JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR - ARCHITECTURAL ASSISTANT -.kerala psc previous question paper


1. The science of shades and shadows is known as :
(A) Perspective(B)Sociography
(C ) Rendering(D)Graphics

2.The seven lamps of architecture was described by :
(A) John Ruskin(B)Laurie Baker
(C ) Le-Corbusier(D)F.L. Wright

3.‘Falling Water House’ was designed by:
(A) Le-Corbusier(B)Walter Gropius
(C ) Eero Saarinen(D)F.L. Wright

4.Rashtrapati Bhavan at New Delhi wasdesigned by :
(A) Le-Corbusier(B)Edwin Lutyens
(C ) Oscar NiemeyerCD)Mies Van Der Rohe

5.A written description of materials and labour employed in the construction of a building is called:
(A)Specification(B) Estimate
(C )Survey(D)Bill ofQuantities

6.In construction of a building, a contract is prepared between :
(A)Building owner, Architect and Contractor
(B)Architect and Contractor
(C )Building Owner and Architect
(D)Building Owner and Contractor

7.What is the maximum number of steps that can come in a flight?
(C )12.(D)10

8.The Lingaraja temple is situated in :
(C )Bhopal(D)Calcutta

9.DPC indicates :
(A)Dampness Preventing Concrete
(B)Dampness Preventing Course
(C ).Damp Proof Course
(D)Damp Proof Concrete

10.The extent of space between two supports of a structure is called :
(A) Span(B)Axis
(C ) Abutment(D)FrameFrame

11.A brick bond having cavity in between is :
(A) English Bond(B)Flemish Bond
(C ) Rat Trap Bond•(D)Garden wall BondGarden wall Bond

12.A building of exceptional height and many framework Confusedtories supported by a steel or concrete
(A) High rise building(B)Sky Scraper
(C ) Multi storey building(D)Mid rise building

13.A room or space directly under the roof of the buildingis called:
(A) Mezzanine(B)CellarCellar
(C ) Atrium(D)Attic

14.An imposing door or gateway emphasized by sizeand architectural treatment is called :
(A) Gateway(B)Portico
(C ) Portal (D)Tower

15.A freestanding roofed structure affording shade and rest in a garden or park is called :
(A) Gazebo(B)Plaza
(C ) Gallery(D)Pergola

16.Which of these are primary colours?
(A) Blue, Yellow, Green(B)Red, Blue, Yellow
(C ) Red, Blue, Green(D)None

17,A colour scheme exhibiting varying intensities and values of a single colour is known as :
(A)Polychromatic colour scheme
(B)Analogous colour scheme
(C )Monochromatic colour scheme
(D)Complimentary colour scheme

18.Which of these is a cool colour? 
(A) Red (C ) Yellow
(B) Orange (D) Blue

19.A small elevator for conveying food, dishes or other materials between floor of a building is called a :
(A)Freight Elevator(B)Dumb waiter
(C ) Passenger Elevator(D) Traction Elevator

20.Which of these human made construction is visible from outer space?
(A)Qutub Minar(B)Statue of Liberty
(C )Great wallof China(D)Taj Mahal

21.The shape or forms in such a work are often of irregular contour and seem to suggest forms found in nature :
(A)Art Deco(B)Avant Garde
(C ) Vernacular Architecture (D) Organic Architecture

22.Concrete reinforced with dispersed randomly oriented fibres of glass or plastic is :
(A)Fibre reinforced concrete(B)Ferro cement
(C )Plain concrete(D)Pre cast concrete

23.A recess or a small room connected to or forming part of a larger room is called :
(C )Alcove(D)Corridor

24.A screen usually of concrete louvers, placed on the outside of a building to shield the windows from direct sunlight is known as :
(C )Solar screen(D)Blinds

25.The range of frequency audible to the human earis :
(A) 20 Hz to 15000 Hz '(B)20 Hz to 20000 Hz20 Hz to 20000 Hz
(C ) 15 Hz to 15000 Hz(D)15 Hz to 20000 Hz

