JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR HEALTH SANITARY INSPECTOR - kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Which among the following is false about chlorine demand :
(A)It is the difference between chlorine added to water and what remains
(B)It is estimated after a contact period of 30 minutes
(C )It is the amount of chlorine required to destroy bacteria
(D) It is the amount of chlorine required to oxidize all the organic matter present in water

2.Orthotolidine- Arsenite (OTA) test is used to :
(A)Determine both free and residual chlorine together 
(B) Determine both free and residual chlorine separately
(C )Determine the turbidity of water
(D)None of the above

3.All are true about boiling of water. EXCEPT :
(A)It is a satisfactory method of purifying water at house hold level 
(B) It is effective only when brought to rolling boil for 10*20 minutes 
(C ) It removes temporary hardness of water
(D) It offers residual protection against subsequent contamination

4.Ozone is a :
(A)Primary pollutant
(B)Secondary pollutant
(C )Particulate air pollutant
(D)None of the above

5.Bore - hole latrine is a-------------type of latrine :
(C )Water seal
(D)None of the above

6.The strength of sewage is expressed in terms of:
(A) Biological Oxygen Demand
(B)Chemical Oxygen Demand
(C ) Suspended Solids
(D)All of the above

7.A method of combined disposal of refuse and night soil is :
(A)Controlled tipping
(B) Incineration
(C ) Composting
(D) Burial

8.Which of the following does not belong to class Insecta :
(A) Mosquito
(C ) Fleas
(D)None of the above

The vector of Brugian Filariasis is :
(A) Anophles
(C ) Mansonia

10.The rickettsial disease in which rodent act as a vector is :
(A) Plague
(B) Leishmaniasis
(C ) Scrub typhus
(D) Haemorrhagic fever with Renal Syndrome (HFRS)

11.As per WHO expert committee the recommended salt intake per day by a healthy man than :
(A) 15 g
(B)10 g
(C ) 5g

12.As per 1CMR guidelines ,the proportion of proteins to be included in a balanced diet is
(A) 60-70%
(C ) 15-20%

13.Fibre has the following functions, EXCEPT :
(A) Cholesterol lowering
(B)Glucose lowering
(C ) Energy yielding
(D)None of the above

14.Obesity is defined as Body mass Index :
(A) More than 25
(B)More than 30
(C ) More than 35
(D)None of the above

15.All the following are inhibitors of iron absorption EXCEPT:
(A)Phosphates inEgg yolk
(B)Tanninin tea
(C )Calcium inmilk
(D)Ascorbicacid in Indian goose berry

16.Regarding the Weekly Iron and Folic acid Supplementation programme (WIFS) for adolescent, which is not true :
(A)Adolescent girls and boys enrolled in Govemment/Government aided/municipal schools are the target groups
(B)Adolescents from 6th to 12th classes are given tablets for 52 weeks a year.
(C ) Implemented only in rural areas
(D)None of the above

17.An egg provides--------------mg of cholesterol :
(A)100 mg
(B)200 mg
(C )250 mg
(D)300 mg

18.The license number given according to the rood Safety and Standards act (FSSA) has digits:
(C )14

(A) DPT + measles + Hepatitis + B + OPV + H.Influenza - B + BCG
(B)DPT 4 Hepatitis - B + OPV + H. Influenza -B + BCG
(C )DPT + Hepatitis - B - OPV
(D)DPT + H. Influenza - B + Hepatitis - B

20.World Diabetes Day is celebrated on :
(A)May 31-
(B)April 7th
(C )November14th
(D)December 1-

21.As per‘the biomedical waste management and handling rules 1998, blood stained cotton gauze should be segregated and collected in-----------colour coded bins:
(C )White

22.As per the biomedical waste management and handling rules 1998 Waste sharps belong to which of the following categories :
(C )3

23.A woman dies while in the 10th week of pregnancy, from road traffic accident. This is considered as:
(B)Late maternaldeath
(C )Pregnancy y related death
(D)Direct maternaldeath

