JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR -FRONT OFFICE ASSISTANT - kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.is the full form of VIP.
(A)Very interesting person (C ) Very important person
(B)Very important personal (D) None

While talking on phone the front office assistant should be very :
(C )Disrespectful

3. The collection of related file is called 
(A) Data (C ) Datum
(B) Database (D) Registers

4. The international airline of India is : 
(A) Air Australia (C ) Pawan Hans
(B) Air India (D) Lufthansa

5. In KHRAI,the letter H stand by 
(A) Hospitality (C ) Hospital
(B) Hotel (D) None

6. Hotels situated on highway are called : 
(A) Motel 
(B) Flotel
(C ) Lotel
(D) Heritage Building

7. The guest who leaves hotel without setting bills are called:
(A) Skipper
(B) Fraud
(C ) Defaulter
(D) None

8. A plan in which room rent included all the meals are called : 
(A) EP
(C ) CP ‘
(D) AP

9. An example of surface transport is :
(B) Air
(C )Sea

10.The front office assistant report to- in alarge hotel.
(A)F & B Manager
(B)FO Supervisor
(C )HK Supervisor

11.is a type of room with a sofa cum bed.
(C )Double

12.delivers guest luggage to the rooms.
(A)Horn Boy
(B)Bell Boy
(C )Housekeeping attendant

13.is a counter in a hotel that registers guests.
(A)Front desk
(C )Hostess desk

14.FO staff must know the following information onthe city:
(A)Church timings
(B)City tours timings
(C )Locations of shopping centers
(D)All the above

15.1 GB is equal to :
(A)1024 MB
(B)1034 MB
(C )1044 MB
(D)1011 MB

16.Photoelectric smoke detector is a type of —- system.
(A)Fire alarm
(B)Bell alarm
(C )Ring alarm

17.C form is filled forguest..
(A)Foreign ‘
(C )Indian

18.Front desk counter is the centre piece of a :
(B) Lobby
(C )Cate
(D) None

19.Which of the following memories has the shortest access time?
(A)Cache memory
(B) Magnetic bubble memory
(C ) Magnetic core memory

20.Telephone exchange is situated at the
(A)Back office 
(B) Restaurant 
(C ) Front office
(D) Cabin

21.Which function key is used to open help in Windows-OS?
(B) F2
(C ) F3• 
(D) FI

22.The paging system is meant to :
(A)Documents reservation requests
(B)Control guests messages received
(C )Information assistance
(D)Contact guests in a specified area of a hotel

23.IATA fares are :
(A)Indian Air Transport Association
(B)Institute of Air Transport Association
(C )International Air Transport Association
(D)International Air Tourism Association

24.A hotel may be categorized as “medium" if it has :
(A) 25-100 rooms
(B)101 - 300 rooms
(C ) less than 25 rooms
(D)above 300 rooms

25.A commercial hotel caters mostly to : .
(A) Tourists
(C ) Family

26.There are two classes of domestic flights. They are :
(A)J & M Class
(B) Y & H Class 
(C ) J & O Class
(D) J & Y Class

27.The EPABX stands for :
(A)Electrical Private Automatic Branch Exchange
(B)Electronic Property Branch Exchange
(C )Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange
(D)Electronic Private Automatic Broad Exchange

28.A reservation assures the guest a room at the time of his arrival is called:
(A)Confirmed reservation
(B)Non-confirmed reservation
(C )Group reservation
(D)Non-group reservation

29.The front office records are stored at depurture are :
(A)Check-in and check-out
(B)Guest history records and check-out
(C )Guest history records and guest folios
(D)Guest folios and check-in

30.Chronic stress leads to:
(A)Happy life
(B)Healthy life
(C )Serious health related problem
(D)Wealthy life

31.Following Internet standard domain is used by government organisation :
(C )Gote’ 

32.EPROM stands for :
(A)Electrically Programmable Random Only Memory’
(B)Erasable Programmable Rend Only Memory•
(C )Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory
(D)Erasable Processors Read Only Memory

33.An assembler for a microprocessor is used for :
(A)Assembly of processors in a production line
(B)Creation of new programme using different modules
(C )Translation of a higher level language into English desktop
(D)Translation of a programme from assembly language to machine language

34.In excel which facility is available to print a specific row* in each page of the sheet in printing?
(A)Rows to repeat at top
(B)Rows repeated
(C )Rows to print
(D)Repeated rows in 

