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1.Consumption of raw soybeans can be harmful to health because of the presence of following anti-nutritional factor:
(A)Phytic acid(B)Tannins
(C )Oxalates(D)Trypsin inhibitor

2.In a standard fruit jam preparation the content of total soluble solids should not be less than :
(A)68% W/W(B)45% WAV
(C )65% W/W(D)70% W/W

3.The safe level of irradiation for foods, which presents no toxicological hazard is :
(A)5.0 kGy(B)10.0 kGv
(C )7.0 kGy(D)25.0 kGy

4.Subjecting rice to higher degree of polishing is associated with following :
(A)Better nutritional density and easy digestibility
(B)Better glycemic index and suitability for diabetics
(C )Lowered nutritional and better cooking characteristics
(D)Higher bioavailable nutrients and lowered sensory quality

5.The browning occurring in cut apples on aeration is due to the presence of:
(C )Polymeric oxidases

6.KSSAI stands for:
(A)Fire Safety and Security Association of India
(B)Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(C )Fire Safety and Standards Arrangements Incorporation
(D)Food Safety and Security Association of India

7.Identify the correct group of stimulating constituents present in tea :
(A)Theobromine, triphylline, catechol
(B)Caffein, tricantenol, trimethylamine
(C )Theonitrile, caffeicol, theophylline
(D)Caffeine, theobromine, theophylline

8.Acceptable daily intake level of additives is derived from following :
(A)No observed adverse effect level of compound and uncertainty factor
(B)Level at which toxicity may not occur in humans
(C ) Levels likely to be used in foods
(D)Chemical nature of the compound

9.Identify the cluster of essential fatty acids for humans from the following :
(A)Myristic, arachidonic and capric acids
(B)Linolenic, linoleic and arachidonic acid
(C )Stearic, malic and acetic acid
(D)Linolenic, stearic and cholic acid

10.Aseptic packaging refers to :
(A)Use of sterile packaging containers
(B)Heating the food to make it sterile and then pack
(C )Packaging sterile food in sterile atmosphere in sterile packaging
(D) Using ultra high temperature for processing

11.The latest indicator organism for proper pasteurisation is :
(A) Coxiella hurnetti(B)Mycobacterium tuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis
(C ) Bacillus anthrasis(D)FMD virus

12.Rasagolla is prepared using:
(A) Paneer(B)Channa
(C ) Khoa(D)Condensed MilkCondensed Milk

13. Aseptic packaging is used after which among the following processing method?
(A)Pasteurisation(B) HUT Pasteurisation
(C ) Freezing(D) Drying

14.The water percentage of cow milk is approximately :
(A) 80%(B)90%
(C ) 87%(D)50%

15.Which among the following practice reduces the occurrence of Mastitis?
(A) Feeding concentrate(B)Urea molasses lick
(C ) Teat dipping(D)Automatic water bowlAutomatic water bowl

16.Which among the following is used to test fat in milk?
(A) Lactometer(B)Anemometer
(C ) CRO(D)Milkotester

17.The bacterial culture used to prepare Yoghurt contains Streptococcus thermophilus
(A) Lactobacillus bulagaricus(B)Yersinia enterocolitica
(C ) Alcaligenes viscolactis(D)Escherichia coli

18.Which among the following is used to sterilize milk cans in dairies?
(A) Steam(B)Iodophore solution
(C ) Autoclaving(D)All the aboveAll the above

19.The base material for preparing Shrikhand is :
(A) Chakka(B)Channa
(C ) Curd(D)CheeseCheese

20.‘Outlines of Dairy Technology’ is written by :
(A) Jagadish Prasad (B).N.S.R. Shastry
(C ) Sukumar De(D)Tufail Ahamed

21.The pink colour characteristic of cured meat is due to :
(A) Myoglobin(B)Nitrosyl myoglobin
(C ) Haemoglobin(D)Nitrosyl haemochromogen

22.Natural casing for sausage preparation is derived from:
(A) Intestinal submucosa(B)Collagen
(C ) Intestinal mucosa(D)CelluloseCellulose

23.PSE condition of pork is caused due to :
(A) Short term pre-slaughter stress(B)Chronic stress
(C ) Rapid decline of muscle pH(D)Both (A)and(C )Both (A) and (C )

