Home appliance control by mobile phone (DTMF)

1.1 Abstract

The objective of this project is to enable users to remotely control their home appliances and systems using a cell phone-based interface. To access the control unit, the user should send an authentication code along with the required/desired function/action to his/her home control system via GSM. Upon being properly authenticated, the cell phone-based interface at home (control unit) would relay the commands to a microcontroller that would perform the required function/action.
1.2 Problem Statement
The objective of this project is to develop a device that allows for a user to remotely control and monitor multiple home appliances using a cellular phone. This system will be a powerful and flexible tool that will offer this service at any time, and from anywhere with the constraints of the technologies being applied. Possible target appliances include (but are not limited to) climate control systems, security systems, and lights; anything with an electrical interface.
The proposed approach for designing this system is to implement a microcontroller-based control module that receives its instructions and commands from a cellular phone over the GSM network. The microcontroller then will carry out the issued commands. For security purposes, a means of identification and user authentication will be implemented, and will combine caller identification with a password authorization.
1.3 Operating Environment
The control system will include two separate units: the cellular phone, and the control unit. There will therefore be two operating environments. The cellular phone will operate indoors and outdoors whereas the control unit will operate indoors.
1.4 Assumptions
The following is a list of assumptions for the project:
1. The user and control unit will establish communication via GSM.
2. All service charges from service provider apply.
3. The controlled appliances will have to have an electrical interface in order to be controlled by microcontroller.
2.1 Review of related literature:

This project has been made by several people, but most of the times a land line phone is being used. If a land line phone is used than a separate ring detector circuit is required for detecting the number of rings and then picking up the phone. It uses an extra relay and we have to enter inside the mechanism of phone.
In our project we have used the auto answer facility which is present in many of the cell phones today, so we escaped from designing the ring detector circuit.
2.2 Present Scenario:
Possible customers for this product would be home improvement contractors, and supply stores. The benefit of this is the end-product can be sold in large quantities and it can be incorporated into the construction of modernize homes. The end-product will be not be sold in retails stores because reconfiguring of the end-product to control different electrical appliances will be complicated and it should only be attempted by trained technicians. Retail stores would also not be a good target for commercialization due to the system requiring a cellular phone plan in order to operate. Advertising through cellular phone providers would be a more feasible option.
2.3. Present and Future Scope:
This product is aimed toward average consumers who wish to control household appliances remotely from their cell phones provided that the appliances are electrically controllable. Example of feasible appliances and applications under consideration include; enable/disable security systems, fans, lights, kitchen appliances, and heating/ventilation/air conditioning system.
Right now we have designed the project for control of two devices but it can be designed for more number of devices.It can be furthur expanded with a voice interactive system facility. A feedback system can also be included which provides the state of a device(whether it is on/off) to the remote user.
3.1 System Specifications:

1. An authenticated user can control two home appliances from any remote place having mobile phone network.
2. Regulated power supply: 5V and 500ma.
3. Relay: 230v AC
4. The system requires two phones out of which the one present at the control unit has to be a cell phone with auto answer facility.
3.2 Block Diagram Description:
Phone on the transmitting side:

The person who wants to switch on/off any device kept at the controller side calls from a phone and, once the call gets picked up, enters the password and tones for a corresponding device. Every key has to be pressed for a minimum amount of time to get it latched at the decoder IC.
Mobile phone on the receiving side:
The mobile phone on the receiver side picks up the phone automatically after 5seconds, and then makes the tones available to the DTMF tone decoder IC through the headphone jack of the phone.
DTMF Tone Decoder IC:
The DTMF tone decoder IC converts the received tones to their respective binary values and then gives them as an input to the microcontroller.
The DTMF tone decoder IC’s internal architecture consists of a band split filter section which separates the low and the high tone of the received tone pair, followed by a digital decode(counting) section which verifies both the frequency and duration of the received tones before passing resultant 4-bit code to the output bus. These 4-bits along with a bit which validates a received tone are given as an input to the port1 of microcontroller.
The Microcontroller:
The five output bits of the decoder IC serve as an input to port 1 of the microcontroller. Then each tone is verified by the programmed microcontroller and once a correct sequence of code is received, output corresponding to the tones sent by the user is made available at the port0, which is connected to relay through a relay driver.
Relay Circuitry:
The output from the port0 of the microcontroller is given to the relay driver IC which drives the corresponding relay, to which the home appliances are connected.
Home Appliances:
One terminal of each appliance is connected to relay and the other terminal is connected to 230v AC. As soon as the relay gets driven by the microcontroller the device gets switched on/off.
Under this heading we are going to mention the problems that we faced while building this project:
1. Building a programmer for the microcontroller: There are several kind of microcontroller IC’s available in the market. We first bought Intel’s 8051 IC, but found out that it does not have flash memory, so we were not able to use it. Then we bought Atmel’s AT89s52 and tried to build a programmer circuit for the same. After investing some time on finding a programmer, we learnt that AT89s52 supports In System Programming (ISP) and can be programmed through the parallel port of a PC. Then we found out that a software named AEC_ISP can be used to program our IC. So we built a programmer circuit whose schematic was their inside the software and were successfully able to program our IC.
2. PCB printing: For getting a printed PCB for our circuit we first needed to design a layout. We learnt that in a software named ‘DIPTRACE’ we can draw a schematic of a circuit and then get its layout. So we learnt this software and printed a layout of correct scale to actual components. Learning the software was a complex task.
3. Programming the microcontroller: We programmed the microcontroller many a times and tested it, until we got the final result.
need more information for this project please syxtyn[at]hotmail.com
please i need circuit /code on 8952 based home control appliance using mobile phone dtmf

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Which programming lang. can be used for this project
u said that four diodes are bieng used in ckt diagram....plz elaborate.
can i have a soft copy

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1. Introduction
A home appliance control system (HACS) is a system which provides various services to remotely operate on home appliances, such as microwave oven, TV, and garage door etc through remote devices such as mobile phone, desktop and palm-top. This document furnishes the Use Case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams for the Home Appliance Control System using UML.
2. Project Overview
The Home appliance control system is controlled either by a cell phone or a by palm top or by a PC. They are connected either through wireless application protocol (WAP), the Internet, or intranet. It controls various appliances such as a microwave, TV etc. The HACS system receives commands from remote devices that are manipulated by user. The system in turn dispatch commands to respective appliances that will perform the actions. HACS is responsible for keeping track of the states of the devices. If something goes wrong, it will notify the user by sending messages back to the remote devices as well as emergency department if necessary.
The following picture gives an overview of how this system is going to work.
The system administrator of the HACS system has the ability to add a new appliance or delete an existing one. The system administrator has the ability to add a new remote device and configure it with HACS or delete an existing one when it is not used. Also the system administrator can create an account for a new user or delete existing account if it is no longer used.
3. Functional Requirement
A home appliance control system (HACS) is a system which is controlled by a remote system such as a mobile phone or a palm-top, and at the same time controls, monitors and coordinates home appliances such as air conditioner, microwave oven, garage doors, TV set, VCR, audio controller, indoor/outdoor lights, water sprinkler, home security system, bath tub controller, etc.
In order to activate home appliances and to allow for different ways of cooking, the HACS needs mechanisms for communication between the different devices in the system, and for coordination among the various processes running on such devices.
Note that the HACS needs mechanisms for adapting to different needs of the user as well. For example, when the user is very hungry, the microwave oven may need to respond to the user’s request that it operate maximally to cook the food as fast as it can. For another example, if the user is hungry, tired and may come home late, then the system may be asked to fully cook the meal by the expected arrival time, and periodic warming up every 10 minutes afterwards.
4. Non-Functional Requirement
4.1 Adaptability

The HACS shall be adaptable. Any change is environment shall be detectable, and the HACS shall then be transformable through recognition of the change in HACS needed and the change recognized shall be enacted in the system. The system could be automatically adaptable or manually adaptable. Since speed is of paramount importance for any real-time system, it shall be given a priority comparable to that of the adaptability requirement. This presumably according to the customer needs. Detecting changes in the environment is usually a very time-consuming task, hence hurting speed. Similarly, detection of events could induce significant performance penalty.
4.2 Safety
The HACS shall also be safe. For example, the microwave oven should now blow up or become too hot to touch.
5. Use Case Diagram
Use case diagrams are intended to model the functional requirements of the system. It shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationships. It is always selected to be the start point of software design. The following figure shows the use case diagram of the HACS system from the end user point of view.
5.1 Actors
5.1.1 User

