II GRADE DRAFTSMAN OVERSEER CIVIL - PUBLIC kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Conventional signs and symbols are in constant use on :
(A)Large ScaleDrawingTO
(C )Small ScaleDrawing
(D)Free-hand Drawing

2.Which of the following bricks are expected to have highest percentage of water absorption by
its dry weight?
(A) Common Building Bricks
(B) ‘Engineering Bricks
(C ) Heavy Duty Bricks
(D) Fire bricks

3.. The minimum crushing strength of a first class brick is :
(A)3 N/mm2
(B)5.5 N/mm2
(C )7 N/mm2
(D)10.5 N/mm2

4. Fine earthenware which is white, thin and semi-transparent is called :
(C )Plaster of Furies .
(D)Pebble dash

5.Sand'passing through a screen with clear openings of 3.175 mm is known as : (A) Fine Sand
(B) Gravelly Sand
(C ) Pebble Sand
(D) Coarse Sand

6. Tho heating of limestone to redness in contact with air is known as-: 
(A) Hydration 
(C ) Softening
(D) Oxidation

7.Le-Chatelier apparatus is used to determine : 
(A) Fineness of cement (C ) Hardness of cement
(B) Soundness of cement (D) Softness of cement

8. The compound formed within about 24 hours after the addition of water to cement is :
(A)Tricalcium aluminate
(B)Dicalcium aluminate
(C )Dicalcium silicate
(D)Tricalcium silicate

The inert material of cement concrete mix is :
(C )Cement

10.Type of thin reinforced concrete construction where cement mortar matrix is reinforced with many layers of continuous and relatively small diameter wire-meshes is :
(A) Precast concrete
(B) Prestressed concrete
(C ) Fibre concrete
(D) Ferrocement

11. Slump test for concrete is carried out to determine :
(A) Strength
(B) Durability
(C ) Workability. 
(D) Hardness

12.The decay of timber caused by alternate.wetting and drying is called :
(A)Dry rot
(B)Wet rot
(C )Druxiness

13.The timber which is fully or partly covered with resin is known as :
(A) Impreg timber
(B) Compreg timber
(C )Fibre board
(D)Hard board

14.Soil formed by the accumulation of decaying and chemically deposited vegetable matter under conditions of excessive moisture is :
(A)Alluvial soil
(B)Aeoline soil
(C )Colluvial soil
(D)Cumulose soil

15.The foundation in which a cantilever beam is provided to join two footings is known as :
(A)Strap footing
(B)Strip footing
(C )Combined footing
(D)Raft footing

16.The bearing capacity of a waterlogged soil, may be improved by :
(A) Grouting
(B) Chemical action
(C )Drainage

17.Pile used to transfer load through water or soil soil to a suitable bearing stratum is :
(A)Friction pile
(B)Bearing pile
(C ) Anchor pile
(D) Uplift pile

18.The horizontal course provided to strengthen a wall of irregular small stone is known as :
(A)Lacing course
(B)String course
(C )Blocking course
(D)Frieze course

19.The bond in which a header course is introduced after several stretcher courses is :
(A)English bond
(B)Flemish bond
(C )Raking bond
(D)Facing bond

20.The method of adding certain water proofing compounds to the concrete mix, to make it impermeable is known as :
(A) Integral damp proofing 
(B) Guniting 
(C ) Membrane damp proofing
(D) Grouting

21.The external jamb of a door or window opening at right angles to the wall face is : 
(A) Horn
(B) Reveal
(C ) Mullion
(D) Transom

22.Window project outside the external wall of a room to admit more light and ventilation and improve appearance is :
(A) Corner window
(B) Dormer window
(C )Clerestory window
(D)Bay window

23.The process of joining two pieces of timber at an angle is known as :
(C )Housing

24.A roof has slopes in all four directions but a plane surface is formed at the top is known as :
(B)Mansard roof
(C )Deck Roof 
(D)Gambrel roof

