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1.Which of the following is the major cause of maternal mortality in India ?
(A)Toxemias of pregnancy(B) Haemorrhage
(C ) Anemia(D) Eclampsia

2.The purpose of postoperative deep breathing and coughing exercises are to :
(A)reduce pain(B) prevent wound infection
(C ) prevent apnoea(D) prevent atelectasis

3.Hansen's disease is :
(A)Leprosy(B)Tuberculosis(C )Smallpox(D)Scabies

4.The longest muscle of human body :
(A)Sartorius(B)lliacus(C )Rectus femoris(D)Psoas major

5.“Flight of ideas" is a symptom seen in which disorder of mind ?
(A)Schizophrenia(B) Mania
(C ) Depression(D) Phobia

6.Urge incontinence is :
(A)Weakened perineal muscle permits leakage of urine when intra abdominal pressure rises
(B)Spinal cord lesion resulting in no sensory' awareness for need to void
(C )Involuntary elimination of urine associated with a strong perceived need to void
(D)Voiding due to inability’ to reach toilet in time due to mobility' impairment

7.Which of the following is anticipated drug choice for pain intensity 0-3 in 0-10 pain scale ?
(A) Morphine(B) Fentanyl(C ) Oxycodone (D) Keterolac

8.The following clinical findings are present in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, except:
(A) Epigastric fullness(B) Visible peristalsis in upper abdomen
(C ) Red currant jelly stools(D) Projectile vomiting

9.Atrial septal defect occurs due to persistence of:
(A)Mitral valve(B)Foramen ovale
(C ) Ductus venosus(D) Ductus arteriosus

10.Position used for administering enema 
(A) Lithotomy position
(C ) Trendlenburg position
(B)Fowler's position (D) Sim's position

11.An example of a secondary group is :
(A) City(B) Family
(C ) Playmates (D) Classmates

12.Rubin's test is :
(C ) Dilatation and Insufflation
(B)Cervical biopsy
(D) Dilatation and Curettage

13.Which of the following is the second cranial nerve ?
(A) Olfactory(B) Abducens (C ) Hypoglossal (D) Optic

14.Cheiloplasty is the surgical repair done in : 
(A) Spina bifida(B)
(C ) Cleft lip
(D)Oesophageal atresia Imperforate anus

15.Early indicator of hypoxia in an unconscious client is :
(A) Cyanosis(B) Restlessness
(C ) Increased respirations(D) Hypertension

16.World Anti Cancer Day is observed on :
(A)February' 14(B)December 1(C )March 24(D)September29

17."Pulse rate is usually slow when compared to rise in temperature". Which of the following diseases does this statement applies to ?
(A)Influenza(B)Dengue fever(C )Meningitis(D)Typhoid

18.Which of the following maternal infections is the cause of congenital cataract ?
(A)Syphilis(B)Toxoplasmosis(C )AIDS(D)Gonorrhoea

19.The following is a useful tool in assessing nutritional status of children:
(A) Mid arm circumference(B) Measurement of weight
(C )Skin fold thickness(D) .All the above

20.Pentavalant vaccine gives protection against which of the following diseases ?
(A)Hepatitis B(B)Measles(C )Rubella(D)Chickenpox

21.Quickening means ;
(A)Painless uterine contractions
(B)Sudden cessation of menstruation
(C )First foetal movement felt by mother
(D)Hearing of foetal heart sound

22.Talipes equinovarus is a deformity affecting which of the following body part ?
(A) Foot(B) Hand(C ) Spine (D) None of the above

23.Ondansetron is a powerful :
(A)Antiemetic(B)Antibiotic(C )Antipruritic(D)Antacid

24.An irrational fear of strangers is termed :
(A)Acrophobia(B)Algophobia(C )Xenophobia(D)Claustrophobia

25.What hormone does pancreatic alpha cells secrete ?
(A)Insulin(B)Glucagon(C )Somatostatin(D)Somatotropin

26.In Maslow's pyramid of hierarchy of needs,
(A)Self actualisation needs(B)
(C )Safety needs(D)

