FOREMAN - CENTRAL WORKSHOP - MEDICAL EDUCATION karala psc previous question paper

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1.During tensile test, the percentage of elongation is an indicative of?
(A)creep (B) hardness (C ) ductility D) stiffness

2.Which flame is used in most of the oxy-acetylene welding ?
(A)oxidizing (B)carburizing (C )reducing (D)neutral

3.Which gas is normally used in gas shielded arc welding ?
(A)argon (B)hydrogen (C )acetylene (D)air

4.The sand grains suited for small and intricate casting should be ?
(A)fine (B)medium (C )coarse (D)rounded

5.The best moulding for producing plastic article is?
(A) green sand moulding (B)pit moulding
(C ) plaster moulding (D) injection moulding

6.In bracing the commonly used flux is :
(A) copper (B) lead (C ) boraux
(D) sodium chloride

7.The process used to fix ceramic tool with the tool body is?
(A) welding (B) bracing (C ) soldering (D) clamping

8.A mechanism that locks the lathe carriage to the lead screw for thread cutting is called :
(A) dog clutch (B) shim (C ) half nut (D) fly cutter

9.Which of the following is not prior to the reaming operation ?
(A) drilling (B)tapping
(C ) boring (D) counter boring

10.Which of the following machinery use abrasive slurry ?
(A)Electric Discharge Machine (B) Flectro Chemical Machine
(C ) Ultrasonic Machine (D) Spark Erosion Machine

11.Surface tension is a phenomenon due to :
(C ) cohesion and adhesion
(B)inner diameter only
(D) thickness and outer diameter

12.A tube is specified by :
(A) outer diameter only (C ) thickness and inner diameter
(B)adhesion (D) cavitation

13.Cavitation in centrifugal pump is due to :
(A)high discharge pressure (B)high discharge velocity’
(C )high discharge rate (D)low suction pressure

14.For pumping slurry, the most suitable pump is :
(A)centrifugal pump (B)diaphragm pump
(C )jet pump (D)reciprocating pump

15.Notch is a device for measuring :
(A)flow velocity through a pipeline
(B)rate of flow through a pipeline
(C )flow velocity through a small channel
(D)rate of flow through a small channel

16.Which of the following turbine is used under low head and high discharge ?
(A)Pelton turbine (B)Francis turbine
(C )Tubular turbine (D)Kaplan turbine

17.A foot-valve provided m a pump is :
(A)pressure control valve (B)direction controlvalve
(C )flow control valve (D)pressure relief valve

18.The Young's modulus is depends on :
(B)lateral stress
(C ) longitudinal stress
(D)lateral strain

19.Maximum compressive stress developed in a transversely loaded rectangular beam is on the?
(A)bottomlayer (B)neutralaxis (C )top layer (D)none of these

20.When a body just begins to slide over the surface of another body, the maximum frictional force which comes into play is :
(A) sliding friction (B) limiting friction (C ) rolling friction (D) kinetic friction

21.Critical temperature of steam is :
(A)1000C (B)3030 C(C )375° C(D)400=C

22.The heat absorbed by water at saturation temperature to get converted into dry steam at the same temperature is called :
(A)sensible heat (B)specificheat (C )total heat (D)latent heat

23.The ratio between crank shaft speed and cam shaft speed of four stroke 1C engine is :
(A)2 :1 (B)1 : 1 (C )1 : 2 D)4 : 1

24.Steam that exit from the nozzle has :
(A) high pressure and high velocity 
(B) high pressure and low velocity 
(C ) low pressure and high velocity 
(D) low pressure and low velocity

25.On a Mollier diagram, the ideal expansion process of a steam turbine can be represented
(A) drawing a vertical line
(B)drawing a horizontal line
(C ) constant temperature line
(D) constant dryness fraction line

26.Bin card is used in :
(A) stores
(B)administrative office
(C ) workshop
(D) 5assembly shop 

27.The incentive wage plan, in which savings are expressed as a percentage of standard time is:
(A)Haslev plan
(B)Bedaux plan
(C )Lincon plan
(D)Rowan plan

28.CPM consider the trade off between cost and :
(C )man power

29.Merit rating is the method of determine :
(A)job identification (B)workers performanceona job
(C )relative value of job (D)utility of a machine

30.Routing and scheduling are integrated part of?
(A)product planning (B)work study
(C )time study (D)quality control

31.With increase in intake air temperature, the efficiency of an IC engine will ?
(A)increase (B)decrease (C )remains same (D)unpredictable

32.Air petrol ratio for maximum power generation in spark ignition engine is about :
(A)6:1 (B)12 : 1 (C )18 : 1 (D)24 : 1

33.Stroke of an lC engine equals :
(A)half the crank radius
(B)the crank radius
(C )tw ice the crank radius
(D)four times ofthe crankradius

34.The float in the carburettor of a petrol engine controls :
(A)flow rate of fuel (B)flow rate of air
(C )flow rate of air fuel mixture (D)level of the petrol in the float chamber

