email flyer design full report


Email Flyer is an online marketing system. It promote advertise and sell products through internet mailing. Send e-mail with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing old customers to buy something immediately. Money simply travels up the chain some levels of users get commission.
Those who want to market the product either a Company or Individual will contact the Administrator for marketing. The administrator will register the client with the details given by them. Once the client is registered, the product can be registered based on the client request.
Only after launching the product which is registered, it will be available for email marketing. The product details are send to different users in random.
The users will get the product details in mail they can buy the product if they are interested or can either forward the product to other users, but only after being a member of Email Flyer.
2.1.1 System study 6
2.1.2 Existing System 6
2.2.1 Hardware Requirements 7
2.2.2 Software Requirements 7
2.3.1 Logical Design 8
2.3.2 Physical Design 8
2.5.1 Static Testing Purpose 10
2.5.2 Dynamic Testing 10
2.5.3 Acceptance Testing 10
3. TOOLS 13
3.1.1 .NET Framework 13
3.1.2 Common Language Runtime 13
3.2 ASP .Net 14 3.2.1 Advantages 14
3.3.1 Problems With Visual Basic 6.0
3.3.2 Features of VB.Net 16
3.4.1Features of SQL Server 2000 19
4. TABLES 21
Table Page
Figure Page
5.1 Context Level DFD 29
5.2 Admin Level DFD 30
5.3 Level 1 DFD 31
5.4 User Level DFD 32
5.6 Admin Login 33
5.7 Client Registration 34
5.8 Campaign Registration 35
5.9 User Login 36
5.10 Product View 37
5.11 Forward Product 38
E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fund raising messages to different users. In its broadest sense, every e-mail send to a potential or current customer could be considered e-mail marketing. However, the term is usually used to refer to:
> Sending e-mails with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or old customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.
> Sending e-mails with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing old customers to buy something immediately.
> Adding advertisements in e-mails sent by other companies to their customers.
> Emails that are being sent on the Internet.
Email marketing offers a number of advantages over traditional forms of direct marketing:
> Greater speed ” E-mail is probably the fastest way to reach your prospects and customers. It reaches recipients much quicker than postal mail, print advertising, catalogs or other forms of marketing. In addition, there is much less production time required to create an e-mail campaign than a print campaign. There may be very little elapsed time between developing a campaign, executing it and seeing results. E-mail is not only well suited for pre-planned campaigns, it is a powerful tactic for short-term opportunities arising throughout the year.
> Cost effective ” E-mail marketing is typically cheaper than print marketing. This is absolutely the case when doing your e-mail in-house. And while some rented e-mail prospect lists cost more per name than postal lists, the money you save on production, printing and postage can more than offset the cost of lists.
> Easier to test different messages and offers ” With e-mail you can easily test different subject lines, different messages and different offers because few production resources are required. You can segment your lists and put different text
in for each group. Or you can try several different layouts by simply moving a few elements around in HTML.
> Immediate results ” Most e-mail services and software programs allow you to easily track the results of a campaign, almost from the minute you send it out. Reports can tell you who opens the e-mail, what links are clicked, what messages were not delivered, which creative or offer gets the best response and other information. This type of data is extremely valuable when refining your campaign.
> Convenience
The ability to purchase products and services over the Internet provides an attractive alternative to conventional shopping practices. Internet shoppers can research and buy products and services online according to their individual schedules. The Internet offers consumers the convenience of being able to shop 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and in the privacy of their own homes, for products and services from around the world.
> Price-Competition The Internet puts comparison shopping at a consumer's fingertips. Studies have demonstrated that products in certain retail categories, especially mid-to-high-priced commodity-oriented items, sell for lower prices online than in traditional stores.
> Selection
Purchasing products and services over the Internet offers consumers the opportunity to find a much broader and deeper selection of items.
> Customization
Purchasing on the Internet provides consumers with the opportunity to customize products to their individual needs or desires. A good example is the Dell Computer Internet site that allows shoppers to custom build their own computer hardware and software configurations. In addition to consumers being able to select exactly what they want, retailers also benefit by custom building or ordering products, thus optimizing their inventory management practices.
> Information
Many consumers use the Internet as a source of product information before they buy, even if they don't actually make a purchase on the Internet. The Internet provides retailers with a low-cost distribution channel for disseminating all types of business information. As a result, Internet consumers are often able to access information that would not otherwise be available to them.