24.The vitamin which is ABSENT in chicken egg:
(A)Vitamin C(B)Vitamin B12
(C )Vitamin A(D)Vitamin E

25.The bacterium known as “terror of the deep” due to the sea food poisoning it causes with the highest fatality rate of any food borne bacterium :
(A)Salmonella enteritidis'(B)Vibrio culnificus
(C )Vibrio parahaemolyticus(D)Clostridium botulinum

26.The stunning method recommended for slaughter of adult cuttle :
(A) Electric stunning(B) Penetrative captive bolt pistol
(C )Carbon dioxide gas stunning(D)All of the above

27.The dressing percentage' for pigs is approximately :
(C )75%(D)88%

28.______________is used for testing the effectiveness of bleeding of careass.
(A)Sodium nitrate(B)
(C )Sodium ascorbate(D)

29.The larval nematode worm seen in striated muscle ingestion of such infected pork is :
(A)Trichinella spiralis(B)
(C )Tichuris trichiura(D)

30.Pick out the WRONG statement:
(A)The first transgenic cow, “Rosie”, produced human protein-enriched milk
(B)Green rot in eggs is mainly caused by Pseudomonas fluorescens
(C )Bloom is the terra used for preservation of meat using salt
(D)Pork and poultry meat are more susceptible to rancidity as they are richer in unsaturated fatty acids than other meats

31.In a complaint against several accused, if the complainant withdraws his complaint against one accused, the Magistrate can :
(A)Convict that particular accused
(B)Acquit all the accused
(C )Acquit the particular accused against whomthe complaint is so withdrawn
(D)Convict all the accused •
Malachite green All of the above
of pigs infecting human beings after
Taenia solium

32.An application for bail under Section 438 Cr.P.C can be filed before :
(A)Any Court
(B)First Class Magistrate Court/Metropolitan Court
(C )Trial Court
(D)High Court or Court of Session

33.In a trial before a Court of Session, prosecution shall be conducted by :
(A)Magistrate(B)Public Prosecutor
(C )Amicus Curie(D)Advocate General

34.Private Complaint can be filed before the Court under Section______________________of Cr.P.C.
(C )195(D)313

35.Examination of Complainant by the Magistrate taking cognizance of an offence is not required, if:
(A) He is a public servant(B) He is a private complainant
(C ) He is a doctor(D) A Court has made the complaint

36.Admissibility of documents procured by illegal means under Indian Evidence Act is :
(B)Not Admissible
(C )Admissible if relevant and its genuineness proved
(D)None of these

37. Primary Evidence under Scc.61 of Indian Evidence Act means :
(A)Certified copies of documents
(B)Photostat copies attested by the Gazetted Officer
(C )Original documents produced before the Court
(D)None of these

38.Unlicensed sale of food shall be punishable with :
(A)Imprisonment upto 6 months
(B)Imprisonment upto 6 months and fine upto Rs.5 lakhs
(C )Fine upto Rs. 2 lakhs
(D)Imprisonment upto 1 year and fine upto Rs.10 lakhs

39.Death caused due to consumption of any food purchased from a seller, is liable to be compensated with:
(A)Not less than Rs. 5 lakhs(B)Not less than Rs. 10 lakhs
(C ) Not exceeding Rs. 3 lakhs' (D) Rs.7 lakhs

40. The maximum penalty to be imposed on a person who sells any food which is not in compliance with the provisions  regulations of Food Safety Act, is :
(A)Rs/10 lakhs(B)Not Exceeding Rs.2 lakhs
(C )Not Exceeding Rs.5 lakhs(D)Rs.25,000

41.Energy yield per unit weight of food is known as :
(A) Calorific value(B) Energy density
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D) None of these

42.R.Q. of fats is less than carbohydrates because :
(A)Fats have lesser oxygen content
(B)Carbohydrates have lesser oxygen content
(C )Fats have higher oxygen content
(D)None of these

43.Specific Dynamic Action refers to :
(A)Energy required for physical activity
(B)Increased heat production following intake of food
(C )Extra energy for exercising
(D)Energy requirement by a person for dynamic activities