25.Stair in which the stringer as well as the hand rail is continuous with no newel post at the landing is :
(A) Geometrical stair (C ) Dog-legged stair
(B) Bifurcated stair (D) Quarter-turn stair

26.The horizontal wooden or steel members to support the common rafters of a roof when the span is large is :
(A) Wall plate
(B) Post plate
(C ) Ridge piece
(D) Purlin

27.The formation of very loose mass of plastered surface due to poor bond between successive coats is :
(A) Peeling (C ) Blistering
(B) Flaking (D) Crazing

28.The imaginary line joining the intersection of cross-hairs at diaphragm to the optical centre of the object glass and its continuation is :
(A) Line of sight . (C ) Horizontal axis
(B)Axis of telescope (D) Datum line

29.An imaginary line joining the points of equal elevation on the surface of the earth represents :
(A)Horizont al line
(B)Level line
(C )Contour line
(D)Plumb line

30.The bearing of a line in the direction of progress of survey is called :
(A)Fore bearing
(B)Back bearing
(C ) Reduced bearing
(D) Magnetic bearing

31.During rainy season reservoir attains maximum water level. It is known as 
(A) F.U.L.’
(B) H.F.L.
(C )F.T.L.
(D).All of these

32.Instrument used for finding the area of irregular plane figure is : 
(A) Pantagraph
(B) Clinograph
(C ) Clinometer
(D) Planimctcr

33.When flood occurs, the flood water just by giving proper direction, the system of irrigation so
obtained is known as :
(A)Inundation canal system
(B)Perennial canal system
(C )Lilt irrigationsystem
(D)Flow irrigation system

34.The part of the stored water in the reservoir basin which is not generally available for use is known as :
(A)Gross storage
(B)Net storage
(C )Dead storage
(D)Live storage 

35.The final ground surface after completion of earthwork in the construction of road is :
(A) Base course
(C ) Formation

36.The granular material which is used in transferring the load to the formation is :packingunder and around the sleeper for
(A) Block
(C ) Goods stock

37.Extensively used plate laying method in Indiais :
(A) Side method
(B)American method .
(C ) Telescopic method
(D)Group index method

38.A long continuous structure carrying the roador railway line, over dry valley is :
(A) Under bridge
(C ) Trestle bridge
(D)Through bridge

39.The cluster of piles which are driven around the piers, to protect them against the floating objects is :
(A) Dolphin
(C ) Cribs

40.The incidental expenses of a miscellaneous character which cannot be reasonably predicted during preparation of the estimate is indicated by the term :
(A) Lump-sum
(C ) Substituted item

41.Line of collimation and axis of telescope are :
(A) Parallel
(B) Perpendicular
(C ) Inclined
(D) Coincide

42.Which of the following one is best suitable for accurate measurement of distance?
(A)Steel tape
(B)Steel band
(C )Invar tape
(D)Metallic tape

43.In order to determine the additional details such as boundaries of fields, houses and other property the surveying preferred is :
(A)Location surveying.
(B)Cadastal surveying
(C )Reconnaissance surveying
(D)Topographical surveying

44.The error in measured length due to sag of chain is known as :
(A)Negative error
(B)Compensating error
(C )Instrumental error
(D)Positive error

45.In an optical square, the angle between the index sight and horizon sight is :
(C )120°

46.When the whole circle bearing of two lines AB and AC are 38° and 273° respectively then the included angle BAG will be :
(A) 235°:
(C )125°
(D) none of the above

47.At the magnetic pole, the amount of dip is :
(A) 60°
(B) 90c
(C ) 45°
(D) 0°

48.The value of deflection angle is in between : 
(A)0° to 180°
(B)0° to 45
(C ) 0° to 360°
(D) 0° to 90°

49.In steep and broken ground, the most suitable method of contouring is : (A) By cross-section
(B) By squares
(C ) By spot leveling
(D) By tachometre