> Entertainment
In a recent survey of consumers who have made a purchase using the Internet, 25% stated that they purchase on the Internet because it is more fun than traditional shopping. This ranked as the fourth most popular reason, behind convenience, selection, and price. In addition, the use of multimedia technology, and the novelty of discovering a new way of doing things are unique qualities that make shopping on the Internet a unique experience.
> Customer-Service-Level
The Internet serves as a communication tool between consumers and retailers, through the use of e-mail, or other online feedback mechanisms. With Internet retailing this dialogue does not need to stop at the end of the transaction or even at the time of product delivery. These feedback mechanisms allow a retailer to maintain an ongoing dialogue with consumers in order, among other things, to ensure that they are fully satisfied with their purchase.
E-mail marketing is popular with companies because:
> Compared to other media investments such as direct mail or printed newsletters, it is less expensive.
> Return on investment has proven to be high when done properly and e-mail marketing is often reported as second only to search marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic.
> It is instant, as opposed to a mailed advertisement; an e-mail arrives in a few seconds or minutes.
> It lets the advertiser "push" the message to its audience, as opposed to a website that waits for customers to come in.
> It is easy to track. An advertiser can track users via web bugs, bounce messages, un-subscribes, read-receipts, click-throughs, etc. These can be used to measure open rates, positive or negative responses, corrolate sales with marketing.
> Advertisers can reach substantial numbers of e-mail subscribers who have opted in (consented) to receive e-mail communications on subjects of interest to them
> Over half of Internet users check or send e-mail on a typical day.
> Specific types of interaction with messages can trigger other messages to be automatically delivered.
Many companies use e-mail marketing to communicate with existing customers, but many other companies send unsolicited bulk e-mail, also known as spam.
It is frequently difficult for observers to distinguish between legitimate and spam e-mail marketing. First off, spammers attempt to represent themselves as legitimate operators, obfuscating the issue. Second, direct-marketing political groups such as the U.S. Direct Marketing Association (DMA) have pressured legislatures to legalize activities which many Internet operators consider to be spamming, such as the sending of "opt-out" unsolicited commercial e-mail. Third, the sheer volume of spam e-mail has led some users to mistake legitimate commercial e-mail (for instance, a mailing list to which the user subscribed) for spam ” especially when the two have a similar appearance, as when messages include HTML and flashy graphics.
Due to the volume of spam e-mail on the Internet, spam filters are essential to most users. Some marketers report that legitimate commercial e-mails frequently get caught by filters, and hidden; however, it is somewhat less common for e-mail users to complain that spam filters block legitimate mail.
Companies considering an e-mail marketing program must make sure that their program does not violate spam laws such as the United States' CAN-SPAM Act (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act), the European Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 or their Internet provider's acceptable use policy
The prime objective of the system is to develop a application for satisfying all requirements of the client and it should be capable of handling large volume of customers. The overall system must be fast and convenient. The classical System Development life Cycle (SDLC) method, the Prototype model has been used here. It is the most widely used paradigm for system development. This process demands a systematic, sequential approach to software development. The life cycle involves the following activities:
2.1.1 System study
System studies results in finding out details of the existing methodologies that are being followed and that whether any developments is to be made. These studies considered both the existing and the proposed system.
System study had been conducted to analyze the current existing system of marketing products. All the levels of current marketing have been analysed.
2.1.2 Existing system
In the existing system the advertisement and marketing is done through newspapers and magazines. So the current system is an old one in this computer world and it has many drawbacks. The main problem is regarding time as well as cost. The cost of marketing the product through newspapers and magazines are costly.
In the manual system we need to maintain all records in paper. Later it leads to confusion. As paper stock involved in the manual maintenance is high, stocking of unnecessary paper, leading piles of waster paper.
In this fast changing world, in each and every home there is a computer with net connection. So the present system has become an easy, fast, and cost effective way of marketing products through mails.