24.Dental caries can be prevented by------------in drinking water :
(A) Iron
(B) Flourine
(C ) Calcium
(D) Phospourous

25.The state with the highest Infant Mortality Rates in India is (2010).
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Chattisgarh
(C ) Odisha
(D) Ultra Pradesh

26.Which of the following is a method of rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of severity of injuries and likely hood of survival with prompt medical care?
(C )Tagging
(D)Relief phase

27.According to the national malaria Control Strategy, The epidemiological types of malaria are, EXCEPT:
(A)Tribal malaria
(B)Rural malaria
(C )Urban malaria
(D)Seasonal malaria

28.The infective form of malarial parasite to man is :
(C )Merozoite

29.Recurrence of fever in malaria in a short period of 2-3 years is seen in all, EXCEPT : 
(A) P. vivax
(B) P. falciparum
(C ) P. ovale
(D) None

30.Copper-T is ideally recommended in :
(A) Women with at least one child
(B) Newly married couple
(C ) Infection of genital tract
(D) Unmotivated women

31.Biological value is maximum for :
(A) Egg
(B) Milk
(C ) Soyabean
(D) Pulses

32.WHO recommends supplementation of which of the following element in children with diarrhoea :
(C ) Zinc
(D) Iodine

33.Fast breathing in a child less than 2 months is :
(A)>30breaths perminute
(B)>40 breathsperminute
(C )>50breathsperminute
(D)>60 breathsperminute

34.Which of the following is a warning sign in pregnancy :
(A) Foetal movements
(B) Swelling of the feet
(C ) Vomiting
(D) Cough

35.According to WHO a mother should give breastfeeding--------------——- normal delivery':
(A) Within 30 min after
(B) Within 4 hours after
(C ) Within a day after
(D) After infanta condition stabilizes

36.Which of the following milestones of development is not matched correctly with age :
(A)Sits without support 6-8 months
(B)Holds head orect-4months
(C )Transfer of objects hand to hand 6-8 months
(D)Looks at mother and smiles 6-8 months

37.The dose of Iron and Folic acid tablets distributed to pregnant women under MCH programme is:
(A)60 mg iron + 500 meg folic acid
(B)60mg iron + 100 meg folic acid
(C )100 mg iron + 500 meg folic acid
(D)100 mg iron + 100 meg folic acid

38.Which among the following is the richest source of vitamin C :
(A) Orange
(B) Guava
(C )Indian gooseberry
(D) Mango

39.A low birth weight infant is one with a birth weight of less than :
(A)2 kg
(B)2.5 kg
(C )2.75 kg
(D)3 kg

40. Which of the following cancers can be prevented by vaccination :
(A)Oral cavity cancer
(B)Stomach cancer
(C )Breast cancer,

41. Under COTPA (Control Of Tobacco Products Act) the minimum distance of a tobacco outlet from school compound wall is :
(A)1 km
(B)500 meter
(C )100 meter
(D)75 meter

Screening for disease is :
(A)Primary prevention
(B)Secondary prevention
(C )Tertiary' prevention.
(D)Primordial prevention

Which of the following type of insecticideis abate?
(A)Organo - chloride
(B)Organo - phosphate
(C )Carbamate
(D)Synthetic pyrethroids

44.Pearl index is defined as :
(A)Failures per 100 woman years of exposure
(B)Failure rate for each month of use
(C )Failures per 10 woman years of exposure
(D)Failure rate for each couple

45.Modifiable risk factors of coronary artery disease includes all EXPECT :
(A) Personality
(B) Smoking
(C ) Obesity
(D) Hypertension

46.Ideally the temperature of ice lined refrigerator is set between :
(A) +2° C TO + 8°C 
(B) -15°C TO -25°C
(C )16°C TO 20°C
(D) 0°C TO 2°C

47.World mental health day is observed on : 
(A) Oct 10 
(B) Dec 14
(C ) June 5
(D) April 8
48. Most common mental illness in Kerala :
(A) Schizophrenia
(C ) Bipolar Disorder

