Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)

Over the last decade, the growth of satellite service, the rise of digital cable, and the birth of HDTV have all left their mark on the television landscape. Now, a new delivery method threatens to shake things up even more powerfully. Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) has arrived, and backed by the deep pockets of the telecommunications industry, it's poised to offer more interactivity and bring a hefty dose of competition to the business of selling TV.

IPTV describes a system capable of receiving and displaying a video stream encoded as a series of Internet Protocol packets. If you've ever watched a video clip on your computer, you've used an IPTV system in its broadest sense. When most people discuss IPTV, though, they're talking about watching traditional channels on your television, where people demand a smooth, high-resolution, lag-free picture, and it's the Telco's that are jumping headfirst into this market. Once known only as phone companies, the Telco's now want to turn a "triple play" of voice, data, and video that will retire the side and put them securely in the batter's box. In this primer, we'll explain how IPTV works and what the future holds for the technology. Though IP can (and will) be used to deliver video over all sorts of networks, including cable systems.
How It Works

First things first: the venerable set-top box, on its way out in the cable world, will make resurgence in IPTV systems. The box will connect to the home DSL line and is responsible for reassembling the packets into a coherent video stream and then decoding the contents. Your computer could do the same job, but most people still don't have an always-on PC sitting beside the TV, so the box will make a comeback. Where will the box pull its picture from? To answer that question, let's start at the source.

Most video enters the system at the Telco's national head end, where network feeds are pulled from satellites and encoded if necessary (often in MPEG-2, though H.264 and Windows Media are also possibilities). The video stream is broken up into IP packets and dumped into the Telco's core network, which is a massive IP network that handles all sorts of other traffic (data, voice, etc.) in addition to the video. Here the advantages of owning the entire network from stem to stern (as the Telco's do) really come into play, since quality of service (QoS) tools can prioritize the video traffic to prevent delay or fragmentation of the signal. Without control of the network, this would be dicey, since QoS requests are not often recognized between operators. With end-to-end control, the Telco's can guarantee enough bandwidth for their signal at all times, which is key to providing the "just works" reliability consumers have come to expect from their television sets.

The video streams are received by a local office, which has the job of getting them out to the folks on the couch. This office is the place that local content (such as TV stations, advertising, and video on demand) is added to the mix, but it's also the spot where the IPTV middleware is housed. This software stack handles user authentication, channel change requests, billing, VoD requests, etc.-basically, all of the boring but necessary infrastructure.

All the channels in the lineup are multicast from the national headend to local offices at the same time, but at the local office, a bottleneck becomes apparent. That bottleneck is the local DSL loop, which has nowhere near the capacity to stream all of the channels at once. Cable systems can do this, since their bandwidth can be in the neighborhood of 4.5Gbps, but even the newest ADSL2+ technology tops out at around 25Mbps (and this speed drops quickly as distance from the DSLAM [DSL Access Multiplier] grows).
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is a system where a digital television service is delivered by using Internet Protocol over a network infrastructure, which may include delivery by a broadband connection. A general definition of IPTV is television content that, instead of being delivered through traditional broadcast and cable formats, is received by the viewer through the technologies used for computer networks.
For residential users IPTV is often provided in conjunction with Video on Demand and may be bundled with Internet services such as Web access and VoIP.The commercial building of IPTV, VoIP and Internet access is referred to as triple play service(adding mobility is called Quadruple play).IPTV is typically supplied by a service provider using a closed network infrastructure. This closed network approach is in competition with the delivery of TV content over the public internet, called Internet Television. In businesses, IPTV may be used to deliver television content over cooperate LANs.
By contrast Internet TV generally refers to transport streams sent over IP networks and proprietary variants as used by websites such as YouTube are now rarely considered to be IPTV services. The IP based platform offers significant advantages, including the ability to integrate television with other IP-based services like high speed Internet access and VoIP.
A switched IP network also allows for the delivery of significantly more content and functionality. In a typical TV or satellite network, using broadcast video technology, all the content constantly flows downstream to each customer, and the customer switches the content at the set top box. The customer can select from as many choices as the telecoms, cable or Satellite Company can stuff into the pipe flowing into the home. A switched IP network works differently. Content remains in the network, and only the content the customer selects is sent into the customerâ„¢s home. That frees up the bandwidth, and the customerâ„¢s choice is less restricted by the size of the pipe into the home. This also implies that the customerâ„¢s privacy could be compromised to a greater extent than is possible with traditional TV or satellite networks.
hey buddy can u provide me presentation on IPTV latest by 16-oct as my seminar is on 18-oct. thanx
pls give me refrerences.................
for more on Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) are there in the following threads. please go through them.
plz provide detailed report on IPTV as electronics topic
Plzz send me complete seminar on this topic with PPT presentation
i need more information about iptv
 IPTV is a system used to deliver digital television services to the consumers who are
registered subscribers for this system.
 Often, this service is provided together with Video facility on demand.
 In addition to this, there is provision to include Internet services such as web access and Voice
over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
 In cases when internet service is also provided, it may be called Triple Play.
IPTV, essentially has two components:
• Internet Protocol (IP): the format of packets and the addressing scheme for a network.
• Television (TV): specifies the medium of communication that operates through the transmission of pictures and sounds.
 Unlimited Possibilities
 Cost –Multicast replacing broadcast
 Ability to search the web for a movie
 Triple Play –combining Voice, Video and Data
 Interactive communication with the audience
 Interactive communication between consumers using IM
 PVR (Personal Video Recorder) –accessible from anywhere
 provides all digital, two ways connected, unlimited channels, and personalized TV.