35.........printers will be used to print on multi carbon forms. 
(A)Daisy Wheel 
(B)Dot Matrix
(C )Laser

36.It act as interface between user and computer hardware :
(A)Device Driver
(C )Operating System
(D)USB loader

37.A email bomb is a type of: 
(A) DOS attack
(B)Bomb attack
(C )Spam attack
(D)None of the above

38.The communication line between the CPU, memory and peripherals is :
(C ) Media
(D) None of the above

39.Large scale integration of chips was introduced in generation of computers (A)First
(C )Third

40.ASCII stands for :
(A)Asian Symbolic Code for Information Interchange
(B)Advance Symbolic Code for Information Interchange
(C )American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(D)American Symbolic Code for Intelligence Interchange

41.Following is the box in which copies of your outgoing messages saved :
(A)Outbox *
(C )Trash box
(D)Sent box

42.The default chart type for MS Excel is :
(A) Row chart
(B)Line chart
(C )Horizontal chart
(D)Column chart

43. A pixel is :
(A)a computer program that draw picture
(B)a picture stored in secondary memory
(C )the smallest resolvable part of picture 
(D) none of these

44. This command does not perform same task in MS Word and MS Excel:
(A) Ctrl + P
(B)Ctrl + C
(C ) Ctrl + X
(D)Ctrl + D

45.Keyboard shortcut to find a word/text in MS Word :
(A) Ctrl + N
(B)Ctrl +S
(C ) Ctrl + P
(D)Ctrl + F

46.Draw a line through the selected text:
(A) subscript
(C ) strikethrough
(D)double strike through

47.Key combination used for center alignment of text:
(A) Ctrl + S
(B)Ctrl + L
(C ) Ctrl + E
(D)Ctrl + S

48.The microprocessor contains ROM chip whichcontains:
(A) Control function
(B)Arithmetic function
(C ) Memory function
(D)Instruction to execute data 

49.Which of the following show full screen view?•
(A) Show
(B)Slide show
(C ) Zoom
(D)None of these

50.Hub is associated with — - network.
(A) Bus
(C ) Ring
(D)All the above

51.UTP stands for :
(A) USB Twisted Pair
(B)Unshielded Twisted Pair
(C ) Unshielded Two Pair
(D)Unshielded Twisted Peer

52.is the originator of Internet.

53.Bookmark features allow you to :
(A) Print a document
(B)Quickly re-access the document
(C ) Close a document

54.Netscape communicator is an example of:
(A) Web Browser
(B)Quickly re-access the document
(C ) Close a document
(D)None of these

55.The first part of URL is called :
(A) Protocol
(C ) Domain name

56.In “D” class fire,extinguisher is used.
(A) Water extinguisher
(C ) Foam
(D)Dry powder

57.This key is used to do a spell chock manually :
(A) F5
(B)F6 1
(C ) F7

58.BCC stands for:
(A) Basic Carbon Copy
(B)Blind Computer Copy
(C ) Blind Combine Copy
(D)Blind Carbon Copy

59. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is :
(A) 1.40 MB
(B)1.44 MB
(C ) 1.40 GB
(D)1.44 GB

60.bar is used to set tabs, indent paragraph and change the page margin.
(A) Menu
(C ) Task

61.The smallest range in Excel is :
(A) Sheet
(C ) Page

62.In word shortcut key for Page break is :
(A) Ctrl + Enter
(B)Ctrl + E
(C ) Ctrl + B
(D)Ctrl + L

63.In Excel the 27th column is represented by :
(A) 27
(C ) AA

64.key end of slide show.
(A) Enter
(C ) F4

65.The operating system is the most common type ofsoftware.
(A) Communication
(C ) Systems
(D)Word processing

66.The'simultaneous of two or more programs by multiple processors is
(A) Multiprogramming
(B) Multiprocessing
(C ) Time-sharing

67.SVGA stands for:
(A) Super Voice Graphic Array 
(B)Super Video Graphic Array
(C ) Super Video Good Array
(D)Special Video Graphic Array

68.Communication mode that supports two-way traffic but only one direction at a time
(A) Simplex 
(B)Half Duplex
(C ) Duplex
69.SMPS stands for :
(A)Switched Mode Power Supply (C ) Store Power Supply
(B) Start Mode Power Supply (D) Single Mode Power Supply