49.All of the following are sexually transmitted diseases EXCEPT :
(A) Hepatitis B
(C ) HIV
(D)Herpes zoster

50.Carriers are important in all of the followingEXCEPT
(A) Polio
(C ) Measles

51.Most common cause of blindness in India is :
(A) Cataract
(C ) Refractive errors
(D)Vitamin deficiency

52.Rubella vaccination programme of the Kerala state government aims at giving vaccine children :
(A) 2-4 years
(B)Adolescent hoys
(C ) Adolescent girls
(D)All children

53.Lathyrism is a disease caused by consuming
(A) Argemone seeds
(B)Claviceps infected foodgrain
(C ) Khesari rial
(D)Panicum millare

54.Swine flu is caused by ;
(A) H1N1 virus
(B)H5N1 virus
(C ) HTLV1

55.For treatment of TB which is the strategy adopted in India?
(A)Long course regimen
(B)Short course
(C )Directly Observed Treatment Short course
(D)In patient treatment

56.Bacillus calmette Guerin is given to reduce the morbidity and mortality from :
(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Diphtheria
(C ) Chicken pox
(D) Mumps

57. India has eliminated which of the following parasitic diseases :
(A) Ancylostomiasis
(C ) Dracunculiasis
(C )Trichuriasis

58.Most efficient vector of Dengue :
(A) Aedes aegypti
(B)Aedes albopictus
(C ) Anopheles stephensi
(D)Culex vishnui

59.Which of the following is a Sophisticated measure of malaria incidence in a community?
(A) Annual blood examination rate
(B)Annual parasite index
(C ) Parasite rate
(D)Human blood index

60.For Filaria survey which of the following methods is adopted :
(A) Thick film at night
(B)Thick film at day
(C ) Thin film at night
(D)Thin film at day time

61.Father of Indian surgery is :
(A) Atreya
(C ) Charaka

62.Regarding Rabies, under which category does nibbling of uncovered skin come?
(A) Category 1
(B)Category 2
(C ) Category 3
(D)Category 4

63.Which of the following must be done for prevent ion of neonatal tetanus?
(A)Mother should receive '1 doses of 'IT every alternate month of pregnancy
(B)Mother should receive 2 doses of TT one month apart during pregnancy
(C )Baby should receive 2 doses of TT in the first month
(D)Baby should receive 3 doses of TP in the first month

64.Which of the following disease is not covered under Universal Immunisation Programme?
(A) Hepatitis B
(C ) Diphtheria

Cholera is a disease caused by :
(A) V.choleae 01
(B)V. Cholerae 02
(C ) V.cholera 03
(D)V. Cholera 05

66. Based on the number of skin lesions, a patient is said to have multibacillary leprosy if he has:
(A) More than or equal to 2 skin lesions
(B)More than or equal to 3 skin lesions
(C ) More than or equal to 4 skin lesions
(D)More than or equal to 6 skin lesions

67.A rabies free area is defined as one in which occurred in man or animal species for :no case of indigenously acquired rabies has
(A) 2 yeurs
(B)3 years
(C ) 4 years 
(D)5 years

68.Which of the following bacilli causes plague?
(A) Salmonella
(C ) Yersinia pestis

69.When is world AIDS day observed?
(A) 1st May
(B)2nd July
(C ) l8t December
(B)25th August

70.Usual flight range of aedes mosquito is :
(A) 50-500 m
(B)3 km
(C ) 2 km
(B)5 km

71.Accredited Social Health Activist is a cadre created by:
(A)Social justice department

72.The National Maternity Benefit Scheme has been modified into a new scheme called :
(A) Janani Samraksha Yojana
(B)Janani Suraksha Yojana
(C ) Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojana
(D)Mathru-shishu suraksha yojana

73.Silicosis occurs with :
(A) Carbon particles
(B)Rock mining
(C ) Sugarcane fibres
(D)Ornamental birds

