

1. A member subjected to tensile stresses is known as :
(A) Purlin(B)StrutStrut
(C ) Tie(D)Cleat

2.Length of a revenue chain is :
(A) 30 m(B)100 ft
(C ) 20 m(D)33 ft33 ft

3.Photographs of any object taken with the help of camera is ;
(A) perspective view' of the object(B)orthographic view of the object
(C ) isometric view of the object(D)front view of the objectfront view of the object

4.The load of furniture luggage etc comes :
(A) Wind load(B)Snow load
(C ) Dead load(D)Live loadLive load

5.Which of the following consist of maximum quantity of carbon?
(A) Mild steel(B)Wrought iron
(C ) Hard steel(D)Cast ironCast iron

6.The minimum depth of ballast provided in arailway track is :
(A) 20 cm(B)50 cm
(C ) 40 cm(D)30cm30 cm

7.Rivets used in steel structure are made of:
(A) Copper(B)Wrought iron
(C ) Cast iron(D)Mild steelMild steel

8.Poisson's ratio is the ratio between :
(A) Stress and strain(B)Force and area of cross section
(C ) Lateral strain and longitudinal strain (D)None of the above

9.Lines with thin chain thick at ends are used to show :
(A)Line of symmetry(B) Cutting planes
(C ) Centre line(D) Out line

10.The cut point of the major axis on the curve of an ellipse are called :
(A)Focci(B) Focus
(C ) Tangent(D) Vertex

11.Local attraction is an error in survey is :
(A) Chain(B) Compass
(C ) Plane table(D) Thedolite

12.Vertical distance between two consecutive Contours are :
(A) Contour interval ;(B) Horizontal equivalent
(C )Contour equivalent(D)Horizontal interval

13.What will be the shape of the velocity triangle at the exit of a radial bladed centrifugal impeller taking in to account the slip?
(A)Isosceles(B)One angle greater than 90°
(C )Right angled(D)All angles less than 90°

14.Projecting stone usually provided to serve as support for roof truss, beam, weather shed etc : 
(A) Sill(B) Corbel
(C ) Course.(D) Cornice

15.Horizontal course provided to strengthen a wall of irregular small stones : 
(A) String course(B) Plinth
(C ) Lacing course(D) Coping

16. Exposed vertical surface at a right angles to the doors or window frames :
(C )ApexApex(D)Label

17.Applianceused for lifting the stones :
(A)Mash hammer(B)Trowel
(C )Sprit level(D)LewisLewis

18. The modulus of elasticity (E) and bulk modulus (K) are related by :
(A) ,mE .(B)K= !"e .
3(m-2)2 (m +1)
(o /c=2(m:i)(D)K_3(m-2)

19.A brick moulded with a double bullnose end is called:
(A) Cownose(B)Bullnose
(C ) Quoin(D)All of the above

20. Facing and backing of a wall constructed with different classes of masonry is
(A) Rubble masonary(B)Ashlar masonary
(C ) Composite masonry(D)Random masonryRandom masonry

21.In technical drawing pencil are selected according to their :
(A) Length(B)Diameter
(C ) Grade(D)Lead colour

22.Head work is provided in :
(A) Permanent canal(B)Inundation canal
(C ) Wells(D)Field water coursesField water courses

23.The most favorable gradient for alignment of a road is
(A) Maximum gradient(B)Rulling gradient
(C ) Minimum gradient(D)Floating gradientFloating gradient

24.A cinema house is an example :
(A) Business building(B)Residential building
(C ) Commercial building(D)Public building

25.Back bearing of a line is :.
(A) FB —180°(B)FB1800
(C ) FB+1800(D)FB ± 180°

26.Force is a quantity of: 
(A) Vector (C ) Scalar
(B) Scalar and vector (D) None of the above

27.The easy with which concerete can be mixed and placed is known as: 
(A) Soundness(B) Workability
(C ) Consistency(D) Setting

28.Specific gravity of aluminium is :
(C )10.0

29.At constant efficiency, the horse power of a fan is:
(A) proportional to (rpm)3 (C ) proportional to (rpm)2
(B) proportional to (rpm)
(D) proportional function of (rpm)

30.Instrument used for Irregular curves : 
(A) French curves (C ) Set square
(B) Compass (D) Bow compass

31.The portion of a road used by vehicle traffic is called :
(A) Supper elevation(B) Camber
(C ) Carriage way(D) Crown

32.Longest survey line which divides the area into two halves, survey line passing through the centre of area is :
(A) Tie line (C ) Base line
(B)Check line (D) Survey line

33.Which tape is made of all alloy of steel 64% and nickel 36%?
(A) Invar tape
(C )Linen tape