35.Which of the following is the extensive property of the thermodynamic system ?
(A)volume (B)intensity of pressure
(C )temperature (D)density

36.First law of thermodynamics refers to conservation of :
(A)mass (B)momentum (C )energy (D)force

37.Heat is being supplied to air in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston held by a constant weight, the process is :
(A)isothermal (B)adiabatic (C )isobark (D)isochoric

38.One Ton ot refrigeration is equivalent to :
(A)1 kW (B)3.5 kW (C )50 kW (D)210 kW

39.In which component of vapour compression refrigeration system, the enthalpy remains constant ?
(A)condenser (B)compressor (C )evaporator (D)throttle valve

40.Which of the psychrometric processes is used in summer air conditioner ?
(A)sensible heating (B)cooling anddehumidification
(C )sensible cooling (D)heating andhumidification

41.Which of the following is an integrating type instrument ?
(A)Wattmeter (B)Energy meter (C )Megger (D)Voltmeter

42.Example lor an absolute instrument is :
(A)Earth tester (B)Ammeter
(C )Tangent Galvanometer (D)Power factor meter

43.A repulsion type voltmeter when used on AC circuits, reads :
(A)Peak value (B)Mean value
(C )Equivalent d.c. value (D)R.M.S. value

44.Which type of wattmeter cannot be used for both a.c and d.c. ?
(A)Induction type (B)Dynamo meter type
(C )Electrostatic type (D)None of the above

45.P.M.M.C. instrument used only in :
(A)AC only 
(B) DC only
(C ) Both AC and DC
(D) None of the above

46.The ponter returns to initial position, when the current is removed, due to :
(A)Deflection torque (B)Controlling torque
(C )Damping torque (D)All the above

47.Which of the following is an active transducer ?
(A)Potentiometer device (B)Pirani gauge
(C )Piezo electric pick up (D)Hall effect pick up

48.One of the following can act as an inverse transducer :
(A) Capacitive transducer (B) Resistance potentiometer
(C ) Piezo electric crystal (D) Bourdon tube

49.A resistance potentiometer is a?
(A) Zero order instrument (C ) Second order instrument
(B) First order instrument (D) None of the above

50.In semi-conductor strain gauge, when tensile strain is applied :
(A)Resistance increases in N type of materials
(B)Resistance increases in P type of materials
(C )Resistance increases in both P type and N type materials
(D)Resistance decreases in both P type and N type materials

51.Which of the following properties is transformer core ?
(A)Low hysteresis loss
(B)Adequate mechanical strength
(C )High permeability
(D)High thermal conductivity

52.Which loss in a transformer varies significantly with load ?
(A)Copper loss (B)Core loss
(C )Hysteresis loss (D)Eddy currentloss

53.The function of breather in a transformer is :
(A)To provide cooling air
(B)To provide oxygen
(C )To filter the transformer oil
(D)To prevent moisture entering into the transformer.

54.A short circuit test on a transformer gives :
(A)Copper lossesatfullload (B)Iron losses atfull load
(C )Copper lossesathalf load (D)Iron losses athalf load

55.Different types of consumers are charged at different uniform per unit rates, it is called ?
(A) Simple tariff    (B) Flat rate tariff (C ) Block rate tariff 
(D) Two part tariff

56.A distribution transformer usually is 
(A) Star Delta transformer
(C ) Delta Delta transformer
(B) Star Star transformer (D) Delta Star transformer

57.Form factor is :
(A) Maximum value / r.m.s. value (C ) r.m.s. value/average value
(B) r.m.s. value/ maximum value (D) average value / r.m.s. value

58.Which of the following is used for measurement of high voltage ?
(A)Clip on meter (B)Auto transformer
(C )Potential transformer (D)Current transformer

59.Tire maximum value, positive or negative, of an alternating quantity is known as :
(A) Average value (B) Amplitude (C ) Peak value (D) r.m.s. value

60.In a punrely inductive circuit power is equal to :
(A) Maximum 
(B) Minimum 
(C ) Zero
(D) Unity

61.Which generator is used as a booster generator ?
(A) Shunt generator 
(C ) Compound generator
(B)Series generator
(D)None of the above

62.The function of commutator in a d.c machine is :
(A)To improve commutation
(B)To change alternating current into direct current
(C )To improve armature reaction
(D)To change alternating voltage into direct voltage

63.What would happen if the field of d.c. shunt motor is opened ?
(A)It will continue to run at its normal speed
(B)Speed will be reduced
(C )It will stop
(D)Speed will be enormously high and must destroy

64.The mechanical power developed by the d.c motor is maximum when :
(A)Eb is equal to zero
(B)Eb is equal to V
(C )Eb is equal to half of V
(D)Eb is equal to twice of the V

65.The reversal of rotation of motors and as electric braking is called :
(A)Negative braking
(B)Regenerating braking
(C )Dynamic braking

66.Which method is better to find voltage regulation in an alternator ?
(A)E.M.F. Method
(C )Potter Triangle Method
(B)M.M.F. Method
(D)Synchronous Impedance Method