2.2.1 Hardware Requirements
: 500 MHZ
: 32 BIT
: 512 MB
: 40 GB
: 108 KEYS
: LOGITECH : 1.44 MB
2.2.2 Software Requirements
The importance of software design can be found with a single word, quality. Designing is the phase in which quality is fastened in a software development. Design is the only way that can accurately translate the Customer's requirements into a finished software product. A system, which is not properly designed, may fail when small changes are made. Thus, the primary objective of design phase is to determine how the system has to be developed. System design is a process that identifies inputs, outputs and explains functions of the system. This important phase is composed of several steps. It provides understanding of the procedural details, necessary for implementing. Emphasis has been given for translating the performance requirements. Understanding the data flow and the database that is to be designed forms an important aspect of the designing process. Generally System Design includes the following types:
2.3.1 Logical Design
Logical design describes the format of inputs, outputs, and procedures that meets the user requirements. The design covers the following:
> Reviews the current physical system.
> Prepares the output specification.
> Prepares the Input specifications.
> Prepares controls specifications.
2.3.2 Physical Design
This produces the working system by defining the design specifications that tell the programmers exactly what the system must do. The programmers write the necessary programs that accept inputs from the user, perform the necessary calculations, produce hardcopy of the report or display it on the screen Design the Physical system.
> Specify the Input/Output media.
> Design physical information flow through the system.
> Plan system implementation.
The flow of data through out the project was graphically represented using DFD so that the internal flow of process can be easily understood. If design is performed in a detailed manner, then coding can be done mechanically.
This is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is tuned into a working system. If the implementation stage is not carefully controlled and planned, it can cause chaos. Thus it can be considered to be the most critical stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the users a confidence that the system will work and be effective.
The implementation stage in a project has its own right. It involves
> Careful planning
> Investigation of the current system and the constraints on implementation.
After the successful completion of the design phase, the next important step is the development of the system according to the specified design. The main procedure of this phase is coding of the deigned system, in order to satisfy the requirements. The detailed input/output, text manipulation, logic comparison and storage/retrieval operations during the system analysis stage provide input for the program preparation. Coding was carried out in a step-by-step manner. One or more programmers convert these operations into a program of instructions written in a language and form acceptable to the computer hardware. In our project user inter¬activeness was given stress and the system gives maximum flexibility. Proper validations were done for every user-defined function.
The principal activities performed during the development phase can be divided into two major related sequences. These are
1. External system development
2. Internal system development
The primary external system development activities include Implementation planning. The principal internal system development activities are computer program development and performance.
No system design is ever perfect. Communication problems, programmer's negligence, or time constraints create errors that must be eliminated before the system is ready for user acceptance testing. A system is tested for online response, volume of transactions, stress, recovery from failure and usability. Then comes system testing, which verifies that the whole test of programs hangs together following system testing is acceptance testing, or running the system with live data by the actual user.
2.5.1 Static Testing Purpose
Code should be reviewed where necessary to ensure it follows project coding and design standards. Code reviews are not meant to check program logic. Adherence to acceptable programming standards is crucial for future maintenance. These will change over time as technology develops.
2.5.2 Dynamic Testing
The traditional 'prototype' lifecycle breaks dynamic testing down into a number of phases such as unit, integration, system and acceptance testing. Whatever methodology is being followed, a software system is typically organized into a number of units comprising a single logical function or several related functions needing access to shared data. It is sensible and efficient to test these 'units' as they are developed. Black box and white box testing may be used for this purpose:
Functional (black-box) Testing means testing that the 'unit' does what it is supposed to do, and does not do what it is not supposed to do. This was tested in our Email Flyer both in unit wise and units altogether after integration. In other words, it is tested against its functional requirements, both positive and negative, as stated in the specification. This is known as black box testing, since it requires no knowledge of the inner workings of the unit.
Structural (white-box) Testing is concerned with the degree to which test cases exercise or 'cover' the logic of the program. The logic of the program was tested and checked whether it meet the requirements correctly.
2.5.3 Acceptance Testing
The need for acceptance testing will vary from project to project. It is worthwhile noting the purpose of acceptance testing. It is not supposed to be an unsupervised ad hoc activity undertaken by the client. It should be strictly controlled. For that reason there are a number of requirements, which are applicable if acceptance testing proves necessary. The project manager should select these from the following that are applicable for a particular project.
Acceptance tests relate to the functionality of the system as stated in the requirements specification, and functional test cases must be selected to satisfy the agreed acceptance criteria. In the majority of cases, suitable test cases will exist among those used for system testing.