34.GT road stands for :
(A) Grand trunk roads (C ) Great traffic roads
(B) Metallic tape (D) Steel Tape
(B) Ground trunk roads (D) Grand traffic roads

35.Temporary water tight structure used for excluding water from a given area is called
(C )Coffer dam(D)Box caissons

36.The bearing of a line taken in the direction of progress of survey line is known as :
(A) Back bearing(B) Whole circle bearing
(C )Reduced bearing(D)For bearing

37.A pitched roof which slops in all the four directions is called :
(A)Lean to roof(B)Hipped roof
(C )Curved roof(D)Purlin roof

38.The crack starting from out side and moving towards the pith is :
(A)Star shakes(B)Rind Galls
(C )Cup shakes(D)Heart shakes

39.An instrument is used for setting out perpendiculars :
(C )Levelling staff(D)Crossstaff

40.The maximum value of measurement in whole circle bearing system is :
(C )90°(D)180°

41.The amount of deviation of the needle from its normal position :
(A) Magnetic declination (C ) Magnetic merdian

42.Commonly used in Indian water closet trap is 
(A) S trap (C ) T trap
(B) True merdian (D) Local attraction
(B) P trap (D) Q trap

43.If a beam is supported on more than two supports, it is called a :
(A) Continuous beam(B) Encastered beam
(C ) Simply supported beam(D) Cantilever beam

44.The stress due to suddenly applied load as''compared to the stress due to the same load gradually applied to the same rod is :
(A) Three times(B) Same
(C ) Double(D) Half

45.The tensile force at a distance(Y) from support in a vertical hanging bar of length (1) which carries a load (P) at the bottom is equal to :
(A) P +wl (B) P+wy
(C ) P-wl (D) p+w(I-y)

46.FAR is the :
(A)Total covered area of all floors x 100 Area of the, plot
(C )Total area of the plot x 100 . Covered area
(B)Total area of the building x 100 Area of the plot
(D) All of the above

47.Mezzanine floor means :
(A) Constructed between two sides (C ) Constructed between two floors
(B) Constructed between two rooms (D) All of the above

48.Door frames are secured to side wall with :
(A) Sill (C ) Head
(B) Horn (D) Post

49.Brick partition walls will have a thickness of: 
(A) Two and a half (C ) Three and a half
(B) One and a half (D) Half

50.Wall constructed for a backing portion of a road on the down hill side is : 
(A) Parapet wall(B) Breast wall
(C ) Retaining wall(D) Compound wall

51.A Cantilever of length (l) carries a uniformly distributed load wN per unit length for the whole length. The shear force at the free end will be :
(A) 0 (C ) wl
(B)wl 2

52.Direct ranging is possible only when the stations are :
(A)Not visible(B)Visible
(C ) Inter changeable(D) All of the above

53.The usual proportion of cement concrete adopted for RCC roof slab is :
(C )1:5:10(D)1:4:8

54.The sloping member which supports the steps in a stair is :
(C )Sofit(D)Riser

55.Seepage in earthdam is prevented by constructing a core is-:
(A)Bed concrete(B)Base concrete
(C )Puddle(D)Gravel

56.I square kilometer of hectares is :
(C )1000
(B) 10 
(D) 10000

57.The instrument used for enlarging or reducing the figure is :
(A) Planimeter(B) Pentagraph
(C ) Clinograph(D) Clinometer

58.SI unit of pressure is ?
(A) Ohm (C ) Pascal
(B) Joule (D) Kg/cm2

59.The property of virtue of which a metal can be beaten into plates is called? 
(A) Malleability(B) Resilience
(C ) Ductility(D) Plasticity

60.A ten side polygon is : 
(A) Ocatgen (C ) Pentagon
(B) Decagon (D) Hexagon

61. A stone lying on the top a roof has :
(A) Kinetic energy(B)Mechanical energy
(C ) Potential energy(D)Electrical energyElectrical energy

62. The end support of a bridge is :•
(A) Arcade(B)Pier
(C ) Springers(D)Abutment

63.If a member is subjected to an axial tensile load the plane normal to the axis of the loading carries:
(A) Maximum normal stress  
(C ) Minimum normal stress
(B)Maximum shear stress
(D)Minimum shear stress

64.In a simply supported beam of span (1) carries a point load (w) at the centre of the beam , the shear force diagram will be :
(A) Two equal and opposite triangle (B) Rectangle
(C ) Triangle
(D) Two equal and opposite rectangles

65.In a prisum square the angle between the reflecting face : 
(A) 45°(B) 90°
(C ) 60o(D) 120°

66.Le-chatelier apparatus is used to : 
(A) Finess test (C ) Soundness test
(B) Strength test (D) Consistency test

67.The most accurate instrument for measuring the horizontal and vertical angle is : (A)Dumpy level(B)Compass
(C )Engineers level(D)Theodolite

