intelligent transportation systems full report


Intelligent Transportation System


Traffic congestion-insufficient road development-growing number of vehicles.
Low speed, increased accident rates, increased fuel consumption, and increased pollution.
Impossible to build enough new roads or to meet the demand.
These explore the concepts that treat highway systems and the vehicles that use them as integrated system. Among them is the concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
The goal of I T S is to improve the transportation system to make it more efficient and safer by use of information, communications and control technologies.


India is going through a period of drastic change in the transportation area due to:
Rapidly growing economy.
Insufficient and inadequate public transportation system.
Rising vehicle ownership levels.


ITS is comprised of a number of technologies, including information processing, communications, control, electronics.
Joining these technologies to our transportation system will save lives, save time, and save money

Benefits of I T S applications

Reduction in stops and delays at intersections
Speed control & improvement
Travel time improvement
Capacity management
Incident management


Framework for planning, defining, and integrating intelligent transportation systems.
Benefits of Architecture
Reduces time and resources required to integrate the technologies to local needs
Helps identify agencies and jurisdictions & seeks their participation


Effective and efficient operation of transit systems relies on a communications infrastructure and vehicle-based communications technologies.
Communications systems are used to transmit voice and data between transit vehicles and operation centers, and to transmit commands between operators and technologies.
Transit communications systems are comprised mostly of wireless technologies and applications.


These includes separate technologies often are combined in various software packages, which allow for the integration of many different transit functions.
GIS allows transit agencies to accurately track where demand is located in their service area.




A system of satellites, computers, and receivers in which traffic data is incorporated in the map, the driver can get the fastest route, can know the position of the signals ahead, predict traffic jams, etc.

Merits And Demerits

Travel to unknown destinations using best possible route
Never get lost.
Locate restaurants, highways, hospitals , etc.
Use the traffic flow data to predict the traffic situations ahead
Additional cost of installation
Lack of availability of detailed map of all regions
Discrepancy b/w local names and indicated names
Insufficient traffic data analysis to predict traffic conditions


Travel to unknown destinations using best possible route
Never get lost.
Locate restaurants, highways, hospitals , etc.
Use the traffic flow data to predict the traffic situations ahead
Additional cost of installation
Lack of availability of detailed map of all regions
Discrepancy b/w local names and indicated names
Insufficient traffic data analysis to predict traffic conditions


It helps to save the travel time, Reduce cost reliability, more comfort to travelers, gives safety and security.
The information which the travelers want are of both static and dynamic. Static information includes routes and schedules. Whereas dynamic information includes, traffic conditions, real-time transit schedules, incidents, weather, parking etc.
Transportation Management Centers respond to real-time traffic conditions, control which lanes may be used, traffic signal timing.


Announcing stops, transfer possibilities, based on the vehicle's location, route, and direction of travel.
Information via variable message signs placed at one or more locations in the bus.
Primarily motivated by support for the disabled, helpful for those unfamiliar with the route, when the bus is crowded, and when it is difficult to see outside the vehicle.
Provides news and Weather, video clips, and other travel-related information on a flat-panel display.


The APC automatically records the number of passengers, time and location of each stop as passengers get on and off the bus.
The APC can collect data, with a reduction in time, cost, and effort by means of infrared beams at the doors or pressure sensitive mats on the steps.
With the information provided by the APCs, transit planners can make changes to routes and schedules that better serve the transportation needs of their community.



Improved safety
Better traffic flow
Lower travel cost
Better environmental quality
Increased business activity
Greater user acceptance
Better travel information
Better planning information


Difficult to use in mixed traffic
Preliminary difficulties in understanding
ITS equipments costly
The control system software could be hacked by hackers