These tests cover areas such as performance, security, reliability, load/stress testing, volume testing, human computer interaction tests, configuration testing, compatibility testing, documentation, and human procedures. Sufficient tests must be devised to satisfy the agreed acceptance criteria.
Since acceptance tests in particular can make heavy demands on resources, and will have been performed as part of system testing, an alternative and equally acceptable procedure is to have the client witness a part of the system test. In that case client witnessed system testing must conform to the requirements for acceptance testing with respect to procedure, conduct, and documentation. It is recommended that this approach is adopted wherever possible as it ensures that testing is performed under carefully controlled conditions.
The acceptance test procedures must be documented. The acceptance test procedure should specify the steps to be taken in carrying out the tests, and for formal acceptance tests needs to be rigorous, complete and unambiguous.
The acceptance test procedure specification must be subject to review prior to the dry run. The results of both the dry run and the acceptance tests must be documented. A test log and any test observation reports should be completed as the tests are conducted. A test summary review should be completed as soon after completion of the tests as possible.
Software will undoubtedly undergo changes after it has been delivered to the user. Change will occur because errors have been encountered, because the software must be adapted to accommodate changes in external environment or because the user requires functional or personal enhancements. Software maintenance reapplies each of the preceding life cycle steps to an existing program rather than a new one.
The basic idea of the SDLC method is that there is well-defined process by which the application is conceived, developed and implemented. It gives the structure to a creative process. The phases in the SDLC provides a basis for management and control because they define segments of flow of work which can be identified for management purpose and specify the documents or other deliverables to be procured in each phase.
A thorough analysis of the existing system is done and the new requirements for the proposed system are studied. The entire application is modularized considering the features required for the proposed system.
The tools selected to develop Email Flyer is ASP.Net 2005, VB.Net 2005 as code behind and SQL Server 2000 as back end.
.NET is a set of technologies designed to allow applications to work together whether they reside on the user's hard drive, the local network, a remote computer, or the Internet. It is the common code framework used by nearly all Microsoft applications, such as Windows, Internet Explores and IIS Web server, and it is also the framework for third - party application development based on Microsoft technology. Microsoft .NET relies on standards such as XML, SOAP and UDDI to make it easy for networked objects to discover other networked objects and communicate with them. Because .NET applies to almost all Microsoft products, the company divides .NET into several areas including .NET servers and the .NET Framework.
3.1.1 .NET Framework
The .NET Framework includes the runtime and compile time services required to run a .NET application. Compile time is when the developer is compiling the source. Runtime is when the compiled code is executing in memory. At the center of the runtime execution of .NET code is the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR is a virtual machine that runs as a process on the computer on which it is installed.
3.1.2 Common Language Runtime
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) serves as the execution environment for the .NET Framework. The CLR is responsible for managing the compiled code of .NET applications, which can be written in different languages including VB, C#, Java, and Perl. The cross-language integration is achieved through the two major components of CLR: Intermediate Language and Metadata.
Intermediate Language (IL) is an assembly language that runs on almost any type of CPU. IL achieves this versatility by using stacks to handle functions that normally occur in registers. As managed code, IL is just-in-time (JIT) compiled when .NET applications are executed. JIT compilers convert IL into machine language that is specific to the host CPU. [During runtime, JIT compilers have the luxury of choosing stacks, registers or other stores to implement IL stacks.] Various JIT compilers are provided by the CLR, making it possible for different computer architectures to execute IL. Unlike other assembly languages, IL integrates high-level concepts which make CLR code more robust. As a high level language, IL is strongly typed and uses the ideas behind structured-exception handling, deployment support, and component interaction. Thus a range of software can run on the .NET Framework as long as the compiler can produce IL.
Metadata, the second component of the CLR, is a description of the implemented code. The Metadata is responsible for ensuring that the CLR executes the code securely. To prevent modules of software from breaking type definitions, Metadata stores information regarding classes, methods, and types. Registers are no longer required to keep track of information because relevant data is stored with the compiled code or IL. By housing information on classes and registrations, Metadata allows the CLR to function more efficiently since programs are less likely to get hung up on version and inheritance dependencies.
3.2 ASP .NET
ASP.Net is the latest Microsoft programming framework that allows for the rapid development of powerful web applications.
3.2.1 Advantages
ASP.Net has many advantages both for the programmers and for the end users.
