HIGH SCHOOL ASSISTANT - ENGLISH - NCA -kerala psc previous question paper

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1.The person to whom Gopalakrishna Gokhale acknowledged as his spiritual and political Guru :
(A)W.C. Banerji-(B) Justice Ranade
(C ) Ravindranath Tagore(D) S.N. Banerji

2.The Act which provided separate communal Electorate for the Muslims :
(A)The Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909
(B)Montague-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919
(C )The Act of 1892
(D)The Act of 1935

3.The Italian who regarded as the ‘Father of Humanism’:
(A) Martin Luther(B) Galileo
(C ) John Knox(D) Petrarch

4.The two Pillars of Gandhian philosophy are 
(A). Bravery and sympathy (C ) Fasting and praying
(B) Heroism and leadership (D) Truth and Non-violence

5.The homeland of Renaissance movement in Europe :
(A) Germany(B) Spain
(C ) Italy(D) England

6.The historic ‘Quit India Resolution’ was passed on 8th August 1942 at:.
(C )Nagpur(D)Banarres

7.The Nationalist who took a leading role in the formation of Congress Socialist Party (CSP) as a protest against compromising politics of Gandhi :
(A)Maulana Abdulkalam Azad(B)Bhagath Singh
(C )JayaprakashNarayanan(D)C.R. Das

8.The parliament passed the ‘Right to Information Act’ in :
(C )2006(D)2008

9.The French Economist who won the Nobel Prize in 2014 :
(A)Jan Fisher(B)Zhang T Roll
(C )Amarthya Sen(D)George Pawandro

10.The 2014 Arjuna Award Winner Tom Joseph is associated with the game :
(A)Volley ball(B)Basket ball
(C )Hockey(D)Cricket

11.The majority people of Latin America speak the language :
(C )Arabic(D)Spanish

12.The capital of British India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi:
(C )1911(D)1912

13.The Indian leader to whom the British called ‘The Father of Indian Unrest’:
(A)Subash Chandra Bose(B)Balagangadhara Tilak.
(C )Captain Lakshmi(D)Nehru

14.The classical work ‘Don Quixote’ is composed by the famous Spanish writer : .
(A)Boccassio(B)Edmund Spencer
(C )Cervantes(D)Anderson

15.The distinguished German astronomer who proved the elliptical movement of planets around the sun :
(A) Hohannes Kepler (C ) Alexander Fleming
(B) Ptolomy (D) Rebelais

16.Which among the following learning material is related to ICT? 
(A) White board(B) Globe
(C ) Chart(D) Text book

17.The word ‘grading’ is derived from the word ‘gradus’ belongs to :
(C )Roman(D)German

18.Who is the author of the book ‘Basic principles of curriculum and instruction’?
(A)Hilda Taba(B)Noamchomsky
(C ) Vygotsky'(D) Ralph Tyler

19.The research method used for solving a real problem in one’s own working field is called
(A)case study-(B) experimental research
(C )action research(D)historical research

20.Which of the following is not related to ‘Reciprocal teaching’?
(C )Writing(D)Clarifying

21.The American Baseball player who is Santiago’s favourite :
(A)Maxwell Perkins(B)Raymond Sheppard
(C )Joe Dimaggio(D)Gregorio Fuentes

22.Identify the figure of speech in the line from Gray’s Elegy :
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way
(C )Metaphor(D)Transferred epithet

23.Son of Ulysses to whom he bestowed the charge of his country Ithaca :
(C )Paris(D)Prometheus

24.The Greek playwright who is referred to in Dover Beach :
(C ) Aristophanes'(D) Euripides '

25.Name the poetic collection in which A Prayer for My Daughter was published in 1921 ?
(A) Michael Robartes and the Dancer (B) The Winding Stair and other (C ) The Ring and the Book(D) Collected Poems
(B) Superstition (D) Life

26. The theme of Ezekiel’s Night of the Scorpion : 
(A) God (C ) Luck

27. Select the appropriate word :
.I was shocked to see the_____________of the damage caused by the storm.
(A) extant(B) extinct
(C ) exact(D) extent