The use of I T S in some developed countries like America, Japan and England has given them high progress in the field of transportation. This helped them in their economic progress. Also the traffic congestions, rate of road accidents, wastage of fuels are decreased to a large extend. This gives the people of this country a more economic mean of transportation with advance information of transits. Now transportation has become a safer and efficient mode for these countries. Hence with much more interest and advanced research in the field of I T S, it can be implemented in our country and can prove to be the solution of the traffic problems including traffic congestion, air pollution and traffic accidents.
Pls provide details of the full topic
thanks it's brief and i know you can't explain whole think here. this is the topics of basic transportation and communication.
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Technology has been driving the developments in the realm of transportation from the times of Industrial Revolution to the present day Digital Revolution. Until the 20th century, technology in transportation was focused on two objectives-
i. Meeting the demand of faster mobility by different modes and
ii. Building capacity and expanding network facilities to accommodate growing traffic needs.
The constraint on the available space, growing vehicle population and number of trips led to serve traffic congestion, resulting in environmental degradation. In 2000 alone, traffic congestion cost motorists a staggering $67.5 billion in wasted time in 75 large urban areas of USA. This situation has resulted in innovative shift of infrastructure management through advanced technologies, to ensure efficient and environment friendly user services. Development of vehicle detection and information technologies on top of communication technologies has offered ways to collect the real time traffic data for processing at a central facility. Processed information is used for various management purposes such as control, traveller information, incident detection and response. ITS have thus addressed the need for working towards regionally integrated transportation systems.
Traffic congestion-insufficient road development-growing number of vehicles. Low speed, increased accident rates, increased fuel consumption, and increased pollution. Impossible to build enough new roads or to meet the demand. These explore the concepts that treat highway systems and the vehicles that use them as integrated system. Among them is the concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems. The goal of I T S is to improve the transportation system to make it more efficient and safer by use of information, communications and control technologies.
ITS is comprised of a number of technologies, including information processing, analysing, communications, control, electronics. Joining these technologies to our transportation system will save lives, save time, and save money.
Transportation is a driving force behind development and the well being of all people around the world. Modern life demands growing mobility, frequently it is secured through ever-increasing use of private cars. The resulting burdens on the transport infrastructure, that is already heavily stretched, are multiplying. Despite major expenditures on new road infrastructures, traffic congestion continues to rise. Past gains in road safety and environmental improvements are decreasing. It is unlikely that these problems can be solved simply by building more roads or by relying on past approaches. Innovative efforts are clearly needed on broad front. Among this is the concept, and the practice, of intelligent transport systems (ITS) which can open up new ways of achieving sustainable mobility in our communications and information society. ITS are transport systems that apply information, communications, and the control technologies to improve the operation of transport networks. ITS tools are based on three core features- information, communications and integrations-that help operators and travellers make better and coordinated decisions. Through improvement of operations, ITS tools are used to save time and lives, to enhance the quality of life and the environment, and to improve the productivity of commercial activities. An ITS includes both technical and institutional components: Since the ITS components work synergistically with each other, their formal relationship can be depicted by architecture. This paper summarises the general concepts, various components and need of an ITS for India.
India is going through period of drastic change in the transportation area due to:
 Rapid growing economy
 Insufficient and inadequate public transportation system.
 Rising vehicle ownership levels.


Suraj Bhukebag
Prabhanjan Desai

ITS and its architecture.
ITS Infrastructure.
ITS Technologies.
Applications of ITS.
Advantages and disadvantages of ITS.