26.A large vaulted portal opening into the central courtyard of a mosque is called :
(A) Iwan(B)Qibla
(C ) ' Ziyada(D)Maidan

27.A vertical window in a projection built out from asloping roof is called :
(A) Bay window(B)Gable
(C ) Dormer window(D)Eaves

28.The saturation or purity of a colour is known as :
(A) Chroma(B)Intensity
(C ) Hue(D)Value

29.The dictum Form Follows Function was given by :
(A) Walter Gropius(B)Le-Corbusier
(C ) Louis Sullivan(D)F.L. Wright

30.Which of these are secondary colours?
(A) Yellow, Green, Violet.(B)Orange, Green, Yellow
(C ) Orange, Green, Violet(D)Orange,Violet,YellowOrange, Violet, Yellow

31.Where is ‘The Kaufmann House' or ‘The Falling Water House’ situated?
(A) New York(B)Massachusetts
(C ) Chicago(D)PennsylvaniaPennsylvania

32.Planes that have visual but not physical reality is called :
(A) Virtual Plane(B)Vertical Plane
(C ) Visual Plane(D)Transparent PlaneTransparent Plane
33.The balance distribution of equivalent forms and spaces about a common line/axis
(A) Repetition(B)SymmetrySymmetry
(C ) Hierarchy(D)Rhythm

34.The Sydney Opera House in Australia was built by :
(A)Frank Llyod Wright '(B)Mies Van Der Rohe
(C ) Louis Sullivan(D)John Utson

35.The Medieval Period is from : (A)3000 BC to 30 BC
(C )300 AD to 1300 AD
(B)300 BC to 365 AD
(D)1500 BC to 1600 BC

36.The development and use of concrete to the art of building was the contribution of:
(A) Romans(B) Greeks•,
(C ) Byzantines(D) Early Christians

37.Which of these is not a feature of Gothic Architecture?
(A) Pointed Arch(B) Fan Like Vault
(C )Flying Buttress(D)Aqueducts

38.Guggenheim Museum at New York was designed by :
(A) Louis Sullivan••(B) Frank Llyod Wright
(C )Le-Corbusier(D)Louis Khan

39."Architecture is the play of forms under light' whose words are these?
(A)Frank Llyod Wright(B)Louis Sullivan
(C ) Le-Corbusier .(D). Louis Khan

40.The Ronchamp Chapel at Notre Dame, France, designed by Le-Corbusier was famous for its
(A) Sculptural effect'(B) Garden
(C )Entrance Portal(D)Verticality

41.The Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad was designed by :
(A)Louis Khan(B)Louis Sullivan
(C )Charles Corea(D)B.V. Doshi

42.Which one of these was not designed by Charles Corea?
(A)Kovalam Beach Resort
(B)Kanchanjunka Apartments
(C )Illinois Institute of Technology’
(D)Jawahar Kala Kendra Jaipur

43. The Indian Institute of Bangalore was designed by :
(A) Louis Khan(B)B.V. Doshi
(C ) Le-Corbusier(D)Charles CoreaCharles Corea

14.Visual equilibrium in Architecture is called :
(A) Symmetry*(B)PunctuationPunctuation
(C ) BalanceCD)Dominance

45.The Parthenon, a temple dedicated to godess Athena is the most beautiful example of which order?
(B) Ionic
(A) Doric (C ) Corithean

46.The Sanchi Stupa is situated in which state of India?
(A)Madhya Pradesh(B)Uttar Pradesh
(C )Uttarakhand(D)Gujarat

47.Which is the third sacred shrine in Islam after Mecca and Medina?
(A)Great Mosque of Cardoba, Spain
(B)Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
(C )St. Sophia, Istanbul
(D)Masjid I Shah, Isafahan

48.‘St.. Basil the blessed’ at Moscow was designed by two Russian architects Ponik & Barma. The fabulous colouring of the dome was completed in which century?
(A)17th C'(B) 16th C
(C )15 thC(D)18th C