27.World AIDS Day theme 2015 :
(A)Women and AIDS(B)
(C )Stop AID5 : Keep promises(D)

26.the base of the pyramid is formed by :
Love needs Physiological needs
Getting to zero
One world and One hope

28.Saucer shaped depression just below the umbilicus in antenatal woman signifies which of the following ?
(A)Foetal macrosomia(B) Persistent breech presentation
(C ) Malposition of occiput(D) Multiple pregnancy

29."The drug is withheld if patient's pulse rate is less than 60/minute". This statement applies to which of the following drugs ?
(A)Hydralazine(B)Digoxin(C )Nifidipine(D)Nitroglycerine

30.Which of the following personality’ type suits the description "Jealous, suspects others will harm him" ?
(A)Shizoid(B)Histrionic(C )Dependent(D)Paranoid

31.Xenopsylla is the vector which transmits the disease :
(A)Plague(B)Dengue fever
(C )Japanese encephalitis(D)Kala azar

32.The relationship between long axis of foetus and long axis of uterus is termed :
(A) Attitude(B) Denominator(C ) Lie(D) Position

33.The operation designed to correct cystocele is :
(A)Anterior colporrhaphy(B)Perineoplasty
(C )Fothergill's operation(D)Cervicopexy

34.The precipitating factor for myasthenic crisis is :
(A)Increased intake of fatty acids (B)Weight lifting
(C ) Excess medication(D) Omitted doses of medication

35.The part of ear which has no auditory function is :
(C ) Semicircular canals(D) Organ of Corti

36.Which of the following term refers to a fungal infection of the foot ?
(A)Impetigo(B)Tinea pedis(C )Acne(D)Scabies

37.The formation of placenta is complete and it starts functioning after how many weeks of fertilisation ?
(A)10 weeks(B)5 weeks(C )2 weeks'(D)15 weeks

38.Deficiency of sodium in blood is known as :
(A)Hyponatremia(B)Hyperkalemia(C )Hypernatremia(D)Hypokalemia

39.Collection of thick pus in pleural cavity is termed :
(A)Pneumonia(B)Pneumothorax(C )Emphysema(D)Empyema

40.Which of the following statements about breast feeding is true ?
(A)Breast feeding is initiated 8 hours after caesarian section
(B)Castro intestinal infections are more in breast fed infants
(C )Premature babies should not be given breast milk
(D)Breast milk contains antibodies

41.The following defect is not found in Tetralogy of Fallot:
(A) Overriding of Aorta(B) Atrial septal defect
(C ) Pulmonary stenosis(D) Right ventricular hypertrophy

42.The disease of eye in which intra occular pressure increases is :
(A) Cataract(B) Stye (C ) Glaucoma (D) Conjunctivitis

43.The normal value of s.Potassium fall between:
(B)6.5-7.5 M Eq/L
(D) 35-5.5 M Eq/L
(A) 8-10 M Eq/L (C ) 55-6.5 M Eq/L

44.A positive D-dimer lest predicts which of the following conditions in a pregnant woman ?
(A)Coagulopathy(B)Gestational diabetes
(C )PIH(D)Acute renal failure

45.The use of the fallowing agent together with Amoxycillin potentiates it's antibacterial action :
(A)Nicotinic add(B)Ascorbic acid
(C )Qavulanic add(D)Pantothenic acid

46.The symptoms of a common disease in children are massive oedema, hypoalbu ininemia and hyperlipidemia. The disease mentioned here is :
(A)Glomerular nephritis(B)Urinary calculi
(C )Nephrotic syndrome(D)Nephroblastoma

47.The complication associated with the surgery tracheostomy is :
(A)Increased cardiac output
(B)Damage to lary ngeal nerve
(C )Acute respiratory' distress syndrome
(D)Increased blood pressure

48.A "Bandl's ring'' is a finding of :
(A)Rupture of uterus(B)Induced labour
(C ) Prolonged labour(D) Mechanically obstructed labour