Presented By

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are increasingly being considered as solutions for a wide range of transportation problems. ITS combines sensors, data communications, computing systems, traffic control devices, and intelligent data processing and control algorithms. Managing transportation systems requires several key steps including system monitoring, traffic conditions estimation and prediction, definition of appropriate performance criteria, system control, and finally simulation modeling.
ITS is an international program aimed at using advanced technology for improving the efficiency, safety, and environmental impact of land transportation. It incorporates a wide variety of advanced technology systems and products.
ITS is an international program aimed at using advanced technology for improving the efficiency, safety, and environmental impact of land transportation. It incorporates a wide variety of advanced technology systems and products.
The development and deployment of ITS has only increased the importance of the transportation issue. Until recently, surface transportation was largely the domain of construction companies and the large automobile manufacturers. The development of ITS, however, has turned the providers of advanced technologies, products, and services into important players in the industry. The opportunities many of these non-traditional transportation companies have already realized will secure the continued contribution of both public- and private-sector investment in transportation and guarantee a steady flow of new developments to increase safety and efficiency.
The concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems was first introduced as a concept of automating traffic flows. Intelligent Transportation Systemic the incorporation of information technologies and advances in electronics into all parts of the transportation network. Simply speaking, it is the application of technology to transportation systems. Thus Intelligent Transportation Systems involve the integration of technology in areas such as communications, information systems sensors, and operation research methods with conventional transportation infrastructure to address many transportation issues that confront the conventional system at this time.
As more electronics are incorporated into the automobiles at higher rates, a new automotive market is developing - The Intelligent Vehicles market. These systems, applied to automobiles, will affect the vehicle in three basic functional areas - Basic vehicle, Safety and security and Telematics. Intelligent Vehicles systems will help lessen traffic congestion, improve safety, driver comfort and convenience, and foster a cleaner environment.
Thus, Intelligent Transportation Systems improve safety, mobility, efficiency, productivity, and environmental quality for humanity. These goals are accomplished on the vehicle side through the application of electronics and communication technologies to advanced mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems. Thus, in cars, Intelligent Transportation Systems help drivers navigate, avoid traffic holdups and avoid collisions. On trains and buses, they let managers optimize fleet operation and offer passengers automatic ticketing and real-time running information. On the road network, Intelligent Transportation Systems co-ordinate traffic signals, detect and manage incidents and display information, guidance and instructions to drivers. Thus, The Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a new transportation system which is comprised of an advanced information and telecommunications network for users, roads and vehicles, as is illustrated in the following figure
ITS is an international program aimed at using advanced technology for improving the efficiency, safety, and environmental impact of land transportation. It incorporates a wide variety of advanced technology systems and products.
The development and deployment of ITS has only increased the importance of the transportation issue. Until recently, surface transportation was largely the domain of construction companies and the large automobile manufacturers. The development of ITS, however, has turned the providers of advanced technologies, products, and services into important players in the industry. The opportunities many of these non-traditional transportation companies have already realized will secure the continued contribution of both public- and private-sector investment in transportation and guarantee a steady flow of new developments to increase safety and efficiency.
The concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems was first introduced as a concept of automating traffic flows. Intelligent Transportation Systemic the incorporation of information technologies and advances in electronics into all parts of the transportation network. Simply speaking, it is the application of technology to transportation systems. Thus Intelligent Transportation Systems involve the integration of technology in areas such as communications, information systems sensors, and operation research methods with conventional transportation infrastructure to address many transportation issues that confront the conventional system at this time.
As more electronics are incorporated into the automobiles at higher rates, a new automotive market is developing - The Intelligent Vehicles market. These systems, applied to automobiles, will affect the vehicle in three basic functional areas - Basic vehicle, Safety and security and Telematics. Intelligent Vehicles systems will help lessen traffic congestion, improve safety, driver comfort and convenience, and foster a cleaner environment.
Thus, Intelligent Transportation Systems improve safety, mobility, efficiency, productivity, and environmental quality for humanity. These goals are accomplished on the vehicle side through the application of electronics and communication technologies to advanced mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems. Thus, in cars, Intelligent Transportation Systems help drivers navigate, avoid traffic holdups and avoid collisions. On trains and buses, they let managers optimize fleet operation and offer passengers automatic ticketing and real-time running information. On the road network, Intelligent Transportation Systems co-ordinate traffic signals, detect and manage incidents and display information, guidance and instructions to drivers. Thus, The Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a new transportation system which is comprised of an advanced information and telecommunications network for users, roads and vehicles, as is illustrated in the following figure
Intelligent Transportation Systems is a worldwide initiative to apply modern communication technology to make our transport system safer, less congested and less polluting and also enhance the existing highway infrastructure which improves safety on the highways, increases capacity on the highways, and makes them function at a more efficient level. These goals can be achieved by a number of different systems and services. The topic of Intelligent Transportation Systems being very vast, there is no proper classification available, since all the components of Intelligent Transportation Systems is very much interrelated. But as any system is, Intelligent Transportation Systems also consists of ITS basic components and services.
The Intelligent Transportation System components make up the whole physical architecture, which account for how the system works. Thus it has been subdivided into the two functional areas as given below - The technology oriented functional areas and the application oriented functional areas. The technology oriented functional areas include many systems such as The Advanced Transportation Management Systems (ATMS) which gathers and compiles information to disseminate it to the public, The Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) which provide data directly to travelers, The Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS) which takes total control of vehicles on the roads, The Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway Systems (AHS), The Vehicle Information and Communication System (VICS), etc. The application oriented functional areas include The Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS), The Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS), Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) and many more other systems components.
4. Intelligent transportation technologies:
Intelligent transportation systems vary in technologies applied, from basic management systems such as car navigation; traffic signal control systems; container management systems; variable message signs; automatic number plate recognition or speed cameras to monitoring applications, such as security CCTV systems; and to more advanced applications that integrate live data and feedback from a number of other sources, such as parking guidance and information systems; weather information; bridge deicing systems; and the like. Additionally, predictive techniques are being developed in order to allow advanced modeling and comparison with historical baseline data. Some of the constituent technologies typically implemented in ITS are described in the following sections.
hi please read and and where you never miss any data about intelligent transport system
Traffic congestion-insufficient road development-growing number of vehicles.
Low speed, increased accident rates, increased fuel consumption, and increased pollution
These explore the concepts that treat highway systems and the vehicles that use them as integrated system. Among them is the concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
What is ITS ?
International program aimed at using advanced technology for improving the efficiency , safety and environmental impact of land transportation.
It is the Incorporation of information technologies and advances in electronics into all parts of the transportation network.
It help drivers to navigate, avoid traffic holdups and avoid collisions
5.Inductive loop detection
1.Vehicle Information And Communication System(VICS)
It is a digital communication system.
It provide real time road traffic information to the drivers via car navigation system
Information is transmitted in the direction of traffic
flow from beacons
Steps in the operation of VICS
1.Collecting information
2.Processes and edits the collected information
3.Providing information
VICS provides three kinds of displays
Map Display
Simple Graphic Display
Text Display
It provide information, warning and operational support for accident prevention by using use radio communication between road and vehicle
Smart way enables a wide range of information exchange among all of ITS users
It require functions capable of sensing road-environment data
functions for generating guidance from road-environment data and road-to-vehicle communication
Image-processing subsystem: Use image processing
to detect road obstacles and other vehicles, and to observe traffic
Road-to-Vehicle Communications
Roadside Equipment Networks
Advanced Traveler Information System: (ATIS)
It provide drivers with real-time travel and traffic information
Information about delays
Help for optimal route selection
There are three key steps to the provision of real-time traffic information:
Advanced Traffic Management System: (ATMS)
Focus on traffic control devices
Adaptive traffic signal control: to avoid bad signaling
Ramp metering :to avoid vehicles entering into highway
Three ATMS elements
Collection data team
Support system
Real time traffic control system
APTS in­clude applications such as automatic vehicle location (AVL)
Each vehicle report their current location
This system report the arrival and departure status of buses and trains
Portable GPS car navigation systems have become must have today for most drivers today
It helps the driver to locate his position, while guiding him to his destination.
The map provides a graphical
picture of area
It also provide turn-by-turn
directions, visually as well as
in form of spoken instructions