 Video Head End: point in network at which linear (broadcast TV) and on-demand (movies) content captured and formatted for distribution over IP network.
 Video Server: computer-based devices connected to large storage systems. Video content, previously encoded, is stored either on disk or in large banks of RAM.
Submitted by:
Hemant Sharma

ABOUT TV ! Television (TV): specifies the medium of communication that operates through the transmission of information to the users as pictures and sounds for their interpretation & entertainment. MODES OF TV TRANSMISSION
Historic view-TV transmission from towers,
distribution over a cable n/w or beamed directly
from Satellite (VSAT).
Modern view-TV, Telephone services & high
speed internet access will be delivered over
present broadband DSL Network on a single
Types Of Transmission
MULTICASTING- A multicast stream is sent to a multicast group internet address. When a user selects a live channel, a request to join the group of viewers associated with the relevant multicast address is sent from the set top box to the equipment in the local telephone exchange.
UNICASTING- A video-on-demand service is unique to each viewer & delivered as a unicast stream. It is sent to a single internet address in response to a request from the receiver.
Evolution [of the TV]
The Origin of IP-TV
Definition of IP-TV
IPTV essentially has two components:
Part 1: Internet Protocol (IP): specifies the format of packets and the addressing scheme. The protocol establishes a virtual connection between a destination and a source. IP allows you to address a package of information and drop it in the system, but there’s no direct page link between you and the recipient.
Part 2: Television (TV): specifies the medium of communication that operates through the transmission of pictures and sounds. We all know TV, but here we are referring to the services that are offered for the TV, like linear and on-demand programming.
Technologies involved in IP-TV :
1. Broadband – The key element
As per TRAI:
“An always-on data connection that is able to support interactive services, and has the capability of minimum download speed of 256 kbps”

Note: This definition for throughput may undergo up
gradation in the future.
2. xDSL
xDSL Family Tree
Symmetric DSL
Provide identical data rates upstream & downstream
Asymmetric DSL
Provide relatively lower rates upstream but higher rates downstream
Four main variations of xDSL exist:
ADSL-Asymmetrical Digital Sub’s Line
HDSL-High bit/data rate Digital Sub’s Line
SDSL-- Symmetric Digital Sub’s Line
VDSL-Very-high-data-rate Digital Sub’s Line
Some DSL Standards
ADSL Modulation
ADSL2+ Potential
Basic Architecture of ADSL
Extension of ADSL to IP-TV

H.264 is mainly used
It has 50% more compression efficiency as compared to MPEG-2
Picture quality is retained at low bit rates
It enables the broadcast of HD over IPTV
Comparison between H.264 & MPEG2

Content Services in Triple Play
Broadcast type
Pay TV
Hi-Fi Radio
Electronic Programme Guide (EPG)
Multicast Streaming
Live Streaming for VOD
Progressive Downloads(Video , gaming,music downloads)