50.- method is used for plotting the distant and inaccessible objects.
(A) Hadiation
(C ) Two point problem

51.In theodolite, reading both the verniers eliminates :
(A) Eccentricity error
(B)Personal error
(C ) Instrumental error
(D)Observational error

52. i1 A set of curves having centers on the same sideis known as curve.
(A) Transition curve
(B)Compound curve
(C ) Reverse curve
(D)Simple curve

50.For topographical work, the common values of the contour interval adopted is :
(A) 0.1 m to 0.5 m
(B)0.5 m to 0.7 m
(C ) 3 m to 25 m
(D)None of the above

54.If the fore andback bearings of the line AB not equal to 180°, it indicate 
(A) Local attraction exists on station A
(B) Local attraction exists on station B
(C ) Local attraction exists on both A and B
(D)All the above

55.The latitude and departure of a traverse line are bothpositive when the whole circle bearing
of the line lies in the :•
(A) First quadrant
(B)Fourth quadrant
(C ) Second quadrant .
(D)Third quadrant

56.A brick which is half as wide as a full brick, is called :
(A) King closer
(B)Queen closer
(C ) Beveled closer
(D)Mitered closer

57.All points on the line of sights are;— from the surface of the earth.
(A) Equidistant 
(C ) Not equidistant

58.Calculate the correction for refraction, for a distance 600 m : 
(A) 0.002 m
(B) 0.06 m
(C ) 0.006 m
(D) 0.004 m

59.1 square mile is equal to Square kilometers.
(A) 2.59 Sq km.
(B)5.29 Sq km. 
(C )40.47 Sq km.
(D)6.4516 Sq km.

60.Which of the following one is example for reflecting instrument?
(A) Abney’s level
(B) Sextant
(C ) Clinometers
(D) Compass

61.A good brick clay contains Percent of alumina.
(A) 60% to 60%
(B)40% to 80%
(C ) 20% to 30%
(D) 1% to 3%

62.The amount of water which flows over the surface of the earth after all the losses have taken place is called :
(A)Maximum flood discharge
(C )Hydrograph

63.Granite isexample for: .
(A)Igneous rock
(B)Metamorpliic rock
(C )Sedimentary rock
(D)Calcareous rock

64.A camber consisting of two straight slopes joining at the centre is called 
(A)Composite camber 
(B)Sloped camber
(C )Parallel camber
(D)Curved camber

65.Incurves their convexityupward.
(A)Concave curve
(B)Valley curve
(C )Summit curve
(D)Ridge curve

66.The revolving line which generate the surface of the cone is called :
(C )Apex

67. One interior angle of dodecagon is 
(C )135°

68.-------------trees increase more in length rather than width.
(A) Exogenous
(B) Deciduous trees
(C )Conifers
(D) Endogenous trees

69. The sensitiveness depends on the —of the bubble tube. 
(a) Axis of the buble
(B)length of the bubble tube
(D) None

70. The upper most or central voussiors of an arch is called :
(A) Crown
(B) Key
(C ) Extrados
(D) Rise

71. The main disadvantage of an interv al focusing telescope is :
(A)The length of the telescope varies
(B)Outer and inner tubes do not move axially
(C )The brilliancy of the image is reduced
(D)None of the above

72. In-----type level, the line of collimation is not at right angles to the vertical axis if the instrument is permanent adjustment.
(A) Dumpy level
(B) Cookes reversible level
(C ) Wye level
(D)Tilting level

73. As per principle, for testing the errors in instruments, the apparent error on reversal is ------------------the actual error.
(A)2 times
(B) y2 times 
(C )1 1/2 times
(D)2y2 times

74. Which of the following one is example for parallelogram?
(A) Square
(B) Rectangle
(C ) Rhombus
(D) All the above

75.---------is used for drawing parallel lines at any angle.
(A) Set square
(B) Ctinograph
(C ) Pantagraph
(D) T-square