44.______________is an essential amino acid.
(A) Aspartic acid,(B) Glutamic acid
(C ) Proline(D) Threonine

45.Which of the following has the lowest iodine number?
(A) Soy bean oil(B)Cotton seed oil
(C ) Beef fat(D)Corn oil
46.Scurvy can be cured by the administration of: 
(A) Folic acid (C ) Fumaric acid
(B) Glutamic acid (D) Ascorbic acid

47.Dietary fibre represents the following nutrient group: 
(A)Lipids (B)Carbohydrates(C )Proteins (D)None of these

48.The one which is not used as a clarifier : 
(A) Phosphoric acid (C ) Phosphotungstic acid
(B) Lead nitrate (D) Lead acetate

49.ionisation technique not used in mass spectrometry :
(A) Fast atom bombardment-(B) Field desorption
(C ) Laser desorption(D)  Radiation

50. Inhomogeneity of flow velocities and path lengths around packing particles in column chromatography leads to:
(C )Eddy diffusion(D)None of these

51.The protective agent used in cryopreservation of bacterial cells :

52.Staining of specimens using uranyl acetate has been used in :
(A)Atomic force microscope
(B)Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
(C )Transmission Electron Microscope
(D)Phase Contrast Microscope

53.Which of the following is a type of food intoxication?
(A) Botulism (C ) Cholera

54.Ashbya gossypii is used commercially for the production of:
(A)L-glutamic acid(B)Invertase
(C )Cyanocobolamine(D)Riboflavin

55.Enrichment of lakes due to high concentration of organic nutrients :
(A)Humus formation(B)Biomagnification
(C )Eutrophication(D)Nitrosification

56. The sanitizer commonly used for treatment of drinking water :
(A) Sodium nitrate(B)Sodium hypochloriteSodium hypochlorite
(C ) Sodium sorbate(D)Spdium metabisulphiteSodium metabisulphite

57.Which of the following is a semi perishable food?
(A) Fish(B)Egg
(C ) Milk(D)PotatoPotato

58.Temperature used in IITST pasteurization is :
(A) 161°F(B)145°F
(C ) 154oF(D)175oF175°F

59.Which of the following is not involved in the fermentation of Sauerkraut?Which of the following is not involved in the fermentation of Sauerkraut?
(A) Leuconostoc mesenteroides(B)Lactobacillus plantarum
(C ) Leuconostoc delbruckii(D)Streptococcus faecalis

60.Enzyme used for the clarification of fruit juice :
(A) Invertase(13)Pectinase
(C ) Protease(D)LipaseLipase

61.Tapping and aroma arc maturity indices of:
(A) Jack fruit(B)Water melon
(C ) Tomato(D)MangoMango

62.Evaporative cooling system saturated with water is used in :
(A) Onion storage(B)Zero energy cool chamber
(C ) Cool stores(D)IrradiationIrradiation

63.“W" and “O” emulsions are used in :
(A) Storage of fruits and vegetables(B)Field spray of fruits and vegetables
(C ) Waxing of fruits and vegetables(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

64.The most destructive of all field rats is :
(A) Mus booduga(B)Rattus rattus
(C ) Rattus norvegicus(D)Bandicota bengalensis

65.Aflatoxin is the mycotoxin produced by :
(A) Aspergillus flavus(B)Fusarjum spp.
(C ) Claviccps purpurea(D)Aspergillus clavatus

66.Khapra beetle is a serious pest of stored :
(A) Rice .(B)Wheat
(C ) Pulses(D)Fruits

67.Most widely used chronic poison in rodent control:
(A) Thallium sulphate(B)Barium carbonate
(C ) Warfarin(D)Zinc phosphideZinc phosphide

68.Callosobruchus chinensis is a storage pest of :•
(A) Wheat(B)Rice
(C ) Fruits(D)PulsesPulses

69.Commercially the most viable mushroom world over is;
(A) Button mushroom(B)Oyster mushroomOyster mushroom
(C ) Paddy straw mushroom .(D)Milky mushroom

70.The best disinfectant for the empty store is the use of:
(A) DDVP(B)Aluminium phosphideAluminium phosphide
(C ) Mulathion(D)Gamma-BHC

71.Temple Entry Proclamation in Travancore issuedon :
(A) 12 Nov. 1936(B)24 Nov.193624 Nov. 1936
(C ) 12 Jan. 1936(D)24 Jan. 1936.