1. Powerful database-driven functionality
Like ASP (Microsoft's language preceding ASP.Net), ASP.Net allows programmers to develop web applications that interface with a database. The advantage
of ASP.Net is that it is object-oriented and has many programming tools that allow for faster development and more functionality.
2. Faster web applications
Two aspects of ASP.Net make it fast - compiled code and caching. In the past, the code was interpreted into "machine language" when your website visitor viewed your page. Now, with ASP.Net the code is compiled into "machine language" before your visitor ever comes to your site. Caching is the storage of information that will be reused in a memory location for faster access in the future. ASP.Net allows programmers to set up pages or areas of pages that are commonly reused to be cached for a set period of time to improve the performance of web applications. In addition, ASP.Net allows the caching of data from a database so the website is not slowed down by frequent visits to a database when the data doesn't change very often. ASP.Net was tested and found to be over 10 times faster for the average user than Java's J2EE technology. While there have been some debates about the methods of the testing it is interesting to note that this has been validated by 3rd parties.
3. Memory leak and crash protection
ASP.Net automatically recovers from memory leaks and errors to make sure that the website is always available to your visitors.
4. Multiple language support
Programmers can actually write their code in more than 25 .Net languages (including VB.Net, C#, and JScript.Net).
VISUAL BASIC .NET 2005 is the latest version of Visual Basic built specifically for existing Visual Basic developers who want to get the most out of the software development experience. VB.NET includes full object - oriented language features, a new, shared IDE, and many data type changes. VB.NET is the language that provides the easiest transition to the .NET framework for current Visual basic developers.
3.3.1 Problems with Visual Basic 6.0
1. No capabilities for multithreading.
2. Lack of implementation inheritance and other object oriented features.
3. Poor error handling capabilities.
4. Poor integration with other languages such as C + +.
5. No effective user interface for Internet based applications.
In VB .NET all these shortcomings have been eliminated.
3.3.2 Features of VB NET
1. Full support for object oriented programming.
2. Structured error handling capabilities.
3. Access to .NET Framework.
4. Powerful unified Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
5. Inherent support for XML & Web Services and better database programming approach with ADO.NET
> Seamless Deployment
With VISUAL BASIC NET and new auto - download deployment, Windows -based applications can be installed and executed simply by pointing a Web browser to a URL.
> More Robust Code
VISUAL BASIC .NET delivers the feature most requested by existing Visual Basic developers - fewer bugs in the code they write. Features in the new Visual Studio.NET IDE, such as the real - time background compiler and the task list, keep Visual basic developers up - to - date on any coding errors as they occur, enabling quick and effective error resolution. Enhancement to the Visual Basic language, such as strict type checking and structured exception handling, enable developers to write code that is more robust, maintainable, and less prone to run - time errors.
> Powerful Windows - based Applications
VISUAL BASIC .NET is the most productive tool for constructing powerful Microsoft Windows - based applications. New features include control anchoring and docking to eliminate the need for complex resize code, the in - place menu editor to deliver WYSIWYG menu creation, and the tab order editor to provide rapid application development (RAD) organization of controls.
> Powerful, Flexible Data Access
VISUAL BASIC .NET provides developers with both the ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) data access programming model that they know and love, plus the new XML-based Microsoft ADO.NET.
> Simplified Component Creation
VISUAL BASIC .NET brings RAD to component development. Developers can use non - visual toolbox and server explores components to easily incorporate resources such as message queues, event logs, and performance counters into their applications without writing a single line of code.
> Enhanced Control Creation
VISUAL BASIC .NET provides unprecedented flexibility in building customized user controls. Developers can easily extend pre existing user controls and Windows Forms controls as well as design their own controls that generate custom user interfaces.
> Complete, Direct Access to the Platform
VISUAL BASIC .NET provides complete, direct access to the Microsoft. NET Framework, enabling Visual Basic developers to quickly access the registry, event log, performance counters and file system.
> Integrated Reporting with Crystal Reports
Upgrading to Visual Studio. NET Professional Edition provides Visual Basic developers with the power of Crystal Reports directly within the IDE. Crystal Reports delivers the most productive, integrated, and RAD experience for creating highly graphical and interactive relational data reports. These reports can be generated for the entire array of VISUAL BASIC .NET application types, including Windows, Web and mobile applications.
