JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR - MECHANIC MOTOR VEHICLE -kerala psc previous question paper


1.Which one of the following is an indirect measuring tool ?
(A)Inside caliper(B)Vernier caliper
(C )Bevel protractor(D)Inside micrometer

2.In a metric micrometer, a complete revolution of thimble advances :
(A)0.01 mm(B)0.25 mm(C )0.50 mm(D)1.00 mm

3.The angle which is less than 90 degree is called as :
(A)Obtuse angle(B)Acute angle
(C )Right angle(D)None of the above

4.Which one of the following designation does not denote the grade of a file ?
(A)Bastard(B)First cut(C )Second cut(D)Smooth

5.The tool used for refitting piston rings on piston is :
(A)Piston ring expander(B)Piston nng compressor
(C )Circlip plier(D)Valve spring compressor

6.In which nut having an internal groove cut, in which a fiber or nylon ring inserted ?
(A)Thumb nut
(B)Castle nut
(C )Cape nut
(D)Simmonds lock nut

7.The tool used to measure the clearance between two surfaces is called :
(A)Fillet gauge(B)Snap gauge (C )Feeler gauge(D)limit gauge

8.Tap wrench is a tool used to make :
(A)Key ways(B)Oil holes(C )External threads (D)Internal threads

9.A metal can be drawn in to wires without rupture. This property of melal is known as :
(A) Malleability(B) Ductility(C ) Machinability (D) Toughness

10.The tool used to measure the thickness, of sheet is called :
(A)Screw pitch gauge(B)gauge 
(C )Feeler gauge(D)Wire gauge

11.Wear on one side of tyre   is due to :
(A)Excessive camber(B)Excessive caster 
(C )Under inflation(D)Over inflation

12.King pin is locked in the beam by a :
(A)Stub axle(B)Cotter pin
(C )Drop arm(D)Split pin

13.Tie rod ends have the following threads : 
(A) Left hand(B) Right hand
(C ) Hither (A) or (B) (D) Both (A) and (B)

14.Which one of the following is not considered for calculating the unsprung weight ?
(A) Steering knuckle (B) Brakes(C ) Axles(D) Chassis frame

15.In an integral power steering system, fluid flow is controlled by :
(A)Plunger(B)Check valve
(C )Spool valve(D)Hydraulic pump

16.Which one of the following is not a part of master cylinder ?
(A) Piston(B) Push rod(C ) Check valve (D) Piston rings

17.In air brakes, what is the position of valves in brake valve, when brake pedal is Released ?
(A)Both inlet and outlet closed(B)Inlet closed and outletopened
(C )Inlet opened andoutlet closed(D)Both inlet and outletremains opened

18.The procedure of removing air out of the braking system is known as : 
(A) Brake adjusting(B) Brake dragging
(C ) Brake bleeding(D) Brake compensating

19.I lydraulic brakes works on the principle of:
(A) Pascal's law (B) Boyle's law (C ) Chari's law (D) Newton's law

20.The rocking chair action of vehicle during running is known as :
(A) Rolling(B) Pitching(C ) Bouncing(D) Wobbling

21.What type of dutch is used in two wheelers ?
(A) Multi plate dutch(B)Cone clutch
(C ) Single plate dutch(D) Diaphragm clutch

22.In Hotchkiss drive, rear end driving torque is taken up by •
(A) Rear axle housing(B)Rear leaf spring
(C ) Shock absorber(D) Engine mounting

23.The main function of a universal joint is to :
(A)Transfer the engine power in a straight line only
(B)Accommodate change in length of drive shaft
(C )Allow variation of angle between main shaft and drive shaft
(D)All of the above

24.The components of an automobile transmission system that facilitate the drive to turn at right angle are :
(A) Planet pinion and sun gear(B) Bevel pinion and sun gear
(C ) Crown wheel and sun gear(D) Bevel pinion and crown wheel

