm(D)л cm

79.Ornamental moulded course placed on the top of the wall is :
(A) Cornice(B)Corbel
(C ) Coping(D)Lintel

80.Maximum permissible FAR for Residential building shall be :
(A) 3(B)1.5
(C ) 2(D)2.5

81.The fundamental rights are enshrined in part:
(C ) IV(D)I

82.Battle of Buxar fought in :
(A) 1857(B)1757
(C ) 1764(D)1767

83.Silver Revolution related to :
(A) Edible oil(B)Fish
(C ) Milk(D)Egg and Poultry

84.Who founded the ‘Samathva Samajam’:
(A) Vagbhatananda(B)Vaikunta Swamikal
(C ) Sree Narayana Guru(D)Chattampi Swamikal

85. Vijay Hazare Trophy related to which sports?
(A) Football(B)Badminton
(C ) Cricket(D)Hockey

86.The first Vice chairman of NITI Aayog :
(A) Ajith Doval(B)Aravind Panagariya
(C ) Ashok Lahiri(D)Y.V. Reddy

87.The Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha (PRDS) was founded by :
(A)Poikayil Yohannan (Sree kumara guru)
(B)Karunakara Guru
(C )Pandit Karuppan
(D)Thycaud Ayya

88.Who was the 14th Prime Minister of India?
(A) Narendra Modi(B) Narasimha Rao
(C ) I.K Gujral(D) Manmohan Singh

89.‘The father of political movement’ in modern Travancore was :
(A) T.K. Madhavan(B) E.J. John
(C ) G.P. Pillai .  ‘(D) C. Kesavan

90.Which of the following rivers crosses the Equator twice?
(C )Nile(D)Congo

91.‘Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it.’ Who declared this words?
(A) Gokhale•(B) Tilak
(C )Bhagat singh(D)L.L. Rai

92.When the ‘Internal Emergency’ declared by Indira Gandhi?
(A)28 May 1975(B)28 June 1975
(C )26 May 1975(D)26 June 1975

93. Middle Path (Ashtangamarga) related to :
(A) Jainism(B)Hinduism
(C ) Buddhism(D)Sikhism

94.Karthika Thirunal Ramavarma, popularly knownl as :
(A) Dharma Raja(B)Marthanda Varma
(C ) Swathi Tirunal(D)Raja Kesavadas

95.Theyyam’ is the art form originated in :
(A) Kasaragod(B)Kannur
(C ) Kozhikode(D)Pattanamthitta

96.The oldest mountain range of India :
(A) Himalaya(B)Western Ghats
(C ) Eastern Ghats(D)Aravali

97.Where is the head quarter of Reserve Bank India?
(A) Kolkatta(B)Delhi
(C ) Mumbai(D)Chennai

98.National Voters Day is observed on :
(A) 12th Jan(B)24th Jan
(C ) 30th Jan(D)25th Jan

99.Which acid is present in tomato?
(A) Oxalic(B)Sitric
(C ) Tartaric(D)Latric

100.The book ‘Aarachaar’ authored by :
(A) Subash Chandran(B)Ashita
(C ) Benyamin(D)K.R. Meera

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