49.A series of arches supported on piers or columns is called :
(A)' Architrave(B)Aisles
(C )Colonnade(D)Arcade

50.A slender tower above a mosque from which a muezzin calls the faithful to the prayer is 
(A) Tower(B) Minaret
(C ) Mihrab(D) Mimbar

51.A monumental building to house a tomb or tombs usually of dignitaries is called a :
(C )Mausoleum(D)Masqura

52.The passageway around a shrine the devotee walks as part of ritual or worship is called :
(A)Pradakshinapadha(B)Portico •
(C )Podium(D)Pavillion

53.A triple arch having three concave sections is called :
(A)Bulls eye Arch(B)Horse shoe Arch
(C )Ogee Arch(D)TrefoilArch

54.A recess in a wall often used to place a statue or an ornament is called :
(C ) Quoin'(D) Jali

55.Which city is known as the !City of thousand minarets’?
(A) Medina*(B) Mecca
(C )Jerusalem(D)Cairo

56.Who was the author of the book The new architecture and the Bauhaus’ published in 1935 that made a wide influence on architectural development?
(A)Louis Sullivan(B)
(C )Walter Gropius(D)

57.‘Less is more' aphorim is by :
(A)Mies Van Der Rohe(B)
(C ) Eero Saarinen•(D)

58.Which of these is not a feature of Mughal Gardens?
(C )Divided to smaller squares and rectangles
(D)Use of water

59. Confined view to a dominant feature is known as :
(A) Vista(B) Focal Point
(C ) Panorama(D) Birds eye view

60. The capital group of buildings- High court, Assembly hall, Secretariat and Raj Bhavan that have a monumental character are located at:
(A) Ahmedabad(B) New Delhi
(C ) Jaipur(D) . Chandigarh

61. A public square or open space in a city or town is called :
(A) Gallery(B) Plaza
(C ) Amphitheatre(D) Ground

62. The size or proportion of a building relative to the structural or functional dimensions of the human body is called :
(A) Scale(B) Mechanical Scale
(C ) Human Scale‘(D) Visual Scale

63. Modification of a general climate, which may be peculiar to a very small area is called : 
(A) Macro Climate(B) Micro Climate
(C ) Regional Climate(D) Weather

64.Which one of these is a tangible feature of the site? 
(A) Power supply lines(B)
(C ) Building Codes(D)Zoning regulations Sacredness of the site

65. Which one of these is not a street furniture?
(A) Fence(B) Gazebo
(C ) Telephone Booth(D) Water Body

66.-Single storey units stacked one above the other to a common stair is called :
(A) Single family house(B)Row House
(C ) Walk up apartment(D)
height of two or three, accessible by a
Row House
High rise apartment

67. Which of these is not a site danger signal? 
(A) Steep slope (C ) Severe climate exposure
(B) North facing site (D) Earth quake prone area

68. Which of these is an ‘on site’ feature?
(A) School (C ) Site drainage
(B) Bus-stop (D) Play ground

70.Which of these is the natural feature of a site? 
(A) Physiography (C ) Utilities
(B) Services
(D) Cultural attraction

71.Which one of these is not an exterior space? 
(A) Avenue (C ) Cul-de-Sae
(B) Streetscape (D) Boulevard

72.‘Semi detached building is a building detached on :
(A)1 side(B)2 sides
(C )3 sides.(D)4 sides

73.Area of each ‘off street parking’ space provided for parking motor cars shall not be less than :
(A)12 sq meter(B)15 sq meter
(C )17 sq meter(D)14 sq meter

74.All buildings upto 10 m height, under educational, medical or office/business shall have a • front yard of
(A)Average 5.5 m with minimum 4.5 m
(B)Average 6 m with minimum 4.5 m
(C )Average 5.5 m with minimum 5 m
(D)Average 6 m with minimum 5 m

75.Assembly buildings belong to the occupancy of
'(A) Group E(B) Group F
(C ) Group D(D) Group G