28. In form, Home Burial by Robert Frost is a : 
(A) Dramatic Monologue (C ) Dramatic irony
(B) Dramatic Lyric (D) Melodrama

29.------------if the word great means anything in poetry, this poem is one of the greatest in the English Language-which critic opined this about Emily Dickens’s Because I Could Not Stop For Death.
(A) Cleanth Brooks(B) T.S. Eliot
(C ) Allan Tate(D) I.A. Richards

30. The year in which Wole Soyinka won Nobel Prize in Literature : 
(C )1987,(D)1978

31. She is my_____________(select the right word):
(A) confidant (C ) confide
(B) confident (D) confidal

32.What does the light stand for in the photograph, in Atwood’s poem?
(A) Life of the Speaker(B) Future of the Speaker
(C ) Dream of the Women(D) Creativity of the Women

33. What is the dream shared by David Diop at the end of Africa?
(A)A Dark Africa(B)A Free Africa
(C )A Colonial Africa(D)None of these

34.Who is Macbeth at the beginning of the play?
(A)Thane of Glamis(B)Thane of Fife
(C )Thane of Cawdor(D)Thane of Venice

35.The term stands for speaking by Saussure :
(A) Langne(B)Parole
(C ) Sign(D)Signified

36.Who talks about how “tale-bearers are as bad as the tale-makers” in School for Scandal?
(A) Mrs. Candour(B)Lady Teazle
(C ) Lady Sneerwell(D)Sir Peter Teazle

37.The subtitle of The Importance of Being Earnest:
(A) A Comedy in Two Acts(B)A Tragedy in Two Acts
(C ) A Trivial Comedy for Serious People(D)A Tragic Comedy for Serious People

38.Name the dance practiced and performed by Nora in ADoll’s House :
(A) Tarantella(B)May Dance
(C ) Waltz(D)Opera

39.The film version of Shaw’s Pygmalion :
(A) My Black Lady(B)My Fair Lady
(C ) Lady of the Sonnets(D)Pygmalion

40.Setting of the play Riders to the Sea :
(A) Greenland Islands(B)Aran islands
(C ) Norwegian islands(D)Italian Islands

41.Who is Bernard in Death of a Salesman?
(A) A business man(B)A Banker
(C ) A Lawyer(D)A Doctor

42.A play that deals with the narcissism of the self-involved hero, who undergoes a test, put to him by the wife in order to survive :
(A) Death of a Sales Man(B)The Glass Menagerie
(C ) Nagamandala(D)School For ScandalSchool For Scandal

43.According to Francis Bacon, using studies too much form ornament is :
(A) affectation(B)pleasure
(C ) humorGO)sloth

44.Who has the liberty of stirring the fire at the club?
(A)Major Matchlock(B) Sir Jeoffrey Notch
(C ) Dick Reptile(D) Jack Ogle

45. What seems to be the foundation for liberty according to A.G. Gardiner?
(A) Simplicity(B)CharacterCharacter
(C ) Hard work(D)Sacrifice

46.Identify the poem that begins with these lines :Five years have past; five summers, with the length Of five long winters
(A) On His Blindness(B)Tintern Abbey
(C ) An Introduction(D)Aboriginal AustraliaAboriginal Australia

47.Sounds that are articulated with a stricture of close approximation :
(A) Plosives(B)AffricatesAffricates
(C ) Fricatives(D)Laterals

48.The only sound foundation for a civilization as per Forster’s opinion :
(A) Sound state of mind(B)Goodwill of people Goodwill of people
(C ) Sound state of health(D)Good climate

49.Source and origin of Wuthering Heights :
(A) Ballantyne’s Coral Island(B)Purchase’s Pilgrimage
(C ) German tale by Hoffman(D)Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole

50.Which method in ELT is governed by the maxim‘proceed from known to unknown’?
(A) Direct Method(B)Bilingual Method
(C ) Grammar Translation Method(D)Audio Lingual Method