49.Life span of sperm in female genital tr act is :
(A)3-4 days(B)6-8 days(C )4-5 days(D)1-2 days

50.A child of 10 years has bleeding from gums due to a nutritional deficiency’.
Which of the following foods is recommended for him?
(A)Eggs(B)Whole grains(C )Fresh fruits(D)Ocean fish

51.Hematinics are groups of drugs usedin the treatment of :
(A) Anemia(B)LeukemiaLeukemia
(C ) Haemophilia(D)Thrombocytopenia

52.Presence of functioning endometrium in sitesother than uterine mucosa is termed
(A) Metropathia haemorrhagica(B)Fibroid uterus
(C ) Endometriosis(D)Dermoid cystDermoid cyst

53.Hyper pyrexia is body temperature:Hyper pyrexia is body temperature :
(A) Between 100 and 103 degree F(B)Below 95 degree F
(C ) Above 105 degree F(D)Between 99 and 100 degree F

54.Permanent abnormal dilatation of bronchi and bronchioles :
(A) Chronic bronchitis(B)Bronchiectasis
(C ) Bronchial asthma(D)EmphysemaEmphysema

55.Which of the following vitamins is water soluble ?
(A)Vitamin A(B)Vitamin E(C )Vitamin K.(D)Vitamin B

56.This disease is caused by deposition of sodium urate crystals in joints and tendons.
(A) Paget's disease(B) Gout
(C ) Osteoarthritis(D) Rheumatoid arthritis

57.Lung volumes may be determined by :
(A)Barometer(B)Manometer(C )Lactometer(D)Spirometer

58.Photodynamic therapy for cancer treatment uses the photosensitising agent:
(A)Porfimer(B)Interferon(C )Rituximab(D)Retinoic acid

59.According to Erik Erikson the developmental task to be achieved by children between 1-3 years is:
(A)Autonomy versus shame and doubt
(B)Industry versus inreinority
(C )Initiative versus guilt
(D)Trust versus mistrust

60.The incubation period of Influenza is :
(A)14-16 days(B)6-8 days(C )1-3 days(D)10-12 days

61.The duration of a cardiac axle is :
(A)0.2 seconds(B)0.4 seconds(C )0.6 seconds(D)0.8 seconds

62.Anti Diuretic hormone is secreted by :
(A)Thyroid(B)Hypothalamus(C )Adrenal(D)Thymus

63.Name the given symptom in a psychiatric patient. "Patient has two contradictory ideas at the same time for the same person or object".
(A)Elation(B)Ambivalence(C )Confabulation(D)Negativism

64.In to the spinal cavity is :
(A)Intravenous(B)Intrathecal(C )Intra osseous(D)Intracardiac

65.Drug of choice in treating pre - eclampsia is :
(A)Magnesium sulphate(B)Diazepam
(C )Phenytoin(D)Clonazepam

66.Show is best defined as a :
(A)Serosanguinous discharge from vagina 2 weeks after delivery
(B)Frank fresh bleeding immediately after delivery of baby (C ) Cush of fluid from vagina after rupture of waters
(D)Blood stained mucoid discharge from vagina few hours of starting labour

67.Dumping syndrome is common after :
(A)Mastectomy(B)Craniotomy(C )Nephrectomy(D)Gastrectomy

68.The virus which causes chickenpox is :
(A) Variola major (B) Rota virus (C ) Varicella zoster (D) Coxsackie

69.Washing out of stomach is ;
(A)Gastric lavage(B)Enema(C )Gastric gavage(D)Gastrostomy

70.Which of the following ECG finding indicates heart block ?
(A)Elevated ST segment(B)Presence of Qwave
(C )Abnormal QRS comlex(D)Prolonged PRinterval

71.Both sperm and unfertilized oocytes are transferred into the fallopian tube in the following procedure for correction of infertility.