25.Transfer case is used for :
(A) Rear wheel drive vohicles(B)Front wheel drive vehicles
(C ) Four wheel drive vehicles(D)Two wheel drive vehiclesTwo wheel drive vehicles

26.The driven member of torque converter is known as :
(A)Turbine(B)Stator(C )Impeller(D)Flywheel

27.Double de-clutching is used on :
(A)Sliding mesh gear box(B) Synchromesh gear box
(C ) Constant mesh gear box(D) Epicyclic gear box

28.In a differential action which gear does not revolve in a straight drive ?
(A)Sun gear(B)Planetary gear(C )Crown wheel(D)Pinion

29.The function of gear box is to :
(A)Increase speed(B)Increase torque(C )Provide neutral(D)All of the above

30.Which type of gear permits lower position of propeller shaft ?
(A)Herring bone(B)Hypoid(C )Bevel(D)Spiral

31.The head light of a vehicle is connected with the battery in :
(A)Parallel(B)Series(C )Compound(D)Either (A) or (B)

32.The state of charge of battery is checked by :
(A)Cell tester(B)Hydrometer(C )Multimeter(D)All of the above

33.If three resistances 6 ohm, 4 ohm and 3 ohm are connected in parallel, what will be the total resistance ?
(A)13 Ohm(B)1.3 Ohm(C )6.5 Ohm(D)26 Ohm

34.Which one of the shell around the nucleus of an atom is mentioned by the letter "M"?
(A)First(B)Second(C )Third(D)Fourth

35.One reason why an alternator produces a higher output than a dynamo is because, the alternator :
(A)Is driven fast(B)Has a commutator
(C ) Generates direct current(D) Always uses a negative earth

36.The output of an alternator is converted by :
(A)Voltage regulator(B)Current regulator
(C )Diod rectifier(D)Cut out relay

37.Inertia type starting motor drive is commonly used on :
(A)Cars(B)Heavy vehicles
(C )Commercial vehicles(D)None of the above

38.The cable colour code of head lamp circuit is :
(A)Red(B)Brown(C )Green(D)Blue

39.A semi conductor material have, how much electrons in its outermost orbit ?
(A)Two(B)Four(C )One(D)Three

40.The central section of a transistor is called :
(A)Emitter(B)Base(C )Collector(D)Hole

41.If airfuel mixture is compressed in a cylinder :
(A)Its volume reduces(B)Its pressure will rise
{C)Its temperature will rise(D)All of the above

42.An engine has a clearance volume of 100cm3 and a swept volume of 900cm3. The compression ratio is:
(A)10 :1(B)8:1(C )11 : 1(D)9 : 1

43.Speed of a four stroke engine is 1000 rpm. The number of power strokes per minute will be:
(A)4000(B)500(C )400(D)1000

44.During which one of the following strokes, the pressure in the engine cylinder become less than the atmospheric pressure ?

45.Diesel cycle engines are also known as :
(A) Constant volume cycle engines (B) Constant vacuum cycle engines (C )Constant pressure cycle engines (D)Dual cycle engines

46.1 kilowatt is equal to :
(A)746 HP(B)4500 HP(C )1.3596 HP(D)735.5 HP

47.Engine BMP is measured by :
(A)Barometer(B)Hydrometer(C )Odometer(D)Dynamometer

48.Turbo charger is used for diesel engines to increase :
(A)Mechanical efficiency(B)Volumetric efficiency
(C )Thermal efficiency(D)All of the above

49.During the upward stroke of a two stroke petrol engine, which of the following events takes place ?
(A)Compression and suction(B)Compression and exhaust
(C )Compression and power(D)Compression and transfer

50.In the following statements, which is suitable for a petrol engine ?
(A)I hgh initial cost(B)High maintenance cost
(C )High running cost(D)All of the above

51.A four cylinder four stroke petrol engine have :
(A) Two valves(B) Four valves
(C ) Eight valves(D) Sixteen valves

52.The purpose of piston ring is to control:
(A) Compression pressure(B) Oil consumption
(C ) Cylinder wall lubrication(D) All of the above