The three user services offered by this system are:
Provision of Driving and Road Condition Information
Danger Warning
Assistance for driving

Consisting of a camera and a vehicle-monitoring device
Used to detect and identify vehicles disobeying a speed limit or some other road legal requirement
Speed cameras
Red light cameras
Bus lane cameras
Level crossing cameras
Double white line cameras
Turn cameras at intersections

Reducing traffic congestion;
Smoothening the traffic flow;
Reducing traffic accidents;
Improving safety;
Enhancing the mobility of travelers, especially the elderly and disabled;
Reducing the use of energy;
Reducing fuel consumption;
Reducing pollution;
Reducing capital and operating costs;
Increasing the viability of public transportation;
Responding more effectively to incidents;
Increasing the ease and convenience of travel
Improved safety.
Better traffic flow.
Lower travel cost.
Better environmental quality.
Increased business activity.
Greater user acceptance.
Better travel information.
Difficult to use in mixed traffic.
Preliminary difficulties in understanding.
ITS equipments costly.
The control system software could be hacked by hackers.
ITS represent the next step in the evolution of a nation's entire transportation system
Traffic congestions, rate of road accidents, wastage of fuels are decreased to a large extend
Transportation has become a safer and efficient mode
Hence with much more interest and advanced research in the field of I T S, it can be implemented in our country and can prove to be the solution of the traffic problems including traffic congestion, air pollution and traffic accidents.
This system will give a high progress in the devolvement of our country
please provide the full report.It is very urgent.Please

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