72.The following is not a symptom of hypocalcemia :
(C )Tingling sensation(D)Musdespasm

73.Introvert and Extrovert are personality types described by which of the following psychologists ?
(A) Freud(B) Scheldon(C )KretschmerKretschmer(D)JungJung

74.The following is a disorder of perception :
(A) Delusion(B) Hallucination(C )Amnesia(D)Obscession

75.Absence of affect is :
(A) Depression(B) Euphoria(C )ApathyApathy(D)Grief

76.Shick's test diagnose which disease ?
(A) Weil's disease (B) Diphtheria (C ) Pertussis
(D) Tuberculosis

77.Psycho social factors as a cause of mental illness includes which of the following ?
(A)Decrease in serotonin(B)Genetic defects
(C )War and violence(D)Maternal deprivation

78.Kerning's sign is a diagnostic finding in :
(A)Gastritis(B)Appendicitis(C )Endocarditis (D) Meningitis

79.Enema should not be given before :
(C )Appendicectomy(D)Mastectomy

80.Study of tissues is :
(A)Histology(B)Cytology(C )Osteology (D) Oncology

81.Which country recently decided to leave European Union ?
(A)Germany(B)Italy(C )Britain(D) Spain

82.The first woman Lieutenant General of Indian Army ?
(A)Kiran Bedi(B)Anna Chandy(C )Bhavana Kanth(D)PunitaArora

83.The world renowned Olympic gold winner Usain Bolt hails from____________.
(A)Nigeria(B)Jamaica(C )Sudan(D)Kenya

84.Sir Angus Deaton won the 2015 Nobel Prize in :
(A)Economics(B)Chemistry(C )Medicine(D)Literature

85.The social reformer worked for the localization of Printing Press in Kerala :
(A) Kumaran Asan(B) Vagbhadananda
(C ) Blessed Kuriakosechavara(D) Chattampi Swami

86.Which among the following is founded by Ayyankali ?
(A)S.N.D.P. Yogani(B)Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam
(C )Atma Vidva Sangam(D)Yogakshema Movement

87.The famous work 'Ente Kasiyathra' is written by :
(A)Thycaud Ayyavu(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Vaikunda Swramikal(D)K Kelappan

88.The founder of Malabar Economic Union :
(A)A.K. Gopalan(B)A.G. Velayudhan
(C )Pandit Karuppan(D)Dr. Palpu

89.The historic Temple Entry Proclamation was issued in :
(A)1925(B)1930(C )1936(D)1938

90.In which district of Kerala, the Pazhassiraja Museum is located ?
(A)Calicut(B)Wayanadu(C )Malappuram (D)Kannur

91.Which river from Kerala flows to Karnataka ?
(A)Pambar(B)Valapattanam (C )Bhavani(D)Kabani

92.How many leaders had attended the Bombay Session of Indian National Congress in 1885 ?
(A)70(B)72(C )120(D)432

93.'Poverty and Un-British Rule in India' is a famous work of_____.
(A)Jawaharlal Nehru(B)Dadabhai Naoroji
(C )Abul Kalam Azad(D)M.N. Roy

94.The founder of the Free India Centre in Germany in 1942 :
(A)V.D. Savarkar(B)Bhagat Singh
(C )Sachin Sanyal(D)Subhash Chandra Bose

95.The failure of Cabinet Mission resulted in launching_____
(A) Khilafat Movement(B) Civil Disobedience Movement
(C ) Quit India Movement(D) Non-Co-operation Movement

96.The Subsidiary Alliance System was introduced by_________.
(A)Lord Wellesley(B)Lord Canning
(C )Lord Dalhousie(D)Lord Ripon

97.The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was introduced in :
(A) 1990(B)1995(C ) 2000(D) 2005

98.The Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is located in :
(C )Himachal Pradesh(D)Assam

99.Which among the following is not related to the Himalayan River System ?
(A)The Ganga(B)The Godawari
(C )The Brahmaputra(D)The Indus

100.The Malayalam film 'Charlie' was directed by :
(A)Martin Prakkat(B)T. Hariharan
(C )Shyama Prasad(D)Priyadarshan

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