> Easy Web - based Application Development
VISUAL BASIC NET delivers "Visual Basic for the Web". Using new Web Forms, we can easily build true thin - client Web - based applications that intelligently render on any browser and on any platform. Web Forms deliver the RAD programming experience of Visual Basic 6.0 forms with the full power of VISUAL BASIC .NET rather than limited scripting capacity.
> Existing Investments Carry Forward
VISUAL BASIC .NET enables developers to leverage their existing investments in code and skills. Windows Forms provides a robust container for ActiveX controls. Component Object Model (COM) Interoperability provides bi-directional communication between existing Visual Basic applications and those written with VISUAL BASIC .NET. The upgrade wizard enables developers to seamlessly migrate up to 95 percent of existing code to VISUAL BASIC NET.
The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises one of the fundamental building blocks of modern database architecture. SQL defines the methods used to create and manipulate relational databases on all major platforms.
SQL comes in many flavors. Oracle databases utilize their proprietary PL / SQL. Microsoft SQL Server makes use of Transact - SQL. However, all of these variations are based upon the industry standard ANSI SQL.
SQL commands can be divided into two main sub languages. The Data Definition Language (DDL) contains the commands used to create and destroy databases and database objects. After the database structure is defined with DDL, database administrators and users can utilize the Data Manipulation Language to insert, retrieve and modify the data contained within it.
SQL Server 2000 is a powerful tool for turning information into opportunity. Industry leading support for XML, enhanced tools for system management and tuning, and exceptional scalability and reliability make SQL Server 2000 the best choice for the agile enterprise.
3.4.1 Features of SQL Server 2000
> Internet Integration: The SQL Server 2000 database engine includes integrated XML support. It also has the scalability, availability, and security capabilities in Web applications.
> Scalability and Availability: The same database engine can be used across platforms ranging from laptop computers running Microsoft Windows 98 through large, multiprocessor servers running Microsoft Windows 2000 Data Center Edition. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition supports features such as federated servers, indexed views, and large memory support that allow it to scale to the performance levels required by the largest Web sites.
> Replication: With SQL Server 2000 we can implement merge, transactional, and snapshot replication with heterogeneous systems.
> Enterprise - Level Database Features: The SQL Server 2000 relational database engine supports the features required to support demanding data processing environments. The database engine protects data integrity while minimizing the overhead of managing thousands of users concurrently modifying the database. SQL Server 2000 distributed queries allows to reference data from multiple sources as if it were a part of a SQL Server 2000 database, while at the same time, the distributed transaction support protects the integrity of any updates of the distributed data. Replication also allows to maintain multiple copies of data, while ensuring that the separate copies remain synchronized.
> Ease of installation, deployment, and use: SQL Server 2000 includes a set of administrative and development tools that improve upon the process of installing, deploying, managing, and using SQL
Server across several sites: SQL Server 2000 also supports a standards - based programming model integrated with the Windows DNA, making the use of SQL
Server databases and data warehouses a seamless part of building powerful and scalable systems. These features allow you to rapidly deliver SQL Server applications that customers can implement with a minimum of installation and administrative overhead.
> Data warehousing & Data Mining: SQL Server 2000 includes tools for extracting and analyzing summary data for online analytical processing. SQL Server also includes tools for visually designing databases and analyzing data using English -based questions. Discover patterns and trends with data mining, and make predictions about future trends in business instances.
> Simplified Database Administration: Automatic tuning and maintenance features enable administrators to focus on other critical tasks.
Table 4.1 TBLADMIN
AdminId Numeric
Username Varchar
Password Varchar
EmailId Varchar
The above table stores the login details of administrator.
AddId numeric
AdminId numeric
AddName char
Email char
Relation numeric
The above table stores the address book of administrator
The above table stores the client details.
The above table stores the Id's in the product flow transactions.
The above table stores the details of product purchase. Table 4.10 TBLUSERADDRESSBOOK
AddID numeric
UserID numeric
AddName varchar
Emailid varchar
relation numeric
The above table stores the address of users under different admins Table 4.11 TBLUSERREGISTRATION
UserId numeric
MailId varchar
Password varchar
Salutation varchar
FName varchar
MName varchar
LName varchar
Address varchar
City varchar
State varchar
Zip varchar
Country varchar
phoneno varchar
Mobile numeric
regdate datetime
The above table stores the registration details of the users Table 4.12 VWSUGGESTIONS
AddID Numeric
UserID Numeric
AddName Varchar
Emailid Varchar
Remark Varchar
Comment Varchar
ProductId Numeric
The above table stores the suggestions of different users about the product.