53.The engine valves are closed by :
(A) Cam shaft (B) Valve spring (C ) Rocker arm (D) Push rod

54.The function of lubrication system is to :
(A)Provide cooling effect(B)Provide sealing effect
(C )Reduce wear(D)All of the above

55.Which one of the following pump is not used forengine lubrication?
(A)Gear type (B) Vane type(C )Impeller type(D)Plungertype

56.Feed pumps in diesel engines are generally mounted in between :
(A)Tank and filter(B)FIP and Filter
(C )FIP and Injector(D)Injector and manifold

57.Hand priming device in a diesel engineisusefull,when the engineis at:
(A)Full load(B) Rest(C )Idling speed(D)Full speed

58.In a positive crank case ventilation system, the blow by gas drawn from the crank is fed to the :
(A)Combustion chamber(B)Inlet manifold
(C )Exhaust manifold(D)A vent opened to the atmosphere

59.The total swept volume in all cylinders of an engine is called :
(A) Volumetric efficiency(B)Overall efficiency
(C ) Compression ratio(D)Cubin capacityCubic capacity

60.The material used for cam shaft is :
(A) Alloy steel(B)1 High carbon steel
(C ) Cast iron(D)Mild dteelMild steel

61.Advancing of valve opening is called :
(A) Valve overlap (B) Valve lag(C ) Valve lead(D) Valve delay

62.Octane number of petrol is generally ranges from :
(A)80 - 90(B)40-60(C )60-70

63.Loud popping in carburetor is due to :
(A)Incorrect air - fuel ratio(B)Blocked air cleaner
(C )Back firing(D)Loose mounting of carburetor

64.In which of the following engine have more thermal efficiency ?
(A) Petrol(B) Diesel(C ) Gas(D) Electric

65.From where, the air and fuel is mixed in a petrol engine ?
(A)Inlet manifold(B)Combustion chamber
(C )Air cleaner(D)Carburetor

66.The process of adjusting the quantity of fuel delivered by the fuel injection pump is :
(A)Phasing(B)Calibration(C )Timing(D)Bleeding

67.The type of carburetor used in two wheeler vehicle is :
(A)SU(B)Solex(C )Carter(D)Zenith

68.Air cleaner is used for :
(A)Cleaning the incoming air for combustion
(B)Reducing the noise of incoming air
(C )To arrest the flame during engine back fire
(D)All of the above

69.The function of ignition coil is :
(A)To make and break the primary circuit
(B)To step dowm the battery voltage
(C )To step up the battery voltage
(D)All of the above

70.Spark plug gap ranges from :
(A) 5 mm -10 mm (B)0.5 mm - I mm (C )1 mm - 5 mm (D) 0.5 mm - 3.5 mm

71.MITI Engines have MAP sensor. What is meant by MAP ?
(A)Manifold Absolute Pressure(B)Maximum Air Pressure
(C )Manifold Air Pressure(D)Men Atmospheric PressureMean Atmospheric Pressure

72.Turbocharger is worked by the :
(A)Engine crank shaft(B)Battery
(C )Exhaust gasExhaust gas(D)Incoming airIncoming air

73. Which one of the following is a pollutant substance contained in the engine exhaust gas ? 
(A) Hydrocarbon(B) Carbon monoxide
(C ) Oxides of nitrogen(D) All of the above

74. EGR System stands for :
(A)Exhaust Gas Recovery System
(B)Exhaust Gas Removing System
(C )Exhaust Gas Recirculation System
(D)Exhaust Gas Reducing System

75.ABS System controls :
(A) Speed of vehicle (B) Brake efficiency (C ) Skidding(D) All of the above

76.Multiple valve technology means : (A) Enlarging the size of valves (C ) Improving the quality of valves
(B)Providing more number of valves (D) Increasing the speed of valve operation

77.Catalytic converter have a coating of 
(A) Platinum
(C )Rhodium
(D) Any of the avove