74.The measure of overall disease burden expressed as the number of years lost due to ill health, disability or early death is :
(A) Disability free life expectancy
(B)Disability' adjusted life year
(C ) Quality adjusted life year
(D)Health adjusted life expectancy

75.Best method for teaching about ORS preparation to a group of self help women groups:
(C )Flash cards
(D)Role play method

76.Most effective for motivating a couple for adopting Family planning practices is :
(A)Printed material
(B)Films and television
(C )Group discussion
(D)Face to face communication

77.Principles of health education include all EXCEPT :
(C )Motivation

78.In India, children below what age should not be employed in factories and mines :
(C )14

79.Under Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) which form does a health worker use?
(A)"S'’ Form
(B)”L” Form
(C )"P'' Form
(D)"D" Form

80.As per WHO definition, diabetes mellitus is diagnosed when,
(A)Fasting plasma glucose > 80 mg/dl or 2 hour plasma glucose >140 mg/dl
(B)Fasting plasma glucose > 100 mg/dl or 2 hour plasma glucose > 160 mg/dl
(C )Fasting plasma glucose > 126 mg/dl or 2 hour plasma glucose > 200 mg/dl
,(D) Fasting plasma glucose 2 86 mg/dl or 2 hour plasma glucose > 140 mg/dl

81.The legislative council firstly came into existence in Travancore in India in :
(C )1888

82.Enzymes are basically which are the following :
(C ) Carbohydrates 1
(D) Proteins

83.When did Gandhiji became the President of Indian National Congress?
(C )1930’

84.Palani’ is the Character of the following Author :
(A) Thakazhi
(B) M.T Vasudevan nair
(C ) O.Chandu Menon
(D) O.V.Vijayan

85. Kerala Secretariate Constructed during the reign of:
(A) Ayilyam Thirunnal
(B) Vishakam Thirunnal
(C ) Sree Moolam Thirunnal
(D) Uthram Thirunnal

86.How many seats won by Aam Aadmi Party in the Assembly election held in Delhi in 2013? 
(A) 27
(B) 29
(C ) 28
(D) 32

87.‘Samathwa Samajam’ was the Kerala's first social organization founded by :
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Sahodaran Ayyappan
(C )Ayyan kali
(D)Vykunda Swamikal

88.Pazhassi Raja Museum situated in the city of:
(C )Thalasseri

89.Which one of the following colours has the highest wave length?
(A) Green
(B) Violet
(C ) Red
(D) Yellow

90.Which Indian musician has got life time achievement Gramme Award?
(A)A.R. Rahman
(B)Pt. Ravi Sankar
(C )Ustad Amjad Ali than
(D)Lata Mangeshkar

91.Marthanda Varma was the first Asian ruller who defeated which of the European power :
(A) Portugees
(B) French
(C ) British
(D) Dutch

92.India signed BIPPA Agreement on December 12, 2013 with the country of:
(A)Saudi Arabia
(C )Kuwait13

93.Ramlila Maidan is situated in the place of : 
(A) Mumbai 
(B) Delhi 
(C ) Culcatta
(D) Ayodhya

94. The dynasty firstly issued Gold coins in India :
(A) Kushna dynasty 
(B) Pallava dynasty
(C ) Chola dynasty
(D) Pandya dynasty

95.K.M Mani Budget study centre is working in the university of:
(A)Kerala University
(B)M.G University
(C )Cochin University
(D)Calicut University

96.Who was the Mughal Rullar while establishing English East India company in India?
(C )Babar

97.The vicroy who cancelled Bengal Partition :
(B)Hardinj II
(C )Mount Batton

98.Choolannur Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala has established mainly for the Protection of:
(C )Peacock

99.The events associated with American war of Independence :
(A)Tennis court oath
(B)Fall of Bastle
(C )Reign of Terror
(D)Boston Tea Party

100.The First war of Independence mostly spread in the State of:
(A)Uttar Pradesh
(C )Gujarath
(D)West Bengal

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