68.When a fast moving vehicle negotiates with a curve of force acts on it:
(A)Moving force(B)Frictional force
(C )Centrifugal force(D)All of the above

69.Rankine’s formula is :
(A)1-sin θ2(B)w1 + sin θ
Pi1 + sin θP1 - sin θ
(C )w\1-sin θ 1 + sin θ2(D)P_ w1 + sin θ 1-sin θ

70.The masonry work unfinished in a day is ended stepped manner :
(A) Backing'(B) Racking back
(C )Facing(D) Toothing

71.The vertical members of timbering directly resist pressure from the side of a trench is :
(A) ‘Sheathing(B)  Bracing
(C )Struct(D)Cleat

72.The external corner of a wall is :
(A)Squint junction
(C )Cross junction

73.Horizontal member of scaffolding is called :
(C )Ledgers

74.Kankar is impure lime stone of:
(C )Sedimentry(D)All of the above
(B) Junction (D) Quoin
(B) Putlogs (D) Braces

75.The formation of soap patches on the painted surface is termed : (A) Sagging(B) Running
(C ) Saponification(D) Flashing

76.Additional vertical member used to divide the shutter frame in the pannels of door is called : (A) Mullion(B) Style
(C ) Rail(D) Ledge

77. A small opening provided over a door or window is called :
(A) Fan light(B)Lantern lightLantern light
(C ) Sky light(D)North lightNorth light

78.Form work should be removes beams by using portland cement is afterForm work should be removes beams by using ordinary Portland cement
(A) 28 days(B)8 days
(C ) 14 days(D)4 days4 days

79.The line joining places of equal declinationare knownas :
(A) Parallel lines(B)Isogonic lines
(C ) Perpendicular lines(D)Declination

80. Sensitiveness is also designated by the level tube is :
(A) Radius of staff(B)Radius of level
(C ) Radius of curvature. (D)All of the aboveAll of the above

81.The window provided at the gable end of apitched roofis:
(A) Corner(B)Bay
(C ) Dormer(D)Gable

82.The Scale used to measure three units is :
(A) Plain(B)ComparativeComparative
(C ) DiagonalCD)Vernier

83.The highest point on the road surface is :
(A) Super elevation(B)Gradient
(C ) Camber(D)CrownCrown

84.What is the maximum bearing capacity of black cottonsoil?
(A) 10 t/m2(B)15 t/m2
(C ) 165 t/m2(D)45 t/m2

85.The back slope of abutment of in a bridge is :
(A) 1: 1 1/2 to 1:2(B)1:3 to 1:2
(C ) 1:3 to 1:3CD)1:2 to 1:1

86.What is the pH value of pure water is?
(A) 10(B)7
(C ) 12(D)9

87.The unit of strain is :
(A) N/m2(B)kN
(C ) N/mm2(D)Unit lessUnit less

88.Floor trap is also known as :
(A) Nahani trap(B)Gully trap
(C ) Intercepts trap(D)Grease trapGrease trap

89.Expand ERH :
(A) Effective run of hyetograph(B)Effective rain fall hyetograph
(C ) Effective region hyetrograph(D)Effective reservoir hyetrograph

90.Vent way means:
(A) A culvert with total length one meter
(B) A culvert with total length greater than five meter
(C )A culvert with total length less than one meter
(D)A culvert with total length less than five meter

91.A milling machine is used :
(A)Originatingaholein the job(B)For cutting woodenpieces
(C )For removingmetals fromthe job(D)For making joints,

92.The force of resistance per unit area, offered by a body against deformation is known as :
(C )Stress(D)None of the above

93.The safe permissible loads on ordinary brickwork in c.m :
(A)44 to 65
(C )44 to 55
(D) 88

94.The minimum floor areas of pantry is :
(A)5.5 m2
(C )5.0 m2
(B)4.5 m2
(D)5.4 m2

95.The WCB and RB of a line differ by an angle of:
(C )45°
(B) 90 o  

96.A depression provide on the top of a brick is :
(A) Frog 
(C ) Corck
(B) Closer
(D) Bevelled closer

97.The bending moment on a section is maximum where shearing force is :
(A) Equal(B) Minimum
(C )Changing sign(D)Maximum

98.The permissible error in prismatic compass survey is :
(A)1 in 310(B)1 in 340
(C )1 in 320(D)1 in 390

99.Every cross-section of a shaft which is subjected to a twisting moment is under :
(A) Tensile stress (C ) Shear stress
(B)  Compressive stress (D) Bending stress .

100. A short column of a rectangular section carries a point load (w) acting with an eccentricity (e), the shape of kernel area would be :
(A) Rhombus(B) Circle
(C ) Square(D) Rectangle

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