76.The width of fire escape staircase shall not be less than :
(A) 90 cm(B) SO cm
(C ) . 85 cm(D) 75 cm

77.A low wall not more than 1.2 in height built along the edge of a roof or a floor is : 
(A) Side wall(B) Half wall
(C ) Hand rail(D) Parapet

78.The usable floor area excluding staircase, left well, escalators, ducts, toilets, A/C room, electrical room etc is called :
(A)Carpet area(B)Floor area
(C )Built up area(D)None of these

79.The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear plot boundaries is :
(A)Set back(B)Plot line
(C ) Depth of plot .(D) Plot double frontage

80.An imaginary line joining points of equal elevation on a surface, or its representation on a topographic map is called :f
(A) Gradient(B) Slope
(C ) Physiography(D) Contour line

81.Who was the author of ‘Mimamsa Darsana' ? 
(A) Patanjali (C ) Kapila
(B) Jaimini (D) Badarayana

82.The currency of Sweden 
(A) Krona (C ) Cedi
(B) Yen (D) Rand

83.The editor 'Swadeshabhimani newspaper :
(A) Vakkom Moulavi(B) C. Krishnan
(C ) Ramakrishna Pillai(D) K.C. Keshava Pillai

84.The temple entry Proclamation of Malabar was issued in the year:
(C )1946(D) 1947 

85. How many districts includes in Telangana State?
(A) 10(B)13
(C ) 23(D)12

86.India’s telegram service closed down on :•
(A) 10th July 2013(B)15th July 2013
(C ) 5th July 2013(D)25th July 2013

87.The capital of Chattisgarh : (A) Dchradun(B)Jaipur
(C ) Ranchi(D)Raipur

88.Who founded ‘Atma Vidya Sangam’ in 1917?
(A) Brahmananda Sivayogi(B)Chattampi Swamikal
(C ) Vagbhatananda(D)Kumara Guru

89.The.'‘Partition of Bengal’ was revoked in 1911 by
(A) Lord Hardinge(B)Lord Curzon
(C ) Lord Lytton(D)Lord CanningLord Canning

90.The author of‘Nil Darpan’:
(A) C.R. Das(B)Dinabandhu Mitra
(C ) Dadabhai Naoroji(D)Rabinadranath TagoreRabindranath Tagore

91.------------, the social reform leader of Tamil Nadu came to Vaikom and offered
(A) Veeresalingam(B) Vaikunda Swamikal
(C ) E.V. Rama Swami Naicker(D) Jyoti Rao Phule

92.Who wrote ‘Darsanamala’? .
(A) K. Ayyappan'(B)Kumaranasan
(C ) Ayyankali'(D)Sree Narayana Guru

93.‘Earth day’ is observed on :
(A) April 22. (B)June 5June 5
(C ) September 16(D)December 10

94.‘Vayalar Award’ winner of 2013 :
(A)Perumbatavam Sreedharan
(B)Prabha Varma
(C )K.R. Meera

95.‘Garibi Hatao’ was the slogan of;
(A) 4th Five year plan(B) 9th Five year plan
(C ) 5th Five year plan
(D)10th Five year plan

96. The Panama canal links The Pacific ocean with :
(A) Mediterranean sea (C ) Suez canal
(B) Red sea
(D) ' Atlantic ocean

97.is the hottest planet in the solar system.
(A) Mars (C ). Venus
(B) Earth (D) Jupiter

98. ‘Santhosh Trophy’ winner of 2014 :
(A) Mizoram (C ) Railways
(B) Services (D) Bengal

99. Who was the author of the Bengali novel ‘Father Panchali’?
(A)Satyajith Ray
(B)Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay
(C )Aurobindo Gosh
(D)Ashutosh Gowariken

100. The first Indian satellite Aryabhatta was launched on
(A) 17th March 1972 (C ) 18th May 1974
(B) 15th June 1973 (D) 19th April 1975

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