51.George Orwell’s Animal Farm is an example of :
(A) Dystopian Fiction(B)Utopian Fiction
(C ) Magic Realism(D)RealismRealism

52.Who symbolizes the burden of the unconscious woman in Roots and Shadows?expectations that a society places upon a
(A) Kiran(B)Jayant
(C ) James(D)George

53. John Donne belongs to the group of poets namely :
(A)Romantics(B) Movement
(C ) Metaphysical(D) Pre Raphaelites

54. Who was arrested for Sophie’s death in God of Small Things'?
(A) Chako(B)Rahel
(C ) Velutha(D)Baby Kochamma

55.The setting of The Bluest Eye :
(A) Lorain(B)Wessex
(C ) Milan(D)Dublin

56.The ancient book on dramatic theory by Bharatha Muni that deals with Rasa :
(A)Rig Veda(B) Brihadaranika Upanishat
(C ) Natya Sastra(D) Sama Veda

57.Transcribe Chain :
(C ) /tƒain/
(D) /tƒm/

58.Reversal of fortune according to Poetics :
(A) anagnorisis (C ) pathos
(B)peripeteia (D) dianoia

59.“Aristotle, I have been told, has said, that poetry is the most philosophic of all writing" identify the speaker :
(A) Eliot (C ) Saussure
(B)Coleridge (D) Wordsworth

60.Coleridge states in Biographia Literaria, “Good sense is the body of poetic genius, FANCY its
DRAPERY, MOTION its LIFE and IMAGINATION the _________________ (Complete the

61.Who introduced the concept of Touchstone in literary criticism?
(A) Matthew Arnold(B) T.S. Eliot
(C )Aristotle(D) William Wordsworth

62.Who opined that the business of the poet is not to find new emotions, but to use the ordinary ones?
(A) Cleanth Brooks(B)I.A. Richards
(C ) T.S. Eliot(D)Allan Tate

63.Don’t pry_____________other people’s secrets. (Complete with preposition)
(A) with(B)on
(C ) into(D)by

64.The armor bearer to Macbeth :
(A) Siward(B)Ross
(C ) Angus(D)Seyton

65.The father figure in the poem Daddy is :
(A) A Jew(B)An African
(C ) A Nazi.(D)An IndianAn Indian

66.Who authored Language in Literature?
(A) Victor Shklovsky(B)Boris Eichenbaum
(C ) Roman Jakobson(D)Jan Mukarovsky

67.In Lacanian literary criticism, the stage after acquisition of language is called :
(A) Mirror stage(B)Imaginary stage
(C ) Emotional stage(D)Symbolic stage

68.One of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds used to pronounce a single phoneme :
(A) Morpheme(B)Allophone
(C ) Syllable(D)Sonorants

69.The identity of Godot in Becket’s waiting for Godot:
(A) A Merchant(B)A Farmer
(C ) A Slave(D)No identity

70.A morpheme that has syntactic characteristics another word or phrase :of aword, but depends phonologically
(A) Clitic(B)Allomorph
(C ) Phoneme(D)Lexicon

71.Whose ideas inspired Transformational-Generative Grammar?
(A)Saussure(B) Empson
(C )Carl Jung. (D) Noam Chomsky

72.[p] is an example for :
(A)voiceless palatal plosive (C ) voiced retroflex plosive
(B) voiceless bilabial plosive (D) voiced velar plosive

73.Mark the stress in the word another :
(A)‘another (C ) a’nother
(B) ano’ther (D) anoth’er

74.The nickname of Laura Wingfield :
(A) Blue Bells.(B) Blue Roses
(C ) White Bells(D) White Roses

75.Transcribe the word mobile :
(A) /mobail/(B) /mobeil/
(C ) /meubeil/(D) /mubail/

76.American equivalent of the British word Alsatian :
(A) Spaniel(B) Hound
(C ) German Shepherd(D) Doberman