72.Which of the following story was written by Lalithambika Antharianam?
(A) Mudra(B)Thamarathoni
(C ) Gosayi Paranja Katha(D)Marappavakal

73.Revolt of 1857 was started at:
(A) Delhi(B)Meerut
(C ) Nepal(D)Audh

74."Kanneerum Kinavunm" was the autobiography of:
(A) K.V. Krishnapillai(B)G. Sankarakurup
(C ) V.T. Bhattathirippadu(D)Changampuzha

75.Who was the founder of Samathva Samagam?
(A) Ayyan Kali(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Dr. Palpu(D)Vaikunda Swamikal

76.Leader of Bardoli Sathyagraha 
(A) Nehru 
(C ) Gandhiji
(B)Sardar Vallabhai Patel
(D)Dr. Ambedkar

77.Who was the first General Secretary of Nair Service Society?
(A)C. Kesavan(B)K. Kelappan
(C ) T.K. Madhavan(D) Mannathu Padmanabhan

78.Who was known as the father of Local self Government in India?
(A)Lord Rippon(B)Lord Litton
(C )Lord Minto(D)Lord Dalhousie

79.Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?
(A)Lord Duffrin(B)A.O. Hume
(C )Dadabai Naoroji(D)Gandhiji

80.Who was known as “Kerala Gandhi”? 
(A) A.K. Gopalan 
(B) M.C. Joseph  
(C ) K. Kelappan
(D) P.K. Chathan Master

81. What is the next number in the series 6, 10, 9, 13, 12,_______?
(C )16
(B) 6 (D)11

82. Sum to infinity of the series i + —+ —+
(C ) 2
(D) infinity

83.2015 September 24 is Monday. After 61 days it will be :
(A) Wednesday (C ) Tuesday
(B) Thursday (D) Saturday

84. Fill in the blanks : Train : Station : Ship : 
(A) Sea (C ) Backwater
(B) Harbour (D) Anchor

85. Ajith is in the East of Manu and he is also in the north of Akshay. If Raju is in the South of Akshay, then in which direction of Ajith is Raju?
(A) North(B)SouthSouth
(C ) South East(D)South West

86.Synonym of the word ‘Nupitals’:
(A) Wedding(B)Death
(C ) Birth(D)Disaster

87.Which is the odd one in the following?
(A) 63(B)2828
(C ) 124(D)215

88.If the surface area of a cube is 294 cm2, what is the volume of the cube?
(A) 216(B)176
(C ) 291(D)343343

89.If the word ‘INSPECTOR’ is coded as 987654321, what is the code for ‘INSPECTION’?
(A) 987654321(B)9876543928
(C ) 9876543289(D)98765432889876543288

90.If •§  = — then x*5:yr3s : o 3
(A) 3:5(B)5:7
(C ) 5:3(D)7:5

91.She accused me_________________poisoning her dog.
(A) of(B)for
(C ) with(D)onon

92.Pick out the plural form of “hero” :
(A) heros(B)hero
(C ) heroes(D)heross

93.Germany is_______________European country.
(A) an(B)aa
(C ) the(D)no article required

94.Hemaone of the best students in the class.
(A) are(B)has
(C ) were(D)isis

95.The place where birds are kept:
(A) zoo(B)aviary
(C ) orchard(D)aquariumaquarium

96.Choose the correctly spelt word :•
(A) hypocrite(B)hyppocrite
(C ) hipocrite(D)hippocrite

97.A Philatelist collects:
(A) coins(B)clocks
(C ) birds(D)stampsstamps

98.The antonym of "Confess” :
(A) admit(B)denydeny
(C ) contest(D)neglectneglect

99.Find out the passive form of the given sentence : Mary’s attitude surprised her.
(A)She were surprised by Mary's attitude
(B)Mary was surprised by her attitude 
(C ) She was surprised by Mary's attitude
(D) She had been surprised by Mary’s attitude

100.Pick out the meaning of the given sentence :
He is high-handed.
(A) He is rich
(C )He is in a superior position
(B) He behaves arrogantly 
(D) He is always pleasing

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