78. Duration of the vehicle permit is : 
(A) 5 years(B)3 years
(C )1 year
(D) 20 years

79.Which one of the following traffic sign is strictly compulsory for a driver ?
(A) Mandatory signs (C ) Cautionary signs
(B)Informatory signs
(D)All of the above

80.A driver must stop the vehicle, when :
(A)Required to do so by any police officer
(B)Involved in an accident
(C )Any pedestrian crossing the zebra line
(D)All the above circumstances

81.The Preamble of Indian Constitution is based on the Objectives Resolution drafted by and introduced in the first session of Constituent Assembly.
(A) KM Munshi
(C )lawaharlal Nehru
(B)B.R. Ambedkar (D) Sarojini Naidu

82.India adopted the concept of constitutional Amendment from____________________.
(A) South Africa (B)* Great Britain (C ) Ireland(D) U.S.A.

83.Who acted as representative of President in Union territories ?
(A) Attorney General (C ) Vice-President
(B)Control and Auditor General

84.The Eighth schedule of Indian constitution deals with
(A)  Land reforms
(C )Panchayati raj
(B) Languages (D) Emergency

85.Who among the following was a member of Indian constituent assembly formed in 1946 ? 
(A)Susheela Gopalan(B)Annie Mascreen
(C )Lakshmi N. Menon(D)A.V. Kuttiimalu Amma

86. Who was the head of the commission appointed in 1983 to examine centre-state relations ? 
(A)Rajinder Singh Sarkaria(B)Balvanth Rai Mehta
(C )Dinesh Goswami(D)Molilal Vora

87.Which day is celebrated as World Blood donation day ?
(A) January 16(B) June'14(C ) October 21(D) November 8

88.Political parties were brought under Right to Information Act in the year :
(A)2012(B)2013(C )2014(D)2015

89.India's first fast tract court for dealing with atrocities against women and children is at:
(A)Malda(B)Patna(C )Pune(D)Kochi

90.Wild life protection act was passed in the year_______.
(A)1963(B)1970(C )1972(D)1980

91.The English newspaper "Pro-India" was started by_________.
(A)Chettoor Sankaran Nair(B)Chembakaraman Pillai
(C ) Nilakanda Brahmachari(D) V.O. Chidambaram pillai

92.Who founded Ramaknshna Advaita Ashram at Kalady ?
(A) Swami Agamananda(B)Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi
(C )Vaikunda Swamikal(I))Vagbhadananda

93.The newspaper "Kerala Kaumudi"was started by__________to further the ideals of Sree Narayana Guru :
(A)K. Ayyappan(B)T.K.Madhavan
(C )Kishnaswami Aiyer(D)C.V.Kunjuraman

94.The title "Vayalar Stalin" is associated with :
(A)C.K. Kumara Panikkar(B)R. Shanker
(C )A.P. Udayabhanu(D)T.M.Varghese

95.Who was the author of the drama "Patlabakki " ?
(A)C.V. Raman Pillai(B)K. Damodaran
(C )M.P. Bhattathiripad(D)E.V. Krishnapillai

96.Who among the following was nominated to Cochin legislative assembly to advice about the Namboodiri Bill ?
(A)Parvathy Nenmeni Manga lam (B)Arya Pallam
(C )Eshwari Ammal(0)Kaumudi Teacher

97.Who is known as the father of malayalam typography and printing ?
(A)Herman Gundert(B)Benjamin Bailey
(C ) Devj Bhimji(D) Kandathil Varghese Mappila

98.Who is the author of the work "Pracheenamalayalam" ?
(A)Ayyankali(B)G Krishnan
(C ) Poikayl Yohannan(D) Chattambi swamikal

99.At__________Sree Narayana Guru consecrated a temple and installed a stone containing the words "Truth, Duty, Kindness and Peace".
(C )Murakumpuza(D)Karamukku

100.Who was the main leader of the Suchindram Sathyagraha ?
(A)A.K. Gopalan(B)Dr. M.E. Naidu
(C )K. Kelappan(D)C. Rajagopalachari

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