IPTV - Internet protocol television - refers to the delivery of digital television and other audio and video services over broadband data networks using the same basic protocols that support the internet.
IPTV describes a system capable of receiving and displaying a video stream encoded as a series of Internet Protocol packets. In this paper, let us first define an Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), the difference between traditional cable TV and IPTV and the service providers of IPTV.
The home continues to grow more digital with each new round of technologydevelopment. Consumers add MP3 players, set-top boxes (STBs), personal video recorders (PVRs), digital cameras, and HDTVs to their cache of digital entertainment devices.
They create wireless home networks to connect their components to each other and to a new generation of multimedia STBs, desktop PCs, and laptop PCs designed for the digital home.
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is a system where a digital television service is delivered using the Internet Protocol over a network infrastructure, which may include delivery by a broadband connection.
IPTV is typically supplied by a broadband operator using a closed network infrastructure. This closed network approach is in competition with the delivery of TV content over the public Internet.
What is IPTV?
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is the delivery of broadcast-quality television and/or video signals to subscribers over a broadband connection using the Internet Protocol (IP). IP is simply the protocol or technology that enables you to access the Internet. IP-delivered television content is delivered using this technology. IPTV, unlike Internet TV, is primarily a TV experience rather than a PC experience and is meant as an alternative to cable and satellite.
The `IP’ in its name stands for internet protocol and refers to a method of sending information over a secure, tightly managed network that results in a superior entertainment experience. Building IPTV capability into a network allows a service provider to deliver voice and data as well.
Cable TV is a one-way communication. IPTV provides for a two-way communication.
IPTV provides interactive programmes such as Video on demand (VOD), gaming and many more.Whereas, there are no interactive programmes in cable TV.
traditional cable TV has the capacity to deliver hundreds of channels simultaneously to each subscriber. This creates limitations on the number of channels offered and can contribute to bandwidth shortages and quality degradation. IPTV, by contrast, sends only one programme at a time.
In traditional cable TVs video is transmitted by the local operators whereas in an IPTV, voice, video and data are transmitted by the telcos.
Large telecom companies and others into the business of providing broadband access will offer IPTV services. Many of the world’s major telecom providers are exploring IPTV as a new revenue opportunity from their existing markets.
The venerable set-top box, on its way out in the cable world, will make resurgence in IPTV systems. The box will connect to the home DSL line and is responsible for reassembling the packets into a coherent video stream and then decoding the contents. Most video enters the system at the Telco’s national head end, where network feeds are pulled from satellites and encoded if necessary.
The video streams are received by a local office, which has the job of getting them out to the folks on the couch. This office is the place that local content (such as TV stations, advertising, and video on demand) is added to the mix.
All the channels in the lineup are multicast from the national head end to local offices at the same time, but at the local office, a bottleneck becomes apparent.
When a user changes the channel on their set-top box, the box does not "tune" a channel like a cable system
A typical IPTV configuration from the digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM) to the customer premises is shown in figure. As shown, the video stream is delivered using ADSL2+ from the IP-based DSLAM to the user’s ADSL2+ broadband router.