77.He was accused with murder - correct the sentence if necessary :
(A)he was accused bymurder(B)he was accused with the murder
(C )he was accused of murder(D)he was accused onmurder

78.Antonym of zenith :
(A) Neo (C ) Nadir
(B) Climax (D) Null

79.Give one word substitution —
Person, animal or object considered likely to bring good fortune :
(C )Opponent(D)Knell

80.Use of Audio Visual aids can :
(A)Provide speed for the teacher(B). Make the studentslethargic
(C )Stimulate greatest number of senses (D)Givemorework tothe students

81.One of the thirty boys of the class_______________________________________absent today. (Pick the right option)
(C )am(D)be

82.Select the sentence with proper word order :
(A)Girl wanted to telephone of nice manners and appearance
(B)Girl of nice manners and appearance wanted to telephone
(C )Girl to telephone wanted of nice manners and appearance
(D)Girl of nice manners and appearance telephone wanted to

83. Synonym of chador :
(A) a big vehicle(B)a mortal disease
(C ) a loose robe(D)a toy for kidsa toy for kids

84.One who can use both the hands equally well:
(A) ambigenous(B)ambiguous
(C ) ambivalent(D)ambidextrous

85.Use the article : The teacher drew a tree on_____________ 
(A) the black board. (B)an
(C ) a(D)no article

86.Use suitable preposition :The Minister expressed his concern _____________________the people affected by the floods.
(A) for(B) over
(C ) on(D) to

87.The branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning, changes in meaning, and the principles that govern the relationship between sentences or words and their meanings :
(A) Semantics(B) Phonology
(C ) Morphology(D) Syntax

88.Complete with a suitable clause :
If he had asked me,________________
(A) I will help him
(C ) I would have helped him
(B) I would help him (D) I had helped him

89.Use appropriate tense :It________________(rain) heavily for a week. The wells are overflowing.
(A) rain(B) was raining
(C ) had rained(D) has been raining

90.Use Phrasal verb :The plane__________________after repairs
(A) Took off (C ) Took with
(B) Took over (D) Took by

91. I have never eaten___________ nice mangoes as this. (Use conjunction)
(A) for (C ) that

92.The doctor asked the patient, “Did you eat anything this morning?” (Report) •
(A)The doctor asked the patient whether he ate anything this morning
(B) The doctor asked the patient that he had eaten anything this morning
(C ) The doctor asked the patient whether he had eaten anything that morning
(D)None of these

93.Is Malayalam spoken by them? (Change the voice)
(A)Did they speak Malayalam?
(B)Did Malayalam they speak?
(C )Are they speak Malayalam?
(D)Do they speak Malayalam?

94.It rained yesterday (Frame a question tag):
(A) Didn't it?(B) Wasn't it?
(C )Was it?(D) Isn’t it?

95.His eyes caught a heap of letters. They were lying on the table. (Combine using a Relative Clause)
(A)His eyes caught a heap of letters and were lying on the table
(B)His eyes caught a heap of letters which were lying on the table
(C )His eyes caught a heap of letters but were lying on the table
(D)His eyes caught a heap of letters so that were lying on the table

96.What are Podcasts?
(A)Devices used to keep class roomclean
(B)Audio (sometimes video) programs on the Web
(C )Technique of syllabus framing
(D)Equipment instead of Blackboard

97.Discourse Method is suitable to teach :
(C )Grammar(D)

98.The painter of the portrait of last Duchess :
(A)Van Gogh(B)
(C )Fra Pandolf(D)

99.What is the main feature of Objective Testing?
(A)It requires judgment on the part of the scorer
(B)It doesn’t require judgment on the part of the scorer
(C )It may lead to partiality while evaluating
(D)It demands descriptive answers

100.Who wrote The Wretched of the Earth?
(A) Edward Said(B) Frantz Fannon
(C )Homi Bhabha(D) Derek Walcott

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HIGH SCHOOL ASSISTANT - ENGLISH - NCA -kerala psc previous question paper - by anusree - 22-04-2017, 09:25 AM

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