70.The term bit is short for :
(A) 0
(B) Binary language
(C ) Binary number
(D) Binary digit

71.VoIP stands for :
(A) Voice on Information Protocol (C ) Video on InternetProtocol
(B) Voice on Internet Protocol          (D) None of these

72.A---------------must anticipate and accommodate customer needs by delivering the rightinformation at the right time in the right way with right quality. p
(A) Office
(B) Front office
(C ) Call centre
(D) None of these

73.What is CIM?
(A)Customer Information Management
(B)Customer Instruction Management
(C )Customer Interaction Management
(D)None of these

74.In any communication systems, there are few stops to behave :
(A)Stop, Look and Listen
(B)Look and Listen
(C )Listen only
(D)Stop and Listen only

75.The role of travel agency’ is :
(A)Promotion of tourism
(B)‘ Development of tourism
(C )Promotion and development of tourism
(D)None of these

76.A guest with hand luggage only called : 
(A) Baggage
(C ) Suit case
(D)Scanty baggage

77.Tourism can be classified into :  
(A) Picnic and pilgrimage
(B)International and domestic
(C ) Residential and seasonal
(D)Pilgrimage only

78.A guest who has completed his hilling and departed ealied :
(A) Guest check-out
(B)Guest folio
(C ) Late check-out
(D)Guest check-in

79.The major components of tourism are :
(A)Transportation and location
(B)Transportation and Accommodation
(C )Transportation, Location and Accommodation
(D)Location and Accommodation

80.DNIS stands for :
(A)Dialed Number Information Service
(B)Dialed Number Identity System
(C )Dialed Number Identification Service
(D)Dialed Number Identification Scheme

81.Which commission is related with the formation of new state Telungana?
(A) Shah Commission
(B) Chandrasekhar Rao
(C ) B.N. Sree Krishna
(D) Sachar Commission

82."India i.e., Bharat, shall be a union of states" is included in which Article of Indian Constitution?
(A) Article 1 (C ) Article 8
(B) Article 2 (D) Article 4

83. "International Mother Tongue Day" is observed on :
(A) February 21
(B) February 28
(C ) March 21
(D) March 28

84. First Civil Disobedience movement in India :
(A) Bardoli
(B) Dandhi
(C ) Vardha
(D) Champaran

85. Which .stale in India does not share its boundary with Bangladesh?
(A) Mizoram (C ) Manipur
(B) Meghalaya (D) Tripura

86. First foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna 
(A) Martin Luther King (C ) Mother Theresa
(B) * Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (D) Nelson Mandela

87. “Beyond the Lines” is the autobiography of: 
(A) Kuldip Nayyar (C ) Narasimha Rao
(B) I.K. Gujral (D) Zakir Hussain

88. South Sudan celebrated its independence year on :
(C )2011

89.The country having its map on the flag is :
(C )Cyprus

90.The first Indian state to have its Human Development Report prepared and released by Amartya Sen in Delhi is :
(A) Gujarat
(B)Madhya Pradesh
(C ) Uttar Pradesh

The earlier name of WTO :

The first press in India was setup by :
(A)the French
(B)the English
(C )the Dutch
(D)the Portuguese

93. The number of Articles in the Indian Constitution :
(C )395

94. The book "Mokshapradeepam" was written by : 
(A) Vaikunda Swamikal (C ) Brahmananda Sivayogi
(B) Chattambi Swamikal (D) Sree Narayana Guru

95. “All human beings are born free and all are equal in dignity and rights” has been outlined 
(A) UN Charter
(B) French Revolution
(C ) Russian Revolution
(D) Declaration of Human Rights

96. Who is the founder chairman of Swatantra Party?
(A) C. Rajagopalachari
(B) Annadurai
(C ) B.R. Ambedkar
(D) Meenu Massani

97. Rajva Sabha can be dissolved by :
(A) President of India
(B) Prime Minister
(C ) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(D) No one

98. Who is the father of “Kerala Renaissance”?
(A) Chattambi Swamikal
(B) Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Vaikunda Swamikal
(D) Sahodharan Ayyappan

99. Natural Rubber production is dominated by : 
(A) Europe (C ) South America
(B) West .Asia (D) South East Asia

100. Expenditure on defence is an item of: 
(A) Public investment (C ) Private consumption
(B) Public consumption (D) Private investment

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