^ Response /
Admin *\
Fig 5.1 Context Level DFD
The above Fig 5.1 gives brief idea about how admin interact with user.
Admin Login^
Login Details
Login File
Fig 5.2 Admin Level DFD
Fig 5.2 depicts the administrator login to Email Flyer by specifying login information.
Login File
The Fig 5.3 shows the flow of Email Flyer. Admin has the power for registration, to launch the products, change the settings and create another admin.
Fig 5.4 User Level DFD
Fig 5.4 demonstrates the flow of product in User Level. User can either buy or forward the product.
Fig 5.5 Admin Login
The Admin login where the administrator logs on. Forgot Password option is also provided to recover password.
Fig 5.6 Client Registration
The page registers the clients details name, email address, address, city, state, zip, country, phone no, mobile. All fields are mandatory.
Fig 5.7 Campaign Registration
Registering the products of clients who have been registered in Email Flyer. Product name, Maximum Quantity to be sold, Email Subject etc. are being entered. Expiry date that is how long we can market the product can also be set.
Fig 5.8 User Login
In order to buy or forward the product the person who gets the mail should be a member of Email Flyer. If the person is an existing user, user can login with their user name and password otherwise register as new user.
Fig 5.9 Product View
The user can see the detail of the product send through mail in this page. Before buying the product user can view the remarks and suggestions about the product given by the up level users.
If the user is not interested in buying the product the user can forward the product details to the desired users in the address book. A user can give remarks for a particular product only at the first time.
The project was successfully completed within the time span allotted. Every effort has been made to present the system in more user friendly manner. All the activities provide a feeling like an easy walk over to the user who is interfacing with the system. All the disadvantages of the existing system have been overcome using the present system of "Email Flyer" which has been successfully implemented at clients location. A trial run of the system has been made and is giving good results.
The system has been developed in an attractive dialogs fashion and the entire user interface is attractive and user friendly and suits all the necessities laid down by the clients initially. So user with minimum knowledge about the computers and the system can easily work with the system.
United 4 IT Solutions was co-founded in the year 2001 by a team of professionals with expertise in information technologies, business management, media oriented business and in design and development of mission critical, real time data management system. The company has managed to make tremendous achievements within a year of its establishment with a reputed list of clientele including several international clients as well.
United 4 IT Solutions has a great expertised pack of developers specialized in the development of enterprise driven application projects utilizing stand alone as well as client server model architecture .The company's primary enterprise is in developing data driven applications utilizing high integrity , multi volume-set operation and real time high-speed account management software systems. The team has also been successful in implementing various customized commercial applications as well.
By judicious blend of Business analysis & Management with latest technology, United 4 IT Solutions develops state-of-the-art and custom software & web based applications. United 4's solutions enable reduction in the time and resources spent for a business process to take place for the clients, and serve to eliminate functional bottlenecks.
United 4's Application Development creates new applications, providing full lifecycle support. Proven processes and methodologies ensure a consistent environment for seamless, predictable delivery worldwide, reducing the development costs by leveraging global resources. The unique value that United 4 brings in application development is speed.
Email Flyer can easily be expanded without much rework as it is flexible. In future we plan to include the clients interaction, so that the clients themselves can register their products within their permitted access.
Online purchase of product with credit card and e-commerce are under our consideration. We also plan to add chat facility and display of newly launched products to make Email flyer attractive and interesting for the users. A display chart of all the upper level and lower level users may be provided as an added feature for the users.
1. Roger. S. Pressman (2005) 'Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach', McGraw Hill Professional, Fifth Edition.
2. Steven A. Smith(2002) 'ASP.Net by Example', Que Publishing, Second Edition.
3. Rahul Sharma (2002) 'Microsoft SQL Server 2000: A Guide to Enhancements and New features', Addison-Wesley Professional , Second Edition.
4. Jesse Liberty (2003) 'Programming Visual Basic.Net', O'Reilly, Second Edition.

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