67.Reduction factor of a lamp source is :
(B)M.H.C.P,/ M.S.C.P.
(C )Total flux / Emitted flux
(D)Emitted flux / Total flux

68.In illumination unit of solid angle is :
(C )Steradian

69.Luminous flux radiated out per unit solid angle in that direction is :
(C )Luminance

70.One lumen per squre meter is the same as :
(A)One lux
(B)One lumen metre
(C )One foot candle
(D)One candela

71.The bipolar transistors have :
(A) Low input resistance compared to FET 
(B) High input resistance compared to FET
(C )Zero input resistance
(D)Inlinity input resistance

72. The knee voltage for a silicon PN junction is :
(A)0.3 V
(B)0.7 V
(C )0.1 V
(D)0.2 V

73.The addition of pentavalent impurity to a semiconductor creates :
(B)Free electrons
(C )Positive ions
(D)None of the above

74.If the PN junction will heavily doped, breakdown voltage will:
(C )No change
(D) Infinity

75.Reverse resistance of a diode is the order of:
(B)Kilo ohm
(C )Mega ohm
(D) Zero

76.The self-destruction of an unstabilised transistor is known as :
(A)Stabilisation (B)Biasing
(C )Thermal runway (D)None of the above

77.If collector supply voltage is 10 V, then collector cut of voltage under d.c. condition is :
(A)1 V (B)5 V (C )10 V (D)20 V

78.The frequency response of transformer coupling is :
(A)Poor (B)Good
(C )Moderate (D)Excellent

79.If the absolute power gain of an amplifier is 100 then its decibel gain is 
(A)10 db (B)20 db
(C )30 db (D)40 db

80.With gate open an SCR can be turned on by making supply voltage :
(A)Very small (B)Very high
(C )Equal to break over voltage (D)Less than break over voltage

81.Indian economy is most appropriately described as :
(A)Socialist economy (B) Mixed economyMixed economy
(C )Capitalist economy (D) None of theseNone of these

Wireless Telegraph was invented by :
(A)Marconi (B) Isaac NewtonIsaac Newton
(C )Humphrey Davy (D) EdisonEdison

(A)Co-operative for egg production
(B)Regulated agricultural market
(C )Farmers Co-operative
(D)A quality guarantee stamp for agricultural and allied commodities

84.The Azad Hind Fauj was formed by :
(A) Rash Behari Bose (B) Gopalakrishna Gokhale
(C ) Subhash Chandra Bose (D) Bala Gangadhara Tilak

85.The first signs of disturbance in 1857 occurred at:
(A)Kanpur (B)Lucknow
(C )Meerut (D)Delhi

86,The declaration of "Poorna Swaraj" as the only goal to strive for came at 
(A)Lahore (B)Culcatta (C )Delhi (D)Bombay

87Who invented the computer ?
(A)Joseph Aspdin (B)Charles Babbage (C )Marconi (D)Einstein

88,"Kanneerum Kinavum" was the famous work of:
(A) V.T. Battathirippadu
(B) Balamaniyamma
(C ) Uroob
(D) Thakazhi

89.The science of space travel is called :
(A)Aeronautics (B)Archaeology (C )Arboriculture (D)Anemology

90.Mudumalai Sanctuary is situated in :
(A)Kerala (B)Karnataka ©Gujarat (D)Tamil Nadu

91.The"Cradles of Civilization" have been :
(A)valleys (B)plains(C )plateau(D)lulls

92.Khyber Pass is located in :
(A)Pakistan (B)India (C )Nepal (D)Bangladesh

93. Poet Vallathol revived Kathakali and Mohiniyattain by establishing Kerala Kalamandalam
(A)Cheruthuruthi (B)Kayamkulam
(C )Thiruvananhapuram (D)Adoor

Who was known as the "Kerala Simham" ?
(A)Veluthampi (B)Pazhassi Raja
(C )Marthanda Varma (D)Samoothiri of Kozhikode

95.The first Hydro Electric Project of Kerala was :
(A)idukki (B)Malampuzha (C )Pallivasal

96.The man popularly known as 'Gurudev' is :
(A)Gandhiji (B)RabindraNathaTagore
(C )Guru GobindSingh (D)Raj Guru

97.Who was the Kerala Governor who became the President of India ?
(A)Zakir Hussain (B)R. VenkataRaman
(C )Dr. RajendraPrasad (D)V.V. Giri

98.Which of the following hooks is not written by M.T. Vasudevan Nair ?
(A)Nalukettu(B)Asuravithu (C )Yantram

99.Founder of Sadhujana Paripalana Sangam :
(A) Vagbadanandan (B) Chattambi Swamikal
(C ) Sree Narayana Guru (D) Ayvankali

100.Sree Narayana Guru was bom at:
(A) Chirayinkeezhu (B) Chempazhanthi
(C ) Kanvakumari (D) Colour

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FOREMAN - CENTRAL WORKSHOP - MEDICAL EDUCATION karala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 11-04-2017, 11:20 AM

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