76. DOS is a user operating system.
(A) Multi 
(B) Independent
(C ) Single
(D)None of the above

77. -----------— is example- for Secondary storage memory.
(C )  Hard disc
(D) All the above

78.----------------is the short cut key of the text style.
(A) T
(B) BT
(C ) ST
(D) TR

79.---------------is the command used in convert poliline to line.
(A) Explode
(B) Join
(C ) Extent
(D) Extrim

80.lines are used to indicate the termination of a dimension line.
(A) Out lines
(B) Extension lines 
(C ) Leader lines
(D) All the above

81.Banasura sugar Dam is situated in :
(A) Kozhikode 
(B) Kannur 
(C )Wayanad
(D) Idukki

82.The Slokan ‘Do or Die’ is associated with :
(A) Champarion Sathyagraha 
(B) Non-Co-operation Movement 
(C ) Quit India Movement
(D) Civil Disobedience Movement

83.The time period for 12* Five Year Plan is :
(A) 2012-2017 
(B) 2010-2014 
(C ) 2008-2012
(D) 2016-2020

84. The leader of Swarajist Party :
(A)Dadabai Navaroji
(B)S.C. Bose
(C )Jayaprakash Narayanan
(D)C.R. Das

85.Lahores session of Indian national congress presided by:
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B)W.C. Banerjee
(C ) Sankaran Nair
(D)Mahatma Gandhi

86.The Narmada and Tapti rivers reacii the :
(A) Indian Ocean
(B)Arabian Sea
(C ) Bay of Bengal
(D)Gulf of Cambay

87.The Nobel prize winner of 2013 on literature :
(A) Yusaf Malala
(C ) Alice Munro
(D)Cynthia O/.ick

88.Which is the only state that touches Sikkim?
(A) Assam
(B)Arunachal Pradesh
(C ) West Bengal
(D) Meghalaya

89.The winner of Kerala Sahitya Academy Award for poetry in 2012 :
(A) Desamangalam Ramakrishnan
(C ) Anwar Ali
(D)S. Joseph

90.The patriotic song Vande Mataram’ is extracted from
(A) Neela Darppan
(B)Anant Matt
(C ) Kerala Srmham

91.The founder of Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha (PRDS):
(A) Bramananda Sivayogi
(B)Swami Ananda Theerthan
(C )Poykayil Sree Kumara Guru
(D)Ayya Vaikundar

92.The First football world cup was held in :
(A) 1934
(C )1942

93.The Reigning world chess champion :
(A)Maynus Carlson 
(B)Emanuel Basker 
(C ) Viswanathan Anand
(D) Kasparov

94.The world leader popularly known as ‘Madiba’ :
(A) Mujeeb Rahman 
(B)Fidal Castro 
(C ) YasarArafath
(D) Nelson Mandela

95.Who is known as the Tore-runner’ of B.R. Ambedkar:
(A). Sree NarayanaGuru
(B) Jyothi Rao Phule
(C ) Atmaram Pandurenge, 
(D) K.V. Ramaswami Naikar

96.Siddhu and Kanu associated with the: 
(A) Santhal rebellion (C ) Kurichia revolt
(B) Malabar rebellion (D) Fakeer uprisings

97.Which one of the following films selected for ‘Suvarna Chakoraaward for 2013? 
(A) Mekha Daka Tara
(B) Iratta
(C ) Parvees
(D) C.R. No. 89

98.‘Pracheena Malayalam’ was written by : 
(A) Ulloor S. Parameawarayyer (C ) K.P. Padmanabha Menon
(B) Ilamkuliun Kunjan Pillai (D) ChattambiSwamikal

99.Who among the following is the father of Indian constitution?
(A)Sachidanand Sinlia
(B)Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(C )Dr. S. Rajendraprasad
(D)Sardar Vallabai Patel

100.Current Deputy Chairman of Indian Planning Board :
(A)Montek Singh Alluwalin
(B)Man Mohan Singh
(C )Kapil Sibal
(D)None of these

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