This shows how a basic IP television system can be used to allow a viewer to have access to many different media sources. This diagram shows how a standard television is connected to a set top box (STB) that converts IP video into standard television signals. The STB is the gateway to a IP video switching system.
This diagram shows that the user only needs one video channel to the SVS to have access to virtually an unlimited number of video sources.
This shows how an IP television system can distribute information through a switched telephone network. This example shows that end users who are watching a movie that is initially supplied by media center that is located some distance and several switches away from end users (movie watchers). When the first movie watcher requests the movie, it is requested from the telephone end office.
This shows how the number of simultaneous IP television users per household geographic serving area can vary based on the data transmission capability of the service provider. This example shows that each single IP television user typically requires 3 to 4 Mbps of data transfer. For a telephone system operator that uses distance sensitive DSL service, this example shows that the service provided will be limited to providing service to a single IP television when the data transfer rates are limited to 3-4 Mbps.
Digital Broadcast TV
Video on Demand (VoD)
Global Television Channels
Personal Media Channels (PMC)
In Business
Interactivity among Internet, Video & Voice
Numerous channels
Provides web-based training
Report to the operator: Quadruple pla
There are some limitations to IPTV. IPTV is based on the Internet Protocol, it is sensitive to packet loss and delays if the IPTV connection is not fast enough and it also does not support HDTV at the moment.
In this regard, the home network must be a closed one. It should be a secure network where access is limited only to users and concerned devices within the home. This is an important factor for the home networks as it uses wireless technologies.
In the future, IPTV is likely to be standard in tens of millions of population. As a result, the market is going to demand new innovative applications, end-to-end solutions and much more. The possibilities opened up really are limitless. With technology like this, it’s no wonder that IPTV will be the TV usable by all societies of the world.
IPTV is a very useful system, through which you can receive both TV and video signals along with other multimedia services by means of your Internet connection. In a nutshell, it is nothing but a broadband connection and a system to deliver various programs of television using the Internet protocol (i.e., language) over computer networks.
It is important to remember that IPTV is not like any ordinary television program broadcast through the Internet, but rather it is unique in itself. Its contour is represented by a closed, proprietary TV system which is similar to the cable services present today. But, in contrast, the delivery of IPTV is made via IP-based secure channels, which result in a sharp increase in content distribution control.
The role of IPTV is to integrate numerous ways to scrutinize and trace choices of users. Its role is also to mark out the preferences and selections. The role of IPTV is to integrate numerous ways to scrutinize and trace choices of users. Its role is also to mark out the preferences and selections over a particular time period. It is therefore emerging as a perfect platform on which clients add personalized e-commerce options and a more targeted advertising. By now, IPTV has turned out to be a widespread denominator for systems where both television and video signals are circulated to subscribers or viewers.
IPTV uses an Internet Protocol over broadband connection and very often this service has been provided in parallel with the Internet connection of the subscriber, supplied by an operator dealing with broadband. This is done by using the same infrastructure but apparently over a dedicated bandwidth allocation. Hence, we can describe it as a system in which a digital television service is provided to subscribing consumers over a broadband connection using the Internet Protocol.

The official definition approved by the International Telecommunication Union focus group on IPTV (ITU-T FG IPTV) is as follows:
"IPTV is defined as multimedia services such as television/video/audio/text/graphics/data delivered over IP based networks managed to provide the required level of quality of service and experience, security, interactivity and reliability."
IPTV services may be classified into three main groups:
• live television, with or without interactivity related to the current TV show;
• time-shifted programming: catch-up TV (replays a TV show that was broadcast hours or days ago), start-over TV (replays the current TV show from its beginning);
• video on demand (VOD): browse a catalog of videos, not related to TV programming.
Consumers always want more and high quality. Now days most of TV are analog with one way data transmission and limited channel. IPTV provides all digital, two ways connected, unlimited channels, integrated (DRV, HDTV, PIPs, VoD) and personalized TV. IPTV enhances the TV offer and delivers in a new way to provide better experience to watch TV in a Simple, Personalized and in an advanced way.

• Simple
EPG (Electronic Program Guide) that allows easy navigation, quick program information, PIP (Picture in Picture) and PPV (Pay Per view) capabilities.
• Personalized
IPTV enables you to personalize your view, profile and events. You can attach your TV with other devices such as Digital cam to view personal pictures or photos on your TV. You can also personalize your profile, parental controls, and television and account settings.
• Advanced
With the help of EPG your DVR or PVR can be schedule for recordings of your programs either once or on a recurring basis. Get live TV notifications such as Caller ID, SMS and e-mail notification while you watch TV. It also provides program search capabilities. To enhance the quality IPTV provides following advanced features:
 Advanced Multimedia Program Guide
 Integrated Broadcast, VOD and DVR
 Fast scrolling & navigation
 Live picture-in- picture
 Channel slide show
 Software-based tuning
 Instant channel changing with richer navigation
 Integrate Web based services
 Cross device applications and services
Internet Protocol Television
IPTV is a method of delivering broadcast television and on-demand, rich media content that uses an Internet protocol (IP) network as the medium. Any broadband IP network can be used for IPTV. However, IPTV is most prominently used as the primary mechanism for carriers, such as telephone companies (telcos), and cable and satellite TV carriers, to deliver television to mass audiences over existing communications infrastructures. IPTV offers carriers flexibility and added value in the form of additional services that can be offered to customers, which improves the carrier's profitability and competitive edge.
IPTV service providers around the globe will find it tough to convince customers to switch over, as they fight off competition to deliver triple-play and increase revenues. There are concerns over possible Broadcast Regulatory Favoritism and chocking of existing networks. Even IPTV is immune to the conflicts between open source and proprietary systems. While many of their European counterparts have successfully rolled out IPTV with open source platforms, Bluewin has been found to struggle with the commercial launch of IPTV services which is dependent on Microsoft

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