User refers to the person who has an account and a password, can log in on HACS, and operate home appliances remotely by HACS.
5.1.2 Admin
Admin is a kind of user who has special rights, for example Add/Remove Device and Add/Remove Remote System, other than basic operations.
5.1.3 Device
Device refers to computer embedded home appliances that could be added onto HACS, configured, and operated remotely.
5.1.4 TV
TV is a special home appliance that has several operations, such as turn on, turn off, increase volume, decrease volume, and change channel, which can be operated remotely.
5.1.5 Garage door
Garage door is a special home appliance that has operations of opening and closing to be manipulated remotely.
5.1.6 Microwave
Microwave is a special home appliance that has several operations, such as setting command, setting timer, starting, and so on, that can be operated remotely.
5.1.7 Remote System
Remote System refers to system that has wireless connection. It can be added onto HACS system, configured with HACS, and communicate with HACS.
5.1.8 Palm-top
Palm-top is a special remote system.
5.1.9 Cell phone
Cell phone is a special remote system.
5.1.10 Emergency Department
Emergency Department is a public department that can help if there is an emergency happens in the house.
5.1.11 Police Department
Police Department is a special emergency department which will be noticed when there is a break in through garage door.
5.1.12 Fire Department
Fire Department is a special emergency department which will be noticed when there is a fire in the house.
5.2 Use Cases
5.2.1 Operate

The use case Operate is a service provided for the users to operate on the devices that are connected to HACS through remote devices. For example, user can send messages of turning on a TV, starting microwave to cook for five minutes, and so forth to HACS and then HACS will perform the action.
5.2.2 Restart/Redo
The use case Restart/Redo is an extension of the use case Operate. When the HACS could not conduct the command that the user sent, it shall detect and fix the error or restart the device to make it function normally. And the operation will be conducted once more. Besides, the HACS shall inform the user about this exception.
5.2.3 Operate Microwave
The use case Operate Microwave is a service provided for the users to operate on the microwave that is connected to HACS through remote systems. Users can send messages of cooking, defrosting, stopping, etc.
5.2.4 Operate Garage Door
The use case Operate Garage Door is a service provided for the users to operate on the garage door that is connected to HACS through remote systems. Users can send messages of opening and closing it.
5.2.5 Operate TV
The use case Operate TV is a service provided for the users to operate on the TV that is connected to HACS through remote systems. Users can send messages of turning it on, turning it off, increasing the volume, decreasing the volume, and changing channels.
5.2.6 Check/Update Status
The use case Check/Update Status means that the HACS keeps a record of the state of all the connected devices. It keeps updating their states from time to time. When users require the state information of some device through remote systems, the HACS send the latest state of that device to the remote system that requested.
5.2.7 Control
Sometimes the device may malfunction. For example, the microwave may keep cooking for an hour, which is not required by the users. The use case Control means it can detect such malfunctioning by updating the state of the devices, stop it (using operate use case), and inform the user what happened. Another case there might be some emergency happens, for example, a break in through the garage door or fire starts, the HACS shall detect them and notify police department and fire department respectively.
5.2.8 Add/Remove Device
The use case Add/Remove Device is a service for the users to add a device, for example, microwave, TV, and garage door, onto the HACS to be controlled remotely and automatically, as well as remove a device from the HACS that is no longer to be controlled. When a device is connected to HACS, both the HACS and the device are configured in order to collaborate with each other.
5.2.9 Add/Remove Remote System
The use case Add/Remove Remote System is a service for the users to add or remove a remote control system, for example, cell phone and palm-top, onto the HACS, so that the remote system can be used to communicate with the HACS and control the devices
pls send synopsis of this

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thanks but i need a more detailed project write up
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I need circuit for this. Please give me.
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kindly please send ppt on cell phone based DTMFcontrolled garage door opening.In ppt please specify problem definition,existing system if any,disadvantage in existing system,how to to overcome the disvantage,expected result.

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